We Made Star Wars R-Rated

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Hail_Crossbow 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
Star wars, it's a war movie right Star Wars But the thing is even the edgiest Star Wars movie is only rated pg-13 and you know I'm wondering what would it look like to actually make Star Wars rated R to make it authentic To the battle experience and what the heck happens gonna get shot with a laser gun right now It's just like a little puff like you're in power rangers But you're those things need blasting like a hole for your body Star Wars definitely have a charm as its innocent hero adventure film But for this one video we're gonna do something special We're gonna give you a taste what Star Wars would be like to visit rated R We have the power to do what if here what would it look like if it was made for adults what if we replace the lightsabers with like katanas earth wars man just like Darth Vader choke - dude You could actually make it look painful now veins started bulge and like their eyes start to like mousse, you know, yep Oh man. So this this is the darkest moment in the entire prequel trilogy or 6000 He's still sad. Akira style just like yeah, everything ladies like dumb. Jedi Nothing better than me here. Oh my goodness. What is this? Wait clay, you don't know about this scene No He falls through a trapdoor in the floor and use your And then in this shots, yeah wasn't cut too after this We're 66 feels pretty appropriate I think so like it has it has a lot of hits we can all come together and take a moment from that that's gonna Do I'll be one hitting the rocks. I'll do tall head getting shot up So we all pick him over from the kid shot. All right, guys, we got work cut out for us Jump to Lightspeed. Hope we don't have a burnout Attractive footage that's easy extend the shot a little bit more to make it longer. That's easy clean plate the water out That's easy first challenge comes with replacing the water with rocks, but honestly, that's pretty easy to check us out Cinema 4d plus octane in a sweet rock asset well placed in well-lit Bowen It's in but you say hey, what's that stuff bouncing around the rocks? Well, those are limbs that I made and sent him up 4d. I couldn't find Obi Wan's lizard Steve beast so what I did was just got some dinosaur from turbosquid and chopped that up through some dynamics on its limbs and Gave it some initial force Down to the ground most of the dinosaur hasn't disappeared But I'm filling that in with blood and smoke and mirrors and crap you guys. I got the wait to see that Stay tuned. Don't touch that dial. Don't pull that crank. Don't yank that chain don't flush the toilet because we'll be back. 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I Want to make this way more violent if you seen Akira, there's a one guy who's stealing the kid at the beginning He gets all shot up with a riot police. I wanted to take that as my inspiration First off not nearly enough later start being fired So I went and I cranked up the lasers and I perfectly matched my lasers the lasers from a movie and the reason they look Really good is because I'm using andrew kramer's saber plugin Andrew, basically went and made the best laser slash lightsaber plugin for After Effects for free Sun Video Copilot net So if you needed you lasers or light sabers or whatever go check it out. It has a lot of really cool features So use that to duplicate these lasers and make my own. Oh My gosh a lot I also use the liquify tool to like have parts his head bursts as well as like clothing This gives you motivation for all my blood spurts. I used action VFX as blood hits pack I just have a lot of blur going on the initial frames and things I'm bright and hazy and then it kind of sharpens ups The shot goes on the one more thing. I did. I did some bullet hits We have a bullet hit on his eye here for example I hit shot in the side of the head and the way I did that so I combined the flesh wound development from action essentials With a blood splatter and those two on top of him give it a pretty convincing Blood splat phone as a final like little touch. I put some blood splatters in the ground I hope you enjoy a more accurate representation of what stormtrooper lasers would do to you clone trooper lasers. Sorry difference So I finished my shot but I was feeling kind of hollow and Incomplete and I couldn't figure out why until I realize is because I have this opportunity To do something that I'm sure everyone has always wanted to do and that's to mutilate Jar Jar Binks So I thought what if instead of his tongue going numb his whole head explodes so looking at the truck from the outside There's a few things that he got to do first. She got to track the shot He got to create a clean plate that goes where he is. I added him back in with some like find edges effects and some Turbulent displace on top of that to kind of get that electrical sort of look on top of all of him Jar Jar Jar Jar Binks With something like this more is better having a lot of different elements You got the lightning. Then you have the sparks. You have the tared skin of a cloth simulation. You have the actual blood burst Yes, smoke bursts. It kind of just gives that misty look so you actually have like some vaporized And then to top it off you have a Severed head beautiful how many elements is enough elements? The answer is never no, that's not you can never have enough elements always put in more because chances are it'll look better when you have more contrast and variety Individuals going into something thing you want to be careful about is hitting that point of just visual noise where there's so much stuff happening So dense, every single image has so many things going on You want to make sure each thing that you add is distinct now this is an example of using just nothing but Existing video files that I already had that I can just throw in there à la carte But Sam over there is actually working on a custom blood simulation for his shot And that'll be one of a kind. I want to see that what makes these little Experiments so great Is it opens up these opportunities for us to explore and learn and try out some new techniques? We've been wanting to do for my shot I got just that I've been experimenting with this new plugin called X particles which allows us to simulate fire smoke liquids soft bodies rigid bodies young Jedi bodies These bodies are plumb full of milk. Laureen's I got to put that to work today So he's falling so fast that his body combusts into a million little pieces if you actually watched the scene where he threatens the babies with the lifesaver it Immediately cuts to Padme his apartment. So we took that q this is probably where he's gonna land Basically, I'm gonna have the young wing hit the glass of Padme apartment. So this is very strong glass I'm not gonna have the glass like shatter into pieces, but I'm going to have the young wing explode into pieces So the way I want to do that is using a fluid simulation So in order to make a fluid simulation, I need to model the environment, roughly. This is my little environment here So we have a floor area here. Here's our glass so rather than actually simulate something falling down and exploding that I basically just have the body at the glass and I'm using this really rough model of like arms and legs as The source in which the liquid is going to emit from? I've got all this fluid here I'm basically just saying just don't just go from this moment because it honestly something's falling from that high velocity It's gonna go all over the place. Basically then I'm just telling the fluid. Hey fluid I want you to have a lot of friction, you know, I want it to stick and slide a little bit though Now that I have my particles simulated here. It's actually take a a measure It basically looks at these particles and builds a mesh around them turns these particles into something renderable and physical hitting the glass Exploding all over the place. It's very messy. Now the second half the blood is one of those cool advanced techniques I've never messed with before it's called making a wet and mat this is really good for splatters and stains the trail of the fluid that Follows something like this if I had a sponge and I just wiped it on the wall It would leave a wet trail behind So hence the name wet map these particles now are painting residuals smearing of like some goop running down the glass Boom man, you see how that stuff is exploding. Holy Frick Today we're watching all of our hard work together We got each worked on a shot and now it's time to watch them all together with glorious sound design I know cliff did some Bo whether that's gonna be good. Hey, we decided to make Star Wars naughty because we're all big boys The fleet just moved out to fight speed and we're preparing to Order 60 Oh There are too many of them, what are we going to do I'm sure you're alright Oh Makes it clean. You must be feel the force around you I can't It's too big sighs magic net Look at me Let me by my size do you for my Ally is the force and a powerful it is You weren't the impossible Voiceover. Oh no, I'm bringing our daughter into the tower The perverted yoga thing really Wow, I was not expecting that whereas all the effects we added like NYX NYX on a good Saying yeah, I cut it out above his bottom jaw, so it's just the top part of his job tongue wiggling out. Oh Yeah, so do you guys think terms of who's gonna see this and like squeeze it into his special special edition? This is how it was meant to be. How about really meant to be did you hear that? He had an extra like special Edition that he's been sitting on for years for the newest release of a new hope when it came out with Disney Plus there's actually a new edit around when Han shoots Guido Guido?
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 5,327,706
Rating: 4.8290944 out of 5
Keywords: vfx, breakdown, cgi, hollywood
Id: GZ8mwFiXlP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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