SCALELESS Rat Snakes Hatching!!

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guess what time it is it's time for more rat corn eggs to hatch here's the clutch it just started hatching this morning oh there's still just one ah cutie so check out this interesting scenario we had this little head poked out this morning on sorry did I scare you and he came out of this somewhat moldy egg shell now these two eggs started looking kind of moldy kind of gross a couple of weeks ago so I considered throwing them away but I was like you know I'll just treat him I actually poured some Lotrimin powder on them to prevent the growth of the mold and it seemed to stop and the eggs still feel good so I don't know if this moldy one will hatch but the buoyancy that I are the push back I can feel from the shell it still feels like a good egg so we've just been keeping a really close eye on them and sure enough one of these questionable eggs is starting to hatch he is the cutest little mustache look at that I think I'm gonna call him and you go Montoya you killed my father prepare to die his first little snot bubble the mother is this girl right here she is a rat slash corn snake her mother was a corn snake and her father was a Texas rat snake and the father was skilless so that means she carries the scaleless gene and the reason why she is a mixture of the two species is because the scaleless gene was originally found in Texas rat snakes but those snakes are typically kind of Tenace salty so it was mixed with corn snakes to kind of calm them down a little bit but you still get a scale a snake sometimes now the thing I like about this mom is that she has some beautiful yellows and orange colors along her sides especially near her head so she is gorgeous and she produces some really pretty babies too so we bred her to this also hit scaleless male rat corn snake they are both 50/50 rat snakes corn snakes which corn snakes are technically a type of rat snake so they are fully rat snakes just a calmer diff color type of rat snake anyway this guy is also 100% pet scaleless and this was the same pair we bred last year to produce our first scale us babies but we decided to mix it up a little bit and we also bred her with this is buck he is his name is short but buck naked because he is completely scale of some why completely he has some scales on him but he's still a gorgeous example of a scale Asst rats naked he is 100% Texas were head snake - so you would think he'd have an attitude but he doesn't he's actually one of the friendliest snakes I own and he joins me at programs - cuz I want to show people what a scale the snake looks like and it's so cool his sides feel like velvet he is such a cool snake so we bred her with both of these males because although this guy is a proven breeder and he bred for us last year we wanted to since we this year had buck and he would produce more scale us babies if he was the father we have paired her with him hoping that he will be the dad and in case you didn't get the job done though we also paired her with him because we know that he will get the job done if he doesn't so we won't know who the father is until these babies hatch or until we peek inside and see what we get if the head scale is male here is the father then about 25% of the babies will be skinless but if this fully scale is male is the father then about 50% of the babies will be scale us so we're gonna see what kind of ratios we get with their babies when we peek inside them next I had to look really close when his head was out further but this guy is scaled he is not scaleless so hopefully some of these guys are scale us but only time will tell okay guys it's been 24 hours and this guy is obviously out so we're gonna open the wrists but wait I almost forgot there's a whole second half to this clutch we have twice as many eggs to open up today and look this half has already started pipping - so I think we should start with the original half and let's open this up and see what we've got come on scaleless redcorn's hi cutie you look good little mustachio baby Oh yep completely skilled he looks nice and healthy oh he looks great all right I'm really curious about this egg to see if there's a baby inside that one has started picking it looks like so we're gonna start opening them up first let's start with this guy since he's already picked I kind of just want to see if he is skilless we have yep I think I see skills well they usually have their chin skills I can't really see the rest I don't really want to invade too much but he's really tucked in there okay that was a mystery let's see what's in this egg are you gonna help and by the way the red that you see is not blood from the baby I say this in every video but in case you're new the red is from the veins that lie underneath the eggshell so it's normal for those to get cut oh that's a scale this baby look guys we have our first scale s baby I see some belly scales but scale is still have belly scales thanks for helping scale is one okay what's in this egg since I have a little too much help from my friend down below here I'm just gonna pick up the egg what's inside we have Wow another scale is that was more of an orange color oh this is so exciting what have we got I should also mention that it doesn't hurt the babies at all to open up their eggs if anything it just gives them a little exit to come out of order to make hatching a little bit easier for them but we're not gonna pull them out we'll still let them come out at their own pace okay what's in here ready well I see scales that's a little baby oh yeah I don't know that one like it had been sitting like this for a long like when I pulled them out so I don't know at what point that got turned yeah this would be a good test all right what's inside scale baby even though the egg turn oh that's right yeah he looks good so I guess turning isn't necessarily a death sentence to them yeah I really want to know what's inside this one this might be potentially really gross I don't want it to drain in with all these healthy babies so we both throw up after this yeah exactly what is inside this gross moldy egg I mean the other one hatched so there's a chance look tougher eggs oh yeah it is tougher that's not a good sign oh no yeah definitely no baby in that one but we had to know right okay cool all right so far we have two scaleless and three scaled so far I don't know who the father is still we don't have a really good idea of the percentage of scaleless but oh he's pipping blowing spit bubbles what are you scaled we have a little skilled baby yeah you'd think they'd have more to develop because they have to grow scales they'd be quicker or the scale us would be quicker come on scaleless okay we have a weird spot son yeah they're gonna be pretty when they come out yeah I can't wait to see that one's gonna be really neat cuz if you see here I mean you can see one of the blood vessels that's running across his body that's not his pattern at all guys but you can definitely see his pattern up top okay window is complete and I think that scaleless you just look a little funky huh all right still scale is that'll be really interesting to see out to so there you go right there that proves that you can incubate a bad egg right next to a good egg yeah and it'll be just fine I don't know what those orange things are could be parts of the Lotrimin flower you put on there oh that could be yeah I did dump that somewhat yeah maybe that was that egg right there that she's holding was actually connected to that egg and they that one molded that one molded mm-hmm yeah if a baby's on the inside and it's healthy then there's nothing bad that can really penetrate that shell and harm the baby on the inside the eggs really only go bad we found out if there's something wrong with the baby itself so here this is proof but it also doesn't like we've heard more and more stories of eggs looking exactly like that and hatches completely healthy babies yeah oh yeah that's why we incubate them just to be safe I mean I don't have super high hopes after seeing that other one that's another bad egg yeah okay bed egg now we know yeah so I mean there's a couple theories when it comes to moldy eggs you can to remove them which is what we usually try to do just so it doesn't risk spreading to the other eggs but I mean is the baby on the inside is really healthy then there's a very little chance of it spreading but we usually separate them just to give the healthy ones a better chance but in this case since it didn't look super bad we just left it in there but it didn't develop so didn't really matter here is our egg that developed attached to a bad egg we also kind of left it there to see if it was true that the babies would die necessarily if they were next to a bad egg and we're gonna find out it looks good so far yeah we have a scamaz that's really good to know I'm glad we kind of tested that out this here sweet scaleless so at this point every time unless we got really good odds with the head these are yeah I think you're right I think their dad was a skilless we'll see what these last two eggs what's in here orange scaleless whoa orange scale this baby that's so cool there we go yeah buck was definitely the dad we're getting way too many scaleless here unless like you said we're just really getting good the odds with that I mean like three right okay listen right now we're last egg this is a cute little egg see if we can go more scales than scales a half man beat the odds yeah more than 50/50 you made a but it does look like a butt doesn't it okay but flat is being opened we have another Wow here are all of our little babies with our overachiever he wants to get out yeah he's ready to go eat scale us in for scaled one mystery holy cow we got a bunch of scale is from this clutch oh wait I can look look look he is he moved I can see it is a scale yeah okay so eight scaleless five scaled Wow those are really good odds hi she's just coming right out these are a lot nicer than our Bulls oh my gosh you are so adorable you just crawled right out onto my hands like what is this life thing okay you are like the most social little raccoon I think I've ever seen and you have a mustache Oh what win-win that's totally a male all right perfect I did name you right this is name here's an egos a namesake damn we're gonna check back when they come out probably tomorrow and we'll see what all those scandalous babies look like out of the egg well the babies are out and the results are in we of course know that buck is the dad cuz look at all these scale with babies the orange ones are out - look at that ok so we have how many scalars are in here one cutie to up just two in this bin and then 1 2 3 4 scaled in there okay and then here is actually where most of them are Mary they are so we have more scale Lisbon scaled in this half of the clutch same clutch st. parents are you just had to split it up into two hi I've got a tail rattle look this trap - oh my gosh you're so curious like their fault they might just want to eat me yeah this is feeding response are you just curious it might genuinely be curious I don't know why you have like no sesame seeds on your head and you're really curious to look at you oh my gosh they have look at all three of these scaleless orange Kahless ones have teeny tiny little mustaches you see it at the end of their nose oh this one isn't a very good example of a scale list cuz as you can see this so a lot of scales down his back but still a beautiful snake overall on he's got the look he's got the puppy-dog mouth on his head for his head stamp I did see you we've got one - oh this is a really nice - Gillis and then one down here one two three four scale this baby's in my hand here and one two scaled but there's seven weren't there seven in here I thought so one two three four five six seven where's the huh oh that one's empty that one's empty oh oh he hasn't come out yet oh I see a wife do you think okay let's see if this egg is still alive that's weird that he has attached or oh geez hits oh geez oh my gosh oh my gosh I know you won't be in here much longer guys I'm sorry I'm sorry oh I'll just let Emily struggle ah thanks I'm gonna move you into baby bins in a second but I need to see who your siblings do okay hmm oh this is the buck one oh yeah we cut a butt flat little butt flat baby are you alive mmm no that doesn't look too promising well since it's been a while actually it's been a couple days since our last clip I'm gonna go ahead and just open this up cuz if he's dead man those veins look good and that venom Davis are you alive oh all right see man he responded okay never mind just taking his time I won't pull you out then okay I'm sorry dude that's a scale us - okay but flat baby is alive and scaleless um just taking this thing just a little bit lazy that's okay that guy is all about you he just keeps following you around come here oh he's just climbing right in here and oh my gosh and now this guy's getting jealous that here I'm getting the attention wait why don't I get any attention oh my gosh that's a really cute for now until the last baby hatches we're just gonna put them in here just to give them a little bit more room well look at all these scale is hi little cutie Oh yours no goofy looking you cute we decided to leave one scaled baby in here with butt flat baby because we're hoping he encourages him to come out we'll see oh he has a smiley face on his head yeah no wonder he's so happy well you just want to check out the camera now - uh and on top of the camera he goes he's climbing on my hand that's holding the camera come here I just love you you're so cute with your happy face and everything you got one - nephew oh gosh you're checking me out you're coming over this is like night and day compared to the babies okay guys it's been a day and oh but flat baby is hatching check it out well you're gonna be a beautiful scaleless look at you what a cool head stamp on his head I'm not sure what shape that would be it's kind of like a dad a club a club I was thinking like a club on a deck of cards so he is looking great he's gonna be beautiful oh but flat baby I'm so glad you decided to join us and say hi don't worry about your brother he's just trying to annoy you okay we'll give you some more time to come out on your own buddy okay this will be my last update on this clutch because look what's what baby is out hi I actually haven't checked him out yet how are you new ah isn't he just adorable I think he is smaller than the others but just a little bit I wouldn't consider him a runt I think he's just he's just little and cute and precious and all of the above sure face okay whoa but flat baby has a cleft lip look so it might actually be a reason why he did not want to hatch as quickly as the others I just noticed it just came up - see this - he was born with what looks like kind of a cleft lip I don't know I think that's a deformity that he just has maybe weird I'm sure that won't bother him yeah yep will adopt this guy out on his whole head kind of curves a little bit to the left here the right depending on how you look at it whoa dude you've got some issues that could that is probably why you didn't hatch as quickly as the rest but he still made it out and this little cleft lip won't be an issue for him I don't think that's such a minor issue to have I mean he's tongue flicking he is responding and looking around he's acting like a completely normal little rat snake so I'm not too worried about him we are gonna adopt him out after we hang on to him for a bit to make sure that of course like the others he's eating regularly and able to pass his food I'm sure if he's able to eat he'll do everything else just fine but we'll hang on to him for a little bit before he gets adopted out whoa you are so precious well there you go if you stuck around to the end of the video I guess you get this little reward of seeing a little special-needs scale us rat snake look yeah his whole face just kind of curves a little bit and he has that little cleft lip you are is it kind of extra cute though because not gonna lie but we'll find him a really good pet only home of course something that has a genetic flaw like this is not an animal that you want to breed and have that pass on to future generations so whoever he ends up going to or getting adopted by will make sure that they keep him as a pet only this happens sometimes when you breed snakes occasionally you get a snake that has some sort of birth defect wow that is crazy I've never seen a little baby snake with it looks like he's just missing a teeny chunk of his upper lip giving him kind of a cleft lip look yes other than that he's a really nice scaleless rat snake I will give him that he has very few scales on his sides and on his dorsal side so on top he of course has those belly scales like they always do but he looks great overall other than you know his facial problems going on so when breeders produce snakes that have genetic deformities like this they're always approached with the question of if they're going to use a nice it or not and really if it were an issue that I think would cause him problems down the line whether it was problems with eating they were digesting then we would probably end up euthanizing it but just a little clip look is she like this isn't gonna bother him at all and I don't think it'll slow down he shouldn't prevent him from eating normally so we'll just adopt him out to a good home ok well this was an unexpected ending to this video but thanks for sticking around so you could see this really interesting baby come out of the egg thank you all for watching and thank you to our patreon supporters for backing this channel I'll keep you posted on how this little dude does and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 1,288,322
Rating: 4.9285846 out of 5
Keywords: snakes hatching, snake egg cutting, reptiles hatching, baby snakes, baby reptiles, rat snakes, scaleless snakes, scaleless reptiles, scaleless snakes hatching, egg cutting, eggs hatching, corn snake, corn snakes hatching, breeding snakes, breeding rat snakes, breeding corn snakes, cleft lip
Id: dRoNhYjuUGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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