We Found SHADOW in Minecraft Block City..

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yes [Music] [Music] hurry up Ashley we don't have all day I know you're enjoying this brand new market but uh we don't have we don't have all the time in the world you know hey what's up Noah how you liking this new grocery store I mean it is brand new after all hey rage I'm doing good man how about you it's it's fancy yeah it really is Ashley uh you got your groceries ready I love this place hey and it's closer to our house so you know we can come over whenever we need to and they just built a middle school over here so it would be perfect when Rey's Junior gets older you know I like the ceiling fans very chilly oh you're right okay Ashley come on just put on everything you want onto the um the conveyor belt and I'll go ahead and pay it all right okay here is what the why do you have so many actually that should be good for like a whole month maybe two oh okay how much is that gonna how much is that gonna come out to be Noah there she goes again whenever we go to a new place she loves spending money okay okay I won't question it maybe it's for a big family dinner with with your parents baby 274 dollars for groceries all right here's my credit card Noah what wait what do you mean wait two seven okay okay it's just an extra dollar I'll be fine I'll be fine just just ring it up just ring it up man man tax must be low if it's only a dollar more all right Ashley go ahead and take all your favorite groceries oh my goodness she got so much only one stick of butter for all this stuff with extra pepper all right well it's time to head on home all right Noah have a good day as well man all right let's head on home okay let's go ahead and hop in our car come on Ashley let's go man this is actually really nice because it's a lot closer to our house then wait Ashley is that Dr Panic Ashley what the heck is Dr Panic doing hold on let's go over to him what the heck is he looking at hey Dr Panic are you spying on someone dude are you good oh it's you rage dude why are you standing right by this tree looking at something be quiet wait what why do I need to be quiet dude we're in a lovely neighborhood right now I just went grocery shopping with my wife and everything you're gonna blow my your cover for what what the heck are even wait is that Dr Eggman and what the heck is that is that a dark Sonic is that a dark Sonic pen dude Dr Penny what the oh uh they saw me oh god oh uh oh I am so Dodge Panic please understand I was shocked I have never seen a dark Sonic in my life before okay we need to head to the lab now oh oh oh oh my goodness well I guess I'm about to drag Ashley into this yikes Ashley Ashley I'm back I'm so sorry I left you here I saw Dr panic over there and I may have caused a Ruckus um I hope you've forgive me I hope you forgive me but we have to go to the lab right now yeah hop in the car I have a lot of no come on hop in the car I have a lot of explaining to do oh no she cannot stand me anymore I need okay I get it I get it I'll drop you off at the house I'll drop you off at the house just hop into the car let me explain come on Ashley yes I'm sure I'm sure don't make this any more difficult than it already is all right look at oh no look at look at is that trash man right there yo Dr Panic you okay oh no stupid hey he's calling me stupid okay Ashley well listen there was like a dark Sonic right here with Dr Eggman and what they were standing right here but the heck is this DNA wait this might make up for what I just did um now they are gone no no uh Dr Panic doctor man I just and we can never find them no no no no no look look I know you're mad at me right now but calm down okay calm down I know it's all my fault but look look what I just found on the on the floor I I I I found I found some sort of like DNA or something oh see you're not mad at me anymore right if this goes on okay okay get back in the car I'll take you back home uh this might help us okay okay I'll drop off my wife real quick I'll be at the I'll be at the lab don't worry man hey man I'm just stuck in the middle I maybe I shouldn't have started this in the first place my goodness all right Ashley have fun cooking I'm gonna drop you off at the house right now all right no I'm not coming I have to go to the lab after what I did no no no no you can't you can't force it on me oh my gosh kill me okay I'm going to the lab I'm going to the lab let's see what the heck Dr Panic wanted me to go to the lab for Dr betting I'm here I wonder why Dr Penny wanted me to come to the lab so bad for uh you get Dr Panic is everything okay um pick up got that huh oh I think he's trying to call Sonic right now maybe he's trying to get like more information on whoever this is oh whoa whoa spider pig stay back I hate spiders so so much stupid head no relax Dr Panic you gotta calm down man you gotta calm down just just calm down everything will be just fine okay I'm sure he's just sleeping or something right he isn't picking I get it hey it's not a big deal dude it's not a big deal we just saw Dark Sonic I'm sure you know we have his DNA so we'll figure this out everything wait yo documentary documenting look who came through the portal yo I think it worked hey Tails um uh where is Sonic I'm I thought I thought Dr Panic called Sonic is in a bad state yellow Tails thank God that's why he's not answering wait what what happened to Sonic see Dr panic I told you there was a reasoning as to why is he what what do you mean no no uh I mean we we did see like a dark Sonic or something that looked like Sonic and it isn't Knuckles that's for sure um Sonic was hurt in a fight with Eggman what no he I'm pretty sure he's way stronger than Eggman at this point he can go supersonic right so there's no way Eggman could have beaten him up Eggman took one of his quills and made it no tails come here and look at this DNA sample come on Tails I know you can do it with the research you can do I think you can find out what the heck this thing could be right let's see come on come on come on you said that maybe this was made with Sonic's DNA or something right this could end there what oh no what do you mean oh no tails what does this mean is it bad I don't know Dr panic I don't know what's happening right now this is a hedgehog but it's different how is it different Tails it literally looked like Sonic but a different color it seems man-made uh Tails Tails taking this piece of DNA Dr Panic you're on board right taking this piece of DNA is there a way you can track it down there has to be a way you can track it Down Right you've been able to track down the chaos emeralds before uh we need a name to call it I mean it's uh it's a dark figure it kind of stays within the oh well we we could call it Shadow I I think that's a cool name right Shadow yeah I mean I mean it's just a nickname it kind of cringe I'll try my best to track it okay come on we gotta head out we gotta head out let's do whatever we can okay come on get in the car we gotta track him down you can tell me which direction to go Tails whoa no it's you're coming you're coming in the shopping cart all right don't get lost now don't get lost now Dr Panic like we're definitely leaving him behind for sure but Tails drag it down for me wait a second Hales don't you remember this is exactly the same way we went when we fought Knuckles and Eggman last time I have a really really bad feeling about this Tails I don't I don't think we should be doing this man oh gosh do you even have a plan we're going back into the stadium that's where everything went down last time how about this okay let me hear it I distract them you sneak behind wait but what if they catch me I'm kind of scared guys wait wait what am I supposed to do after I sneak behind them that's the real question like what if I here take this oh what the heck is this Alien Blaster I just got this random Alien Blaster okay I'm gonna try made it myself I mean you are the genius after all Tails um okay well I'm gonna try my best to sneak around behind them uh maybe I should Target Dr Eggman so that Shadows doesn't listen to him anymore let's see if this works hopefully okay come on come on Tails all right you do your best to distract them let's see what happens I'm gonna try to go from over here all right be careful Tails we're gonna split up around right here Tails good luck man good luck okay okay let's see how this goes all right I'm just gonna sneak around from over here where they don't see me oh there they are there they are I think they see Tails I think they see Tails okay okay tails is slowly distracting them I'm gonna jump over here so they don't see me what the heck is he saying I plan to take over the world oh I look at him he doesn't jump all the way back up he fell off this age dude he said I plan to dig over the world all right I'm gonna slowly keep moving I gotta see what Eggman is saying though what is tail saying he says maybe don't take it over Eggman hello oh wait wait let's see what Eggman is saying next Now give me the chaos emeralds oh no he's going after the Chaos Emerald maybe he's trying to turn Shadow into a Chaos Emerald Super Shadow okay okay before Shadow Finds Me gonna go ahead and shoot Eggman in three two one and blast him yes I hit him oh my God yo yo this thing is powerful Tails Tails did you see that oh my goodness this gun was there wait what the what the heck did Shadows get them no no no no no no oh gosh he's about to no no no no no no dude oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my god oh [Music] wait super tonic oh what the heck happened Sonic is that is that you I thought I thought you were beaten up wait Tails Tails wake up oh is everything okay what the heck happened dude Super Sonic really took out both of them all by himself holy crap dude he got his revenge after all oh my goodness dude look at Eggman he got folded literally get Eggman you guys poor guys I mean they deserve it after what they try to do they they wanted to take the emeralds from you and supersonic if they took it from supersonic he wouldn't be super sonic anymore well is Sonic trying to wake him up wait guys we might be able to experiment oh he woke up yo yo yo yo yo uh don't think about it don't think about trying to attack us all right we're trying to get to know you a little bit okay not not I know that's your master but we promise to treat you well we're not trying to take you hostage or anything like that we just want to learn more about you I don't know if he understands English or anything but um come with us come with us I'm sure you'll really really enjoy Dr panic I mean Dr Panic could do a good amount of research on him especially because he's not really uh oh I I guess he agreed I mean he has no choice I mean Super Sonic is little too strong compared to him come on Tails let's get out of here man I'll let the cops handle Dr Eggman alright let's see what Dr Panic thinks about Shadows though whoa whoa whoa whoa don't don't let him run away Super Sonic I can't run as fast as you guys all right yeah yeah get him get him to hop into the car that's for sure all right it's time for us to head back dude where the heck did Dr Panic go did he get lost then I told him it was a bad idea to come with the shopping cart all right hop in the car Shadow don't be scared now you're too super sonic hop in the car we're gonna get out of here come on come on all you gotta do is hop in the back seat I think he is a little spooked out yep there we go perfect dude they are freaking the frick out right now oh my gosh dude all right we're gonna that ain't no J oh he wants to run hey you better stay with the car though you better stay with the car they really want to run dude when you can really relax you don't want all right let's head back to the lab I guess this way you guys come on supersonic over here hey I'm kind of glad he's just listening all right Tails we're finally here oh my goodness supersonic I just want to say thank you so much for helping us out my goodness we thought we thought you were done for when Tails told told us you were in a really really bad State and stuff hey hey Shadows or uh black Sonic Dark Sonic come on come over here uh well it's my time wait are you sure I mean I can you stay back here because I I might get beat up by this dude if if you don't stay back all right Tails uh is really nice uh seeing you again actually I got science true you're one of a kind man you're basically like Dr Panic from the head Hedgehog World alright see you bud see you later Tails ah now we now now we gotta wait for uh Dr Panic where the heck could he be there he is what the heck happened to you uh I kind of got a lot of course you did I told you to just stay in the car with us well I have good news Dr Panic Take a look at trash man here what the when the heck did trash man get here check this out Dr Panic we finally got a hold of Shadow dude he's that no he's not he's not dead but we we got him we we actually managed to capture him thanks to Sonic right here I know you were trying to call him but um he he actually said follow me shadow what where the heck is um I guess we're gonna have Shadow go over here what does he have planned kind of scared now actually uh what are you making Shadow do we're gonna do some science oh no guys typical doctor panic I wonder what's gonna happen next time
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 245,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft RageElixir, Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Java, RageElixir Shadow, RageElixir Sonic in Minecraft, Mods in Minecraft, RageElixir Mods, Block Labs, Block Labs in Minecraft, RageElixir Block Labs, RageElixir Shadow in Minecraft Block City, Block City Minecraft, We Found Shadow in Minecraft, Shadow The Hedgehog, RageElixir Family
Id: k9EwCFUS6lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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