Dam it Norway! — Sailing Uma [Step 275]

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all right all right people today we are sailing to senya it's about a 30 mile sail zooming out it's about 30 miles north of here and then to the northwest side of senia which if you've heard of norway and you've seen pictures of nowhere you probably heard or seen pictures of senia is this majestic area where there's like all these epic hikes and epic mountains and uh shouldn't take too long yeah let's go let's do it all right well we're about to attempt something we haven't done uh in a very long time which is spring off the dock because we've got 15 knots of wind on the beam and so we're gonna try to spring off and go and reverse off you ready okay [Music] all right in three two one i'm going in reverse beautiful hey that worked out pretty well [Music] so taking place [Music] the realities of sailing sometimes the wind just dies we're still moving one and a half knots but huh oh i'm excited for when we start sailing offshore again because the winds in and around land are always so fickle they're shifting and dying and coming back so often that it kind of makes sailing mix sailing near the coast and the fjords like so much more difficult than sailing offshore um but it's still beautiful around here the wind usually blows for a while and then it dies and shifts and then blows again and so between it dying uh we bob around a little bit and then it shifts it fills in and then we start sailing again yeah we're starting to tack our way north because the wind's shifted out of the north now which it was supposed to about an hour ago so we got a little bit further north than we were expecting but we'll see we'll see how long we feel like tacking for it's relatively light so we shouldn't get beat up too bad out here and um at any point we can pull in along the coast of senya because there's a fjord in a anchorage and a marina pretty much in every single one of them so whenever we're bored of tacking we'll head back in and the wind's back this like light wind i wouldn't really call them fully become because we normally still have like five to seven knots which is enough to keep the boat moving but they usually last 15-20 minutes so we usually don't bother motoring through them or or anything this one was a little bit more rolly than they normally have been in norway just because we are exposed to the swell coming out of the northwest in here but yeah we're back underway and uh heading the right direction again so we've learned to stop saying at this speed we'll be there in three hours because it uh it never works out that way although we don't have to worry about arriving at night anymore because that's not really a thing it's still pretty much kind of blue and and light enough you can see into a marina um all through the night so we don't really have to worry about that at least so we're gonna keep going for a while [Music] this is coming our way [Music] [Music] well it looks like we're about to get hit by some pretty heavy snow uh the conditions just change so often out here but if this was in the tropics it would be called a line squall uh and it would come with like 30 or 40 knots of wind for that first like 10 minutes but usually the snowstorms out here don't carry that much more wind we might get a little bit of wind shift or might get a bit of a wind increase but it usually goes from maybe like 12 15 knots up to 20. it's usually not too bad but we put a first reef in anyway and uh we're all puffed up because it's actually starting to get pretty cold out here as soon as the sun goes behind these thick these thick snow storms it gets pretty cold but yeah and then the other side of the snowstorm they'll probably be some more sunshine so i guess we'll see it's kind of pretty though looks nasty it looks really nasty [Music] once we're through whatever this is we'll probably attack well this one definitely came with a wind shift and a wind increase as well it just picked up from eight knots to 25 which means it's 30 knots apparent and i'm inhaling snow three [Music] so [Music] yeah blowing 20 22 knots gusting to 25 right now can you hear me sure probably feels weird to talk to this but yeah we have first reef in the main second reef in the head sail cruising at five and a half knots six nuts but is this little choppy waves that just keeps like messing with our speed it's like stopping us can't you definitely can't read my lips right now that's for sure staying warm in there yeah it's not too bad actually i can't put my hood up because well i have hair but for the most part it's not too bad it's definitely on the spicier side than what we started with earlier today we're almost there though we only have less than 10 miles before we make it to the dock where we're tied up to and it is eight almost 8 30 and it's still we still have a lot of daylight left so i'm not we're not worried about getting there at night [Music] okay all right uh i'm gonna roll up do you wanna help you see we're going you see this rock out comes down to the ocean yeah we're going in kind of around that and the dock's gonna be like right there okay [Music] all right okay well it is 11 o'clock at night and we finally made it now that you can tell it's 11 o'clock at night by the way it is still very much daylight right now so that's pretty cool i'm not sure how we're going to sleep tonight but i think i'm tired enough that i'll make it happen um yeah and the realities of vlogging of course the minute that we're about to talk all the cameras decide to have their own brain the gopro stopped recording the other camera shifted focus out of nowhere i hate when this happens it's it's but anyway it was a tire oh look at that shifted focus again i'm exhausted so we're going to we're going to eat dinner and shower and go to bed i'm a little bit in a in a bad mood right now because it always happens that the cameras for some reason at some point it just doesn't do what we want it to do and it just stops recording or shifts focused or the battery dies or it just like i don't know it's annoying so i'm ready for this day to be over so that is it for today look at that shifting focus there we are all right good night guys i'm out of dirty laundry [Music] didn't survive the sale but that was about it uh it's pretty rough sale for a lot of it but i swear i'm more tired after these short i'm more tired after these short day sails that are kind of rough than i think i was at the end of the atlantic crossing we did two years ago but yeah it's 11 o'clock at night so it's time for food and hot shower in bed [Music] the island of senia is a pretty magical place to sail to but the whole west coast and the north side of cenia is very exposed to northerly winds so it could be very challenging to sail on the outside in the wrong conditions but the good thing is along the way there are a few good harbors to stop into just like this one here we are dock in a little town called ham there's not much that this town is mostly just a giant resort but it's really protected and so a few days ago oh it was a car there's a road right behind me but um a few days ago we came in here to wait for an early wind that brought in a lot of snow and today it's sunny again so we are stretching our legs and going on a bit of a walk and uh probably this afternoon since it's going to be sunny for the next week we'll leave the dock and head into one of those islands there where we can anchor so just enjoying the sunshine and a little bit of spring [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] we've got little little buds on these twigs it's the first uh indication that winter is pretty much over as it continues [Music] [Music] what do you think of that damn it's pretty it looks like old yeah it looks like it was built in the 1800s doesn't it yeah it's cool i thought maybe they would have like concreted it over by now but no they didn't change it so where we're moored up down in the town called ham right here in senya um it's a sort of a touristy resort right now you can rent cabins and stuff so the original town was built here because a farmer discovered nickel and they turned it into a mine about 150 years ago which is kind of cool in and of itself because they're actually digging tunnels down underneath the ocean at the time to harvest the nickel out which is kind of nuts but the really cool part is that 150 meters above that mine there's this lake and they built a dam here to try to help with the smelting process to get extracted nickel from the ore but it never generated enough power to actually ex to heat up and extract the nickel so it was mostly just used for lighting and that was almost 150 years ago so it was one of if not the first hydroelectric power plants in the world which is pretty neat and the stone dam is still behind me even though there's there's no electricity being made from it anymore it's pretty cool that it's still sitting here after 150 years [Music] ready [Laughter] bubbles that's so cool oh nice a little rock climbing goat goat hmm would you call you whoa what's next home whoa well it's definitely worth the walk up here from the little town because this dam is actually pretty cool even though it's covered in snow uh you still get the general idea for what it looked like and um the fact that it's like 150 years old and it was the first hydroelectric power plant in the world is pretty cool uh we like things electrically powered but for the life of me we cannot figure out why there's a big giant split in the middle of the dam there's like two dams and there's it's a couple of meters it's like one maybe one and a half meters wide and it goes all the way down four five six meters in the middle and i cannot figure out why this big split in it so if you guys have any ideas leave those in the comments because it does not say it on the sign do you want to know why we don't know the answer because we're not damn scientists [Laughter] oh damn it can you see me rolling my ass at you i can hear you rolling your eyes at me i felt so timeless [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] it's you [Music] so we were hanging out with the patrons a few days ago and he mentioned that there is an island nearby that has a chunk of a whale vertebrae on it so this morning we sailed over to this absolutely lovely anchorage and we're about to take the dinghy over to the beach and check it out i cannot believe how blue and clear this water is it's like the bahamas it's so pretty anchor you know when the tide comes up should probably get an actual anchor one of these days yeah who needs it do you see that a that whale bone is huge did you also see that huge pile of firewood i think we should have a bonfire right oh it says silence alone [Music] look at that a whale bone it's so big it's a chunk of his vertebrae damn how big of a whale do you have to be to have a whale bone that big i'm gonna sit in it this is my viking throne now i sell command command of the beaches it's actually kind of comfy in here it's so big you want to sit in this thing it's part of a whale spine huh yeah the backbone of a whale how'd you like to meet that out on the ocean i know and that's like a tiny little chunk of of something that's so much bigger it's a humpback whale too according to wikipedia i looked it up before we came here you look powerful this this was my pet unfortunately he passed away and you could just pretend it's a dragon skull it is my dragon's call it looks more like a dragon skull than a whale bone from backstage doesn't it yeah it totally does so this whale bone is so big that you can actually see it on google earth yeah that's how we knew what beach it was i mean dragon skull that's how big the dragon skull is dragon skull dan [Laughter] do it again and one more time [Laughter] oh you're weird oh god i'm tired now don't make a fire it looks like a butt really okay right here a butt it's crazy how bone looks like coral almost you know similar structure i think yeah like you know those spongy corals it basically has the same texture calcium you think i can taste it [Music] is [Music] so this whale bone uh and this sort of beach area is pretty touristy in the summer the the resort we were just docked in front of brings tourists over here uh all throughout the summer for bonfires and so they can all sit in the whale bone i think but they also have these lovely piles of firewood cut for bonfires so it's still kind of early in the season for tourists but i don't think they'll mind if we borrow some wood get a bonfire going cook some dinner enjoy the sunset which doesn't really set anymore enjoy enjoy the sun lowering enjoy the sun rotating enjoy the sun rotating there's like a bonfire pit up here and everything this is fantastic everything is set up so that we can make a fire uh den just came back from the boat with a little bit of campfire food and the axe and we're all set up now so we're going to eat dinner tonight on the campfire it's like the smallest axe that i've ever split wood with in my entire life [Music] dropped off some uh fresh caught cod the other day on our boat we're still anchored over in hum so we're gonna throw that on some leftover rice and some tin foil and toss it on the fire and get some food going cause we're pretty hungry it's 10 o'clock at night and it's still sunny you see my breath not on camera not on camera nope still not all right we've got pepper onion leftover rice oh corn that's fun [Music] um what do you think oh i'm excited for this this is gonna be this is gonna be a good one we haven't done like proper bonfire food in months oh it's hot that is a hot fire like a second pokey stick [Music] now that the sun is like sort of setting i guess we call it it's definitely starting to feel like one degree celsius even though it's been one degree celsius all day when the sun was out and there was no wind it actually felt pretty warm but it feels cold now it's starting to feel pretty cold but uh dinner's cooking on the fire down below so we've got another 20 or 30 minutes before that's done and then we'll eat dinner and uh head back to the boat and get the fire going and get all bundled up and warm because tomorrow's going to be a pretty good sailing day so we're going to keep heading north east ish tomorrow hopefully but this has been an absolutely amazing spot i'm so glad we stopped here it's so blue and the water's so clear and the sunset's so beautiful that uh yeah it's just hard to describe with words i think it's hard to describe with words because my lips literally can't move what's in here you're frozen what's in your coffee cup there my dear white wine [Music] it's not hot chocolate it's a cold wine i don't know if that's helping it's my third glass so your third box my third camping cup oh anyways we have the gopro running a time lapse right now should be really nice i can totally see your breath it is not warm although it's supposed to be springtime springtime's supposed to come with warmth deception it is not warm in april may we're actually in may right now actually and it is not warm it is as cold it is as cold that is was in february yeah wow only a sunnier 300 miles for the south yeah it is february temperatures in may and it snowed three days ago in may huh so much for winter is over winter is never over oh i love it [Music] [Laughter] oh my gosh i can't feel my toes okay i can't feel my fingers yeah yeah i feel like it's time to go back and eat dinner go back to the fire pit yeah yeah okay [Music] smells really good too [Music] the best date dinner ever oh good this is a masterpiece this is great i'll take it yeah you don't cook any bad meals but this is good this is really good i dig it how much do you love me right now a lot how much do you love where we are right now a lot [Music] [Music] is unknown i'll never let god [Applause] you
Channel: Sailing Uma
Views: 143,720
Rating: 4.9666429 out of 5
Keywords: sailing uma, sv uma, uma, dan and kika, don't buy a couch, minimalism, living off grid, off grid sailing, sailing, sailing around the world, sailboat, boat life, sailboat life, circumnavigating on a sailboat, 1972 pearson 36, pearson sailboat, small sailboat, sailboat architecture, sailboat design, electric motor, electric sailboat, oceanvolt propulsion, oceanvolt, oceanvolt electric motor, electric motor on sailboat, electrobeke, electro beke, sailing in norway, norwegian sea
Id: vY-kGRm0PLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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