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[Music] in the last episode you saw us build the extension using a honeycomb core and epoxy resin with biaxial fiberglass we then had to glass the underside of the swim platform to give it the strength and rigidity from below we went with two layers of 1708 biaxial glass and west systems epoxy so we're going to wet the back of this out first [Music] so [Music] yeah that'll make a tiny bit more up back [Music] here's our top piece from last night two layers of kayaks with epoxy it's cured super well we've made some extra frames underneath this and we're going to glue the frames down with epoxy we're using structural epoxy we've got epoxy works with cupboar seal and we've cut up fiberglass um to go all through it so it's a nice thick epoxy bonding agent and that's going to go on the frames and then we're going to glue this down this is alex he's helping us today okay so here's our frames that we've made we're going to glue them down and then put glue on top of them and then we'll put the template on top and glue it all down so the trick here is we've all got um we think enough epoxy filler to get this done in one go the problem is if we just kicked one off and then we all of a sudden found out we needed more we would uh would be in danger of the origin the first load kicking off on us too soon and if it dries before we get this top plate on then we have to remove it all again and start again so that's not really an option so we've all got 700 milliliters of epoxy each and we're gonna go kick kick kick and start mixing mix it really good okay we're gone come on okay right up from the corner yeah okay okay we're good yep let's get the template oh good yeah okay the border ones are the ones let's put battery in that corner there right here yeah right in the corner okay push down push down a bit so it goes frame beautiful hopefully about half an hour this is kicked off and uh we can take all the weights off and then we can glass the top side because we want to seal it we don't want rain to come on top of this honeycomb um that fuzzy layer on the outside is not waterproof so we don't want rain to hit this it's been raining a lot lately um we don't want rain to hit it and then go inside the honeycomb because we've got the two layers of epoxy underneath that water will just be trapped in there forever got alex's seal of approval all right guys here we are we've just taken the um the batteries and the weight and templating everything off and we're left with our honeycomb top piece oh you might be wondering why we're switching between epoxy and polyester whether it's a myth or not or an old wives tale or whatever it may be traditionally you can't gel coat over epoxy i think it's been proven to be wrong in a few situations but uh nevertheless we're not gonna risk it we're just gonna make sure we're gel coating over polyester because gel coat is polyester but um inside there there's no gel coat involved it's all it's all a finished um finished surface in there so now we're back to polyester because we're going to be gel coating over this so anything on the outside here is going to be polyester from now on hope that makes sense we are going to put a fillet in here now and glass the top [Music] the other thing we're going to do is we're going to put the fillet in and we're going to roll the glass over the fillet um while it's still wet so the actual bond will be uh chemical bond rather than mechanical bond which is always preferable all right so we're going to be ready to glass after this yes straight away am i wrong yeah [Music] [Music] the next day we hit it with the grinder to get the shape of the sugar scoop we then filled all the imperfections in the extension before laying up all the glass this would mean we would have to do a lot less fairing at the end if we could get the shape of the sugar scoop as close to perfect before the fibreglass went up [Music] [Music] up there we go [Music] okay cool let's whip the next one out [Music] [Music] that's the back [Music] hey ready okay how are we looking we need to come forward we need to come this way all right more more more okay that's good all right let's conquer there [Music] excellent [Music] is it going good okay you're gonna wait out where number three go just like that that's good i want to put this corner up first okay i got it okay let's come forward forward forward forward forward there there there yeah that's it um let's pull this corner let's see back okay that's where she goes perfect what's that for okay that's better beautiful let's try to get that right so it's got like that yeah this side's got sun so we've got to be good up on the line and good forward chord yep okay perfect that's great hi guys so yesterday we got three layers of glass over the whole underside of our extension it was a good day now we're going to put two layers of glass on the top and bring it back down to overlap this so i've just stuffed it all back so it's going to get a good mechanical bond and then that'll be all the glass work done for this port side extension we did a joint in the middle here we did three different overlaps so the first layers joined here second layers joined in the third layer is joined here and it ended up really nice and flush so extremely happy with that how it went yesterday all right so we just kicked off the uh resin again it's polyester resin we're going with one percent hardener in it super hot so we've got to be nice and quick we've got ilia on the tools the big dog you have another roller is there another ah here oh here uh yep [Music] of legend here [Music] we'll fold this over we really are racing the clock here because it's really hot that's why i'm wearing this thing in my head because i'm dripping sweat i don't want to drip on the work but yeah so far so good [Music] it looks so good so so happy with it um we've been working on this we've gotten so used to this that this side looks weird now it looks short and stumpy this side looks kind of more more natural looking what's your intro what's in chad well the intro is that we've had some crazy things happen to us before but this one takes the cake we've just had a guy i don't even know his name yet but he has just arrived in linton bay from canada to help us out no message no email nothing he watched a couple of episodes he doesn't even know who jamie is which means he's not a hardcore fan he just watched a couple of episodes he said and this changed his life and he sold everything and wants to now buy a boat and he knows absolutely nothing about boats i guess he's down here for some advice but also has offered to help out for free so i'm gonna take him up on his offer what else can i do okay i think we've got a bit of a break in the weather so i've just mixed up some gel coats with cabba seal and micro balloons it's a bit of a mix this is going to be our first layer of filler and we're just going to put this straight on top of the fiberglass so that we can start faring the boat [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go guys we've got a good layer over everything um so now what we like to do is use like long board sanding boards just a nice flat straight piece of wood and we uh glue some sandpaper to it like this and then we start standing away so the key for us is always to connect up to um an existing part of the boat and spare it in that way if we just start standing this on its own we'll put a big hole in it there they always have it connected to a good part of the boat and uh diagonal motions like crisscross like this and uh basically all there is to it it's not rocket science but it is tiring that's for sure especially when you're working up under here you get uh really tired arms all right just started pissing down with rain beauty of this bearing is you can wet sand it so we're just going to um utilize the rain instead of cry about it and keep sanding for this first stage of sanding we use 60 grit sandpaper to really tear into the filler the majority of the filler actually gets removed and all we're really going for is to start getting the perfect shape of the transom rather than worrying about a nice smooth finish as that comes at a later stage the fairing process usually takes a few steps of filling and sanding and you move up the grades of sandpaper until you get the perfect surface for spraying gel coat once it was all fared we were ready to move on to the next stage which was making a mould for the non-skid to go on the swim platform okay guys perfect come on wow that is absolutely flawless [Music]
Channel: Sailing Parlay Revival
Views: 108,401
Rating: 4.9824581 out of 5
Keywords: parlay revival, parley, lagoon 450, catamaran extension, sugar scoop extension, catamaran vs monohull, lagoon catamaran, sailing, sailing channel, sailing around the world, sailing into freedom, sailing la vagabonde, sailing zatara, sailing Delos, sailing miss Lonestar, sailing ran, gone with the wynns, sailing nahoa, buying a catamaran, sails, buying a production catamaran, epoxy vs polyester, boat restoration, boat repair, fiberglass repair, boat building
Id: wFppnuircWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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