Seed In The Dust, Your Bins Will Bust?

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good morning boots and salutes ah i'd far rather hear herself how many have done than some of that other carvings that you guys play all right now you're in fun good morning i'm on the morning shift today so i'm on my way to the drill right now okay oh it's nasty out there it was plus 32 the other day if you believe me now it's plus five man as the tractor's warming up i'm gonna go outside uh check my runs look for any hydraulic leaks or anything out of the ordinary seating canola right now we have about 1500 acres of canola left and a little bit of barley after that so just check my runs here that's all it is this really small blue seed so i got fertilizer just making sure i have canola under all these shanks there's really no reason for them to be plugged it's so dry out usually you plug shanks if it's muddy then the mud plugs off your opener but unless i have a broken hose somewhere they shouldn't be plugged okay so here's the situation we're in right now it's super dry out the only rain we've gotten was that one cloud that went over when i was seeding into my pea stubble and it showered that afternoon but it wasn't even really enough to soak into the ground just kind of the top straw layer got got wet so it's so dry out that there really is no moisture in the ground to get the moisture you got to go two and a half three inches down and that's not good for seeding canola you want to see canola shallow like about half inch to three quarters of an inch so that's what we're doing and then we're gonna hope that it rains eventually and this canola that we're seeding won't grow until it does so that's that's how deep we're seeding it it's just right there under the ground the seed only has so much power to get out of the ground and if we seed too deep hoping to get to a little bit of moisture this seed is going to crack and start growing and then if it runs out of power it's just going to die and then you're really screwed so if we seed shallow we know that it's not going to crack until it gets moisture until it rains and then we know that it's going to get out of the ground and it's not going to lose power but yet we're banking on a rain or else it's not going to start growing [Applause] oh my hands are cold at least that's what we're going to try to do seat shallow no it's not gonna come unless it rains i don't know it's kind of between a rock and a hard place right now start my fans up let them start warming up a bit my openers on too still about we filled last night and then i seated for another couple hours so i still have quite a bit in the tank here first time i tried to drive this tractor tried to go forward just like that i wouldn't let me configure it out until i saw these buttons on the back and you gotta press this guy [Music] and then go forward that took me a while i'm just going to find my line and finish on the other side of these trees here oh oh a couple sprinkles on the window let's go let's go baby calling for a chance of snow tomorrow so that's good what's 32 a few days ago and now snow tomorrow i do not get it here we go [Music] oh yeah it's coming down in buckets now i think i put my rain gauge up i'm gonna have to quit there's my line get my auto steer [Music] turn my shading on [Music] my opener is down plenty early because the oil's still cold find another gear swipe this up because those are my sections i want my seat and fertilizer blockage on and we are going just bang on the last pass these little water droplets froze onto my window it's just ice now nice it's perfect seating conditions plus five feels like minus one with 53k wind gusts oh perfect perfect seating conditions snow tomorrow or uh yeah chance of snow thursday and friday depending when this video comes out and then maybe monday the 24th looking like something coming they just keep delaying it but something's something's brewing out there this hasn't come yet [Music] everybody welcomes episode 333 of spitting checklist presented by pink for my friends at new amsterdam vodka and the pastel sports podcast family okay banana peel thrown out the window call your shot okay you see on the main frame those two white stickers okay you see the discs directly below that between those two discs here comes mcdavid the that's it for this field have to move a mile down the road and i have 30 acres of canola left in my tank then i'll have to put in another mini [Music] bulk a couple of hills over here so i'm gonna do this north end first while my tank is only about a third full instead of filling right up and then trying to tackle these guys southern parts of saskatchewan have those fields that are miles long and thousands of acres in one field but not up here we are a little bit different country a couple of sprinkles on the window again it's trying to just can't generate anything i had more splatter for my sneeze delta tracks pulling hard now in the thick of it engine load is at 85. i want to set my degrees at 97. for no other reason other than that's a good angle to see that out of canola got to get geared up again and uh go put this in so we don't have the bulk boom on this tank but i think it might be coming next year we're going to move this tractor to where we're going to fill canola next fill and it doesn't have much fertilizer left so i'm going to run home and bring that truck up in a little bit great corp called for our june canola contract and i see ronnie's back already so i'm gonna go help him load that up i liked it better than the tractor [Music] todd's gonna be empty soon i'm taking the fertilizer back up to him man it's cold out it's not gonna be fun uh loading that drill snow come in tomorrow and friday you know what it i wouldn't even be that bad as long as it doesn't get too too cold a little bit of snow is uh it's still moisture so whatever that's going to be it for today's video i'll catch you in the next one i almost forgot go oilers [Music] you
Channel: Dustin Bezugly
Views: 2,637
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: seeding in saskatchewan, seeding canola, seeding wheat, seeding corn, seeding soybeans, sask wheat harvest, breaking barriers, Mike Mitchell, Laura Farms, Millennial Farmer, Welker Farms, Full Line Austin, Bourgault drill, bourgault tank, seedhawk, seedmaster, X35, X9, Fendt, Morris, John Deere, Claas, Full Line Ag, RoGator, Agco, dustin bezugly, frozen canola, X30, X20, seeding barley, combining, seeding, spraying, Versatile, Delta Track, Quad Track, Case, first day of seeding
Id: r3DStdUJmBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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