Noisy neighbors

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are you here for the Christmas perhaps here for the Hanukkah no matter how you celebrate your chaos this winter I just ask that you please wear it do it with this official illimation hoodie based off my character look Mom I look like me now if that's too much how about this cool shirt made by my friend kit if you buy the shirt a portion of it goes to Holly and maybe you'll share it with kids do you have a bunch of keys from a bunch of old apartments like me well you can put it on an illimation lanyard and it comes with a gummy and if you're here for more of the refined chaos you can get this illimation enamel pin set happy holidays from Old Saint Nicholas and Luigi the mustache reindeer and to all a good night thank you so much all merch sales directly support me and the channel so check the link in the description to find it well Luigi the tower isn't really a Greek card see the lightning bolt signifies that is someone knocking oh wow wait a minute shouldn't y'all be in church mommy please Jesus Christ y'all should really be in church bad Apartments they're everywhere just like the dog poop your neighbors leave on display in the Sun but like the old saying goes you get what you pay for and when you're in college with a monthly budget of ramen noodles and pizza rolls you don't get much so when I was in art school my three friends and I found the best place we could afford an apartment close to campus two bed two bath for all four of us to share for only 500 a month each for context that's actually a pretty good deal in California and honestly it was a terrible place to live the website was suspiciously down every time rent was due the dishwasher fell out of the wall and when our apartment became infested with ants we were told did you try ant spray but that was a long long time ago and I really hope they're doing better I mean I highly doubt it but anyway the biggest problem I had with this place is something no tenant or landlord would ever be able to control the absolute worst neighbors one day while I was in class my roommates texted me saying we got an eviction notice and we knew there had to be some kind of mistake we paid our rent and the late fee on time we've never interacted with our neighbors before because we just moved in well apparently one of the neighbors told the office we were having loud parties every night since we moved in so we got a note on our door saying if you receive one more noise complaint you will be evicted so instead of checking these claims to see if they were true they're just gonna evict us thankfully we we were not evicted but I for one was really nervous that our neighbor would make it happen now if you're thinking golly I hope these people didn't have kids I'm with you there buddy but guess what happens when two idiots love each other very much they make a tiny slightly smaller idiot so for some quick context the complex was right next to a very busy street so for everyone's safety there was this big fence we'd also get frequent emails from the office begging parents to send their kids to play in the pool or the dog park because these kids like to play in the parking lot and who doesn't watch for cars kids so who came this close to being convicted of vehicular manslaughter not me my roommate but but it was very scary the kid just came out of nowhere one day the crazy parents finally told their crazy kids not to play in the parking lot great one problem though they missed the part about where else to play because one day as I was chilling in my living room I see this yeah Mom I'm doing good the apartments oh my God the kids you have kids no my mom the kids that we almost hit with the car they're climbing the fence now what do you what do you I I don't know Mom Mom what do I do I took pictures and emailed management and later that day they sent out an email telling parents not to let their kids climb the fence to play in the busy street I wish I was joking now let's test our knowledge here what do idiot kids grow up to become idiot teenagers one night we're all chilling in our rooms when we here I look at my roommate she looks at me I look at the clock and I'm thinking oh hell no one I have an exam tomorrow that I did not study for so future Alyssa needs to wake up early to cram two this commotion was probably what our crazy neighbor thought was coming from us so if someone doesn't step in soon we are gonna get the noise complaint and we are gonna get evicted and three that was a threat we should probably call the police by this time our roommates in the other room are up too and tell us this fight is happening right below their room so we go into their room and start listening in while we wait for the police but the police don't come an hour passes and these people are at each other's throats we can hear throwing things banging the ceiling shaking the walls so we called the police again out our window we see two guys in blue show up and walk to the wrong door and as some dude in his underwear is talking to the cops we here and sure we could have exited our apartment and hope the bloodthirsty people below us wouldn't mind us snitching on them but in the event that they attempted murder turned out to be just a murder snitching was not a risk we were willing to take eventually we see the cops Mosey on over to the correct door and wouldn't you know it two teenage girls barely old enough to drive open the door hi officer hi there we've been receiving multiple noise complaints from this unit is everything okay um we had a fight and my roommates and I were flabbergasted look I get it siblings argue and siblings fight maybe you and your brothers throw down like WWE wrestlers but geez can you chill thankfully the police shared our feelings and lectured the girls on how they're worrying everyone there's a better way to discuss disagreements and they're old enough to know better the cops leave and finally it's quiet until their mom comes home and I swear to God these teenage girls you will not believe who showed up what who the police yeah people heard us arguing so they called the cops on us I'd like to think that conversation led to another rightful lecture on not threatening each other but by the way the girls were acting I highly doubt that so with that thank you for watching my videos teenager scared the living out of me and as always stay safe I wouldn't I never ever ever thought that uh my voice acting career would take me to moan and say Mommy and my neighbor's gonna hear it my neighbors are gonna make a video about me moaning mommy what if that's why your neighbors are doing that because they're recording lines for somebody it's like a cycle
Channel: illymation
Views: 7,566,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, storytime animation, animated storytime, animation, college stories, college dorms, dorm stories, apartments, apartment stories, worst apartment
Id: 8Eel7Q_2Uzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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