Outbuilding Install Part 5 | 30x50 Steel Building Structure Time Lapse

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okay so it is time to finally see the out building takes shape that's up next hello everyone this is Duane with edge of nowhere farm and we're coming to here today it is May 13th 2020 so what Lori and I have been waiting for it seems like forever is finally gonna get up today hopefully it's gonna be up today and that is our outbuilding so I'm gonna go ahead and link the last video we did in this quick series we're doing and that's where we had our foundation installed so we had all the cement work completed and they came by last night to prep you'll see that in the background behind me here they came by last night to prep to get the building installed today so our goal obviously is to try to document as much of this as we can for ourselves I don't know I've had some questions from you guys out there that are thinking about doing this process as well try to get as much information for you also but from what we're told it takes a few hours today to basically get this whole thing built hard to imagine but we're going to try to do the best we can with the equipment that we have to try to show you guys as much of this construction as we can today so without further ado let's see when they get here and when we get started all right hopefully you can see behind me they're starting actually working on the very first post stretch whatever those are called and I got a bunch of guys here so I'm gonna go ahead and start recording we can watch this happen [Music] okay here we are it's very early in the morning on Thursday May 14th and you can see they got a good portion of the outbuilding done yesterday we got a lot of good footage that we're working on compressing so hopefully we get that looking really good but we will also want to make sure we get today as well so we're gonna do our best make sure we capture as much of the rest of the construction it sounds like they should have everything except for the overhead doors done so fingers crossed let's see how they do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and so like that the building is done so you can see hi it's pretty big I think it's a little bigger than we realized as far as size inside is a good amount of space obviously I'm hoping that all of the videos that we shot I'm going to be able to compress into a really good time lapse at this point all no but I'm still working on that I'm hoping you guys are gonna be able to see the entire process of getting this thing built either way I know there's a couple more things obviously you can tell for sure right up front we still have the overhead doors that need to come in that's actually a separate crew that comes in and installs the two overhead doors we have this one here which is on the north side of the building and we have another one that's a little bit narrower which is over on the east side of the building so let's go take a look at that so here's another angle of the east side of the building so now we will have this fenced I'm going to obviously keep the as much of the area or the land behind the building as we can but we are going to connect basically the fencing from the corner of that building over to this side of the property we're not far away here so that's where we'll pull the tractor in and out so it's nice and tall the tractor should be able to get in there just fine and obviously equipment so be able to keep equipment and implements back there and plenty of parking up here for any visitors that we might have you will see behind me we have insulation that's installed it's a very thin layer of insulation but it will help to keep to maintain temperature obviously it's really hot and they're still during the summertime but it will help with condensation and some of these other things this is the back side of the building the farm is right over here as far as the orchards and that kind of thing the working part of the farm so you can see we've got a man door here we do have one also on the west side right next to the house leading over towards the house you can see we have these different color panels up here on the back now what those are those are actually fiberglass panels so that it lets some natural light in now we're on the south side of this building so all winter and of course here in the summertime it's gonna let natural light go into the building itself we will have electricity to the building working on that but for now the only light we're gonna have inside the building is actually going to come from those four panels unless those overhead doors are open so we thought that was kind of a neat way to do it the biggest thing there is we wanted to make sure when the building was actually sealed and secured that nobody could see inside we don't want everybody looking at whatever equipment that we might have sitting inside the building itself so we want to make sure that that wasn't visible but at the same time we wanted to have some natural light penetrating the inside of the building so that we can actually see without having to turn the lights on every time one more thing I wanted to point out so we're at the other man door here so we got a 15-foot space between the outbuilding and our home we have a man building here because Laurie will be pulling the truck in there and walking out here to go in through the garage to get home when she gets home so one other thing I wanted to point out one of the things we really like about this build we've been very pleased with them took us a long time in order for them to get here to get it built but you know some little things that I really like about this builder they really do go above and beyond we talked a little bit about Laurie's driveway so they actually did this driveway here which leads into the main overhead door so they did that without us asking the second thing is they actually did some some pavers right here at the man door and again same thing we didn't ask him to do that but they did want to go ahead and finish that for us and then obviously we can just do a walk across here so a couple little things really make the difference at least they do for me because that just shows in my opinion that they really care about their client so just want to thank you for joining us today if you haven't done so already subscribe to the channel questions or comments leave those in the comment section down below Instagram and Facebook we post content there you won't see air on the YouTube channel and our Amazon shop we'll leave a link down in the description that's a free painless way to help support the channel maybe start with that link it doesn't matter what you buy out for support is here so just want to thank you for joining us today and remind you if we can form on the edge of nowhere so can you [Music]
Channel: Edge of Nowhere Farm
Views: 32,721
Rating: 4.8860102 out of 5
Keywords: outbuilding, metal building, sentry builders, 30x50 metal building, 30x50 barn, barn, arizona metal building, farm outbuilding, az farm, phoenix farm, arizona farm, farming, desert farm, metal building timelapse, desert farming, metal barn, metal outbuilding, 30x50 steel structure, 30x50 steel building, steel building time lapse, metal building time lapse, barn build time lapse, 30x50 outbuilding, arizona barn
Id: wtXGtx-oSDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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