Our OLDEST Coin EVER Found Mudlarking! Glass And Gems Across The Centuries! Christmas Field Walking

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some pretty pieces here there's a bit of green a bit of blue oh i see a marble oh my goodness yay a marble i was looking at the bottles up i'm told but there's a marble oh my goodness i can't really reach it kate it's over there i'm gonna stand on this stone here we go a bit of chi is that a really broken crackled bottle glass bottle stopper it is it's part of a handle but it's lilac that's so pretty oh beautiful it's it's another marble that one is significant i think that one is the same as the one mum found quite a while back i've walked quite far how strange oh it's so beautiful i've literally walked i've literally walked to stone's throw and look okay okay i'm starting to think maybe a child just dropped their marbles because they're the same but look how beautiful oh my gosh maybe a child walked along you would drop their marbles okay i think a child has definitely dropped their marbles because look oh i'll have to see if they're the same if mom found one that looked the same but look how beautiful they are oh my goodness even if you shall drop them you never know when they dropped them and oh they're beautiful bit of pipe stem it's a good sign oh little paper and it's tiny oscar humming another bit of pipes then it's hopeful still a little bit pipe stem hey a button i thought there had to be a button buttons are always useful for crafting quite like to find a button that ball said the clay marble i think it probably is another marble another piece of oh look that's cool big big lump of glass for crafting offered to counter or something poop little swirly red pattern getting some good pieces of china a little green one that's a shame half a stoneware lid pan that will be panyan pickles mediterranean exotic it's quite a chunky piece very fancy a nice piece of pottery a piece of willow fence i think the piece of pipestone mine just picked up has two rats tails on it should you see it's a little raised i think that's a rat tail oh no oh no oh that one looks cute is it going to have anything on it no but i've not found one like that before not that type that's so small that'll probably fit in one of our bottles and it's a beautiful aqua color it's an out of breath oscar running over look boo what it's a bottle it's just like a jar stop or a wide mouth bottle but it's beautiful this one says something what does it say oh that's probably from a a torpedo or a cod bottle this is a shape what does it say stead something's stead oh that's a good sign though look oh it says something too what does it say it says h hamilton h hamilton i've never seen that one before oh there's quite a lot of flint in this field so when i first saw this i thought that maybe it was just some flint but it's awfully are you a bead it's like a bead from one of those bracelets it's got holes in the ends oh it's really light what are you made out of i can't tell what it's made out of it's not glass could just be like early plastic like bakelite but oh my goodness yeah i think it's supposed to be bakelite oh thank you field look oh dear not what left are you is there you've made quite a funny piece of jewelry though that's a very pretty little it could be a button or just sort of a bit of a stud you think there'd be a bead here somewhere where are you babe what is that is it a cabochon button what is that that'd be good for a cabochon anyway can't see what's with the front of a button maybe look are you red stop her i've never found a wedge stopper before it's tieser it's a return stopper with bottle oh it's a red one that must be a bit um earlier but a red stopper that'll look great in our collection we've never found one that's not black wow look a clean marble there's clay ones here too so i picked up this piece that looks like a little spider web and then i looked over and there's loads there's this piece there's this piece which has some beautiful green flowers on it and then this piece which is beautiful some really beautiful pottery in this field wait yes you found it is that what i think it is i found it too but he got there first he saw it oh my gosh it's pretty yellow dad is such a chunky bead oh my goodness it's oscar's first bead i think you might have found more beads oh really yeah i think but that i'm saying about a bead and you found a beautiful yellow bead oh my goodness i thought it was just chain oh i wonder how old that is that's so beautiful what i want mama how old do you think this is oh goodness me it's a bracelet isn't it oh i don't know it's a pretty good nick for hmm being in the mud and being driven over yeah oh my goodness yes it would oh i can't wait to get that home and clean it look at that oscar oh oh my goodness that's beautiful i saw that too wow look i thought i was wrong that's beautiful that's worth being in a muddy field in the middle of winter another piece what's this what's that on that it's a boat and what's your bit tiny piece of blue good for necklaces okay what is this mysterious round object i think it's a coin wow what kind of coin is that could just be well an old template but i don't know i found a coin i think this field may serve better investigation oh that's a tiny foot of something i don't know take it and see just need a tiny foot may have to come back to this field keep thinking these pesky shells are beads but they're not it's by no means the field of dreams with the northerns but find some interesting things i don't know what that is it's like a little lead disc with things on the back okay it's found the jewelry i found this beautiful stopper and the coin there's definitely things here to be had on its edge don't want a bottle stop oh it's completely mashed never mind mum says she has some amazing things okay build them up too much oh my goodness oh my god beautiful oh my word that is beautiful it is bright verdant green what else is that a coin i can't see what it is though we'll have to investigate and that i don't know what that is i think that is a tooth yep that's a tooth uh well that was a whole festive walk in the field um covid is not being kind at the moment we can't can't really go anywhere or do anything so that feels fairly local to us and we've always looked at it and thought well let's go and and and i think it worked out quite well really um we found some really quite amazing things yeah so where to start uh probably with the coin i mean you can't really see anything uh here i mean i have we we're really scared to clean it mm-hmm we don't really if anybody knows the way to click because i think the detail is there but i don't want to because it's so old and how old is it so this is a george the third coin coin but what coin is it yeah it is um 30 millimeters so we think it's a half penny so um there's george you've got i'll show you okay yeah um and that's the old britannia on the back so george was from 1760 60 to 1801 1801 i think so i just suspect it's probably an early one because of the shape of britannia so that's pretty old it's our oldest point by far so yeah as you can see in the film when we picked it up mum thought it was going to be like an old 10p because we're just not used to finding coins so when we find do find one we just expect it to be but that is wow that is crazy i would really like to preserve it and bring up some of the detail but i'm a bit scared i know i'd really like to see the date i would really like to see the date but yes george the third the mad king so this coin which i'm not allowed to be home is as old as it could be as old as the united states because he's the king that yeah the mad one the bad man what a bad one so and it's just been lying around in a field field that's crazy so many people walk over that field every day just yeah it's just sat there and i thought it was an old tempo thought it was an old tempe so it was worth doing that then so yeah that's our best coin yet and we're not cleaning it because it's not until someone tells us how to do it and then another thing that i wasn't particularly excited about on the day because i picked it up you can pick that one up but now since well as soon as mom um held it yes we think that this might be um jet it's not glass it's not adaptation it's it's incredibly light and we've done all we've done all the tests and we think that this might be a jet actually from victorian morning journey not french jet put a picture of a real one bracelet but it's the way it's broken as well there's a word for it it's like the way flint breaks and the shell um chip shell chipping i think yeah little lines little plastic doesn't it doesn't do that it's not it's not baker like it's too light it's just literally yeah it's not glass it's not stone and we've got we did here wait and it's a piece of jet there and it's it's the same it feels the same same likeness which is just again madness i wonder if there's more there to go about walking in that field but yeah we found so many um limitations imitation jet and to actually possibly have thrill very exciting so yeah that will be victorian morning jet morning jewelry and again that's just been lying in a field and been driven over so yeah yeah it's ridiculously light so yeah there's um some jet then there's this beautiful gorgeous green hand-blown bottle stopper my goodness it is heavy it's solid it's not i mean i think it's got a tiny bubble in the middle of it where it was blown but my goodness it's got a ground pontool it's been i think it probably would have been in it i don't know it could have been an apothecary bottle i'm not sure but wow i think that's one of our best apart from your apothecary one but yeah i think yeah we're getting some very very nice festive color as well some beautiful bottle stoppers we've got now there's oscars bead oscar found a bead the beautiful bright yellow it's glass and then kate found this oh yeah piece of jewelry and i mean it's not iron because it's not rusted away it's in pretty good nick and might be copper you can see that it's really detailed you've got all these markings on even the connectors yeah and i and we don't bring that yeah i know absolutely nothing about jewelry that could be 100 years old it could be 200 years old it could be like 10 years old who knows if anybody knows how many inklings but it's really beautiful the fact that the the even the connector yeah the links are decorated is quite bad so yeah there's that it's very i as i said before that we don't have very good luck with them finding jewelry but i seem to be going for flowery things yeah we found a few marbles we found four exactly the same and i think they're pretty modern they're pretty contemporary they don't have a pond or i think some kids not that long ago dropped its marbles and threw them away deliberately i don't know it seems a bit weird they're very pretty yeah but these two are older but again we don't know if they're the baking ones or actually there's laughing in the background or actual clay marbles they seem a bit well i say they seem small but they seem pretty much the same size as the contemporary marbles so i don't know that's one of those enigmas what those marbles are yeah the age range of this field is um quite substantial because there we've got our coin from 1760 to 1801 and then we have this red tizer stopper from probably around 19 the mid 1920s 1924 i saw one oh it's got it on the bottom too it's very pretty it's beautiful it might not be as old as some of our other stoppers but it's red so it'll be one of our prized stopper collections i've not seen one read before no maybe it only ties it did it yeah this one is hamilton and it's um a brewery in london and their logo is exactly the same oh yeah they're still going making beer this is very cute this will definitely fit one of the balls like you said mm-hmm i don't often find them that size do you a few miscellaneous things um we think this is an elephant's foot it does look like an elephant's foot she's got the little toes um i think this is for mixing paint rather than keeping paint in if you see what i mean rather than a pan so it's a mixing pan and a tiny bit of a doll's face i could say that'll be amazing jewelry button glass button um i don't know what this is i think it must be a button that's lost its shank maybe but pop it in there be quite nice with some sort of jewelry or something um lilac this is lilac glass that's probably the part well it's probably one that's been left in the sun right yeah it's turned back could be a wine glass like a really old wine glass i think it's more likely on top of a counter isn't it maybe but wine glasses did have bubbles like that in the middle very large to be white wine glass um and bits of pottery quite cute for making the jewelry bits and pieces all the potter is not here there's still quite a lot in my bag um and then bits pipes done and your one with rat tail on it whether that is that one there's a shame very delicate so yeah that was our trip to a field for christmas on the christmas field but my goodness oh there's might not be that much but the variety is crazy and the quality is crazy so we may go back if you want us to go back tell us if you don't want us to go tell us if you do want us to go back um a lovely viewer called sarah love um sent us these beautiful bottles these beautiful harry potter inspired bottles this one's a skelly grow look at that it's madness it'd be very good for halloween then this little basilisk fang she makes these all herselves are all made out of victorian bottles that she found down the road from her and there's unicorn blood um and she sells them in her etsy shop and we'll put the link below but we think it's a very clever idea a clever use of old bottles they're really beautifully done yeah and oscar really likes um harry potter so was very excited by these i mean we all love harry potter but yeah but yeah this was definitely very very good for halloween yeah we'll leave her link uh link to her shop down below yeah he said very very good use of the bottles we also have to thank the um lovely sarah and mick from talkingbay51 who sent us some christmas presents they sent me this adorable tiny little doll and she's absolutely precious and she's going to live with our other dolls we'll show you another day because we've also said got to say thank you we've got we have yes i think that will be christmas eve we have um some thank yous to give us some wonderful subscribers who have sent us some amazing things but we think we'll show that in a christmas eve episode and then they get mom these beautiful fingerless gloves how incredibly needed and useful they are i think that i think our daughter knitted them they're amazing they are beautiful they're really soft so yeah we just have to say um thank you sarah and mick i hope you have a lovely christmas and we're sorry that you couldn't come for a visit but i'm sure we'll want to do one soon again hopefully so yeah um i hope you enjoyed our field walking and we're still going to be having uh uploading a video every day until christmas eve so we'll see you then but we know not everyone watches the crafting one so if we don't see you then we'll see you after christmas yeah and i hope you have a lovely christmas as lovely as it can be yeah ours has been cancelled yes christmas is cancelled where we are but you know just the us will still family yeah so yeah um i hope you have a lovely christmas maybe we'll see you tomorrow and if we don't we'll see you after christmas we'll leave you with this snoozing sunny cat and we'll see you soon bye you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 9,924
Rating: 4.968504 out of 5
Keywords: bottledumpsearching, bottledump, victorianbottles, claypipes, exploring, mudlarking, beads, fieldwalking, veryoldcoin
Id: STyhskH2WQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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