Our Honey Bee Is One! First Birthday Party Prep! DIY Decor, Cake, Food, Games, + More!

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[Music] i lose my breath whenever i see you you stole my heart what is it that you do my life was great till you added colors like the moon it's the [Music] your my heart's desire i just wanna love you just wanna hold you just wanna be with you till we grow up please tell me you'll stay oh take me away i want you for myself every single day [Music] i don't know what i do without you you make me smile what is it that you do my life was great till you added colors like the moon is the snow we don't care about the others [Music] [Applause] hello pretty people my life is a mess right now my entire kitchen is a mess should i give you a 360. i'm embarrassed let's just do it starting here yes we have cauldrons yes we have party prep going on yes we have dishes in the sink both clean and dirty yes we have groceries that i just ran to the store to get and well that looks pretty good over there pretty proud of that two seconds into the video it's already taken a turn so i i am prepping for meredith's bee birthday party tomorrow and i thought well you know what should i share it with you should i not i figure let's just do it maybe you're interested maybe you're planning a b birthday party i'm wanting to do something special for her it's our first birthday party we're just having a few family members over and really it's the same people we interact with on a weekly basis basically i don't feel like i have to have a super clean house or all the cool party decor but also inside i kind of feel like i have to have a super clean house and all the cool party decor because it's her special day and plus i love planning parties so her theme if you haven't noticed is a bee theme honeybee our little honeybee so i'll insert the invitation i made over here i just made it on canva and i'll try to link it down below ah i'll do my best i will also link all of this stuff that i'm using down below if i got it from amazon or what have you i'm currently working on the favors yes it is honey and a little honeycomb are these not the most darling things that you've ever seen they're super tiny they come in different sizes i just got the smallest one and i got these jars from michaels i used a 40 off coupon i think this box of 18 jars was around i think 20 dollars but i got 40 off which is nice this ribbon was like i don't know less than a dollar i want to say 80 cents and the honeycombs i don't remember but they came in a package of like 24 so i'm just going to finish filling these jars up with honey oh did i finish what i was saying this is exactly what all the kids want from a birthday party that's the exact favor that they want but mostly it's adult like meredith doesn't have friends so it's mostly adults coming to the birthday party just celebrating her first year of life so i'm gonna finish up these jars it's actually taking me a long time to get these ribbons on so let's finish this project first and we'll move on to the next [Music] drive with you looking for a bar in the nearest town i've never seen a sky so blue we don't ever play [Music] you look so beautiful [Music] and i'm so lucky to be yours ain't nobody like you [Music] something [Music] so here they are all displayed so stinking adorable i just use this tiered tray that i when i thought i was a certain type of person i bought this and it just didn't last for me apparently i'm not good at doing tear trays uh but i do have it and i love the rustic feel it gives off so oh uh i was trying to fall over so i like how that turned out and uh oh i'll show you the uh thank you sign i made i figured this is where i could put the uh favors but first i have to take my halloween decorations down okay here it is here's what it's going to look like oh this is what i printed out that's why i came over here to show you i just threw it in an 8 by 10 frame that i had in my hallway so i made this on canva and just printed it out thank you for being here please take one so cute right and then hopefully everyone will take one otherwise we're gonna have a lot of leftover honey you know what i really think the whole inspiration for this birthday party came from this candle because i just love it so much it's raw honey and neroli it's from dw home oh my god just the smell of this i'll definitely be burning it morning of because it will fill the air and it really smells like honey it's insane and patrolly whatever that is okay now i'm going to start to work on i don't even know what they are just some hexagons over here this is my inspiration from pinterest do you guys want to commission me for any future artwork because i'm pretty amazing i just have to use a guide so what i'm going to do is make this shape basically out of popsicle sticks put fabric behind it and then put pictures of meredith in between each one hopefully it comes together that's my vision also this entire box of popsicle sticks was five dollars from michael's and i got it 40 off because i got it a while ago uh it was on sale which was nice i took a few trips to my craft stores getting all of this stuff as i was planning her party they sell them 200 pieces in here because i wasn't sure how many i was going to make and then they also sell individual bags but one bag probably with i don't know 10 15 popsicle sticks maybe 20 i don't me way less than 200 it goes for around the same price [Music] thousand miles [Music] [Music] also are you even a crafter if your glue gun doesn't look like this [Music] i was getting so frustrated i thought how hard could it be to make a hexagon well apparently it is pretty tricky i could not get them to look the same on both sides so i finally just printed up a hexagon just off of google the shape of a hexagon and that seemed to work out pretty well for me as a template so i suggest you do that from the get-go because i wasted a lot of time [Music] [Music] cause you've been looking at me all night trying to figure me out i just want to let you know [Music] [Music] making me [Music] [Music] me i just realized i'm not even sure i explained what i'm making out of these hexagons i plan on putting a picture of her in each one and putting some fabric b fabric in the background you will see me put it all together in a little bit i took a little break here just to make the cake and i wanted to share with you how to make a boxed cake mix taste like bakery style it's been so long since i've had bakery actually it hasn't been that long i had publix cake on meredith's birthday because alex got me a 1 000 video cake and well in here now i'm not even sharing with you like the secret i will hold on but apparently i have made a thousand videos on youtube say what and this is a milestone that we needed to celebrate with cake i'm not complaining i would like cake every day of my life i wish cake calories didn't count toward my thighs can i get an amen anyway it was so good but this cake tastes so good and my trick is instead of oil you follow the um what it says on the box the measurements that it says on the back of the box but instead of oil you use butter and you actually don't follow the measurements hold on so if it says a third cup of oil some people double that in butter i typically don't but this time i did use a stick i didn't notice a big difference so i don't know do what you want if you want more clogged arteries you throw in two sticks of butter and that's up to you but if it says add three eggs add four eggs so one extra egg instead of oil use butter and instead of water you use milk i had what did i have whipping cream that's literally the only milk we had i normally have almond milk in the house and i just use that and it comes out splendid this time i had whipping cream and it was just as good if not better so just use what you have you know what i mean unless you want to make it better then buy better ingredients i'm just saying and look at sweet eleanor helping us out in her robe she is so hilarious rope uh she's a character love her so much she was such a big help during this birthday party prep i always like to get the kids involved because well they like to be involved [Music] i wanna kiss you before the sun goes down [Music] okay so here we are moving on to the next project so many projects i don't know why i put them off to the last minute but here we are that's mom life i'm making the oh what's it called high chair banner i almost bought one off etsy but have you seen the prices of etsy stuff i'm just saying but i will also say the quality of whatever you buy on etsy will probably be a hundred times better than whatever crap i made but i was okay with it it's her first birthday i'm not making decorations for a wedding do you understand anyway so i just got some thick cardstock that n i pretty much messed up every letter and redid so many of them it doesn't matter she doesn't know how to read anyway so i just got b fabric put it on top of cardstock and then i cut it out eleanor glued it together with a glue stick and we were good to go i'm now moving on to the hexagon project just laying them all out not really sure what i'm doing with my life but we figure it out step by step step by step [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] baby [Music] so we're moving on again to the next project before we finish the last i had to wait on uh the pictures i ordered them off cvs one hour but it was one hour at like 10 11 p.m i don't know how late it was probably not that late eleanor was still awake anyway we are making instead of rice krispie treats i thought it would be a cute idea slash pinterest was inspiring me because i'm not very creative that's what pinterest is all about that's why we love it so much okay we don't have to be creative in this day and age we have pinterest and google they do all the thinking for us we do however have to put in the work anyway what are we making not rice krispies treats we're making honeycomb treats because it is a bee themed isn't that just so stinking fun and cute and adorable i love it so wentworth is helping me out with this obviously if it has anything to do with sugar he's right on top of it and i wanted to show you i put my hands on the pot to show you it was not that hot uh just in case you guys were like oh my gosh he's gonna get third degree burns actually i think is it third degree that's worse or first degree either way when i was in kindergarten uh we're going to take a turn here in story time i spilled a soup on my arm and i had a long sleeve sweater on it was scolding hot soup ramen noodles if you must know dad was making dinner that night actually my dad's a really good cook anyway um i had third degree burns on my arm whatever the worst burn is hold on just fact checked myself it is third degree burns they are the worst that's what i had my arm can you believe it it's crazy just from spilling soup on my arm i was just so eager to eat it grab the spoon tilted it over why are we talking about burns oh because wentworth did not get burned don't you worry about it he's safe in my hands all right i'm his mama anyway moving back to this are you guys still here so we made honeycomb crispy treats honeycomb treats well you call them whatever you want to um i just sprayed you guys know how to make them i just followed the instructions on the marshmallow packet you can google that too and the trick i know to do when i'm you know squishing all of them into the pan is spray the back of a spoon or you can spray your hands that way it won't stick to you do you know what i mean it just makes it nice and simple and easy and next we are moving on to the smash cake do you guys have a smash cake or do you just use a cupcake because i made cupcakes for everyone else i thought that would be easier it typically is and i find that more people enjoy cake if it comes in the form of a cupcake it's like they feel like they're not putting you out or it's less effort for you i don't know it's just more convenient it's easier when you do cupcakes and i could have very easily done a cupcake i don't know why i just oh you know why pinterest i can blame all everything on pinterest i saw this really cute smash cake which now that i look back at it it probably was a cupcake who knows who cares it doesn't matter i ended up doing this i found really small cake tins at homegoods wasted money on those because when am i ever going to use them again never but it's all in the name of a birthday party do you know what i mean i'm just uh using a serrated knife to get kind of the burnt edges off of it i don't know if i explained to you my oven i set it at a higher temperature than normal because it's kind of broken but still works so i have zero interest in buying a new one at this moment so it's a pretty tall cake is meredith gonna eat all that well we're gonna find out you just stick around okay and then i threw it in a ziploc bag and threw it in the fridge overnight until the next day when i ice it easy peasy lemon squeezy oh my gosh these i almost forgot about these bee stingers is what pinterest likes to call them or someone creative who put a pin on pinterest how many times can i say pinterest in this video anyway i love it so it's just pineapple and then these very fancy moon drop grapes is what they're called you could do blueberries anything that looks black because that's like the theme black and yellow it's bumble bee it's also looks like a bee stinger because it's on a toothpick watch out maybe you buy some of those dull toothpicks if you really want to what was i picking up off the floor i hope it was not a grape and i put it back on the board i know you're gonna have to rewind and watch that if it is someone ate it and we all lived to tell the tale that's all i can say about that also i got the kids to help out with this project as well super great wonderful everyone loves pineapple and grapes unless you don't and then i don't know make something else okay we're moving on now to the icing and i thought i would be able to put a lot of music in here but apparently i'm talking to you about my third degree burns that i got when i was in kindergarten so no time for music i am whipping up the icing it is the next day and there it is all light and fluffy i have a very magical recipe for icing i'll try to link it below comes out perfect every time you get a pound of butter not a pound two sticks of butter so a cup is that a cup of water i'm pretty sure and you whip it in your kitchenaid or a mixer five minutes get it nice and white and then you add the powdered sugar one cup at a time i think it's in total i don't remember five or six cups follow your heart okay and then you only add a little bit of milk as you see i don't measure well that's a lie i measure with my heart okay and you measure with yours unless you don't want to and then use two tablespoons let's start let's do that and then each time you incorporate one cup of powdered sugar you mix it for two minutes in between and that keeps the icing nice and light and fluffy and delicious and that is my spoon test to make sure it is done it's not too thick it's not too thin it's perfect it will hold its shape and still be delicioso oh did you think we were going to ice the cupcakes well happy we met i jump around the kitchen like i jump around my brain i'm making this like honeycomb trail mix i don't know the official name again pinterest inspired me i just have some honeycomb cereal in there and then some teddy grams which oh my first of all i spilled all of that it's like ugh my life you know but when's the last time you had a teddy graham can you tell me because uh this weekend was the last time i had one and holy cow how much sugar is in a teddy gram i will say that uh kodiak cakes makes teddy grams almost bought them but they're like twice as much as these teddy grams were so i said i'll save three bucks and oh here we are icing the cake so if but if you want a healthier version to a teddy bear a chocolate teddy bear i wanted to throw that out there they have it it's available for you i've bought them before and they are delicious all my kids like them but they are on the expensive side so if you don't have a coupon or anything or you're trying to stay on budget you know use the tiger i'm just saying teddy graham's i felt like i was just eating pure sugar i was delicious i'm not gonna lie i didn't eat more than a couple so i will also say that okay here i am icing it guys if you're laughing this is not the crumb coat i have a lot to say about this too i tried to make it look rustic and cool but apparently i am neither rustic nor cool so this is what i ended up with i'm laughing so hard at this cake right now i tried to make it look you know rustic and trendy it looks like a crumb coat gone wrong you know what that's all i'm doing i'm not gonna put anything else on it this is the cake topper that i got um it's like bigger than the cake what on earth was i thinking i should have got a cupcake topper and then i also got these off of amazon they're just little uh you know bumblebee decorations hopefully these uh kick it up a notch we can hope it makes it look a little better okay here is the cake topper we just put it on just to see oh i should have put this on very last but that's not so bad i mean it's pretty bad it looks absolutely ridiculous but i bought it so i'm pretty sure we're just gonna take a picture with it so for the cake i used the white icing but for the cupcakes i wanted to make little beehives so i got this yellow food gel i'm just turning my icing yellow nice and just like that it only takes a tiny little bit of this food gel it's wilton and i use golden yellow and if you use the gel you don't have to use that much and it won't change the texture whereas if you use food coloring like liquid food coloring you might have to use enough where it makes it a little bit runny [Music] lost in the shadows of a million stars shouldn't they in my mind near and far shouldn't they at all just tell me where you are [Music] send a prayer if i'm out of luck send a little love and i'll make it back send me a letter and a bottle of wine telling can we just take a second to appreciate how terrible these look what the first one doesn't look that bad but the rest of them miserable i'm usually pretty good at making cupcakes but oh everything's going wrong these burned because my oven is broken and i didn't set it at the right temperature they taste good we tried one last night and then now the icing looks like poop great i wonder if a bee will be able to save this okay well 700 things just went wrong i went to go put and the icing in a new bag and try a new tip oh now my battery's dying but i started putting the icing in the bag before i added the tip it was a disaster we're just gonna try this all right this is my tried and true i'm just gonna make a little flower that looks so much better already i even did it the wrong way that looks much better awesome that don't mean i'm gonna give it away baby baby baby better better better awesome okay these teeny tiny bumblebees better make it look oh my gosh oh this icing's a little dry i waited too long so it looks so much better what about on the flower oh so stinking cute a little bit movie oh right up top that's perfect awesome once upon a time i would have spent literal hours making these bees out of like royal icing or fondant or whatever i just don't have the time for it anymore and also oh no the little wing broke let's be real these are probably way cuter than anything i would have created on my own plus i save hours days take the help where you can get it you know oh yes yes here they are in their bumblebee glory yeah little bumblebees oh okay now the honeycombs or whatever these are buzz what the heck what's that what is this called a beehive now the beehives look cute well cuter right behind perfect so stinking sweet i've been prepping all morning finally got myself put together the party's pretty soon oh my god the fresh air i set up a little art station for them pretty cute so i set up uh i have a couple of these bins of rocks i got them from michael's you guys if you look on amazon these rocks are so expensive painting rocks or whatever they're called river rocks i think but at michael's this entire bin jar container 3.99 and again if you have a coupon it's even less so i bought two of them on two separate occasions i'm gonna see how many we need i don't wanna put them both out if we don't need them and then i got these pens uh in store they're expensive on amazon they're cheaper actually i couldn't find the medium the thicker ones at michael's i found thin ones for more like 15.99 or something these on amazon i want to say we're 10 maybe 15 i don't remember i'll link it below but they're thicker and i thought it would be a better option especially when they're painting on pretty large rocks like that they're acrylic paint so keep that in mind if you have super little ones and don't want to ruin anything but can't ruin anything in my house you know what i mean [Music] well this is a work in progress alex just went to go pick up the sandwich platters and i'm gonna cook the chicken oh my gosh best chicken on planet earth where is i get it from costco it's new in my costco so if your costco doesn't have it be patient maybe it's coming uh these little nuggets oh my heavens you guys they taste like chick-fil-a which is what we normally do on birthday party days we just order a bunch of chick-fil-a nuggets the kids are happy about it but cheaper i'm just saying and then over here i always like to have a little keepsake and uh this is kind of like a guest book where people can remember that they shared this special day with us so i made this one and as you can see wentworth got a hold of it i did not put it up high enough then i just made another one and what we're gonna do with this is i have just different colored paints and they're just gonna take their finger and make uh finger paint finger print my brain and i'm gonna try to make them look like little bees i'll shoot up the pinterest inspo right here and we'll see what it ends up looking like at the end of the day the kids drew a few things for meredith's party because they're super cute and excited this is the finished banner i'm not sure how much of it i showed you last night uh so i was trying to do hole punches through this um yeah hole punch doesn't work through fabric if you're wondering i did the leg work for you so i just with puffy paint wrote queen bee and i'm gonna try to attach this to her whatever this is called high chair as soon as i clean it it's real life people okay nothing's perfect in my home this did not turn out how i expected but like etsy it's got nothing on this i'm just saying it was a lot cheaper than etsy i will say that and then this um went alex again he just left and he's gonna pick up the photos that i printed out last night cvs one hour photo love you so much oh and these i'm trying to figure out a way where i can display these so people can well kids well if people if they want to can put these on their heads meredith will not keep hers on we're going to try to get a picture uh when they come in the door so i don't oh do i have an old oatmeal container i don't think i do oh my word and i realized i didn't share with you my favorite thing about this birthday you got well other than the fact that meredith is turning one hallelujah great wonderful i found these gnomes on amazon i couldn't say no look how stinking cute they are they she's got a bee all she's got bees all over her and so does he and they're in the kitchen making up some stuff i just love them so much so ma uh you know what i'm gonna keep them around forever and ever obviously they're more like summer themed with the bumblebees and this way i can remember her birthday forever not that i would forget it but you know what i'm saying it's just a little keepsake i'm obsessed i'm obsessed with them and i'm just sprinkling i have some leftover beehives whatever those are called honey i keep forgetting the name of these sticks honeycombs let's just go with that i'm just going to sprinkle them around just for fun because i have nothing else to do with them oh and i almost forgot the main attraction not really the main attraction but you guys get what i'm trying to say i didn't i share this with you yesterday i'm pretty sure i did finally lit the candle i'm not kidding it takes like .2 seconds for this candle to waft through the house i love it and then we have the honey favors right there aren't they so adorable i'm just saying and then the little sign i printed out oh my gosh i almost forgot to share with you i printed out something else that's pretty amazing so i was like okay well what the heck are the kids gonna do other than painting i mean that's gonna last however long 15 minutes probably max then they're going to destroy my house with all the toys they play with so uh you guys know eleanor's love for word searches even though it's not her party meredith doesn't really have a love for anything yet because she's only one years old look what i created this word search word search yeah it's a word search i keep trying to call them crossword puzzles it's not so i just wrote our little honeybee meredith this one oh i'm crying and then i got a like i searched for a free uh what a word search creator maker just on google just googled it and i put in all of these words and then i took a snapshot of just this made it bigger on canva added a title add some added some embellishments and then i added all the words at the bottom so if you're curious on what to add again i'll try to link whatever i can if i can figure out how to like link this uh maybe i'll take meredith's name off or whatever and you can write in your child's name if you're trying to create one too cute right but her name is in the word search so well you'll just have meredith in your word search bumblebee pledge my love and loyalty to all the hive and everybody our motto is and okay update over here it's like last minute mode running around rampant uh so this mug i didn't know what to do with it other than eat soup out of it so i threw some highlighters in there for when the cousins come over and they can do their word search and i'll just leave it on the table and this needs to go up on the wall pronto oh my word okay great it's cockeyed this is wonderful you know what it's better than nothing etsy hasn't got anything on me hgtv give me a call i'm ready for my debut i it's cute right it's you know what it's a homemade party and that's what it's all about let's just uh oh pray it doesn't fall down i think it's pretty sturdy so funny it's like falling help me out okay oh my gosh speaking of help me out okay my gosh it took me 20 years to focus that someone sent me this bee necklace okay now you can see it isn't that darling and i thought it was so fitting for today it is a necklace uh it just looks weird on me so i just made it into a bracelet [Music] nobody told me to settle down day nights and late nights don't get around but there's something about you something about you i like about you're crazy for saying i should slow down but maybe i'm escaping the love we found there's something about [Music] here it is instead of the traditional like monthly photos where the baby looks all cute i mean meredith always looks cute but this is literally day one with her eyebrows you guys know fan of her eyebrows since the beginning they've been fierce they've been expressive they've been amazing and i just think it's so much funnier to have her through every month making this face do you know what i mean i love it so that's what we ended up doing so stinking cute am i right now i have to hang it up on the wall i had to take a couple masterpieces down but this is a masterpiece in and of itself i can't believe how long that took me to make i do not recommend but it is cute and it is fun it fits with the theme i also wanted to add um the corner cutter i have oh wow we did a great job making those even it doesn't matter see how it rounds off the corners and makes it look nice i got this from creative memories many many like when i was in high school i don't know 15 20 years ago has it been 20 years how old am i it doesn't matter let's go get meredith i think i heard her she just woke up from her nap [Music] the birthday girl yeah let's get a stick i married it is it your party your party's today yes [Laughter] how old are you turning can you say one merry to save one i'll hold this can you say one oh here you come yay how old are you one good girl one i'm like dancing [Music] hi we busted out the word search and they said it's quite difficult which ones have you found so far oh wait whose is this one ah when we did a great job we found it buzz birthday calling what are you doing all the easy ones are you painting some rocks oh there it comes you said you just have to press it a couple times and then it should start coming out right eleanor yeah is that what you guys had to do yeah okay cool all right show me your creations when you're all finished someone make a bumblebee oh yay good i don't understand oh i didn't ask you to do anything when were they look so good oh i love when you make little people awesome oh beware it'll probably stain your fingers just oh be where be careful what's that what is that can you say squirrel can you say can you say squirrel that squirrel can you say squirrel is that a squirrel oh i get sick can you say squirrel yeah you like it yay oh you want your [Music] gift [Music] there's a squirrel here you can look look [Music] you don't care about it four hours later and they only have two left i have three lines get on it hey mary dude here we go happy birthday to you happy birthday dear man happy birthday [Music] here we go let her have the smash [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that is a wrap on meredith's birthday actually the day isn't even all the way over it feels like it has been four days prepping okay my uh one of our cousins came over to pick up her kids and she is actually doing something for girl scouts tonight and she was prepping for you know that get together and we were talking like you know comparing how much time and effort and energy you put into planning a party and getting everything ready and together versus how long the party actually lasts and i was like you're right it's you can't compare the two literally i spent days maybe even a whole month planning for this like going through pinterest looking at ideas and all that kind of stuff and then i think oh my gosh weddings do you know what i mean how long did you spend prepping for your wedding planning it all that maybe a year i think average is like a year and then four hours go by and you're like well was it worth it it never is i'm just kidding it was totally worth it meredith's party was a success it was wonderful and all the people who celebrated with us are wonderful and everyone we wanted to this book i hope i got a clip of her saying squirrel my sister-in-law was like what words can she say i was like squirrel can you believe it out of everything i don't know why she is so fascinated with squirrels but i got this book from costco is the price still on it no oh yes it is 13 i initially got it because of the honeybees and this book is so cool it makes noises and there's a squirrel in it so i just thought that was so perfect did i pass the squirrel already i must have there it is isn't it so cute anyway i'll try to get her doing a couple of her milestones she's outside we just took a family photo out in the backyard i'll probably post it to my instagrams if you don't follow me there i'll leave the information here in my description box you know the jazz the jazz here she comes oh come on meredith here you come come on you can do it just try to catch some of meredith's milestones on camera it's just impossible when you want them to do something they definitely won't uh she can say a few words then she can kind of walk not really and it's fun to watch when she takes more than like five steps and she's just like this the whole time anyway the video's over i hope you enjoyed your time hanging out with me i hope i gave you some birthday party prep ideas if you're prepping for a bee themed birthday party and if you just came to hang out watch meredith grow i appreciate your company if you want to subscribe put a little happy in your day and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 96,463
Rating: 4.9718866 out of 5
Keywords: BEE, decorate with me, first birthday party, party prep, the wads, thewads, budget birthday party, stay at home mom, birthday party, bee birthday party, birthday party ideas, DIY birthday, party decoration ideas, 1st birthday party idea, 1st birthday party prep, diy party decor, birthday party prep with me, sahm, bee theme baby shower, bee theme games, bee theme birthday party, bee day party, first birthday, diy party
Id: b-1Mzy8Sgak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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