CHAIN BREAKER - The Chain of Fear

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I don't know about you but I came from a my dad was an Olympian some of you don't know that my dad was an Olympic gold medal winner and whirring and he he was the best warrior I've ever met so far in life and so my conditioning from when I was really too small to even understand what life is about was you worry because you don't know what's coming down the road in life and so when we talk today about this chain of fear on our lives I think I'm speaking almost into every life in this gathering right now 365 times in scripture God says fear not or do not worry or do not be afraid 365 different verses in scripture encourage us to a life free from fear so this is God understanding the world that we live in and the world that we've come from and it's got encouraging us today that you actually can live free from the generational chains of worry if that's what you're dealing with today or from the circumstantial world of worry that has a grip on you that you can live fearless and free and I've said it every week we've said it every week but I wanted to say it again today God's will for my life and God's will for your life was not that Jesus would come out of the grave and he'd be the only one he wanted to be the first one to come out from the grave so that all of us could walk in the victory and in the freedom that Christ has won for us so bring a clap for that we'll have to really clap or or sort of not clap I'm okay if you don't clap but Jesus Christ coming back from the dead and leading us in victory that's like that's like worth clapping about and so if Jesus came out of the grave he wants you to walk fearless in this world and free and he understands all about how big that statement is he said in this world you will have trouble but take heart I've overcome the world and so today we want to ask God to chip away at and break off of our lives this chain of fear this chain of worry that's in our life so why are we afraid of the future I think primarily because we can't see it I think the number one reason we're afraid of the future today is because it's over there somewhere but we don't know what's over there and if we simply knew what was over there we would be far less fearful about the future now how many of you believe that when you see that worked out like that believed that's true that if we knew what was over there we would be less fearful nobody believes that see how the enemy's got us trapped here if I knew what was over there I wouldn't be so worried about it and then if he said okay well that's what's over there keeping oh wow I don't know how we're gonna do that see the enemy has a way of trapping us in all these cul-de-sacs this mindset and God wants to break you free from that today so I get worried I get fear I understand it and maybe it's because we don't know what's over there that's what's got you worrying what kept you up last night maybe it's because of what's back there that's what's got you worrying and what kept you up last night maybe there was a tragedy in your past and that thing now has imprisoned you to be afraid of everything in your future maybe the reason you didn't sleep good last night is because you're not sure you're gonna have what it takes to cut it in whatever is coming tomorrow and you're afraid of the future because you don't know if you're gonna be good enough or not or the flipside of that is that maybe you're afraid that it is gonna work out the way you hope that's gonna work out but then you don't know what you're gonna do after that some of you are like I really want to get this job and then you're like but what if I get the job I really wanted to say yes but what if she says yes then what am I gonna do am I going to be able to be the guy be the man be the husband be the father lead the family do the stuff you know am I gonna be able to come through so I kind of don't want to say no so I'm a little bit worried about that but then if she says yes I'm gonna be a lot worried about that so it's either am I gonna be able to make it or what if I do see it work out the way I hope it will will I be able to handle it well I know what to do with success you know we plan a lot for failure few people plan for success and I think a lot of us are more afraid of succeeding than we are failing that's why we don't try and because we've learned how to live with the limp and to live with the less and to live with the fear and to live with the worry and God is saying gently to you today I didn't bring my son up from the depths so that you can be imprisoned and worry every day of your life I brought my son up out of the depths so that you could walk in the freedom that he is bringing to your life and it doesn't matter what it is it's coming against you and I believe today God wants to help us all I've got two choices today like a preacher real high P talk and I could get us all fired up you know there you there's nothing to fear but fear itself you know and let's all go take the hill and that's a good quote by the way I think that's true but we could go down a high P Road today and just all kind of go out of here like yeah we're not gonna fear anything or we could go down a more hopeful Road today and that's the road I want to go down I want to go down a road to try to help you build a coping mechanism not a codependent mechanism but a a coping mechanism so that when fear comes you'll have a plan in place to help you navigate through the fearful times and the potentially worrying times and I believe God wants to give you some practical things today kind of like a little risk I was watching my team play yesterday and I noticed did you ever notice how sometimes the quarterback has one of these on his arms anybody ever noticed that a quarterback anybody ever watched football let's just start with that okay anybody ever noticed that some of the guys have one of these on like the quarterback the guy that takes the ball and throws the passes that's the quarterback ladies sometimes he has one of these on and sometimes a defensive back has one on his belt right here and he's kind of looking down between the plays well the thing about this is this is a cheat sheet I know you already know this but I'm given that no one knew who the quarterback was let me just go with it for a minute this is a cheat sheet for the quarterback because you know nowadays everybody's trying to steal your plays so they got people on the other side their whole job is to try to steal what you're doing in your communication and so now there's all this confusing communication you notice it so we're sending a play in and one dudes holding up like a big poster board with like cartoon characters on it and you're like what does that mean and this I got over here in a pink hat and he's doing the light and then there's a guy next thing with a green hat he's going and then there's next to him a guy with a white hat and he's like and the quarterbacks looking over and there's a sign and there's a thing and there's pandemonium going on and there's the clocks going down the play clock and quarterbacks looking over and one of the guys has got the play and he's looking for that guy let's say it's the guy that he's you know he's in the quarterbacks like he sees it he's got it but now he wants to remember it all because he's got to tell these ten guys what's about to happen and so what he does is he goes oh okay yeah he pulls this guy up and he's like oh okay it's the I so split 22 left twins slant okay guys and then he calls that play they're not looking at him going what are you doing looking at that thing you're supposed to be leading us they understand how complex it is that they're a bunch of plays involved in this game and that we've changed a lot of our formations since last week and then we've actually changed the way we're signalling in this play since last week so if they think that this means we're gonna do the jet sweep left haha we're doing jet sweep right you know so everything's changing so he's practiced to play he knows what to do on the play everyone knows their assignments and we have rehearsed this over and over this week we're confident but this is just giving me that extra bit of assurance that I've got a play in mind for the situation that we're in right now and I believe God wants to give you something practical today so that you don't just leave saying I went to church and they said I'm not supposed to fear anything so I guess if I'm a good follower of God who I'm just not gonna fear today here we go I would rather give you a game plan a way that you can navigate through the circumstance to put something on your wrist a wrist guide if you will that when the next circumstance comes when the next situation comes you don't just fall apart and go oh my goodness what am I gonna do you go give me one second here yeah I'm gonna run play number three right now because I'm already prepared for how to handle this moment so I think there's a couple of key things today I want us to focus around the first one is this that God wants you to know what's ahead now that could sound a little bit interesting when we just gave this example of the fact that maybe we can't see what's ahead but I don't mean God wants to give you a detailed blueprint of your life because he doesn't want to do that in case you're just getting to church and wondering why God hasn't given you the instruction manual with all the photographs of how this whole thing's going to play out it's because God's purpose for your life isn't to give you a plan is to give you himself God didn't create you for a plan he created you for a relationship and he knows the second he gives you a plan he's not gonna see you again for a while until some kink happens in the plan and you're like hey the plans not working oh thank you I wonder where you been the last 19 months it's so good to see you again so he's not interested in giving you a detailed plan that doesn't mean he's not going to give you a calling a direction he's not going to send you on a path with a purpose for your life it just means he not interested in giving you the breakdown the reason secondly he's not going to do that is we because there's some tough things in your plan there are some tough things in your future and God doesn't need you to be worried about what those things are right now because if he if he told you the whole plan and you saw what nine years ago you're gonna have to walk nine years from now you're gonna have to walk through you spin every day from now to the ninth year dreading what you're gonna have to walk through on your 9:00 from now instead of enjoying God in this moment right now and watching God do in this moment what God wants to do in and through your life believing that in the next moment and in the next month in the next year and whatever that is nine years from now God's gonna do the same thing in my life as he's doing right now he's gonna be in it my life and with me and so he's not gonna give you like the detailed blueprint but he is giving you an idea of what's in your future we found this in Exodus chapter 3 and then we're gonna look in Joshua chapter 1 in Exodus 3 god calls Moses at the burning bush to lead his people out of bondage in Egypt he calls Moses if you will to break the chains off of his children's lives and to lead them into the freedom that God has planned for them so chain breakers an idea that's been around in God's mind for you and for me for a long time when he calls him it says the Lord says in verse 7 Exodus 3 he said to Moses I've indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt and he sees your misery today if you're stuck in misery I've heard them crying out because of their slave drivers I'm concerned about their suffering so I this is God speaking have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians to bring them up out of the land into a good and spacious land a land flowing with milk and honey and then take a breath on the home of the Canaanites the Hittites the amorite s-- the Perizzites the Hivites and the Jebusites now if you don't know your Old Testament history real well it's okay but back to our analogy here it would be like God saying hey I have high hopes for your football team this year in the FCC but on your schedule this year you're gonna bait play Clemson first and after Clemson you're gonna play Alabama and after Alabama you have to play Clemson again and after the Clemson game too you have to play Alabama again and then you have to play a combination of LSU Notre Dame Ohio State and Stanford their best players on an all-star team is your fifth game after that you're playing at the New England Patriots I know they're not in the SEC but it's just a little switch around we did this year and after that it's going to be gladiator fest and it's going to be you against Mel Gibson and all of his tribe that's the sixth week seventh week you're back to Alabama again they'll be feeling good after they beat you twice you'll play them in Game seven after that you're gonna play the Baltimore Ravens and after that you know and you just be like man we wat you said we're gonna have a blessed year this is how this conversation went down I've heard the misery I've heard of their cries I've seen their suffering and I'm gonna do something about it I'm gonna break them out of the bondage and lead them in to a land flowing with milk and honey and Alabama and Clemson and LSU and the New England Patriots and a gladiator fest they're like wait a minute I thought you said you were gonna lead us in like to the promised land he said yeah I am I'm leading you all the way in but I want you to know what's in there when you get in there verse 9 now the cry of the Israelites has reached me I've seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them so go I'm sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people that Israelites out of Egypt and Moses says to God Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt and God says keyphrase I will be with you well if you fast forward to Joshua chapter one this is all about to come to pass Moses didn't make it to the end of this promise he did not go and lead the people into the land flowing with milk and honey because he sent 12 spies in to check it out they came back with a report I know you all know this but it's important to see how it relates to my life into your life they came back the vote was 10 to 2 10 spies said can't go it's a no-go there are Hittites in there and Jebusites in there and Canaanites in there and this is gonna be a fight and by the way these people are giants these people are intense yeah we saw the milk and honey but did I tell you how big the Giants were in there and 10 people said I say no and 2 people said we say go God had already given a promise but their ability to interpret the very next thing they faced was dependent on whether or not they had a plan or not whether they had a coping mechanism for the tendency towards fear and toward worry and they didn't so they just went by what they saw and they melted into a puddle on the ground and Moses wasn't able to override that with his coping mechanism like there was a bush burning people and it wasn't consumed and the voice of the Lord came from it and the atmosphere was so thick that I took my shoes off and knew I was on holy ground I threw my staff down and it turned into a snake and I picked it back up and it was a staff again hello we're going no he he capitulated everyone capitulated Moses eventually stumbled in the wilderness journey and he didn't make it into the Promised Land but one of those two spies now is in the scene in verse one of Joshua 1 after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord the Lord said to Joshua son of nun Moses aid Moses my servant is dead now than you and all these people that I've been trying to free all this time and get into this land all this time get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I'm about to give to them to the Israelites I'll give you every place where you set your foot as I promised to Moses now this is this is where we don't want to get written into this story we don't want someone to say to one of our descendants I want to give you everything I promised your mom we don't want our kids to hear I want to give you everything I promised your dad we want to walk with God as he's leading us forward and make a way for those who come behind us he says your territory verse 4 will be expansive we won't read it all verse 5 no one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life as I was with Moses I will be with you I will never leave you nor forsake you so be strong and courageous because you will lead these people to inherit the land few verses down in verse 9 be strong and courageous don't fear fear not move on I am with you so what is in your future what do we learn from these accounts that's in our future today here's what's in your future are you ready I just need to know what's ahead okay here's what's ahead ahead for you and me our rivers to be crossed for all of us today there is a moment where you're going to come often in life where what was and what is our right in front of you the difference is going to be a battle of faith to step out into the water and to move from the past into the present with God there's going to be a river to cross many rivers probably to cross for you and me in our lives are you ready for there are other things that are ahead of us they're gonna be walls to scale first city they came to high walls they're gonna be enemies to fight in the land this is the promised land still full of stuff we gotta take authority over in Jesus name and they're going to be Giants to face in the land Goliath is waiting for him in the valley of a lot they're not there yet but they're gonna get there and when they get there someone could say wait a minute I thought this was a land flowing with milk and honey and blah blah blah it was going to be amazing and he said it is and this giant is going to go down somebody needs a coping mechanism somebody needs a playbook somebody needs to have a clue how this is going to work and in your life River to cross and your life scaled walls in it walls to scale in your life enemies to fight in your life Giants are gonna be in your story but also in your story we see is the promise that God is gonna go with you in your story as you move forward in life also the promise is there's going to be victory for you in your future this is what God is saying to us today thirdly there's going to be abundance for you in this future that God's leading you into you're gonna have enough if he said hey there's a Ritz cracker over in the promised land and a lot of enemies good luck they didn't lie yet we don't need a wrist cracker God isn't saying there's a little bitty crumb for you he's saying dis Landa is full of abundance for you move on across the river trust me I'm with you I'm gonna give you victory over whatever you face and there's gonna be abundance their promises are gonna be fulfilled they're your promise that God has made to you is it on this side of your River it's on that side of your River and you're like but I don't know what's around there when I cross my river well I'll tell you one of the things that's over there is God's promise being fulfilled for your life is over there and I'll tell you another thing that's over there there's a place for you and your family and your future family there these Israelites we're going not just to set up shop for themselves they were going to set up shop for everyone who came after them especially one who came from heaven named Jesus who made a way for all of us to be in the family of God they were crossing over not just into their future they were crossing over into our future on this day all that is a promise of God in the land to come so what's ahead for you you need to know if you don't know there are walled cities in your future if you don't have a plan already if you're not already kind of that zone where you're like I've got like a system I have prepared I am ready and rehearsed then you're gonna walk right into the landing go whoa there's a walled city here what is happening where is God I thought he loved me I thought he was for me I thought he led me here but I guess not because there's a walled city here what if they got to Jericho and went oh we must across the wrong River surely is not a walled city the first thing we're gonna do if you don't have a plan the first giant that steps up into your life you're gonna your whole faith is just gonna melt into nothing and you're gonna go no one ever told me that just because I was following Jesus that it still was gonna be challenging I kind of had this conception you know all those Christians you know let's go to church they're like yeah I didn't know they're dealing with cancer also I didn't know they've been through death also I didn't know that their families had been rocked also I didn't know that they'd been down in the depths also I didn't know that they were anxiety overcomers in addiction overcomers I didn't know they were in the thick of it with me but that yet they had seen God come through I think the second thing that's important is not that we know what's ahead but that we know that the one who knows what's ahead is with us Isaiah 41:10 has got to be on your wristt guide and this is what Isaiah 41:10 is all about this should be the very next passage that you memorize if you are memorizing Scripture start here this is what it says so do not fear so this is one of the 365 verses for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand this is God's promise to you and if you don't know that promise then you're gonna go eh I don't know what so there and then once you see what's over there once it gets over here you're gonna be like I don't know how to deal with it I don't know if I can handle that I don't know if I'm gonna make it through that and you need to immediately be able to go to well okay press pressing in now is this situation this circumstance man I got to go back to Isaiah 41:10 fear not for I am with you do not be dismayed I am your God thank you I'm gonna claim that right now for my life I'm gonna claim right now that God Almighty is with me right here where I am right now and that he is my god so you got to personalize that today you've got to take that to heart today and what's he gonna do he's gonna strengthen me so I'm gonna have enough strength to face whatever the next thing is he's going to help me so I don't have to do it on my own and he's gonna hold me up with his righteous right hand that's my default that's my default when the voice of worry comes into my life hold timeout timeout timeout timeout worry I just need to get back to my wrist guide for a moment do not fear let's don't fear for a minute hang on because God is with me I'm not gonna be dismayed because he is my god he's gonna strengthen me I trust that you gonna strengthen me right now he's gonna help me he's gonna hold me up with his righteous right hand it's turning the story around and understanding that God is a force not some nebulous thing up in the sky he is a personal force and he is for you and he is with you and you may not know what is on the other side of the wall but you can have peace because you know who is on this side of the wall I don't know all of what's over there but I do know who's over here the Lord Almighty is over here that's who's over here the God of heaven is over here that's who's over here with me and it changes our mindset a friend of mine said that fear is faith in the enemy fira is not a lack of faith it's just faith in the enemy the enemy's plans are going to prevail what the enemy is trying to do to me is going to succeed the enemy's outcomes or the outcomes we're gonna all live with I just believe whatever could go wrong is gonna go wrong if it could get worse it's going to get worse probably based on circumstances it's gonna even be more terrible than I think it's gonna be fear is faith in the enemy and God is wanting to shift that around today and say listen you're gonna have faith one way or the other I'd love for you to have faith in the fact that the God of heaven is with you and if the God of heaven is with you you are gonna make it through whatever is on the other side of this wall good or bad high or low success or fail your life or death you're gonna make it on the other side of this wall you know it's pretty amazing I was reading all the way through Joshua this week starting with that first chapter I got to chapter 2 pretty amazing I've read it before but hit me in a whole new way so Joshua also sent spies into the land I don't know if I would repeated that after the first five encounter but they tried it again and they sent some spies in to check things out survey Jericho see how it's all going to work despised met a woman with it not a great reputation named Rahab and as they were talking to Rahab they're like we're just trying to you know sort of suss out how this is going to go and listen to the way she responded to them in verse let's just jump in verse 8 before the spies laid down for the night she went up to the roof and she said to them I know that the Lord has given this land to you so that a great fear can we just look at that for a second that a great fear of you has fallen on us so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt and what you did to Cheyenne and AAG the two kings of the amorite 's east of the Jordan whom you completely destroyed when we heard it our hearts melted in everyone's courage failed because of you for the Lord your God is in heaven above and on the earth below and then she goes on to say so when you guys overrun our city please remember me and my family because I'm your friend so don't be thrown off by the high walls and don't be intimidated by the history that you've heard because hello gentlemen all of us are scared to death of all of you do you see how this plays out so here you and I are walking into our story we're scared about what could happen what might happen can we handle it we will not be able to handle it will God come through what God not come through and as we're coming we're coming with the history the reputation of being woven into the story of God Jesus is alive from the dead he made me alive from the dead he put his spirit in me the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in me I'm called a son or a daughter of God I've got those sword of the Spirit the Word of God in my hands I've got eyes to see spiritual things I am a child of God coming in the name of Jesus walking into the circumstance in the situation thinking I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know and what you don't know is that the enemies on the other side of the equation going man I hope those Christians don't wake up because if they do they will turn this thing upside down they're coming in the name of Jesus they are coming in the name of Jesus and the enemy's got us thinking man I can't do anything can't handle anything won't survive anything and the enemies on the other side going if you only knew who you were and what you've got and to know that all of Hell trembles at the name you carry that we're melting over here at the name of Jesus we are melting over here at Jesus name and you're over there melting at our name and God wants us to turn this story around and see it from the other side not that we're great here we come but we're coming in a great name we're coming with a great name I was sitting Monday night at dinner between Dave Ramsey sitting on my left so cool to tell him I did my best Dave Ramsey imitation at church yesterday he was like really I'd like to hear that and I was sitting on my other side was rabbi Daniel lapin I learned that rabbi Daniel lapin is the the Jewish version of Dave Ramsey so if you're in the Jewish world mindset wanting to learn about financial freedom and blessing you already know who rabbi Daniel lapin is and so Daniel lapin is right here Dave Ramsey's right here I'm in the middle double-checking to make sure I'm at the same right table and Rabbi Lapid and I start talking amazing man and he says so what are you preaching on Sunday so we're in series called chain breaker he goes what's this week's chain I said this week's chain is fear he goes oh that's great what are you preaching on this week I was like no Old Testament passages that I'm telling you about he said you know it's interesting you probably know this already Louie but in the Hebrew language a lot of the words when you spell them backwards they have opposite meanings I was like of course I knew that everyone knows that and I say give me an example and so he pulls out because he's right by lapping a note card out of his pocket and he begins to write on the note card on the table when he writes this Hebrew word you know Hebrew writes from opposite direction of English so he starts writing from right to left this word it's the word forehead and he says this is sphere three letters he said but if you reverse these letters this word means to push forward with great propulsion I said do you mind if I have that note card he said isn't that beautiful you see the enemy wants you to see it this way and God wants you to see it this way the enemy wants you backing up because of what's ahead and God wants you to see that what's ahead is backing up because of you because of Christ in you the third thing that's on our wrists guide and we'll move kind of quickly is that you and I have to understand that whatever thoughts are coming to imprison us that we can imprison them so we get free from fear by imprisoning the thoughts that are coming to imprison us so let's just say something went down with your ex-husband and there's a situation there and it comes up regularly and every time it does it puts you in a jail cell of fear again every single time you hear the door shut the think link the lock set and you're like I'm stuck in this thing and now I'm worried about this outcome and how this is gonna play out and every time it comes the whole situation it rehearses again you've been through it a thousand times and you hear the door shut you hear the thing Clank you hear the lock set and you're like I'm just stuck in this prison of worry and what God is saying today is you got to have a game playing a coping mechanism you've got to have something already in place so that when that idea about your ex-husband and all that situation starts coming in to put you in prison you as it's coming say I'm gonna actually put that thought about my ex-husband in prison right now before it puts me in jail I'm gonna put it in jail this is what 2nd Corinthians 10 says for though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does the weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world on the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds can we just say that together they have divine power to do what demolish strongholds this is what God's thinking about when he's thinking about you he's thinking about demolishing things that have imprisoned you so far on your journey in life we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ so on your wrist guide on your place sheet you you would already have thought through these are the top 10 things that I'm worrying about right now so when they come you don't go oh it's my financial situation again and whether that thing's gonna come through and happen and I don't know if it is and I heard it's not and they said it worked that it might and I heard somebody in California team say that they've they've heard that's really gonna be worse than they already said it was going to be and then somebody in our Philadelphia office told me I heard that it edit edit edit uh and that thing already you feel the walls coming in and the door swinging shut and the clink and the lock and the whole deal and now you're gonna spend another night of your life worrying about something that you really don't even quite fully understand or know all the information about you have already got that down on your playlist and you let you know what I'm gonna do when that that that thought comes again I'm gonna put it in the prison of my god will supply all of my needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus I got the truth about my god my god has never let me down I've been through some bumpy roads and you have to I've been through some dark nights and you have to I've been through death and you have to but my god has never let me down it is never let you down we're still standing people we are still here today no matter what was on the other side of that door right there we're still here today no matter what was down that road we're still here today by the grace of God and so I've got that in my mind the character of God the plan of God the purpose of God the promise of God so when that worrisome web starts forming around me I say hold on one minute I need to get my plague ID here no no no no no no no you're gonna believe that I'm gonna believe instead this because I'm gonna believe something tonight I'm gonna put faith in something tonight so I'm gonna take that thought and I'm gonna put it in the jail of God's character of his promise of his provision and of his plan for my life yeah Louie that sounds like a lot of work man well yeah I wanted to take you to write all that stuff listen freedom takes work took Jesus 33 years to die for our sins he had to travel from heaven to earth to set you free so you cannot pop in church three times a year and experience what God has for you you've got to dig in and upload and activate the promise of God for your life and you can it's that simple so that when the darkness closes in you are already rehearsed prepared and planned so when difficulty comes you say I don't like it and I don't want it but I'll never say I didn't expect it and I'm never gonna say well it's a sign that God doesn't love me because I've already thought through all that and I've got the cross I mean they're probably the biggest thing in my playbook is just a picture of the cross I know God loves me I know God loves me I know he loves me so I'm gonna stick with that right now until I can see more clearly on this earth I'm gonna stick with what God has done for me the last thing this got to go in our risk guide is that we've got to take shelter in the unsolvable unassailable an indestructible love of God we take shelter in the indestructible love of God now what does that mean exactly I think sometimes when we don't know what's on the other side we want body armors what we want we want to tank right we want to get in something that's bulletproof and roll on into the future and say here we go my but that's not the way it's gonna work with God God's not interested in giving us a free pass on a broken world he's interested in giving us something far greater and it is his indestructible love and you and I can take shelter today in the indestructible love of God and know that nothing on the other side of our future can separate us from his love I mean it it has the power to do that but it doesn't have the victory in doing that I've meet people regularly who say I used to love God I used to go to church I used to believe all that stuff until X Y or Z happen and if that's God I don't want any part of him and I think again I just say to those people I can only point you to the cross a God who understands your pain who knows what you've been through who knows what loss and death and tragedy looks like up close but who really does love the world even a broken world and is in it with you today but if you choose to keep drawing near to him nothing can separate you from that love this is Romans 8 which is going to be all of our salvation when we make it to heaven I think Paul's gonna have one of the longest receiving lines in heaven and we're gonna say man thanks for not giving up on Romans at chapter 7 and keeping on writing into chapter 8 because chapter 8 is one of the greatest play guides on earth if not the greatest he wrote and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who've been called according to his purpose verse 31 what then shall we say in response to this if God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how will he not also along with Jesus graciously give us all things and then just fast sword a bit to verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall trouble anybody had trouble or hardship anybody been through hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword read down to verse 37 no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am convinced how did I get convinced I got a plan in place I dug down into the truth I put God's character and his purposes and his promises and his plans in my heart so I'm convinced that neither death nor life neither Angels nor demons neither the present or hello the future nor any powers neither height nor depth or anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord that word neither height nor depth the word height just one last little freebie it's a Greek word that's the same word we had over in the last passage to break any stronghold or any pretentious thought that would come against God same word here no idea about how you're not gonna make it about this is bigger than God about how you're not gonna have the strength you need no idea like that's going to survive no height no depth is greater than this love of God in Christ Jesus and nothing today and nothing tomorrow we've been on tour the last 4 weeks around America West Coast Southwest Midwest east coast doing a night called passion worship night the theme of it has been faith over fear toward the end of every night after I've talked about being an anxiety overcomer and walking through a valley of depression in my own story and seeing that God is really bigger than all the Giants and the walled cities that we're gonna face we come down to the end of the night we are having a ministry moment if you will at the end of the night and a few of the nights we just really felt led to speak specifically about people taking their lives and so it's not unusual on tonight one of these nights for us just to say I really sense and believe there's somebody here who's our team written your letter it's on your computer right now no one has seen it but you but you've already made your peace with your family and written to them maybe it's written in a journal in the drawer and your desk right now and nobody knows it but you've already made your plan you've already decided that this world would be better off without you in fact you probably came to believe that no one would even miss you if you were gone who cares anyway I know God doesn't and people wouldn't so I'm just gonna exit the story and I'll say something like we'd love to pray with you because I believe faith is rising up in somebody's heart the other night I was just sensing you're you're a young lady you're around thirty years old you're 29 30 31 somewhere in there and you've already made your plan it is as done as can be it is a miracle that you're even here tonight this is just one last step before you do what you've already decided to do but faith rose up in your heart tonight I said it wasn't hype it wasn't us it wasn't a concert it wasn't yeah I went to the passion thing and I feel all excited faith stirred up in your heart tonight and you're coming around to God's idea you're coming around there's gonna be something else on your play card from here on out you're coming around to believe that you're gonna live like the psalmist said and not die and you're gonna declare what the Lord has done you're not gonna hide it in a closet either you're gonna tell your family tell your friends I was a day away three days away a week away from ending my life but God shined light into my darkness he raised me up out of the hopelessness I was stuck in it he allowed me to see that he is for me and with me there is a purpose and a plan for me I don't know what's on the other side of the wall but I know who's on this side of the wall with me and he's got a purpose he's got a plan and I'm gonna walk with him in that plan and I said and if that's you I want to ask you just to lift your hand wherever you are we're gonna pray with you in this moment as God's raising up a whole new kind of faith in your heart [Music] we met that 30 year old young lady that night who if I told you the circumstances of why she was there that night it was like a complete one-off in a million that she would have even come to that night but she said I just wanted to see what it was about before I did what I'd already decided to do but man God who hello shine a light on me but it wasn't just her that night it was about a hundred people that night whose hands went up all over the place some of them looked like business dudes and ladies young people old people and what God is saying today is today and whatever's in tomorrow cannot separate you from the love of God whatever it is in your tomorrow you're gonna be in the indestructible shelter of the love of God all the way through it tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ he said to Joshua I will never leave you and I will never forsake you and the way he can make that promise to you today is because at the end of the life of the only person on earth who got the playbook and that's Jesus he knew what was in the playbook he knew there was a cross he knew there was a death he knew there was an exchange of his life for ours he knew the agony he knew the pain he knew the betrayal he knew what was before him the whole time but I'm not sure even Jesus knew the last few minutes when he said my God my God why have you forsaken me why have you turned your back on your own son why is the darkness fall why am I here all by myself why am i dying alone for the sins of the world and the answer was so that you could be in a moment of being forsaken by God so that every other person who comes after you would know that they never ever will be in a moment where they are forsaken by God he took the forsaken so we could have a lifetime of never being forsaken by God he's with you right now he's in it with you right now and this is the story this is our story I know what's ahead but I know who's with me right now and I've got the power to take every single one of those worrisome patterns and put it in the jail of Christ and to walk in that that safe shelter the love of God in my life
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 56,953
Rating: 4.8914919 out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio, passion city church, louie giglio sermons, chain breaker, louie giglio chain breaker, giglio louie, passion church, passion city church worship, louis giglio, passion city church sermons, passion city, fear, lou giglio, loui giglio, passion, the chain of fear, louie giglio anxiety, louie giglio laminin, chain breaker 登坂, chainbreaker, louie giglio when darkness falls
Id: x2wGwO0egoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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