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what is going on down there looking for the tape i don't know where my big white tape is honey look right in front of you underneath the rag the blue tape he's on a mission this morning yeah man we're stuck here in the marina we're on the dock i do not want to be here i just want to get the hell out the stock as quick as possible so we are just jumping straight into boat projects because well that's what we came to new zealand that's right right oh it's wendy i'm nikki this is jason and this is curiosity the driving force behind our thirst for exploration and discovery literally and philosophically and well we've been pushing our curiosity pretty hard over the past several years so now we've got some serious tlc to do all right as mr grumpy pointed out this morning he is just a little sick we do have a mountain of boat projects to tackle and well we it feels like we've just spent days on and just logistics and planning and getting parts and figuring out quotes all that kind of stuff but today is the day we are officially diving in we're gonna get something done today and there are three things that are keeping us on this stock and that is the dinghy the windows and the massive hole that's in the center of our cockpit hold on before you get started on that do you want to tell people about minion yeah sure so minion is our dinghy and for the past five years she's been fine no issues with the way that she's set up when we left tonga she was fine there was no issues but turns out well let me just show you so nikki had made these foam cushions that were wrapped in canvas to help protect minion when we had her in offshore mode because she's like way up here we want to get her as high as possible so she doesn't get hit by waves and unfortunately when we got back to tonga the foam covers that she made were completely disintegrated and we thought oh well we've got this other foam from some packaging that's like really dense it'll be perfect it'll be fine till we get to new zealand and we can get canvas well turns out it was the canvas plus the foam that kept this piece right here from cutting in to the dinghy and without that piece day two of sailing here if waves were kind of bad cut through the foam this bit right here sliced minion then because she had a slice she deflated and then she shook back and forth with the waves we couldn't get her tight enough and she rubbed two additional holes into the orca fabric that is what happened to minion while we were on passage oh it's starting to spit and it is windy it's wet i don't know i'm assuming 30 knots away it's a decent amount of wind it feels so intense here at the dock it sounds so intense phew okay a lot of people asked us why we didn't repair a minion while we were out to sea and well the truth is all we had was a patch kit and a patch kit wasn't going to cut it see what it did there yeah yeah it was bigger than a pinhole patch kit wasn't going to work in fact when we landed in new zealand we took it to the place in opua that repairs dinghies and they are like no way that repair is too big there's only one guy that can do that and he's in fungaray which is how we ended up sailing down here to marsden cove we dropped minion we stripped her down took her all the way down the dock loaded her in a trailer and drove her half an hour to whangarei to drop her off and a huge thank you to grant grant gronk he's a south african super friendly guy we just seem to be surrounded by south africans everywhere we go in our south african boat i don't know what it is but anyway super friendly thank you grant so we're going to start prepping these windows so that we can rip them out and before i dug too hard into that i want to take a second to tell you about today's sponsor which is omaze and we like teaming up with thomas because they give away unique prizes and they support great charities and right now they are giving you the chance to win a 4x4 sprinter van with an 80 000 eco conversion by van smith with rooftop solar panels to power everything from the fridge to the interior lights plus all natural building materials like wool insulation a pine ceiling bamboo countertops and a carbon offset package to fund environmental repair programs the best part is it is in support of the honold foundation as in founded by alex honold and if you don't know who he is he's the guy that's been climbing the rock that you've been living under i'm just kidding i can help myself it was just too easy anyway he really is a rock climbing van dwelling madman who has been so inspired through his travels and his time in nature and living off the grid in his van that he started this foundation to make solar energy accessible for everyone which is something we can totally get behind the honol foundation works with and awards grants to community organizations like sibo to provide solar energy for remote indigenous communities in some of the most biodiverse rainforests on the planet so to potentially win the sprinter van with an 80 000 eco conversion and support to the honold foundation just head over to omaze.com gwtw all right i'm ready let's do this all right well we thought we remembered taking them out the last time we did these windows and then we kind of remembered that they were such a pain in the ass that we decided not to and we just left them in so i think that's what we're going to do again this time because i have to deconstruct everything just to take the blinds off and it's just not worth it so all right put this one back together sort of keep going unscrew that one yeah unscrew all of that and then the question is would it come out either or do i have to take that whole front thing off and if i take the whole front thing off that means i have to take the whole ceiling off no that's not gonna happen well you're not gonna do that it certainly looks like it look at all that yeah it's not it's not worth it yeah no it's just not lined up with those holes yeah no you're probably not hitting it enough do you want to talk about how much you hate the ceiling panels but how much you love them i love them because they hide everything but i hate them because they're a pain in the ass see cranky boys don't get the job done i got the ceiling foot back together while jason was uh cursing about the ceiling i just went ahead and did the window all by myself thinking here is if i create a little skirt around the window it will help catch all of the black secret well it's we're gonna call it plus it's that's a fun word all the caulk will get caught up in there and the extra sheet just helps keep it all in there prevent the mess because that's what we're trying to avoid is a black sticky gooey mess that's the whole point of all this trouble look at that like most of my jobs not a thing of beauty but it's gonna work well these windows are definitely our biggest project our most expensive project we've been getting quotes for just about everything one just to see does it make more sense to have somebody else do it or should we do it ourselves the windows is a real quick we'll do that ourselves because the quote came back at around twenty thousand dollars we're like yep yep we'll definitely we'll do the windows ourselves as much as we can yeah i mean obviously we can't do the fabrication but half of it was just labor of pulling them all out cleaning them up and re-installing so it's going to be quite the job oh and when we had the guy come out to give us a quote on the windows it was great because whenever these first cracked we kind of thought oh that's not good and then when the one crack on the forward window while we were at sea it did make us nervous thinking like maybe we really do have a problem here luckily nobody's seen any signs of anything looking like a flexing issue no structural issues so that's like a big sigh of relief right so it turns out plastics guy says the windows are just they're at the end of their life because they're fully exposed to the elements uv being the biggest one it just they degrade and they're 16 years old and he said the average lifespan is only 15 to 20 years so that's it they're cracking and they're starting to fall to bits because they're just so old so oh and and he's gonna allow us to come into his factory and show how they're gonna well fabricate our new ones and they send these off so these guys can still be recycled so they'll send them off to the chipper and they'll turn into somebody else's windows further on down the road kind of cool probably is a sponsorship from gita look a little rusty too that's in milwaukee oh but makita would be great too well they're with sponsorship okay that was the last one time to uh see what happens hammer and chisel time go baby olivia there's gonna be so much hammer and chisel in our future oh okay that's gonna come pretty easy yeah okay but i just want to point out they will not all be this easy these were already delaminated but the others are still firmly bedded in and especially the side that we had redone before that one still looks perfect unfortunately it's gonna be a thing please what do you think well you guys missed the rainbow sorry about that it was gorgeous all the way it was a mad dash though exactly we are set i think for tonight um we will add some more tape when the sun comes up because it'll hopefully heat it up make everything warm maybe stick a little bit better it's supposed to be super calm tomorrow so i think um we're gonna be okay and uh maybe we'll get some more windows done yeah oh no oh yeah we're getting the dinghy tomorrow yeah it'll do hopefully okay we give an update on the uh the whole hole in the boat on our sail down the life raft locker disappeared at sea it was quite exciting uh we got really fortunate that the waves didn't get any worse of that first night though they were blasting up hitting the ceiling unfortunately i didn't get any video of it because i was in survival mode and i didn't film it and it was dark so what we think happened was one of the waves came up hit the edge of the life raft locker and pulled down on it probably just pulled down strong enough that it ripped it right off because the bolts are completely sheared like flush to the bridge deck the underneath of the bridge deck and it's held in with a stainless steel bolts and these stainless steel bars and it's something that we inspected all the time every time we'd be down there we would just make sure it's tight make sure it looks okay but it's stainless so you can't see when it's about to die and i think it was just about to die the waves hit it just right and it was just weak enough to rip it off fortunately it's not just our boat it's other boats we had keith from sailing zatara reach out and say that his privilege is set up the same way we had people in ultramares older utromers people in older utromers reach out and say they had the same thing happen and of course leopard owners that have leopards older than ours but the year after our friend cj has a 2006. ours is a 2005. he's like what do you mean your life raft locker got ripped out mine's like flush so apparently the year after ours they decided to get rid of this concept of a removable life wrap locker because it wasn't a requirement anymore exactly basically i thought if the catamaran flips then you can reach down and pull out the life raft locker from the top of the catamaran then they figured out that catamarans don't really flip that often so they no longer have to do that it was a bad design i understand why they did it back in the day but now they don't do it anymore so that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna completely glass it in super strong so it can handle the waves hitting from below and the weight of the life raft inside just smooth fiberglass make it look like there was never a removable locker well that's the plan we've gotten quotes from three different people we're waiting on two more and they range from a thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars so we we're gonna have to do a little more investigating yeah anyway that's that yeah that's the life wrap vlogger yeah all right so call it a night have a beer yes yeah yeah after this day after the ceiling hi well we didn't make amazing progress but we made progress we made progress projects are officially underway and that's all that matters maybe you want more that's exactly cheers honey what was that just saying i'm like look maybe we made it look too easy we took the windows out but we have not that's not where the work is the work is in all the scraping that is gonna happen to get all of the old caulk off and the cleaning we have to do to prep the surface to be able to install the new windows so that that was that was the easy part we have not done the heart there's still way more work to do over there before we ever even start on these other ones but that's for another day anyway i just didn't want you thinking that was it pause kill i'm sorry anyway good night getting into both projects all the crap we got to do and jason's already about being late after i've been sitting here waiting on him for like half an hour geez he's called me out yeah yeah jeez story about life yeah we're gonna go oh my gosh we're gonna go pick up minion anyway yes we're going to pick up minion okay let's start this video huh this car is our friend's wags impala thanks guys yeah who are unfortunately stuck in the u.s because of covid their boat is stuck here and they had purchased this car for a while they were here and well now we're getting to use it so mischief and paulo wish you were here but we're glad to have your car off like a chair to hurdles like my grandpa used to say so the car thing i actually think is interesting so here in new zealand we got the comment so many times it's just cheaper to buy a car if you're going to be here for six months and then sell it when you leave because it'll sell like that well apparently that's what wags and paula did that's kind of what a lot of cruisers do but most of them don't buy a volvo because it's very expensive to repair and volvos are notoriously um breaking down breaking down yeah especially older ones most of the people say you should buy like an older japanese car like a toyota you know something safe something vanilla although it is quite nice to drive this volvo because it's pretty sporty yeah around the roundabouts but we're just uh hoping that we don't have any issues yeah we're trying to keep the miles down because we don't want to repair anything like you're going fast so you're probably wondering where we are barry did a huge favor here and he took delivery of our dinghy because we were on our road trip we were on a road trip we got a call from the tinder guy he was kind of freaking out he was supposed to take three weeks to fix it and he did it in three days and he's like i can't store it for you for three weeks while you're on the blah blah blah anyway very kindly said i'm right down the street he can drop it off here so that's why we're here at a marina yeah yep she's got her repair one two three patches on the inside and the outside 360 bucks 360 new zealand dollars yeah which you still owe barry by the way oh yeah i gotta pay you barry what's up i gotta pay you oh jesus you do yeah i told you you were gonna forget it you really got away with that this is barry hey adventures of an old sea dog so many of you already know exactly who he is some do some don't but right now these guys owe me money so that's true so barry real quick for everybody who doesn't know who you are give me the short version of your story okay uh a brit i left england about five years ago in my boat white shadow which is right there uh it's a steel boat i'm by myself um i've got a sailing channel adventures with an old sea dog uh we lost a lot of time going through the reefs yesterday took most of the day i probably made the mistake of going the wrong way around but never mind it's done it's done so all good he was very casual about all of that but he is a solo sailor and he started off very far away from where he is now so if you are curious what it is like to be out at sea for days on end many days many days so many days that your friends end up calling the coast guard because they're so concerned about you you can watch those videos on youtube just nothing but trouble really honestly chasing with a wallet was open no i can't be fair you just bought me lunch 53 3 3 3 16 350 360. you're getting this he's paying me pizzas yeah lovely thank you so much we owe you big time man that was i know we still owe you a proper beer so that we'll have to come back another day yeah we'll put this towards the beer fund yeah fish and chips doesn't cut it it's got to be fish chips and a beer he said it's too early for beer it's like two o'clock in the afternoon yeah it's really that was i got beer that's a yamaha you are happy i got a yummy now i'm about a mercury or something once no tomah hatsune this guy comes past me and says you should have yeah yeah good one all right nikki i'll see you in an hour all right have fun in charlotte as they say in arabic by the will of god by the will of god i'll see you in an hour we may or may not see him again i go that way right yeah no no that way i think he's joking barry's been doing a very good job of selling this area of whangarei and trying to get us to come and join him and be his neighbor here at the marina so that he's not so lonely because as you can tell there's just nobody around no one around here i've got no one to talk to so i need some nice neighbors i can't find these so they'll have to do it covered times you'll take what you can get beggars can't be choosers i'm kidding oh well thanks so much barry you're welcome i'm gonna go okay keep an eye on my husband okay i'd offer a beer but her husband's going down the river no and i've got to drive yeah so we'll come back and we'll do a beer and maybe a tour and something else fun together another day okay so excellent see you back at the boat very good bye all right i just left the marina i am in the river it's about 10 miles or so and i can only go five knots got my watch on here yep doing five knots i'm two minutes in let's see how far we go how fast we go i think there's a speed limit the whole way it could be a long trip it's supposed to be beautiful though just beautiful look at that oh man gotta give my wrist and arm a break it's uh minion does not like going at five knots she creates a pretty big wake and she jiggles a lot in the handle so it really wears out my hand it's crazy she wants to go like nine or ten knots this whole five knots business is that's not that's not what minion wants she wants to go fast i think it's gonna open up right over here behind me and i can get a little speed we've been going for about 35 minutes and we've only done 3.6 nautical miles so still got a little ways to go here okay it is absolutely beautiful though here all around just freaking stunning okay here we go hey it's cold made it back to marsden cove that was 10.5 miles in about an hour i'll tell you what once i hit the throttle there and going about 15 20 knots it got cold i should have found my other jacket i don't know if i'm going to recover need to get heat on curiosity install a diesel heater or something i don't know man geez i had to have some hot tea jump under the covers okay beautiful sunset look at that
Channel: Gone with the Wynns
Views: 178,735
Rating: 4.9673529 out of 5
Keywords: Gone With the Wynns, the Wynns, Sailing, Catamaran, Sailboat, Sail Around the World, Cruising, Nikki and Jason Wynn, Blue Water Cruising, Sailing for Beginners, Circumnavigation, Life on a Yacht, Living on a Yacht, Boating, Boat life, lifestyle, curiosity, travel, adventure, off grid, tiny house, living on a sailboat, Gone With The Wind Sailing, OMAZE, New Zealand, Sailing New Zealand, Marsden Cove Marina, Whangārei, Adventures of an old seadog, Sailboat Repairs, Boat Refit NZ, NZ Boats
Id: uRlSAsF27Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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