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hey guys welcome back to my channel today i'm gonna be going through our party prep for my daughter's birthday she's gonna be two and her party is tomorrow so party prep starts today i wanted to start earlier but everything it's going to be a really low-key birthday so the food we're just going to have some pizza and everything else kind of had to be made last minute so we are starting today but before i get started on all of that i wanted to go through some of the things that you're not going to see in this video you'll see it tomorrow that way that you can get links and stuff down below if you need to and then everything else i will mention throughout the video and a voiceover and i will link as much as i can um down below but the first thing i was going to show you is i'm not okay here's a disclaimer i'm not super into outfits but for some reason like a theme for their birthday makes me really really excited and if i haven't mentioned it already we're having a bee themed um like a honeybee birthday party i know that soon we're gonna have frozen and all of that kind of stuff kind of birthday party so i wanted to do as many cutesy themed birthday parties as i can before she can object so i thought it would be cute to have like a bee theme and this is the little dress that i got her it's um it's so cute it's little beast and it was so affordable there was one that i wanted on etsy but it was true it was like 50 and i'm just i'm not gonna do that so um i got this off of amazon and my plan was just to have she already has like little uh yellow and white bloomers i was just gonna put them on her um but the high 75 and the birthday party is at four o'clock so i don't know if it might be too cold for that and if it is i'll just put some of her like blue jeans or blue jean shorts or whatever because it's a rather short dress but they're going to be playing outside so i'll probably she's going to be warm enough so anyways it's this and then i got her um these converse tennis shoes they're not truly converse but they are so cute and heavy duty and they were they wasn't the cheapest in the world they i think they were like 21 or 22 but i thought for the price they were like really really good tennis shoes and she needed um new tennis shoes anyways and so it's gonna be this with these and then i'm gonna put her hair probably in pigtails i don't know it depends on what i feel like tomorrow but um just some bows in her hair that she already has and then um i also have in case you don't know i have another son he is four months old so i have this little short set and then i have um i got him a tiny trucker hat and it's black and white and i'll show you that right here as well as his shoes and i got his shoes off of amazon i'll link them below and then his hat is um actually from a website um called tiny trucker and they actually gave me a code for y'all and so if you go to their website and use the code abby20 then you get 20 off of your order so that's and they're already really affordable hats hats are kind of expensive and i didn't know that until i started to buy them for my son so um it's a really good deal y'all should check it out and then for me i'm just gonna wear this shirt with uh blue jeans but it says be happy i thought it was really really cute and i'm just gonna like tie it up in a knot and put wear it with jeans um tomorrow and i just got that off of amazon so without further ado let's get into the video okay friends we are first starting out with the cake and this year i'm gonna use a yellow cake mix because it's so yummy and moist and super easy i mean you can make it homemade if you want to but the box cake mix is wonderful so i'm just starting out with that and i'm using nine inch cake pans and i'm gonna do a three tiered cake so i decided for before sawyer's first birthday that i would always make my kids birthday cakes because i love enjoy baking so much and it's kind of a creative thing and a challenge that i can do every single year and so i mean i might not keep that up for 18 years or whatever but as long as i want to do it i think i'm going to do it because i do enjoy doing it so much um today i'm going to be making a naked birthday cake so it's super simple and easy don't think i'm all that for making the birthday cakes if i can do it anybody can do it [Music] after i did two of the box cake mixes i'm smoothing them out as much as possible and then hitting them trying to get the air bubbles out i saw pioneer woman do that so i decided to do that and then i'm just putting them in the oven so you it's a birthday cake is it good you like it you want some more do you like it oh wow that is yummy the next thing that i decided to make is this little snack mix and i saw this on pinterest and so i thought that it would not get eaten and it was just for looks but there was none left guys after the birthday party so it was a hit all it is is some honeycombs i put some teddy grams because that's what i had already that's why they're in the individual snack packs um because it's just what i had in my pantry then some marshmallows and i decided it didn't have this on the pinterest thing but i thought it needed some something salty so i put some pretzels in there and all of this came from aldi by the way and then this is the only thing i i got a bag of m ms and i separated which seems so extra i mean it seems ridiculous but i looked at the clock and it took me three minutes to go through the whole bag so i just separated the brown and the yellow and put them in the bag and then the rest of them i just put in this bowl to have out so people can eat like at my house so it did not take a lot of time even though it seems like it's super tedious it's not and it was so cute on the table number one for the pictures and then all the kids loved it and sawyer is still eating on it by the way so i thought it was a hit but it's just like a cute little snack mix and it adds to the bee theme so i'm putting them in this big ziploc bag so that it's easy to mix it up all together and then tomorrow it'll be ready to go and i can just get the throwaway plastic punch cups to put it in and display them on the table [Music] so by now the cakes are out of the oven and cooling so i decided to start on the frosting and i decided to go with my favorite type of frosting a cream cheese frosting and it is so easy unfortunately i don't have any measurements because i just kind of go by the way it looks but i first started out with a block of cream cheese a half a stick of butter and then you cream those together and then i just keep adding powdered sugar until it looks like the right consistency and i also add some vanilla but i decided to add a tad bit of milk because it was a little bit too thick but be careful with that because you don't want it too runny but this is the consistency that you want um and you if it needs more cream cheese or more butter you could just kind of have to taste it and be the judge of that but this is kind of what i wanted um just do it according to your taste so now you're just going to carefully put your cake onto whatever surface that you want it at and it's really important to cut a really flat layer on your cakes and then since i'm doing a naked cake i decided to put really really thick frosting layers in between because it's not going to have as much frosting on the outsides so i know i'm going really slow because i was kind of nervous about doing this part but um anyways so you're going to see me do this put a really thick layer of frosting in between and then we'll start on the outside [Music] so i'm really curious to know if your mom's ever made your cakes growing up or did you always get store-bought cakes because my mom um used to when we were kids would um buy our cakes because we would want like a horse cake or something like that but whenever we were in high school i would actually request my mom i would much rather have her cakes over a store-bought cake because they were so good and so that's kind of where all this cake making started i decided i wanted to make my kids cakes way before i ever had kids just because my mom did that and it was just so much more special and meaningful that way and so yeah let me know in the comments if you had store-bought cakes if your mom made you a cake and also what your favorite cake is because since i am going to be doing this i would love to branch out of my cream cheese frosting and yellow box cake mix [Music] so for the last layer you can totally cut it to make it more flat but i decided to leave it around and i'm also putting these dolls that um my mom got for me i'm just putting them in the cake to make make sure that it doesn't fall over or lean or whatever because this frosting is very thick so um you kind of have to be careful with that but um don't mind the comments when people cut into it though when they are eating your cake because my father-in-law said that he had a chicken bone in his cake and he just had a dull so don't mind that but i'm putting a lot of cream cheese frosting on the top just like the other layers and then i'm going to start to do the outside and i've never done a naked cake but from doing this i realized that you need to start from the layered parts and then work your way out so make it really thick where the white lines are basically and then just move your spatula up and down to make that make it look like a naked the naked look that you are looking for but start with the middle and then go towards the outside that's what i learned throughout this whole process so there's different ways to do a naked cake um one of the pictures that i saw that i actually really liked as well is a completely naked cake and it's just the cake on the outside and the frosting is just in the middle of the cake and on top and i do like that as well but i just knew who was coming they would want frosting so i just put a little bit one little layer on the outside and had the cake peeking through and then this stand is the stand i'm gonna put uh the cake on and my mom made that it's actually always on my kitchen table and i just thought it would look really cute on the um birthday table that we're having everything displayed on and then i got this little cake happy birthday banner off of amazon i can link it link it below because it turned out really good um and since it's a cream cheese frosting it needs to go into the fridge so i cleared out a spot did that and now i'm going to cut the watermelon i got this cookie cutter two off of amazon and i just did one watermelon and i just cut twos now the thing about this you have to do it thin slices and then the rest of it that didn't fit onto the two i put in a bowl and then i did this cute little sign it's gonna go on the table and now to tackle the balloon arch now this is the morning of the party so your girl is not party ready okay she has not gotten ready for the day she's still got her pajamas on but i used this uh machine to blow up all the balloons and also this balloon arch thing that i got um to help make it really easy i got it last year for sawyer's birthday i can link all of it below because it all came from amazon but it made it super easy i'm telling you i am not creative guys so if i can do it you can do it and it was really affordable these balloons all came from dollar tree so i'm just gonna be working with this trying to do um the balloon arch now the one thing it i learned is to do multiple sizes so do some big some small some medium and now i'm just um i hooked up the balloon arch downstairs outside that's where we're going to have the party with command strips so that it comes off really easy and then taping some of the balloons that i had left over in the holes of the balloon arch so guys it can't get it's easier than this and it kind of looks like it's hard but it's really not so yeah super easy i am so excited to show you all the final product this was such an easy and affordable birthday party and it turned out way cuter than what i was expecting those pictures are just pictures from my polaroid camera anything that i got from amazon i will link below those are little bees on the cake and it turned out really really cute but everything else came from dollar tree so make sure you look up dollar tree for affordable fines and everything else will be linked down below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and i will see y'all in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Mullinax Moments
Views: 2,362
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: birthdaypartyprep, bee birthday, bumblebeekidsbirthday, beethemebirthdayparty, littlegirlsbirthdayparty, twoyearsoldbirthday
Id: en9FrBKkBzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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