Birthday fights with my twin @SultanSketches​

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so so our birthday right our birthday is technically different days wait do you celebrate on the 15th or the 16th celebrated on the 16th what would I celebrate on the 15th my birthday is on the 16th well I I don't know I just would be celebrating on the 15th but for your 15th not my 15th oh you're so nice to celebrate my birthday like without me that you celebrate on the 16th Daily so we we have always joked about the fact that um because of like the time zones we were born on the same day because you're on the 15th November the 16th yeah but then when we actually checked the times that we were born it was mind-blowing it is crazy we were born like minutes apart right yeah like eight minutes or something I was born at 11 or 14 at night and you were born at whatever the the eight minutes just I don't know I can't remember what it was you were there how do you not remember yeah I was there I was there at my birth but I don't remember um I just want to talk about how crazy that is for a second yeah like I don't really believe in fate I think we make everything happen yeah but the fact that we were born eight minutes apart on the other side of the world yeah and then all the little choices we made in our lives have made us meet in the middle right oh God yeah like every choice every decision we've made since we've gone has led us to us now being friends yeah like and to be fair like I know there's that statistic that's like if you're in a room with like I don't know 20 people or something you're bound to have the same birthday as someone like just statistically but the same year same year and eight minutes apart is like that's pretty close it's crazy that's insane and then we're both animators so I don't know I think we're the same person well I try you're an actual anime I try my best artists or both artists I swear to God take the compliments happy birthday to you no we're not seeing you again I'm shy behind my ear like did you did you hate it when people used to sing Happy Birthday to you in the classroom yes I didn't know what to do and I feel like that's very useful I have never met a person in my entire life who likes being sung to happy birthday in a classroom name one person I I can't name a person but I like you know there are some people who just like really dig it like they love that like they start conducting and they're like yeah and then like people do the Cha-cha-cha and they're like whoa like people do the what the the the chuck no like people go happy birthday to you and then someone would go you've never heard that no is that what American kids did that's what sometimes what you do like did you have to coordinate like every week there was like a like you had like a roster and someone had to be the cha Cha-Cha guy and they they had to check the list and be like is there a birthday on this week am I roasted for the Cha-cha-cha what would happen if there was what if there was two Cha-Cha chuck would that be would that be bad or is it like the more the better what if no one chat cha cha sometimes okay got a lot of questions there sir let's start at the top we have the same we have the same brain yours might be yo yours is a little more developed than mine by eight minutes but I think you can handle this I'm I'm not gonna let that guy I'm older than you oh God yeah oh man that that hurt is this what it's like to be the younger twin just like I'm older than you and I'm like yeah I can't dispute that that hurts in like my college yearbook I have to call my school and ask to change it and say like best eight minutes of my life I like college gotta stop chasing the moment gotta live in the present I'm happy wait are we are we chasing stuff leaving the mama bro birthday to us happy birthday to us I wanted to talk about like how we spent our birthday parties when we were like teenagers but all of my answers are the same with your family what you do no I wouldn't remember it I would wake up the next day and I checked like Snapchat and I would open everyone's stories and they were at this like really cool party and I was like I wish I was there but then I like see Snapchats and I was like oh I was there wait a minute yeah no abbreviate abbreviated oh inebriated if you could do the perfect party now that's right I what would what would your ideal party be well let me think I think it would be fun because VidCon Australia is usually in September I know last year it ran right through our birthdays right I wish I should have gone but yeah you should have my sister was expecting you so when Reagan showed up she was like is that Ellie so I think ideally we do our VidCon we have our birthday and honestly like I just say it's like really nice to share a birthday with someone because it takes the edge off of like the attention oh okay see this is where we divulge divulge that's not the word what's the word winner diverge when a thing splits diverge yeah no doesn't that mean come in we're both bad at this you're eight minutes worse than me um but this is where we differ because I cannot stand like having the same date like that's cool yeah but like having like there was a girl in my year level who we were really close and we shared the same birthday and like a few months before my 18th she came up to me and she was like are you excited for my our birthday and I was like yeah I'm so excited and she goes hey I came up with an idea why don't we just do a joint party oh collection I was like oh I know it's so selfish and so vain but I was like no way I would never share like a birthday party like I'm happy to share like the date but no do two parties we'll do different days wait what if my ideal birthday was that we shared it so not everyone is talking to me don't say that now I feel like a piece of because like it's like I've listened I've done my birthday myself I've dedicated September 15th I've never stepped on September 16th you know oh I know you're technically older but I'm also technically older when you think about it yeah because of the days yeah like Legally Legally like legally you're older than me but that's so crazy that like I'm older than you yeah yeah but you have a birthday before me yeah but we're like back in time and wait hold on you just added like another yeah what were we talking about we went to so many stations tangent because we were abbreviated and if you want to check that out you can head over to his channel if you liked this video let me know by hitting the like button and if you want to get me something for my birthday you can subscribe to my channel that's more of a gift to you but as always thank you for watching and stay safe like see that Advil thing that's on your desk yeah it's like the same exact shape but it's it's like gum like a little capsule with the little like cubes no cues wait YouTube gum what do you mean yeah yeah cute gum cute cute is that even allowed bro they're like Melee ve gum um no thanks sweetie I have taste
Channel: illymation
Views: 2,087,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, storytime animation, animated storytime, animation, illymation real life, illymation face reveal, illymation ex, illymation boyfriend, illymation abusive boyfriend, illymation song, illymation animal crossing, illymation vidcon, illymation cat, illymation luigi, sultan sketches, illymation collab, quarentine, virtual birthday party
Id: JW-B49Zuui0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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