Target Shopping & Haul! Sharing Dinner, Workout, Kids Clothes Haul, & More! Let's Hang Out!

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[Music] [Music] hold on i'm trying to tidy up the house a little bit for you just don't you know what just don't look around okay hey thanks for coming over and hanging out with me party people what is the plan today that's a good question i wrote it all down okay i recently decluttered well i recently did like a whole house declutter that was fun but before i did that i decluttered both of my kids closets well i say both of my kids but i mean all four of my kids but they both share closets so it's two closets it's irrelevant i decluttered their closets so they needed a summer wardrobe for school they have like a uniform a loose uniform so come summertime they're always like oh i have nothing to wear i have no shorts i have no i'm like okay if you declutter we can go get a summer wardrobe so they decluttered some of their clothes from last year and we went to one spinal child yesterday spent about a small fortune on their clothes actually they got a lot for the amount of money that we spent i love shopping secondhand saves the environment saves your wallet all that good stuff hashtag non-spawns but i do have some of their clothes that they decluttered that are in good shape and i wanted to bring them up to once upon a child but i forgot to do that yesterday so i'm gonna do it today and we're gonna see how much money they got for their clothes i give them the money because it's like i don't know there's really no rhyme or reason i just feel like oh here's your reward for doing some work so i have to do that and i'll show you all the clothes that i got them well most of them they have picked through them and worn a few pieces i also i'm gonna make the kids lunch or whatever when i get home i also plan to share my workout with you we'll see if it's like a 15 minute workout or a 10 minute workout today oh maybe i'll share some dinner with you i just threw in a marinade so i'll show you what i put but the main attraction today is my shoe cabinet it has been weeks since i went to ikea you guys weeks i have been scouring pinterest amazon google facebook marketplace i've been scaring everything to try to find a solution to store my shoes and i just haven't found anything that i feel like would work well actually i did i saw something on facebook marketplace last night i said is this still available yes it is cool where do you live she told me i asked if she would take a different amount always trying to get a deal right she said no sorry i'm waiting on someone who is paying full price i was like so is this item available or is it pending i was like i'll pay full price anyway since i didn't get the deal off of facebook marketplace i figured i'll just go up to target and spend like 15 extra dollars than what this lady was asking for and just buy it myself it's just like a cubby storage cubby cube system whatever they're called but the baskets to go inside of that oh my gosh are they expensive one of them i was like oh that's really cute basket it was twenty dollars no thank you i'm not spending twenty dollars on six six twenty dollars times six do you know how much that is too much more than the shelf itself anyway i figured it would be good because i won't have to stare at shoes and each person in our house will have their own cubby so i have to go get that actually that's probably the first thing i'm going to do because i put in the order last night because i figured if i didn't order it i'd probably talk myself out of it so i just ordered it i'm gonna go pick it up and then i have a few more things to pick up at target so maybe i'll show you a target haul too and then we'll do the rest of this stuff let's go i actually need to put some dishes away before i head out and i forgot i told you that i was going to show you my marinade so it's just been sitting in a little baggie where is the marana if i was thinking about it i would have made something else but i wasn't thinking it's this honey mustard marinade and dressing i also have this one which i feel like would really be good it's a bit creamier cilantro ranch lime that sounds good right in my head i was going to add like fresh lime juice to it and i feel like that would just kick it up a notch but i didn't and here we are you know what i might run into home goods to see if they have any um baskets and stuff and while i'm there i need a new 8x8 baking dish because this one i have tried everything in my power to get it clean also it chipped which is so sad but i've been using it but i have scrubbed my elbow grease is just not enough for this i use baking soda and lemon i use all kinds of cleaning concoctions and it's just not coming out and that's my brownie tray so i definitely need a new one okay good enough okay so here are all of the clothes we just have a bag full of pants and then this is stacked like double high the baby clothes are on the bottom big girl clothes are on the top so um let's see how much money they get last time they got 30 bucks so i'm hoping for something good we have arrived at the land of target let's see what's inside what kind of goodies we can find hold on i saw these online they are eight dollars and they're like sophie's reincarnated you guys styles really do recycle themselves are you looking at these and in some of the pictures they haven't even rolled down one this is a good life man i'm laughing because they had someone bring out a pallet cart to put it in our car i was like i could just carry it out it's no big deal but they're so helpful back inside to get the rest of the crap we need we've been shopping around target and i'm at the basket section uh looking for the right size basket i also don't want to spend a million dollars on a dang basket can i get an amen twenty dollars i think this is the size i need yeah 13 inch there's more over here no thank you okay these are cute baskets and i actually think this is the style like the um the natural wood these are ten dollars and they're like half the size that i need they wouldn't work for what i need but they're really cute okay i have bought these before and these are ten dollars i love that but i'm looking for something a little sturdier since it's going to be pulled every single day probably multiple times a day i actually think this is the cabinet i just got but i got it in the natural color would oh take a look at these candles they kind of rival uh bed baths and body works at that store i'm gonna sniff on them oh they're only ten dollars they're really pretty i mean i say only but compared to uh bed bath and beyond you know okay i found a couple more baskets over here not those but i thought that was pretty i thought i would share it with you these are maybe the ones i was looking at i don't know they're pretty but gosh are they expensive even more candles over here i smelled a bunch of them they're all starting to smell the same but this one is probably my favorite so i needed to buy some disinfectant for our diaper pail i like to spray it out and look what i found grove is now selling the glass spray bottles and the concentrates here so they have a few different scents on the concentrates and i love that i love how it cuts down on waste yes two thumbs up javelina's with me oh my gosh i smell the coffee it smells so delicious brings me back to my college days look at that lemon pound cake maybe i'll go home and make that maybe tomorrow oh i'm drooling we're getting starbucks but not real starbucks i'll show you in a sec the barista's doing his thing the coffee smells divine here comes here thank you so much looks delicious thank you okay so initially i asked for water with strawberries in it because i've heard other people say that you can get that at starbucks and it comes in a starbucks cup so your kids feel like they're getting something special uh well i'm here to tell you it is four dollars you better believe i'm not spending four dollars on ice water and a few strawberries so instead what i got avelina because she was asking for one is this dragon fruit drink i guess it's coconut milk and i have no idea dragon fruit i'm guessing i'm gonna try some do you like it yeah it matches my outfit we never drink at starbucks so this is a true treat that was like five dollars only for summertime summertime fun i said one time only one time only all right we are headed to home goods to see if we can find baskets across my fingers i just saw someone walking around with a flamingo lamp lucky okay quick walkthrough of the aisles and i don't really see anything that would work maybe this one uh maybe not i guess something like this would work too there's three in this pack for 15 which is a decent price uh but i would need two of those packs and i don't see another one oh just my luck oh wait is that it no that's different that could work too i mean it's not like what i would want this one too but it's something oh we found more baskets i still don't think it's the size we need this one's really pretty though the handles definitely won't fit look at this this is really cute too i could have stacked these in the closet uh and you know had a cubby for everyone it's 60 for each one though so not sure if that would have worked out that's really pretty too you guys are never going to guess how much i got back and first of all i already see like right on top this was never worn i bought it for family photos for meredith she never wore this i wonder if they took the pants they didn't even take oh no that's a bathing suit oh they must have taken the pants but not the top that went with it hmm interesting it's baby gap there are no stains i don't know whatever whatever so how much do you think i got back it doesn't look like they took anything because um the clothes were like compact and folded before and now they're just thrown in there how much do you think we got like 30 dollars 43 that's a lot of money so that means you get 20. eleanor gets 20 and i get three dollars for being a mom i'm gonna cut up this watermelon right here so many kids at my house let me tell you some of them are in the pool some of them are roaming around the house looking for random things i'm gonna cut this up and it's gonna be summertime fun i thought about oh i'm making a charcuterie board and doing some of that but nah i'm just oh this smells like a good one oh i wasn't sure because it looked really dark and i know sometimes when they're really dark they're like over right but this looks like a perfect melon life is a winding road no telling where it goes driving through days and nights won't stop for traffic lights [Music] okay so i'm back from target with a haul let me show you everything i got okay so uh you want to see everything i got from target cool aside from the huge shelf that i got that i need to put together fun for me uh also the baskets home good disappointed home goods didn't have any i went on amazon oh i just don't want to spend the money i also just don't i could go to ikea and get those i don't know a lot going on in here so is that our front door so i'm going to quickly show you everything i got just some conditioner the girls needed conditioner again i feel like i just bought them some they go through it like this and then they have a ball and whatever they also needed some mouth rinse i also needed some body wash found this i like olay and guess what it is cleansing and renewing it has vitamin b3 and retinol do i need that i thought how old am i i'm almost 34 my birthday's coming up really quickly it has a very strong it is pretty perfumy but it is really nice i don't that's so that's what i got i've been out of body wash for quite some time and i thought kim just get some okay i also needed some disinfectant spray and i don't know what the oh oh i could have sprayed this in the store okay i just want to give it a little whiff oh it's strong it's eucalyptus i smell that eucalyptus and thyme and oh no and spearmint yes eucalyptus all right i can dig it i just whenever i empty out meredith's diaper pail i usually spray it and i ran out of this so i needed more oh there's more in here okay couple of really fun items i needed okay i got some beauty items i guess they're doug oh no i found some right here some toner the toner that i use apparently they're out of it last time i went to target they didn't have it that was like over a week ago if you can believe i've been out of target for a week and they didn't have it so i i almost went online to buy it but then i didn't i thought oh next time i go they'll have it but guess what they didn't so i just grabbed this the toner i like is like acne like fights acne whatever i'm 34 i have wrinkles and pimples it should be illegal but it's not so i need like acne fighting toner which this does have salicylic acid in it so i grabbed it not a huge fan of the scent and then i thought well i was looking at all of the toners because i spent probably 20 minutes looking at all the toners and i found some really cool ones some of them were quite expensive like 20 bucks which i almost got but then i thought well i don't know so i ended up getting this one it's the bliss brand which i've never tried anything from but what got me is the really cool lid i used to have well my sister used to have something like this and i just thought she was like the oh it's here it goes oh i thought they would be sealed or something i just always thought she was the coolest on the block she had a container like this and she would get put nail polish remover in it and i was like man that's so cool so clear genius it's clarifying toner and serum i'm totally into that at my ripe old age of 34 and then i grabbed some grove co ultimate dish soap cleans 1 000 dishes 1 000 dishes do we believe that claim dazzling sparkling dishes so on the back it talks about our aluminum packaging is helping to end the plastic era for good for good and i really like that and i like buying concentrates i'm laughing because i have a laundry full of like plastic uh all-purpose sprays and stuff like that but i'm going to be more conscious and buy more concentrates that's my plan but this is uh dish soap so i figured well i need this so it claims a thousand plates how can you go wrong i also got some makeup i've been out of my powder for a while so i might look a little greasy no big deal i also needed some toothpaste last time i was at the dentist i said i use this toothpaste is this toothpaste okay is it like the junk food of toothpaste because one time i heard someone say that and she said use whatever as long as it has fluoride i use whatever's on sale and i said that's my kind of toothpaste okay and then i grabbed this it's new i guess it fights stubborn acne and this is a benzyl peroxide treatment and for whatever reason i've been breaking out lately i don't know if it's the kind of food i'm eating the kind of fake oh you know what i ran out of my face wash i finally bought some off of amazon it's like a specialty one it's expensive i mean it's not crazy expensive but i always dread buying it it lasts me so long i don't know why i dread it but i was out of it for a while and then i broke out a bunch and i was like i should buy it anyway so i used to have a benzoyl peroxide i used to use some before i got pregnant because i don't think you're supposed to use this when you're pregnant i don't know i guess i should read the warnings or whatever but it was uh prescribed to me way back when so it was probably like a higher dosage than this anyway i just thought that it won't hurt to add it it's maybe it's bad for my body i don't know maybe i should need to google research it before i put it on my body put it on my face and all that kind of stuff i got bobby pins i got clear elastics because we blazed through 500 pieces faster than you think i also got these really small clear they look like i don't know they're like stretchy hair ties avalina asks for these you know what else avelina asked for contact solution i don't know what she's making and then some magical potion for slime and then some clear glue for slime because i guess dad approved slime for summer time and then some whatever this is foaming uh shaving cream to make some slime and i got a book for avelina this one is called truly tyler she's read all the other books by this author it's a graphic novel and she's really into those so it'll probably she reads them multiple times but the first time she reads them she like blazes through it i'm like go read it again uh oh and then for summertime last time we went to the beach our little things broke speaking of like single-use plastic and trying to be nicer to the environment whenever anyone talks to me about like oh you use ziploc bags or whatever and i try to use them sparingly i also try to wash them and i have reusable like silicone ziploc bag type of things anyway whenever someone talks to me about being environmentally friendly i like to remind them that one i use reusable bags so there's that i also cloth diapered for children so once you do that and scrape poop out of a diaper for four children then you can talk to me about buying a toy that's plastic that will probably last me a couple of years because the last one i bought i bought two of them oh i'm gonna have to see if they if she rung up two for some reason i thought it was just one oh wow i'm an idiot i so i want to say these were like five dollars and i thought five dollars look there's four in there so you could do a little team and i just thought that was a great deal but now i'm it's two i'm an idiot oh my gosh that's so funny anyway we recently went to the beach tried to play but they were broken so we needed more wow wow wow i also got two cartons of strawberries and then two boxes of my kids favorite cereal milk cereal cereal and milk cereal and milk cereal and milk milk and cereal all right that is my whole target haul that's it okay time for dinner i'm pulling now the good old gfg the george foreman we had someone over the other night and they were younger and they were like gushing about the gfg and i was like you've never heard of a gfg so i guess i'm at that stage of my life where like young people have no idea what i'm talking about i saw a shirt today at target that said it was sister sister and i was like oh my gosh the coolest okay so i'm just gonna cut up some veggies some peppers and onions because that's what i've been craving i just really want some like peppers and onions and then will it go well with mustard chicken who the heck knows um i'm gonna let that come to room temperature as much as it will by the time i like cut all this stuff up meat that is at room temperature uh cooks better and more evenly than if it's not at room temperature i have two green bell peppers one red one one onion what starch should i just make like rice okay let's make basmati rice really spice things up over here and i just use my rice cooker to make [Music] rice my gosh my plant is falling apart back here look the stems are falling off it's finally dying i don't know why maybe too much water i don't know do you see that i have been semi-struggling lately i've been wanting to film a what's for dinner video but so i'm trying to look for like new and exciting recipes and for whatever reason i just am only able to find desserts maybe because that's all i want to make maybe i'll just make a summer desserts recipe video not sure if people are ready for that but i sure am oh my gosh this smells so good i'm cutting it in really chunky pieces because that's what i want anyway so if you have any really great summertime dinner recipes i'd love for you to share them with me okay i'm gonna start on the veggies now cause we're cuckoo for cocoa puffs cuckoo for cocoa puffs i just do a little bit of oil rice krispies in the morning look at this beautiful colorful tray of deliciousness i like to wait until the pan gets nice and hot and add my veggies that's a lot of veggies and then i just add a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper keeping things nice and simple i cooked them at a pretty high temperature while the veggies are cooking i'm going to throw my chicken on that's it look at that seam yes please okay i think everything is done and here's dinner a nice simple very very fast meal it took me probably max 10 minutes to throw together i mean the rice took about i don't know 12 to cook in the instant pot but eat your heart out julia child moon it petite i should also mention we have a few contenders as far as um sauces go sriracha barbecue sauce delicious classic barbecue sauce and some good sweet red chili sauce my kids really like that i have to tell you i just cut up the chicken so of course chef's taste i had to taste it right the marinade is delicious it's not like a huge mustardy overpowering flavor but i mean maybe it's because it's chicken thighs too but it kept the chicken really really moist and it gives it just a little flair a little kick i like it i just laid out eleanor's summer wardrobe and they were so excited to spend the day with me yesterday to go shopping and i i just love thrift store shopping and once upon a child is my favorite thrift store when it comes to buying like kids clothes because they have an amazing selection and their clothes are always well at least my local one is superb top notch because they always have great clothes nothing looks worn or raggedy or anything like that so i'll show you everything eleanor has to wear for her summertime fun wardrobe here it all is and actually a few pieces are missing i know she has purple shorts that go really good with that top and i'm sure a few more pieces are missing i think she got a pajama set i'm not really sure most of these pieces i'm just going to scan by them obviously this pink flamingo top is one of my faves what brand is it oh it's justice so they have really great brands too for a really affordable price most of these shirts i mean they range depending on the brand from two dollars and fifty cents most of them i think were three dollars and fifty cents some of the tags are already off because they got so excited they were just started ripping them off getting them ready for the laundry this skirt is another one of my faves like this top are you kidding me is so adorable so many of the clothes i thought man i wish they had that in my size because they were just so darling i did find a two-piece set in avelina size uh but yeah as you can see this is one of her favorites cool so a lot of summery colors a lot of fun stuff i have laid out oh this takes me so much longer than anyone would probably think i laid out all of avelina's clothing uh yeah all right so many pants so many pants actually right up here is eleanor's dress doesn't this just scream summertime the sun the watermelon the rainbows the rain the sea fish i mean starfish so we've got some pajama shorts a lot of pants oh my gosh these golden girl pants up here the these are my favorite i wish they were in my size and then these they are so flowy and fun at the bottom at the bottom we were describing styles and she was trying to explain her style or what she wanted she wasn't sure what her style is she kept throwing around like cottage core and light academia mostly because those are the only two styles that i know and but like this shirt specifically screamed cottage cord to me i love the ruffles on this like high-waisted skirt so yeah i don't know what her style is hodgepodge is what she called it she likes the ripped jeans so i gave in oh my gosh and she got a two-piece bathing suit she got this cover-up isn't it darling but yeah she got a two-piece bathing suit for the very first time so she was really excited about that but it's very cute so i'll have to show that to you like on it it's in the washer right now i'll have to show it like next time she's wearing it on instagram i'll snap a picture or something it is darling oh speaking of style i got dressed this morning and she goes ooh mom that's like light academia i was like oh no big deal okay there's that cool i could have totally walked this to my car uh now it is time to put this together i hope it doesn't take forever all right well here we go [Music] who will pick you up when you've lost everything does it all become for granted with a wedding ring there must be more there must be another way there must be conscious different things in different ways of faith has got to come my way [Music] i was just a little [Music] happiness requires work every day [Music] don't let them so this should fit perfectly no oh kim why oh no oh no oh no squeeze it in this way it doesn't fit whatever oh i measured i measured a measured all right here we go 30 inches it says 30 inches 30 inches 30 inches where are you 30 inches tell me if that isn't 30 inches you gotta see it you got 30 inches you see that right in the corner 30 inches 30 inches 30 inches and some centimeters to spare it doesn't fit it doesn't fit it doesn't fit maybe if i take this door off well i'm done dealing with that for now i got dressed i'm gonna do a little workout before my family gets home they're at martial arts right now they'll probably be home in about 10 minutes perfect amount of time to do sydney cummings 10 minute workout but let me share with you the cutest sandals that i found from meredith at once upon a child aren't these darling oh yes all right let me get mine so grab your mini band or our new royal change glute resistance [Music] [Music] holding back i got history [Music] i will [Music] but be you make me change don't [Music] something in me that says me got the same old thoughts be my referee i'll be all right [Music] i will be all somehow you make me change another workout 10 minutes just move your body it doesn't take much look i'm sweating it was just 10 minutes that's it 10 minutes and i'm sweating you have 10 minutes don't tell me you don't okay you have 10 minutes i know you do i forgot to show you a few items that i got for meredith aren't they so mistaken darling i just picked up a few things for her this shirt oh my gosh it's like like something an adult would wear but in kid's size i love when they do that and then i found this really sweet like princess cartoony shirt i used to have a really nice painting that looked like that but um i think i got rid of it when we moved when i got married this shirt is the bee's knees what does it say keep busy oh that's so sweet and then this little lightweight shirt and then some shorts she's wearing the cutest outfit today let me see if i can get her show me your flamingos let's stand up show me your flamingos oh flamingos where is meredith where is meredith peekaboo you look so sweet in your outfit where's meredith where's meredith and then i bought a few shirts for wentworth i just decluttered his clothes he has so many bottoms i just figured he needed a few new shirts for summertime even though it's like dark and totally not summertime it's just a shirt i thought he he really likes the dinosaurs and then just a couple of other shirts how much were these oh this one was on clearance so it was 350 but half off that oh this one was clearance too 350 half of that wow i really scored and then i just got a set of pajamas for him lightweight they're shorts and uh shorts and then i got in this really cool summertime fun shirt he wore it yesterday i'll see if i can post something about it here uh okay it's been a while clearly the shoe situation is not the solution i was looking for but we're getting used to it we just got these bins in last night they started filling them up whose shoes are these i don't know i i'm not sure about these bins if i would recommend them yet they are collapsible they're hard because this door is in the way you know but temporary solutions i have to keep reminding myself uh they come in a three pack on amazon they fit they're like the 13 inches but i don't know the house i mean they're pretty sturdy up here and down there it's just it's a work in progress i guess is all i'm trying to say but alex was able to slide that cabinet in there he took the door off and if you can see on the bottom it fits but over the footboard so better than nothing i guess you know i mean we could put it right here we could but we didn't but that is it good gravy thanks for hanging out with me i hope you enjoyed your time i always enjoy my time with you if you want to subscribe put a little happy on your day and i will see you next time bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 98,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the wads, thewads, target, new at target, target shopping, target shop with me, 10 minute workout, work out with me, day in the life, ditl, mom of 4, whats for dinner, Target haul, summer 2021, target haul 2021, target summer, kids clothes, once upon a child haul, kids clothing haul, around the house happenings, getting stuff done, hang out with me
Id: Po50C0fK8hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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