Repair BROKEN Bail Arm for CAT 637 Scraper | Part 2

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[Music] how you going guys Kurtis from Cutting Edge Engineering so today's going to be part 2 of our bail arm repair we've finished machining all the hollow bar we've got everything prepped up it's time to set it up in the jig and start putting this thing back together righto guys we've got the bail arm setup in the jig it's very important that you make sure that all of your surfaces are running parallel and true if they don't you end up with interference issues with where these fit onto the machine you also have to make sure you get this bracket here 90 degrees with the job and 90 degrees with the pin centres cause there's actually a lift cylinder here that lifts and lowers the bail arm so if you don't get things right they don't fit or work when they're back on the machine I have got a strap in here just holding this casting in place until I get a couple of stitches on it the plan is I will go through and stitch everything off make sure everything's locked up nice and tight I'll then put a lock bar across the back of the ears to stop it from closing in or spreading out while i'm doing all the welding we'll do probably 50 percent of the welding while it's in the jig and then I'll take it out of the jig and weld up the rest of it just depends how things work out but at this stage we're actually ready to start tacking this thing off and um laying down some weld in it [Music] righto guys so we've completed 90 percent of the welding to be done on the bail arm i'm going to give it a bit of a break as this is extremely hot now and we've actually sealed this tube off entirely there is no way for that pressure to bleed off so I don't want to go and push my luck with how hot I can get it because it has been known to happen and people have been killed by it where tubes will actually explode still pretty hot we're going to leave that alone and let it sit for a couple of hours and let the temperatures all come back down again after that's all done I'll pull it out of the jig i'm going to stand it on it's end and i'm going to finish off that weld around there to make it look nice and pretty and then I'll finish off this weld here so I can weld this tube on this sleeve is actually designed to support this joint it must work they never seem to break here the always break somewhere down here [Music] [Music] ooohh look at them medium squeak oh he'll like that one too squeak what's that [Lots of squeaking] oh [Laughter] like these one hang on there's one more yeah oh look at this one how's he going to fit that in his mouth oh it squishes won't deflate hmm we'll see so many toys sit oh he's got his eye on the green one oh yes what you got oh hang on squeak [Lots more squeaking] so many toys on your bed go on righto guys so we've completed all the line boring on the job we'll need to set up a stop plate on top of this bail arm the stop plates are there to stop the bail arm from drooping down below the push pad of the machine pretty important we get that in the right spot so after we get that stop plate welded on we're pretty much going to disassemble everything put it straight on a pallet and get it straight back over to the customer we need to meet a truck to get this thing back on site so we better crack on [Music] yeah righto guys Kurtis from oh [Laughter] [ __ ] [ __ ] head righto guys so we've completed all the line boring on the job no we're gonna righto so after we get the stop plate um welded back oh [ __ ] turn your helmet on [ __ ] head that's normal hey that gap there was [ __ ] like that wide yeah about the same it'll be fine come out of the [ __ ] hole oh for [ __ ] sake close to hitting [ __ ] everything [ __ ] dog eye balls eye balls whoop big Australian hands are too big man hands that's awkward you're telling me jesus [Laughter] poor little thing oh my god yay oh hang on [ __ ] destroy that yup it's a squeaker thank you for the noisy [ __ ] toy what what is it show me what's this what's that drop it drop it drop your new toy yeah right ok keep it [Laughter] squeak squeak squeak squeak he's trying to get your attention
Channel: Cutting Edge Engineering Australia
Views: 612,562
Rating: 4.9547062 out of 5
Keywords: cutting edge engineering australia, machinist in australia, machininst, abom79, cee australia, cutting edge engineering, machining, Repair BROKEN Bail Arm for CAT 637 Scraper, repair broken bail arm, caterpillar scraper, Cat 637 scraper, 637 scraper, tractor scraper, caterpillar wrenching, push pull scraper, manual machining, welding fabrication, weld repair, sir meccanica, line boring, line boring and bore welding, bore weld, line boring machine, workshop asmr, bore welding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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