Big Sky, Big Acres, and Big HP | Seed it all!

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so oh that's not going to fit the shop that   is a beautiful sight no no no no  no no the other direction oh my bad all right everyone i'm back in  the saddle or at least a chair   uh we got back to seeding finished the peas  a few days ago weather kind of iffy if he did   some pre-spraying and now i can start seeing uh  spring wheat so we're really getting going today   we'll have today tomorrow there's another storm  coming through it's going to shut us down for a   couple days but at least we we got all the things  together uh got the drills calibrated we're out   seating everything seems to be working well so  that's cool anyway i was just going to show you   this place a couple years ago at least three years  ago uh we had a huge lake we call it welker lake   actually bird crap lake it showed up in a number  of videos well i am seeding across the bottom   of that lake yeah that's when we had a  couple years of pretty good snowfall runoff   filled this and then uh two years ago in june we  had three and a half inches of rain in about two   hours and it filled at the highest i've ever seen  it and so it was there for a couple years and then   last year it finally dried out enough that we were  able to see peas i'm seeding over last year's peas   and so that's kind of the nature of this country  you know that some said well why don't you   irrigate out of that uh that water well it's not  very deep but anyway it's already interrupt your   uh uh coffee time you can go ahead and grab  your cup and i'll catch you on the next step   all right well not much farm work getting  done right now absolutely gorgeous weather   not even a hint of wind old glory's  just hanging there quietly the ground   it's close it's not quite there  little muddy a little storm we had   it wasn't a big storm but it was enough to  stop us for about two days we still got a   lot of acres out of us though i think we're  sitting at about seven thousand left to go   and these two drills are gonna have to hammer it  out it should be nice though we could speed things   up a little bit these drills behind me are called  flex coils flex coil canadian company became   kcih and new holland flex coil was acquired by  c h industrial and now flex coil is branded as   new hollands or kcih it's painted red or blue same  company just they make different paint colors now   do you think that they could work with maybe  like a distant relative of theirs so here hear   me out here hear me out here okay we've got got  an old bud 78 we've got an old drill like 2004   six five we'll take five what would happen  if we just like cut it in half and combine   new with old i know you're  probably thinking like what   are you talking about nick you guys will  see but first i need to unhook this thing   let's fire the butt up let's unhook the  toolbar pull the card ahead and get to business so so now one thing we ran into was trying to adapt  this whole drill to the cart is the length of   hoses aren't really long enough the old hoses we  had running off our main runs probably stopped   about right here and we got another four or  five feet to go so we had to get 100 foot roll   of hose and then we're gonna put all new ones in  to run across to the bottom of the output of the   manifold down here not terribly hard just  just gotta cut a bunch of length and heat   up the ends and put them on and hose clamp  them down it's nice little cradle here from   all to go through that's one thing the other  drill didn't have they tend to kind of rub   and wear here i should say it didn't have it  had a crude way but i like this a lot better   that's that's going to move and turn as it turns  less wear on the hoses anytime you've got a point   where stuff moves back and forth it's amazing  but over time it'll wear holes in everything   think of the thousands of times you turn around  in the field to go back and forth please hoses on you guys remember our meters we have  three large meters in our other carts   um they come in different sizes depending on  what type of crops and products you're using   there's fine there's coarse there's extra  course well this is what this uses there's   24 of them because this cart has 24 motors that  drive the system instead of three like ours do   what that allows you to do is do variable  rate seating so when you're turning a corner   you know your your your arm or your movement  your outside turns faster than the inside   just like the spray remember their patriot  has that set up where it pulses and outside   applicates more than the inside so you don't  over-applicate and you want to under applicate   same concept with this when you turn it'll speed  up and slow down the individual runs so that way   your air drill is putting down consistent rate no  matter what you're doing whether you're turning or   going straight but it takes all these cartridges  well we've got the right cartridges for the rest   of it for fertilizer but i gotta swap over  the housings to this color this is the orange   slash red color and that will be used for seeds  we're going to be putting seed in this back tank   so it's pretty easily just a couple tabs they  pop out swap in put them back in let's do that i think everything's hooked up the correct meters  are in now we got to do is get some product into   this machine so we can calibrate it this actually  has load cells on each hopper there's a scale   right here so it'll actually tell us how much  weight is inside each one of these tanks which is   pretty awesome so you've got a bunch of different  fail safes on knowing what's in your system and   what you've uh you've got you don't have to worry  about trying to weigh your product before you put   it in there you've got it right here so we'll  know exactly what our fertilizer weighs we'll   exactly know what our wheat weighs that's cool one  thing you might not have noticed about this cart   or if you have noticed is where is the  auger to load the thing or conveyor   and there's a reason it's not on there this  particular cart this 3725 is set up to be for   the big operation farms that run multiple rigs in  the same field and they bring their own conveyor   which we just happen to have one sitting over here  that bat go and you load directly from like semi   trailer to card because when you get these  tanks up to 700 to 1000 bushels they make a   950 version of this thing you don't load with 500  bushel tandem trucks you bring semis in the field   and when you got three or four of these running  on these 30 40 50 000 acre farms that do exist   it's crazy but they're out there there's a lot  of them it's pretty surprised they don't want   an auger on each one of their eggs they don't  want a conveyor that's an extra 70 grand or so   60 grand to throw on top of every cart they're  buying when they can just bring their one conveyor   that's portable and line all the drills  up and just put the conveyor over it   load it go load it go so we're  gonna field load with our conveyor   with this so it's kind of a new experience for us  but uh it's a pretty common practice for the big operations that's amazing how big a tank that is so we're  using the rear tank for seed we typically use   the largest tank on the cart for the seed and  then we use the two smaller tanks of fertilizer   i think it's gonna take about that whole  truck actually don't even know the capacity   of this tank yet we'll find out soon enough  with the scale i haven't looked it up but   it's big now i know you're thinking why haven't i  talked about that well we'll get to that now there   wasn't enough fertilizer in that truck to fill  this thing full so it'll take all that's in there   and i'm going to go get more fertilizer and mix  up another batch of seed to the storm oh but the   bright side is yes it takes more seed fertilizer  but it means less filling would you like first time that poor conveyor seed fertilizer   got to move it somehow okay it was messy but we  got it calibrated wasn't that it was difficult   it's just we just didn't do everything  correct the first time i made a big mess   we learned we know next time won't be the same  i just started seeding uh a little bit afternoon   we were waiting for it to dry up enough after  that snow and uh they're talking snow tomorrow   so i'm gonna try to see it as much as i can and uh  hopefully it doesn't snow tomorrow because that'd   be fantastic we could just keep on seeing and  knock out these acres because uh as of right now   let's see let me look real quick i am sitting at  391 acres seeded of spring wheat from my drill   that's not including what my dad's got going on  so we basically just started planting spray weed   but we have almost 3 000 acres of peas in which  is good but still we need to get those acres in   and uh this weather is not really gonna  cooperate as easy but that's just how it is   i picked up a hitchhiker maybe two we got roscoe  and taran my two wonderful kids my third kid   well he's not old enough to be in the traffic  just yet so he needs mom to be in the tractor aren't they just adorable are you driving a  big bud yeah you're driving a big boy yeah all right there we go there's  one kid come here oh there we go all right i love my kids   and i love my wife they're awesome they  came out to give me lunch and say hello so i just shut the tractor off   reason four is i need seed and fertilizer and  i'm over at the quonset here with all the bins   and i've got fertilizer over here but no truck  i've got a truck over here with no seed so i'm   gonna take the truck back grab the other truck a  fertilizer come over here fill my drill then take   that one back then go back to the other truck grab  that bring it over here put some seed in my drill   and then head back because the other guys are  kind of busy so one man operation at the moment   but i got to drive the red beeter peter built  beater peter built it's hard to say fast   especially with a tongue tongue tied individual  like myself i'm thinking it but it doesn't come   out the way i want it to that's that's just how  it is but anyways beater peterbilt here we go okay just let dad loose in the quad it took  a little bit to get him up the stump he's   he's running it um i just got to top the leg arms  off i gotta go fill another batch up of a tree and   seat the storage seat creator trying to keep up on  it if we can stay ahead of the drills that's good   uh if not that's bad the wiggly wagster brad's  gonna eventually come back here soon he's gonna   help us to shuttle trucks back and forth i'm gonna  end up back in the sprayer soon too and then i'll   get some time back in the quad so it's gonna be  interesting we'll see how it all plays out but   we're probably gonna shut down tomorrow in the  weather so uh we might get some downtime again   we'll see it's beautiful  right now good see weather stare at that thing all day can't you it  does block quite a bit of the air drill   but having mirrors which our big buds don't  have actually does quite a bit because   it sees an angle i look at the mirror  i can see from another angle coming in   and i actually see quite a bit of the drill  that way still though that is a massive cart   and it just doesn't empty it just stays full every  time i check it it's like full still it's crazy   so you're probably wondering why are we sitting  in the snow well it was supposed to snow today a   little bit and we're just keeping going um it's  the press wheels aren't picking up the seed yet   air drills not have any trouble running so we  just decided well let's just keep going see how   many acres we can get done everything's running  really smoothly got this all set up how we want it   intelligent eggs working now we want it so far so  good what on earth is that toolbar doing on this   setup when it you know would make sense that there  would be a new toolbar with the new attractive   new card well there was supposed to be one it  was planned uh it was supposed to be 80 feet   would have been amazing but due to some  unfortunate circumstances it did not happen so   we're improvising with our own still same company  just uh 20 years older sort of but you know what   that cart there was actually designed to work  with a 60-foot drill that's 57 foot so it's it's   actually within the specs of what it was designed  for but it is uh it's still pretty awesome and uh   this tractor you know we ran one just like  last year it's a 620 at best connect quad   it's a 20-21 um doesn't have  more than 20 hours on it and it   it's really nice and i i actually feel now  that i've got a pretty good understanding of   the horsepower difference because i am pulling a  heavier card than ours but i'm pulling the same   size drill and you can feel the power now it  makes a lot more sense we've never pulled our   grain cart with our big buds so i was never able  to compare this quad track to our big buds because   they never pulled the same thing well this is  the closest we've gotten to and yeah this thing   pulls hard it doesn't even doesn't even phase it  nothing's back there contrary to what some may say   this is the highest horsepower production  tractor out there at 620 horsepower   it may be 20 horsepower less than say some others  are suggesting that theirs are but the difference   with this thing is it has the ability to boost  up to 680 roughly horsepower when under intense   load it won't do that for extended periods due to  probably overheating and large fuel consumption   maybe emissions but when needed that horsepower  is available so technical tractor if you wanted   to say it is a 680 horsepower tractor it's  just set at 620 for 95 percent of the operation   there got to get it adjusted right yeah i'm back  in the saddle again i'm actually running the 600   we're doing a little uh switching around here  something's coming on the channel here real soon   so i'm out here uh but it's an interesting  day i'm going to show you the windshield   that's hard water yeah it uh turned cold  this morning was 41. not bad and then the   snow started coming and now it's about 31  degrees got a little bit of snow out there   but anyway yeah so i'm having a a snow day but  it's not go home from work but i am missing   kobe he uh didn't jump in i didn't know  i was going to be doing this right away   and so i didn't take him but he's don't tell  him don't call him he'll be very disappointed so you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 275,297
Rating: 4.9802771 out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: yTKKyXytK58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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