Fant4stic - Nostalgia Critic

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♪ (Channel Awesome theme) ♪ ♪ (Nostalgia Critic theme) ♪ (muffled channel-surfing sounds) NC: Hey, guys, Do you remember when we were a superhero team? Malcolm: Surprisingly, no. Tamara: Yeah, you'd think we'd remember something like that. NC: You mean you have no recollection when... (Intense Voice Over) a meteor smashed into Earth! Gave us incredible powers, forming the trio of the Adequately Impressive Three, and then we just sat around and watched Daredevil on Netflix? Malcolm: Oh, yeeaah! Tamara: The clips helped us remember. NC: Why didn't we do anything after that? Malcolm: Well, we did have that unpleasant encounter with the Silver Surfer. Tamara: Yeah.. but that was so bad, that everyone forgot it. NC: As they should... But, maybe we've forgotten what it means to be superheroes. Tamara: What do you mean? NC: What if we did it again? What if we brought back the Adequately Impressive Three, only this time, we did it right! (music intensifies) Malcom: How? ♪ (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ NC: We'd be darker, grittier, and more realistic, which, as we all know, immediately equals better. No more "Pixelator", "Clobbererer", or "Sparky Sparky Boom Man"! ♪ ♪ ♪ Together, we shall be: Malcolm, Tamara, and Nostalgia Critic! Tamara: Wait, what happened to our superhero names? NC: We're too edgy for that! We don't need them anymore! And together, we shall become... Malcolm: Ohh, I see! Let the TITLE display our names, so we wouldn't have to say it out loud. NC: Exactly! Tamara: That's really embracing our brand with pride. NC: And enough of this bright, colorful background! (I Dream of Jeannie magic sound) Tamara: Hey, we're in a dark room. NC: (Dramatic tone) Our LIVES are a dark room. ONE... BIG... Dark room! Malcolm: My God, Critic. This is so different. What are we going to do with the new us? NC: This time...We're gonna GET IT RIGHT! We're going to sit around and watch JESSICA JONES on Netflix! (munching and general pigging out) David Tennant impression on TV: "Is this a metaphor for something?" (shot) David Tennant impression: Oh! Rob: How are you guys still not fighting crime?!?! NC: (while mouth is full) Quiet, Rob! Can't you see we're brooding? Rob: But you're doing the same thing you did LAST time! Malcom: No... we're doing it in a darker room. (clap-clap) Rob: Look, just because– (scoff) (clap-clap) Just because you're doing the same thing in a dark room, does NOT mean you're STILL NOT DOING THE SAME THING!!!!! NC: Of course it does! (clap-clap) Tamara: Being dark and unpleasant always equals more sophisticated and faithful! Malcolm: Just look at the original source material: Doesn't that just scream "dark rooms" and "gritty realism"? NC: (tsk) I think SOMEBODY needs to read a comic! (clap-clap) (hissss!) Rob: Let me guess– you just saw the last cinematic version of Fantastic Four. NC: (pfft) NO! We just saw the last cinematic version of Fant-Four-Stic! (clap-clap) ♪ (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ Fox's DISASTROUS reboot of the Fantastic Four franchise was not only a critical, audience, AND box-office portal of suck, but even the director expressed his disappointment on Twitter BEFORE the film came out!! Man, there's "ouch", and then there's... (gunshot) This would be the FOURTH time the Fantastic Four was BOTCHED cinematically. And it's sad that with such an impressive amount of failures, the most accurate representation is this one: Roger Corman's Thing: What kind of a thing have I turned into?! What have you done?!?! WHAT HAVE YOU DOOOOONE?!?!?!?! NC: Yeah, they get that BAD! So, while you focus on what's most important: perfecting your brooding pose... Rob: GET OFFA ME!!! (thud) Malcolm: (pfft!) NC: ...I'll start the review. This is... (clap-clap) ...Fantastic Four. The film opens with the Fox logo flashing the letter "F", similar to how they flashed the letter "X" before the X-Men films. Honestly, if you wanted to give us any assurance, you'd flash this: ♪ (20th Century Fox fanfare) ♪ We see a young Reed Richards getting distracted by his scientific ideas at school. Don't you know? American high school is where ideas go to die! Teacher: Earth to Richards! Student: (imitates radio static) Beam me up, Scotty! (students laugh) NC: (chuckling) Star Trek jokes! ALWAYS wins over an entire class! We see his teacher, Homer Simpson... No, really, that's his voice actor, Dan Castellaneta. Rrrrrrrrrrandom! not happy with his future goals. Reed: I want to be the first person in human history to teleport himself. It's already possible to transport quantum information from one location to another. Mr. Castellaneta: Even if you could build a thing– Reed: I've already built it. NC (as Reed): I am also working on a foolproof way (as Dexter) to keep DEE DEE out of my room! Mr. Castellaneta: The assignment was to pick a real career in the real world. Homer Simpson impersonation: Why can't you be a nuclear safety engineer? Or an astronaut? Or mayor? Or country singer manager? I could keep going! I've had over 188 jobs! You think YOUR franchise is running on fumes? PHEW! NC: But his friend, Ben, also seems to be having trouble when he goes home to a dysfunctional family. Ben's older brother: Hey! Clobberin' time! (smack) Ben: Ow! Bully brother: C'mere! What'd you think?! NC: YAAAAY! That lighthearted phrase is from an abusive household! ♪ (muted trumpet note) ♪ But Reed says he can get him out of this movie– I mean, situation. He just needs a power converter for his flux capacitor– I mean, remake of Explorers– I MEAN teleporter! ...Actually, flux capacitor would sound more reasonable at this point. (rumbling) Reed: Don't blow up. Don't... blow up. NC: Ohhh! What every producer said when this movie premiered! (zap!) (electric explosions) NC (as Reed): Holy smokes, I made WEED! We're gonna be the Fantastic 420! (normal): Years go by, and the two are ready to try their experiment again at the science fair. Reed: It modulates the frequency of matter from one location to another and back again. Homer impersonation: MAAARGE! The eggheads are saying the word-things again! Reed: It's a teleporter. Homer impersonation: Yeah, whatever, nerd. When are you gonna stretch already? Reed: You may wanna cover your ears. NC: The experiment makes the teleport to a location they're not sure of, there's no proof it actually TELEPORTED, but it does result in a sonic boom so powerful, it destroys the basketball hoop. So, hey, THAT'S gotta count for somethi– Mr. Castellaneta: You're disqualified. NC: Wait, WHAT? Reed: Wait, WHAT? Mr. Castellaneta: This is a science fair, not a magic competition. NC: So... MAGIC destroyed the basketball hoop. Jesus, what's it take to impress you, Homer?!? Homer: It only transports MATTER? Hmm... NC: Well, thank God the director of a government-sponsored research institute, working on interdimensional teleportation just HAPPENED to BE there!! No, really! Someone musta been eating Lucky's PUBES to have that happen! Dr. Franklin Storm: I think you've cracked interdimensional travel. We're from the Baxter Foundation. We'd like to give you a full scholarship. NC (as Franklin): I was going to give a grant for that papier-mâché volcano, but I GUESS this is a little better. (normal): They take him to a school so high-tech, they can't fully light their hallways, as Reed tries to get friendly with the director's daughter: Sue Storm. Reed: So, you like music? Is that kind of like your thing? NC (as Sue): Oddly enough, no. What, sounds that form melodies? Is that still a thing? Sue: There's patterns in everything and everyone. Reed: What's mine? Sue: You wanna be famous. Reed: Am I that predictable? NC: Well, when you're in this movie, it's hard NOT to be. Agent: Wait... Victor von Doom is on here. NC: Yyyyup! You heard that correctly! This dark, gritty, realistic version still has a guy named VON DOOM in it! Because... Professor von Evilnasty wasn't obvious enough! Nevertheless, Storm is still convinced he should be brought on to the project. Victor: So someone stole my design. Franklin: No one stole anything, Victor. NC (as Victor): Bullshit. You know Borat AND Peter Dinklage stole my face! Hell, we even make a joke about it later! Johnny Storm: I'm sorry, this is Borat. NC (as Victor): Figures, seeing how our box office will be on par with Brüno. Reed: Who's that? Sue: Victor. Reed: Who's Victor? NC (as Reed): And why did I notice him, when literally nothing makes him stand out at all? (normal): Even the SHOT isn't composed so that you'll focus on him! I'm more likely to think.. THIS guy is Victor! This is our villain, folks! Even the movie forgets he's SUPPOSED to be important! Victor: Rudimentary. NC: They do see images though, from the parallel dimension that they're trying to get to. Reed (with Dull Surprise): It's beautiful. NC: (as Monotone Reed): You can tell by the investment in my voice. (normal): They hope this new world can save our current one, as I'm assuming Earth is being drained of its color, by FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists. Victor: It's a whole new world. Franklin: Which can help save this one. Victor: Not that it deserves to be saved. Sue: Doctor Doom over here. NC: See– I don't even know how to take that. Was she making a joke, or just calling him by his name? It's like calling your bad guy Dr. Youreamonster! There'd... just be some confusion down the road! (vroom) But it turns out Storm has another son named Johnny, who's a reckless troublemaker. .....iiin THIS scene. He is literally never reckless or causes trouble throughout the rest of the film. Franklin: Well, you're not getting the car back. Johnny: Excuse me? Franklin: You're gonna have to earn it. You're gonna have to come work for me. Johnny: I'm not wearing a lab coat. NC: So Johnny joins a world-changing experiment to get his CAR BACK! ...because, you know, LIFE, and is reintroduced to the team. Johnny: Is that... Adolf? Long time! NC: You... don't need to make fun of his name; it does it quite naturally on its own. They have their little "Making Stuff" Montage complete with "doo-doo-DOO-doo" music... ♪ ("Doo-doo-DOO-doo" music) ♪ ...and it appears they've made a lot of progress. Johnny: What's up? Sue: I've gotta say it's fun having you here. NC: Uhhhhhhhh, did we miss that part? Not kidding, there has never been ONE moment of ANY of these characters smiling, except for ONE shot in the montage where they're eating, and NOT saying a word to each other! Is the movie's idea of building chemistry LITERALLY BUILDING CHEMISTRY?! Johnny: Look, don't get used to this. I'm just here to get my car back. NC (as Sue): You don't understand. We had Chinese food! AND DOO-DOO-DOO MUSIC!!! Reed: (stumbles) Ooh! Sue: Sorry. NC: Ladies and gentlemen, that was our first action scene. The time has come to test the portal on an unrendered model from Space Chimps, they would've a real monkey, but apparently, SITTING IN A CHAIR was too dangerous! ...and it seems to be successful. But it turns out they DON'T want to use the INVENTORS for the FIRST human teleports! D– Doesn't that kinda go without saying? Agent: We have to start thinking about sending men. Reed: Us. Agent: I think it's time to start coordinating with our friends at NASA. Victor: Oh, hey. THANK you. NC: The... Shuttle to the Moon wasn't invented by Neil Armstrong! They even make a reference to that later Victor: You guys know who built the Apollo spacecraft, went to the Moon? But you know who Neil Armstrong is, right? Reed: Yeah. NC: Exactly! So.... WHY did you think you were going??? Reed: Unless we go first. Why don't we go first? God, this thing works! NC: Ahh, yes. Let's screw up a history-making experiment for your egos! I'm sure this will in NO way– y'know what? Hold on a second... TURN ON A LIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!! Sorry, I just had to get it out just once. (clears throat) I'm sure this will in no way muck everything up! But in order to DESTROY everything they worked for, our three scientists need one more to go with them. Well, I'm sure you're all thinking of the same brilliant mind who had such a big impact– Ben. Ben! Because, you know... WHY THE HELL NOT?? He has no scientific mind, done literally NOTHING, and outed himself as SO useless, that he just LEFT Reed before they even started building it! Ben: Here. A going-away present. Reed: I'm just going to school here. Ben: It looks like you're home, buddy. NC: So.... Of COURSE!!! Of COURSE it should be him!! Reed: Look, Ben... I need you to come, 'cause we're going tonight. I told the guys that I'm not going without you. Okay? Who's gonna have my back? Oh, yeah, BROOMHANDLE-ARMS is REALLY gonna be trouble for any DANGER out there! SURELY he must be drunk! Ben: You drunk? Reed: Yeah, I AM a little drunk. NC: Even MORE reason to do it!! Why DIDN'T the Moon landing go this way?? Drunk Astronaut: Houston, I'M so plastered, and I KNOW one chick scientist worked REALLY hard on this and everything, but... My buddy owned a JUNKYARD, couldn't protect me to save either of our lives, and... Bros before hos. Scientifically, this HAD to be done! Hey look, an asteroid! Let's go give it a kiss– (explosion) NC: So they travel to this new dimension to discover it's just as dark and bland as our world. Reed: It's amazing. We did it. NC (as Reed): Don't you DARE take off your Sub-Zero mask! If we come across Reptile in this Outworld, we wanna be evenly matched! (normal): But here's something I'd think you'd never thought that they would come across in this movie: Something! Yeah! Goddamn something! I bet you thought they would NEVER get to that in this film!! (explosion) Reed & Ben: (scream) NC: My God, Mountain Dew is working on another new flavor! DON'T LET IT TOUCH YOU!! OR MOST OF ALL, DRINK IT!!! Victor gets left behind, Ben is covered in Cadbury eggs, and Sue... DESPITE NOT BEING THERE, SOMEHOW gets affected as well! "Sorry, babe, it's one small step for MAN! YOU just get our gamma farts." Life is fair. It turns out Reed can now stretch incredibly far. I dare even say we call him... MR. FANTASTIC? (chuckling) No, no, no, just kidding! That'd be just like the comic book. (flaming explosion) Boy, the origin story for Flame Princess is a LOT more intense than I'd thought it'd be! Sue, of course, gets invisible powers, and Ben looks like an uneaten Rockbiter Cheeto. Ben: Reed, wha– what happened to me?! Reed: I don't know! But I'm gonna figure this out! Shit! Ben! Ben, I'm coming back for you, I promise! NC (as Reed): And by "come back", I mean "abandon you, not help you in any way, and never retuuuuurn"! (normal): Their's is a complicated love. ♪ (Nostalgia Critic theme) ♪ ♪ (Nostalgia Critic theme) ♪ NC: Hey, look! A dark room! I haven't seen THAT yet! Ben: Where..... is... Reed? Agent: Reed's gone. You wanna find a cure? We have resources here. NC: Okay, so this is particularly interesting. We JUST got done with a scene showing pretty much what Ben looks like: a cookie turd shit out by the rock monster from Galaxy Quest. Yet for some reason, they keep his identity a secret here! Even though, we CLEARLY already know what he looks like! The rooms being dark have already been pretty pointless, but this movie found a BLACK HOLE of pointless! Like there's already no point, and yet somehow, it creates even LESS of a point! Is it too late to call them the "All-Around Uninteresting Dark Blur Four"? To make things even stranger, we're almost at the one hour mark, and only NOW have they changed into their hero forms! Most of them just woke up, and suddenly, it's one year later, Ben is fighting for the Army, Johnny has just figured out how to shoot fireballs, Sue can turn herself and other things invisible while also creating forcefields, AND they want to harness this power so they can go back to the parallel dimension to get EVEN MORE powers! Now... you THINK I'm paraphrasing there. What'd that take? Maybe a minute for me to say? It takes the movie the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF TIME to get ALL that information at you! Yeah! Most of the superhero stuff is done in ONE GODDAMN MINUTE!! A-a-a-and it's not even in the FOREFRONT! See Ben doing all this cool action stuff? Well, it's not nearly as exciting as watching it in the distance with a bunch of lifeless douchebags sitting around! We finally get some friggin' action, and it's not even the FOCUS!! Wha– How would you like it if an action scene in The Dark Knight was from a distance being watched by somebody else?!? ♪ (barely audible orchestral score and action) ♪ Assistant: Here's your coffee, Mr. Fox. Lucius Fox: Oh, thank you! Assistant: Oh, is THAT– Lucius Fox: Batman fighting the Joker? Yes. Assistant: Does that somehow seem less dramatic to you? Lucius Fox: Hmm... You're quite right. Hold these. (clap-clap) Ahh, MUCH better! Sippy-sippy! Mmmm.... Now, THIS is exciting! NC: But don't worry, if this is TOO MUCH out of your comfort zone, fear not! We go right back into talking in dark rooms again!!! (slow clap) Johnny: What if it takes more time to get it right? We could be talking YEARS! Sue: I am not going to be a tool. NC: The movie strongly disagrees. But it looks like Reed has been missing for a year, too... Yeah, it sure is hard to track a butt-naked scientist with no military training! However, he's eventually found by the Army, who bring Ben in. Reed: My God, Ben! Ben: So! This is where you've been hiding out! NC (as Reed): Hey, where's your thing? Huh! I just thought up a good name for you– Whoop! (crash) (normal): Okay, FINALLY, we're gonna get some action– Well, that was short. (airplane engines humming) Oh, wait! WAIT-wait-wait-wait-WAIT! Out of the..... MAGNITUDE of VARIETY we've had in this film so far, let me take A GUESS!! A WILD GODDAMN GUESS... WHAT'S coming up next!!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHH MYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! Wh-wh– WHY is this Fantastic?! Why is this Fantas– Your GODDAMN MOVIE is called Fantastic Four, and you can't even get.... ONE FANTASTIC THING in it!!!! WHY IS TALKING in a GODDAMN DARK ROOM FANTASTIC?!?!?!?! Wha– Wh-wh– Did you have an upbringing like the boy from ROOM??? Is this... LITERALLY all you know???? Was the outside only explained to you in pictures and stories??? If so, could you TELL one of those stories?!?!?!? 'Cuz it's GODDAMN MORE INTERESTING THAN THIS HORSESHIT!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH! An outside scene!!! TAKE IT AWAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!! (losing it by this point): AAAAH-HA-HA-HA-HAA!!! THAT'S better!!!!! Reed: Do you ever wonder what life would have been like... if you hadn't come to the science fair that day? NC: (as Reed): We could've been sitting in a dark room with table lamps! (sniff) TABLE LAMPS!!!! Franklin: Reed is back. We're closer than we've ever been before. Johnny: Closer to what? NC (as Franklin): The end credits! We can finally star in REAL movies again!! (normal): They return to planet Burnt Brownie, where they discover Doom is alive and well. Hey, trust me, as long as this movie's still going, doom will ALWAYS be alive and well! Doom: You want to know how I survived? That place.... gave me strength. NC: Okay, I know it's a comic book adaptation, there have to be some changes, but... what is with Fox's obsession of turning Marvel characters into Slipknot CRASH TEST DUMMIES?! Is this the ONE design they think exists?? It's getting a little old! Hell, it was never that interesting to begin with!! This movie really is the MASTER of throwing boring, uninteresting things at you in a movie that's called FANTASTIC! CHRIST, what do you think their design for the climax is?! That friggin' "Portal in the Sky" cliché?!?!? (whooshing) Rob: Nostalgia Critic? (gasp!) Nostalgia Critic!!! Oohhh!! Oh! (Gregorian chanting) Do you remember Chi-Town, Mr. Critic? It'll be spring soon! And the orchards will be in blossom! (as Samwise): The birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket! And they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields! And eating the first of the strawberries with cream! Do you remember the taste of strawberries? NC: No, Rob... I can't recall... the taste of food... or... the sound... of originality... I'm..... naked in the dark! Rob: Ew! NC: A dark room, just... talking and talking, doing nothing but talking! That cliché... that portal... staring at me! I can see it! With my four bored eyes! Rob: Then let us be rid of it! ONE AND FOR ALL!! I can't carry that cliché, Mr. Critic, but I can carry YOU!!! NC: Oh! OHH-oh-oh!! Rob: (grunting) NC: Oh! OH!!... Oh-ho! Rob: Gaaah!! Grr! NC: OHHH-ho-ho!! Rob: Gyaah! (pants) Or, y'know, you can just finish the damn review. NC: Yeah, I guess that's an option. Rob: (sighs) NC: This was, um... this was weird... wh-what we just did right here. Rob: Yeah, a little bit. NC: So you might be wondering, "where the hell did this destroy-the-world thing suddenly come from?" Especially from a guy with such a cuddly name like DOOM! Well, I'll give this movie SOME credit: instead of having a HUGE exposition dump in one minute like before, this movie gives us at least... 20 seconds more... Yep! In that SHORT amount of time, he says that his life cycle is tied to that world, that he believes OUR world would destroy it, so he wants to destroy OURS before they can get the jump on HIS world, and– Ms. Crock from Screwed: WhooooooooooOO CARES?!?! NC: Thank you, clip from the obscure movie Screwed. You're right. Moving on. It looks like Professor Storm gets murdered... oh, that just looks weird without a Jim Carrey song number going on... and our hero– (starts laughing) Sorry! It was only two syllables and I still couldn't say it! Our.... THESE GUYS try to stop him from sucking the world into his dimensional bullshit. (rumbling) Bad guys from Spaceballs: Suck! Suck! SUCK! (crowd panicking) NC: But Victor is too powerful, and figures out ways to stop all of them. Reed: Victor, don't do this! Doom: There is no Victor... there is only Doom. NC: I'm not wasting that clip on you. But the Fantastic Bore eventually get the drop on him. Ben: Hey! It's clobberin' time! (smack) NC: Yeeeeaaaahhhh, in the context of the movie, that line really should be: (as Ben): "What my brother said before he beat me up still lacking relevaaaaaance!!!" (whoosh) Doom: (screams) (zapping) ♪ (triumphant orchestral music) ♪ NC (as Fantastic Bore): Yaaaaaay! We did..... whatever we did!... General: We would like to continue our existing relationship. Sue: We don't need you or anybody else to keep an eye on us. Reed: We just want a place where we can work. Government Man: And what if we say no? Johnny: Say yes. Government Man: How much space are we talking– NC: Okay, I am actually SO disinterested in what's going on, I am actually more curious in who took how many rolls from that plate! Okay, only Johnny seemed to take one; he apparently didn't finish it... The others had coffee, but nobody drank their water! Dude, that guy was on FIRE! I think he would at least have some WATER! THESE are the biggest concerns I'm coming out of this movie with!!! So, they're given their own location to continue to test out their powers, because Lord knows we haven't seen enough of that in these movies! As they seem to interact off each other. Reed: I think that the four of us should have a name. Sue: Why would we need a name? Reed: Because we're a team now, and there's four of us, so we should... come up with a name for it. Johnny: How about "Two Guys, A Girl, And The Thing That Nobody Wanted"? Ben: (growls) Reed: Hey, we both know that you could take him. NC: Jesus! I'm beginning to see why you didn't give them personalities! Their relationships to the ROLLS was more interesting! Ben: It's fantastic. Reed: Yes, it is. Guys, I got it! NC: Uhp! We didn't have to say it out loud! But you still have to take a movie with a guy named VON DOOM seriously! PISS OFF!! And that was Fant-Snore-Stic. It's bad. REALLY bad. The other Fantastic Four movies fail too, but at least they fail in an over-the-top way, and at least try to embrace the look and corniness of the comic. It's like it's ASHAMED to have anything to do with Fantastic Four OR comic books in general! In fact, when you add them all together, the HAMMER film is still the ONLY ONE where they CHOOSE to fight crime, AND they're not the ones who CAUSED all the destruction they're fighting against!!! How does that happen– How'd that happen in TWO REBOOTS you're trying to make better?!?! All I can say is there's a right way and a wrong way to do dark, gritty comic book material. And THIS is DEFINITELY the wrong way. I'm the Nostalgia Critic, and... I'm just DONE. Nah, I'm done, guys. This movie took a lot out of me. Tamara: But-but... okay..... NOW what are we supposed to do? Offscreen voice: Pssst! ♪ (whimsical MIDI music) ♪ (door closes) Malcolm: Whoa! Tamara: Oh! Fox, why won't you let us play with the Avengers and Spider-Man? Fox: Oh, don't worry, we still have plans for you. ♪ (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ Tamara: You don't, do you? Fox: Not a thing! And YOU get to suffer for it! Now, continue being anything but what you really are! Adequately Impressive Three (deadpan): Flame ooooon.... Fox: I THINK you mean: "lights out". (clap-clap) Adequately Impressive Three (bored out of their skulls): Yaaaaaayyy. ♪ (Nostalgia Critic theme) ♪ Doom: There is no Victor... there is only Doom. Hey, Doug Walker here, doing the Charity Shout-Out, and this week, we are doing LIVESTRONG. This foundation fights to improve the lives of people affected by cancer. Created in 1997, the foundation is known for leading an ongoing dialogue with patients and survivors, providing free cancer support services and advocating for policies that improve access to care and quality of life. LIVESTRONG has become a symbol of hope and inspiration around the world. Since its inception, the foundation has served 2.5 million people affected by the disease, and raised more than 500 million dollars to support cancer survivors. Being one of America's top nonprofit organizations, LIVESTRONG enjoyed a four-star rating on Charity Navigator, and has been recognized by the National Health Council AND the Better Business Bureau for its excellent governance, high standards, and transparency. Check out their website and their YouTube channel, ( and you can see all the inspiring stories, and how you can play a major part in one of them.
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 2,798,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, fantastic four, fantastic four 2015, fant4stic, fan4stic, fant4stic review, fantastic four review, movie review, film review, marvel film, fan4stic review, fantastic 4, fantastic 4 review, review, marvel movies, marvel, miles teller
Id: xwHRUxr7Aqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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