Building our NEW Video Editing Workstation - Start to Finish

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welcome to what I hope is going to be an absolutely fantastic PC building stream today for a couple of reasons number one I just love building pcs with you guys at home after today I did that first one like three weeks ago I was like you know what this is fun I've always liked building computers and I guess building them for a live audiences even better than that and number two is that this machine is one that I'm actually not going to just tear down as soon as I'm done so we've been working on this in the background for a while now but it is finally time to upgrade our video editing workstations we do it on a boat uh not on purpose but kind of by accident we do it on a three year cycle so we started out with I think they were 39 60 X based stations we upgraded to 69 50 X's and then now here we are about three to four depending on how you count them generations of Intel processors later and we are upgrading them to thread Ripper uh-huh yeah third gen and thread Ripper workstations so there you go I'm gonna walk you guys through the specs as I build I'm just gonna get started because today's video is going to be a little bit more challenging for me then these streams normally are and the big difference is that I'm gonna be doing the whole build start to finish so if you were gonna build yourself a video editing workstation you could follow along with exactly what I'm doing here and you would end up with exactly the same video editing workstation that you that I'm building with for yourself at the end of it there's a couple things that you could change and I'll go through that like I kind of usually do some alternatives if you don't need something that's quite as quite as crazy I'm gonna go ahead and pop these over here but let's start with the motherboard so that would be a perfect example of something that you might not need something quite as crazy for this is the ROG zenith 2 extreme this is basically as banging as it gets sort of going with an alpha where the main difference is overclocking potential these are not going to be overclocked these are going to be used for just daily driver work like actually editing video so yeah we don't we don't need those overclocking features but on the other hand you know when you're spending you know a grand on a CPU or you know $800 on a CPU or whatever the case may be it ain't that big of a deal to get a nice motherboard that's gonna last you a long time and it does have a couple of features that we will save some money just by having them integrated onto the board including I believe these Wow I really hope they do because I've sort of banking on I believe they have ten gigabit networking built-in yes okay yes good okay so we've got ten gig networking built in we've got support for I think it's up to 256 gigs of ram although we won't be going quite that crazy with our memory configuration for these builds you've got support for a ton of em 2 drives although again we're only gonna be using one of them for this particular build you can throw two of them up here and then I believe you've got two more drives supported over here there's one on the back so I think there's one on the front one on the back there you go so I think it's a total of four MDOT twos lots of PCI Express expansion I'm gonna go into this in more detail in a follow-up video once we've got all the editors equipped with their finished rigs and we're gonna do some kind of comparisons between the old rigs and the new ones to see how far we've come in the last three years but we have run into some issues with PCI Express expansion on our workstations where what happened was depending on which slots some of our editors had their their graphics cards and their ten gig networking cards installed in they were actually running into performance issues not just with their network connection but even system-wide really weird symptoms and something that I honestly can't explain but I know that I can fix by just switching to a platform that has bucket loads of PCI Express Lanes also I am more prepared for this stream that I have been for any of the previous ones and I've got something really cool here oh yes so I have a third camera angle my friends and I think my switcher is gonna be working awesome yeah all right that oh that is real shaky I'm gonna try not to nauseate you guys too much but if I want to show you anything close-up I'm gonna be able to switch over to this this webcam over here that's right I have 3 3 video angles so let's start by installing our thread Ripper processor now you might assume that we would automatically go with the top-end 64 core thread Ripper Fred rapper yeah cuz we reppin we reppin team rep whatever you might assume that we'd go with a 64 core thread Ripper but the truth is for a lot of workloads there is simply no benefit whatsoever to going over a certain number of course so not only did we not go with the 64 core but to keep things reasonable we actually went with the 39 60 X so we went with the 24 core that's from what we've seen from our workload that's a pretty good balance of you know high-end single threaded performance but also enough multi-threaded muscle to chew through pretty much whatever we could be doing whether it's After Effects or video encoding or whatever the case may be there was something that I had wanted to [Music] do oh yeah right so I was gonna I was gonna give you guys that close up I'm gonna take advantage of my extra cameras oh LTT store com look at that we actually don't have that shirt for sale right now but whatever you could just go in LTT store comm and see what we do have so there it is man I love their packaging for these processors there's our 39 60 X so each one of them is going to be equipped with 24 cores of AMD thread Ripper muscle oh and I'm going to go ahead and install that in the socket after this message from our sponsor June thanks to John for sponsoring this video they're meeting boards help prevent double booking rooms at the office and now you can use them at home use code line is home five to get five percent off at the link below thanks to Joan for sponsoring this video they're meeting boards help prevent double booking rooms at the office and now you can use them at home use code line is home five to get five percent off at the link below thanks to Joan for sponsoring this video I think that loot did that loop oops my bad so that's our sponsor for today's video this is kind of a new paradigm for us taking our pre-baked sponsor spots that we would normally put in a full video release and throwing them on one of these live streams just because like I don't know I'm having so much fun doing these live streams that I've been I've been actually doing them during the middle of the week when normally we would have like an edited video all right so let's pull this out oh boy it looks like the carrier tray for it has come loose oh man well you know today was bound to have some challenges and I'll just give you guys a give you guys a quick look at that just flexing all my camera angles here alright so basically what happens is AMD has these little carrier plates that come on their processors and that helps you to slide it into the kind of the hold down piece and then lower that down and then you tighten the whole thing down because this is unlike their consumer chips their high-end desktop and server chips use an LG a type socket and it's huge so getting an even amount of pressure on all those pins on all the are sorry on all those pads from all the pins is quite tricky and needs a fair bit of engineering work to make sure you're doing it right so I'm just gonna go ahead and pop this puppy back on here oh I just found a flaw in our CPU serializing system at the office we actually serialized the carriers for these things say we have little codes that we put on here rather than the chips themselves it seems like is probably a slight oversight that we could stand to rectify you know I kind of wish I had a little stand for this but I guess you guys are gonna get to see me building with one hand sometimes well I need to operate the webcam now I do have a concern my concern is that the Torx driver for installing thread Ripper processors might not be in my packaging here you know what's funny I don't know if I've ever actually been the first one to open one of our thread ripper chips and I'm not a hundred percent sure how to pop this bottom off think I got it uh-oh there's no Torx driver okay so ah Wow yep the good news is that I never start a build without my trusty iFixit kit on hand the bad news is that I'm gonna have to rely on muscle memory in order to torque the CPU down the correct amount which is not something that I would recommend doing this is a classic do as I say not as I do moment here oh I just realized I don't have my floatplane chat-up where is it hey there it is sup float plane boys and girls there we go oh okay they're all advising each other how to fix the stream oh shoot that's not the one all right so let's go ahead and do this thing so we're gonna open it up in a three to one order by reading the label on the socket so the two at the back here now I could stand to zoom that camera a little bit goodnight you know I think I'm gonna do that hey there we go is that in focus though doesn't really look like it yeah how's that there who says I can't who says I can't operate a camera well you're right I can do the very basics very basics all right so we're gonna lift up this top cover here then we've got a socket protector so you'll see this is exactly the same size and shape as the CP you're gonna put in just a lot less expensive for them to ship reloaded the motherboard then you've got your second socket protector they are real super serial about not wrecking the like 4,000 some odd pins in the t-rex for deep socket and there it is load this baby in here so like I had said before you want to take this first layer here make sure the CPU is in the carrier properly before you do this because like that's a classic okay lining this up over the socket and then having the CPU just fall out into the socket I'm pretty sure someone on our team had that happen to them once I don't remember who it was it wasn't me before you before you make assumptions guys it wasn't me but I'm pretty sure someone had that happened to them because they're they're just like kind of crummy plastic things like they don't stay in there that well alright so that positions the CPU in the right spot and then this is the one that actually really holds you down so we're gonna go ahead and close it in one two three now it does say you know open three two one closed one two three but it's not actually you could do open one three to the point is just that you you start here and then end up here at the back of the socket and one thing to note is that I never you know do one all the way down and then two all the way down and then three all the way down because then you're putting pressure like kind of like this and then like this and then like this it's better to just kind of take it nice and slow and steady wins the race and stuff like that as long as you don't bend the pins or anything kind of the worst thing that can happen at this stage of the game is you don't get even contact and then you're gonna have to go ahead and reseat the CPU and the socket later because you might get some of your memory channels not firing up or something along those lines so there you go that's it CPUs installed wow that's super reflective definitely got some lights in here but that's okay I'm a flex my other camera angle just like that then I don't know what I was doing wrong with this webcam when I was first using it for some of these videos at home where it was like running at some super super weird low framerate but it seems fine now like honestly that looks aside from being really shaky because I'm hand-holding it looks not bad anyway alright so now we're on to memory this is overkill we've cut g.skill sent over so we've got a total of I forget how many workstations it is that we're gonna be building I'm doing the first one here I might end up doing some more of them but for now I'm just doing one but they sent over a bunch of these kits and these are 32 gig by 4kids total of a hundred and twenty eight gigs of ram in each of these workstations which is freaking sick and totally unnecessary but one of the advantages of going overkill today is that if we ever need to go even farther overkill well we're gonna have that option because we could go ahead and throw another four sticks throw another four sticks like this in there and you could go to 256 gigs of memory I'm actually not sure if I would recommend 256 gigs of unbuffered memory but like I mean hey I guess if it I guess if it works in it then I sense or whatever right one of the reasons that I'm a little bit more concerned about system upgrade ability this time around than the last time around is that Intel has a pretty predictable cadence for their platform upgrades basically you get and this has been true on both the mainstream and high-end desktop platforms over the last boy like almost 10 years you get a new socket and like a new a new chip series and then you get a refreshed chip series of some sort and there some small exceptions and then you get a new socket a new chip series and basically only the refreshes are backwards compatible with the previous generation motherboards so every couple of generations you're effectively getting a completely new platform that you can't really use the new chips and the old boards or you can't use an old board with one of the new chips with AMD they have actually done a pretty good job so far of maintaining backwards and forwards compatibility last gen thread Ripper was a bit of an exception so that was a bit of a bummer so they did do lay a socket change to the to the t-rex socket but I would be surprised if we didn't see some kind of chip upgrade for this platform and unlike what we've done in the past where with Intel we've always put their top tier chip into our workstations we've actually got some room to move even within this generation so down the line because thread Ripper covers this just wide performance gamut we're not even putting a chip that is half as powerful as the most powerful chip that you can put in the socket depending on the workload in it so because that gamut is so wide you could build a workstation today three years down the line you could fire up eBay pick up you know thirty nine ninety W X's throw those in all the workstations and now oK you've got sixty four cores maybe you need 256 gigs of ram now so we are considering the upgrade ability of this a little bit more Palazzo yes I occasionally check to it twitch chat but normally I'm busy building the machine and like talking about it and stuff wow floatplane chat is just talking about like completely unrelated things I thought I wanted a breath of fresh air the other day I was gonna make some lunch found out it was the middle of the night since it out okay you know what though that is very on topic right now because I have had the same experience with the way that my sleep schedule has been all over the place because I'm not going into work at the regular times and sometimes I'm staying up very late filming videos it's been a little bit messed up like there have been when I was up streaming a no-till like for because I've had like a super long day I'd filmed like two or three videos that day and it was just like you know what yeah I'm exhausted but I actually need some some time to unwind right now and then well obviously that throws everything way off and I didn't manage to didn't manage to get up very early the following morning and then took me a few days to kind of get normalized there all right why don't we go ahead and get oh yeah this is exciting so where is I here it is okay cool so Intel didn't manage to get the CPUs for the our workstations this time around but they have still managed to get their hardware into it this I am jazzed about so obtained is now available in an n dot two form factor right here so this is a 380 gig octane SSD that I'm gonna be using for the boot drive and you guys might say 380 gigs ge Linus that's not a lot of space for a workstation to which I would reply you sound like my editors you're not supposed to be using the local space on your workstation if you're using your local storage you're doing it wrong because you are supposed to be using the NAS where everything is safely backed up and replicated if you're putting stuff on your local Drive you are breaking company policy so you should so no one wants to get caught complaining they don't have enough space on their workstation so that's all I have to say about that so this is one epic book mother of an SSD you can't really tell I guess because my hands are not great for scale this could easily be a normal sized m2 in normal person's hands but actually these are small hands and this is a giant m2 yeah he's very excited check that out so there's our controller we've got one two three four five six seven really that's an odd strange number of octane chips I have not actually looked closely at this thing but for but now we know it's got kind of a kind of an odd loadout that's go ahead and have a close look here so this is it's really interesting cuz I kind of expected and tell to be a little bit salty that we didn't ask them for CPUs for this project but they actually were super chill about it and I think that's part of kind of their new strategy they're no longer just talking about like oh yeah we want to be you know the D CPU maker for the world they're talking about they want to be the number one semiconductor maker so that means network interfaces you know solid-state drive controllers all kinds of all kinds of things like that so here here we are the strategy is officially working because even though we're not using an Intel CPU this time around they still managed to get their silicon in our build because these are hands down the fastest most responsive drives that you can get for a computer it's just anything obtained based because you don't need like you keep seeing SSDs marketed as you know however many gigabytes per second but you don't need that like not just you don't need that there's like actually no benefit to it whatsoever in some cases in most cases unless you're copying gigantic files to and from those high speed sequential SSDs but what octane does is it gives you that responsiveness that you need so when like you know let's say that you know an application needs to go and fetch an asset off of your local storage in order to open up a new module or something like that that you didn't have open before octane allows you to like load it right up quick fast whereas if you're relying on a drive that's just all about that sequential speed if those if those assets that it needs to load are kind of scattered all over the place and they're really small it might be less responsive and what's up the other thing that's great about obtain is that this is weird where does this what does this do okay I will figure that out I'll figure that out a little bit later the other great thing about it is that while other things are going on in the background octane doesn't give up for it's because it's kind of in between ran and traditional and in terms of the the access latency now we've got a bit of a problem here that I've been I've been stumbling over my words because I've been trying to figure out what to do while I've been talking to y'all so I did say that this was a Big Kahuna mother of an SSD well now you guys are probably getting an idea of what I mean because it doesn't fit almost motherboard there's no there's no SSD mount there even this one which I sort of assumed would fit actually has a has a capacitor that's interfering with the fit there here I can use my I can use my nausea vision camera here to show you guys what I'm talking about here maybe I could stabilize it there and that would help a little bit you know there we go all right so there's our focal point so see there's a capacitor right there that it's bumping into so even if this was lined up which it's not it wouldn't go down all the way okay that's okay yeah I got people saying on the backside you know hey look look I'm an open mind kind of guy I'm all about all about the backside the issue is that there's two mounting hole there hi there all right what we can do is we can explore the possibility of using one of the dim dot twos one of the dim got two slots so these are up here on the board right here there's two more SSD mounts and that's a total of five on this puppy I guess I had really thought it would have at least one of the onboard ones all right thought at least one of the onboard ones would have 110 millimeter SSD mounts all right well we're gonna need these SSD mounting screws and we're gonna need our dim dot two modules that's it ROG multi-bit screw okay I have to know okay guys here it is unboxing of the ROG multi bit screwdriver you know what you know what hold on this is my commitment to you guys no matter what's in here I'm gonna use it for the rest of this build because it's for gamers okay Republic of gamers it must be great all right here we go all right so we got what's that we got uh looks like it's a little tube full of okay so they give you a reusable plastic straw all right got that in there then you got a little Philips size tube it very similar to the iFixit ones a little magnetic end there on there look yep okay multi dip by multi do they really mean two bits I think they do okay so then you got a Philips one okay so I've got Philips one and Philips two and then it's this just uh is this just a magnetic grabber is that all that does okay I'd kind of thought maybe it was an extension to like reach into hard-to-reach spots but no it's just it's a magnetic grabber okay and then you've got Philips one and a Philips to actually you know what it's metal the knurling feels quite nice you know it's gnarly dude wait are they both Philips - no no s two Philips one and s two films - okay all right that's it I am using the ROG multi bit screwdriver I'm committed I'm committed until such time as I am NOT able to use it at which point I will bail hard on this whole concept the meantime though we can throw this back in here where the Sam Hill is my JimBob - here ladies and gentlemen oh there it is all right cool there it is let's pull this out oh please tell me this can mount a 110 mil I guess I could look at the specs but at this point it's in my hand already so probably laughter oh please please oh I think we good okay I think we're good I think we're good oh that was I was a little stressful but you know that's what you need right really take your build to the next level you need some some oMG this isn't going to go together you know moments now I wish there was somewhere to store the other bit I'm definitely gonna lose one of these bits before this build is over uh you know what I'm gonna mount it on the the outside side there you go oh you guys are checking out my super dirty tablecloth here there we go nice very nice that is gonna go on there fine just fine check this out what hey there it is all right cool so that's for the Mount is right there boom 110 mil milk just gotta throw this mounting hardware on there so there's my little standoff and little tiny screw nub in thing and then we are good to go really there was no compelling reason to use an m2 SSD for this build I just wanted to play around with obtaining a new form factor what it's bent already what are you talking about there's nothing bent Philip 96 that's all he's gonna do it the proper way yes I'm going to do it the proper way these are this workstation is not going to be rebuilt like this is it I am building it for our use so you're gonna see a new level of Linus building things carefully and properly today you will watch videos I guarantee it you will watch videos edit on the workstation that I'm using right now it's got to be done right okay so this is weird Asus apparently has just like kind of pre-cut 80 millimeter thermal pads and then they just kind of threw another thermal pad on there I do have another option for cooling the SSD Intel actually sent over this EK m dot to obtain cooler thing I'm a boo-bear so here what this is looks like kind of like a protector plate or something like that maybe that goes on the one side and then it's oh yeah oh yeah no I've seen this before they had one of these pre-installed in the ghost Canyon nook so basically it's just like a little yeah there you go you guys can get a pretty good look at it there it's a little kind of ribbed heatsink thing one of my guys put this asset sticker on the back where it needs to you know conduct heat but that's okay so Oh Matthias is here you know what I'm not gonna use this I'm just gonna use the built-in heat spreader cuz it looks like it's probably got as much heat absorption capacity as this thing does I don't remember I think he's dropping some stuff off I think that's his primary purpose here today you could check the back of the car though if there's anything for me to send back to him it would be there alright so I'm just gonna go ahead and peel this off hey there we go nice Phoenix 13 says wow twitch is much better quality than YouTube you should try floatplane floatplane gang don't need no sealing gang we got floatplane gang I don't I don't get this whole ceiling floor gang thing I even looked it up on know your meme and there was no reference to it so I was like okay well that's as much effort as I'm willing to put into this I give up okay is that even lined up oh yeah okay yeah looks like that's lined up alright there is some exposed chip but I am not expecting that to be a problem there we go man I am so sorry that my hands are so shaky today I don't know what my problem is there we go it does look like the thermal pad is lined up on our obtained chips so unlike NAND I don't believe there's any compelling reason for opting to be kept any warmer than it absolutely has to be although correct me if I'm wrong guys with NAND flash you don't want to over cool it but with octane I believe you just want it to yeah I believe you just wanted to be cool people saying don't touch the pins okay all right all right i'ma let you guys in on a little secret little secret okay just a sec let me just tighten this puppy down okay watch this watch this okay I'm sorry I'm switching to the switching to the horrible horrible Oh vision camera again sir a better way for me to uh yeah there we go that's oh that's way better okay now I can just prop it up there okay there we go alright check this out okay see those pins look at that they don't go down to the bottom look at that so I could actually hold it like that and my thumb would not touch the pin Wow would you look at that now I don't recommend that that's not best but I'm also if I'm not mashing on it with my fingers I'm also not getting my greasy fingerprints on the gold contacts that said finger grease could get into the socket which could get onto those pans which could get onto these pins but also they're like gold and it's probably fine because they design things just in case idiots use them but that's not a good reason to be an idiot that's all that's all I'm trying to say all right that's all let's go ahead and throw this puppy on here hi yes there yep all right oh we've had a setback on my DIY ghetto-fabulous home air conditioning project I ordered completely the wrong thing so I ordered the unit that mounts on the wall and is like wide like this okay but I thought I had the right exterior unit so I brought it home and opened it and Brian the electrician came over and we kind of walked the house and kind of figured out where to put it and concluded that yeah it's a lot bigger than I thought I don't blame him for this he hadn't looked at the specs it's a lot bigger than I thought a lot heavier than I thought that will not be going in the attic and it will not be mounted from the soffit of the house it's gonna have to be down on the ground so then we figured out that if we're gonna have to have three of these units on the ground it's it's a separate piece but I think we need 25 foot kits not sixteen foot kit so I guess I'll have to go back all right so we're gonna need like three of these on the floor are on the ground rather outside the house and we're like okay wolf we're gonna have three of them then like we might as well just have one big one and like do it the way that everyone told me to do it which is one big unit on the ground and then mini splits into all the rooms so that looks like that's the way that we are going to do it which means that okay right so I ordered the wrong thing I ordered the wall-mounted one instead the ceiling mounted one so what I did is I contacted the manufacturer I was like hey it looks like those two both have the same hot side anyway so how about this well first I panicked and I ordered the right one with the ceiling thing because I thought I needed to them anyway so that's on the way and I've got the wrong one I'm like hey how about this how about I return this piece I didn't need and you swapped me just the piece that I do need so we can save some shipping and they were like okay so now I've got to go back to them now that I've got one unit in the mail and one already here that I've realized isn't gonna work I'm gonna be like okay so I still need those cold side 9,000 BTU units but I don't need any of these 9,000 BTU hot sides and then also we've had to reconfigure the electrical in the house I think we're gonna have to go to a gas range in order to fit the like the one big unit because that big one has like like a 35 amp maximum power draw like like instantaneous power draw and Brian's like yeah that really doesn't seem like a great idea because I've only got a 100 amp service here at my house anyway it's been set back but the there are problems with my insulation in this house so part of this project is gonna be clearing out my attic which is full of all kinds of cool stuff I might do a video kind of clearing it out you guys should check that out so I'm gonna have to clear up my attic I'm gonna have like proper professionals come in and redo the insulation in the attic and then while it's out I'm actually gonna do a whole bunch of upgrades I think I'm gonna do like pimping my home networking like Wi-Fi pimping out my home security system I'm gonna do maybe something look like a sound system cuz while all the insulation is out of there is the perfect time to be crawling around in my attic so I'm I'm definitely making making lemonade with the lemons and doing a bunch of kind of home-improvement stuff that I've been meaning I mean I've been in this house for over ten years right like this is stuff that I've been meaning to do for a long time and just haven't really gotten around to and so I'm going for it I'm going for it alright so let's go ahead and put this shield back on here because we're not gonna be mounting it see I didn't want to use the dim dot too because it looks so stupid it's like a big thick wart hanging off the motherboard they're like look at this thing whatever alright let's go ahead and get our CPU cooler installed so naturally we've gone air cooling why air cooling well because it works just as well as water cooling in some cases it can actually work a little bit better this isn't a super Opie air cooler or anything no this is not gonna outperform like a decent good AIO water cooler but it's just simple there's nothing to fail it's just he types on a base and a fan and if you want you can put another fan on it we wouldn't put the extra fan on it for cooling the only reason we would probably do that is for redundancy so that way if one of the fans fails the system just keeps operating normally until you sort of realize one of your fans failed you can see Noctua provides all the accessories you need so you got your mounting hardware in here you've got an extra set of clips in case you want to put another fan extra anti-vibration rubber pads in case you want to put an on knock - a fan that didn't come with them they've got the oh hey nice okay so I don't need to use my iFixit kit because nachtweh includes the screwdriver that I need to mount the heatsink you know what we might actually get away with this after all I like it X tension on floatplane says I'm surprised Linus is going with air conditioning I would have thought he would try to water cool his whole house okay well now that you mention it I am actually planning a project with Colin where we're gonna try to geothermal cool the server room but not the not the whole house so even once I've installed air conditioning the server room is not getting its own AC because it's not fully insulated so there's really no good reason to do that it would be very wasteful so what I'm planning to do because it can actually run quite hot in the summer even with that cooling fan that I installed in there what I'm planning to do is actually put a pump and then some tubes running to the outside to a heat exchanger and then we're gonna bury a bunch of plastic piping in my backyard and then run another pump to circulate that and then use that to water cool the main heat generating components and all the systems to hopefully bring the the ambient temperature that room down a fair bit so you joke but it may happen it may just happen alright let's go ahead and get this heatsink on here I'm just gonna stick with the one fan for now in terms of cooling we're only running at 24 core like it's not like we actually need the extra cooling I am going to know Oh gross oh I've got thermal compound on there fortunately I have this piece of tissue paper here that I can use to ribbit there we go let's remember guys when you when you goop it scoop it hey cuz thermal paste man that stuff gets everywhere so you don't wait right scoop it right away okay goop it now I'm gonna pull this fan off I can't get this on there alright here we go I apologize in advance for that noise in the background unfortunately because of my other build stream that I have planned for probably next week although I might do it sooner just because I really want to get back to my normal specs because of the stream I have plans for next week I do not have an RT X card in my media PC which is what I'm using to run the stream right now so I cannot use our T X voice at the moment or I can but I would have to modify the Installer which I did not have time to do while I was setting up this stream so next time next time once I've put my my RT X graphics card back in my streaming / VR machine I will be able to run it on these videos or I could just figure that out when I'm not up against the deadline I guess that would be another alternative so I'm gonna be changing out my VR streaming machine for one that is capable of taking expansion cards that's pretty much the main issue I've been really frustrated trying to set up full body tracking I think I talked about this on one of the previous streams and I think that being able to install USB cards with different controllers might be a solution to help me fix it and it's just nice to have that as a troubleshooting option I'd also like to be ready for wireless VR when and if valve ever releases a wireless kit for the index I just man I thought I was fine with the tether until I tried Wireless at the office and it was just like a complete game changing experience so much freedom actually one of the one of the other videos that I'm planning to shoot today is going to be fixing the issues that I've had with full body tracking so okay I got a backtrack a little bit here because I just said that the problem that I was having I thought might be related to the USB controller on my on my AMD motherboard because there were very few people using AMD motherboards with these vibe trackers and I had a few people say like hey - the vibe tracker communicates wirelessly with the with the headset or whatever so you don't need like why are you why are you talking about USB compatibility why does that matter the reason it matters is because they come with their own dongles and those dongles do plug in via USB and people have had issues with them so we where is this supposed to be gosh darn it let's go ahead and put that in there so right so that was what led me to believe that it could be something to do with the USB controller then as another troubleshooting step I actually asked valve to send over some more lighthouses I tried it out last night very briefly and it looks like that was at least part of the problem but I also put in place some of the other mitigations that I had tried some of the other things that I had thought might be the problem as well so I I ran extensions to all the little dongles so that they were as far away from the computer and as close to me as possible and all that stuff so I'm gonna experiment with it a little bit more when I'm shooting that actual video but yeah that's another video that I'm gonna do say I forget what my point was you know oh this let's go ahead and that's weird my TV's and like a dimmed kind of sleepy state and it's really hard for me to tell what you guys can see and what you can't right now so my CPU fan header is over here I'm gonna go ahead and do that so anyway I'm upgrading my VR PC because I want to be able to put expansion cards in it turns out that the main reason that I was doing it because I wanted to add another USB controller doesn't matter because I think the problem actually was that I just didn't have enough lighthouses so I had too many occlusion issues but we'll see we'll see and isn't backwards channel you guys are talking about how's that small air cooler gonna cool a thread Ripper well I don't know I mean knocked what seems to think it can this is the thread Ripper version of it so I guess we're gonna find out before the end of this stream I did promise you guys the stream was going to be start to finish building this computer so there it is we've got our main platform built up there and now it is time to move on it to the case actually we got our power supply as well I'm gonna pull that up because we'll need that soon enough you know what this table is not great so anything that doesn't need to be on it I'm gonna go ahead and take off of it here goes the fancy expensive stuff let's put all that down here and then power supply is actually pretty expensive but huh for the case I wanted something with good cooling you know pretty professional-looking but not not super boring so we ended up with the Fant X P 600 s for our workstations this time around we went with like the super flashy Corsair 5 70 X like tempered glass RGB all over the place ones last time and what we found was that it turns out that RGB on your workstation doesn't actually contribute much in the way of you know work job satisfaction and the tempered glass can be shattered pretty easily either by accidentally hitting it or by it just no no no no bad oh oh sorry or by just shattering for no reason just like sitting there so we had a couple of them break and we're just like why are we doing this so we're going with yes this time work come on there we go I actually don't know if this is the tempered-glass version of this case it's possible we do still have a window on the cases good no no okay nice nice got this ha okay oh all good I mean maybe it would have been fine maybe this doesn't even have any glass on it and it does okay it's a really good thing that that didn't fall because that is definitely a glass I have never glass whoo oh that's exciting okay let's put the table back where it was let's go ahead and get you sir these side panels off how do they uh how'd they come off I'm not sure there we go oh wow that's a nice touch fantex goes and puts like these nice little rubber like it's kind of like kind of like weather stripping on a door it's like a noise isolating material kind of thing they got on here I don't I don't know if it actually does anything but it certainly you know it looks like they tried real hard you know so you got like this kind of flexible material here that's pretty nice I haven't actually had experience with this case in the past so very nice at least not this particular variant of it anyway all right pop this off swamp and fantex came along at a time when I really didn't think that there was room for a disruptor in the case market I thought it had I thought it was basically consolidated by that point it's funny how it happens though you know how quickly you go from disruptor to incumbent you know fractal did it Corsair did it oh no fantex why you do this oh the tape that they're using just leaves an awful residue behind just pulling it faster help slower help oh that is that is abominable I mean I know I said aesthetics didn't matter but geez that was not what I meant at all there is ooh it'll come off it's just more work than absolutely necessary better to use a different kind of I mean I understand okay if the choice is between a tape that stays and the tape that you know leaves no residue I guess you have to pick one that stays I've seen I've seen I've seen things happen in shipping you know we talked about that before and it's better to just have something that works but yeah that's pretty annoying protip though if you use the sticker that left the residue to remove the residue you have a pretty good chance of it coming off pretty cleanly so they mostly got it unfortunately whoever gets this workstation it's gonna have some chips in the paint well that's not from removing the sticker I don't think but it's definitely there bummer that I got through the old quality control there I think oh well it's too bad it's like right on though right in the front - nothing else as far as I can see oh man this other sticker is leaving a residue behind as well now these suck all right do I have any more of them on here not that I can immediately see there's a little pull tab here you guys see that I'm gonna get you a better angle on that no they still try oh oh and we good there you go a little pull tab on here I don't know what that's okay more sound isolation material on the back here very nice to see I cannot figure out how to get this one to slide up though ah there we go alright there you got a bunch built in there you got that same kind of weather stripping style stuff in there I like it like this case of looking good it's scratched and covered in residue but you know other than that other than that we're doing pretty well here okay let's go ahead and throw the power supply in first this is another thing fantex thinks through really well it's cable management you basically don't have to think about it it's like brain-dead simples like okay well this is gonna go here this is gonna go here you got this nice built-in fan controller up here love seeing stuff like that I mean it's the kind of thing that obviously isn't free like you're paying for it but it just makes the whole process meaningfully better especially when you're like a novice builder or a first-time builder I always recommend you know going with something that has some of these nice little creature comforts so that you don't have to think about you know oh well where do I have to put all my my fan wires and stuff like that just make it just make it simple unless you're on a budget in which case save yourself some money and just you know figure out where to plug in that player now this is a very comprehensive accessory package here for our may request please contact our customer support at whatever okay yeah so we've got three and a half inch drive cages in here as well as fantex is classic oh that looks like a five and a quarter inch something or other I have a feeling I'm not gonna need any of this stuff so I'm not gonna worry about it too much okay fantex is classic where is it there it is nice I love this this is such a nice little touch this little plastic container cost them next to nothing like pennies and yet nobody else can include a nice little plastic container with all the different screws that you need all in their own little separate compartments so that they're easy to grab when you need them and it sets them apart I love it I love it I think it's fantastic put those aside for now we're gonna throw our power supply in here using our ROG screwdriver at least he's facing the camera what are you guys talking about on flips as you know he's not facing the camera okay okay yes maybe look hold on some like extension over on over on floatplane has the excuse built-in for me I have like four cameras pointing at me I can't possibly know which one I'm supposed to be looking into at any given moment okay actually what I think is probably happening is I'm looking at the monitor over there which tells me if the stream is still working and I'm supposed to be looking at the camera right there that's right in front of it you know what I could do here's a hack all right here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna move my monitoring right behind the camera so that if I'm looking at it it should be far less obvious there you go what do you think of that hey I'm looking at my monitor now now I'm looking at the camera you can't even tell ha pull the ball over on on your face ah the audio might be a little bit quiet today I didn't crank it quite as much as I did on the last stream just because the last thing I want is for it to clip and sometimes I can get all excited and I don't have a compressor in this setup if I have a compressor it's fine because I can just set it to be like hey yeah when I go off the rails just make sure it doesn't get too loud and clip but when I don't I just I've got to either try not to get too excited which is hard come on I'm building our new workstations what do you guys want for me or I've got to turn the volume down a little bit nice oh I missed your name in the YouTube chat but apparently you got a delivery from us from LTT store calm we actually had a spectacular weekend because we did a shipping promo for our us friends we did $4.99 flat rate shipping for the United States and we had we had a lot of first-time LTT store Commerce and we're pretty sure that now that they've tried the kool-aid they're not gonna want you know tepid room-temperature kool-aid they're gonna want it in an LT C store calm water bottle you know with ice so that it's cold that's right that was that was a brutal brutal transition to our to our sponsor which is ourselves and also our other sponsor Joan thanks to Joan for sponsoring this video they're known for making the displays that help you book meeting rooms and now you can use the while you work from home Joan home can help keep distractions at bay just attach it to any wall with a magnetic pad and that'll let your family or roommates know when you're busy or free it works wirelessly with your home Wi-Fi and it's easy to set up an account with just a few clicks the e-ink display lasts for three months and even has touch functionality and it syncs up with a suite of calendar apps so check them out get Joan calm they offer free shipping worldwide just use offer code - home 5 to get 5% off plus right now 5% of each unit sold will be donated for a kovat 19 fighting organization prerecorded yes that was definitely pre-recorded sometimes we do the sponsor spots baked into the video because that's the best way to do it other times we have you know last-minute changes in our sponsorships or our last-minute changes in the content that we're planning to release on a given day and so we have to record one out a video and then splice it into the other video in the case of today I ended up do a stream today instead of the normally scheduled programming so I had to take what was going to be one of those pre-recorded pre and integration spots and I had to put it into the stream so oh yeah I've got oh who's that in the chat oh oh now that I've moved my monitor over here I gotta move my twitch chat over here Cavani says that's a smart way to get around adblock well yeah actually that's that's one of the things that's one of the reasons that we instead of running additional YouTube ads on our videos we negotiate our own deals with our own sponsors it gives us more control over who's getting airtime next to our videos and it also allows us to well bake the sponsors right into the video alright I'm gonna see if I've got one of those nifty gifty dual PCIe connectors in here looks like I do not so that's fine so I'm grabbing the cables that I'm gonna need for the power supply here I'm gonna try and show you guys this alright cool so what I've already plugged in while we were looking at the sponsor there get Joan you know it's linked in the video description over on floatplane and youtube here we go so we've got our 24 pin so that's plugged in with these two connectors here then we've got one just dual interface say - connector right here so I'm just gonna use that to power the built-in fan controller I don't think I'm gonna need it for anything else so that's pretty sweet that's another thing that's nice about going with air cooling instead of water cooling is you don't have like all the pomp and the RGB and all that stuff to power it's just one fan header it's simple a little bit easier to build they've come a long way in terms of user friendliness but it still is a little bit easier to air cool then we've got one 6 + 2 PCIe we've got there it is another 6 + 2 PCIe I'll plug those in when we do the graphics card installation later and then we're actually going to need more than one of these so here's a 4 + 4 pin CPU power connector and then I think there's I hope there's another one in here yeah here's another one so thread Ripper you got a lot of CPU you need a lot of CPU power connectors let's go ahead and get those installed on that power supply this is actually going so smoothly so far that I am just I am amped for the other shoe to drop here sheriff 71 says imagine spending $5 on floatplane to see this stream okay it's not any crazier than spending $5 to sub on twitch like people do these things just because you don't do it doesn't mean people don't do it that's all that's all I have to say on that subject sir or madam wait dagnabbit did I just put away Mike no I'm holding it there it is all right cool wish me luck I think that I'm only putting away the stuff I don't need but I might end up having to dig stuff out of there she won't had to prove not pre-recorded okay I don't own shoes you know that I'd only have sandals okay I lied I do own shoes I use them for riding my bicycle poriyal says $3 gang yes that's true Hurley floatplanes subscribers did pay only $3 and now the chat over there which is generally not too spammy is just full of the emote that they got for being edgy og floatplane gang we're never going back to $3 I can tell you guys right now with what we've learned about the cost of running video infrastructure online $3 ain't sustainable like it is no surprise to me that like Google did not make money on YouTube for many many years I'm actually not sure if they make money now I know that they just filed earnings I think and they they had a bit of a rough rough quarter compared to expectations based on the advertising business something apparently don't quote me on that I just I'm pretty sure that was something that I that I read recently and that wouldn't surprise me based on what I've seen of ad rates in the last couple of months here compared to last year like we are way up for views but not that up for Perpetual like money that we've made from YouTube ads we are actually up compared to last year but the reason oh sorry I promised I promised using my gaming screwdriver but the reason is that last year this time you can check it out on social blade it's like kind of spectacular we cratered we had like the worst month that we had had in like over a year and a half or something crazy like that last I think was either April or May and then it's taken us since then to crawl back out of that ditch and now we're up near our best ever levels but the fact that we are at our best ever compared to our worst out of the last two and a half years should have meant a greater amount of Adsense increase but it hasn't just because of everything that's going on with the coronavirus to be clear I'm not complaining I am grateful every day that I wake up and I have a job that I can do from work not only that but we had we had an old hands meeting the other driver this no I don't think it was two days ago this was either this Monday or it was last Monday where you know I basically said okay you know if if the government mandates that we you know not make videos and that we furlough everyone there's nothing I can do about that but short of that LM deers are not losing their jobs they are not getting paid cuts they are not getting that there will be no like mandatory reduction in ours nothing like that not only that but we put a sick pay policy in place that we hadn't had before I've had a lot of people criticizing me about that we didn't have a sick pay policy but I think that a lot of those people don't really understand the the dynamic there it's like there's a bucket of money okay and your employer can either just give it to you or they can give you some of it and set aside other of it for vacation and sick pay and you know health insurance and and all those other things that employers provide hey it's Nick what's up what's up hold on you know you're on stream right oh okay well okay fine well I don't know man like whatever if it's oh I see okay well hold on hold on give me one sec can I can I just finish my my chat about other thing okay okay give me one sec so basically what I'm what I'm trying to say is like when a company is budgeting for the people that work at it they're factoring in all these things that's all there is to it so if you're getting you know you're generous sick pay policy that's because they're just paying you less it's just like that's it and if we were mandated to do you know more vacation time or more sick pay that would just affect how many people we have to hire which would affect our payroll budget that's just all there is to it so when we implemented hours to respond to the coronavirus that was in addition to the fair wages that we already pay people where that was not factored in so yeah I just I don't know I get a little bit sensitive about these things sometimes because there seems to be this perception that - Media Group is some kind of like cheapskate employer or whatever because we I think some of it comes from us being very start-up at the beginning and just not having any money at the beginning but I don't know if you've noticed I've even had people post like YouTube comments and tweets saying just look at how horrible their turnover is why don't you actually look at our turnover the vast majority like by a ratio of four to one or something like that the vast majority of the people who have ever worked for linus media still work for line Media Group like almost all of them so yeah why don't you look at our turnover rate anyway yeah Nick go ahead and pitch me a pitch me a crazy idea sir what do you got for me no no you're on speaker I'm I'm I'm willing to be the bad guy you know what that's kind of like that's my that's my role that's my that's my typecast right free shipping to wear wow you were right I was gonna have to be the bad guy if I said no now that you've said that one hour okay one hour one hour okay okay all right okay bye can you tell this corner can you tell one of this guy's kpi's is to sell more on OTT store comm call me during history I'm putting I'm putting fat in his six-month review put me on the spot like that he's gonna blame it on me now uh anyway now let's go ahead and run the wires that we're gonna need for our actually you know what no let's leave the graphics card for later we do need these ones though so here's our eight pins for the motherboard those are let me just have a look here oh those are actually in kind of an unconventional spot on this board so they're on the top right edge which means they actually need to come up here instead of up here which is where they would they would usually come up okay well that's no problem we can work around that that just means that yes these two eight pins are gonna come up here first free shipping to anywhere I know that he knows that shipping to certain places like Australia or whatever it's like our cost is in the tens tens of dollars like we have better shipping rates now than we used to by a long shot but they're still like you know fuel costs money and shipping is shipping is not cheap right now in the current climate fire nation says hey Linus remember when your old boss said let's sell a million in a day and you said look do you want profit or do you want gross revenue yeah that's basically the kind of moment I'm having right now is I have always believed that businesses should operate profitably first and then you sort everything else out later Oh funny story actually so that was that was a story that I had told I think on one of these previous streams or it might have been live streaming beat Sabre or something or my old boss was like okay I have a goal for you guys he always used to set these sort of like ridiculous / unrealistic goals if the product management team does 1 million dollars in a single day in sales everyone will get I forget what the amount was there's like a thousand dollar bonus or two thousand dollar bonus or something like that like some some not entirely insignificant sum of money was was promised and the funny thing is like a year and a half went by like some very significant amount of time went by and we actually did it we did it on it was on Boxing Day or on Black Friday or something like that and we brought it up we were like hey so uh where is it and he's like well that doesn't count cuz it was like on Black Friday or it was like cuz we cuz we spent a lot of budget on lost leading products we were like wow that's funny because you know we don't remember you mentioning that particular little caveat and also we couldn't help noticing the you were the one who set the loss leading budget for this event so that's not really our fault now is it anyway I mean this was the kind of company where like they couldn't even tell if they were making or losing money anyway so like maybe it maybe they you know maybe they were losing a lot more money than the [ __ ] like the P&L reports were not correct anyhow so yeah people are saying illegal but like you know there was no there was no contract or anything like that oh this is funny I just got an offer to acquire Linus Media Group how about that that offers whatever whatever whatever fokin something something technology would you be open to discussing a potential so you know what's funny is I was actually someone that I know and I will be giving no indication beyond that because I don't want there to be any hints as to who it is but someone that I know actually oh I shouldn't say someone I know multiple people in the YouTube space who have had offers to acquire their their channels and not because I have any interest in selling you know nothing's impossible but at this stage in the game like I'm young I'm passionate I'm having fun like this is the best job in the world and I'm still like I'm I'm not you know I went through my whole thing recently where I was thinking about retiring and whatever that would look like you know whatever an exit strategy might look like you know I I had fought through those scenarios but you know if you watch through to the end of that stream you would have gotten to the part where I come to the conclusion that I'm not ready and that I've still got a lot of a lot of tech videos to make but anyway I have to admit that there are times when I have a bit of an inferiority complex because you know I feel like we work really hard for everything that we we've achieved at - Media Group whether it's you know reaching a subscriber milestone or you know the moment when we finally got a YouTube representative who you know nada not a pion level YouTube representative we have a fantastic YouTube right now like we are we are treated pretty well for the most part but you know I've always had kind of an inferiority complex because some of these things feel like they've taken a lot longer for us than they have for you know smaller channels but in sexier verticals then tech or like that have like a you know more coolness factor where there's almost like this this bias because we're nerds you know where there's this assumption that even though the army of - tech tips followers is literally ten million strong that it's like a mission doesn't matter and so as much as you know I am I will always hear out you know a reasonable you know business opportunity but you know I'm I'm not really interested in selling and as much as I'm not really interested in selling the business it feels good feels good that's the first time anyone has made an offer to buy Linus Media Group which again surprises me because some of the ones that I know who have gotten offers I know enough about their financials to know that Linus Media Group would be a much much more sound investment that's another thing that really kind of grinds my gears when people speculate about it is how irresponsibly I run the business hiring so many people just to make youtube videos and like we've been operating at a loss for years and we don't pay people enough and da-da-da-da-da Linus Media Group is perfectly profitable you know that's my background is business my background is not making videos I mean like look at this look at look at this camera angle look at this camera angle does this look like the camera angle if someone who has a background making videos okay we can probably fix that but let's fix that oh my goodness I can't see I didn't see this is what I'm talking about this is what I'm talking about there we go all right all right let's fix that no not down there we go we'll go a little bit wider on this ones get that info is there and just cause my backgrounds in business doesn't mean that I'm not like you know passionate about technology and passionate about making videos like those things didn't happen by accident it just means that like I run it very responsibly and of course by we I definitely mean us I always do that I always I always tend to do that I have like frontman like band syndrome sometimes and I had a few people kind of respectfully bring it up to me it's like you say I a lot I'm like yes I do I do tend to do that and just like it makes the the other band members salty you know no one said it in a way that like they feel disrespected or they feel like I don't give them credit for their work or anything like that it said like look you also say we a lot and you also make a point of shouting people out a lot I'm just saying that that's something you should probably watch I'm like yeah you know duly noted that makes a lot of sense thank you for bringing it up to me and you know try and try and do better right okay let's go ahead and get this motherboard popped in here like isn't this case nice when it comes to a cable management like it's just all basically pre done for you that took me no time whatsoever love it okay here we go so I've got a built-in i/o shield which means that's pretty straightforward ooh okay they did make one mistake in there pre-done cable management you can see there's a cable running across the i/o cutout back here that is cable managed so tight at the vac and cable tied so tight that I don't have enough slack to actually install a motherboard so that's one thing fantex could improve about this case so far other than that they're doing pretty well all right sir listen here oh snap this motherboard is so wide that I might not be able to use the openings that I had decided on here all right well we're gonna find that out no way they move it oh that's cool all right it's so cool you guys couldn't really I was doing look at this these things uh they shoved back and forth love it that's that's a cool feature I'm into it oh shoot I didn't do my peel oh oh so unsatisfying broken peel Oh broken again hey soos step up your game step up your game JK love you ACS thanks for another burger okay oh shoot that's a feature I thought fantex had in there cases but it looks like they might not the little nubbin on the middle motherboard standoff that'll hold the motherboard in place for you while you're positioning it I know Corsair has it ends NXT has it I really thought Santa said it too oh wait yeah they do they do it's just a smaller um like mini nubbin okay uh yeah that should be good enough this is a super heavy board also we have a small mistake in the build that I'm going to have to go back and rectify there's one extra stand off so they've got to stand off pre-installed right here that I actually don't need oh and that happens to be another nubbin one so that's probably why I was having such a hard time installing the board okay this doesn't count because I'm not actually screwing anything I'm just using it as a as a hex hex wrench thing I am removing this standoff with my I fix it kit and I will throw that in my handy-dandy screw tray doesn't count doesn't count there we go all right cool let's try that one more time Oh with that back plate on there and all that copper hanging off the CPU sockets things like knows heavy stuff you know heavy conversation oh no I don't want to get fingerprints on the top of the heat sink i army go sat in am I in ok we're going this corner first oh boy no we're going something that's lined up a little better first we're going we're going with the nubbin one first as long as the nubbin one doesn't fall off we good let's try my other angle again ah yeah that's not a great spot for that is it yeah ok I should be a little bit better I think I've got the apertures open enough that should still be mostly in focus over here alright I was gonna get see the thing about floatplane chat is it's hard for me to just like randomly look over at them and respond to them because most of the time they're just like talking tech in the comments or in the in the chat like kind of kind of nothing to do with what I'm building or anything like that they're just a bunch of bunch of tech nerds you know deed alchemy is like yeah I made an e GPU setup before the lockdown best investment I made in a long time being able to quickly transition between my work laptop and personal laptop was a godsend it's like yeah yeah that's cool nothing to do with what we're doing here but like hey that's fine and yeah that is a great use case for an e GPU that portability is very very cool I actually before Nicolas completed the Ikea desk PC that I did the video about guess a week or so ago I was thinking of just using an e GPU and a laptop for my son's gaming setup so he's getting to the age where he wants to start gaming and stuff so I'm like yeah ok as long as it's not too much I think we can we can make that work so yeah I was just gonna go that route just cuz what's nice is that then you know when life goes back to normal and I'm traveling I can take the GPU with me on trips and stuff too and then I can take a rift s so that's my new that's my new travel setup that I'm actually super excited about is I'm gonna figure out a nice efficient way to pack a rift s and an e GPU into my like my my carry-on my roller bag and then I'll just have my laptop in my backpack and I'll be able to like game and VR in a hotel room play my beat save your stream beat Sabre while I'm on the road and stuff obviously that's a problem that I don't have right now but it's one that I'm you know busy beavering away working on the solution for for you know yeah things get back to normal alright let's go ahead and get our motherboard cables plugged in and this has been an easy build so far I'm afraid to to jinx it so the 24 pin it looks like I managed to kilo manage that just right so I'm just gonna bend that over there and pop that in here's our eight pins so this one goes into the longer of the two oh yeah okay I didn't quite cable manage those right it would be better if I had the longer one on top I'm from an aesthetic standpoint you know what should I fix it yeah this is a pretty easy fix so I'm gonna do it right this one more each yeah it is okay yeah so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to shorten this one so when you've got two cables coming one over top of the other like this look at that you want to have the longer one over top so that the bottom one just kind of follows the inner curvature of the top one so all we need to do is shorten this one a little bit it's such an easy fix that there's just no excuse for not doing it there we go so now we just end up with a little bit more slack in the bottom but it's gonna look really nice and clean at the top all right there we go actually haven't really given any thought to case cooling it looks like fantex has got a pretty good load out in this thing so to 140 meals in the front and is that yeah it's another 140 ml in the back that should be lots for what we're doing in here if we were running to 28 et eyes I might want a little bit more cooling for the case itself might throw some some more exhaust in the top and another another intake in the front or something like that or the bottom does it have a bottom intake mmm it's got some stuff down there it looks like that's three and a half inch drive mounting mill so yeah I'd probably do another intake in the front like switch to triple 120s or something like that oh yeah that's clean okay I'm gonna grab my other camera and give you guys a look at what I'm talking about in there here we go all right try and get it stable before I switch to it sorry I'm not trying to nauseate you guys here alright there we go so this is what I mean when you've got the bottom one shorter than the top one like that so then it kind of just looks like one cable running down but actually there's like two connectors in there there's a bit of a better look at it there we go okay sick sick you can barely see the cables ladies and gentlemen okay you see these ones down here we'll deal with that we'll deal with that now it's time for us to do all the front hookups nice I think this board has that USB type-c can actually got two of them that's pretty sweet fully freaking loaded totally unnecessary is like $700 $800 motherboard but you know sup Gary thanks Gary got that got that hookup Gary appreciate you fam I'm gonna run that through there and that way and we're gonna go ahead and pop that in there that's something like that oops I turn that around the wrong way sorry guys I realize you probably can't see much right now oh yeah I haven't lined up the right way the first time ah this connector is sort of annoying because it looks symmetrical but it's not kind of subtle like one it's like two of the lobes on opposing corners are kind of thicker so you got to kind of look at that and I haven't used it much just because it feels like every time I have a motherboard that has that connector on it the case doesn't support it and every time I have a case that has it the motherboard doesn't support it wait did I say we were using the 24 cores uh-oh uh-oh nick says he updated the minimum to $50 for free shipping and the code is all caps ship letter for free all caps free shipping anywhere minimum purchase of $50 LTT suckas okay then see how that goes oh that's shiny now well I'm liking this what was i working on right front USB 3 that's done ship for free all caps I won't say anything for a little bit I'll wait I'll wait so you guys can go and buy your stuff without them I'm just kidding I'm gonna keep entertaining all the people regardless of whether they're that stuff at least or calm because that is my job ladies and gentlemen it's my job and it's the best job ever so the way that I'm managing these cables now I'll show you guys in a minute but pretty much I'm running them all the way down the front and then looping them so I'll be down the front and looping them and then bringing them back it's just a relatively tidy way of running stuff that's on a like a side like right angle connector like this front USB 3 here so this is one of the classic front USB 3s and I think I might get away with oh I might not yeah I think that connector might be a little bit too bulky to get in there like that here I'll show you guys what I mean alt 3 there we go so I was kind of hoping to put this one through from the back here so that I don't have to see the cable run pretty much at all but you can kind of see it's coming in at a bit of an angle there and I think it's gonna put too much strain on the connector on the motherboard to try to straighten that out so I don't think that's gonna happen for me unfortunately hmm bummer that's ok though I think maybe what we could do is can you slide this no okay that's okay there is another USB 3 front connector on this board it's just on the bottom here so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna just do a little a little classic loop-d-loop along the bottom there alright it's not the greatest but it's not too ugly and more importantly that doesn't interfere when it's nice and flat along the bottom like that see they've got kind of a wide gap for cable management there it doesn't interfere with installing a card in the bottom slot here as long as it's not a dual slot card which well it won't be because we've got two slots that are out pre allocated for dual slot cards and we're not gonna be putting more than two of those in here for sure hey Linus don't mean to be rude but were there any repercussions for Tuesday's blink stream blink a blink stream is this a term that I am not familiar with a blink stream oh okay yeah sorry I don't know I'm having a hard time answering that question because I'm not sure if I understand it no Jay brine it or Brighton or whatever it's not blink 182 nobody thinks that guys are killing me here what's next holy crap we're getting close are we seriously in this close boot drives installed around CPU cooler wiring Oh front yeah we've got a little bit more front i/o to hookup so we'll go ahead and run aah oh I don't really like this I prefer that like that if I can hmm know what oh this is where this is where my OCD wastes my time yeah I have to run this USB cable under that it doesn't matter no one will ever see it and it also definitely doesn't matter some people wouldn't even agree that that's a better way to run that cable but I have to because I've seen it now and I like it better this way okay so that goes under there which means I can also run my front power button and reset switch along the same path and then I can have them come out in exactly the same spot here except to go off the other way so that's gonna give those a nice tidy look as well I don't know why but it always satisfies me when the onboard power button is in like the same spot as the onboard switch plug alright so we say power switch and power like that it's funny this used to be like the part of the build that I hated the most now it's RGB whenever I do a build with RGB I'm just like no please no why do I have to do this well hiring up RGB is the freakin worst like front panel switches are just nothing compared to RGB alright so we got to do front panel audio over here and we are so close - firing this thing up however we're not that close to the end of this stream necessarily because I did say that this was going to be start-to-finish so my intention is actually to fire up windows on this thing and get that install them elated on the stream here I might end up bailing I might run out of time but we'll do our best alright because one of the other things that I wanted to show off is the absolutely unbelievable monitors that we're gonna be using for these new workstations it is my intention some time in the next month's so not days not weeks but also not years that's what I mean by months sometime in the next month's to transition to an HDR workflow and HDR releases for our videos and these monitors are going to be a big part of that process a sous has some fantastic new HDR displays we've actually got a full review of the PA 32 ucx we've got a full review of that coming pretty shortly I'm sorry I'm just like working back here and talking at you guys from behind the computer full review coming of that and it looks good I am jazzed okay we've got one more thing to plug in I'm actually gonna plug this into the CPU optional fan connector our fan header this is the built-in fan speed controller and the reason that I'm gonna plug it into that is that puts all of the fans in the case here we go on a higher duty cycle when the CPU is under load and a lower duty cycle when the CPU is not under load so that's a pretty you know easy quick way to have your system ramped the fan up and down basically correctly like it won't account for a heavy GPU load that's not stressing the CPU much but have your have your system ramped the fan up and down you know pretty correctly without going in and configuring a bunch of software fan curves and stuff like that here such easy cable management guys love these little straps doesn't quite grab those but maybe we can hide them just by kind of tucking them back there there we go all right now this one you could stand to sit under there yep that's on there on there on there on there all right I could tidy up this retinas rat's nest at the bottom a little bit but that's good enough for me I think huh now the fun part right putting the graphics card in love it pull the legs outward and the table will be more stable it's not the legs like okay tell you what I'll try it no no no the Flex is like in here it's like right right under it it's not not the legs so I'm just gonna put that back the way it was all right moment of truth this is a bad situation guys this r-tx 28 ET i was dropped it was sort of by me but I'm gonna make the argument that it was not my fault because I didn't know that when Matthias dropped off a bunch of gear for me including the parts for this machine they were piled on the right-hand side of my car up above mirror level so what happened was normally when I pull my car out I always have to kind of pull out this way to avoid hitting the garbage cans that are outside of my garage okay so I'm always watching my left to make sure that I don't bump the the door on the garage door on the left side so I wasn't watching the right and the mirror slid like the rubbermaid bin that was holding all these parts off the top of the case box and it came crashing down now everything else was in boxes but this graphics card was only in an anti-static bag so I will show you guys the damage here and I'll let you guys let me know if you think it's alive or not the good news is that I can probably find another graphics card to throw in here to finish the stream today the bad news is that well that's just terrible so there's a scratch there on this corner so you can see it like tumbled a bit because there's also a little dent here right there let's have a look at these back corners these back corners seem okay but where things get really bad is over here look at how bent that back plate is ouch this thing - it's quite bent not sure how well you guys can see this but you'll have to take my word for it it's pretty bent it doesn't look like it took a bad hit on the PCIe connector cuz just like looking at where the dents are like here and here that looks like it was the main impact that wouldn't have the actual PCI Express contacts hitting the ground but sometimes just from being jarred things can can come loose or fail alright we have no choice now we're just gonna have to put it in there and see how it goes Edie why 97 over on Flo plain says that thing is fine as long as the connector is fine note says the metal gets took the damage like a crumple zone okay I'm pretty sure you're a floatplane subscriber so you should have no excuse for saying something as horrendously and accurate is that graphics card heat sinks are not crumple zones I'm sure you were just I'm sure you were just messing dee Caressa juror says I think the PCIe bracket saved the card alright fair enough and moss Earl says metal isn't a good crumple zone well actually I think cars do make their crumple zones out of metal I mean their cars they're getting hit by something a lot heavier than a graphics card mind you tire speed but alright let's go ahead and pop this puppy in here now I know that our TX 20 ATT eyes are pretty overkill for an editing workstation the only reason that I am considering leaving our TX 20 ATT is in the stations is that those guys have complained in the past that not having enough vram can affect certain video exports and it can be inconvenient you know when James wants to do a crazy project like you know 16 hour or 12 hour or whatever you'll log you know 8 K export or something like that we can actually run out of GPU memory so it's nice to just have something that you don't have to be swapping in and out when you have a special project that was like ok I definitely want an RT X card because I think that we're gonna seat intercourse and ray-tracing quarters see more and more use in the coming years and given that we're probably not going to update these for three years I think now is the time to do it then but I would have preferred to go 20 80 or even 20 70 rather than 28 28 et I just because for the vast majority of what we do this is ludicrous overkill 32 our Yule Log this year okay so max max fried over on twitch says that's such an edge case and that's true but that was just one example we have other edge cases where it can be nice to have even if it's not used for editing it can be nice to have stations that are equipped with nice high V Ram GPUs what was it that shoot I'm trying to remember what Jake was doing a little while ago it might have been related to the deep fake project I'm not sure but we needed to do something that needed a bunch of vram and it would be nice if we could just you know borrow editor workstations for something like that instead of going and building something up alright let's go ahead and tighten these up a little bit uh-huh which ones which hey there we go that's more like it you could probably hear my kids chattering in the background because I don't have my arty accent voice on oh shoot I think I gotta flip this one oh man oh I just loosened the cable management why do I do this to myself I totally don't have to do this all right there we go that's a little bit better no just crank that back down and we good all right nice it's that a clean build or is that a clean bill I am liking it just admiring my handiwork past the camera there but you guys can't tell cuz you think I'm looking right into the camera quad rows are a possibility so one of the things that parsec said they would like to do in the future is have proper dual monitor support with separate encoding sessions so that the quality on each one of them isn't compromised but one of the limitations is that GeForce cards are limited to how many and Bank sessions they can run at a time whereas quadros have a much higher limit so that could be one reason for us to pull our TX cards well we could do our TX quadros but to pull g4 escort cards out and put quad robes in if we end up doing a lot more work from a lot more work from home for the editors oh LNC Luke ordered the constellation shirt fans Anna white water bottle getting that free shipping what is it code all caps ship number for free all caps on LT t stores so it's for the next like 45 minutes or 40 minutes or something like that free shipping anywhere in the world on orders over $50 all right now this is the part of this stream that I'm actually most excited about because I did far more preparation than I have done for past streams and I even got ready for the part where we're gonna fire up the system I really hope that this works because it's the one thing that I did not completely test here's my keyboard and mouse it's just the one that I normally use here in the living room for my TV it's got this like weird kind of ps2 s-video looking connector here and then it goes USB 2 into the back of the tower I even reap reran all my power cuz I think we're ready to fire this puppy up Wow this board has a lot of USB on the back 1 to 10 gigs for 10 gigs 6 10 gigs 8 10 gigs wait one of these is a 20 gig what the heck is SuperSpeed 20 gig huh that is actually something that is a little bit confusing to me are you guys familiar with this here we go let's have a look at the eye on this board so it's pretty obvious that red means super speed 10 gig blue probably means super speed 5 gigs so we've got 4 of those so 10 10 10 USB type-c 20 G and then we've got another 10 here and 10 gig LAN as I mentioned before along with regular Gigabit LAN interesting I bet you know I bet this is one of those things where I've liked literally done a tech quickie video about this standard and then but I've just like forgotten isn't 20 gig USB 3.3 point one gen to buy - that's right ha I hate the new terminology and the fact that they kept changing it meant there's like no point in remembering it like why wasn't it just USB 3.0 and 3.1 that was working great oh I think my daughter's upset are you okay honey BRB you sorry about that guys I'm back we had a bit of a potty emergency there all right I'm gonna go ahead and plug my power in young kids you know kids these days uh now I'm going to switch out my my webcam for this so I've got another capture card here and I'm going to plug that into this HDMI splitter so that I can use a monitor right in front of me while you guys see the same thing I'm seeing on the stream in theory so we're gonna see how that goes there's a little bit of reading that I need to do so yeah there we go and ah yes I also get to unbox my new monitor well it's not my new monitor I don't get to use it it's actually gonna go to one of our editors because appreciate it much better than me anyway but oh my goodness where am I gonna put this I did not think this one through um okay one second oh boy I have no room to maneuver here the boxes are piling up they're piling up ah okay all right this is one thing that my planning did not prepare me for I'm gonna have to do this unboxing off camera yep and I have no room it has so much packaging because this thing is extraordinarily heavy alright here we go so here's my stand and I guess I'm gonna have to move my laptop here yes that will do this is so nice it's like one of my favorite things about USB type-c laptops as you can it's like oh yeah that's an inconvenient place to have my power cord hanging out why don't I just move it no problem love it okay this will be the ultimate test for our table here because I think this monitor weighs like another 15 pounds on top of oh no that can't be 15 pounds maybe 10 on top of the computer that's fully built now all that good stuff okay no problem oh this can go here okay it's okay who needs a functioning back anyway oh okay now where's the accessory box there it is excellent excellent I'm so ready for the stream today so this monitor it's really special it's got support for HDR 10 Dolby vision and HL g so whatever kind of HDR nest you settle on it's gonna be a co 10 will be able to support it hear both playback and creation out of the box we got averaged LTE's across the board excuse me average delta ease of less than 2 and it actually comes with a calibrator so it's intended for you to recalibrate it on a regular basis because they do actually drift a little bit it's got a little hood so that you I guess they'll just run this right right right so how's this supposed to work ah that's right so HDMI just in HDMI out so one of them will go out to the monitor here and the other one will go into the back of the graphics card over yeah it's 4k I think it's 1200 nits sustained brightness or something stupid like that like they quoted as peak brightness but in practice we found that it can actually sustain it for long periods of time just like absolutely cranked 1200 nits across the entire display pretty incredible one thing I didn't anticipate is that a Seuss did not include a North American power cord in the box for this thing ah hey Yvonne Yvonne I don't know if she's here oh man see I jinxed it i junked it there's always something to go wrong as soon as I say all right I think I got this guy's let's go ahead and shove this over carefully okay the good news is I'm me so finding a PC power cord in my home is probably not going to be especially challenging alright does that kind of work I'm still gonna need a network in a sec but let's just let's just find out if this thing posts shall we let's go ahead and switch to my PC screen capture scene all right wish me luck everybody properties deactivate activate and let's fire it up all right the fans are definitely they're definitely spinning okay they're ramping down that's a good sign CPU code 27 memory code 14 or 15 please get past memory code 14 1592 come on so if we get a memory code here chances are based on that I didn't have the proper like torque wrench for the CPU socket I probably made some kind of a mistake with the tightness oh boy okay so that might have been a reboot because it's undergoing memory training I'm hoping for the best that's something Asus boards do oh man that's so krater says congrats it works Linus on twitch you're getting you're getting ahead of us a little bit here man you're jinx in it okay we're on a VGA code now hard drive code okay okay that's a good sign hahaha Oh oh crap I only see 64 gigs around Oh balls okay oh okay f12 run setup we're like f12 pay respects right now am i right total RAM 64 gigs where's the thing where I just like says which ones are detected and stuff tools trying to remember guys hit me up oh okay I think it's in here okay dim slot all right here we go oh I can't see the cameras like right in my way here all right let's move this over here all right didn't a too - C - B - okay so C 2 and D 2 are not being detected C 2 and D 2 why you got to do this to me C 2 and D 2 it's killing me here all right so which one's C 2 and D - I don't think this is gonna help but I'm gonna go ahead and power it down and reseat those modules just to see if that helps but I really do think that it's an issue with the mounting pressure in the CPU socket that would be a real bummer okay okay we have some troubleshooting steps we can take tight fit there what's going on good man well here you go guys live troubleshooting okay well not only around is detected you start with the easiest thing which is popping out your RAM and putting it back in okay let's fire it up again here we go Oh slip that switch first that helps all right good luck everybody oh maybe one shot what I should do is leave this on top down there something there we go a little better VTrans your setup I did the opposite side you guys talking about no no I can see the labels that's C 2 and D 2 yeah yeah yeah it's all good but that didn't help okay all right fine so that's fine just fine we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna pop the fortunately this isn't one of those boards that has the top PCI Express slot actually in the very top most possible position normally I prefer that because it gives you more expansion possibilities but when you're troubleshooting it can be a bit of a pain in the butt to have the CPU socket so close to the back of the graphics card this bites let's pop this off so it just makes a little bit easier to get at memory slots and stuff man can you move to see one in v1 so I could - try different slots as well IRC each slot is pinned specifically on the board so you can confirm that it's not memory by than right yes I could and I would do that so switching the memory between the sides to see if it's the slots or the memory modules is a very good bet for troubleshooting something like this the reason I'm not doing it is that I think the odds of you have multiple CPU power connector is installed yes I do I don't know if that's a prime like on my staff a prime or some other a prime but yes they're both from there so normally that's something that I would do but the reason I'm not doing it this time is because I think the odds that two of my memory modules are dead compared to the odds of me putting the CPU in with the wrong mounting pressure are not as good so I'm chasing what I think is the more likely scenario right now oh now the CPU is all covered in thermal compound all right that's fine I can work around this it also means that I am betraying my promise to you guys to use only my gaming screwdriver for the rest of the stream I will need my I fix that screwdriver back ran failed because scratched case says on frog overrun flow plane yes that seems very likely thank you on frog someone says it's kind of guaranteed that the RAM is good no that's not guaranteed I mean when is one of the more likely components to be worked out of the box okay the problem with this is that it's not just that you can tighten it not enough you can actually tighten it too much and run into trouble with this thread ripper socket okay so that's open all right or pull them out the CPU this is some this is some very careful you know motherboard surgery here we're trying not to get thermal paste all over the place while we're at it - okay so pull that off quick visual inspection of the socket which I realize now that I didn't do earlier yep looks like there are not any bent pins as far as I can tell let's go ahead pop that puppy back on there looking good give it a little a little wiggle waggle okay now we are going to painstakingly tighten these all the same one two three okay this is not something that I recommend but I just want to know if all the round is detected so I'm gonna do it not recommended sorry I'm Matt him 64 gigs shoot okay it's time to open my mind to the possibility that I could have some bad memory here let's go ahead and switch some memory sticks around here well first I don't know let's just hmm really okay I find I find that surprising you know what I should have done is gone into the BIOS and made sure that it's actually the same two sticks that were not detected that's what happens you know you get kind of panicky right about troubleshooting well you're live you're not thinking straight all right so let's take the two sticks that we're working in the first place firing up you can only do this so much before the CPU heats up too much to make it into the BIOS we've got people saying maybe these are only 16-gig sticks no that's not the case because we only had we we checked in the BIOS and there were only two of them detected interesting okay memory tests not not completing that still doesn't tell us if it's the actual memory sticks or if it's the CPU installation though so let's go ahead and pop out the two known working sticks I'm going to put those over here in this corner ok and then let's take two of those sticks that were not detected and let's put those in slots that we know work here we go ok it's toasty ok well we don't get to do that anymore because if we do end up reseeding the CPU again I'm gonna have to pull this on and off and stuff all the time you know what this is another workaround I will just hold it on here ok having the heatsink on here even without a fan does give it a lot more heat soaking capacity everyone in touch that's like a1 b1 c1 d1 no that's not actually at AMD goes backwards thank you though good idea okay so it's not the memory need all right okay well all we can really try is wait oh I am in a1 b1 always it only on the server sockets that they go backwards ah okay no yeah I think it's only on the server ones that they go backwards but you know what tell you what I looking where you guys and we will try a 2 and B 2 because I'm in a1 and b1 right now or you know what no I guess what I should try is because what are you guys asking me to try so you're saying that the right side which I guess is my left you're saying the right sides wrong know what I'm open to ideas at this point so easy to get this stuff mixed up all right there we go so you guys say that's it I mean d1 and c1 all right I still suspect that it's the CP amount people they like read the manual probably not necessary this does seem like a good sign though did I just manage to like completely derp and put this side into the wrong slots is it that simple did I go 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 over here I wonder if I did anything's possible cuz like the angle that I'm looking at it at and the fact that I think I think I had the fan on this side which might have made it so I was looking at the wrong ones is that what I did all right all right all right cool well hopefully that's the problem all right so so you guys tell me is this in your estimation correct yes darling a tattoo on your hand I don't see why not but I think you're gonna have to wait for mommy to do it for you or I can do it for you when I'm done work today those are your two options or wait do you have one of the ones that you just stick on oh you can put that on one on yourself then I thought you meant you want the ones where I airbrush it on yeah you can put that on I think she's upstairs on a call right now alright here we go guys you ready you're gonna wait you can have both you can put the hand one on now and I can do now rush one for you later if you want good plan I really just need this heatsink to go on right now please come on come on here we go ah can you guys close the door please thank you you guys gotta stay over on the other side and close the door please I'm talking to you I'm telling you to go on the other side and keep the door closed please sweetheart are you listening right now thank you there we go okay let's see man if I just had that in the wrong slot that is such a such a freakin stupid mistake alex says try disconnecting one of the CQ power connectors if this doesn't work interesting theory it looks like that's not it and we are good did kind of wonder if it was two things cuz I'm pretty sure I had those in the right slots I mean I can go back and look at the video later conveniently but I'm pretty sure I had them in the correct slot so it might have been two things I might have had it in the right slots but a bad mount and then I fixed the mount and put it in the wrong slots or something like that all right well either way we good now ladies and gentlemen we good now where does this go here I think wait no yeah yeah yeah thank you chat good work appreciate you there we go get this wiring here come on are you on there you're not on there now you're on there nice oh that's awesome I think I know why my editors are watching the stream they're all like are we getting our new editing workstations yet that would explain it all right we good nice so one thing that I did ahead of time was I created myself a Windows install USB so I'm gonna go ahead and pop that in the back into one of my USB ten gigabit per second ports not that that matters for what we're doing right now and you know what we're just gonna leave everything default while we get the OS installed so you guys are seeing the whole thing today excitement the editors are like this is not for me ah you know what anyone who says this one's not gonna be yours you're you're gonna be the one who gets this one that's right all right let's give it as install people are upset that XMP has not been enabled though we're installing Windows first we will get the OS installed and then we will start goofing around with XMP I do not trust XMP and I think you mean do CP if you want to be pedantic and you know all like oh I know so much blah blah blah blah blah there you go yeah that's right you heard me alright next install now it's time it's starting and I'm gonna go get that power cable that I need as soon as I love this you just answer honestly I don't have a product key and it's like okay as soon as Windows is installing I'm gonna run and get that power cable that I need for this monitor so right now it looks like my HDMI splitter is working perfectly so that's good and it claims to be HDR capable although I don't think that's gonna work because my capture card is not HDR capable but I don't know we'll see what kind of a signal it passes through it's possible that if I plug this into port one I might get an HDR signal I might get an HDR handshake and then you guys might just get the superflat like ugly interpretation of HDR by an SDR capture card so yeah well this is running I'm gonna run to get that power cord BRB success got it oh this is cool I'm definitely not supposed to show this to you guys but you know what Nick's already screwed me over today so I guess it's my turn ah I had so much stuff plugged in in this room right now actually as a weekend project last weekend I went through and mapped all of these circuits in my house and I realized that my my living room here all the lights which is five fixtures all the outlets which is one duplex two duplex three duplex for at least four duplex receptacles a duplex in the hallway behind me the light fixture on the hallway behind me and the three light fixtures on the outside of the house are all on one circuit and of course I've got like my big TV in here I've got my like 20 ATT I equipped the RPC got like my sound system and all that hooked up to it and now I've got this hooked up to obviously I'm not using the sound system right now so it's like all good but if I could I'd love to switch it up what is that little keyboard you just change the scene with let's call this Sadako err keyboard it's not particularly good but it's the best solution that I found it's one of those kinds of things all right let's fire up the monitor here I think I should be able to power it on and then I'll be able to see what you guys see I can look over here instead of kind of looking past the camera over there let's see if it works theoretically it should I didn't put our be on come on baby DisplayPort no signal that's okay we expected that HDMI one come on come on I mean it's a black screen right now I'm not gonna say anything oh there's a mouse nice alright so the solution works perfectly excitement the actual link says why don't your lights separate my house was built in 1984 1985 something like that so it was built how they built houses in 1985 there's a lot of good things about that I've actually had numerous like local contractors say yeah that was a good year like they built houses better back then than they do now but there's also just like things that have been modernized since then come to the UK all my houses plug sockets on the same circuit yeah but you guys are 240 volts or whatever that makes a big big difference over here it's 120 volt so we effectively can draw like half the amperage from or half the wattage from the same amperage circuit my my power my total 100 amp service to this house looks like it could be a significant factor in my air-conditioning upgrade video it might not be quite enough that I'm taking my my baseboard heaters off all right oops well adding it hey wait that's not it what's going on here hey hey there it is all right cool no I am NOT in the United States man you got a scroll so far to get to Canada just got to go north you know just keep going north till you get to Canada to Canada yes I guess it's a u.s. keyboard because our layout sucks the Canadian multilingual layout is like the freakin worst I would never use it if I could avoid it for a long time laptop manufacturers forced Canadian retailers if they wanted to go through the official distribution channels to carry the Canadian versions of laptops which had the multilingual standard which you know sorry Quebec but cold hard truth is most of the country is not actually multilingual and there's a lot of characters on there that we don't need and a lot of space that are a lot of characters that we do need that have been shifted around in ways that are not conducive to getting any typing done all right this should work I did have an Ethernet cable handy so there's only one thing that I got screwed up by oh you know what I've probably got to use the other built-in Ethernet port the ik wanted drivers are not built into Windows yet it just seems like the kind of thing that shouldn't take that long you know just getting drivers that people need just baked-in whatever you have some important setup to do good for you good for you there bud the US the US layout is one that sucks no way that horrible European one with the short shift is abominable like if you type correctly you basically have to like contort your pinky to get over to that short shift it's awful the worst setup for personal use I guess hmm I love this is something that you like can't change later and I will probably reformat it anyway who cares offline account limited experience is gonna be fine just fine Alex booyah that's right you heard me set up your own password and we'll probably switch it to an online account later and stuff but whatever do more across devices with activity history no I don't think I will get help from your digital assistant no I don't think I will do more with your voice no I really don't think I will oh and it's gone and it's back in my device no I don't think I will seriously okay well looks like we're going with basic telemetry data no I don't think I will Wow this has gotten really long hasn't it no I don't think I will holy crap the telemetry the telemetry is real I love it hi hi indeed we're getting everything ready for you what are you getting ready like what part of install windows earlier could you not have done earlier I this is this is a this is a hilarious one for me this like nonsense at the end like why weren't you doing this in the background while I was answering all your billion stupid questions telemetry is important I know right do we still get free stickers with each shipment I don't think the sticker promo is running right now sorry about that and yes a prime straight up gets the one with the chip paint so he gets for watching streams on float plane instead of being at work well I guess he probably is at work he's like I got at work strictly speaking I think he's work from home right now but minor details these are all minor details the difference is now they're letting you opt out yeah they didn't let me fully opt out though CMD Carini says hi any news about LTX 2020 there will be news there will be news but we're not ready to share anything just yet so all I can say for now is that we are we are keeping an eye on the situation yes I would actually like the arm recreate service alright everything seems sufficiently snappy I just love I just love doing this on threader a person just immediately change task manager to show all of them cores and threads it's beautiful 48 threads ask later okay bye close all tabs wait no I actually need I actually need that okay maybe I maybe I don't need that okay one second haha I'm just gonna pop on to minister here oh and armory crates in my way what did I say I was gonna test for you guys oh we can close the side panels that's always exciting the moment when the build is actually done and you get to close up the side panels because everything's all booted up and everything's everything's safe and detected and all that good stuff nice snappy responsive system - these are going to be a really nice upgrade for the editors let's close that up get that windowed side panel on here yes my keyboards kind of in the way here I think oh no that's not the problem I'm just a dirt love that magnetic clothes on these doors gorgeous gorgeous just a little bit of RGB you know just a splash of RGB okay useful applications ninite a there's my standard ninite so I'm just gonna install that nine eight super awesome tool I haven't actually pimped them in a while it's good stuff four there we go so it just goes and grabs all the latest versions of like stuff you might need oh this isn't actually my my new loadout whatever it has chrominance all it really matters windirstat super important that way we can check and see if the editors are loading up their drive with assets instead of putting them on the server just kidding nobody really does it anymore ed was the worst offender I used to get so frustrated with him he would like load all the assets for a project onto like a mechanical hard drive put it in his backpack and take it home work on it like over the next day or whatever and then just like bring it back on that mechanical hard drive I'm like you know you could have lost all that work so easily he's like no that's probably fine no no that's not fine I'm not fine this is not fine it's very upsetting oh yeah this is gonna be a Prime's machine so I guess I need to move the start menu to like the top or whatever dirty place he puts it j/k do ki prime you can put your you can put your your notebooks no put your your your taskbar wherever you want all right it's all good you should check out whiz tree instead of windirstat it can load the file with so much faster ok good tip I will I will check that out at some point oh man no way I'm gonna do it I'm gonna put GeForce experience on here I should just load up a bunch of stuff that she like won't want it's gonna be great kind of excited put it to the side he says ok he wants it on the side oh I can't do that until I activate windows oh that would mess with him too I should just not give him a Windows key should be like ya know you can't you don't get a Windows key so you're just not gonna be able to work my download not gonna be able to customize no customization my home set it has it at the top but it makes no sense at work he says that's over in the floatplane chat like ok all right sorry sorry for remembering your home setup but at least hey at least you know I'm right about one thing it makes no sense I ignored the part where he said for work but hey there you go won't he just reinstall it Oh probably he's enough of a nerd then he could definitely just set up his station himself I totally don't need to be doing any of this I mean we might as well throw it on here right I hate how hard it is to find the stupid Creative Cloud desktop application download or at least it used to be why do I have to click multiple things ok no it's a lot better than it used to be you used to be you had to log in to get the stupid thing and then you had to log in see to even use it and I was like ok this is stupid if you're gonna have the if you're gonna have the thing behind a wall you could like what's the point of having it behind two walls right I'm trying to think what is the password on this one right so if you're gonna have the app have a password wall what's the point of having a password wall on the download it serves no purpose so apparently they have rectified that it was really frustrating before SEZ SEZ reads my comment but doesn't say my name I don't know if I did read your comment get the 10g drivers if Windows hasn't already I don't actually need them I'm plugged into a 10g switch but I'm not actually plugged into a 10g port so I'm hope you guys can't see what I'm doing right now so I'm on my gigabit that's that's all good for what we're doing here I've only got gigabit internet anyway so there's really no purpose to 10-gig unless I was transferring something off my TAS which is ten gig I don't think I have any video projects or assets on mine ass right now though anyway so there's not much purpose to putting creative cloud on here oops oh no I don't wanna pin that to taskbar I'm just putting it on cuz like I don't know why not why not right I know I might as well might as well put it on here I hate how aggressive the GeForce experience I can't even tell which ones are bridges it's like a really they're always really challenging CAPTCHAs and they always come up like guys chill no one cares no one is trying to like create bought accounts for GeForce experience or log into other people's GeForce experience accounts why would they want them or maybe they are maybe there's something I'm missing here but alright so we're gonna go with studio drivers on this one because this is intended to be a work machine we're gonna download the latest studio driver which is from wow that's pretty recent it's like two weeks ago April 16th yes yes the control panel is not found I get it Wow go away big flaw in Windows 10 like it just it's a marvel to me that they haven't fixed this is the way that you can have notifications pop up in the bottom I'm just gonna I'm just gonna float there you can have notifications pop-up on the bottom it makes it impossible to click on anything in the taskbar so if you just trying to like eject a USB or something like that you've got like a bunch of like onedrive notifications coming up it's like go away and it and it takes so long to fade you can't click on anything until it's fully faded away drives me absolutely nuts I'm sure that's like a regedit tweak that you can use to make it so that they don't so they fade out faster or something like that but it's just annoying Austrade says why didn't you wait for the 3990 WX but 390 WX is out are you talking about you can just like buy it can't you yeah what are you talking about 290 WX right there Add to Cart well there's there's part of the reason it's for grant and yes we actually did not pay for these processors AMD did send him to us but that's ridiculous and it's not useful for our workload so I what I wanted to do was build systems that made sense for what we were doing Dillon says could y'all make a video comparing the studio and game drivers and games and software like SolidWorks they're both going to be the same the main difference is that I believe the studio driver gets a little bit more validation in professional applications and the game ready drivers come more frequently so if there's like a hot new game that you want to play it's more likely that there will be a game ready drive that driver that has the little tweaks and fixes that you would need for that specific game that's the only real difference between them alright alright let's get some graphics drivers installed man this is a snappy system the only thing it needs is like high refresh rate on this 4k 1200 NIT display that's all I ask you know I asked I asked so little know I want to take a tour oh man do I like have any red footage here just for for no reason I guess it's possible no I don't think so yeah I don't know I mean I can poke around on here a little bit but I doubt I'm going to find anything that useful hey there's an interview in here yeah I know this is red so I have footage from the pregnancy prank Star Wars edition Wow start wars edition Titan XP unboxing is here for some reason alright cake pops prank get another call from Nick light Oh what are you shilling now did I ask what are you shilling and you said nothing and then proceeded to tell our viewers about an offer code by that guy so it's ship number for free all caps all caps ship all caps free the number for in-between ship for free orders over $50 free shipping LT t store calm geez he's a monster you know there's just no other way there's just no other way of putting it he's a he's a selling stuff machine alright sorry I'm still poking around to see if I can find any heavier footage on here you know what my desktop might have something on it I think I cleared it cuz I've been shooting a lot of stuff here at home and then injesting it straight to the servers because my internet connection here I just upgraded it it's so fast now yeah I'm sorry guys I don't think I really have anything to throw in there I mean realistically there's not much I'm gonna be able to tell you other than yeah it's lightning fast we should put a stress test on it though so we're gonna hop into the Windows Store maybe get the get the amped up Cinebench Cinnabon chocolaty oh you know what we can also do is I think it's fur mark get no thanks eighty you got him nope haha got him alright so look at some Cinebench going here and then I think fur mark has both CPU and GPU stress tests now so we can monitor our attempts and see if the system's gonna perform up to up to snuff oh yeah we've got to set up our XMP as well make sure this thing's actually gonna run at full bar all right so we still have a little bit of work to do this Nick guy again okay apparently I have an Adobe code what are you talking about I don't know what you're talking about okay I don't lordy was this my badminton mixed doubles partner is messaging me and she she's like not really techie so for her I'm just like that white guy that plays badminton so she always gets a kick out of it when like my sort of internet-famous ness intersects with her very not tech focused life so she just sent me this it's just one of those memes like when it's the first day of what is it when you start your first online class after school shuts down I was like yes yes I'm aware of the memes all right what else is my phone blown up a pretend a primes defending watching the stream in my in my team's message it's like I'm working I'm working I've just got the stream on the background while I'm editing I actually believe him he's quite the multitasker four by three let's go ahead and just pick a resolution that'll easily run in a window on here and yeah where's the CPU stress test who wasn't it was telling me that it has a CPU stress test now CPU burner yeah yeah there it is all right cool okay we're not gonna do that just yet cuz I want to grab the hardware info also yeah let's just do a quick Cinebench r20 shall we oh I should definitely do some YouTube super chats though your activity what's that oh there's too many so I won't be doing all of them I apologize in advance thanks James Brown you were number one today signing up as a member on YouTube he's definitely sign for floatplane instead but you know whatever if you want to be a member on YouTube that's cool too it's great Schneider to love you Linus make sure you feed your kids and your intense computer building fetish yes but not at the same time Stevie you got to keep the beard Linus Thank You Stevie I am considering it why was this done already alright well there you go equivalent to what is this a quad CPU sixty sixty core setup dang dang son love it it's fantastic thirteen thousand points in Cinebench are twenty all right now we've got what I mean we need hardware info info grab the portable one free download are you are you downloading I can't tell if you downloading gosh darn it there it is I get that hardware info man I love this display it's just like right you know like if there's no like ooh vibrancy mode or anything stupid like that it's just it's just right Oh all right cool we got to do a quick reset here anyway so even video control panel still not working all right cool Sofer mark hardware info that's all we need for our stress test let's go ahead and we're going to reboot enable xnp see if it actually works at thirty-two hundred megahertz that's what we're hoping for with this memory this is a risin validated kit so it's a Trident Zinio so I actually have the SS core sync all right so I actually have a lot of hope for it yeah so these are ddr4 3200 CL 16 not particularly tight timings 16 18 1838 but should be very decent performance and by decent I mean balls-to-the-wall insane I'm sharing the screen guys I'm sharing the screen good zeth here says I bought the wrong size shirt and you sent me the correct one for free just wanted to pay you back with a $25 super shot well thank you and by the way thank you too for our drawing attention to the customer service so delta t store calm we don't make a habit of just sending stuff out for free just to be very clear but we do believe in taking care of people so you know what that's what it's all about right all right we fired up our XMP that's all that's as far as i would go on overclocking a workstation quite honestly some cases I might not even go that far but especially on AMD they've done such a good job of tuning the chips so that they run as fast as they can for any given scenario that and there's so little overclocking Headroom anyway that I just don't I don't believe in it like now forget it like yeah if you want to run dry ice or whatever and like score some you know benchmarking you know world records or whatever like you know EPA measuring contest fine fine go for it but for daily driver I just wouldn't even bother honestly um who else we got four super chats here scab says what should I order for dinner I'm indecisive no known allergies you know what do what I do when I'm in doubt car boat just do it car boat get like get like a Boston Pizza like jambalaya fettuccine man it's like six pounds of food it's a bad bad time it's a good time while you're enjoying it was a bad time when you're when when you die you know okay why is the Nvidia control panel still not here um hi little darlin are you visiting me I've got a little visitor this is the one that built her computer her first computer a little while ago did you have fun she gets a little quiet when she's on camera she gets a little bit camera shy so she didn't have quite as much spunk as the other kids when she was building her computer the second we turned the camera on she went a little bit shy on us didn't you just like that right she says lots other times there's no no shortage of she has no shortage of stuff to say I am actually a little confused as to why I do not have the Nvidia control panel right now I have the latest drivers where is Nvidia control panel is it just because I did a standard install not like a full reinstall okay where's my so where's my Windows notification about the Nvidia control panel like what good are you if you don't archive the notifications just in case I need it where we're where are they is that not the purpose of notifications okay well I guess we just don't have that then that's fine what I wanted to do I can do in here any way I wanted to see what happens if I switch on HDR what happens to your guys is feed look at that this splitter does support HDR I am having the HDR experience and you guys are looking at that garbage you know what I think I will I think I will leave it off because that's very unpleasant for you guys to look at okay see you darling there we go nice love it excite okay all that's left now then is our stress test and also figuring out how to get the Nvidia control panel installed at some point so let's fire up hardware info oops yes yes yes fire up that fir mark boom we only need up hey it's not it sensors only run yeah I just don't want this sensor then alright oh that beautiful 24 cores at 4.2 gigahertz and also you got one two three six of them running at three point said oh no like half of them are running at three point seven eight beautiful alright how's our temp so I had some people doubting me at the beginning of this stream doubting that our Noctua cooler was going to be able to handle it yeah looks like we are actually idling a little high did I ever screw that in all the way oh well there's your problem ladies and gentlemen oh yeah I only got two screws in 3/4 of the way on the cooler and I went and closed up that side panel oh man I always get so flustered when I have to troubleshoot live and I make mistakes that like you know it's not like the worst mistake in the world I caught it you know because I do my due diligence and I do things like run a stress test program and check temps and stuff like that like you know I know myself well enough to know that I can make a mistake like that and make sure that I catch it but like that's not great either alright so I've got three screws in now I'm gonna have to temporarily pull the fan off in order to get myself a better look at these screws this is a nice thing about GPUs with back plates now is you can kind of work right above them and if the clip from your CPU fan touches the back of it or whatever it doesn't matter I mean I'm not saying it's great I'm just saying it is not going to short out the back of your GPU or whatever oh man that's hilarious let's see if those temps go down a little bit here oh I should have had you guys looking at him in real time while I was fixing this okay so let's crank down that's crank down and that's cranked down beauty beauty see we got this you guys we got this we got this in the bag that's on there that's on there all right let's close it up no problem minor setback all right let's see if our Idol temps are looking a little bit better here for no not really by much actually interesting you know I'm gonna give it a little wiggle wobble because I did not reapply the thermal compound in between so sometimes that can help a little bit just see if there's anything this has such a secure mounting mechanism that you can't really wiggle it much but yeah you never know all right well I guess maybe it doesn't have enough cooling we're gonna find out soon enough here comes the CPU burner threads 48 start she's toasty ladies and gentlemen all my case fans just kicked in though which is great that's exactly the behavior that we wanted wow that is some heat coming out the back too very nice and we are right up around 90 degrees and changed now unlike a water loop I'm not expecting those temperatures to change significantly the only thing that could be a problem for us is if we fire up the graphics card as well and it's kicking a bunch of heat out into the system so the CPU cooler is bringing in that hot air that's where we could run into a touch a spot of trouble here now we could probably solve this just by throwing another fan on it and that may end up being the solution but in the meantime let's see if it let's see if it holds see if it'll hold steady what are we clocked at three point nine five all cores yeah you know what you guys you guys might have been right maybe we do need to throw something a little bit beefier on this at least another fan I think least another fan okay but that's good I mean that's why we do these things that's why we stress test 90 degrees oMG now 90 degrees is not the end of the world this chip will run just fine at those temps and remember too that this is a totally artificial stress test is the power virus that we're running on it right now you would never see this kind of load even video encoding like it is it's very unlikely you would see this kind of load CPU package power 280 watts what love it you know I wonder usually you don't get that much of an improvement moving to a push-pull configuration on one of these little single tower air coolers but I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go grab another fan I'm gonna go grab another fan let's see how much of a difference that makes cuz if we can just add another fan and that's all we need to do that could be that could be a quick and easy fix here otherwise the solutions gonna be to go with the 140 millimeter variant of this cooler I'd really rather not you know that we've already sourced all the parts for these builds but it's more important to do it right than to do it conveniently okay so I'm just going to chop that on the back of the graphics card there just to see how much of a difference throwing another fan on there is going to make I also noticed that even the primary fan doesn't seem to have spun up to Full Tilt why not if thermo siphon says Cat Cat a stigma apparently in video control panels down the Windows Store oh that's interesting did not know that we're not using a thermo siphon because it's not out yet that would be one reason not to do it stop I had no idea that this was the case it's rated one and a half stars are people just mad that it's bundled here now oh man Wow alright let's see if this works people are pretty upset about this No just install it see if it works yeah it looks like that helped a little bit but probably not enough so we might have to upgrade the coolers on these things if we think that they will ever see maximum load in the meantime let's see if they could survive based on the current configuration because I am idly curious so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna fire up a GPU stress test as well and hopefully I don't trip the breaker if I trip the breaker I'm gonna call that it for the stream that's the end of the stream so if I trip the breaker and the whole thing goes down guys thanks for watching and tune in next time let's go a 1920 by 1080 for our GP stress test caution yep go ahead here we go [Music] looks like we made it let's keep an eye on those cpu temps in that CPU clock speed though we didn't trip the breaker so that's good the stream is still going fan is off you guys don't move oh are you guys just referencing that other stream that we did very funny you guys the fan is on you know you guys are very funny people were telling you the fan was off on a previous stream and it wasn't wait you guys really think no you guys really think the fan is not turning I know you guys alright here let me let me show you guys what's going on here I got a switch to the other view Oh get that zoom okay oops there we go so I didn't focus there we go all right show you guys what's up so these fans have like a guide on them like an air guide so look it is in fact spinning okay you guys are just seeing the stationary air guide that's at the back of it all good I wasn't gonna make more than three totally newb mistakes in one stream Oh our CPU clock speed fell womp womp that's the big thing we're looking for mmm-hmm shoot did I trip my power squid Oh no cuz we already be a still on where's my power button on this case I haven't actually used it yet I don't know where it is oh boy why would it do that that looked like a so people are saying thermal protection but no the cpu thermal protection wouldn't look like that and the CPU was the only thing that was running crazy hot that looked more like an OC P protection on a power supply or something like that like that looked like overloaded rails or something I'm gonna have a quick look at the power supply manual here see if that's gonna have any clues for us okay well hey this troubleshooting stream just got even more interesting so thousand watt power supply but if you if you load if it's a multi rail design and you load it all up on one rail at least this used to be way back in the day you could run into over current protection on that rail even though the power supply as a whole is not overloaded fan off again though the systems off I turned it off sorry guys you know what let's do this let's go ahead and I'm gonna change the locations of the GPU PCI Express power connector is just for fun just for total funsies to see if that helps us out a little bit here because that really did look like a power supply thing not a motherboard or CPU thing alright let's fire it up the manual unfortunately doesn't on first glance have any useful information about something like that here I'm gonna go ahead and screen share with you guys alright this became like a real serious troubleshooting stream now also I'm gonna change the the built-in fan control profile I believe it's in here CPU fan speed where is it used to be in here yeah key find configuration there we go alright CPU fan profile yeah turbo I think everything that's plugged into the to see oh no that secondary one is plugged into well I can't see the label on it water pump I think oh so that means is probably running at full tilt anyway okay so let's do that Chai's why are you all talking about the fam not spinning the fans are spinning the fans are spinning it's all good all right I'll do some super chats while we wait here hope on says greetings from Switzerland thanks for the stream no problem thank you for tuning in to the street Tristan Barrett says just a heads up your links to the AMD CPU are wrong oh thank you rod Rosenberg says he hasn't seen a multi rail in a while yeah what I don't have another explanation rod CPU thermal shutdown wouldn't have looked like anything it would have looked like the CPU throttling down so I'm pretty sure that's not what went down there warning yeah do not monitor the sensor okay okay it's very clear that we do need better CPU cooling one way or the other at this point in time oh wait no I don't want to the bench I want that firm ah no guys the fan is not off trust me the fan is on it's very on ten out of ten it is on both of them are on guys okay here we go so it wasn't until we canceled it wasn't until we fired up the GPU stress test that we got that event there okay there's our CPU test no I don't want to don't care about that all right here we go here we go ladies and gentlemen how we doing we are at 90 degrees 90 degrees on the die oh yeah we should go check out Yvette viewer window shut down so quickly and spectacularly though that I kind of doubt that it's gonna know what happened whoops I can't even resize this window right now this thing is that low 100% load it's on the struggle bus now there we go all right what time was it colonel-general yeah okay yeah I don't think it knows what happened guys or wait this could have been how long did we take to reboot are these more recent huh I don't see anything in here that looks like a spaz out well there's a spaz out come fast startup with era status okay previous system shutdown was unexpected yes indeed okay thanks for that yeah Engelbert says that's quite something watching a thread Ripper struggle to resize a window well this seems to be I haven't I'm not that familiar with fur mark cpu burner this seems to be a very very intense CPU stress test like I'm actually not necessarily completely convinced that we need different cooling if we're not running power viruses and Mussoorie says fur mark is the great equalizer my underpowered laptop and an 8k workstation worked the same when you're running it yeah pretty much I should do a few more Super chats Stephen Willis says here's some american stimulus money didn't want you kids to feel left out thank you for that Harrison says hi I'm the super fan from India I have a question it's already rigged reboot happening this year man Kuro virus is the answer to like everything lame this year I don't see how we would do it I don't see how we would be able to properly screen people and properly provide assurance to people coming in for our dear it reboot that it's all gonna be good so I don't know like we were going to that was the plan but yeah I don't know man printed pixels says which CPU chips that would you recommend for a home NAS media server I mean it really depends what you're doing with it right like if your dad like all if all you're gonna do is run like a like a lightweight plex server on it and you know use it to watch HDR video on your TV or something get like the new Nvidia shield Pro it's like 200 bucks I want to say like plug a USB hard drive into it freaking great value works with like absolutely there's apps for everything because it runs Android TV persona video says I love your videos you guys inspire me a lot thank you robert mail says donation to of asking for short circuit t-shirts ok we are working on a short circuit shirt i don't think the first one's gonna be a t-shirt though i think it's gonna be a long sleeve Kenta says Oh didn't realize it's live it's been a super chat to say you didn't realize it's live all right thanks Sean Patrick mohamad util says I hope this money is enough for you to get a shaver I don't know what ten I think these are Singapore dollars I don't know what that is but thank you sir matrix any recommendations for a consumer-grade render farm I mean really it's just whatever you can get on the cheap and whatever hardware works well for whatever it is you're trying to render that's something you would kind of be able to answer that question better than I would thanks pure train spotter tribal says with the shipping thank you as an Aussie it'll help a lot with our currency yeah even with the ten dollar Australian super chat you probably still saved money if you ordered from LTT store today but he's H sent ten euros to say my CPU crew they're famous backwards it's not it's all good it's pulling air through the heatsink stealth water bottle restock Winn asks me I think it's coming in the next week or two don't quote me on that though review tech USA says noodle Angus Texas with a beard PC build when nobody is asking for that nobody wants that Shawn Gaston says do you have opinions of the alloy to buy 16 gig 3200 RAM kit I have never heard of alloy might be fine generally speaking for me with RAM it's less about the spec because it's kind of a commodity item and more about the weather I expect that company to still exist when and if I need to get them to honor their warranty patch says keep in mind saying no to personalized ads means it won't give you targeted ads but you'll still give you ads in an OS well yes that's it's funny sort of if you think about it alright that's it for Super chats for now it looks like even though as rod pointed out it's been a long time since he's seen a multi rail power supply design that causes a hard shutdown when you load up multiple rails when I switched out that connector it seems like the system D derped itself and actually we're still turning pretty good I might just not change I might just not change these specs I might just leave that heatsink in there because I think it's probably fine for anything that we're gonna be doing if I was building something that was designed to actually run the CPU and GPU full-bore at any time I would definitely change it out but if we were to stop this load looks like the system is stable which is great to see and stop this load and you know what's something more man what is something more realistic
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,707,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Pixel 4a, pixel 4a, headphone jack, hands on, specs, leak, leaks, leaked, price, 399, release date, launch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 51sec (10971 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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