Väderstad Seed Hawk – Toolbar Walkaround

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for more than 25 years the innovative sea dock drill has been a zero till and mintel farming practice leader groundbreaking innovations like the seadock opener sectional control technology the icon wireless control system and phoenix stream metering continue to change the face of agriculture the seating systems are designed with air carts and toolbars that work together to provide precision seed and fertilizer placement resulting in a higher quality crop and more grain in the bin c-dock toolbars are offered in two models enabling you to choose the right fit for your operation the 45 toolbar offers widths of 40 50 and 60 feet the excel toolbar offers lists of 70 80 and 84 feet both toolbar styles can be configured with 10 inch or 12 inch row spacing at the heart of the toolbar is sedoc's industry leading opener assembly these assemblies operate independently for superior shallow seating depth accuracy and optimal fertilizer placement the fertilizer knife which runs deeper than the following seed knife places fertilizer at an optimum depth the perfect separation of fertilizer and seed is obtained through the dual knife system the seed knife covers the fertilizer with soil before dropping the seed this creates a barrier between the seed and fertilizer preventing fertilizer burn while allowing the seed the early access to nutrients it needs for that quick even emergence the press wheel that closes the seed slot is wider than the operating area of the two knives this allows it to ride on undisturbed soil and maintain depth in various conditions the result is perfect contact between the seed and soil at the selected seeding depths the result is quick uniform germination even packing and consistent performance in all soil conditions sea dock toolbars come with five or seven plex frame sections with a contour falling range of 18 inches the independent opener assemblies deliver consistent seed depth regardless of the terrain when encountering previously seated ground individual phoenix 3 metering units on the air cart are shut down one by one as the product flow stops knife openers are lifted from the ground in individual 10 foot sections when they encounter previously seated areas leaving them undisturbed toolbars can be fitted with wireless blockage monitoring the wireless blockage system monitors product flow in your seatac seating system if a blockage is detected it immediately delivers quick accurate notification of the exact location to your icon wireless control system when a blockage location is identified you can take your ipad out of the tractor cap with you as you locate the blockage and fix the issue with seat between the road technology the toolbar uses a curved paddle sensor that floats above the ground to detect nearby stubble rows it is connected to the hydraulic cylinders that move the hitch and keep the openers between the rows improving seed and fertilizer placement now with standard option 30.5 tires are mounted on the rear axle for better flotation in the field and even weight distribution during transport toolbars fold in place for safe transport along major roadways without kinking up hoses and wires this year the hydraulics have been redesigned eliminating the need for open drain lines hooking up to the tracker can be done in minutes without the painstaking task of running cables and extra hydraulic lines while the new color-coded ends on the hoses take the guesswork out of connecting to the unit sea dock toolbars are outfitted with walking casters the walking casters provide better field surface contouring and adaptability vaderstad cdoc unparalleled accuracy in the field
Channel: Vaderstad Canada
Views: 3,857
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: agriculture, seeding, seedhawk, vaderstad, precision, innovation
Id: lKmusRvsfAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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