Rebuilding my Gaming PC for Fun (not fun....)

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fun story back when i was a wee lad of it was either 16 or 17 i this is what i hate about live no i'm kidding i love live you guys are great thanks for tuning in fun story when i was a wee lad of 16 i think it was actually 17 when i built my first computer we did not have youtube yet so you couldn't just go on how to build a computer and follow along with a guide like you guys can do now so the way that i actually learned to build a pc was by having a friend who i it's really a miracle that he did anything nice for me at all because i mocked him mercilessly on this trip that we went on together which is actually where i met him uh when he told me about what a lan party was for the first time i thought it was absolutely ridiculous like i'm sorry you bring your computers where and you this was your birthday party wow dude you're lame um anyway um so i had a friend of mine actually help me spec out my first gaming computer and build it for me i watched him do it while he made fun of me for choosing such poor people parts because i was going amd and at the time the pentium 4c northwood core was the ruler of the roost and then i took it home and instead of doing what you might think you would do with a brand new computer that someone just built for you install some games on it and play them i decided to take it apart and rebuild it and see if it would still work fortunately it did and that was sort of the beginning of uh of this hobby for me really so i went from okay now i know how to build this computer to now i want to build different computers to okay now i want to cable manage them and put cool you know lighting effects in them and upgrade them and all that all that kind of all that kind of cool stuff fun funny funny story by the way by the time i had the money to substantially upgrade that machine so i went with a barton uh athlon xp 2500 plus i overclocked that thing to 2.2 or 2.3 gigahertz or so um by the time i was ready to significantly upgrade it amd was the one that was for for the rich kids with the athlon 64. so there you go take that take that kyle all right let's go ahead and open this puppy up so what i'm doing today is pretty much what i did way back when i disassembled and reassembled that machine that ah there we go that kyle built for me with uh well a small twist well a couple of small twists so one is that this is my computer that i built no one actually built it for me hashtag line us is it true or is it not uh and number two is that i'm going to be making some changes to it as i go so there's one thing about this machine that has driven me absolutely bonkers ever since i built it which was like four years ago or something like that at this point the power button at the front oh okay i actually broke it while i was assembling it and so my power button is the one on the bottom and the one on the top which is supposed to be the power button is not hooked up at all so i don't have a reset switch and my power button is in the wrong spot it drives me absolutely crazy so i'm going to be fixing that today along with heaven help us all um hopefully upgrading to hardline tubing because that was the other big compromise that i made when i was putting this machine together other than that it's a pretty it's a pretty sick rig so we're going hardline and we are fixing this uh this issue with the power button up here oh i see the problem here apparently you have got to be kidding me uh is it wait a minute yeah we're good right oh yeah we're good okay good stuff let me just check something yes okay we good cool all right so oh man where to start with something like this step one is probably to drain the machine i would think i need a bucket theoretically i have everything that i need to complete my tasks today here with me but we're gonna see how that actually works out i am i i'm honestly not that hopeful there's a lot of stuff that can go wrong here okay and funny story i don't necessarily remember this thing's heavy it's all steel i don't necessarily remember exactly why the front power button is broken like i don't know what the exact problem is so it's going to be kind of hard for me to uh to know if i'm going to be able to fix it until i actually just get in there oh you know what no there's a better way to drain this okay i was just gonna crack one of these fittings uh with it over a bucket but uh we thought of this actually when we designed this machine so check this out uh right there so under that rail there's actually external access to the top of the reservoir here so i'm gonna start with that i guess just gotta pop the mounting rail i've had a lot of people ask me over the years why my personal rig is a rack mount machine and well the honest answer is partly just because as far as i was aware no one had really done it before and i thought it was i thought it would be pretty cool like obviously you know a server form factor like you know a 4u rack mount case is going to be you know pretty good for cooling and fitting lots of good hardware in it so i was like yeah sure you know why couldn't you do a rack mount gaming rig i got all your cooling at the front so i've actually got two stacked triple 120 millimeter radiators up here which as we recently demonstrated on yesterday's video actually is fine in a perfectly legitimate way even if it's not the most optimal way to install two radiators um and the other one was because i wanted to move my gaming rig out of the room where i do my gaming so that eve i wouldn't even have to listen to any of the water cooled noise gilman says raise your hand if you remember when personal rig update 2015 concluded in 2016. i remember that thank you gilman over on float plane appreciate you i was i was i wasn't going to acknowledge that on this stream but yes this this rig did take a long time to complete just because there was the process of designing uh getting the case fabricated um actually building it and it just all kind of stretched out we didn't have nearly as many people on staff back then as we do now so it was hard to get these kind of longer term projects done oh wow this is pretty exciting ladies and gentlemen um i really do not want this to fall that would be very inconvenient for the stream today all right first stream of the stream here we go see ya water you know um is this the best way to do this i mean it seems to be working oh definitely a little bit of it's going in the case let's tip that oh yeah there we go oh oh yeah okay that's working um my leg is wet why is my leg wet uh okay yeah this is fine definitely looks like i peed myself but other than that this is fine a little bit of water made it onto the laptop keyboard but should still be fine so you can see uh yeah okay so there's a little bit of wetness right there so what happened was like it's not like it's it's not like it's sealed against the case there um so some of it kind of dripped onto these cables down here and then down the side but as far as i can tell none of it got on the motherboard itself and it's going to be a couple hours before i actually power up that motherboard anyway so theoretically we should be okay great fill port not a great drain port yeah pretty much like i should be able to fill this really quickly later but um yeah no it was not it was not the best for for that um all right now what i might still end up having to take the yolo approach of just like yanking a fitting off of it to be quite honest with you guys uh let's go with this one i suppose oh man f for the motherboard no guys there's no f for the motherboard it's all good okay okay so that's that's that's good so now what i'm gonna do is uh let's try and let's try and blow some of the water out this is a classic classic linus tech tips move not something i would actually recommend because you can get uh like microbes in your loop but as long as you put some antimicrobial junk like some iodine or whatever you should be okay oh boy that's tough one sec oh man that's a lot of water two triple 120 mil rads cpu block well full cover motherboard block gpu block and i mean i guess the reservoir was empty but dang actually i'm gonna give it one more for good measure here hold on a second so i'm just plugging this fitting right here so that it so the air doesn't come out there and it just uh blows water out here actually you know what we should do is go the other way too just to uh just to see oh yeah okay okay i think we're clear all right as clear as we're gonna get anyway all right oh you heavy heavy thing all right this is where the risk of leaky on the motherboard really comes in we got that tube hanging around there dangling over it out okay ah stop fitting oh shoot i'm on my wireless antenna okay we're gonna we're just gonna get the wireless antenna there we go cool good stuff good times all right so now what are we looking at here is there yeah there's still a little bit of water on the bottom of the reservoir see a little bit pooled in the full cover block but what we can do now is we can remove the bulk of the uh this stupid thing's doing this again there we go but what we can do is remove the bulk of the sensitive components before going any further that way we're very unlikely to actually wreck something okay so we'll start with the graphics card this is a an rtx titan so this is the thing we want to destroy the least out of everything that's in here oh man these fittings are seized you've got to be kidding me i was hoping not to run into big problems until much later in the stream there we go okay no that's not too bad that's not too bad these are really cool fittings i actually don't know if they make these anymore these are bits power true silver and they pretty much make it so that you don't have to have an antimicrobial agent because your fittings um have silver on them like actually they're plated with actual silver so that axe those silver ions in the loop act as an antimicrobial from my experience they do seem to work quite well but something that i is sort of raising some questions for me is the fact that this is black i don't really get that um that does that does seem to kind of be a concern um especially because if you look the water is still clear like that is that is crystal clear still good water and yet it seems to be unique to the cpu block too it's like black in there people are saying silver does tarnish yes yeah silver does tarnish but that wouldn't affect um the cpu block see that so i don't know i don't know what's up with that because that's not made of silver that's something else entirely all right let's get this uh let's get this rtx titan out of here safe and sound look at that got that rgb that's not even hooked up actually that's one thing i'm hoping to improve i'm going to improve my rgb game yeah i'm just going to oh there we go i'm just going to put that there so i can drain these components just got to kind of play around with them a little bit oh okay that's interesting there's some oh actually no that looks more normal so this is more like what i would expect this is just you know part of the curse of using nickel plated blocks is when you've got these fine fin arrangements you can actually see see that copper color that's coming through it's kind of hard to see but see that copper color that's coming through so that's some erosion not to be confused with corrosion just from the water rushing over it um and exposing the copper now this one looks black like that one to that crappy logitech webcam but actually i can see quite a bit of copper color over the fin stack on this one um and it looks like the black is sort of that layer in between the exposed copper and the nickel so this one i'm really not worried about it's that motherboard block that i want to take a closer look at so i not available actual rivers you know just water rushing across surfaces destroys them that's what it does all right so we can get these tubes out of here as soon as i've got the motherboard removed i'm really not that worried that anything's going to go too wrong oh this is something that i should probably pull out of here too there we go so there's my boot ssd that i've been using these days seems fine okay front usb ports get that disconnected get you guys a better look at what's going on here oops i'm gonna need a different screwdriver bit and i am ready for a screwdriver upgrade and i can't i can't say anything but um i can say man i am ready for a screwdriver upgrade one that doesn't have all the bits just like thrown into the top of it like this snap-on one that i've been using for the last 15 years all right there we go okay uh key for five what happened to the ubiquity equipment in your rack uh do you mean what happened to the ubiquity equipment that i am planning to put in my rack because that i have not actually put in the rack yet i've got a garage full of ubiquity equipment right now and uh it's gonna be a security system upgrade as well as a wi-fi upgrade by the time i'm done with it but i haven't put any of it in there in the in the organizing my rack video uh i believe all i said was i'm leaving these spots blank for the ubiquity equipment that i am planning to put into it so that is not not completed yet uh b stevens 23 on floatplane says the bucket scares me the bucket scares me too i'm getting this motherboard out of here as fast as i can okay it will be out v soon vv soon okay all right there we go motherboards out we are now at pretty low risk of anything catastrophic happening with water let's just drain some of that water out of the board there we go all right all right i gotta find somewhere safe to put that that seems good don't worry that sound that sound sounded a lot worse than it was that was just the like kind of plastic lid that i plunked it on top of it's all good it's all good all right put that over on the kids play kitchen over there it feels a little weird putting an rtx titan on a on an element like a stovetop element it's not a real one though so it's all good oh you know something else i should fix today um i had a lot of people ask me for the plans like for the drawings of this case because they wanted to do something similar for themselves and the reason i never released them was not because i'm just like you know you know i hate collaboration and sharing it was because it just wasn't good enough i wasn't happy with it completely so see this those lines for the power are the lines those holes for the power supply don't actually line up so something that i could do today is maybe expand open up this hole a little bit so that i can actually screw in the bottom of the power supply it's really annoying every time i go to plug in the power connector it like it wrenches on it like that it's not too good so that's something that i would love to that's something that i'd love to fix today what happens if you drink pc water this is what happens when i go to the youtube chat instead of the floatplane chat you guys are asking the best questions all right well if we're going to be doing any sort of widening of things on the case that'll involve uh drilling i'm definitely going to get this power supply out of here the last thing you want is some metal filings or metal metal shards in your computer power supply that's going to be a super duper bad time nice norwegian look says is no good 63 over on float plane thank you i don't know that i was going for the norwegian look this was supposed to just be like you know covered beard um and then it's gone on sort of a lot longer than i really thought about like i'm kind it's kind of it's getting less itchy but i still find it kind of itchy and i'm a little ready to i'm a little ready to get rid of it at this point but we'll see we'll see a lot of people have expressed um interest in me keeping it so static sound again ah that's weird it's back apparently that's really weird i don't uh i don't get it i was using this just yesterday and it might be observing a usb buffer overflow can you try a different hub great suggestion what i'm gonna do is uh all right uh thanks nick bye all right well that's what i get for trying to do it you know like properly and oh shoot so i'm tempted to swap out to my my trusty dongle here but i'm a little bit worried that when i do that um i'm going to lose my network connection outright and the stream is going to end so what i'm going to do is i'm going to enable my wi-fi and i'm going to hope see i'm using a new dongle today it's actually i i thought i was upgrading i thought i was doing a good thing i moved to uh like thunder a thunderbolt dongle you know i'm gonna have all that bandwidth um i'm gonna lose my network connection outro stop um so all right uh uh should i should i change the dongle or should i just stick with it floatplane chat says just leave it cronified says move to a different usb port you're overloading the usb chipset on that side i only have gigabit lan and this capture card running off of it i really don't think that's the issue it's a thunderbolt hub not a usb hub even we got 40 gigabit okay you know what we're continuing i'm gonna have to i am gonna have to cut so much crap out of the youtube pod for this thing thank you all for your patience oh man i'm so stressed out right now okay let me just get all my chats going here oh my goodness there's like 20 000 of you watching right now while i'm like breaking stuff all right cool so we're back to the overhead cam let's go ahead and get this reservoir ripped out of here the mount for this is actually pretty clever this is one of the things that i really liked about this design really simple and i don't know why more cases don't do something like this so we created this reservoir mounting plate that's super generic you could mount any reservoir in the world to it pretty much although we did design the case specifically around this one for with that fill port and stuff um and then basically you just got this plate here that it mounts to i'm just gonna i'm gonna tilt this up and i'm gonna cover this so i can give you guys a better look at that so check this out so we've cable managed the d5 pump uh the the default cable that's kind of long i i could have just sleeved it i guess but this had it completely out of the way there and uh and yeah so it's just like this metal plate that it's got a couple of slots on it so you can mount the res wherever you want and it just goes in like that super easy to put in and take out alden says the the fan is off thank you thank you alden you know what alden from floatplane chat i needed that right now i needed the humor all right let's get this bucket out of here this is like it's exactly the kind of you know day i'm having so far here where i would i would you know dump a dump a bucket onto my onto my personal rig and at this point there's no valuable hardware in it or anything it would just be a royal pain in the butt to deal with let's pull these uh screws out of here oh man whatever you guys you guys know you love to watch me suffer uh here's another little clever thing about this design to get access to the radiators there's just this top brace here there we go four screws gets that out there we go and now we've got access to the fan filter well actually okay i could have taken that out before but that's the fan filter and the radiator now oh okay i've got to pull this other rail off that was one thing that we did not plan for i'll get you guys a good look at this after with the with the webcam view there we go none of these are ferrous screws so they all just kind of fall off as soon as i take them out here we go let's switch to the webcam all right here we go so there's uh oh wait yeah this mount see was supposed to be screwed in but didn't line up properly so i think this radiator ended up only mounted so it was supposed to be these screws right here and here uh yeah these two here and here yeah so i think the way this actually ended up being mounted was just from the bottom what we're going to do then is we're going to tilt it up like this because those radiators probably do still have a significant amount of water in them oh okay tilt it up like that and then wait uh okay how is that screwed in cables let me go over there for now wait a minute what how the devil is this just sitting in here or what there's got to be some i'm sure of it there's got to be some like clever way that it's mounted uh huh oh boy if i am not able to remove the radiators i am not going to be able to fix my power switch i must remove the radiators how are they mounted oh no someone watched that video recently like do you remember how the radiators are mounted it's really solid like it feels like it feels like it's mounted to those side plate pieces but they're they're not attached to anything must be screwed in from the from the top then but then how did i get the screws in the top here it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense ladies and gentlemen minus smart high-tech solution is hot glue um no there's there's no way that i like hot glued or double-sided taped it in i don't think that's right oh i did i see uh okay so that's what i did when the mounting holes didn't line up okay oh man all right well that's a drag i guess i'm gonna be re-taping that back in because i don't really have the best tools for putting a proper countersunk mountain in the meantime we can remove the radiator mounting screws from the front one here oh that is so lame wow i really i really cut a lot of corners on this rig didn't i i didn't even remember cutting these corners you know the funny thing is i probably thought that i was only gonna run this for a short period of time because i in the past had made upgrades to my personal rig pretty often like i called it personal rig update 2015 because like the idea was i was gonna do something you know kind of on a yearly basis or so and then i've ended up using this for well the next four plus years with only very small changes this is a lot of screws this is why i usually only put half the screws and radiators but the problem with that here is that there's an aesthetic element to it because you can see all these screws from the front oh man the ratchet mechanism on the screwdriver is broken which is really not making things go faster right now i should just go get my drill this is taking forever that's what i hate jobs that are that take just long enough that it's not worth it to go get a power tool i'm gonna have to put them back in later though i probably could have justified it but then now i've only got two screws left it feels like it'd be better to just get her done here i'm kind of afraid of how dusty these radiators are gonna be i can see the back one the back one looks okay but the front one is gonna be the one to take the brunt of the dust coming into the well the front of the case that's kind of where it comes in all right let's have a look here yeah they they really were they really were double-sided taped in as far as i can tell here let's just have a look here um is that just another piece of tape that i didn't get loose last time let's see all right oh man whatever that tape is is like pretty baller so that's cool i guess it says oh hey yo we got some water here uh that's fine you can deal with that later here you just why don't you go up there that way if you're gonna leak why do you do it somewhere else oh there's power cords down there nope nope not there how about in the case in the case is good okay okay come on out baby you got this i believe in you i want to break anything i do not have extra parts on hand to account for for breakage today when i'm doing this kind of stuff at the office it's a little bit less worrisome i mean obviously i don't want to break parts but you know my job is to make videos not computers so you know for desperate we can replace a broken part to make the video uh why is this not coming up um i just have to pull harder now i'm afraid that i've broken whatever's over on that other side there okay that is clearly loose what are you stuck on is there just like one stubborn bit of tape here or what all right ah hold on it feels like there's like a catch you know i think there is i think i remember this there we go oh there it is that's it that's the cooling unit okay that is freaking dirty oh boy that is nasty ah yeah there we go got all my chats back oh boy let's get that that is four and a half five years almost of cat hair dust the thing you guys gotta remember is my my server closet here at home actually pulls in air from outside so you'll find the occasional dead bug in the machines i do have a filter on it but for the first i don't know at least six months i did not have a filter on it i am going to need a vacuum cleaner dang um okay okay uh we're gonna we're gonna vacuum this radiator because that is freaking nasty you know what the second one doesn't look that bad though here let's try and get a let's try and get a look at that one like that looks that looks reasonably clean in there like even this fan isn't dirty so it seems like the front one really did take the brunt of it it's kind of hard to see in there perfectly ah thanks kiddo we got a helper here bringing me that uh bringing me that dyson uh just send it to me thank you all right oh he's back to back to homeschooling now okay here we go ladies and gentlemen okay i'll try and get you guys a look at what's going on here um i'm gonna try and actually drain these a little bit more first before we do this oh boy okay my bucket's back got the crabs in the bucket here we go okay and one two three oh no no no no get back in there yeah there you go okay that's a lot of water that was still in there it's a good thing we're doing this ah i'm just gonna adjust this right angle fitting here stop stop stop stop okay oh no no i'm good my aunt's like you look like you need help yeah i know really though really though everything everything that's happening right now is completely fine um and this is all entirely under control right now in this time okay all right we good uh i think come on ah any more in there okay i think we're good let's vacuum that radiator oh gross let's get that water out of there that's definitely dirtier water whatever's kind of settled in the in the radiator they tend to be the dirtiest part of any loop anyway even brand new all right here we go we going max that's uh that's dyson power for you you know what i might need more than dyson power um okay we're bringing in the uh we're bringing in the big guns here guys we need more vacuum power in the meantime i got to figure out what my plan is for getting this radiator back in here i can tell you guys one thing for sure those hardline fittings and tubes in there those are not coming out hey thank you all right awesome that's fine that's far enough thank you sir okay ah there we go that's what we need uh the outlet for this is actually behind this play kitchen so i need a second here there we go all right it's about to get loud okay new strat i actually have a built-in vac that's like however many horsepower so obviously it's a little more powerful than a battery operated vacuum no matter how spectacular that battery operated vacuum is um we used the dyson which i actually bought after doing the sponsored video that one stayed at the office and i actually bought one so we use that for like you know when the kids spill at a meal or whatever else and then we use this when it's like vacuuming business time you know okay i don't want to bend any of these fins i'm going to be careful here i'm not going for perfection i'm just trying to get it degrassified here remember guys never use a vacuum like this to clean uh static sensitive computer components this is a radiator so it does not matter but the static charge that can build up because of the air rushing over the metal you can actually see it in effect if you try to vacuum something small like rice you'll see some of them won't actually go in the vacuum they'll get flung around because the difference in charge between the end of the vacuum here and the piece of rice is so much that it'll come close and then get repelled away all right that is a lot better ladies and gentlemen um let's have a look at that other rad here i don't know if we're doing anything with it at least get some dust off there yeah all right i don't know guys should i do it should i take out those fittings i super duper don't want to but i won't be able to clean that radiator if i don't all right let's do it i have no idea how long i'm going to be streaming for today at this rate though all right i'm doing it taking out taking out these tubes all right it's off there it is so this side you can see is like perfect because obviously the intake side is where they get wet just wipe that off yeah it's really not that bad now that it's vacuumed anyway okay so that's good ah this is more like a classic classic linus build got only half of the oh there's my screwdriver got only half of the screws in oh yeah this was another small design flaw check this out guys so there were just there were so many of these little things that i just wasn't comfortable releasing the design files because people were going to discover how dumb we were so see this screw you can't you can't screw that in because this flange here covers it so you don't actually have a choice you have to leave out some of the fan screws excuse me like if i were to go back and and fix all the little problems with it sure but i'm not gonna do that so yeah we're never releasing these files oliver g says i bet he won't finish this stream until 2021 no no no no no no no i have budgeted the rest of the day but there's no way it's going to take me longer than that to tear down and rebuild this machine even with hardline tubing i hope it's a plastic table not a wooden table so i don't know if it works quite the same way for your knock-on wood there but i'm legitimately not that worried about it okay wow well that one's not bad at all dang that was a total waste of time and effort i didn't have to do that at all well since we're in here we might as well give it the old vacuum but i don't think it's gonna do much okay oh okay all good part of it is that that second one actually has this filter in front of it as well so uh the reason that i didn't go with a filter on the front one was just for aesthetics so that we could see the ltt edition noctua fans that were something that we were super excited about at that time so those are in there actually those fans could probably use a quick a quick tidy up uh yeah what's the best way to do that these aren't industrial ppcs so i can't just like you know scrub them in water um [Music] ah i think i know what to do this is uh this is how i usually like to clean fans i don't know why i didn't think of it immediately brb and this is something my kids can't get me they don't know where it is because why would my kids know where cleaning supplies are there we go all right it's about to get a little grody up in here but this is one of my favorite favorite fan dusting tools you just get in there in the back of the fan and kind of you know move the blades around a little bit so you get at all of them give the old blowy blow people are like canned air no you won't do this good of a job with canned air it just doesn't work that well there you go basically perfect now if you have like a sticky kind of dust like if you're a smoker for example this isn't going to work very well but if it's all just like a very dry dust you can do a pretty quick and pretty good job just with a little feather duster um you got to move around the blades to kind of get into the spots right at the right near the hub but yeah this does a shockingly good job it's like yeah old classic technology there's a reason they used you know feather dusters to dust stuff right all right so we can go ahead and pop that one back in there people are like i need one oh man see we should have been ready we should have been ready with an feather duster before we started this eh and and counter-intuitively don't get it wet that's bad that will take much much longer you want the dust nice and dry these noctua fans are even more difficult than most to clean just because they have those kind of air channeling blades on them turn that around get into all the little groovy grooves there we go nice man this rig's gonna look like new i'm excited hey stop it sorry fan keeps falling over here cut it out there we go i should probably do some q a zap man says ltt pc cleaning kit might actually sell yeah i'm sure it would actually just be a matter of finding a good reputable supplier good quality good consistency good conditions in the factory um finding one that's not busy making face masks right now because of all the covid stuff like it's there's more to it than just like hey that's a good idea we've got lots of good ideas for stuff that would sell like billio in ltt store um it's just a matter of you know getting all of those ducks in a row running ltt store head well nick running ltt store really i don't do that much of the actual like um fine details but running ltt store has given i think all of us a much better appreciation for how difficult it is to bring any product to market much less a good one uh all right cool so that's done there is a lot of water in the bottom of this case now and that's definitely something that i'm gonna need to wipe up that's one thing i should have absolutely been ready with before i started because there was no way i was going to get all the way through this ow oh just nailed my foot on the tripod ow there was no way i was gonna get through this whole thing without spilling at least a little bit of water okay rent let's wipe that up have a look at what i did last time for cable management i don't want to really reinvent the wheel here so i'm probably going to cable manage it pretty much the same way but this is actually good this is uh you can give the rest of the chassis the old the old wipey wipe the shiny shine oh man i keep saying oh yeah one more thing that i that i forgot to have in place before we started and then i immediately find another one that i should have had i'm gonna need a soldering iron because that power button is going to need to be soldered in order to fix it okay fantastic what are these nuts doing here oh that's how the mounting mechanism works oh that's actually kind of clever um there's these little nuts on here that you don't put down all the way i guess i had intended for them to be hot glued or like loctited or something and then it actually slides onto it and the reason that didn't work was because there are two rads one of which needs to be screwed into the front and they needed to be connected ahead of time i remember that whole thing it was a nightmare getting it in there i hope i can get it in again i wish i had thought of that oh where's the dyson got a bug in there that i want to get out i would rather not have bug guts all over my cloth if i don't have to seriously that thing is stuck in there come on there you go you're done you're out oh that's that's nasty [Music] sweet all right ground zero here we go time to start fixing things what do we want to start with guys hit me up here i guess fixing the power button actually let's get that power button fixed so i'll give you guys a look at what went wrong i think it was actually the reason i couldn't fix it at the time was because i had already gotten the radiator in and i think what happened was it like knocked one of these connectors off here see so it stopped working oh yeah this one here right there so it knocked that off i might not actually not have to solder anything at all and it had been such a pain in the butt to get the radiator in that i had determined that it just was not worth fixing oh when i kicked the tripod the camera got all crooked take it oh man get that fixy fixed there you go hopefully that's a little better for you guys there really does raise the question why i thought it would be a good idea now if 2015 or 2016 or whatever it was me decided that it was not in fact worth it but hey if i can't remember that it was a problem then it's not a problem um and mossari over on floatplane says we need ltt storm mouse mats we saw some in the mechanical switch test video i know we're working on it that has to do with making sure we found exactly the right supplier okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to reorient the power button a little bit so that as the radiator goes in it's less likely to interfere with any of these leads wow this lead is actually twisted 180 that seems like it could have been problematic you know i don't even know if this switch is going to work even if i do wire it back up see that i don't know if i don't know how well you guys can uh come on there we go i don't know how well you guys can see that but that that lead is actually twisted right there still seems to be making contact alright well oh wait a second this is snapped off oh no [Music] it didn't just come off it snapped off the pin is in here oh that's really bad i don't have a new switch on hand i thought i didn't oh no i didn't remember right i thought it was just disconnected oh no well what hold on a second what what what pin is that grout wait g1 is that just a ground oh okay well let me think for a second here wait a minute those pins are twisted on the other ones too okay that maybe that's supposed to be like that that's super weird okay hold on a second there might be hope here okay so first i'm going to start by repositioning the reset switch just a little bit so that it's less likely to interfere with the radiators as well last thing i want to do is break the reset switch and have to go order a new one or pilfer one from ebon's computer or something okay so reset switch that's fixed up now let me have a look here nc1 um it's really hard to read those like this so these are combination power switch and led so that says 5 volt i guess and then that puppy says oh wait no that just says 9 amp something 20 20 20 something awg okay so that's just the um wiring spec does that say oh no it says six volt i guess uh oh okay so wait what are these labels then i don't get it so positive yeah they're not labeled positive negative and then the power okay yeah that makes sense so positive negative and power switch they're labeled on the underside there we go so i think it's possible that if i hook up to that other pin that is not broken off that it will fix it but another option no i don't know if uh i actually don't know if soldering it is another option here oh what a bummer i am uh i'm bummed guys i'm bummed i thought this was going to be no problem at all i'm going to pop it out take a closer look at it it's kind of tricky to get out here so there we go all right here we go all right so that says nc1 now that suggests to me that that means no connection and from the labels that are on here already so this probably would have been done by protocase from the labels that are on here already what it looks like is that these outer ones the positive and negative so those are for the led that makes sense because those ones are still connected and the led still works so the power led works then we've got no1 here and then we've got c1 c1 is the one that's broken off right there and then we've also got uh nc1 are you guys familiar with um are you guys familiar with these buttons because i'm not super well versed in them nc is normally closed okay so that doesn't mean um no connection okay switch the connections with the reset switch yeah i could do that i could just move the switches and then my power switch would work and i wouldn't have a reset switch that is my back but if you guys are familiar with these it would be great oh man it's really hard to tell if that's no1 or nc1 it kind of looks like it might just be mangled it might be a mangled o or it might be a c c one is common okay so that is the ground probably um got people saying yeah just go get a multimeter yeah i guess i you know what we could do that actually we could just go get a multimeter and why not right if i could just there's like a plastic housing bit on the back like i just popped that off i'd this would be great i think you can but i think what you'd have to do is um is untwist those ones that are twisted all four of them are like that so it seems like that's intentional um i've got someone asking if it's a double action switch i only feel one actuation point okay i'm gonna go get the multimeter bear it back if we can if we can work if we can make this work that would be awesome i'd be super psyched if for whatever reason both of those um pins get shorted when you flip the switch okay now i am not an electronics wizard but i think i know what i'm looking for here plugged into that thing uh okay so we are looking for resistance when the switch is open and closed all right now i just got to figure out how to hold these things in place well enough that they are not going to move around okay so that broken pin back there if we can line that up then when the switch is closed we should have basically no resistance [Music] i'll put it in connectivity diode mode man so again not a wizard you're gonna have to walk me through that one i have other than looking it up when i need to use it confession time guys i have hardly touched my multimeter since high school so please forgive me forgive me for i have sinned i feel like i just need one more hand oh oh that video is frozen again stupid thing yeah all good activate activate and we should be back there we go yep sorry about that okay mm-hmm okay so okay that's good very low resistance between c1 and nc1 that would seem to suggest to me that they might be the same thing so that might be nc1 instead of no1 or n01 let me check n01 and nc1 so sorry i know you guys want me to use continuity mode but i'm just going to go with what i know right now because that's going to make my life a little bit easier come on just touch that thing come in there we go okay uh oh wait hmm yeah i think we got a problem i don't think this is going to work this idea okay yep oh wait hold on it's not lined up man it's really hard to touch that broken pin there we go so i pressed the button so this is the original connections i press the button low resistance so that is opening the circuit i let go of the button high resistance that is closing the circuit now my remaining pins you can see press the button oops i'm not touching it there get in there get in there you vicious monster okay there we go so ah there we go press button high resistance release button oh no i must not be touching it right now taking a bit i think it's the opposite behavior though no it's just not doing anything now oh interesting i thought it was doing something before okay either way i think that this is not going to work oh yeah there wait see i got that low resistance value when was that what happened okay fine oh i know what's happening it's touching that broken off pin dang it yeah it sucks i don't have a good way to uh i just don't have a good way to fix it it's if there was a little bit more nubbin left on i could probably i could probably solder something there but there isn't there's just like nothing it's it's it's flush like it sheared right off uh p del withy yes that's what we've determined um so it's shortened to uh no one or nc1 when it's open and then it's shorted to no one when it isn't open so that's why that one had no connection on it all right fine so all this is now is just uh a drive activity led and i'm just going to move it down to the bottom slot fine then i just need to be really careful with what was my reset switch and move that up to the top i can live with that i mean i've lived with having no power switch i've lived with having no reset switch for all these years i can i can live without it for a little while longer oh i think this hole the tolerances are even tighter to get the switch out oh man do i really have to unscrew it the whole way oh that's annoying actually oh silver match makes a good suggestion get the soldering iron and just try melting away a little bit of the plastic to get a connection there i could do that okay we are not defeated yet ladies and gentlemen okay i'm putting that back in because that is going to be a royal pain in the butt to deal with yeah that's going back in for now okay brb soldering iron uh where is my soldering iron oh here it is okay soldering iron solder where's my flux where's my ancient flux i think that's all i need oh yeah a little bit of sacrificial wire yep that's that's probably small enough yeah sure and then where are my wire strippers there we are all right whoo this is turning into a real adventure i have no idea how interesting this is but what i do know is that this video is brought to you by i fix it's mahi driver kitten i think it's a quarter inch aluminum screwdriver handle with a magnetic bit socket knurled grip and swivel top plus 48 driver bits check it out at the link below man why haven't i just been running sponsor spots every time i have to go and get something that would be brilliant so massive thanks to ifixit for uh for sponsoring this uh this episode today people are saying flux no flux no okay well i mean if all we're trying to do is melt the thing yeah flux no i suppose where's that switch at all right good luck everybody i'm gonna see if i can get you guys a better angle here with the uh the webcam as long as it doesn't fall over or anything this should be this should be serviceable let's have a look here how's that all right so basically what we're trying to do here is melt away yeah melt away a little bit of the plastic in there let me try and get you guys a good look why am i having such a hard time there we go melt away a little bit of the plastic there so that i can solder a little wire to it yes burnt plastic is bad i know um it's not like i'm a burnt plastic fan it's just i need to put a wire on that thing and burnt plastic is the way for me to do that that's all okay let's clean that there we go okay let's get some more burnt plastic up in this biz oh yeah we burn in that plastic real good real swell well we've definitely got access to the pin there okay um use a table to solder on this is really not safe you sound like my mom okay let's put this down here there we go there you want a table all right there's your table you like that is that better okay so what i'd really like to do i don't know if i'm going to be able to it's like tin this thing somehow oh boy yep this is horrible whose idea was this oh boy we gored it we gored it let me see here actually holy smokes i think it might actually be tinned it's not uh like a brass color anymore it's a silver color david m and float planes like i've done way worse than this but it's fun to mock yeah exactly let's see i know what you guys are like i know what you guys are about okay i wish i had a nice little pair of side cutters snippy snips right now because these are this combination of plastic and solder is not amazing to pick away with my fingernails but i don't really have much of a choice right now okay um i think i'm just going to try and melt away a bit more here yeah we're going full melt here oh yeah that's way more exposed just got to try not to breathe in while i'm doing this yeah this is a bit of a different definition of not safe for work at lmg this is probably more more truly not safe for work all right okay we exposed it's quite exposed now okay that's pretty cool uh i'm going to try to tint it again still balling up on here get on there come on just melt belgium vicious thing okay i can't tell if that worked or not but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna throw some sacrificial wire on here okay and let's see what happens sorry guys it's there's a limit to how much i can show you right now just because this is awkward enough to work on let alone try to film okay so that wire is on there there you go see that now we can check our switch operation with the multimeter again yes i know i'm supposed to be using continuity mode no i'm not going to be using continuity mode because i don't remember how to do that from high school so i'm just going to do it the way that i know how to do it okay here we go let's just turn that off for now it's still going to be really hot so i still got to be careful here but back to the switch so one of these needs to go on um this pin right here there we are oh man that's that one's really hard to hold the thing on uh huh very low resistance okay that's not what we wanted oh i think it's touching two pins oh you know what this one's actually pretty easy then because i can just touch both of these here we go let's see if we got it wait no it doesn't work like that apparently oh yeah that makes sense because they would just be shorting between them dang it okay so that needs to go there i need one more hand you know okay i think oh man just got like a little nubbin to hit there no stop stop stop okay high resistance and low resistance high resistance low resistance hey all right we good it'd be fixed for now okay all right so now all i need to do then is uh solder together these freaking a it's fixed let's go ahead and uh make some sacrificial wire uh exposed copper here now i gotta try to make sure i don't accidentally rip it off there because i've only got a little tiny nubbin to work with that's what she said okay ah these wire strippers are really worn out glue that bad boy oh yeah we're gonna hot glue this for sure come on okay good oh no it came off no okay that's okay that's okay because if we did it once then we can do it again i knew that was a bit of a cold solder joint so it's probably just as well that it came off now rather than later um okay flexi time this is my ancient 10 year old flux that still sort of works and i'm too cheap to replace because it's still mostly full right right right right right right right okay now i got my little wiry wire no way guys called you called nothing floatplane chat all right let's get uh let's get our better better feed here uh all three there we go try and get you guys a good look at what's going on okay we are heated up and we are raring to go here we go take a deep breath and relax boy that's hot owie okay is that on there now oh yeah now it's on there okay cool i probably should check and make sure it actually still works i guess that seems like the right due diligence thing to do so back on there back on there uh-huh um oh this is such a pain in the butt to make contact with and um oh shoot the buttons on the other side now that makes sense okay maybe i can just lay that one there that would be trace convenient nope i'm not getting the desired behavior right now but i can't tell if it's just because i'm holding it wrong iphone style you know i feel like that might be the case um oh son of mine are you there is anybody in the house even i just need someone to come press a button can somebody press a button okay maybe if i just like jam this end down the shea thing it'll kind of oh oh i stabbed myself ah dang it oh that hurt it hurts hurts me okay oh i think i can get that one to stay okay that one's staying that's good okay now i just need this one while i press the button okay i think we could it's not doing anything though which is weird um my multimeter just flaking out on me here like why has it got these random af readings right now okay resistance should be one but it's not doing anything okay we good there okay you guys can see what's going on now you guys can help me out all right okay so this one oh yeah if i come out this one from this angle oh who's calling me now whatever it is it better be incredibly important oh that one 800 number definitely not definitely a low priority though right now okay so that's on there okay that get get in there get get in there okay good so we got uh okay i might not be able to let you guys see what's going on because i got to see what's going on oh look at that you guys can see that too how about that okay we got one okay what's going on here there we go one lower than one one lower than one please please yes good it still works right i turn that off turn off my multimeter when i'm done all right freaking rock on we're good so now i just need to i'm just going to yeah rip the connector off this or should i just solder it to the spade connector i'm just going to solder it to the spade connector there i've had enough stripping wires off things for the time being hello are you tinned yet hello please how about you are you tinned no you're not now you're tinned right okay we're full tin now it's boys time okay not my prettiest work also far from my worst work as you guys probably know here we go so there it is that is my repaired switch not pretty but we will never see it so it doesn't matter awesome i'm actually very very happy right now with this result verge level this is not verge level you guys and you guys gotta you gotta put that behind you all right that was a long that was a long time ago the verge has done plenty of perfectly credible pc gaming pc builds since then i'm just kidding i actually don't think they have i just don't think they've done anything i love it and hate it at the same time hot glue and electrical tape it you know what um that's actually not a terrible idea um at least to at least to tape it down okay i will brb with some tape that's a really good idea oh man i have oh you know what oh yeah i should run the other sponsor while i'm gone uh this uh is also brought to you by um is featuring the drop thx aaa 789 audio amplifier made with thx limited it features thx's feed forward topology technology which reduces distortion by 20 to 40 decibels it's capable of driving the audio to any headphones with its three different outputs got balanced quarter inch and three and a half millimeter jack outputs and delivers clear sharp audio and bass without the bloat it's got a one year warranty and you can check it out at the link in the video description like magic look at that he's back with the electrical tape you know i probably had the electrical tape the whole time i was just looking for an excuse okay who in chat is saying we're not even five percent done uh we are we are at least five percent done i think we're more than five percent done i am reasonably confident that we are more than five percent done here all right oh so excited you know what i'm gonna do though just for just as a sanity check is i'm going to actually test it and like once it's actually screwed into the case here i'm going to test it one more time just to make sure this time over at the other end of the conductor oh okay so let's screw that on tighten that up it's as tight as i can get it with my fingers i think okay yeah that's pretty good oh got it yes okay i'm on a high right now but uh all it takes is for one thing to go catastrophically wrong to end it and put us at a low this is actually an easier way to do this i should do this in the first place i'm just going to pop that on there pop that on there here it goes let's press power button hey hey look at that power button ladies and gentlemen repaired here's a final look at it before we close this up for good and we never see that again see not too shabby all right multimeter away probably won't need that for the rest of this project but i'm not going to put it too far out of reach flux away oh why don't i put all of those supplies in one place um let's clean up the tip a little bit always clean the tip when you're done ladies and gentlemen always every time it's important you never know when you're gonna need it again all right let's put that over there oh shoot it's on that locking extension cord that i have i gotta unlock that because i'm gonna need it out i'm gonna need a heat gun later okay cool now we can go ahead and put those front radiators back backhand start the rebuild process it's time to rebuild what was lost ladies and gentlemen there will be more shenanigans for sure though when we get to hardline water cooling all right where's my screws for that uh hmm where's the other radiator for that i have not done an amazing job of keeping everything organized oh there it is cool found my radiator that's fortunate okay so i'm gonna go ahead and put these back together and yeah you know in a perfect world what i would love to do is actually fix this mount so that they go in properly i guess it doesn't really matter though jam those hard line fittings on there they're in all the way go ahead and tighten them up it's kind of inspired by like sli fittings for these radiators so it's kind of a nice way to run two cards that are right next to each other so instead it's two rads that are right next to each other i've got some garbage that i don't want to end up back in the rig okay since these are already hardline um water cooled i don't need to change anything about them to match the new build so let's go ahead and switch cameras there we go and that feed is frozen again because it's a derp but that's okay because there's a super quick way to fix it and there we go so these are hot glued in just to make sure they don't come apart evidently and these are well hold on a second how does that bracket figure into all this oh wow so i think i think the bracket needs to go on actually before i reattach it to this red oh interesting all right that's fine you can pull that off relatively easily i can see why for the first few years when i still remembered what building this thing was like that i didn't rebuild it this makes a lot of sense now okay so oh boy thinking thinking there we go i think no no no no this way there we are now would be a perfect time to put a bunch of rgb fans in the front but we're not gonna do that maybe i will put some rgb in the inside just for lulls though okay so these this has got to come up and over here come on there we go okay and i don't know how much you guys can or can't see right now but oh no oh no that screw fell in there there we go no problem easy peasy oh these anti-vibration uh corner pieces on the fan are catching on each other i really don't want them to do that so please please stop thank you there we go okay that is basically positioned how i want it now other than this corner not being lined up and i think we're ready to screw this back in nice whoo i'm having fun lucas scorpion over on floatplane says all this rad cleaning talk it makes it what is it it's a painful reminder that i need to do mine yeah i know it's such a pain in the butt though everyone you know likes the cool things about water cooling but nobody literally nobody likes the pain in the butt things about water cooling which is pretty much everything if you really get down to it all right fan number one is in number two needs to be realigned a little bit and there it is oh yeah now is a good time to yeah rod even rod bs mods like oh i should flush my loop literally a professional computer modder uh yeah yup nobody likes it it's not like you know me when i was in school you know when people be like nobody likes you but actually i did have a couple friends this is like literally nobody likes it not even one oh i should probably do a handful of uh super chats just in case people send super chats and then tune out now seems like a good time to go do that just makes it so i can't monitor obs so that's one of the reasons i haven't really been looking at it that much i'm just going to do like a couple of highlight ones here guys because there's far too many hendrix says here's 10 euros for always skipping your ads thank you hendrix appreciate you fam uh spencer gu says hey linus just built my first pc a couple days ago thanks to all of your videos hey cool stuff um shout out to keith streeter as well lasalle rhymes says thanks for helping us get through this lockdown hey my absolute pleasure um i'm honestly having a lot of fun making videos from home um i shot a short circuit last night with my son uh about this retro console it's called the evercade and it was kind of neat seeing him play a game that i played when i was a kid uh double dragon uh for the ness uh double dragon two wow that one for nature's nest whatever anyway one of the double dragon games and like just kind of being confused by how bad it is in a certain sense um there's one part where [Music] uh you go up on the roof and you have to like kind of jump up under this thing but the jump controls are not obvious and so he just ends up like kind of walking off the roof because the forced perspective to make it feel 3d has the roof kind of slanted so when you walk towards it you just kind of oh yeah you kind of fall off you did it like three times in a row it's pretty funny um uh alex santos says you should upgrade your cooling by removing the stacked radiators oh man the comment section on yesterday's video was like triggered central for me just the degree to which people did not understand what they were viewing was spectacular i've rarely seen it in all my time as a youtuber uh just the number of people that are like um actually you didn't test the scenarios that corsair said when if we were all watching the same video they would know that in fact we did test both scenarios that corsairs i should say corsair's representative because it was one person at corsair who uh who sent me these notes um we did test both scenarios we tested the one where the case has a front intake that is got a rate that has got a radiator on it sucking in fresh air heating up that air and then using that heated air to cool a second radiator so unlike the hack pro where that second radiator was in the back we positioned it in the top just like the flow simulation that they sent us showing us that it would not work and then it did work and it was fine and then the second scenario was about stacked rads like right in front of each other just like this also tested that in the minecraft server where we had three not two but three stacked rads we removed one cpu temps went up five degrees and then we've got people saying well actually what corsair was saying was that it's not optimal no if what they had said was that it's not optimal i wouldn't have argued with them because that's true it's not optimal to do it that way optimal would be every radiator having access to fresh air that's optimal what they said is that it will not help or it could even make it worse so what we tested was if it helps at all and of course it does now there are a variety of reasons why it helped for us and did not help in corsair's flow simulation i talk about those in the video none of it matters because they told me hey you're water cooling wrong because this won't work this does work is it optimal no in this case do i have somewhere else to put a radiator where it will have access to fresh air no i do not so this is better than nothing so that's my rationale for it um yeah very very very very frustrating reading the comments on yesterday's video just like the level of it's it was kind of like that one that i did a while back about whether running water cooling on your system so that your cpu is at a cooler temperature whether that makes your room cooler and the comment section is split right down the middle there's the people that go your testing is flawed obviously it makes the room cooler if your cpu is running at a cooler temperature and then the other half of the comments are this is a stupid video why did you even need to test this obviously it's not going to make the room cooler and like i'm sitting here going both of these sides of the argument have made their way all the way down to the comment section and not managed to read any other comments before leaving their comment because they would both know oh no i'm actually wrong the test is perfectly fine and no a cooler running cpu at a lower temperature does not mean that it's actually outputting less thermal energy at least not in a measurable way it does actually make it slightly more efficient um and then the other side the people are like why did you even need to make this video all they had to do was read one of the comments from the people that didn't understand what was going on to know why we had to make that video because so many people think that if your cpu is running at 40 degrees versus 70 degrees that your room in the summer will be cooler it doesn't work like that your cpu outputs however much heated outputs it's just a matter of how efficiently you are drawing it away so yeah every once in a while like we make a video that i'm like hey we have answered a question that you know people had and we've kind of done it in a once and for all way so you know we can put this stupid conversation to rest forever um and people don't get it anyway and then i get really frustrated you know maybe i just need to need to make a better video you know maybe my video wasn't clear enough you know i'm open to that it's just you know it's frustrating because i do try my best right um all right so let's get this out of the way and then i do see how this works now so all right i'm gonna try not to break this this time there we go ew there's a dead mosquito in the front radiator girls okay let's move that forward here we go all right so that's on there just gotta slide this forward a little bit more and then latch it on it was not actually hot glued down it was just these uh these nuts in the bottom of the case here i just got to slide this back radiator over these nuts until it's locked into place okay this is really tricky and i can see why i hated doing it the first time oh man so i'm gonna lift these up as high as they go i kind of wish i had that hot glue that one of the floatplane chat peeps was talking about there right now hot glue would be real nice right about now just to keep things out of my way even okay there we go all right these fans i'm just gonna kind of put here so that they're not pulling on that front radiator okay slide this forward i'm going to slide that really far forward okay and then slide it back is that catching i can't tell if that's catching it's really hard to tell actually i can't tell what that's stuck on either so this bundle of cables down here might be i don't think the rad goes all the way down to the bottom of the case though does it okay well at any rate these cables are definitely out of the way of that radiator now so i'm not sure what's causing it to be stuck here okay yeah let's have a look have a look-see oh hey there we go oh that felt good oh no way was that it oh nice okay oh that's freaking awesome now tell me something guys should i do it should i put a hole in the side of the case try and just sort of eyeball emulate it and get this screwed in once and for all since we're being ambitious today you guys want to see it huh enliserie says don't do it over in floatplane twitch chat is just full spam do it do it oh man um yeah most of the rest of the floatplane chat says do it all right all right i'm gonna get my drill i'm going to get my drill you know what i waited so long to run our pre-roll oh no i can't actually run that right now because it's just going to be a black screen for a long time okay i'll be right back i'll be right back full send full send ladies and gentlemen we're doing it oh man should i try and countersink it too i don't know if i have the tools on hand to do that and if i don't countersink it i don't know if my rails are gonna go back on properly all right drill's got battery so that's a good sign oh almost got my foot there but i didn't so it's all good oh you know what i got this thing that could oh wait oh no i think i do have one of those bits where is it there it is oh yes not designed for steel mind you but uh you know what the hey what the hey you know what i'm saying guys you know what i'm saying um yeah all right i think i got everything i need here i'm gonna put a hole in the side of the kit you know i'm going to get a slightly bigger bit just in case it comes to that yep oh yeah what can go wrong i just slammed the door on the ethernet cable that's running the stream that could go wrong hopefully y'all are still there i'm gonna find out soon enough come on stream still be live we good we good all right cool cool oh man that would have been terrible what a stupid way to kill your stream right all right so for those of you who weren't here when this happened what happened was the original design of the case the mounting holes for this radiator bracket here were not lined up in the original design by accident so i just kind of yolo'd it i just kind of shoved it in there and i assumed that the second radiator would be held in place by the nuts that are along the bottom which worked out just fine and by the front radiator being screwed into the front of the case which actually did work out just fine but obviously we could do better by screwing in this radiator properly so that's the goal these all seem to be positioned correctly so if i hold this rad upright and just kind of like eyeball it i don't know should be fine right what could go wrong have i been streaming for two hours already wow i have made shockingly little progress um tomorrow's going to be a tough day because i got to shoot like other videos this week and stuff okay so i don't know if how well you guys can see what i'm doing here but i'm i'm going for it like i'm just i'm just lining this thing up that looks like it's a little bit lower okay i mean that looks pretty right [Music] um yeah all right here goes [Music] okay yep that's definitely it's going um can i shove this out of the way no i can't really oh boy hopefully i didn't mangle the threads too bad but i think i got it lined up actually so now i'm just gonna grab one of these handy dandy i love these things uh where'd i put it i love them but i don't know where they are right now gosh darn it where is it uh oh no where'd i put the little counter sinky thingamaboober uh i guess we're not countersinking where'd it go oh okay i brought it up here because i knew i was gonna use it hey got it tyler i love these things these are great uh oh three so you got a little thing right here there you go so you can put a little countersinkingness so that you can use a countersunk screw from the outside of the case and it's nice and flush so if you need to put your server rails back on there's going to be room for it needs a little more this bit was 100 designed for wood not metal so it's slow going i think that should be good though let's give it a shot here's how far off the original design was i'll give you guys a look at that oh is that one is that one frozen oh yeah oh yeah that one's frozen that's fine give it the old deactivate reactivate oh nope nope the handheld one the handheld one be dead uh all right neat well then hmm um yeah i don't know if i have a convenient way to fix that i i've unplugged and replugged and i have deactivated and reactivated oh hey there it is nice okay so that's how far off it was there you go so i think i have it lined up right now but we're gonna find out in a sec if i actually got it i'm just gonna use one of these uh black countersunk screws that are that came with the case and see if that lines up there so yep slide that thing in at the bottom is that going to reach come on baby are you gonna go is it a goer oh no way it's a goer nice everything is actually going shockingly well so far on this stream like i'm worried you know whenever things go this well i get i get worried all right where's my drill bit time for the other side there we go okay so i gotta get it slid in there and then right about oh yeah it looks like both of them were too far yeah too far forward and a little bit too low now if i just kind of use the other one to landmark that would probably be a pretty good bet at this point because it's pretty symmetrical probably okay i want it right there okay i think that's it wish me luck everybody i got this [Music] a little bit's a little bendy [Music] yeah definitely a little a little bit of a bendy boy there okay [Music] okay hopefully i didn't mangle that too hard [Music] okay here we go it's time to check we going we good oh shoot drop the thing okay okay here we go are we in we hacked the mainframe we haven't quite hacked the mainframe yet it's a bit more mainframe hacking okay no it's not quite not quite lined up there i think oh hold on you just need to push it down a bit oh i think i got it oh i think i got it just pull in all right you know what she's a little slanty but i think i think she'll do i think she'll do yep we're calling that good nice oh freaking awesome there you go so that's where that one's gonna go in and these uh these ugly cables here are just gonna tuck down here now that the mounting mechanism works properly this is actually not going to be as horrible to take out and put back in if i ever wanted to do it again not that i do i actually have no desire whatsoever to take this apart and put it back together some more it will be it will be easily another four years before this ever happens again oh man youtube chat russ you leave me alone about that video yesterday i don't want to hear about it right now i was traumatized okay i was traumatized by the by the comments okay um now i just got to figure out how i cable managed these fans in the front here i think what's going wrong is that this one needs to go under the rad and it's a little bit of a droopy boy right now so there we go all right that can go right there and that one can go right there next to the repaired actually this can get out of my way for a second here and that can go get down there you monster okay there you are okay those are in yes they are oh yes they are huh um i'm going to actually vacuum up those metal filings that seems like a grand idea right about now give me one sec oh shoot so there we go let's put that front red back in oh man so close to finishing this build that uh ah just kidding it's gonna be a while all right this was a bit of a pain in the butt to line up i do remember this so just got to kind of there we go just give it a little lifty there and try to get that through nope i missed uh as soon as the as soon as the screws aligned with the fans then i'm good i just i do need to get the screws aligned with the fans oh there you go i gotcha i got you you got got okay next one just need to get the two corners and then it's all it's all gravy after that hmm i don't like that cable management right now i want this cable under that other fan a little pokey tool hey i fix it's one of the sponsors for today's video so you're going to want to check them out at the link in the description they've got all kinds of good little pokey proddy screwy tools for just this kind of thing uh-huh so why are you going like that anyway this is stuck on that's weird yeah you can't be you can't be over there so this one is it's up too high it won't go down low enough which is weird how did i have that cable managed before i don't really understand because the next one next fan over definitely has to be able to sit down a little bit lower than this is going to allow it to be right now it doesn't look like there's any way for me to pull it through more though it's all plugged into a molex connector over there interesting well this is an unforeseen challenge me oh maybe i just have the wrong one there maybe it's this one that's supposed to be there let's undo that work and try this one how's that that one's a touch better yeah that might be it all right let's try that and that's the thing about cable management's like it looks nice but it makes maintenance just more difficult and i'm the kind of person who does maintenance for fun sometimes so basically i'm just making fun more difficult sometimes for myself okay let's see if this works now uh yeah yeah it looks like with that one as my far farthest most fan we're in good shape and everything is not in the way of mounting the other fans okay i think that's a word [Music] um what on earth is that screwed into right now oh good nothing because that was real confusing okay let's lift this up okay this was another design flaw on this case i can show it to you guys in a second i just want to get this screwed in got to kind of hold this over real tight oh shoot it's frozen uh one second here guys deactivate activate should be back there we go oh another design flaw in this case is these usb ports in the front here the cables for them we didn't really think about we put usb ports on the we put the cutouts on the front but didn't really consider how bulky the housings for them are at the back and there wasn't really sufficient room for them so you got to kind of like jam the radiator up into the cables there in order to get it in place very uncomfortable experience for everyone involved um where'd my screwdriver go there it is okay come on where are you at okay i see ya i see you you are not even close not even close right now how are you so not close maybe i can just you know jam it a bit harder is that the solution because i don't have another one right now there it is okay that first one's in i'd like to get at least one screw in for each of the fans before going any further yeah so i can just i'm going to just kind of lever this one up a little bit like that and put the top screw in for this one can't just just catch there you go there you go you're good you're fine this is fun everybody's having fun is that caught yeah that's caught all right nice whoo so now it's easy to lift these other ones up so i can just kind of pull them up like that in order to get the screws lined up radiator mounting man i don't know what's worse for water cooling rad mounting or reservoir mounting depends on your res the way we designed it in this one was for me and we knew that i hate dealing with reservoir mounting so we made it super easy there we go so i've got one screw in at least one screw in each of them now which means the rest of them should go in pretty pretty effortlessly still still time for this to be a pain in the butt though ah come on just come up a little bit there there we go sweet one see i got all these fans on the right way and everything yes okay good oh yeah that catch yep i feel it pulling in good let's do a diagonal one on this fan drop the screw that's all good i saw where it felt there we go oh that's pulled in nice i only need one more i only need one more screw in before i'm i'm home free on the front screws here oh yeah we're good nice so let's tighten these up you always want to put them in loosely at first especially with radiators just because the tolerances on these things can be a little bit funny on both cases and radiators so if you tighten up your first one real tight don't be surprised if the next three won't go in quite right whereas if you put them all in loosely you have a much better chance oh wait what that's weird why is that one not going in we're supposed to be home free now well maybe the issue is that i'm not following my own advice and i tightened up the other two on this fan before going at this one here nope that seems like it's going in okay hopefully you guys are enjoying this stream i kind of have no idea at this point it's had some issues but as long as everyone's having a good time then i guess we good so far in this stream we have fixed the audio spilled some water okay i got a summary over there i want to read that summary on floatplane i am one screw short which is a surprise i was not expecting to be one screw short i will have to find that oh there it is all right right there on the table all good i love this summary so far in this stream we have fixed the audio spilled some water disassembled the entire system cleaned some radiators and fans fixed the power button and put the fans back in hey we have also now last screw put the rads back in they in all right see that's pretty good hey right there radiators back in and actually better than before everything about the system is better than before now uh where was my pokey tool that i borrowed from this wait a minute am i one radiator screw short because i definitely have oh yeah i am i found an extra screw and there we go all right cool let's put my pokey tool back in here gotta put that away when you're done with it you know keep that somewhere on hand because i'm probably going to need it again and now it's time to take a look at that motherboard okay i'm actually gonna put the case aside for just a little bit here is there anything up there nope okay so we can just put that there and let's put the motherboard down because i i'm a little bit concerned about this kind of this black color here um oh wait what the heck interesting so i didn't realize this but apparently it's like a top a top cover of some sort so hmm it's hard to tell because we've got a lot of reflection here like i want you guys to see the light but i don't want you to get the reflections you know what here if i just grab something black that might help a little bit i'll just put this uh cable mod box here to stop the reflections yeah there we go so if you look under it you can see there's kind of a little bit of blue gunk build up along the top lip there and then under it it's actually still silver so it seems like whatever is behaving strangely here might be just related to this top cover piece and not to the functional part of the block they didn't go and put like is it just like some build up like gunk build up residue or is it they actually were they stupid enough to put any aluminum in there surely they couldn't have been uh this is um an asrock x570 aqua by the way this was sent over to me by asrock for my personal rig upgrade um hazard says the silver reacted with the copper i really don't think so because that's that's not copper for sure there's no exposed copper right there and two these are gold fittings actually on the motherboard not silver fittings just for that little bit of extra bling you know know what i'm saying got that bling bling i'm just trying to see if this is like a plastic plate that comes off easily it appears it does not you know what i'm kind of not worried about it to be honest with y'all um [Music] it is going to be a multi-hour ordeal to disassemble this thing uh gamer low graphics says you haven't changed the tubing between the rads i do not intend to change the tubing between the rads that is staying my tubing is clean like this is a this is a clean loop guys like my water was clean my tubes are clean check this out that is a clean tube so i'm really really not worried about that i mean you can even see in the in the blocks too like in this chipset portion of the block here that is a crystal clear loop there's no build up there whatsoever what you're seeing is just a little bit of condensation from it sitting out over the last little while here um okay i'm making i'm making no changes here that's what that's what i have ultimately decided i think what i will do though is throw some new fittings on it um yeah ah no no i'm gonna change gears again this is my add approach to computer building i'll put that down there and i'm going to plumb up the reservoir and the radiators we're going hard line ladies and gentlemen for better or for worse well we're going to try if i get frustrated and bored then i might just put my soft tubing back in because it has served me very well um but we're gonna try to go hard line here all right okay let's have a look at what jake sent over in my care package today these are the fittings that he intends for me to use got some blue tubing going with that blue aesthetic okay these are older fittings but uh still good got some primo chill revolves i've got some black these are the right size gee i don't know if these look the right size jake i hope they're the right size let's have a look here look kind of big i actually don't know if this tubing is all the same size that could get very interesting very fast yeah this is not all the same tubing oh boy oh boy oh boy so uh oh man oh no okay have a look here guys you can see by the ends i may not have enough depending on which tubing jake expects the fittings for i may not have enough hard line to go that road the good news is i will definitely have enough stuff to clean up the loop substantially oh and there might be more good news actually the outer diameter of these might be the same even if the inner diameter is not that's very interesting okay so let's have a look here is that a good fit that actually seems like a very snug fit oh i think i think jakey boy i think jakey boy has got things under control there let's go ahead and pop this on let's have a look here man if i plumb this whole thing up and it's no good though i'm gonna be extremely unhappy okay let's see i think we might be good oh yeah that seems pretty good all right so the one that i have two of at least is right and it's a close enough match to the tubing that's already in there which i think is this uh this lighter older stuff that i'm not gonna stress about it especially because those are kind of down between the radiators there so i guess we're doing it oh man i really like it's not much of a secret that i kind of hate hardline tubing uh i mean i don't hate the look you know it's super cool the part i hate is the actually doing it um it's not that i don't know how i just find it far less fun than almost any other kind of computer project half inch od lines half inch od lines yep these seem fine oh actually i can just look at this it's this od 12 millimeter um 12 millimeter is that half an inch or is it supposed to be 13 millimeter okay one half inch two millimeters 12.7 that should work uh you know who i would really trust on this one hey rod are you still watching because i would i would i would trust you am i going to be good with 12 millimeter tubing on half inch fittings it feels pretty tight it feels pretty good i think i've got a seal here rod says nope fail are you sure rod are you a hundred percent sure seems pretty darn good man if rod says don't do it though like i am asking for trouble i am cruising for a bruising if i do it ej tech i am reading uh floatplane the most i know what rod said i'm just asking him to verify okay i don't like it but primo chill does have big o rings they do these are thick old o-rings like it seems it seems okay he says i'll test one all right well in the meantime then what i'm gonna do is no no that's fine it wasn't attached in the meantime what i'm gonna do is i'm going to test i'm going to mount the reservoir okay good old rod rosenberg good guy that rod i was looking forward to seeing him at ltx like oh man there's so many things that i am bummed about about ltx being canceled obviously in the grand scheme of everything that's going on in the world i am not complaining life is good um you know with all like the col covid situation could have affected me far more than it has i'm just there's these constant reminders like oh i'm not hanging out with rod this year well okay then you know guess i'll hang out with rod next year when he can cross the border oh shoot got a fitting that's on there real tight guys i don't know if i can remove this bottom fitting here let me have a look at what jake sent me for right angles and stuff and i'll see how bad of a mismatch that's going to end up being all right looks like he sent me black great that's a silver fitting i mean it's fine uh jake sent me the right things it's just that um it means that i will have to pull that fitting off which means i might have to go get some vice grips because i do not see that coming off easily all right i'm trying to keep an eye out for you rod but if i don't see your message and you'll be able to tell because i won't reply to it um just shoot me a text okay i don't know why people like that like hang out in chat instead of just like calling me if they want to talk to me he has my number to be clear rod i appreciate you fam like you know it's good it's good stuff but uh yeah you could just call me if you really needed to talk to me maybe that's it maybe he doesn't like really need to talk to me he's just like hanging out in chat with all you lot with the cool kids you know all right so here's my new right angle fittings and here's the one that needs to come out super super bulky ugly fitting there actually not the current style um yeah i can tell from how mangled the knurling is on it that i must have used vice grips to put it on so it kind of makes sense that i will need vice grips to get it off so i'll be i'll be right back with some vice grips that's the only way that's coming off uh gotta go get my tools oh man it's hard to get in and out of here now okay rod says i might have missed some it'll hold water but it's not really tight i'd guess 10 psi oh boy should i risk it rod i'm going to let you make the final call here i don't want to disappoint the people tuning in to the stream i said i was going to go hardline but if i don't have it you know i guess people might understand he says i think it'll work okay well we're going for it then we're going for it and if it if it goes bad rod rosenberg of bs mods that's who we're going to blame all right you opened yourself up to it dude you opened yourself up to it risk it for the biscuit says floatplane chat so we're doing it stressed had enough stress today and now i got no i got the wrong size fittings here risk it we're here for the legit ltt moments man this could be bad though this could be like super bad this could be like dead rtx titan bed you guys like you understand that right what you're asking me to do here all right good news is it seals um oh hey no not quit this program seals real nice on my right angle fitting there this is nice swiveling right angle it's ek fitting all right and we'll go ahead and tighten go ahead and tighten this puppy i wish i could get you guys a bit of a better angle on what's going on right now maybe this will work all three yeah there we go all right so i'm kind of going about a half a turn at a time and i got to hold the the bottom rotating like the bottom collar go another half turn at a time or so and i'm i'm going to be surprised if this doesn't leak because remember it's going to be hardline cooled by me i've only actually done it start to finish a couple of times um there we go and the tubing size is not correct i mean it's not wrong it's just not right you know it's that kind of situation when is the ups replacement video coming asks uh h griss world over on float plane uh it's shot but we are waiting for eaton the manufacturer of our our server room ups to give us the go ahead to flip the switch and turn it on so you might have to wait a touch longer once they give the go ahead though we are very jazzed to turn it back on and have our server's battery backed up again there we go okay that's on that's on those seemed pretty tight just make sure yep okay now let's see do we have enough clearance here i'm a little bit worried that once i put this reservoir back in here i'm not actually going to have enough room let's go ahead and check real quick so it sits kind of propped up on the bottom here there we go okay so that's where it goes and then i need a i need a short whoop sorry everyone well we'll put you over there instead okay cool so i need a short piece of tube to see if i'm gonna clear it [Music] okay that oof that is that is really tight you know what i think i've got a solution to that though i asked jake to send over some 45s and i think we're just going to take the safe route the last thing we want is to put any more strain on these connections than we absolutely have to since we've got that that slight mismatch to the size there where did that o-ring go oh i see it there it is so what we're going to do is we're going to you know spend 15 dollars in fittings um thanks ek and we're going to use a couple of 45s to get over that hump just like that i actually like that other angle a little bit better for this what i'm doing right now please stay awesome okay so there we go so what that does is that brings it up a little bit so it can get over the reservoir here i might as well just throw the fitting on you know that this feels like there might not be an o-ring on it or it might be a really yeah it's just a really skinny one okay wait is there a recess on this radiator um no it should be okay is that ek rad too ek fitting should be fine oh yeah no it's okay it's just spinning a little bit easier because uh it's a little bit wet okay just lots of things stressing me out right now let's put that on there okay so that is our strap throw that on there there we go and if you guys look that's gonna get me plenty of room i think for my reservoir right there yep i got some other junk in the way here yep there we go all right so that is well clear now cool having a look down here we've got plenty of space for that run as well that's one that i will probably end up cheating on a little bit just because while i could do i think that one's supposed to come up to the top here you go i think it's supposed to come from this bottom one up to the top here and so i could do like i don't know a right angle and then try and do like uh like a here and then up and then here i am not that good so what i'm probably gonna do is just cheat it with fittings i know for sure that i'm gonna need a right angle so we'll go ahead and put that on right now david m says i've completely forgotten what this stream started off doing personal rig rebuild okay personal rig rebuild and maintenance i eat holy bananas we might have a problem i may not oh yes there's one more right angle over here i thought i might not have enough right angles because what i had intended to do was right angle this puppy over here there we go and then i was really sincerely hoping that that was going to pretty much line up with this one here so i would only have to do the one bend so it's just straight and then a right angle up to here that is my sincere hope all right the bad news is that i cannot really i can reposition the reservoir this way a little bit but i cannot reposition it this way at all just because of the way the mounting plate works cool we can go ahead and throw the motherboard back in the case i guess eh nothing yeah nothing nothing prevents me from doing that right now oh that's kind of an annoyance i never plugged the molex connector back in for the rear bank of fans i should do that at some point um yeah we can do that now i guess oh wait that's not too hard to get it is it oh it's a little hard to get at if i bring this up and oh yeah it's pretty hard to get it okay shoot so here i can try and get you guys a look at what i'm doing it's not going to be easy though okay put that in through the power supply i guess why not just put the camera in the computer right basically here we go this molex connector right here needs to plug into this here but i don't have enough slack on it so i have to kind of work in like behind the radiator and if i accidentally pull too hard and pull out the one going into the front rod i will have to remove the radiators so the stakes are extremely high here fortunately oh i think i just got it so i'm just gonna jam a screwdriver down here to hold the back of it in place while i push it from the front hey there it is nice nice nice okay awesome one this really is going better than i could have possibly hoped oops non-ferrous screws keep forgetting non-ferrous screws watch out for that watch out for those non-ferrous screws ladies and gentlemen they're dangerous they're going to drop on you the worst is when you accidentally drop them into something that is running that's that's the worst you go like oh oh i forgot non-ferrous screws it fell off my magnetic tip screwdriver oh no the thing is on it shorted it out it's dead the game's over the game's over and you're done it's the worst i mean some people don't put themselves in those situations i respect that but i like to live dangerously you know oh yeah ripped that camera again uh you know what i wonder if it's easier for me to just give it the old pluggy plug uh which one is it it's the avio whatever the deuce it is oh yeah it's this one right and let's try that okay so that's in that's in place now is as good a time as any to go ahead and put that plug back on um actually no i'm not gonna do that right now no point doing that right now because i'm gonna need that open in order to fill the system i don't know if i'm gonna try and fill the system on stream do you guys want me to fill the system on stream i have been streaming for almost three hours where the heck is my water ltt ladies and gentlemen oh that's better oh all right sweet that's on let's put the motherboard in oh start to finish baby says chili chain oh man i don't know guys i don't know oh oh wow great comment from hgriss world 89 over on flow plane do those power supply holes before you get too far oh thank you right there's a couple more holes we got to put in the case if you were here earlier in the stream which hgris obviously was you'll know that one of my problems with the case is that the power supply holes were misaligned um oh that's fantastic thank you actually yet another problem with the case is another good one here let's go ahead and fix that camera give it a little fixy fix there we go deactivate reactivate you coming back logitech brio yeah you are there it is cool uh one of the other problems so one problem these two holes here do not align with the power supply holes these ones right here other problem this bracket the hole to secure it to match this top one missing i'm not going to bother with this one though because as long as like this hole is in it won't kind of it won't move it won't like wiggle wobble when i plug in the power cable and that's the main thing that i'm trying to fix right now so let's just go ahead and i guess this one right here is going to be the easiest one to fix okay hmm and the other thing is that that side one is trickier to fix because i would need to uh like a super short screw to go into it so that it doesn't interfere with the power supply all right i think we're gonna go for the bottom one i guess yeah let's go for let's go for the bottom one all right man i am two for two nailing my eyeballed drill holes so far today i don't know if i feel like that luck is gonna it's gonna hold up but ah we're gonna give it a shot here we go okay here we go oh okay so where are you at oh man it's just like a little bit low like it's more it's less about drilling a new hole and more like uh like widening the old one honestly there we go oh that camera died again the the usb ports over on the um the thunderbolt enclosure that i'm using are not real happy they're cutting out a lot today it's been pretty frustrating yeah it looks like it kind of needs like an activate and deactivate and an unplug and replug in order to fix it properly for the brio in particular that's a little bit annoying let's see if that comes back yeah there we go all right here we are so yeah i think i'm just going to go for kind of like a whitey widening instead of actually drilling a new hole in that case i'm going to use this bigger bit that i brought down just in case i missed by a little bit on those other ones here we are okay okay and you're not supposed to do this but i'm gonna kind of walk it back and forth widen the hole a little bit there see if that works um oh yeah okay i'm just gonna leave that there to check if i have to do more drilling ah yeah it's not quite not quite there i need to go a little bit down into the left still uh all the metal workers are like oh no please stop but i'm not gonna stop i'll never stop uh okay i think i can get a screw in there let me see it it ain't perfect but uh as long as i can get a screw in there i'm calling it good come on baby yeah are you gonna thread in for me oh yeah as long as it'll thread in without shearing off the top i'm calling it good enough i don't want to drill that anymore and i have to okay so let's pull this out and we're going to give it a quick vacuum to get rid of those metal filings that's not something you want floating around inside your case all right well in that case we might as well put this in let's fix this camera angle while we're at it given how often it comes up it would be nice if obs had like a one touch um deactivate and reactivate for like input sources oh yeah there it is okay so we'll put that corner on and then this one all right and that is [Music] good enough sweet fixing problems today so happy i love it one problem i'm gonna run into here is that i am running out of screws because i'm making new places to put them that's fine i can mount my motherboard with three screws instead of four there we go now i can this is great now i can plug a cable in without the whole thing moving every time fantastic okay oh wow what happened to this poor tablecloth oh man that is ooh that is very unfortunate oh you know what it is i think it's from the drill so when i was drilling this i think it was rubbing against and burning the fabric well rip this white tablecloth unfortunately shoot this this was the clean one this was the good one okay a couple little metal pieces here i need these out yep all right we're dusted sweet let's bring this over here put that camera out of the way there we go next motherboard okay zetherian says it is open broadcast you could code that in for them that's true i could if i could but otherwise i couldn't which i can't all right if somebody else wants to do that though feel free to be my guest would be a pretty handy little function there all right we've got three screws left for the motherboard so i'm going bottom corner all right there we go i'm going calling this like like pool pockets you know i'm going top right corner and then i'm going with a classic okay i'm going with the top of the pci slots oh yeah realistically that's enough it's not going anywhere you know right it's kind of held in by the i o shield over here and you've got the ah that's a little bit of wiggle wobble there but yeah it should be fine i don't have anything plugged into the bottom really i got one thing plugged into the bottom oh that'll hold it in you know put a card in here and that'll hold that down just fine just fine okay now we can start to really visualize how this loop is going to go together put the graphics card in that is sweet i can get these fittings off here these are the old fittings oh okay now um i think this is the inlet like 99 sure that that's the inlet man is it shoot no i'm not sure crud someone want to look this up for me which one's the inlet and the outlet on the x5 70 aqua that would be pretty sweet thanks guys uh okay let's plan our loop order then or if anyone just wants to like look back at the beginning of the stream it was right uh oh shoot also our front panel connectors i never actually ran them fixed them didn't run them that's fine those can just go along down here yep there we go okay come on baby you drop this there we go where's my other one and there's my other one up there it is cool so those are going to run to right there there we are and then i'm just going to jam the remains under the mounting plate for the reservoir i can kind of do that any time i don't really have to do that now though oh you know what no i am going to do it now because i'm going to be running tubing down there and that's going to be a bit of a pain in the butt to get out after then yeah so we can just jam those in there run that right there and we're good i might as well connect them now then too so power switch is um that one right there and then power led wait oh yeah i'm going to do the reset switch first then so sorry guys i guess you can't see very well but reset switch hard drive led or i should say drive activity led it's not a hard drive anymore really power switch and power led and theoretically all four of them will work once i fire this thing back up very excited cool so that's in there we're calling that good enough cable management wise the cable management in this build was never perfect okay it's always been a rack mount system hidden away in a closet somewhere so that's i'm hiding behind that i'm hiding behind that all right let's go ahead and put a couple thumbscrews in the graphics card the one near the memory is outlet cpu side in memory slide out all right thanks guys thanks uh and tipian quest gargon and z jasper over in the uh floatplane chat thank you very much i always trust floatplane chat one near the memory is outlet okay so i did have it right good stuff okay oh rats now i just got to remember how i had it configured over here so this is out yeah okay so we're gonna go out to in in out out so this is coming out and this one's gonna go right here now i wonder are those about the same height boy are they close we might be able to cheat it a little bit just by kind of moving like wiggling this a little bit as long as it's not too high and i don't think it is huh oh that would be super cool if we could just do a nice easy right angle right over there to the graphics card that means all i need is a straight fitting where did my fittings go there they are go ahead and just pop that on there got people asking why is the psu facing in ah well i'm glad you asked because of yet another design flaw in this case uh it does not have the mounting holes to mount it the other way had it had only two mounting holes for one of the ways no mounting holes for the other way so we were stuck with that was a weird noise okay we'll screw that in a little bit better okay that was that was really weird ah okay cool nice okay i think that's just gonna go straight there and then this one is one that i was a bit worried about so you can see here that the alignment is really weird between the outlet on the graphics card and the inlet on the cpu so what i was kind of hoping was that i could overcome that with a right angle it's not a perfect solution but other than kind of coming out and going over and going over and going down like that that would be horrible um there's no sort of graceful way to do that ah there we go with just a tube oh man you know a right angle is pretty it's kind of too tight though just kind of i'm having a look at it here and i don't know i don't know if i like that see here you guys check this out so that's the that's the inlet for the motherboard block and then that's the outlet for the graphics card you can see um kind of there's so much glare you can see how misaligned they are so this would kind of come up here and this would go down right around there um on a more traditional motherboard i think those would line up better and it would be pretty close but what i was kind of thinking was we could take a 45 off here and then try and get like uh like kind of a straight-ish shot too actually man what would happen if we 45 both of them that would be kind of a christmas miracle if they lined up right but it would certainly look a lot cleaner is that dang that actually looks that actually looks pretty close could they could they just be a straight shot um man one way we can check actually is let's see here i could use some of my old soft tubing to just do like a like a sanity check on it let's just uh yeah just thread that in there a little bit easier to get at over here ah come on yeah sanity check would be good okay so let's just uh here we go grab another fitting because that would look super clean rod says do it i'm not sure what he's telling me to just do it though so i'm i'm a little nervous uh i didn't bring scissors over yet another thing i forgot gosh darn it i'm trying not to smoke my foot on the camera this time rod you're gonna have to clarify what you're telling me to do here or i might do something that we both regret all right here we go so this would be the point to cut it if we were trying to do something like this okay there we go go ahead and put that boy right there okay so let's go ahead and throw that on there and see how it looks oh man that is that is tight to get on there i'm going to have to get the length exactly perfect if i want to do this run for reals he's with the hardline tubing but i might actually need the graphics card unscrewed mark lane says don't play pool linus you spent two dollars to send that as a super chat what are you even talking about use super chatters you guys are just super okay all right let's put that on there okay that's on so now i'm going to tighten this up and then i'll give you guys a look at what's shaking here rod says that 45 degree fitting setup is just as nice and easier than an offset bend i think so too i think it might actually work like let's have a look here okay all right i'll show you guys uh i'll show you guys in the close-up cam here i think it's pretty good honestly here i'm just gonna cover this so it doesn't quit keep messing with the exposure obviously the tube will be actually straight but you can see here with a little bit of finagling yeah there we go they can they can face each other basically straight i like it i like it i think i'm going with it all right settled so why don't we make that our first hard line run then this is where i'm going to decide if i'm actually going to hardline or if i'm just going to do like pseudo-hard line like what you see here like straight runs of traditional soft tubing because that that is definitely tempting right about now oh you know what i don't think i have uh what else did jake said oh he sent way more fittings hold on a second hold on a second oh we could totally do it oh man should i wuss out and go like fako because here check this out like this run right here for example over to the graphics card we do one straight run here and then one straight run here and then a 90 degree right right is that okay is it okay i don't think you guys are going to tell me it's okay lucas scorpion over on floatplane says straight runs of soft tubing is fair enough ah how many of these did he send thank you jake you got my back oh he sent a whole bunch of these oh sick there's like more 45s there's all kinds of good stuff in here all star says not okay oh man the community is split the community is super split on whether that's okay um ah you know what okay okay at the very least at the very least uh i'm gonna i'm gonna try to make it like hard line with cheats okay so it'll be like a no actual benz hard line it will look cleaner hardline tubing does look better oh but soft tubing has that maintenance advantage that's a really nice thing about it is when you need to move something around it's got a little bit of flex without spilling all over you and i definitely have fittings that are definitely the right size for the tubing that i have oh hold on a second oh i don't know i don't know if it's okay oh okay all right all right let's try let's try let's try it let's try okay uh hold on first we gotta plan our last run here so this one i'm expecting to be super simple we just throw our last 90 degree right here there we go and that one goes over to the outlet on the motherboard all in one block go ahead and throw some fittings on there and we're in pretty good shape to make this a much much nicer looking rig that soft tubing and it even like pressed against the top of the plexi on the top cover like it was it was pretty it was very late and brandon and i were both very tired that shoot was kind of a nightmare that's the only reason that i ended up with that was because brandon and i were tired and it was late all right let's go ahead and put this puppy in hmm threads on this one seem a little off i'm going to try a different fitting to see if maybe that's just a bit of an anomaly there because this one's recessed too so it's kind of hard for me to to get it and i want to make sure that i'm screwing it in tightly enough yeah i think that was just a bit of an anomaly on the other one there we go okay here we go let's tighten that down you need maximum leverage okay nice yeah i think that's in there good enough i'm just gonna give it a little tidy tighten awesome yeah that's on this one i have easy access to so i'll just use that fitting for this i'm actually pretty happy with how easily the planning portion of this went i was expecting some more challenges especially with this run right here i didn't think these 45s would line up quite so nicely but they really do that's pretty lucky oh i should definitely get some super chats going here uh ashton at 1pm i wonder if you're still watching ashton i was uh that was three hours ago protocase customer service was terrible and trying to buy this case ended up not being able to uh it doesn't surprise me that they didn't let you buy this case they tried i can tell you that they tried i'm sorry they didn't reply to you they should have um but the reason that they wouldn't let you was because i told them no because i didn't want people to um get a broken case with you know sort of our name attached to it i wasn't comfortable with it robert male says there's a bucket okay yeah that was that was three hours ago uh calvin says any tips for our 20-year soon-to-be dad on balancing work life and creative side oh man dude oh it's tough um you know try to one of the big things for me is like trying to have them compliment each other rather than thinking of them as separate you know one of the one of the big breakthrough points for me and my wife when we realized like oh you know we talk about work so much was like okay maybe we stop thinking of it as work and stop thinking of that as a bad thing we think of it as uh hey that thing that we do together that project that we that we run together and then maybe it's okay to talk about it because you know i think a lot of parents in particular and a lot of spouses who work with each other get kind of hung up on well our personal life has to be separate from from kids otherwise you know we're going to we're going to turn 65 our kids are going to be moved out and we're not going to know who each other are um you know i don't i don't see it that way i see it as well what's wrong with that that's something that you're doing together that's a challenge that you guys are taking on together so there's nothing wrong with just treating it like yet another challenge because there's always going to be some other challenge whether it's a career change or children or you know the passing of a beloved relative or whatever it is you know once you're married you're doing everything together that's how it works um so learning to just kind of whatever it is whether it's something that you're particularly enjoying at the moment or whether it's something that's not as enjoyable you just have to get in that mindset that everything you do is a project that you're working on together and then i think you know you might be one of those couples that goes into your first home renovation uh or first family vacation with with kids very very it's a very tough thing to do actually traveling with children and you know realizes you know hey we got this right because you're used to seeing things in that mindset uh oh i gotta unfreeze that camera sorry about that guys one sec deactivate reactivate bromp hey we good now all right cool sorry guys i was looking away from the chat because i was like you know working on my computer for a little bit there okay i'm gonna let floatplane chat tell me which one first which one first guys what run first i really hope this is in there enough it really looks like it is okay that's the one that makes me most nervous if there's a leak there basically got to tear down the whole thing you guys aren't telling me anything robinater says just do straight runs of soft radiator cpu okay it's all random okay it's not going to be helpful all right let's start with a challenging one let's do this run from the bottom of the rear radiator to the reservoir here i want to have a quick look in the overhead cam and see how much of a straight run we're actually expecting this to be oh wow you know what i don't even have to do a bend that's a straight run oh oh snap it's like almost a complete straight shot that is awesome uh okay dang this is gonna be pi that was one that i was kind of worried about because it's sort of tough just like getting it in there would be kind of tough it'd be hard to turn this fitting and stuff oh man this is going to be so easy i love this okay let's move this out of the way and let's get some of our hardline equipment here zetherian says no you must bend no way that's gonna be awesome it's gonna be totally fine yeah i'm not even i'm not even listening to you i don't have to i got this i am doing the totally hacky hard line build the cheat hard line build all right get me some equipment here i just need a little hole holder thing there it is um there we go and then i just need a little saw if i recall correctly this saw from the alpha cool kit is super junk-tastic but uh worst case scenario i have a hacksaw out of my garage and i will go get that all right let's line this puppy up uh oh first oh no i missed one tool that i need ah this guy this is really handy so you use this to sorry everyone oh oh it's truly awful all right so you use that to kind of smooth out the uh the outside so that it goes into the o-rings a little bit nicer and then after you cut it use the other side of it to get the burrs out of the inside of the tubing uh please mute mike when you uh make that sound uh oh some people are apparently having trouble with uh with youtube yeah nothing i can do about that it says the connection's good so if it's if it's if youtube's down um youtube's down guys yeah oh that's that's rough youtube itself dying yeah okay well we're just gonna we're just gonna keep going on video platforms that are working right now like float plane and twitch okay here we go so i'm going to put that i'm going to get this o-ring out so we don't lose it there it is there it is okay then we're going to go ahead and pop that all the way in there and take this one out and see if we can line up exactly how long this needs to be it's not quite perfectly straight i wish i could shove this over just like man it's like a hair you know like that much then it would be perfectly aligned but it's not enough to put like a spacer fitting or anything in here there's just no real getting around it you know what i could do actually oh would this be wrong would this be really bad i could use a bulkier 90 degree oh that might just shove it over enough hold on a second guys i know that this is kind of a blingy over-the-top fitting but hold on where's my other there's another writing oh no i can just detach this fine there we go okay apparently it's youtube us not all of youtube interesting ouch oh that's awkward ah okay let's see if that lines up perfectly now okay i know that that's not a matching fitting but if it helps this line up perfectly like what's more important a parallel run it does what's more important a parallel run or a matching fitting guys come on guys help me out parallel run or matching fitting oh okay twitch seems to be very very uh very divided on this matter float plane help me out guys fitting matching fitting both parallel run parallel run oh man guys oh man come on okay tell me something because i have one more i have one more of those blingtastic right angles what if i did it on both of the reservoir runs because i don't actually have any other right angles in the loop does that make it okay everyone wants me to straw pull this okay all right i'm giving you guys i'm get i'm we're doing it we're doing it we're doing the straw poll okay hold on a second let me i need a minute though i need a minute to create straw pool okay okay how do um black fittings with non-parallel run okay one silver fitting with parallel run two silver fittings with parallel run okay those are gonna be the options create pull all right i'm gonna drop this over in floatplane chat all right floatplane chat you guys are getting it first okay there you go hit me up twitch chat i'm dropping it on you guys right now okay and uh for anyone who is still managing to be alive over on youtube there which i have no idea if anyone is uh hey guys go ahead and go ahead and vote all right all right let's have a look at these results here wow okay landslide victory landslide victory two right angles two silver right angles and the parallel run i think that's i think that's the best bet as well um i don't know why nick is calling me there's nothing there's nothing i can do um hey you're on speaker i can't do anything about youtube being down i cannot do anything about youtube being down no i i know i just wanted to make sure you're aware it's like a platform thing i am aware thank you thank you very much that is very helpful okay all right thank you sir all right yep this is this is a clear clear victory cool well i'm glad we all agree all right so this one [Music] wait this one was going to be uh i did have a oh yeah i'm holding a right angle because that's what i'm replacing and replacing a right angle here we go wow you all witnessed it here youtube just apparently completely crapped itself crazy look at that dave says youtube down i am here now how do you like the video quality is it good enough for you oh i'm like real excited about these parallel runs that we're gonna have going on here ladies and gentlemen oh okay i'm also real excited about not having to do any bends because i get to just cheat this hardcore we might do one bend we might do one bend just for fun all right so let's line this puppy up right there to right there oh oh it's parallel it's parallel it's beautiful you guys can't tell from the angle you're looking at it but it's it's great it's grand and you're gonna love it okay so how deep into the fitting does it go it goes about there so we need to go right about there i unfortunately did not grab a sharpie marker but i'm not going to leave for that at this point i think i'm just going to put it in in exactly the right spot and then mark it with the saw there we go all right let's cut a tube shall we oh we're gonna be done in no time ladies and gentlemen in no time okay mike muted i'm replacing this horrible saw one moment i'm just gonna go get even my dull ancient hacksaw blade is gonna be better than that stupid thing alex has the best technique for this though he just cuts them to like kind of half an inch longer than they need to be and then just goes at it with the um with the belt sander it's great you just kind of shave it down with the belt sander little by little and then deburr it and it's like perfect look i'm on valve time whoever's giving me a hard time about my time estimates over there come on baby ah the teeth they're stuck i know you're not supposed to cut on the back stroke but i don't care anymore we threw [Music] oh and i forgot to meet it just shattered it well that was unfortunate okay try that again oh boy um i guess i went at it a little hard okay round two fight oh uh this tubing seems really brittle i'm a little uneasy about it oh sorry yeah i'm gonna have to really take my time with this thing okay oh shoot sorry man normally when i'm the one making the noise i don't mind it that much but jeez that is horrible oh okay let's go ahead and give this a shot oh so easy man if only everything in life was as easy as this run right here here in a sec here guys look at this oh yeah oh yes oh straight af i am super stoked right now it's great um yeah we got someone uh nato nathan says my my youtube stream is fine it's just the site that's down yeah there's 6 500 people still watching on youtube as far as i can tell so it's just some kind of weird derpy thing going on all right so i'll throw an o-ring on here throw a fitting on there wait well let's throw a fitting on there throw an o-ring on there just make sure there's no plastic shards left there seems good okay okay so you'll remember this too right if this thing leaks rod rosenberg of washington state okay he's the one to blame okay because i know who to blame rod rosenberg okay apparently youtube's back all right cool okay that's tight that's tight one run down just like that let's do another one shall we that was effortless i love it so maybe we can use this piece of tubing that otherwise would just be scrap actually we can look at that very easily so let's take this one out make sure the o-ring oh yeah no that's probably where that extra o-ring came from the last thing you want to do is run hardline with no o-rings that's a bad time okay there we go so we could use this to make our way over to this one right here and i'm gonna cheat or should i cheat should we do at least one bend what do you think one bend oh tarpy 101 says my youtube sub box is back but it's showing five day old videos so good oh man i hope they didn't lose data that would that would really suck just like casually lose a bunch of uploads honestly it's kind of impressive that it's never happened o-rings are for no bends bends straw pull it okay you know what let's let's do it let's let's draw pull it again okay you guys seem to like these straw polls so much we're letting you guys determine how to water cool the system do a bend yes no all right i'm hitting i'm hitting float plane with it first here here it comes guys try not to spam chat too much so people can see it i'm hitting twitch with it i would tell you guys not to spam but your twitch you're going to do whatever you do you guys are my you're my twitch bros all right and then now i'm hitting youtube with it for anyone who is i the chat seems to be broken on youtube i should do a couple of those super chats just in case those guys are still watching i feel bad there were a couple really big ones uh christian says here's a couple bucks to fix your audio issues sent a hundred dollars wow uh okay oh it just reloaded and i lost a bunch of stuff um brian says can send resume something something i need work uh well yeah you would have to send a resume um i know this is unorthodox but i'm an avid believer that a hot dog is not a sandwich well no of course a hot dog is not a sandwich brian we're on the same page here we're on the same team uh thanks the real smiley can you shut up my son gavin sup gavin you might have missed this by now but uh hey there you go doing my best up in here all right do a bend let's have a look at these results here yes has 70 percent of the vote okay fine we're doing a bend um if we're gonna do one okay we're gonna have to use this for this then i guess we're gonna do one i think this is probably the this is probably the easiest one right here so that's the one i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the easiest possible one so it's gotta be about that long plus okay so hold on a second where's that where's the point here so it's going to be kind of there okay and it's got to be like that long ago you know what i could use a measuring tape right about now did i bring one please tell me i brought a measuring tape dagnabbit i was hoping to just kind of eyeball this wait so sorry how long how long was it going to be about like that long plus about oh yeah we can do it that way that that works okay that one plus some change okay so let's cut it right here right here three bends on the same tube uh-uh uh-uh no way no how ain't happening i'm muting you guys on purpose that noise is truly awful real real awful i think this tubing kind of went a little bit bad in storage bad tubing okay so right around there let's go ahead and let's lube up our thing here just gonna shoot where to put that on there there we go swamp the swampy swamp all right where's my heat gun at i'm going freehand ladies and gentlemen going freehand uh where is the heat gun ah there it is okay this is one thing i did think of the heat gun is on a different circuit than everything else that's going on here today so we shouldn't have any issues with that power shoot i don't really have anywhere to put it i mean there's okay i guess sure yep that'll do all right we're just going to let that heat up oh nice nice um the ups company says that they don't mind the wooden blocks that we put it on to lift it up a little bit to get the armored cable into it so they're good to go ahead and come in tell us it's ready to go why don't you have a heat gun stand um yeah i don't know i don't use it very often so like that's why i guess all right right there that's the apex of our bend right there okay it's like a legendary legendary apex uh i should probably mark it in some way the problem is that see what you run into is when you sharpie these things it doesn't come off a lot of the time like you kind of bake it on with the heat gun so what's a smart way to to do that if rod's still watching that he would be someone that i uh you know what i could just go with a pencil yeah twitch chat says pencil yeah a pencil could work let's go pencil i happen to have lots of pencils behind me a member of the pencil 15 club okay rod says tape i'm okay with oh yeah pencil is that going to bake on too that says tape says just be a chad and eyeball it you know what i'm gonna put the ever so lightest pencil mark on it why did i take that out i need that that is highly necessary right now let's see if i can even find that pencil mark anymore oh yeah there it is okay i'm good i'm good okay all right we're raw dogging it here we go ladies and gentlemen 90 degree bend saw it here first well not first so much as eventually you know okay it's starting to loosen a little bit there you gotta kind of heat it up around the sides of it too okay yep yep yep yep yep yep yep okay and a one and a two and uh 90 degrees okay that looks like 90. i'm going to overdo it just a touch what do you guys think is that a 90 are we 90 enough oh we got a slight wrinkle we wrinkled it dang it we wrinkled it it's a bad job check that out got a bit of a yep got a wrinkle there the fly in the ointment that's a shame well i knew this was a bad idea i blame you guys now we're stuck with it way to go because i'm not changing it now so that's it it's done all right let's go ahead and take about about that much off here that's it we're done with you you're done you're out heat gun had enough i think i probably didn't heat it up enough rod says where's jay's two cents when we need him reheat and do it again no i'm not gonna reheated and do it again i'm done i'm out i'm cheating cliff says should have done no bend yep exactly exactly all right i'm muting you guys all right we're back guys when i say i'm muting you you don't need to say that it's muted i know what's up ah oh i really don't know if you can help with this one i barely know what i'm doing with this one yeah you can watch if you want oh man this is still a little bit high here oh and of course that camera is frozen again uh well they're messaging all kinds of different things well i don't know i got nothing better to do huh uh yeah they can hear me okay so we need to go i gotta cut it again i wasn't even like i wasn't even close okay sorry guys i'm muting you again yep nasty nasty noise all right here we go okay we're getting closer oh man that is really it's still above it ah i wish i had a belt sander do i have anything belt sander equivalent anything that spins fast that i could use for this hmm that would be super cool if i had that um do you have anything like that i kind of doubt it kiddo well the problem is that i don't have one here um orbital sander yeah i don't think i have an orbital sander either you know what guys i'm going to brb i'm going to go look in my garage and see if there's any tools that i might be forgetting about um saw a couple people talking about dremels i could just use a rotary cutter on the dremel i guess i've got one of those stupid little like mouse sander things from like black and decker it's not i don't think it's going to be useful for this you know what i think we're just going to go dremel tool yeah dremel tool it is okay here we go put that on kiddo yep i just cannot do this with the handsaw it's really stupid no no i'm gonna do it but with a different tool good try though because you're gonna be nearby i thought so just because you're not operating the tool doesn't mean that uh you can't get something in your eye hold on can you do me a favor and cover that bucket of uh dirty water i don't want kitty drinking that she's getting me actually get out of here all right there's my tube there's my power cord i should have known that this stream was gonna take longer i budgeted three hours for this how long have i been live four hours and we are we are not done yet ladies and gentlemen we are not done some water okay that sounds good why don't you do that um where did i put my glasses gosh darn it oh there they are okay so let's have a look how close are we here we are [Music] not close so oh now the cat's getting out of here all right we're free handing it it doesn't fit in my tubing thing anymore wait maybe it does yes it does okay cool [Music] goodbye complete waste of time hello melted plastic wonderful okay let's try this one now okay that's getting pretty close so we're going to go ahead and try and get the other side the other side in here oh yeah that's real close um no i wouldn't say or i'm going to make a loud noise again yeah i'm gonna use the dremel again it's too loud all right [Music] [Music] so much better i'm so happy right now i'm meeting you guys now we're back okay let's have a look here guys see if it fits if it doesn't i give up no i'm kidding i still got a little bit more gas in the tank um oh shoot that is still way too long okay let's cut it again that's fine this is part of the process got plastic in my mouth that's okay that's part of the process too that's to get the little burgers off of it oh sorry guys i forgot to meet you sorry sorry it's got people calling that asmr uh no no that is the that is the not not that that no okay all right let's have a look here so i'm gonna switch over to the webcam uh let's see how close we got this looks like it's a little bit off and a little bit off yeah it seems to be off kind of on both counts right now um oh yeah hold on yeah there's your problem so it's too too long that's fine we can shorten it a little bit we have that power um okay so center to center maybe like that much last thing i want to do is go too far at this point that would be pretty rough that's funny i remember as a kid feeling exactly the same way about my dad using power tools i think we get conditioned to not mind the sound of power tools because it's so much better than the alternative it's like that or you know slaving away with a saw for an hour yeah power tool's not that bad you betcha better believe it kiddo is that still too long oh actually maybe not hold on let's have a look here um no that oh wow i think we nailed it yay yeah yay indeed here let's have a look here check this out guys that looks to be coming pretty well straight up and pretty well straight out and 90 degrees down looks pretty good to me i think we got it yay okay let's go ahead and put some fittings on can i help with this part sure you can help put this o-ring on the tube oh no no i'm just kidding it's fine okay good job okay same thing on the other side put this on now put this on good okay i'll switch to the overhead here we go that goes on there that goes on there that goes on there we tighten that boy down all right okay oh nice tighten it down tighten it down not bad not bad what do you think does that look better than the uh the like the floppy tubing like this you think so the hard lines yeah yeah do you think it's worth the extra work though you gotta use power tools and stuff this you can just cut with scissors it's easy all right um i am willing to i am willing to entertain doing this one as a bend as well what do you think should we cheat that's where we take this we heat it up and we bend it like this or we can cheat and we can use two straight pieces and a right angle fitting that looks a little something like this there you go see like that yeah we can just use that to change the direction you want to cheat and not bend actually bend actually bend well that's how it's going to be i guess you know what i'm letting i'm letting the kid pick i'm letting the kid pick this time so we're going to need another piece of tubing then that's for sure here we go i'm gonna try and eyeball my distance a little bit better this time i think i can do i think i can do a bit better than i did last time that was a lot of cutting after the fact all right i've got my o-rings some collars put those over there there we go all right so this boy is going to go right about there okay so we're going to compensate just a little bit where's my pencil there it is okay so we're over doing it just a little and then from that point to here it's going to be right around right around there all right so we're going to cut it first oh no no scissors kiddo you got your glasses on right [Music] okay we're gonna freehand bend we might as well freehand cut ladies and gentlemen oh sorry sorry sorry sorry floatplane chat is currently uh running bets on how many cuts it's going to take me apparently thank you for the confidence ladies and gentlemen all right so that's there it's right around there that's my bend wait a minute i run this long enough oh shoot i don't think i uh oh i don't think i cut it long enough how'd i manage that i don't know it was a rhetorical question sir do you know what a rhetorical question means means a question that you don't actually expect or particularly want anyone to answer oh shoot hold on we might be saved if it's a little bit this way oh man i done goofed yeah i think i goofed the good news is that this is still long enough if we cheat all right well yeah we'll give it a shot no because if we do that then we will definitely not be able to use this how much tubing do i have left where'd it go no here i have enough to try again no cheating all right let's give it a shot let's give it a shot oh shoot my heat gun's not plugged in anymore okay there's a lot of plastic melted plastic on this uh cutting disc i might replace that if i have to cut more tubes which means i might replace that because i will definitely need to cut more tubes all right i'm just going to check that right there no prob bob shoot how do i manage to cut this too short that sucks sucks okay where's my uh floppy doodle can you pass me the floppy doodle right there thanks kiddo all right all right where'd my mark go not that it's useful gosh darn it where's that mark uh with another rhetorical question actually but yes you're more than welcome to look at it i don't see it maybe you're gonna discover that your dad asks a lot of rhetorical questions ah there it is all right oh here we go guys 90 degrees time try our best what happens if it doesn't work uh we have to do it again basically do you want to what now uh how come oh man i am definitely doing something wrong on those uh wrinkles this is so wrinkled that i think i would have had to redo it again anyway that is a real crying shame here i'll get you guys a better look at that with the webcam that's awful see ew no one wants to look at that anymore am i not heating it up enough i think i'm probably not heating it up enough yeah many wrinkles much wrinkles wider area on the tube yeah that makes sense thanks rod fortunately this one was probably discard anyway but now we know oh was it long enough oh it might have been actually look at that uh you guys can't really see that unfortunately i'm gonna move my heat gun my tubing cutting holder thing in my boober there you go um yeah it wouldn't have been perfect but we might have been able to get away with that if it was actually bent 90 degrees properly great oh yeah you really can't do that are you gonna heat that up to bend it kind of tempted to put it in there just to mess with you guys because it's like actually the right size which is really unfortunate ah frustrating like nailed it other than [Music] just totally screwing up the bend yeah wider area okay all right fine let's do it again cutting again yep we're back to cutting again oh man indeed oh man okay so it's right about there yeah i will do the pencil marks correctly you know it's not like i'm not trying to do the pencil marks correctly yep okay so i'll cut it right about there okay see a heat gun nice knowing yeah dremel you're up well they're better than nothing no they're about the same size just my head's bigger my main problem with hardline is my main problem with hardline is in between every time i've done it there's usually been anywhere between six months and a year so all these little things like that are kind of by feel i tend to forget because i don't really care because for 99 of what i do i prefer soft line tubing it's just easier to do maintenance on um not to mention easier to build in the first place oh sorry i'll meet you guys for a second all right bendy time guys let's do it float planes going after me please just bend it first no no it's fine it's fine i i over compensated on the length a little bit it should be fine like here hold on let's have a look let's have a look you guys see it's going to be fine see this time i got tons of extra length see yeah we more that we're more than good we're more than good it's fine uh where's my mark come on mark rhetorical question again kiddo um [Music] well part of it is that i have an audience right now i don't normally actually just randomly talk to myself that much so that's one reason um kind of can help you focus you know thinking out loud well just people in general i think that's it yep that's my spot right there okay so right yep that's lots okay here we go let's heat this up oh well we're gonna need we're gonna need to plug it in step one [Music] all right turn the fan up a little bit so we can heat up more of it at a time and some water oh shoot looks like that camera broke again there we go okay i need water so that i can put the floppy doodle into it now where'd that thing go there it is the squishy ones oh no this is um this is like a silicone tube that you put inside to make sure that when you bend it it doesn't kink and that restricts the water flow all right here we go not ready yet not cooked enough we're definitely going wider this time guys all right we're going wider it's not ready still not cooked it's bendy it's getting bendy just got a flambe you know okay we're almost there almost there all right here we go okay gotta over bend it a little bit so that it relaxes into a nice perfect 90 degree whew um yeah yeah it's off it's just uh it has like a cool down function but i don't care about that right now because i need to plug in my dremel just make sure you don't touch that thing because it is super super hot all right wow well thank you rod for the tech tip because that is spectacular look at that how not wrinkled is that it's like perfect look at that which i'll look at what you just look at that nailed it all right and that is about as perfect 90 degree as i think it gets freehand look at that that is some 90 degree action right there all right clearly we do need to make a cut or two though because that's my fitting and that's my tubing but that's fine just trying to think which way i want to go first i guess this one first yeah we'll do the long one first so let me have a look here yeah yeah if i do this one first then i can kind of play around with this movement and get the length just right so okay where's my perfect 90. i gotta go about about you know yay far let's start with just uh just a little shorty short cut i'm gonna put a new cutting disc on so that i don't have to kind of hold it at an angle like this when i'm cutting see you can't really get a nice straight line so let me just change out this cutting disc real quick uh you can't clean it because the cutting disc actually wears away that's part of its function it sure is because it's better for the cutting disc to wear away than for it to you know shatter and go flying in the eye it's also better for the um cutting disc to wear away than for it to um well yeah for now pretty much that no it's not going to hit you kid you found something blue down there well don't eat it then it's probably part of a tube kids bear something i recommend them you want me i got three i bet if we didn't have them anymore probably be okay what do you think should we sell you yeah you sure yeah someone else might really want you though shoot this is seized on here real good rats i may not be able to change my cutting disc wow that is on there real good what is going on here no i think what really happened is it kind of tightened itself on um okay fortunately i think i've got yeah it's it's turning in the chuck unfortunately so i don't know if i have an obvious way to fix this if i just yeah i just can't man i can't tighten it enough to to hold it tightly enough that it won't spin when i'm trying to uh oh wait hey got it nice okay just had to crank it even more wow that's yeah it's really tight okay awesome yep okay so we'll go ahead and put this new cutting disc on can't believe i screwed up that tube when i got the length so perfect on that first one for this bend darn it all right that's on there go ahead and loosen that up a bit there we go there we go all right we're ready uh which one's a good one there it is oh wow you know what i could totally cheat this i can just use my perfect length tube to know how much i should take off of my perfect bend tube i should make sure this is the perfect length before i do that it's not quite yeah it's close but not quite that side's a little short okay cool this side is perfect though uh all right so let's let's mark it should i gamble i'm gambling i'm gambling ladies and gentlemen where's my pencil at okay just gonna kind of prop it up on something flat we're going to assume our radiator is pretty flat and we're going to mark that puppy okay here it goes where'd my tubing holder go i'm going to use the tubing holder [Music] oh man now that i've got a full-size cutting disc too i can just go right across that thing ow that's hot that touched my arm that is melted plastic that is hot all right oh gorgeous gorgeous uh it fits pretty well yeah all right we're going gonna go ahead and okay so our worst case scenario wait well we would never see that well okay you know what yeah let's go worst case scenario is right there where's my pencil at um [Music] yeah so right there okay i'm gonna cut that one off well i said i was done for now [Music] there we go [Music] all right all right that goes there that goes there oh wow it sure is a good thing we didn't take off any more than we had to oh wait yeah no no we're good we're good um okay yeah because this is this is bending out now and i could actually bring it in to be at exactly the same height right like that and that's probably what i want to do also this is where the graphics card is actually going to screw in so yeah we got to take just uh just a smidgen off let's take off a smidge one metric smidge bye [Music] okay smidge is gone okay yep we're ready to test it theoretically we've got a good cut here if it works then how many more tubes do you have just one and i think it works i think we're good yes that's it nailed it check that out nice and parallel hold on i gotta check one thing real quick because it is still going out instead of in but if i don't have to change that i'm not going to i just want to see if once the fitting's in place if it's going to stay parallel because it will be a little bit wider but as long as it still looks good to the eye then i'm going to call that good enough after this are you going to test it to see if the water things did work absolutely then we in trouble boy i don't want that to happen well nobody does actually i'm sure someone out there is rooting against me all right we're good nice nice okay you found a tall tube oh i actually don't need that i'm gonna use one of the uh little scrap bits uh like this one that i broke earlier because our last run only goes from here to here it's a super short one all right i think i beat even the most optimistic estimates for how many cuts i would need to do over on float plane there this is looking if i do say so myself pretty fine actually i just needed that one reminder from rod like hey you should probably not totally derp your uh derpy derpier bends and like dang ice oh yeah very very parallel everything is like pretty clean now all i can see is that stupid wrinkle on this one dang it it's the that's the problem man that second one thank you rod great tip is just absolutely perfect very happy with that one that second 90 degree all right so let's find our shortest scrap this looks like the shortest scrap um and then all we need to do is this one last run right here and then we're ready to fill it yay indeed after you fill it all the tubes do now what do you think they'll do i think it will make them go through the tubes and go down and just keep going again yeah pretty much what does that do though what do you think what do you think the water does in here you better believe it kiddo [Music] this all right out okay let's see how close we got this one i'm not even i'm not even trying to nail this one on the first go oh wow yeah it's like oh that is what even was i looking at i i don't i honestly don't know okay let's let's try to actually get this one this time that was like i gotta take off that much more here okay very good yeah that was not good measuring you know my dad always told me measured six times cut seven [Music] what's that uh that means that you um you know you you make it too long and then you just keep taking off a little bit at a time yeah my dad never told me that you like that noise yeah nobody likes that noise that is a that is a strange thing oh man i cannot stand it i think it's awful i don't know how anyone can like that noise um i would not describe it as mouse like okay i'm just trying to see if uh oh yeah youtube chat is back and like youtube seems to be like straight up back we've got 11 000 viewers over there right now hey what's up youtube welcome back yo how is this still so far off it's not even close i measured it i swear to you guys i measured this look at this it's like it's way too big ah okay well you want to help me cut this time since you go from not even wanting to hear the power tools to wanting to operate them um i'm afraid that's going to be a hard no on operating the dremel unfortunately sorry kiddo uh i will find something for you to operate [Music] you can pretty easily rough up your hands pretty bad with a dremel tool i think it'd be hard to take a finger clean off with one of those cutting discs but but you definitely would have a very very bad time if you accidentally slipped all right here we go this is it i'm going for it guys oh yeah what do you think does that fit i think so basically flawlessly check this out guys check this out that's how much wiggle there is see that wiggle oh wait you can't that's just my finger slipping see that no wiggle perfect i love it now we just pop that off there pop these collars on they're called collars they're called fitting collars well you can want it as much as you want but unfortunately it doesn't change anything it's a hard lesson but you got to learn it sooner is better i wish it worked that way but it don't okay tightening that on oh tighten that on oh and that is on okay oops okay just crushed a piece of tubing neat yeah but that was too short all right let's put um boot ssd in oh you know what it's probably i'm going to use the sell my you want to put this in yeah yeah sure you can put that in each one go around the other side i was thinking of upgrading i brought home the eight terabyte one um but maybe i'll do a separate video just like about that ssd i don't feel like cloning over my os or anything right now okay here you go kiddo so we've got two options and i'll let you i'll let you pick which one okay i'll make that up to you oh man that is like freaking perfect up in there uh okay so this slot right here shares bandwidth with this slot so this is a 16x slot which means that they will split they will buy for kate and this will be 8x and this will be 8x so if we install our ssd in this slot what happens is we cut half of our bandwidth to our graphics card do you remember what the graphics card does what's that for memory try again what's the video card do um videos yep videos uh what else do you think the graphics card does what do you need it for to make your thing work okay yeah that's good you're kind of guessing right now though okay maybe you don't remember that part that's fine so this is for games this makes your games go fast okay so that will cut our bandwidth to the thing that makes our games go fast which might not matter that much because 8x pci express gen 3 is actually plenty fast for most modern graphics cards including this one even all right but some people are purists and they don't like splitting that bandwidth option number two we can install our ssd in this one which doesn't share bandwidth but has the drawback of running off of the chipset rather than directly off the cpu so there's another latency jump there the chipset acts as a communication hub between the cpu and everything plugged into the system communication but it means that there's a relay so you kind of think of it like playing telephone takes a little bit longer to get the message when we go to this one you like that one you prefer games going fast actually yeah yeah okay so watch out where you're installing it it's got to come all the way to the back here before you press it down there you go you don't need the safety glasses anymore your those are kind of in your way make sure you got it lined up with the slot you can look through here if you need to see it is it lined up yeah okay then push down evenly on both sides two hands push down great now what you need to do is you know that little uh chest upstairs that has the plastic clear drawers in it i think it's in the side room right now okay so inside either i think it's the second from the top drawer there's a little black box about this big cardboard box full of screws i need you to get those screws and bring them back here yep side room all right kiddo how did i never notice this holy crap you guys check this out i had my graphics card installed with one of my outputs covered there's a display port out in there i uh the motherboard i had last time i did an update here um that's hilarious uh the motherboard i was using last time had the pcie 16x slot in the very top and so i moved it down a slot when i put this board in and i just must have not realized i mean i only use one output so it didn't it didn't matter it didn't affect me but i'm gonna fix it now that is pretty derp hilarious all right let's pull this puppy out okay that drawer doesn't open all the way well it doesn't need to open all the way it just needs to open enough to get the uh the black box out are you sure i am willing to bet that it is not that hard to get at and that you are a pretty smart kid who can figure this out what do you think do you think you can figure it out you go figure it out oh uh hey darling i think you might need to grab a stool and wash your hands in the bathroom because there's too much stuff piled up on that couch right now i don't think that's a very good idea okay off you go all right all right there we go got that all fixed um yeah ask your sister please okay here we go i'm just gonna close the door here okay ouch okay all fixed actually i opened up all of them because i think in that same uh that same container my son's bringing me back i've got some much nicer looking pci covers so i'm going to swap those in as well okay can you close that door please see i knew you could find it he often does this where he comes back saying something cannot be done and then i say you know what i think you're a pretty smart kid and i bet you can figure it out and then three minutes later oh sorry darling um i don't think there's anything that you can help me with and normally i would try and find a way for you to help me but unfortunately there's too much dangerous stuff around here right now and i just can't have um i just can't have my girls here right now unfortunately off you go darling well i'm i'm sorry it's a rough uh it's a rough life you got a it's a battle think of it as a battle scar uh unfortunately the pci covers that i was hoping were gonna come back or not here okay don't stand in the way of the camera though i think i am one oh no i got it these are kind of a sentimental thing so now that i don't use you gotta you gotta move because the autofocus is picking you up kiddo uh now that i don't use the radiator for my first water cooled system the one thing left is these aluminum antec thumb screws so these are from my old p160w case and i have kept them with me and carried them forward through my builds because they were from my like my first enthusiast grade case oh shoot i actually think i'm still one short i've only got seven i definitely have more of them somewhere it's just a matter of like finding one and grabbing it so we'll call that uh we'll call that good enough one two three four five six seven eight yeah okay i do see that um no i'm gonna go with a hard no on the magic there okay wow we are doing awesome guys and all it took was most of the day sick so we've got oh yeah it did thank you for that all right i know you got my back right all right um excuse me i'm just going to plug in this front usb 2. okay there we are uh that other one doesn't really plug in because this only has one usb 2 header but that's okay i was going to get one of those usb 3 to usb 2 header adapters but i forgot so i will do that some other time there's nothing there's nothing about that that absolutely would need to be done today anyway uh no sorry why because there isn't enough room that's my chair i know whose chair it is but there is not enough room sorry kiddo okay now it's time to uh wire this thing up can i sneak past you here oh let's put in some cables here we go okay uh you want to help put cables in uh possibly actually do you okay um all right fine so here go ahead you can do i thought you said you know how to do it uh okay um oh man you know what no i'm gonna plug it in because i am getting to the point where i'm actually kind of hungry and i really want this computer done so uh no under normal circumstances yes right now no sorry why don't you actually run off and get a snack you've got to be hungry at this point you ate lunch oh i didn't get lunch all right i've been streaming since lunch time all right pci express goes right there okay more pci express uh okay that's our 8-pin cpu power connector looks like i had it which way did i have it in here looks like i had it in right there right there and right there nope nope right there and right there barely that's kind of weird why would i run it like that that's kind of stupid well i don't always make the best decisions okay let's wedge that down there there we go that's a little bit better cool cool and we've got another pci express six plus two go ahead and run that bad boy right there you want to help test it well there's not a lot of testing that needs to be done for this one to be perfectly honest with you this is just my computer so as long as it turns on it's already it's already tested it's already working all right i no longer need the sata cable because i have gone pci express and oh the monitor is right over there but we're probably not going to hook it up to a monitor what i would do instead is just um no i would hook it up to a capture card all right so we're going to go ahead and run that over there this is the display port that feeds the thunderbolt that's built into this motherboard so it runs to the inside of the case here there we go just go ahead and get that over there nothing we can really do to make that cable management perfect so we're just going to roll with it okay and finally uh one more sata power connector over here and that's going to connect to the top panel where i've got some led strips see you can see that those connectors are right here these are quite worn out i did say that i was planning to put rgb strips in this thing but quite frankly guys i think i may have lost patience with this project at this point i mean i guess we could jake did send me over all these nice fancy rgb strips it'd be a shame to not use them what kind of controller did he send oh this is just one of those cable mod style ones this actually might not be a ton of work okay i'll consider it um that's my y-spy and we'll use that later let's see where is it oh yeah there we go so we could use this cable mod controller right here or alternate plan oh yeah there you go there's the power for it uh let me have a look at how oh wow how long are the shorter ones oh yeah that seems like that would be a better bet those long ones are too long or i could probably actually just plug these directly into the motherboard these are rgb but not addressable yeah these are 12 volt rgb strips you know what what the hey what the hey let's do it let's do it these are magnetic it's a super easy swap out okay i'll let you know these are uv ones and i'm gonna swap them out for rgb there we go we got three of these let's just throw two on there womp um actually no i don't care rgb is one of those things where if i'm doing it for like a show a showpiece build i'll do it but for my own i actually just cannot be arsed i'm over it put that back there and put that back there i would have to undo these cable ties which would mean going and getting a pair of side cutters all right i'm out i'm out completely out hopefully you guys aren't too hopefully you guys aren't too disappointed it's time to do a leak test oh boy i am really hoping for the best here i'm just like paranoid double check every fitting is tight if it leaks we all know to blame rod okay oh boy all right fill time very nervous but actually now's as good a time as any to sort of step back and take a look at the the refinished build definitely a lot tidier uh you know what okay one thing i can do is i can put a little bit of uh at least a couple of cable ties in here let's shoot right i put my cable ties i had them before i started the stream because i used it to ah there it is okay suck us people saying pressure test you dummy it's not a matter of dumb or not dumb it's a matter of i do not have a pressure testing tool here so yes that would be better um no it is not an option today all right so let's just go ahead and give it the old tie tie right here this is not my finest work by any stretch of the imagination this is what we call in the biz better than nothing okay here comes another better than nothing cable tie okay there we go all right and i don't know what do you say like maybe one more rate right there and we can hide away those rgb cables on the graphics card block that i am not plugging in yep use that to just kind of stick them under there that'll do yep cable management purists will not be happy with this job but i'm calling it fine enough hey at least the uh at least the tubing looks awesome right right yeah right all right i'm gonna go ahead and lift this up got a great suggestion on floatplane who is that from uh gu53 just put a flammable gas in the loop and then light a match uh no explosion means no leaks thank you for that okay uh here's this where's my power cable i think i hooked it up before we started oh the kid bumped their head sounds like that's rough that's a hard life ah where did i put that power cord dang it where is it there it is oh she is real unhappy uh someone says do not mount this above the ups if it potentially leaks uh yeah that would be pretty bad i guess all right it's go time ladies and gentlemen it's pour time where's my towel at there it is well one thing i was right about today this did take so long that any water that i spilled at the beginning of this process has long since dried we're gonna know real quick if those fittings are gonna work okay that's enough for now okay there's water going into the tubes and i can give you guys a look at that here we go you can see there's water trickling down there let's see if there's any leakage so far it's a little early but um yeah so far nothing i don't think how's that one doing yeah i don't see anything little shards of plastic for sure but hey thanks joshua long all right stressed here we go there's gonna be people giving me a hard time about tap water i have always used tap water i just say distilled because it makes some people feel better i just put some uh some iodine or some pt nuke in it it's all good remember too though guys that i'm coming at you from um you know vancouver british columbia where we actually have excellent tap water there are plenty of places around the world where i would not use their tap water for water cooling just because there's too much uh mineral content and like chlorine or whatever the case may be here it's relatively good yes distilled would be better but i'm you know it's just not at the point where i would stress out about it all right here we go apparently there's a ram stick that looks unclipped no it's not unclipped the spacing is just a little bit wonky okay got a pretty good suggestion throw a fitting on the end and uh and blow yeah it's a pretty good idea i guess that's one way to find out if this thing is gonna explode uh do i have any tubes that do not have a fitting on both ends yeah nope okay that's fine let's go ahead and put that sucker on there all right kiddo you want to keep an eye out for any leaks we're going to do a quick pressure test here uh not yet i don't hear anything that's looking good to me all right rod rosenberg he's done saved the day today folks and did not screw me over nice ah let's fill this thing up i don't think it's gonna leak at this point okay we got to fire this thing up let's see if that uh power button works here we go think the power button works it works glorious hold on i gotta get you guys a look at this here we go we moving water folks okay i think i emptied the res already yeah just a little bit left on the bottom so there might be some bubbles stuck in the pump see that's why you're seeing these bubbles not really moving here so that's fine all we need to do is uh pop the webcam over here don't want you guys to miss it if something blows up so we're going to shut it down gracefully because my my os is on here i don't like shutting it down abruptly if i don't have to it's my daily driver are you able to pour more water uh because some of the bubbles came out oh wow there's still a fair bit of space up at the top of the rest okay here we go some more okay that's two almost two full water bottles how'd you mind filling it up for me little man thank you sir oh hello power cycle hello try that again oh feeling good thank you sir appreciate it i want to give it another power cycle first though all right here we go i turned it off and power cycling now you know i think the real problem at this point might be that i've got my pump turned down uh oh how hard is that to get at might be pretty hard hmm okay um i mean it's they're working their way through maybe we just need to give it a little shaky shake oh camera froze dang it all right so we'll give that a unplug and re-plug that's fine don't worry we got a procedure for this now and then give it a deactivate and a reactivate hey we back we back all right cool there we go guys sorry about that so it's still not moving too fast and unfortunately i've got a cosmetic backing on this pump that might make it very difficult for me to get at the rpm adjustment thing so let me just come around the other side and have a look here oh yeah i think that is basically not happening oh wait is it just the one side you know what this might work so if i can get this little um hex piece off here i might be able to remove it where'd my fix-it kit go there we go okay so you guys don't have a great view of this right now there we go little hexy hex there we go let's see if this plate just pops out for me what do you think little platy plate you want to just pop out just kind of pop hello hello little plate you're a nice little plate oh yeah look at you go fantastic now we can do one of my favorite little tricks and we can ah okay first what we're going to do is tilt the system a bit so i can actually see under here please tell me i used a vario pump i did good okay i don't know if you guys can see this but there's a little red dial on the back of the pump there i'm going to jam this slot ahead screwdriver should be good all right that's fine you guys didn't miss much i was just bleeding the loop can be a little bit tedious because you just got to kind of keep either cycling the power or cycling the uh the pump rpm until the bubbles work their way out this is the kind of thing we would normally skip with movie magic you know looking into the res i think we've got enough of a height difference between the inlet and the outlet that it's not sucking back up the air bubbles that are going in but um it's just taking a while because there's a lot of space in this loop two thick triple rads gpu block cpu block big old reservoir i think we're getting close though there's a bubble stuck up at the top of the motherboard block here or well i guess it'll be the bottom in a normal orientation but we're getting pretty close other than that i think flattening the system out for a little bit will probably help us get rid of some of the ones that we've had trouble with so far and giving it a shake too can help a lot with these things just to loosen bubbles that are stuck in places that are hard to get out of you can see certain places like you know this area there's a little vortex on this graphics card block here so i cut the rpm turn it up turn it up come on crank it see if we can get that to break up and move you can see we got some of it yeah there goes a little more turn it down okay we're gonna go turn it up real slow like this time kind of mesmerizing you know i really like this one coming out of the coming out of the cpu block so when it's cranked you've got this kind of this weird tornado effect like a little air tornado there you turn it down and it breaks up and moves you go again and whatever new air is stuck in the cpu block now forms it again yeah i think if we flatten this out we're going to be pretty good real quick here all right one there we go i'm gonna leave that cap off though oh boy and i'm going to top this up let's see yep definitely a little bit oh that's more than i meant to put in there we go that's oh no i can go a little bit farther so because this is going to be horizontal in the installed configuration it's important for it to be as full as it can be oops oh man i over filled it a little bit uh you know what that's okay i'll just absorb some of it soak it up oh that's quite a bit come on yeah a little bit of that's definitely dripping down that's okay we can live with that okay stop fitting is going in one big question here is whether the system actually still works it should but you never know all my kids are here eating now they're all eating corn on the cob and i am starving you guys are killing me here all right tighten that on i'm gonna close this up because i think there's enough water in that even once we [Music] or there's enough water in there that even once i flatten it and some of those air bubbles work out we're gonna be good um okay that's there this is mummy's ifixit kit so i need to make sure i don't lose any pieces okay oh rip this camera there we go ah let's lower that down there we go okay now some more of those bubbles are working the way out oh wow you can see quite a lot of it uh okay well that's good to know maybe we needed to shake it around some more oh i forgot about this it actually has a fill port here as well oh that's awesome okay cool oh that's great so we might go ahead and put a little bit more water in once it's kind of shaking its sillies out this way as well okay yep giving it the old shaky shake there's definitely still some still some air bubbles in there oh yeah pump ran out of water got an air bubble stuck in it oh man okay there's quite a bit more to work its way through here okay well that's fine that's fine just fine i will eat later oh yeah man dang that's like at least another third of a cup you know 150 mils or so nailed the fill that time though so that's nice all right just a little bit of water on the lip around the outside okay there we go this little dremel wrench it turns out is perfect for tightening these top fittings on nice and curved so it doesn't scratch them okay we're going down again swamp okay that's a lot better just a little bit of air came free this time cool i'm sure you guys are missing the movie magic at this point this really is how tedious a lot of these projects are most of these projects are actually i found this one relatively fun this was pretty enjoyable it's nice when things work out actually i shouldn't say this is how to okay no usually a lot more things than this go wrong this has actually gone pretty smoothly and it's bled that's it i'm gonna give it one more i'm gonna give it one more lift up this way ah oh never mind here come the bubbles again all right i take it back that is a super weird way to eat corn on the cob i eat one at a time okay well you can eat corn however you want it is a free country um shoot where did i put that um where did i put that little flathead ifixit bit ah no i had it still just a second ago i was using it to turn the [Music] vario dial on the pump that's fine i can use this wrench i just have to make sure i don't lose this wrench now because i have no backup okay turn down turn it up are we clear this time are we good water cooling lube help me out here okay i think so i think that was the last bubble okay can you eat the corn normally please okay off you go i swear to you i've never seen a corn like that before we'll get that fixed all right here we go so i'm gonna go ahead and open this up one more time top it up and then we are good we can hook a monitor up and see if this thing is actually working or if it's just pretending to be working i'm putting water in it to cool it yeah neat huh she's like whatever very few cares given by that one about this okay okay we are we are we're there yeah we're done it's completely full uh now i can put this this cover back on here uh oh i didn't say you were gonna be allowed to help with a power tool i said you're gonna be allowed to help with something no power tools kiddo um i take it back no power tools i'm out i'm out consider this your first broken promise from your father uh hey darling you can't be playing that right now yeah i don't know how to turn it off either if i did it would never turn on again okay fantastic let's go ahead and hook it up to something where's an hdmi cable uh where's my other cam link okay here we go um hold on hold on no no no it doesn't it doesn't work that way darling okay here we go here's uh okay i just need to make sure that i'm not unplugging an hdmi connection that i need there we go let's try this one and let's plug this in i actually have no idea if this capture card is going to work either because i have not tried it earlier on the stream here we go let's try adding it okay adding video capture device big shout out to corsair for sending me another cam link um super handy device they sent over the one for the stream pc upgrade and shoot i did not have this plugged in before i launched obs so that is not going to work hmm what's the easiest way to deal with this well okay one other option is to just hold up a monitor this table is pretty covered and stuff this out okay stop okay we're just gonna go we'll hold up the monitor route to confirm that it's working and once we do i have some cleanup to do here oh okay come on are you gonna work you don't got to go to work work work but you please please please go to work okay um there we go yup we're calling that good enough all right hdmi in to our test monitor is this thing even powered on i'm not sure i think i plugged it in earlier though so theoretically it should turn on uh oh that's a remote you need to leave it exactly where it was i had it in exactly the place where i wanted it to be thanks darling is this on it does seem to be on um hdmi okay no my darling you can't be stealing my spot right now not right now sorry sweetheart this has been a very very long and tiring stream oh i forgot to do one thing today shoot hey it's working rock on okay we're calling it done uh there's one thing i forgot to fix though my front usb ah this always triggers me the the tab is on the top instead of on the bottom so you plug it in upside down i all i had to do was take them and switch them out and put them back in uh but i did not do that and now it is too late and i will never ever ever do it that'll be the one idiosyncrasy that's left in this machine off you go okay i'm done guys thank you for tuning in to this marathon nearly six hour pc building stream um that's it that's all i have to say i'm out i'm out i'm done it's hardline tubed actually no no hold on hold on hold on we can get uh we can get a better look at it on the main camera here let me just pop this off the tripod all right we're gonna hand cam it we're gonna hand cam it love you too baby girl okay here we go sorry i just gotta get it away from the feet of the tripod there we are okay so now we can have a look at the hard-lineness of it get it it's my rig so it's the hard-lineness he got him check that out parallel af okay look at that oh yes okay you know what one small that's probably drooping just a little bit there we go honey i know not right now sweetie you know what that is anyway don't ask me questions you know the answer too you know that that bothers me okay there we go oh yeah get that manual focus so we got that one this one's also parfait i really cannot believe how well that ended up lining up i'm super pleased with it just like that this one too super happy with this run nice and level with the top of the case you can really see that and flat 90 degree bend that's the one that does have the kink in it there so you can see that from the bottom but honestly from the top it's really not as bad it's definitely nowhere near as good as this one though this one is flipping sick like that is that is a good bend you can definitely tell that that tubing is not the same color though oh well it is what it is ah this one lined up really well for me there it is finished build i'm gonna throw this back on the tripod oh yeah i guess i haven't really like even talked about the hardware i'm running that much so i've got a 3900 x it's like you know it's the cpu that's like overkill but not compensating you know so 3900x and the x570 aqua the motherboard for if you're super duper compensating and you're proud of it rtx titan graphics card for if you're compensating or like a data scientist so definitely just compensation here gigabyte rgb one terabyte ssd that's sensible compared to the one that i was thinking of putting in today this stupid thing eight terabyte eight terabyte ssd might do a separate video i might do a separate video about that uh what else do i got going on here still running my ax 1500i power supply i mean there's no reason to change it out at this point got a couple of ek these are their cool stream sc all right excuse me xe thick boy triple 120 millimeter radiators got noctua nff12s of course there's these are the old ltt edition one um langd5 pump i actually forget who makes this super cool reservoir i doubt that you can still get it kind of a boutique item at the time uh using i think it's bits power i want to say bits power tubing on i'm gonna double check that bits power honestly this tubing uh not great but part of the reason that it's bad could have been that it was sitting in storage for a day and a half so to speak sit and search for a real long time uh old corsair dominators i gotta upgrade those those are 2666 dominator platinums um not optimal for the 3900x i will get around to that at some point it didn't happen today there you go personal rig update 2015 is now updated ah let's just pop that back on the tripod okay and i think my kids would probably like some attention because i have been fairly tuned out all day here uh oh i should definitely see if there's any critical super chats for me to get to uh greetings from 7 a.m time zone nice quarantine beard says alexi thank you ah see snatcher says would you consider having alex build you a custom distro plate for your build huh no i don't think i'm gonna touch this build for a little while uh skeppel yt says mid conversion from a 10 core vega 64 imac pro to my first pc build for working gaming been really binging episodes lately thanks for the hard work hey you too all right thanks guys i'm out you
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,076,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Pixel 4a, pixel 4a, headphone jack, hands on, specs, leak, leaks, leaked, price, 399, release date, launch
Id: pJiH5oeI91o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 316min 32sec (18992 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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