The Easiest Water Cooled PC (NOT Easy)

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Currently watching this. The guy in shirt looks like a clumsy noble giant. Never fire him Linus pls

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ArchangelMalchidael 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think Linus is going to cry anytime now LOL

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ArchangelMalchidael 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
laid out in front of me are all the parts for pretty much as ball in a gaming rig as money can buy but as everyone knows if you want to get the maximum performance out of your hardware you need cooling that can keep up and for all its other faults custom loop water cooling is still the way to go if you want no compromises maximum performance and near silent operation unfortunately on the path to building a custom water-cooled system there are a lot of pitfalls that at best can waste your time and at worst can actually damage your components well that changes today this right here is the singularity Wraith a case that was built from the ground up to make putting a custom water-cooled system in it as easy and painless as possible yeah easiest water cooling my friggin buttocks so our plan is to throw this thing together with hard line tubing with hard line tubing in about the next hour and this video is brought to you by the viewsonic Elite XG 270 QG gaming monitor it's 1440p 165 Hertz g-sync it's got 98% coverage of the DCI p3 color space and you can get yours at the link in the video description [Music] while alex is assembling the monitor I'm gonna run you guys through the hardware for today we've got an ARS x5 70 I Pro Wi-Fi motherboard this is a mini ITX board so even though this is a bit of a bigger case it still takes a small motherboard because we got to make room for all that water cooling stuff we're gonna be running an AMD Rison 939 50 X so there's a 16 core processor in here and we're gonna be teaming it up with an Archie X xx atti ARS extreme from gigabyte and what's cool about this one is that it is pre water-cooled meaning that it is basically slot in tubes in and go for the rest of our water cooling we're using a bunch of stuff from ek water blocks so they're cool stream se 240 radiators I believe we've got yeah their velocity D RGB CPU block a bunch of their straight hard-line fittings as well as their Vardar evo RGB fins then for storage we've got a your siz PCIe gen 4 m dot 2 SSD as well as a set of g.skill trident 0 l with cheese actually I think that's junk I think this is actually there yep it's Trident Z Neos so we've got what appears to be a 32 gig kit 3600 c14 nice that'll be a really great pairing with our 39 50 X makes it sound like wine alright well we won't need that until later but thank you yeah we put it there I think it was cool too yes are we for real aiming to do this in an hour with hardline I don't know hour-and-a-half should we try Dutch I want to try the time is now 343 at 4:45 we're gonna be turning this thing on full of water posting you got it we got this yeah let's go so I'll go motherboard you want to unbox the case yep it's actually kind of amazing to me that it's taken so long for a case like this to make its way onto the market because you get all these cases out there that are designed for water cooling like with three hundred and sixty millimeter radiator mount front a 240 in the top can I help you with that but they give no thought whatsoever to where you're supposed to put a pump and a reservoir so singularity is actually a super small company but they are really dedicated water cooling and building just like these gorgeous super industrial looking designs so let's walk you guys through some of the features that we're working with here oh we apparently cheated a little bit it already has an 800 watt power supply in it you put that in there oh yeah I did that to measure the power supply like the cable runs that's fine we'll give ourselves a two-minute penalty at any rate so right up here is where our mini ITX motherboard goes we're using PCI Express risers right here to get our graphics card down to its you know vertical mounted show off position down here at the bottom power supply goes here and then I believe this spot over here is just for drives isn't it that's to hide your cable management oh is that all it's for yeah meet radiators in the top and the front and then the entire back of the case is actually fluid distribution and a built-in reservoir that leads down to the integrated d5 pump pretty sweet oh my goodness is there an RGB component to this we have cable mod RGB stuff okay I'm getting warm this might be the time to it actually hasn't quite happened yet as of filming this video but I promised I would we're Marquez's merch if he hit ten million before we did so here it is oh god removed the front LED cover by undoing the three fasteners on the front panel of the case so this thing here oh but this is gonna light up super cool okay I can't figure out how this strip goes in though unless it goes in sideways oh they recommend their own rigid RGB strip is that not going to happen is that fur the front only I guess so I have a lead on that front RGB strip nice so we're good did you do the back one or am i doing that oh you're doing it okay let's just peel it I'm ceremoniously it's safe to guess that I can just cut this anywhere right so the RGB groove at the back seems quite a bit wider it looks like I'll be able to get my strip in there quite easily so that's pretty cool how's our hour coming along here it's 409 I think if we get this done before the end of the day I'm gonna call it a win that is like two hours for the build I'm gonna get the mother bird cut then I don't think we're doing as bad as you think you don't know we're doing all the hard stuff first that's why the situation looks dire you already pre installed the CPU it's like a minute you grabbed a four stick kit of memory well that's fine we can have the gigs of RAM yeah I think that's okay literally doesn't affect performance for gaming at all how much pre-prep did you do on this cuz it looks like our m2 slot is on the back and that probably isn't gonna fit I just assumed that it went oh wait there is one on the front yeah yep it's packed and packed in there pretty tight so I got to figure out how to get this off looks like it's just these two screws hey I told you we're in great shape okay so our SSD heatsink goes in there and this does it just go on top actually no it's not great it fits well enough though I think we can get away with it all right I'm gonna start running the cables these are the ones that I got I think they look pretty sweet hey wow I like it where's my CPU block out Alex oh here it is oh yeah you have a choice so I can go with matte black plus silver or nickel and plexi I'm gonna have a look at the graphics card and then I'll decide wow you know your graphics card is hardcore when it includes a tube of thermal compound in the box okay well based on this I think the only way to go is the matte black and silver then all right well this is gonna slow me down a little bit my mounting hardware for my block needs to be removed and reinstalled because it comes with intel mounting hardware on it something that made sense for a long time but dey's does it we have 15 minutes okay panic mode time I have no clue how the RGB works know if it wasn't for the RGB we'd be in much better shape right now yeah block installed I guess I can mount the motherboard now though right yep so our times up I am honestly kind of tempted to abandon our RGB fan pursuit here yeah that's fair enough okay another boards in so here goes our PCI Express extension which conveniently covers up our pump here so can I just plug this into the RGB header on the motherboard so might just get like splitter on splitter okay so if we're gonna have to put a mess of wires into it anyway we might as well put a commander into it yeah I'm gonna tear them out alright and I'm not gonna try and do it your way there's too much stuff in here now I'm just taking the rads out and then taking the fans off literally undoing the first 20 minutes of work what a waste well I guess this GPU time I absolutely hate how gigantic this thing is oh do we actually have to use the head I mean we don't have to it's just for better or for worse it's an easy way to manage all the RGB on a bunch of corsair crap and a bunch of fans in one go what if i could put it right there maybe yeah that's not bad well I guess it's loop planning time wait do they have adapters - the one with the spacer I have no idea how to make those work they're three pin but they don't have the four pin piece and the gap this wouldn't have worked at all there's only three wires even though there's four spots okay fine forget addressable then we just go with the traditional ones and we tear those strips out yeah so I'll undo all the work you did at the beginning well you undo all the work I did at the beginning so progress commander Pro is gonna handle fan control and the RGB for these fans and then so they're just wired up to the cable mod thing we're gonna have to have a splitter and then their proprietary thing that plugs into SATA and how are we going to hide all of this I don't know are we gonna have to just little ties LTT store comm sure how do we even get into the reservoir suck down there oh my god is it well the GPU has to come out then okay we did not think about this at all if we're gonna make use of the integrated like tubing runs basically nothing we've done so far makes any sense yeah I have to take this front radiator off again don't I yeah I think so yeah there's no way we're hardline to being this no let's not do that after an email chain with singularity we now understand how the loop works so this radiator is supposed to go this way with the fittings down now the whole thing makes a whole ton more sense so I'm gonna focus on figuring out the RGB wiring while you start figuring out how to build the loop and one of the other things that we discovered is that rather than trying to do hard line bends to reach all these places just really wasn't going to be feasible we are going to have to rely on some kind of fancier fittings in order to reach all the little nooks and crannies we are still doing hard line though right you know what I'm on RGB duty and you might be thinking like you could come out straight from here and then do a bend and a bend and then go around but getting bends that close to each other are actually really hard because when you heat one of them up the other one unbend itself gets melty so it doesn't really work well now that we've adjusted our expectations somewhat this is actually going really smoothly oh did I just just not the wrong way wait what the hell is this oh no I forgot about the RGB strips we've already submitted to the ridiculous fittings gods why don't we just put one of these in no no wait wait just here this is like the money shot Bend you can't do a huge fitting for hear me out just hear me out okay humor me there boom one Bend oh no no it doesn't even have to go that high okay hold on hold on I went overkill I went overkill it's not that bad yeah yeah that's not that bad so what I've decided is that the case RGB strips will be controlled with just like the remote control the CPU block will be controlled by the on-board 12-volt RGB header and then all the fans will be controlled by corsair software well I think it's making tubes time like all things considered this really doesn't look this is gonna be super difficult sweet I am still working on RGB wearing so I've got it in the right spot I pull too hard though I'm just gonna unplug this connector down here pulled out I'm going to start actually cutting the hardline tubing all that I need to do is just come in with a little measuring stick like this one you put it in figure out exactly how long your tube needs to be mark that off and then cut it for the ones with bends I really like this jig right here that alpha cool has so you can just come in and then kind of put it up against both your pitting let's say we're doing this one right here it's fitting fitting thereabouts yeah lock it and then you know that it's going to be about 90 by 85 or so in fairness to singularity the instructions did say to do the RGB stuff first so my personal method for hardline tubing is you cut it with the saw but I find that it doesn't do a good job all the time like you can see there's a little chip right here so you just cut it a tiny bit long and then you just take the belt sander and bring it down to the final dimension if you don't have a belt sander that's fine really easy if you take just like some sandpaper put it on the table rub it around a bit come on yes yes I have a dent in my hand this is pique rat's nest right here hey Alex how is the pun powered is there even a pump in there that might just be a pump cover there's no pump huh there's packing material more power I come bearing the world's ugliest pump in goes our pump which now actually contains a pump alright so we have the super small tube in there and so now we can just swing the radiator down and line it up just like that and if everything is measured correctly it should come on oh I really wish that we could leak test this right now like just this one fitting so as that lined up ah not quite okay so it doesn't need to be slightly longer than yeah seems like it okay do you want the LED strips that came with this case what they were sitting next to it you've got to be kidding me you know what though I just noticed the one at the back is not sitting in the groove right I just finished the wiring go ahead and cut so here are the skinnier RGB strips that those channels were designed for yo Alex remember that RGB strip that I dented my hand putting in yeah so long what if you're supposed to run the RGB strip through from the other side I mean the instructions do say round the RGB first but like holy crap just put a slightly bigger hole there okay I think I've got it in the right spot now this is gonna be one of our first 90-degree bends we do have like jigs to get perfect 90 degrees but I think that the radius was gonna be a bit too big for where it needs to go so I'm just gonna do it by hand and then try and fit it and I think it'll be fine yeah that's gone so well so far on this project Alex although it's not gonna feel SuperDuper great is you don't want to wear any gloves because one of the key things is when you're bending it to make sure if there's any like little ridges or stuff to get them out and you can only feel that with your bare hand that doesn't sound like very good advice I've got this tube in here and you know it's the right length but I can't quite swing it around because of the fitting so I took the screws out up here so we can just pull the whole thing up just a tiny bit then just lower it down on there and I think we're gonna be perfect Alex the more tubing you put in here the more challenging it's gonna be for me to finish my RGB runs well it's not my fault that you've been spending what like I don't even want to hear it you know that this wasn't easy I don't think I can fit the 24 pin under the plate I have decided that I'm gonna run the 24 pin out here and I'm just gonna do this weird kind of curvy thing here a little crease here do you think that's okay yes yes at this point yes all right I'm gonna trim it why even ask okay boom I'm legitimately ready to help now we need this tube Bend from like here to here done okay so that's a simple 90-degree yep see if I remember how to do this okay do you dare me to just free ball bend this 90 degrees sure and it bubbled but this just seems to be kind of crappy tubing okay well I'm gonna try again I think we're ready three two one looking fine actually I think this is the point in the video where we have to admit that this is not easy though no this is definitely not easy or fast how do I get all the melty stuff out give it a little go we go and then you should be able just like blow it out I think that too pretty much nailed it yeah it looks pretty good awesome this is all I can do to tighten the color on this fitting try and kind of push against it with one finger it's homestretch time guys so I'm doing up the power connectors for the graphics card right here so naturally Alex left me the trickiest bends and one of the tricky things here is that it still has to stay perfectly round and straight where it goes into the fitting there I don't really have a way of checking this unfortunately I [Music] think the tubing is good in terms of like the length and the angle I'm gonna call it I got it alright I see your confidence level is high the system is full of paper towel yep the ltte Starcom okay pretty sick hey that's our res oh is it even going in getting up slowly get in there oh actually this is a good learner Bowl moment see how our pump is spinning and it's not technically running dry there's lots of water in it but it wasn't actually moving much fluid that's because there's too many bubbles caught so what we need to do find the on/off switch on our power supply where the devil is it there it is see let that gigantic bubble come out then fill up our reservoir a bit more this is really cool you can really see the bleeding process alright so now the pump can grab that water a lot better you wanna hit the power button metal go stop stop stop stop stopping I'm stopping what's going on there's there's a really big leak I'm not entirely sure where a really big oh it's the pump the pump oh god you've got to be kidding me okay how easy is it to get at the Oh Oh No yeah easiest water cooling my friggin buttocks if you want to be able to easily drain a loop you need to have a drain port at the very bottom of the system and so conveniently they provide one right here we didn't put like a proper dream fitting on it or anything so we're just gonna use the fill port flipped upside oh really we might not even have to do that we can probably just stop her this flip it which will take this gigantic air bubble and put it in the pump do some oring surgery and put it back on yeah we actually can do that there me to power it on for a couple of seconds - oh I just destroyed our table top oh rip oh come on um yeah what's that water there oh what's this how are we gonna dry that wow that's like never ever ever gonna dry I actually don't know if it got all the way in I put it in really tight last time because I was hoping it wouldn't leak and now I can't get it off got it wait what's that sticker we didn't remove I think that's the sticker that's it to read the manual before doing anything my arm is stuck okay so now draining the loop is a little trick here one one second we can just get a little bit just get the funnels a little bit look I mean this is gonna be off in like matter of moments here Alex it's leaking all over the table move that way you move your move your buddy that way oh jeez and then I'm gonna there's a lot of water it's stuck there what am I stuck on okay see that would have been fine I don't remember the last time I had a water-cooled build go this poorly it's still very very very full of water oh god where's the water coming out must be the pump cool okay yeah that's basically fine just get this means power way so I just took apart this alpha cool pump here and yeah you can clearly see that instead of around the outside it's supposed to go on the front just right there like that oh my god there's the case come this I saw them i Kings saw them I saw them and I was like yep me or ings in the in case I even saw them I was like I saw them and I wondered what are they for I get I can guarantee you that this goes on exactly where it's supposed to go yup great in there and of course it's a white one too so you so it looks better with the clear acrylic in fairness to us I just read the whole manual doesn't mention the pump once pretty sure in revision 1.1 it's going to okay but that's good news then because we didn't have any other leaks as far as we know but yeah so we can just put the pump in and as long as everything works we're basically good to go yeah I saw them the next day it's actually shocking how well this dried this out like even the water that was stuck between this back cover here and the plexi is gone so I feel pretty good about that the power supply and stuff is probably dry so let's give you guys an update then alex has made some modifications one is that the system has been put back together the next is that our funnel there we go now has an air return channel so it should pour a little bit easier and last but not least the o-ring is now clear and we also leaked tested it with the leak tester like we probably should have in the first bit yeah that would have been smarter okay so theoretically this is just a matter of dumping water into it and being off to the races yep let's do it my RGB wiring could still be all wrong you got a credit this case with being very easy to believe the bubbles out of yeah it's actually a pretty cool reservoir design because it's so thin here the bubbles kind of come out slam against this wall and then have to make their way to the top I like it I feel like blue channel is not plugged in on this one yeah this one's going like RGB and this one's going just like RG I had to guess one of the things is just like theoretically once Windows boots up this will be it moment of truth not bad at all so how many hours was this it's currently noon on the third day yeah we didn't work on it for the full days though so you say like 8 hours yeah I think 8 hours ok but we're done pencils down final peel oh and that is one good-looking machine how did you get the RGB fixed on the back panel I poked it with a stick gorgeous so for all the pain we actually ended up with a pretty sick looking machine and it's pretty compact for something with quad 120 millimeter worth of radiators too but can it game so we might have a problem Alex but we might have officially outgrown doom as a test title we're running at a loc'd 200 frames per second they can't even drop below it on ultra details at 1440 the good news is it looks great so this viewsonic leap monitor is actually using the same LG one millisecond response time IPS panel that we've seen before which means that as you're whipping the camera around you retain a lot more of the image sharpness than you would on a traditional IPS the other thing that I actually didn't realize about this going into it is that it is overclockable so we'll just use our little nipple based navigation system down here which by the way is the best that's fine you'll be back soon enough and boom we can flip over to 165 Hertz suckas oh this is a good chance to check our temps though so our GPU is sitting at a frosty 33 degrees backs of 45 and where's our CPU at max of 59 nice man this system ended up looking good though oh yeah I'm glad we stuck with the RGB even though it was a nightmare you know maybe I'll come around to hard line tubing now it wasn't that bad especially if you're willing to blow like a hundred dollars on fittings to make it more palatable now you've got shadow the tomb raider loaded up and that looks like freaking fodder that is so smooth yeah even from the angle here it looks pretty great well I mean that's the benefit of an IPS display right now alright so real talk time this was far from the easiest computer build we've ever done on - tech tips but in fairness to singularity the water cooling part of it and particularly things like the maintenance with the dedicated fill and drain ports actually wasn't that bad you just need to familiarize yourself with how the layout is supposed to work and some of the pieces that you're gonna need especially with respect to fittings to make your life a lot easier because this is a no compromises machine it's in this small form-factor with four by 120 mils worth of water cooling capacity there are 16 processing cores in it so you could render out huge jobs in a jiffy it's got a freaking RT X xx atti that hit 45 degrees after running 3dmark times by and there's been no compromises on the looks either I think the accents on the cables actually ended up looking darn good especially with the pink and purple RGB color scheme that we've got going on in here now and despite the occasional you know green wire visible somewhere the hard line tubing we managed to cram it in there it doesn't leak anymore and the best part of this whole build is that it'll cost you just five thousand dollars with peripherals included that's not really a plus nope well okay fine even if one of these isn't looking good any time soon maybe you can check out the monitor and if not maybe you'll get lucky when we give away two of these at the end of this video the view sonically xD 27 is wicked for people who have anywhere from I'd say in RTX 20 60 all the way up to an RT X 20 ATT I like our build here that'll easily push out the 165 frames per second that you'll need to fully take advantage of this monitors capabilities and every frame is going to have that nice fast 1 millisecond response time of course if your rig can't always maintain 165 then g-sync can step in to lend a helping hand to ensure that your animations are as smooth as they can be now lots of frames are good but once that are crispy are also great so head over to store it on mkbhd dot-com where you can use your awesome monitor to you know with 1440p resolution to see those amazing shirts and other merchants that are available on store dot mkbhd comm back to the XG 270 qg it's got a built-in headphone holder on the side which we actually really liked RGB lighting on the back and of course a robust stand with height adjust swivel pivot and all that good stuff so big thanks to the new sonic for sponsoring this video and letting us indulge in a build as sick as this one huge thanks to to spend and Daniel from singularity computers for sending us one of the first ones of their new rave case as well as a little bit of help via email and ek and gigabyte for sending us the vast majority of the hardware and of course congratulations to Marquez for adding 10 million subscribers again check out his merch shop mkbhd comm and also
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,125,247
Rating: 4.9212608 out of 5
Keywords: Water Cooling, 2080ti, Singularity Computers, Viewsonic
Id: egK54kkxIxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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