(upbeat music) - Good god, what happened to this thing? Do you even do maintenance dog? Aw (bleep) me. This is disgusting. (laughter) You call yourself a techie. What happened to this thing? - Time. - No, no, no, no, no, no. (Linus groans) I can't even react to it. It's clearly had no
maintenance on it whatsoever. Your LED strips are cracked, broken, not even in the right place. This one looks like it fell down, and you just left it where it fell. One of your graphics cards is missing. And I (bleep) told him that this stupid Geodude-rock theme was going to get old fast. And yet, somehow, here we are, even though Luke no longer even works here and therefore does not qualify for an extreme rig upgrade from Intel, We're building him a new themed PC, or so he thought. (deep laughter) I lied. You're still getting an upgrade, and it's still gonna be pretty sick, but it's going to be a combination of hand-me-downs from my old rig, whatever we had lying around in inventory, and broken parts that you need to fix. - That sounds fun, actually. - You're getting a sick, new rig, but boy are you ever going to work for it. (laughter) - Speaking of working for it, I work for telling you about our sponsors. Use glassware to see what apps
are wasting your bandwidth and causing your games to lag. You can get 25% off using offer code Linus at the link in the video description. (laughter) - This is going to be fun. (upbeat techno music) (laughter) (funky bass) (laughter) - [Linus] Ew! Just trying to do a be-roll shot here. What the hell happened to all the amethyst rocks that I spent hundreds of dollars on? - Over time, as you can see, things started kind of breaking because of, uh, heat issues. So I took a lot of the crystals out. - That addresses the crystals. What the hell happened to the second graphics
card that I gave you? - You actually told me to take that out. That's in my girlfriend's computer. You told me on the
weigh-in show to do that. - [Linus] So this is how
you install drives now? You've completely
forgotten your tech ways. - I don't know where this came from. And then this one, that
one was installed that way with a old basic red SEDA cable - (Bleep) dude. What do you even need all
this solid-state storage for? - You've got like three
terabytes of SSD in here. - I don't need that to be honest. So that one was just for windows 10. I needed a - I wanted
a separate boot drive. The SSDs were rated. - So where's your other side panel? - The other side panel is a giant question mark, actually - Okay, that's real rough because I think Jake might've told you that you were getting
a new case; you're not. - I - I somewhat put that together. - This is Luke-rig upgrade, not Luke-rig brand new. Let's turn it off
because it really smells. - Okay. - Most of what Luke does on his computer is a combination of gaming, streaming, and development. So do you want to meet your new hardware? - Sure. Yeah. - This spent a number
of months in my system. This is the X570 Aqua from ASRock. It's got some gunk in it though. - [Luke] (laughter) So here begins the, "we gotta fix things." Okay, nice. - This is a hand me down from me. - So you're roasting me. (laughter) Okay. So you're roasting
me for my computer. Your computer has gunk in
it, and you just dropped it - Now it's your maintenance problem. - Nice - For graphics, we wanted to get you the latest and greatest,
but there's a shortage of latest and greatest. - Yup. So we got you the greatest but it's not the latest. - [Luke] Not the latest, okay. - This actually was contributed
by a fan of the channel. - Okay. - A Ryzen 9 5950X. - Oh, jeez. - These are rarer than hen's teeth. You can game, you can
stream, you can develop, you can do them all at once. (laughter) All you need to do, my friend, is put some of the pins back on it. - Like on it? Like they're not bent. They're gone? - They're gone. They're gone, sir. - Uhhhh... - I'm sorry, sir, if you don't fix it, I will mercilessly snatch it back from him and give him something crappier. And you know this will be true. - Of course. - Search your feelings, Luke. - (laughter) Do we have the pins at all? - Theoretically, in this bin - Oh my goodness - is everything you'll need. - Okay. Okay. Nice. Alright. - Oh, and also this brick (laughter) Ah, I'm having way too much fun already. Don't you love the pressure? This is like 1,000 Canadian
dollars on the line. - If you can buy it. - Let's start by tearing this out. You want to go from the back
and I'll go from the front, If you know what I mean? We'll, uh, double-team it here. - Sure. But we're leaving
the power splay in, right? - Is this even attached? - No. Do you remember this? - No. - So, the RAM didn't fit. (groaning) (laughter) - There are chunks on it. There are actual chunks. It blows chunks. - Yeah. - People are going to
watch this many years from now and they're not going to be sure if this happened during COVID
cuz we need masks anyway. We cannot leave it like this. (laughter) No, get it stripped! Strip it! - But I got to do it from the front. - Strip it real good. - I gotta reach around. I can't do my job back here
if I'm not gonna reach around. - AHHH! (banging) How the hell are you even supposed to remove this heat sink? Holy (bleep). No wonder
I couldn't screw it in. Oh my God. Is this melted? Did you glue this? What is this? Why is there glue in your a-pin? - 'cause there was rocks
all the way up there. - Oh my god, I'm starting to regret not allocating a new case for you here. - Yeah, that probably would
have saved a lot of time. - Yeah. Oh wow, we totally didn't
put in all the screws. - Us? What do you mean? - I helped. - No you didn't. - Did we build that - oh no, you hosted this one on your own. - Yeah, That's why it's so bad. - Your LEDs stripped the finish. - HA! - What the (bleep). That
is seriously messed up. - Yup. - Why is there so much
hot glue on everything? - 'cause there was so many rocks. - But the rocks were not
on the motherboard, Luke. - Yeah, but I don't know. - Literally a hardcore gamer. Literally does not upgrade a single thing about the machine until
I give him a free one. - You know when the
last time I spent money on a computer is? 'cause I don't. (laughter) - Oh my god. Wait, no. You bought those rocks. - They're staying in? - You're stuck with them. Luke insisted on those rocks. And I - - Hey, it works. It works. The thumbnail is awesome. The video got tons of views. - I would never take his rocks from him. Luke, do you really want
to get your rocks off? - I kind of do (laughter) - Do filters work? No. - No! (laughter) - Oh no! I knocked a rock off! - Yay! That's a free one. - This is not going to
come completely clean, so I am adjusting my standards. - I demand only perfection. We both need to spend the greater part of our workday rubbing
down my old computer case. - Yeah. - Why did I put four
screws in all of these? I never do that. - They probably came pre-installed. Yeah, there's no way you did that. - (laughing) Yeah, okay. So there is actually a reason. - Yeah. Here we go. It starts white, and then it's hairy. (laughter) - Can we call that good
enough on the front here? - If you think it's good enough, I am certain it is above my standards. When you told me you wanted
it as is, I was like, okay we're going to be talking
about how dusty my computer is. That's fine. I didn't think we were
going to actually use it - You're getting a free upgrade. What are you going to do, complain? - Oh, I'm not complaining. - No, I know exactly. - That's great, yeah. Let's go. I'm down. - How stressed are you
about the CPU repair there? - Extremely. It's going to be interesting. - Yeah. - Looks like a pin on a CPU - Something I didn't anticipate is there is not actually a ton of room for water cooling stuff in here. - Nope. - Oh God. These are, these
are 10 terabyte drives. Cause I was going to say, okay maybe we could just go all solid state and then we wouldn't
have to worry about that. But I don't have 20 terabytes of SSD. - (laughing) Not for this. - Not deploying it in here. - Yeah. Sorry, I should clarify. - You know, after cleaning it there's always the option of not using it. - Yeah. Sorry. - (laughing) Okay. Okay. Um - - It was worth a shot. - It was. - So now we gotta, we gotta make it work. Let's just have a look here, okay? So we could put that there
and fans on the outside we could put a 120 at the
back or we could just say screw it on the GPU water cooling. - Maybe let's fix the CPU
and then figure it out. - He says as though that will be a - - Maybe let's fail to fix a CPU. - Would you like to watch how to do it? - Yes, yup. - Okay know a guy. - Hey, I recognize that guy - And you'll need this. You're going to need some tweezers. - Yeah, okay. So far, I at least was
able to correctly identify one of the tools. We're doing okay. - Linus/LMG, enclosed is
the first 5950x side-lock with a single pin missing along the edges. - So, not me. - Not you. (laughter) Thanks Chris. - Thanks Chris. - Here we go. Good luck everybody. Ah! (bleep) that's hot. - Can't even see through there. - Do you want - do you wanna move that, so you can look through it? - Sure. How long does this take? - Depends how close you
get with the hot air. Remember, you've got lots of donor CPUs. - True. Yeah, so let's just go for it. - Okay, Let's - let's rip her. So we're cranking it to 450. Should I make sure this is
doable before I set you at it? - Why would it not be doable? - I mean, I don't know. Maybe the temperature's
wrong or something. This is not an easily melting boy here. This is, uh, This is going to be pretty tough Luke - Hooray! - Remember Luke, there's
no pressure right now. That's just the donor CPU. I mean, you can horribly burn
yourself, but other than that - It's getting hot in here. I think I got one. Had? - Look at that. - Looks like it's still there. - What a winner Luke. I believe in you - Use the force, but not too much force. That was just fine. - Okay. We good? We got the settings styled? - Well, we got the
settings styled for this. - So if I was you, what
I would probably do is brace one end of the
tweezers on the edge. - [Luke] Just the one? - [Linus] And slide it off
by squeezing it together Man, I hope you make it. Cause like, the thing for me is I have a lot riding
in your success too. Like, I could just fix it myself and then we would have a working CPU. So for me to watch this is like actually pretty stressful too. - 'cause, well, I don't
get to use the thing That's worth the value. It's yours. - Yeah. Yeah. - Just like the rock. (laughs) Do you remember one of the
first things you made me do when you hired me? Put water blocks on GPU's. - Yeah, And I came back like hours later and you had like basically
made no progress. And I was like, what are
you? Some kind of idiot? - No, I was done. - Were you? - Yeah, I was done. - Oh, maybe I'm thinking
of a different thing I assigned you to. And then I left for a
long time and came back and you'd barely touched it. - I mean, that probably happened. - You were probably asleep. - I never fell asleep. - Shut up. - I'm kidding. I fell asleep a lot. - He would literally fall asleep - - You also told me it was
like 4-8 hours a week. And it ended up being
like 40 hours a week. - I'm supposed to be like working on water cooling the rig right now and I just can't look away. Okay. Alright, you know what? No. I'm - I will look away. - Whoa! I think I got it. - Did you really - Wait, no. Oh shoot. - What? Let me see. - The pad came out. - Oh my god, you (bleep)
guy. It's perfect. - Yay! (laughs) - Did you do that on purpose? - No, I thought it was ruined - My god. You got it perfect. - Oh, that's mint. - Yeah! Dammit Luke! (laughter) - Yay! I got so much better. - Yeah. That's that's phase one - Yeah, but no, phase one's good. Okay. We're moving on. - This is a good guide.
Seems like a nice guy. - And while you're waiting why don't you refresh yourself
with some ice cold water. (bars clanging) - OW! Oh ho ho! Ow! Oh,
my shoulder! Ow! Oh! - [Luke] I'd like, come
try to help you up, but COVID and stuff. - I like, tried to
football tackle that stand. - [Luke] Do you need anything? No. I just need this refreshing drink. Lttstore.com. - [Luke] Oh, geez. - Looking back then at the old video we did use the solder mask. - I was a little bit ignoring that part because I was told repeatedly that we did not use the soldering mask. So are these the right pins? - Ah, they're good enough. We put the wrong pin on
last time and it was fine. - AH! My hands are so shaky. - Oh god. - You have any regrets? - No - You can have no ragrets in life, Linus. Let's let's be really - I have no idea what I'm doing. - No, it's still just sitting there. You haven't even melted
the solder yet Luke. - Neat. Alright. Whoa! Okay. - [Linus] What now? - [Luke] Knocked over - [Linus] Okay. Maybe we
do need the mask then. - Okay - Really? I mean, that didn't seem like
it was on there long enough. - It looks lower though. - [Linus] Uhhh. - [Luke] It has lost height. - I think you got to get a
little more agro here Luke. - Okay. So how do I tell when I'm done? - It should kind of snap, like kind of stand to attention. Like it should snap into place. - So I'm looking for the pin boner. - [Linus] Yeah. - [Luke] Now it's
standing up and not moving - [Linus] It's soldered.
Like, it's on there. What we need to know now is- - Oh, okay. Oh, I got it. - Nailed it. Successfully back to square one. - Back where we were. (laughs) Okay. So, so line me up again. Give me a lineup - Go for it. - Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay - [Linus] Are you having fun yet? Are you winning son? - I don't know if I'm winning yet. - Nah dog, you nailed it. - Hell yeah. - Moment of truth. When's the last time you
installed an AMD CPU? You've been kind of like out of the game since AMD was relevant. That's hilarious. (stammering) Oh, it leaned over! - What, what, what? - What do you mean? - What are you talking about? - Uh oh. - No, no, we're good. Okay. - Now wait - hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Cause if we get it in here and it works then have to take it back out. We're putting more stress on the pin. Then we have to put it
back in something else. I might want to just put it in its home. - Okay. Literally remove from this thing. I can't remember. - Of course it had to be a water cooler. - Well, look. I am shaking right now. - (heavy sigh) If this
boots, that'd be so cool. (laughs) - Okay. Who lost the
screw on this damn thing? What the hell? - I don't know. Now it looks like it's
gotta be over there. - I don't remember it being
this hard to remove it. - You have to take screws off this end. There's one right there. Oh no, it doesn't look like it. (heavy breathing) Oh, okay. (funky bass music) - Why does it say store demo? No signal detector. Ooh. Give it a sec, give it a sec. (bleep) - That's a few little restarts there. - That's not a good sign. (CPU fans whirring) Oh my god. Is it all just
going to be for nothing? (suspenseful string music) - Oh my god! (laughing) Oh my goodness. - Chris- - Chris. - Chris H., Luke thanks you because he just scored. You're bad luck- good luck for him. (heavy sigh) Why is this in store demo mode. - I don't know. - It doesn't matter, the
point is we got an output. Let's build a computer. - Yeah! Okay. - Oh, he's leaving me hanging. The challenge we're having right now is that while we do have a template
that Luke has somewhere. - Oh, right here. Oh, we're going to have to cut into it. Oh man. - He's choked ladies and gentlemen. (laughter) Here we go. - Yeah. Cool. (high-pitched drilling) - Okay. There's a whole already. - Yeah. That was part of the point. - It's like, wow, I'm - (laughter) - What a drill. - Ahhh! (high pitched drilling) Nailed it. Wait, you put the hard drives in already. - Yeah. - There's like metal shards everywhere. - Nice. - Ah, um, Seems fine. - That did a lot. (laughs) - He used shake. It was very effective. - Linus used harden. - Why can't I find the holes? - Down and over? - Oh, here we go. - Do you not like it there? - No, I love it. Yeah, yeah. Right there. Oh yeah. Just put that in. Put that in there. Let's give it a- - It wobbles a little bit. - Yeah! (laughter) - That's okay. - Woo! There it is. It's in This is going to be not a bad looking little machine, somehow. You did a great job of
gluing these rocks on here. (laughter) Did I tell you about the one
that got caught by the 24 pin? And when I first saw it, I was like, wow, that looks really cool. And then I was like wow, I could really kill the graphics card (laughter) - Because we didn't change the case. We still haven't solved
the problem of this not having enough 2.5 inch drive mounts. Um, let me think. Should we grab some hot
glue for old time's sake? - Put a rock there. - Put a rock on it. (laughter) No, this is kind of going to be like a kinda okay rig. You know what? Actually, should we ditch the founders then And should we go with a third party board? Well, that worked out okay for you. We don't have any more 28 ATIs, So we might need them
for future comparisons. So you get a Titan RTX Instead. - So adding some gold to the silver. - We're adding some bling, yeah. I mean, I would have hated
for it to look too good. (laughter) - It looks strong. It shouldn't clothe itself, you know? - Like a Geodude. (laughter) So that goes right there. Oh yeah. Ho ho ho. Oota goota solo (laughter) - Do you have a - where's
your hot glue gun? - Oh God. - Oh, solved. There's another way of putting it there where it just holds itself. - Beautiful. Is there a faster way to use this thing? (Geodude call) (techno music) Yeah. This thing is gonna like kinda blow your mind compared- 'cause you don't even play with all the latest
hardware every day anymore. - Nope. I probably will
not have to run Tarkov on medium anymore. - Yeah. Your system is actually faster for gaming than mine now. Here we go. - This just, I think- No matter what computer you have, this just takes forever. - Oh yeah. Do you have a G-Force
experience installed? - Uh, no. - I mean, it's fine. It doesn't matter. We all know how to take care of - - It already feels immediately better (laughter) It's like I've, like,
slightly turned (laughs) Holy crap. Oh my. Okay, this is pretty cool. - Hardware's actually improved a lot in the last four years The four years that you were reviewing it, was probably the most boring period of PC hardware ever. - And it's gotten kind
of like red hot again. I could not be more pleased
with the results here. We did a water cooled rig, including repairing a pin on a CPU that was otherwise completely a write-off. (laughter) And it's only seven hours later. (laughter) Good job everyone! Yeah! We did it. - And good job our sponsor. Do you need to create a beautiful website without the hassle? Squarespace has got you covered. Their all-in-one platform makes it easy to get up and running quickly. And they have award winning
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out Squarespace today at squarespace.com/LTT. And if you use our link, you can save 10% on your first purchase. If you guys enjoyed this video, you'll probably enjoy the many, many Luke and Linus builds such as the classic mineral oil PC, or maybe the hardline build to celebrate the release of Battlefield hardline. Remember that game? No one does. (laughter) See you later.
So good, these 2 have such a great dynamic
The last time we saw luke on main channel: before ryzen
Next time we see luke: intel gpu
did they use x570 aqua from asrock?
and a rtx titan?
oh boi, we cannot afford that.
Is Luke still the COO of Floatplane? What’s going on there?
Last I checked, FP was a subsidiary of LMG and Luke still had an office in the building meaning that, for all intents and purposes, he still “worked there”, just not as part of the main content creation arm. Has this changed, or is FP separate enough that Intel are drawing a line in terms of eligibility for the Extreme Tech Upgrade?