Our most feel-good makeover yet! *happy tears*

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[Music] let's try this again shall we and next video is sponsored by the real real when people get into the later for right now we're sitting in the traffic on a real commute we're going to create if we were to Lisa Leo's house she's a nurse she works long hours little brothers and family her mom and her brother have a disability so she's taken care of everyone says she just wants a place that's nice and cozy for their house my name is Lisa Lehrer I am a caretaker I work with adults with disabilities I work with high functioning and low functioning and I help take care of my mom my brother and I have a foster child now I pay majority of the bills and I am the I guess the breadwinner of the family so I work all the time I come home and I'm with them my brother is mentally delayed my mom is also mentally delayed but they're very high-functioning and my mom is in a wheelchair so we always go doctor's appointments you know she depends on me for you know a lot of things I love them so much and I just want them to have the best quality of life we just bought our house actually about eight months ago so I'm really hoping that this space that we all share together can feel like it's better than the family her mom and her brother have a disability so she's taken care of our one so she just once I was in place that's nice and cozy for their house touch it only about 20 miles away this time obviously the last time when you guys saw us make it u-turn and decide to only send Joey the project was about fifty miles away as usual we were going to be treating Lisa and our family to this makeover so we're gonna be paying for everything but we know you guys love our budget-friendly videos so we're treating Lisa everything but we will also be making smart choices speaking of smart choices subscribe to you anytime check my key mom problems speaking of smart choices subscribe guys hello we are the creative weirdos we would love to have you join our family and make sure to click that Bell too for the notifications and also if you want to take it a step further you can join the membership which gives you access to all of our behind the scenes blogs live chats extra so that's it for all the intro stuff we are hopefully getting to Lisa's place soon and hopefully moon stays asleep before we get there I have the carrier because I'm gonna be able to carry I have the carrier to put him in and wear him wearing it you're gonna wear it from little no I'm gonna wear it so that other no I'm gonna wear how I wore my nice sturdy shoes all right we are here yeah we're gonna take him out of cars and put them in the carrier yeah hi how are you how are you guys hey Brittany how are you hello nice to meet you someone else was there too right your brother brother brother is here but he works during the day the real you walk straight into it yeah this is my living and dining so the space that I want have done is a living room / dining room did you say on the weekends you work 24 hour shifts yeah so I leave Friday night and I don't come back so Monday morning she works too much yeah I sleep in the living room on the couch every single night I'm not at work finances got a little hard so I had to give up my room so my mom has her own room my brother has her own and my foster child so I am sleeping in our living room let's have you know like 24 hours jasny that Mommy can't even talk to her bedroom yeah Wow Lisa's living room/dining on main living area really need some help because boy does this woman do so much for other people I mean she's so incredibly selfless so we are here in her home to assist her to have a better space just a more comfortable beautiful space I like look okay so I do like the middle of you yep have you ever looked underneath I have in the carpet is so hard for my mom to roll through from the hallway to the kitchen she kind of has to maneuver around the table which is a really hard spot because it's so small obviously with this l-shaped layout and started a conversation here you just have the couch right now let you try any other CDs alright how do you guys Center on the team what's the time when we're sitting down we're always at the table talking Claire do you know what the biggest challenge is going to be in this space it's very small and the layout is weird and what's not working for us is that wall-to-wall carpeting I'm really really hoping that Joey will see hardwood when he Peaks under this carpeting [Music] there is a little peak of hardwood under this carpeting we don't want to let Lisa know because we want this to be a surprise for her but this would be so amazing if we tore up this carpet and like it was harder for oh all right so obviously this is the heart of the home like your kitchens there but your betters are here and normally we say to people like we like to block off access in that space but this is not very practical so if you guys are down I think we want to send you out a little vacay huh just for a couple days [Laughter] yeah it'll be like a staycation then yeah let's get it in fam Lisa's makeover on three we did it food hasn't cried at once we learned a lot about Lisa you can tell that she's so thinks about herself Wow I mean she doesn't even have a bedroom that room the living room is where she sleep because she puts others first so we're gonna try to put her first with this makeover yeah okay so you're telling me that this round table was not centered when we were over there please hold oh my gosh you're right always right guys always right so let's just talk about the overall plan we're gonna try to see what other carpet yeah definitely in trying to see what's on in the car by which you saw that Pete I mean it was up there it was and that was in the closet so I have no idea what's in the rest of the house hopefully we get lucky yeah the biggest hurdle I think in this room is floorplan for sure I mean you can see that she sort of struggled with that too because the sofa is like pushed into the corner and the problem with us is that that's right the entrance to this fighting glass door so please refer to floor plan a because let me tell you there has been b c d e f g because this is hard recited bells of it get ready no seeing it was move yeah yeah by the way moons and the better with Grandma yes Joey's mom is visiting us from Indiana and ass week oh please so she's supervising moon's nap currently okay so okay TV on the mantle probably no no no well first of all there's no mantle so remember when we were there I just said are you okay with us painting that's not very powerful she was like I don't care do whatever do whatever oh sure some of you guys out there are like screaming like don't pain system but hear us out it is a 1950s house it's pretty like worn in and the pictures that she showed me as inspiration are all like really light bright airy like kind of minimalist meets like a little bit bohemian vibes so picture this paint out the stone white boom round mirror above chic ooh each side a dark gray paint with then like white shelving because we have like the wall of the fireplace meets the wall by doors we can do just shelving there and then maybe like diagonal shelving on the other side and then within one of the shelves on the longer side where the TV is now we mount the TV Internet but put it on a mount that you can pull out and tell us go we just have to okay thank you no we have to save this room Joey we have to save this room life to say you know what you're a little funky sir broom we are going to take some liberties here and we are going to put the sofa halfway on the wall and halfway sticking out because then the sofa will be opposite to the fireplace but we're gonna give her like a sleeper so like a pullout sofa and then you know have the rest of the furniture I don't think this is gonna work because her whole thing is her mom needs room to get around and they currently have that round table in and they don't have it centered now so I don't think we should continue with the TV because basically her mom needs to get from the kitchen down this hallway yeah I know you're probably trying to Center under the ceiling fan yeah but I feel like we probably need to either make something or get something that's a little bit more like I would say rectangular okay why didn't this is good oh I'm excited about this wait I'm gonna flood over there though okay because I want to get that carpet up and see what's going on okay okay go right over there I'm gonna nurse moon okay and then I'm going to do other things bring them here grandma he's hungry [Music] up Nick your hero again always has good sound on your house - thanks for having me I'm gonna go try and see what some of the carpet all right I'm gonna head down the Norwalk with our crew and we're gonna get under those carpets we're gonna see what we're dealing with we're gonna get the paint started and Kate's gonna simultaneously shop for stuff all right everyone we are in Lisa's home I want to kick this project off by finding out what some of these rugs I'm not gonna lie I've lost sleep over this because hey we're trying to get this project done without breaking the bank we want to keep it under a certain budget and we also don't have a lot of time if I pull this carpet up and it's a disaster I honestly don't know what we're gonna do okay here we go dear carpet guts please bless us with some nice wood floors under this carpet Lisa's such a good person she deserves some nice hardwood floors let's go come on buddy that's looking good oh heck yes this is some nice open floors [Music] so I'm actually pretty happy there's no spots where like the floors were removed because of rah there's stains on floor there's also spots where the actual varnish came up my guess is she has dogs a previous owner may have had pets and what happens is they pee on the carpet and that acid eats it what's under it so what we'll do is we'll rent a drum sander from the hardware store do a light sanding and we'll go really dark with the stain so that way there's gonna be easier to hide these imperfections so we have our task cut out for us because we also have to paint this entire place we should probably get started a little secret which is my really nothing calls it and my way too many shoes okay so Joey's off doing the nitty-gritty dirty stuff and you guys are gonna hang out with me while we look at this shoe hoarder situation okay so let me just tell you a little story when I was a pregnant person I had the goals of cleaning out this closet you know getting rid of stuff becoming like the minimalist mom who's gonna have like a really chic uniform just like few items of clothing didn't happen obviously I now have a child this will probably never be cleaned out but actually JK it will because we're partnering with the real real on this episode which I'm so excited about okay so the real real is a specialty consignment app website store where you can buy and sell luxury items they have home items they have all kinds of like designer stuff what else is so exciting is they have given us $1,500 credit on the reel reel which we are going to gift to Lisa which will be so awesome for her because as you heard she doesn't really spend that much time on herself and this whole makeover is about giving her an oasis really letting her enjoy her space and also she'll be able to enjoy shopping online on the real real and cutting some really special stuff so that's really exciting to think he's a real real for giving us that and also motivating me to look at my shoe closet because I actually do have some designer shoes that have dust on them like I'm not I'm kidding just please wait for exhibit a exhibit [Music] oh there was some change okay exhibit Luo Bhutan do you see the dust here do you see that because I legit have not pulled these closet and years these I'm going to list on the real real and it's cool because it's part of national consignment days so the real real actually created a holiday props the first Monday in October is national consignment day the whole thing nowadays is sustainability right you guys know I love to thrift shop all that stuff consignment is right up there and I think that these deserve to go to somebody that will actually wear them to the club which I will not be going to ever okay these are Pradas shoes these are gorgeous there's dust on these too I'll spare you the close-up but let's sell these two what do you think your saddlebag anybody in shoes and so what's awesome is that I don't have to take any pictures I can either just send this up to them with a free shipping label or I can book a luxury manager to come here to my house White Glove service people no extra charge and they will help me enlist all this up and take it away or I could go visit one of the real world stores and drop it off so there's three options to get this stuff out of my life and into someone else's like okay you know what in-home pick up sounds really good to this tired mom right here okay so it also says if you schedule in the month of October you can earn up to 125 extra dollars if you schedule an in-home consultation which is what I'm doing because you guys saw that mullet okay perfect schedule thank you thank you alright let's go see what that baby's doing I miss my baby so for the floors we're using a drum sander to rip off that pre-existing finish that she has and then to hide those stains we're gonna go a lot darker with the new stain so we're gonna do like an espresso stain which is just going to make sure that what we couldn't get rid of with the sanding will be covered by this new darker stain [Music] okay we have grandma here yay thank you grandma she's sitting here moonmoon like feel happy you happy with your duckie oh okay so it's really good that grandma's here because I'm about to go outside and use some power tools because I have a DIY that I want to do for the room I'm gonna use my tools over here get some stuff done because Joey's over there working on the staining of the floors building the shelves lots to do so seeing a little bit moon so let me explain this project to you obviously we're taking some liberties with the floor plan in there trying to like reason the couch a little bit more across from the fireplace so we need something to go over the couch on that wall and I wanted it to be something geometric because like we're sort of playing with geometry in that room so I started laying this out basically it's like this sort of honeycomb shape I'm just using the chop saw over there hello sir and this 4 by 1 pine which is really pretty I'm gonna stain it though as well and yeah essentially it's just cutting angles obviously you can see here that sort of just fit together and then the plan with this is to stain it and then also rest some plants in here super easy I'm just doing a 12 inch cut so each piece is 12 inches and I'm doing a 30 degree angle on the miter saw you guys could also do this with a handsaw if you have a miter box it's just a little plastic box you set it at 30 degrees use your handsaw I'm using this guy here cuz it's a lot faster and I've got my safety goggles and I'm just gonna cut a bunch of pieces and then seen them wham-bam up on the wall plant [Music] all right I got my cut and now I just need to flip the piece over and do the cut again so that it'll be able to match up when I puzzle pieces together then like these like a DS see how those fit together all right so you guys know the drill I'm gonna cut more of these wood glue and finish nailer thumbs together so it's like the little nail gun but you guys can also use a hammer a nail and yeah once they're done I'm going to stain them a nice pretty darker wood color and then we'll get them up on lease as well all right so lots of progress we've made the floors are stained look at that look how beautiful that is wait I just need a kotipalli and then right here we have what's gonna be our built-in shelf so we're doing two up there separated by 14 inches and then we're gonna have four TV right here and then two down here these built-in shelves it's actually really easy it's just this three by two stud make sure you get it into the studs on the wall and then we have this corner is maple plywood right here it just is basically gonna wrap the framing and then just sinking in with some Brad nails plenty of the top and we're gonna paint these white then also on the other side of the fireplace we're doing these triangle shelves so obviously right here is where they store her mom's wheelchair but above that we're gonna have these three shelves to just sort of match what's going on over there again painted white wrap from the same quarter inch ply gonna be sick put up a new ceiling fan curtains up it's going oh my gosh guys we've arrived at Lisa's house I'm all just in case we need her he's the big reveal day I get to do both things today which is cool I get to style which I love and get to reveal to Lisa which I'm really excited about and I also get to have one on hand to make sure he's fed and happy and all that so I'm a lucky girl to out chill out chill out chill out are you done are you done are you done sorry buddy this is such an amazing night like this to having this nice telescoping yeah cuz look yeah she can see it from that you can even see it from the dining table yeah we could see you from outside he's built it so much better because before when we were in here it was just like TV now you don't even see the TV right all right mean you see it in a good way but it's not like what do you think man do you think we should what did we get them a new TV no still got the saran wrap on it figure out okay so I'm looking at these styling items and I'm wondering since we do have those photos blown up like I wonder if maybe we do like mm one two three over there we'll see yeah we'll see we need them well why don't why don't you play stuff I'm gonna get the what are we calling this is this a shelf for artwork oh okay I'm gonna get that up on the wall [Music] you wanna work at Ko Olina strangers our first rug cuddle in general yeah do you remember what it looks like before you mimimi I've never seen such a good standard such a good flyer either I don't wanna look at your face so here he's already there it's too many interesting things in Moodle this is a rough huddle we've done plenty with you and you're in my belly but this is the first one when you're out we do these in other people's homes because it's weird yeah because why not you want to feel what it feels like on your little Phoebe I think I actually picked this one out online while you were nursing so you technically helped me thank you grandma okay all right we just have to pick out throw pillows this is such a weird layout obviously but I liked it like the couch is sort of straddling both worlds yes we're complementing this very weird layout in here like the fact that this is such a huge area here we got light chairs and like coffee table on purpose wait wait chairs so that they can be moved out of the way quickly at night uh-huh when she goes to sleep apparently that's really light weight to that the coffee table and also when the wheel chairs need to come through it's easy to adjust coffee table can become like bedside table yeah okay let me pick throw pillows and then I think we're ready we just need to get the family photos over there yeah okay okay what do you think of this one little sprig in here and I think that's good what's dad doing stay away from the tools buddy yeah not until your third birthday we're gonna get my wire cutters on a third birthday okay so this was our solution for the purposes of needing to move around the table but the good thing about this table compared to what they were trying to do before is it so much more slender there's like a clear wheel way if you will for the wheel chair yep obviously we're sacrificing not being centered under the fair but we picked it really just like minimalist fans just white on white on the white ceiling which we painted the ceiling which looks so much better also obviously got rid of all of the vertical blinds I mean these curtains make such a big difference like this whole area was so inexpensive because this table was like under $200 these chairs were I think a little over 100 for the four of them well we also saved a ton of money on those built-ins again I mean yeah the amount of money you saved by DIY was crazy the mirror over the fireplace was only a little over a hundred dollars hey dude are you ready for your first ever you mr. Kate is he gonna be there yeah sure we'll be loading her first and then let her reveal to her family I think that's cute okay all right yeah exciting you [Music] are you ready be excited guys close no no no okay so here's the thing you wrote us and we were really moved by how selfless you are and like you do so much for others this is your house yet you're letting all your family members have the bedrooms and you're sleeping on the couch you just don't do enough for yourself so we wanted to really take care of you with this whole makeover right hmm okay do you member what it looked like before [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's so beautiful thank you everybody thank you so much okay so much to walk you through yeah first off this is a pull-out couch so this is now a bad yeah so we gave you like lightweight furniture so you can easily just swing it out of the way fold it out the TV is now on a swivel pullout mat so you can pull it out and swivel it towards the sofa you can see it from the dining table I mean obviously the biggest thing the difference right the floors are gonna make it so much easier for my mom to move around and hurt you just access the house we're trying to be aware of your mom and our wheelchair so like we got to a more slender table sides drop down you can do that just to have it be flexible for you - yeah these built-in shelves which obviously we left space down here if your mom wants to put her wheelchair of the plant over a little bit Wow and this awesome DIY that Cape May this like hexagonal he approved of the oh he likes your shirt we got the family on the wall right there because we know obviously you celebrate your family a lot good so airy and open right so totally like your inspiration photos I think and how big of a difference painting the stone right do anything oh my so new I know yeah yes we give you a fresh coat of paint on your ceiling obviously we've brightened up your walls cuz you have that sort of like baiji color before just kind of made the space a little darker there's so much space you know it's so much bigger right the complete room now yeah everything you dreamed in those nights in the hotel even better more than I could have ever imagined more than I could have ever imagined yeah we also we also want to keep the Lisa love going yes we're also giving you a $1,500 credit to the real real which is this awesome website consignment designer stuff all kinds of gorgeous things so you can spend that's the rule though you can't buy anything or anyone it's amazing what you do for your family like you're an incredible person we're so lucky that your creative weirdo you're so one of our family but you know we wanted to take care of you because you take care of everyone else yeah I deserve it so much from the bottom of my heart it's so great you guys are so amazing and everybody that came out was so nice yeah who's the best and really appreciated it pays to be a good person you know it really really does pay to be you know not selfish and really think about others and I truly believe that you know you pay it forward you know it'll always come back around to you okay ready 1 2 3 open [Applause] [Laughter] we're just so excited for you guys as a family to enjoy the space together yeah I think it's so free yeah you guys are yeah moon things is really great too and and this is a family home now we wish you guys all the love and blessings here I'm gonna get out of here we've been in your space too long thank you for everything nice to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah we did it Mooney you did it your first reveal so good of course made grandma thank you grandma for taking care of him but moon was so good you helped with the styling I mean what a champion baby at Pete let us know in the comments how impressed you are with me guys huge thanks to the reel reel for sponsoring today's episode that was awesome variable to give her that I know I'm so excited for Lisa to go shopping on the reel reel and I'm also so excited to get rid of my stuff there's a link in the description below to if you want $25 off your first order hit that link and thumbs up for Lisa guys and painted stone painted stone hit that subscribe button if you wanna join the creative weirdo family we got tons more presents and content you want to take it to the next level you can also hit the join button and we will see you on the next one see you because I not if you get you in the car go home oh my gosh [Music] are you a creative weirdo in need of the mr. Kate touch in your house yes oh my god you could be in the next video wait let's go are you gonna do is send us an email to Casting and mr. Kate calm and include a short video introducing yourself showing off the room you need our help with and tell us why you deserve the makeover you never know one day you might just hear
Channel: Mr. Kate
Views: 1,413,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living room, living room makeover, surprise makeover, surprise living room, minimalist living room, minimalist design, minimalist decor, living room on a budget, decorating on a budget, interior design, hardwood floors, mantel, mantel DIY, DIY shelves, caretaker, feel good, the realreal, mr kate, mr. kate, mrkate, mister kate, kate albrecht, joey zehr
Id: jWNRlcMqems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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