Bucket List Bottle - Bottle Dump Searching

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[Music] uh [Music] hmm [Music] oh that would have been beautiful rose jam do you think that said oh that's such a shame look oh there's another shine oh my gosh oh we've never found a stone no maybe we'll rebuild it sorry it's very sunny it's difficult to arrange myself to film the things this would be a good sort of a good builder contender i don't know i'm not sure i'm not sure about that one actually i was about to say i think this hole is a new dog hole and yes i think it is because oh she's lost her mouth well the bottom of her she's still pretty cute got a head cake she's lost her chin how do you lose your chin i'm coming i just i can't not look at them no this has to be in here that's a good thing the collecting is we have a plan out of what it is do you want me to help get it out [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that is that just a little knob no it's not it's not it's not it's not it's not oh gosh when i saw it i was thinking i was like please let that be what i think it is but i didn't want to get my hopes up oh my goodness look at the tiny little boy head that's adorable oh well that's a good start that's a really good start over all this bit it was up like this does that look like a leg like an animal leg this was me an animal like wearing like shorts that's quite cute okay is that going to be a partner piece to the like tankard i found in the last trip it is oh my goodness oh my gosh that is so beautiful i can build a little set oh i haven't researched yet what um i haven't looked into it yet because it's not that long between our trips so you'll have already maybe seen in the roundup oh my gosh that is so beautiful now i know what that is and i know that it'll be good to rebuild it's a little dose jug with the lip missing look this one i was like oh that's cute it's got some feet and then i looked up and obviously it was broken and it's beautiful but i don't know what we do with it i found one of these last time too tiddlywink a counter games counter you can see some green metal things in this shade corset fastening and this oh it broke it's obviously very delicate i'm sorry that must have been very frustrating to watch it's beautiful though ah oh no where's she gone here she is she is here she is oh no but she's still beautiful hand or low head head head head it's a head it's not a handle it's a head oh dead dog no it's a head tail she's got a little bonnet oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh head day head day head day is the best day we're gonna have so many heads you can't see it because it's in the shadows but i think i see a bead i do see a bead okay okay okay i just stood up from showing you the bead and i turned round and this is definitely the dave heads which are my favorite oh oh no oh my gosh look at her it's the day for tiny heads oh oh i love her i love her maybe it's a day for beads too oh there's another bead and then there's another one next to it you've stood in the light again there's another one oh there's loads okay so obviously like a pearlescent necklace broke can you see any more oh yes there's another one oh my gosh okay do you know what's funny what in the in our one year anniversary special we spoke about finding a hoard of something for our second year and then a lovely commenter said maybe a horde of beads i found a beetle a bead horde oh there's another one yes there is oh i want a bottle top okay board of beads this is my head isn't she beautiful isn't she beautiful it's tiny it's like the same size because i was bent down to find a bead bending down then yeah i know typically i seem to have decided i'm going to find small things today and i brought a bag that's got holes in so i'm carrying it but they're really small and light so it's fine it has a star on it i've no idea what it is or even what it's made of but it has a star so i like it and i'm going to take it home so many beautiful bulbous round bottles decanters maybe oh i would love a whole one look at her oh one day we will find a whole one one day is that a pencil sharpener because if it is i've never found one before it is it's an old pencil sharpener wow what's it made out of a pencil sharpener yeah i doubt it big buckle massive enormous buckle mum just found this lid look oh my gosh that is so beautiful and doll's plate oh [Music] so i think it's like a gingerbread mold isn't that beautiful yeah oh my word that's amazing isn't that beautiful like a bread mold or no it's got a gingerbread or a biscuit wow that's beautiful i don't know how it would have looked that's really nice i like that and it's a oh it's beautiful i wasn't gonna take any bottles today you found a bottle that you wanted yeah oh yeah that looked like then i can only imagine oh my gosh it's a skittle bottle is that what they're called oh skittle puddle's got rounded buttons their tabitha voters have rounded bottoms is a skittlebot it looks like a skittle masculine trademark and then it's got like like a really nice embossing m s it's a hole oh i think i picked up a bottle like that in our last trip and it was broken yeah they must have found such beautiful bottles they didn't they missed it because it was under here quick kick everything over it was literally just there wow okay they would have taken this one nice put it in my bag i found this that has a star on it oh i don't know what it's made out of i nearly hit you with the extra you did with the new microphone always wafted me at the face with it another dalton wear like the pot i rebuilt little jug has got a man it's got i don't know is that the barber or torture uh-oh because that's nice and over there i see a chamber pot and down here i see a beautiful bottle see a beautiful bottle and mum's very excited okay this is a bucket list oh really is it a whole doll head is it a whole doll head okay i'm coming i'm coming [Music] and then there was this does this make you think of something i hear it i hear it guess what it is oh my gosh have we [Laughter] [Music] too oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i'm gonna go back and investigate um what's it water yeah more shrinking oh that's so cool i need to go back and look at a chamber pot okay [Music] wow i don't know i think they missed it again as they do i know okay so this is the beautiful water i was looking at before mums i think i'm going to take it i'm going to take it it's okay the chamber pot doesn't have a bottom so i won't don't have to carry it home what's this gravy gravy boat this is quite good it's a little boy oh did you find a hair i found a hand in the arm but it's like a head yeah there's a little boy i swear it's a little boy so it is head day head day good ball day i think i just found my own one of those bottles i did it's the same one oh we can be matching oh and a cod marble and [Music] oh gosh oh i saw the cod rubble but not the leg that is a big big leg that is a good base as well okay i think this is another broken toes like the size of mums and a button it is a tiny pipe bowl and my marble and i dropped [Music] um we went back to the dump um and we found a few things some interesting things um i found a bottle that we've always wanted to find and thought we never would find because we don't dig bottles and it's not sort of thing you just find lying around but i i found it lying around we got our first cod bottle we found our first cod bottle with the marble complete it's a bit sick and the glass is a bit cloudy which is a bit of a shame but i think it's on the inside it's cloudy not on the outside so there's not a lot we can do about that but i don't mind because it's a cod bottle with the cod marble inside which is crazy yeah so i was quite excited as you probably could tell i found this it's a priory water company it's mineral water so yes it would have been carbonated water a little one little public one little puppy and this is a skittle bottle and i found as well which is really dinky and we think that's water too it's masking and suns or sun that's a little skittle bottle really nice embossing on it this one isn't a sick little lion on it and then okay picked up this bottle which is not sick at all and look how beautiful it is look how bent the neck is i can't see the seam where does the seam go to the seam goes to there yeah so it's an implied top so that's pretty old and it's beautiful the colors it says l and t on the bottom oh um maybe lyle's lemonade i don't know but look at that neck it's a very pretty bottle a little baby ink i quite like it the fact that it looks very japanese yeah because of the the weather ink stained it i felt like that's quite just a piece of it's like a modern piece of pottery yes yeah i mean another little bottle i think this is for a project but it's just a pretty color and these are all to rebuild it's a salt shaker or a pepper shaker i'll probably have a head on it one day what's that saying oh i didn't know it said anything it says windsor and newton london windsor and newton london another little i can't resist people have the sheer top but look how beautiful it is i know but we've got honey but it's i know but it's aqua and it's a just kind of looks like it's got a bit of the label still on it but it's such a pretty pattern hmm i think that was probably salt or something that's why it's screw top there's a cob marble from the cold bottle um so what was your favorite find though my beautiful head which one's good for this one yes she's beautiful i absolutely love her i think this is the head i'm going to use for my tiny doll that i'm going to make in a couple of weeks it's gonna be hard you might have to build her up i'm going to build her i'm going to build her neck and some shoulders she's beautiful though i found one the same but slightly bigger haven't i but that's for another film who could have faced i could have blue eyes in her way she's so beautifully painted it is i like her a lot and i found another couple of another dynamite no we're not so sure about him he's not as beautiful he's beautiful in his own way and every time we say that it just makes me love him more because i feel really sorry for him he has an unusual um he does have an unusual face and then there's this one she's got a hood mm-hmm and some gold on her top of her head she's perfect for us which again we'll probably use in a pendant maybe it is very beautifully painted too and then i found this poor person's lost his chin oh but he's very beautiful as well he is it's very very look at this angelic so detailed lost his chin and then this one's lost this is cheery again beautiful look at the rosiness of his cheek and a leg huge huge leg he's got a knee as well i don't know why i said he my class thought just looks like a masculine leg it's weird it's really dry it's not been fired no it's not been um glazed and i think this is probably his other leg mate oh no maybe not this one's got a hole in it this one doesn't have a hole in it but yeah another leg to rebuild um i found this just you haven't actually seen me finding this yet because it went a bit crazy when i was filming yes that's at the end because it all got a bit desperate at the end but he's got a belly button and he's a cubie doll and he would have this is part of the creepy dog too so keep your door leg but um he would have had like the cutest face it would have been with the cutest face cupid dolls have the cutest wanna cube i want to hold that what i don't know like 70s no no no no 20s okay but then in the 70s they got like plastic ones or they had a big resurgence but they they were mainly 20s um but he would have had movable arms and i will rebuild him when i have i've only got china bodied is it left hand so when i find the other side i'll get quite excited and i imagine because i can rebuild him and i'll put a head on him and he will it's just so cute look at him weirdly proportioned i love it it's a kinky doll um more there's quite a lot of dolls things in there then you found this one um this is nice and i think he may be putting things coming out of his brain hmm don't know what yet or maybe building a brain out of other stuff okay oh that would be fun we could have a mud locker's brain yeah with all the stuff yeah that's the other sort of well it's not working brain he's gonna have mud locking brain i have more dolls pieces poor poor boy girl no not as poor as how much he would have had a wig oh that's what those holes are [Music] another ear obviously because the ear thing is coming this pot lid is beautiful it's a bit chintzy but look at that little cherry so cute oh the paint i can paint it so beautifully and again it's golden i don't think that i don't i think there's transfer i don't think they're hand painted but it's funny because it fits this little pot perfectly sorry fits this little pot perfectly um i found a couple of shoes i found the pixie shoes again you haven't seen me finding these so in the last crazy this is like the last crazy bits where there was just so much it went a bit mad um yes little pixie shoes i don't know what i could do with those but pixies in them yeah i feel like we're building something they're the giant shoes and there's a body coming out from maybe or something that would be quite funny and then this shoe i think i was thinking about it last night that we should do maybe a nursery rhyme let's get nursery ones i think it'd be quite funny but quite sweet we found some play pipeless one giant one ma'am found it's massive it's huge it's very plain but it's huge and the smaller same as mine doesn't even have the thing at the top no this one oh good for craft though a pencil sharpener what do you think it's made out of bakelite is it i don't think it is no it's definitely baker plate i think it was probably look made to look like it was torture shell but it's not no i don't think it's tortoise shell but pretty sure that's bakelite um a few dolls pieces to rebuild whole plate um buttons kate's bead horde they're plastic unfortunately but they were obviously from a necklace that exploded um another little clay bead another little necklace um and i can't stick to rebuilds it's beautiful me just put a new top on it yeah probably loads of bottle tops vulcanite and glass cute little flower pots for the garden and this one it's only got that bit missing but that's got no hole on the bottom but that'll be one of your plants and this piece of pottery i found this piece last time we went to the dump and thought oh it's a deer said it wasn't that impressive but i found some recipes no there's a whole deer it's beautiful half a deer i don't know what you do with that but it's quite nice to find extra pieces um this lid is such a shame i think it says rose jam it would have been rose jam which is not very nice i don't think jam made of roses basically the sort of victorian thing but that's such a shame that's broken that would have been beautiful escutcheons are always good for craft there i said it uh baked like end of a pipe it would have been on the piece yeah now the lids another faux shorter shower hair piece part of um heart i'm saving these up for valentine's crafting any hearts we find go in the valentine's pile um miscellaneous metal pieces you this could be it burn a games counter because yeah which i didn't i just picked it up because i thought it'd be good for craft but then when it's bone and it's turned too it's engine turns you can see the lines so maybe it is a games counter but then why is that got that bit on it my tiddlywink broke my burn tiddlywink was very very damaged and it broke looking at yeah possibly some sort of hinge and this i think that was probably got chain on the back so see it looks like a button doesn't it but i don't think it is again if anybody knows what that might be actually does that look like thread cotton is it like something of them i can't tell if it's like thread or if it's really damaged chain because it could be something like a a uniform or something maybe yeah it's a mystery mm-hmm nobody help us with this mystery um this case it was a giant bubble but i think it's on the horse harness so it's still a giant it would weigh a person down somewhat um and then i'd come from that path which i don't know um this still got its horse hair bristles in it which is vaguely fascinating and disgusting at the same time look can you imagine brushing your teeth with horse hair do you um and you said this was 1912 to 1913 um yes it's s moore and sans because i don't know if you can see it is it this side or the other side you've moved so just here you can make an m there which i don't know what the m is it might it looks different than underneath it it says s more tiny tiny much neater so maybe the m was carved afterwards by someone else but yeah it's s moore and sans they were a toothpaste manufacturer in london and in the london science museum they have a whole series about toothbrushes being made and there's a lot of stuff from s moore and sons oh we'll have to go one day one day um and then there's kate's jug which we don't know if they can't it's not torture torture obviously but i can't tell are they feeding him what they're doing on the back of his head i don't know is he just really drunk maybe what's that though is that a pipe maybe it's a pipe or they're feeding him it sort of looks like they're force-feeding and then on the other side it's just another man calmly drinking on his own on a barrel on a barrel but that's easily rebuilt another and just fill that bit for your plants or in your room for something mm-hmm that's really nice um i think that's it except the thing does oh yes set the thing downstairs um i'd say this was equal favorite find of mine i'd love the cob model marble bottle but this is really unusual this is a very unusual thing to find it's a victorian jelly mold well half of one well yeah it's missing the top have been a lot taller and i said it was a gingerbread mould in the clip because it looks a bit like a gingerbread most gingerbread bowls were wooden i don't know if you got china gingerbread but look how beautiful it is it's amazing i'm so extremely excited about it because even though it's a jelly mold i'm going to use it as a biscuit mold make some biscuits christmas i'm going to be making victorian gingerbread and everyone i know will receive some because it's like genuine victorian molded gingerbread how exciting 19th century gingerbread i know it's so pretty and it's just the same it's only just missing that tiny tiny bit well it's missing the whole book but i will say though i will say though when you make a biscuit in it because i have tried um you can't tell oh you can't tell there's a hotel that's a bit missing there because you just like mold that bit to the shape and then you cannot tell it's so pretty and it's just a nice thing but yeah it's weird it's a shame it lost literally the whole of its top yeah you wouldn't bear to make biscuits with it like that yeah we could make jelly beans like jelly but i think biscuits is more fun because then we me and oscar can decorate them with icing beautifully beautiful we'll um when we make some maybe we'll show you in our christmas special yeah this year yeah with the icing icing [Music] cool that's what we're doing for christmas crafting with food um so yeah that's it for that trip to the dump we did make another trip to the dump which is gonna come up a couple weeks which is amazing it was it was yeah it's a very interesting oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god yeah possibly oh death my favorite pipe find ever yeah and just the weirdest experience very strange just yeah look out for that one so yeah that's it is there anything else i need to say thank you to all of our wonderful donate donors it's um we've uh yes if you've seen in this video that we bought a microphone and used it on this trip and got home and realized that well it wasn't it it's a good microphone we had to put it to the side because it was too long and you saw it dropping down in front of the gopro so we had to turn it to the side and it was a good microphone but it doesn't pick up it's like a boom microphone and it doesn't pick up outside sound it just and it just sounded sort of like we're at the bottom of a hole so we have returned that microphone and we have used some of your lovely money to buy a different one that should be coming soon so fingers crossed oh we've also where are they pick up what we also use some of your lovely money to buy knee pads me and mum will we both got a pair i've got some red ones mum's got some grey ones so yes lots of crawling around in our favorite beaches with knee pads and on the foreshore with knee pads hard so yes thank you oh our knees are going to are going to yes thank you we are that all to you and yes we're incredibly grateful yes we are so we'll leave you with our bingo card with another fine ticked off which is very exciting um and a list of all of the wonderful people that um have donated to us so we'll see you on thursday probably for a later for england it will be a later one yeah i think we're gonna go first but i think we might do it at 7pm gmt because again people are sad that they're the time zones are different and they miss out on the chance to buy from the shop so we're gonna really stagger them so i think we might actually do on a different day too one day maybe yeah wednesday or friday because on a thursday we we do a quiz we do a quiz and we have to do so we have to do that so we won't be able to like do the premiere late in the evening on a thursday but we could do it on a wednesday at nine or the friday at nine so we'll do that too but we will um we'll let you know when that's gonna change so yeah we'll see you on thursday yeah bye bye it's the pixie shoes actually got a twig hanging in my hair i have so many things i can't carry them all it's the big seashells i need my bag but over here i can't carry any more over here where did it go i saw it where did it go okay this is very bad filming but let's it's half a boat we can do something with that for sure oh no what's that i'm just dropping everything oh no look at that okay that's wow that's gonna that's a craft and a half isn't it look at it it's adorable oh it's like a little snow baby i'm gonna get my bag this is getting [Music] ridiculous [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 11,543
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarkingthethames, Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, beachcombingfinds, thamesmudlarking
Id: ibpIVLckpJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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