Our First Day Of Seeding - 2021

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[Music] we're going seeding today so right now we're loading our peas in tank one a and one b they're joined together one b will run into one a this is where our peas are going tank two is where our phosphate is going to go and then tank five on the other side is where our inoculate is going to go we don't have any nitrogen going down with the peas they don't need any they fix their own nitrogen from the atmosphere so they make their own plant food [Music] okay what's this supposed to be 11.6 just filled the drill drill is calibrated we hope how do we calibrate the drill ipad rose gold ipad and we're off day one our seating journey starts now those are my get out the way buttons our first field is a mile down the road here we're going to start our peas down there a couple quarters of peas not too many this unit really ran well for us last year's our first year with it uh with the uh we have the 591 monitor it's the x35 monitor now so we went up a couple of additions there so that was a bit of a learning curve but yeah we're going to put some p's in and oh now i got a semi coming oh geez he'll have to move [Music] pull in [Music] so yeah this unit ran really well for us last year our peas looked really good we haven't grown peas for quite a few years so we're kind of getting back into it got a couple more quarters of peas this year and yeah day one see what happens [Music] [Applause] okay green means go here we go boys we're going we're sitting here it's on the headlamp pass things are beeping i'm so excited i'm so nervous oh i love it todd's driving around he's checking depth he's checking runs just gave me the same thumbs up so i guess we're good to go okay headlines are done um i got my eb line set up i just want to hop outside and check out dev todd said it was good but i haven't checked yet i'm just going to do an overview of what's going on see if i can see anything that i don't want to see i don't want to see any kinked hoses or hydraulic leaks or anything like that we're just going to do a quick visual check shouldn't be any plugged runs because it's not muddy out it didn't take any sharp corners everything seems fine let's go check let's go check the depth moisture is not too too bad it's better than i thought so we want to be down in the moisture here's a guy right here so he's sitting at least an inch down maybe up to an inch and a half yeah this guy's a little bit deeper i think that's really good keep going [Music] here we have the versatile monitor uh tells us our our gear engine speed uh def and fuel hours on the tractor we can go into hydraulics i only have two hydraulics going right now our one fan and the openers so that's what those green bars are they can also go over here and it tells us our engine workload only at 47 this tractor is not even working it's not even not even pulling hard this thing has so much power um 21 and a half acres per hour over here's my raven this is my guidance this is what's driving the tractor on my av line uh the ipad that we also use to calibrate the drill i have plugged in and it reads my scale so slowly my scale is dropping which means our seeds are going out here we have our cameras inside the tank this camera here is our peas and this is our starter fertilizer and camera 4 doesn't want to show up to work today this is the borgo x35 monitor this is everything that's going on with the tank and drill i'm putting on three products our peas our fertilizer and our inoculant at three different rates so it has our rates in here 200 pounds an acre 20 pounds an acre and two and a half pounds an acre and then our various shaft speeds that it's putting out this is our fan speed here this is our blockage monitor so it's all green so we shouldn't have any plugged manifolds i also have a map here this is our sectional control map and then there's all these mini views on the side here so i can just have different different windows on what's all going on and stuff like that i have 49.26 acres done today and it's going not too bad i don't think see if it comes up that was a pen already don't want a dirty office so i still have lots of peas in the tank i have over two hours left of peas but our inoculant the nodulator is getting low if it's not empty already it scales a little bit out but it says it's at zero i'm gonna have to add some inoculant it helps with the root function and nutrient uptake of the peas so i'm out of that i have some bags still loaded on the side of the cart so we're going to put those bags in [Music] okay that's good this saddle tank on the side is only a 40 bushel tank so we keep our inoculant and canola meters out of there and it's super super accurate so all the low output um products go in there here at the east end like it's all dry i'm going through everything like even that big that the where i got the harrow stuck there there's there's nothing there last video i tried to tell you guys how the sectional control works i'll show you it in action here a little bit easier to understand as i'm in this little channel here part of the drill is in this part it's already seated in part is already in this that's already seated so it's going to shut down those sections and only the unseated sections are going to put out seed that way we're not double seeding and we are saving on input costs then as you come up to a place that's all seated the drill will recognize it and you'll actually lift out by itself you don't have to touch anything drill lifts out and when we come up to here another unseated little triangle here it'll go down automatically so if it's nice and straight and i'm just going headline to headland i usually take the sectional control off and then just use the button um and then towards the end of the field if i have kind of a half a strip left to finish off the field or these little triangle pieces then i'll turn it on hey look who finally showed up to work here's the last pass of this field this is where the sectional control is really nice last pass half mile stretch here i only need you know just over half of the drill seating so i have three manifolds that aren't seating still the whole drill is down but it's just really nice to save on those inputs oh we got wildlife a yody there it is first field officially done okay shut off my fan openers my fan speeds dropping there shutting off my wings [Music] look how dirty and dusty everything is it's so dry out look at the tractor it was all shiny red before okay our first field is complete next up for peas we have a half section to do south of the yard so i'm gonna stop in at the yard and we are going to fill peas and good for fertilizer i think and inoculant and a little bit of fuel i guess and then hopefully todd is going to switch me off because i'm getting kind of hungry and then i can grab some supper and then after that half section of peas uh that's all the peas we got so then i guess we'll get switched over to wheat and go from there so thanks for watching again you guys really appreciate that and i will check in later [Music] you
Channel: Dustin Bezugly
Views: 7,323
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Bourgault, Bourgault drill, seedhawk, seedmaster, morris, DOT, Seeding in Saskatchewan, Seeding wheat, seeding canola, seeding peas, X35, X30, X9, Fendt, Claas, Mike Mitchell, MillennialFarmer, Full Line Ag, Versatile, DeltaTrack, QuadTrack, Case, Full Line Austin, 1300 tank, 100 foot drill, Bezugly Farms, Farming in Saskatchewan, Farming in Canada, Farming in USA, RoGator, John Deere, Tracks, Skid Steer, Laura Farms, Larson Farms, Farm hand mike, spraying, gmos, first day of seeding
Id: aLXzsggY5WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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