Osmosis Jones - Nostalgia Critic

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic guy remember it so you don't have to let's talk about an anime a film that shows what goes on inside of you a movie that shows that the tiny things that happen on the outside are actually big things on the inside the colorful strange comedic adventure simply known as inside out sure we've seen this idea dabbled with an unforgettable shows and shows we'd like to forget but this is the first one to do it in such a clever and unique way no other films show the inside workings of the human bodies so cleverly and distinctly original and we're gonna talk about how great it is here today all right troupe he loves the movie but he said it was like Herman's head oh please no one even remembers that I missed the other whitewall besides even if this idea has been done before no pinheads haven't done it in the way that we've done it before oh yeah nobody's ever done it like this before what emotion are you pissed off that's what I am hey that's my job buddy yep a job you are stole from me osmosis jones oh great another with chaski fanboys Joe what a joke osmosis joke wait you're saying we ripped you off if the body related pun fits hey we're gonna the most brilliantly written films of all time and you you're just a Farley Brothers movie yeah that's right you're about the people that make Jim carrot a male cougar hey why don't we let the critic decide by having him review the movie instead whatever we do we better do it fast the critics just been sitting there brain dead for a few minutes oh that's why we're gonna review osmosis jones why am I suddenly in a bad mood [Music] in 2001 the Farley brothers who you know for three good movies and several waving apologies were attached to an anime a film about the inner workings of the human body as well as some animation directors obviously as well it was colorful creative and usually forgot to be funny like most Farley Brothers films it doesn't know if it wants to be a legitimately clever adult film or a giggle fest for two year old because they acknowledge that farts exist farts exist strangely enough though everyone does end up somehow remembering this and even years later there's still been quite a few people who have requested me to review this for a long time is it worth of requests well let's take a look with osmosis jones the prequel the inside out the film takes place in oh being a Farley Brothers movie I'm just gonna assume this New England ish side of the US yep as we all go with Bill Murray scratching his ass glad to see you're aiming high there Farley's in the old days he would have scratched his taint Murray plays Frank a zookeeper with a daughter who acts a lot more like his mother because yeah again let me just take a guess here your mother god bless her soul you know should we just line up all the mothers and animated films to the electric chair is there just a cinematic courtroom somewhere where they're just like what are you charged with giving the birth of life but a monkey steals his egg which means for some reason now he has to choke it what can I even say to this right now Bill Murray is choking slash possibly dry humping a monkey I never thought I'd have to repeat this from my plan of the apes review but don't do it why is this such a common theme around here as if looking at the outside of it wasn't bad enough we then venture inward to see that the inside of his body is covered in black lines for some reason this is where we need us Moses Jones voiced by Chris Rock we go again yes beetlejuice cartoon we found everything except your nose but we're sure it'll show up in another awkward drawing Joe this is a white blood cell Cobb who helps to keep the inside of Frank healthy and of course make a lot of funds while doing so spit creek without a path we let go peanut butter and cellulite sandwich paint your mess on the wrong side of the digestive tract that's a lot of pudding they try to stop some gingivitis which somehow ends up affecting Frank's leg while he's eating some fried chicken fried chicken I hear they do great steak but something else that seems that snuck in thorax a disease played by Laurence Fishburne yeah and contagious you're gonna love my toxic love we big [ __ ] that's gonna [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of me what we see bigger things are on the mind of the mayor played by William Shatner I'd like to announce were beginning construction on a third gym so just to get things straight with Shatner in charge Frank has turned into a fat balding unhealthy egotistical pain in the ass and you put this guy in anything in the juice just like themselves honey [Music] you know I think they had the idea to follow Bill Murray around with a camera to see if he did anything funny and when he did they just said make it a cartoon I'm making you an appointment to see the doctor but the mayor can't risk him getting sick so he uses his manual override Oh on second thought perhaps I'll take a cold pill hmm why does that sound familiar because beta Hey look just because it is a control panel to shift his thoughts while looking through a circular screen of vision doesn't mean we stole anything you know yeah right in fact I smell a spinoff with you and another original Disney classic I call it kimba the white life that never went that court where mostly I've been clear of that one yeah let me know how that rolls lawsuit works out whoo yeah we might be in trouble that one so here's a fun drinking game take a shot every single time there's a cop movie cliche I know what you're thinking come on it's a cop movie of course there's gonna be some calculus shades but let's just write the next three minutes three minutes let's count how many Coppola Shea's they're off for kick out that doesn't fit in who the angry commissioner oh how about cracking one liners against authority being assigned a new partner really saying he doesn't need a new partner hmm it's on a hot romantic lead whose personality is invisible right she doesn't like him thinking independence makes up for the fact that she's totally forgettable seven shots in the past three minutes what the [ __ ] you're as original as a computer-generated DVD movie huh god I hope I didn't [ __ ] with her mind too much are we in Gary Busey's head he meets up with a minion version of iron man named Rick's a literal pill played by ty casted he'll david Hyde Pierce I was developed at the University of Chicago where I graduated Phi Beta Kappa that midcal it's book oh look who told them obviously don't get along the mayor's assistant Leah played by Brandi because clearly she'll bring a lot to the role gives Jones the chance to prove himself and tricks to make Frank feel better never way tamper-proof seal is there for your protection all right everyone but Jones comes across somebody who saw a faxes work Chris Tucker's in this movie exact Siddhant freezes him though not allowing Jones to figure out what he was talking about of course what he is talking about is threats who's apparently trying to take over his infectious competition we run the rackets around here take your little hustle someplace else well baby this ain't about no hustle this is about the baddest illness any of y'all have ever seen okay this is always something that's bother me how come when you change the color of blood it suddenly doesn't make it gory why is this a hard-r but if you suddenly change the color oh it's a jello birthday party Friday the 13th would be a G movie if the blood have [ __ ] polka dots on it what kind of sickness do you have in mind deadly Wow that's a constant reminder of how much the live-action scenes don't connect psychotic killer gory murder girl running around in the zoo come on they go hand in hand like peanut butter on that [ __ ] scene we saw earlier yeah I don't have a comparison just what the hell Trix accidentally breaks up a piece of the frozen witness so he hides it by sticking it in his mouth just put it in the back seat there but then again that might not have built up to our other crows a joke hmm let's see what do we have in the appendix of what makes idiots laugh snot looks good what's that over there it's funny because you're stupid [Music] so flex blows up the dam getting all the snot out but really for no good reason drinks decides he still wants to partner up with Jones why don't we find you another more capable officer to work with sir if it's all the same to you and because the piano music is singling me to do so I think I'll stay with Jones Souter Smith Jones reveals what a shock he has a tragic backstory you see a while ago he was supposed to keep Frank well during his daughter's science fair hell Frank was actually kind of us to end up guy more than her teacher anyway played by Molly Shannon your daughter Shane I am just absolutely crazy about her well if you mean that I'm gonna keep her to be fair this is the only laugh Murray has gotten in the film so far okay oh yeah that Zach's project he's a little slow the doctor says that he has a brain like a tangerine mm-hmm so remember kids if a slow kid is having trouble at your school this family film says it's okay to make fun of it just be sure the Farley brothers are around to film it when you do what we're gonna get him in a anyway God what the [ __ ] was this write it again Frank right Adrian kids oysters which resulted in him puking all over the teacher and Jesus Christ give that photographer an award he must have known the [ __ ] millisecond it was going to come out to shoot something so perfectly composed he even got fired from his job at the peace effect oh come on the real Bill Murray's done that at tons of party she's never gotten kicked off the scent this I guess is the excuse why his life is such a wreck now though really it's a pretty lame excuse how did he go from a pea soup factory to a zoo cleaning job they have nothing in common and why is he a bum loser now the rule isn't one big school cafeteria I think he can bounce back okay but hey then we wouldn't have classic Farley comedy like this what's wrong now oh it's this damnit oh do me a favor huh don't you get old listen to the toe don't you get oh Jesus I wish pirate Palpatine back there we use this force powers to end this scene you want to shut the [ __ ] up you want to order some of my delicious shrimp with tartar sauce but Rick's and Joan's aren't done looking for answers on the plus side at least we know none of the punky get quite as bad as back into this fat beef base bushes do my back seat Oh your movie was so stupid and overloaded his brain with PTSD both movements know that we have to show him something even more painful and you got what [Music] whoo-hoo wait what's that our bad huh unless it was a charity ad in which case his reason they email anyway after blown into blow Jones sneaks in and discovers the disease is planning to kill off Frank but sadly he also lets him get away can you guess what's gonna follow now disregarding orders destruction of public flesh popping a pimple without a permit what the heck are you doing up there your painful buddy cop movie tropes sir why Thank You Carson hmm I think I'll start to eat the cop getting fired cliche the fire followed by the nobody believes him when he's telling the truth cliche without Jones Frank could have been in mortal danger you'd love to prove that wouldn't you mr. Dixon and for dessert how about the finding out something that was important it turns out was all like Lachey you're nothing but I want to be a placebo over-the-counter useless funny or not funny not funny any variation no variations whatsoever very good Thank You counsel Garcon means boy well somebody's on the first five minutes of Pulp Fiction of course the big question in all of this is if drinks was a placebo the whole time how did he physically stop all the symptoms wouldn't it be more clever if you use like a psychological approach like talking the symptoms out of continuing to affect that way he'd be much more of an opposite to Chris Rock's character as well we're not bit more funny and made more sense well as you quickly notice psychological intelligence is not this film strong point take for example this II maybe if you and Mom took better care of yourselves your mom died because she got sick Wow I mean bill I love you I think you were robbed at the Oscars by Sean Penn but that wasn't acting wasteland that you just gave us I mean we can scan to see if there's any emotion there I mean any no whatsoever who talks to their kid about their dead wife while eating a [ __ ] Chino it was that in the script was the cheeto essential to the heartbreaking moment that the music suggests were supposed to have with Lion King work as well as simple as much and got snacks the whole time [Music] so what what partner gives up on himself resulting in our hero walking around moping just before he gives the pep talk to get his partner back like they're shooting out these cliches faster than I can sail he goes to watch some dreams which in this world is similar to movies wait a minute that's I don't know guys he's got a point on that one they haven't UNPO stirs and everything well maybe we just put it in our subconscious which we represent by the way as a dark gray scarier boost Oh give me that subconsciousness represented that's a mess can I say that curse word now Leah discovers Thrax plan to kill Frank and yeah is her dress shrinking or just afraid the floor because that's her ass no but that's her ass there is no way those lines could be mistaken for anything else I don't know who are the animation staff wants to [ __ ] a blood cell but even horny women from clubs are looking at that like Carol you're wearing a strip of purple scotch tape right now oh wait that's the always stay up a quality Chris Elliott he plays Frank's brother who is unaware that the virus is quickly claiming Frank's wife Jessica's only 108 degrees or phrase thought is enough I wish I was an orphan is the bus really the best place to do that let me just put that on your hero it'd look good at Senator Palpatine just that Frank starts to get worse his daughter sees him in front of the bus and gets up calling 911 this movie is killing him give me 50 cc's of lost in translation stat oh sorry Mike it was a prostitute from years ago you can understand the confusion though enjoy the funeral we talked briefly twice so I feel I've earned this big a shot into his daughter's eye where they have the final bet when I take down Frank's pretty little girl going down she's not going down you're going down on her I probably should rephrase that but honestly it's not fast anything else said in this movie she eyelash falls off killing the disease Jones returns with the cure and dr. Ben Affleck seems to have brought Frank back to life oh wait can I try that emotional moment again I clearly should have been eating a pork rind or something so the day is saved Jones and drinks are back on the force and Frank goes on a beautiful hike with his daughter what's the most heartwarming way to end this old Oh Bart how was the old they were the new well at the very least you can say this film represented a turd very well the same thing is there are some clever ideas in this moment I mean the designs are great the environment itself is pretty cool and sometimes even some of the pubs are kind of clever the animation as well is so gorgeous to look at it's just so colorful and flowing but the story is every boring buddy cop flick the live-action stuff is awkwardly done and a lot of the humor just isn't that funny I admire this film a lot more for its creativity but in terms of a good comedy or action film they both fall pretty but who knows maybe somebody saw these creative choices and was inspired by it years later yeah inspire to rip it off okay clearly we stole some things from you thank you some of those things couldn't have been just a coincidence thank you but we did something with them something smart something meaningful something that can change and help lies all your will we did was help people lose their faith in David hi pears hey don't force me to make my voice even more gravelly and choking my god how do you mean a living off that voice it's kind of like nuclear power if yous right it's effective but use it the wrong way and it will [ __ ] you up for life it's also far away from the control panel what does that have to do with [ __ ] what are you looking at balled out like a vet Oh God in early 2000s movie Chris Rock hey Timmy up with Anthony Hopkins again and we can do anything even when we don't want to admit it I know what you're thinking how can I get all these people I just saw on a t-shirt well now you can the Statue Creek t-shirts are back and in any color that you want but they'd isn't just in mr. Craig guess all your other favorite characters the devil hyper fangirl Santa Christ and yes there's even more on the way you asked for important under peer pressure like pure [ __ ] get nostalgia critic t-shirts now at the link below they're unlike anything you've ever put on your body unless you wear shirts by him anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 3,211,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, Osmosis Jones (Film), movie review, film review, animated film, animation, Chris Rock (Celebrity), Review, Film (Film)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2015
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