Our Baby Hognose Snakes Hatched!!

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well look at this this is interesting okay so we have paris and braz eggs were laid on june 21st today is july 13th we also have these eggs from charlotte and bueller hognose eggs again that were laid on 6'5 and these have not hatched yet they are taking forever to hatch but in this room where the entire room is about 81 degrees at this height anyway the difference in temperature between down there and up here is enough that this clutch of hog nose eggs even though it was laid almost three weeks later between two and three weeks later is hatching first oh my goodness first baby hogs of the year well it's been a day and if you look we have not just one hognose head out there's two babies out now oh hi you're doing a little baby tongue flicks and you're adorable can i get this pearl light out of your eye okay so this was paris and bruh paris the mom is a normal face hognose snake and bra is our conda phase hognose so with how the codominant trait of the condom morph works uh essentially half of these babies should be condas which means they have fewer spots and a lot of them also have an all all-black belly with white walls along each side of the belly so we're going to take a look and see which ones are condos and which ones are normals this was our seasons clutch if i remember correctly because we have our fall with the leaf there we have winter as an upside down snowman we have summer which did not make it unfortunately and we have spring a little flower and our flower baby i think was the first one out yesterday hi cutie oh my gosh the little tongue flicks are the best thing ever is there any way if i can see if your condos are normals today oh and there goes there goes snowman all right we might not be able to tell if this one's like a condo or not so maybe we'll cheat we'll look at the sides okay we can kind of look through the window of the egg pretty much see a black belly i see a black belly there with a white stripe along the side of it so i bet this one's a conda i might be able to see the pattern here oh yeah yeah that's a conda i can't wait to see what you look like that one looks like a normal you think yep are you a normal oh yeah look at all those spots yep that must be a normal you are so cute oh my gosh your little face this never gets old oh look at that beautiful pattern oh you're so pretty already okay well summer egg did not make it let's take a look at the fall egg and just first off make sure that there's a healthy baby inside okay fall baby you're ed's favorite season be a conda be an albino conda yeah or some new morph we've never heard of that'd be really cool too and moment of truth in three two one ah there's a baby in there looks like a norm i think that's a conda i don't know there's few spots that i see there they seem pretty spread out and i see a black belly oh are we a healthy baby at least can i do the poke test looks like you're responding oh yeah we're responding sweet okay we've got a little baby in there yeah i think that might be a conda okay well we'll put fall baby back and we'll check back tomorrow and hopefully we have some full babies out how are we doing oh hi babies hi okay first introduction to a person hey oh my goodness aren't you cute you are adorable first baby hog nose out of the year congrats you win and that's a conda that's a really pretty condom wharf too hi cutie aren't you sweet there's still one left come on out fall baby i secretly hope every time a hog nose hatches that their first interaction with a human results in them playing dead but ah you two are too laid back aren't you well this is fun we have three clutches of hog noses hatching right now you can tell there's an albino in there these two are for different videos though so we're not gonna focus on them you'll have to wait for those today we are focusing on the babies from paris and bruh and they are all out oh my goodness there's the three babies let's get rid of this while we're here that kind of go in there oh my goodness you're so cute well it looks like we were right we've got two condas you can see their reduced patterns so they have fewer but larger spots and one normal or wild type hog nose hi cutie oh you're coming out to say hi oh it's getting wafts of baby smell here come here can i see you i will be disappointed if not a single baby hog nose plays dead this season okay you don't want to play dead oh this never gets old seeing baby snakes for the first time and with hog noses they don't waste any time having their first show oh oh we have a casualty oh no oh no we've got i just held you why are you dying now oh no this one's broken oh poor hog nose looks like this one isn't gonna make it oh so dead yes this is what i was hoping for okay so if anyone's new to the channel and watching and is truly concerned about this snake a hognose's defense mechanism when they're scared is to roll over and play dead including opening of the mouth and sticking out their tongue you can do that again oh well rip little normal hog nose okay well that's a dead one oh actually you're not flipping over anymore okay yep he's back alive now and then we have one more conda here hi you are beautiful that's actually a really nice quality honda hog nose you get some that are like low expression conda which means they still have a decent amount of spots they have maybe a few less than a normal so that's considered a low expression kind of a lower quality conda and then you have some condos with really a reduced pattern and they have some nice big spots instead like fewer but bigger spots instead and that's more of a higher quality and that's a really nice conda how's your belly do you have a black belly oh yes we do have an almost black belly i see a couple little white specks in there we have nice beautiful white walls though or white lines down the side of the belly that's another trait of the condom morph you are a really nice kind are you a boy or a girl do i have to keep you oh that's a pretty long tail i'm not sure on that one actually i'll have to take a closer look nice so we've got beautiful connors how's your belly you're a really pretty color too actually ah this one has a little bit more white near the head under its belly but overall pretty black belly how about our drama queen normal here do you have a black belly i could have looked while you were playing dead i totally wasn't even paying attention nope you've got a normal speckly belly yep you're so cute you've got poop on your head why did you let someone poop on your head well we're going to bring these three cuties to the facility and set up their baby bins well we are at the facility and we're going to set up their baby bins and by bins i mean bin because we are going to start keeping hognose babies together in their baby bins because we experimented with it yet last year mainly because we um ran out of baby bin space or baby bins but it turns out baby hog noses in our experience with several clutches last year eat better if they are housed with another baby hognose i don't know why because they're solitary animals as adults but we had excellent success in keeping them together in pairs so although i would like to keep just two together in a baby bin there's only three babies so we're gonna do all three all right little babies hi oh and there's some sheds in here oh yep here's our dead one wow he miraculously came back to life are you undead now oh he's the undead oh it's a little girl oh she's the undead you're a drama queen oh little zombie baby how about our condos are they males or females we looked at them a little bit earlier that one's a female i believe because that tapers pretty quickly and i think this one oh look at how long that tail is that is definitely a boy okay well let's set all three of them up we're going to do a pretty basic baby setup like we normally do we'll just do a paper towel there here we go we'll mist it down a little bit for them we'll put a hide in the back their water dish will go up there we'll fill it up later and we have all sorts of enrichment when just a leaf can be a hide that's when you know you're dealing with small snakes so there's a second hide for them and some extra fun goodies in here that should keep them happy and one more thing i want to do with them before they get moved is weigh them i'm curious to see how much these babies weigh let's see it's teared out okay let's start with the normal drama queen you are six grams wow oh you're super cute okay so that kids watching can have something relatable at home since these are so tiny i figured we would find a relatable item yeah yeah let's see if it weighs the same four grams okay how about oh no six grams perfect so these babies weigh as much as a quarter so if you're at home find a quarter hold it in your hand that's how light these little baby hog noses are oh my goodness okay so i'll put you in the baby bin you can go in here check it out they all look to be about the same size so let's see how much this condo weighs i'm guessing it'll also be six yep six oh wait oh you're a fatty here i bet that's a nickel you think maybe two nickels yeah [Music] okay you weigh the same as one nickel oh my goodness these babies are trying to escape no no no we're staying in here i would show the parents or like bring the parents to show their babies but they're ravenous and they might try to eat the babies yeah probably so maybe i won't do that knowing paris and bras personalities but these little guys are super healthy we're very excited to have some adorable hog noses this year and again this is our first clutch of babies even though we have more hognose clutch at home uh three more hog nose clutches that are hatching right now actually you've only seen two of the others at home but a third clutch has started hatching too you wore the perfect shirt today i did this is so perfect okay yep i'm just gonna be a geeking out over these baby hog noses because it's been a while since we've had hatchlings a year to be exact yeah once these little babies are eating regularly on frozen thawed unscented mice pinky mice to be exact then they will be going to their new homes on our waiting list so i'm sorry in advance but they are already claimed in a way since we do have waiting lists that are full but if you're watching this and you're on the waiting list one of these babies might be yours so thank you everybody for watching today's baby hogness video get ready for a lot more hog noses and some very exciting babies too in particular i'm not gonna give any spoilers but we have some really cool hog noses that we hatched this year thank you to all of our patreon backers who make so much possible for us you helped tremendously i know i say it every time but it's true thank you for watching everyone and we'll see you next time babies which one's your favorite um that one yeah i was gonna say that one's probably my favorite too really pretty color although i like the drama queen too yeah i like the one leaving everybody else no i don't want to be with you guys [Music] you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 1,313,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby snakes, snakes hatching, baby hognose, hognose snake, baby hognose snake, egg cutting, snake egg cutting, snake eggs hatching, breeding snakes, hognose snakes, pets, reptiles, animals, snakes, playing dead, pipping, baby snakes 2021
Id: P4tW6GNgJSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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