Orphan Train (1979 TV Movie) - Complete, Unedited Movie

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in 1854 they were living on the streets of New York City over 10,000 orphaned abandoned children out of this desperate situation was born the orphan drain this is a fictionalized account based on historical fact Tony listen the Train you gotta Tony did that say we're gonna take I told you been worrying going forever it seems promised Reverend Sims ain't gonna take us no way he's dead so so we ain't gonna go now come on all right gentlemen you know the rules table which kills the most varmints in two minutes is the winner hey you said seven cents not three you're lucky to get that the last one was half dead still breathing beat it kid Bevins finished gentlemen number one well that wasn't too bad was it shall we try another Rock of Ages wait going boy run men not so fast hand it over we only got three sent three senses three scents that give it then eaten all day a garni mission slot with the rest of the runs ain't like these others forgot me am i busy you're always welcome here JT just so you know ain't no or where do they all come from mr. Garrety the only time we see them is when my feet we missed you boys where have you been the last couple of weeks Stella grass how are you Tony alright so resurface can't take the trade cuz your uncle died he was gonna find his own home I guess that won't happen now huh I'm sorry and we'll get a burger to cut you rap we don't have to catch rats to get money for food you can eat here Tony won't come unless he has to he'll like care no man and let not your heart be troubled believe in God believe altar with me my father sighs there are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me early early I say unto you I wasn't the rush slow down a bit the guy's got friends namesake goodbye shut that boy up please sir just for a minute ah go on take them my friend and I want you to have him Danny Mahoney president of Five Points city of New York age 15 having been found guilty of burglary and assaulting an officer the law with malice and cunning and without remorse the court has sentenced you to be hanged from the neck until dead be with you my uncle had a wonderful dream didn't he a train full of orphans heading west for homes and a new life heaven Sims is a fine man but he died too soon made promises he couldn't keep he did everything possible the children feel cheated but a journey like that takes money and time I can't go on giving those children a bowl of soup and sending them back into the streets forgive me mr. McGarrity but we can't keep looking the other way because we don't have the time or the money or because my uncle died too soon no matter how many children we feed it doesn't mean a thing if we lose a child like we did today I stood there and watched a boy hang and I couldn't do a thing about it I don't care what it takes I never want to feel that helpless again and when you take those children on that train your uncle was a dear friend the Sims we spoke about the orphan train many times it's a wonderful plan I think it's touching very very - yes Bertie sit down please but Reverend Potter the Bible tells us the poor ye have always with you it's not within our power to change God's will it can't be God's will to let innocent children suffer but we're not talking about innocent children what do you mean everybody knows veterans most of these children are immigrants misfits look at their parents most of them don't have parents miss Sims please it shouldn't matter where they come from they need someone to take care of them they need homes well how do we know there are homes out west for them these notices were sent by Reverend Sims before he died we've gotten letters from people express answers don't mean a thing those people have never seen these children but they've written us and they're in when you step off that train and these people see those children that you have brought them how many do you think will want a child I don't know a bad child is a bad child families don't take bad children not here and not in the West got a little backup it's not that boy where'd he go Rotten straighter what do you want Harry please all right but hurry up come on packing they closed the show we gotta clear out what are you were next why I got nothing next so Harry's working me and do that I'm gonna do my balloon number while swinging on a trapeze we catch the coach for Philadelphia how long do you gonna be gone Josie don't call me that mom it's JP don't like you can't wrestle like a boy I don't like it it's the only way I can sell my papers my mind always wanted to buy you the prettiest dresses pink silk and satin bows maybe someday mama ain't ever gonna make it on my own sweetie you lean on your own mama you got me just you be enough believe herea I go with him now he ain't coming back I want to take you with me I take you if I could but Howard leave me flat you know we don't like kids hey I'm sorry you gotta understand a woman can't make it without a man ain't a baby no more mama I'm almost 11 without my papers I'll be fine I gotta go how many times do I have to tell you to get away from the window Sally's got a customer up there come on hurry you know nice to see you again captain hello my dear time I just use my money Sara get upstairs you know she tried to steal my money flora sir is that true I believe you owe this gentleman an apology apologies ain't good enough flora you're a bunch of crooks oh now captain Schmidt give this pretty little girl a chance she ain't never apologized before ain't you sweet you'd be her first ecology well please no come on now Sarah you'll be nice to this gentleman please you in trouble Sarah I have people that can help you come on they'll feed you there then I'll help you find a place to sleep better get yourself a Dodge some flowers or something just in case they don't get that time I'm going to take us out west to find families away from here yep that'd be wonderful thank you save it we ain't got the train yet my husband has warehouses in five points Emma he says these children steal from him if your two boys were hungry and homeless they get into trouble too but if the churches won't help you nobody will help me Jessica in the last two weeks I've contacted all my uncle's friends ministers and church groups local merchants several of the newspapers they all agreed to noble plan very courageous but none of them believed in me enough to give me the money I don't know why you won't want to do something like this I'm not sure I understand you anymore but you're my friend how can I help you the estate your father left is my husband's now it's surely mr. Martin allowed mr. Martin buys my clothing and furnishes this house but he never gives me any money and we never talk about it I don't have anything that's mine to give I don't know where else to go you have any money at all my uncle collected donations for the journey we need a railroad coach you may not need it anymore newspapers can do a lot for the roads mr. Barrington right kind of story with the right journalists how much is all this going to cost me railroad ticket to st. Louis a couple of mules wagon for a darkroom when I hit you up with your serve 18 chemicals negative plates you're crazy not a chance why do you need all this useless equipment just write a story pictures are better than words mr. Barrington don't move please Illustrated newspapers are starting up real soon now engravers need photographic material for their illustrations I think it'll be good advertising may even help get the land grant from Congress if my survey team is successful I will not need photographs to get my land from Congress Transcontinental Railroad isn't gonna do you any good if people are afraid to ride your train my trains are perfectly safe mr. Cobb get me the st. Louis in one piece and I'll prove it excuse me sir miss Sims is still waiting did you give her my back draft she insists on seeing you I'm busy I told her that she won't budge very well think then shower in what's it going to be mr. Barrington I'll have to think about it don't move please mr. Barrington all right thank you miss Simms sit down listeners you have a very novel and a very worthy plan you'll have received I trust my contribution yes it was very generous yes mrs. Martin told my wife you needed my help we do but what we need is a railroad coach you see we have a very large group of children and we've only collected enough money for the journey perhaps you could presumes i cannot donate an entire railway code I run a business not a charity now you have received my banker yes but what we need assumes you have received my donation yes but perhaps you could excuse me miss Sims but I'm a very busy man good you should have tried smiling pretty when we can get a lot more with a smile excuse me mr. Carlin Frank Harlan I'm the photographer journalist for the newspapers yes wait a minute now don't be mad at me cause apparently said no the newspaper said no - what are you did you trying to do that because is everyone - say no I'm trying to take a group of orphans west to find homes that's a good story would you get an idea like that from my uncle he was a minister of God Oh God sure as hell can't get your train but I can what did you say I'm gonna get you on that train why are you doing this you ever been on a train before no you know who rides the trains salesman insurance man they sweat I drink drink whiskey gamble dirty and dangerous uncomfortable now if you put a woman with some kids in the middle of all that that's real drama human interest then that's what sells newspapers you're not doing this for me and the children you're doing it for yourself if you make it it's good for you it's good for Barrington if you don't make it that sells newspapers - I don't like you mr. Carlin you don't have to like me but you're gonna be on that train our prayers have been answered we're going west we have our own railroad coach to take us there we leave in three days see I told you go wait there yet I want you all to go out and spread the word tell anybody who's interested to come here right away but you'll never be ready in three days there's no clothing for them no supplies a journalist got us the railroad coach he's writing a story about the children and we've got to be on that train well I'll go talk to the local merchants tell them I think they don't help us I'll pray for that damnation I reckon if our cause is just the Lord will forgive a little blackmail medicines I can't find Sara she wouldn't just take off she was in trouble do you know where she lived she wouldn't go back there she hates it where madam Flores I keep telling you lady we ain't got no Sara here Oh flora yeah I don't know where else to look is there anybody who can help us Liverpool the master know where to find me Sarge always here you're Danny's friend what you want I'm looking for a girl named Sarah I think I've got her she's in trouble I'd like to help what did Danny I couldn't help Danny I'm sorry I don't know nothing lighting I gather I'm taking the children west to find Hans Sarah wants to come with us just you know runs yes aren't you gonna get lonely you're not funny young man fine China be night-night young when's the last time you ate Liverpool or slept our lives my business what happens when they catch you they ain't gonna catch me I earn ending up like Danny if you stay here you will and it's a waste because you don't have to live like this things are different out west it's a new land it's filled with hope you can be anything you want and I'd like to help you get there I don't need your help lady but Sarah does you know where she is please tell me she's a florist Jake grabbed her in the alley now get out of here thank you we leave in three days if you change your mind get out fit go get out sit down listen this is a real pleasure I very seldom get to visit with a proper lady like yourself if I have to I will go to the police oh I'm afraid that won't help that's why I pay him each week I'm not leaving here until I see Sarah why the interest miss Simms Sarah doesn't belong here she needs a family she's got a family I've been taking care of that little girl ever since her mother slit a throat Sarah owes me a lot now she's old enough she can pay it back you take her away and I I lose a lot of money how much how much is she worth to you you sell things here sell me Sarah $200 that's impossible I'm not if you want to run off it ain't Oh Sarah dear this lady's here to see you I know you'd come Sarah you're gonna find me at home you've already got a home Sarah here here take it that's not enough I told you $200 please come save your breath lady wait here go on take it where did you get that take it all all of it that's her things she doesn't have anything she does now I was so arrogant so smug about all that I had accomplished God has punished me for my pride you had no choice I would have done the same so many of our children back to where children come on see we have a lot to do thank you that's it these are some of my boys I hope they fix it would you put them over here please thank ya realize or not perhaps you shouldn't have come I wanted to say goodbye before you left tomorrow we're not going why not I spent the money for the journey Emma I bought a child with it the one over there in white she was in trouble Jessica I know you don't understand it's a different world down here maybe I was wrong but I couldn't walk away and leave her there you weren't wrong what are these for the train but your husband lost jewels can be replaced he pinched it come on in here and snatching our children off the streets so I am in a slave that's what she's doing what do you think now you ain't going nowhere good morning boys come and get your clean clothes right around here I'll read it out what did you shove off that's what Bruce dad's first JP I can't I'll get pneumonia no you please he's gonna help them the warden has given me permission to take you with us you can stay here and wait to be sentenced or you can come with us on the train very much of a choice it's all you've got Liverpool we leave in an hour it's up to you I want everybody to stay close together and follow me perhaps you better stay here and watch the mission I can still take the children if you want the Sims thank you for everything mr. McGarrett II will miss you you do fine you're in my prayers ready children yes let's go we take those off now I'll be responsible for you're in a lot of trouble I get you run I'm gonna run no yeah I miss Sims from the children's rescue mission late ma'am this way please careful with those chemical there must be some mistake that's where I was told to put you this isn't fit for cavalry you're gonna have to get on ma'am this train is leaving Lord all aboard train number seven westbound Oh God not gonna leave all right in you go stop it just lay the blankets down now while we travel here this has to be our home not a pigsty let's find a way to keep it in order the mattresses should all go against the wall Tony you be in charge of that alright girls bin no this is our drinking water we have to save it Elsie how do you know no no you're gonna make the fire for us it's getting cold in here it's too dangerous to have a fire in here let me have them let me have all of them didn't you see the sign I can't Mead what does it say it says don't play with matches let me clean you up JP does it for supper we all eat together pretty bad but I'm hungry now I said please put them back I did first a deep dish - it's the first time I'm sorry Dutch I don't understand how does any song is done so you don't know what you want JP what is he saying how should I know it ain't English what did you stand in there for give me a hand I gotta go then go there's a big guy stand-in there he won't let me where do you think you're going hey I'm next blue ball hey hey what you don't got a show oh yeah hey you pick on someone your own size I don't see nobody my looking hard enough listen to me I told you it's not gross all God's creatures from the time we acted like it I want you to give me that knife what knife don't be smart I saw it ain't got no knife you were dreaming let me go free c'mon mr. Carlin please you don't break up fighting in the Bible I could have handled this on my own I don't need your help you did what you wanted this train you're right mr. Carlin I appreciate this coach you got us bearing compromise the railroad coach I had no idea I think it would be best mr. Carlin if you just did your job and allowed me to do mine all right children this is mr. Carlin he's a newspaperman and a picture taker it's going to be writing about our journey I used to work for the papers selling them on the corner for Johnny JP JP what no JP what's his name that's Liverpool from England coupe they what was it like coming over here my ship Oh fine and dandy but daddy was the skipper used to give us tea and crumpets every day noon what do you think life is gonna be like where you going we're gonna have families and a real bed to sleep in the cows and chickens and horses that's the best horses what about work sure we gotta work we'll be good now fresh food right off the farm I told you that you have been on a farm you told the children with life is like on a farm there's green pastures and plenty of sunshine get up at dawn you work until dusk Tomczyk in fact feels like it's breaking the whip is a freezing cold in the summer scorching hot sometimes when the crops don't come in there's no food you said we'd always get food well they beat us if we can't do the work I won't let you go with people like that spend a half hour in a town you expect to tell the difference between a good farm and a cruel one I trust in God to let me know the difference the Simms I only know what I've seen stop putting pretty little ideas in their heads the West is hard there's nothing pretty about where you're going once again mr. Carlin you've been more than helpful well I was only trying please stop helping why do you disapprove of what I'm doing look come out for anything that makes a story maybe you'll make it maybe you won't I just don't care much for pious ladies telling them for that the world can be a lovely place thank you for your opinion next time I'll know better than jazz you ain't never been out west have you no I haven't but then how do you know what's waiting for us I have letters from the people and the towns we're stopping at Kilgore Claiborne Jenkins Grove we have to keep faith children be grateful for what we have count your blessings remember blessings name them one by one count to a blessing see what God has done else you remember this one count your blessings name them one by one count your blessings see what God has done come on sir yes come on everybody count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what God has done count your buzzing all right I'm coming all right take two told me and I was standing in the street over me Oh Holly nobody came just a bad dream don't worry I'll see that you and Tony go together now go back to sleep everything will be all right hey shut that door at once commish cannot see please be careful look while at the Carrick dummy the shut-ins in the trees oh they're coming barrows is this the worst I think so how come you don't speak English Dutch bitte I'll come around speak English Tony does he ain't from here we am from here let me speak it nobody teach them Dutch you gotta learn English it's very important you understand in part time in four tongue that's good Dutch what happened to your leg I don't know it's always been like this does it hurt well sometimes if I walk too much on it I think you walk pretty good the nuts of people won't notice and don't want me I think so sure be nice to have my mama again want to try we could teach him nap that's for girls who's next JP I gotta go to the jig yeah I gotta go SoDo i using it oh wait miss nips I can't find JP did you check them I checked everywhere he's gone excuse me mr. Carlin one of the children is missing have you seen JP yeah I seen him he's in here going through my things where is he I hit him a good one you took off out it you hit him you had no right to hit that child that child should've been in here where were you napping which way did he go it's all right he ran back to you for protection he didn't he isn't back then it's nice hey come on down over there you looking to get to let's go sit back down before we both break our necks hey listen can you up all my equipment would you expect come on let's go Oh scrip first of us to buy equipment then you must brake on next tell you what next time save me a lot of trouble ask me I'll show them to you how's your head I hit you pretty good one you're welcome miss him what now I got to thinking I made the mess I should clean it up you're right so get to work watch out for the glass yeah it smells what is it collodion guncotton alcohol and ethos now you take that did you brush it like this I'm one of these that makes the picture very sensitive to light and that's how pictures are made different shades of light she's an actress anxious yeah I thought I might find one of my mother Oh she's an actress too should go off somehow just nothing left you I don't blame them it's pretty tough bringing up a child all by yourself missa how much longer Sheamus almost Cuba funny name bet they take the pretty ones first your trouble if they don't do I look pretty miss Sims very pretty Annie I have a mirror if you like what's the matter miss Sims have a little Lockett my mother gave it to me it's not here maybe you forgot to bring it perhaps it's been misplaced probably don't look like much down look like nothing nobody else is this the town of Pilger yes ma'am if you want to call it that well now what's all that orphans from New York oh yeah we got a notice they was coming where's that Indiana town of clay horn clay horn County my name is Jed plate word Frank Colin do a little farming out there 1800 acres well that sounds like you can use some extra hands gap but not that bunch nobody wants that slum trash why miss Sims when the children's rescue mission I'm looking for a Reverend Hartley please ain't here mail but he's expecting me he wrote me this letter when he used to about a month ago it's bad times in these parts man Lots people moving on I brought a trainload of children from New York City he said there would be families waiting for us ain't nobody here me I'm sorry how long do we have here as soon as we take on wooden water man we pull out yeah yeah yeah getting off you know how come there's nobody here for us what are all those people who wrote you I don't know but there are other challenged children this is just one let's get back on the train where do you think you're going get out there this is only one town Liverpool how far do you think you'll get look around there's no one here to steal from there's no trash to pick through there's nothing here least we have food and shelter ain't listening to no more your rubbish I like those runs so I can make your my own all right I thought I could help you but I didn't bring you on this train to transfer you from one prison to another I'll be your friend your teacher if you like but it'll not be your jailer so if you want to run go on and go on I'm not gonna stop you go on go on Olive Oyl all right everybody back on the train mausi me close the door please hey Bob liberal food he has other plans my children you all will bow your heads and say grace please you got bless us and leave thy gifts you thank you for this food and for guiding us through this day amen else will you help me with the bread please you soon you should be asleep mouse we have to get up early in the morning what happens if nobody shows up again we have to have faith tomorrow every one of you could be picked if somebody picks me so I gotta go we've come a long way don't you want a family yeah except if everybody gets picked tomorrow you'll be all alone there's still a lot of children back at the mission and mr. McGarity but they're not really yours need somebody of your own family I'm not married Mouse how come a very nice gentleman asked me once and I said no how come because my uncle was sick and he needed my help with the mission how come you didn't marry him after your uncle died he married another girl how come I guess you didn't want to wait how come good night Mouse go to sleep masseuse I would a lady thank you much do you Lord watch over these children protect them dear Lord help me I get ready Tony what for please come on not yet I got on the food ain't nobody gonna be looking at your face gimpy Thank You Sara people folks waiting for you Thank You conductor come children if you'd hold that please I'm gonna take your photograph oh that's a good fella thank you I'm miss Sims from the children's rescue mission these are the children we've written to you about they must look at quiet Dicky let the woman speak we ask that the children stay with you until the age of 18 they must be treated in the same manner as your own children in schooling clothing and family life the boys 15 or older are expected to work for room and board what kind of work they look real scrawny to me Dicky is ain't no cattle auction we ask that you report by letter at least once a year if a child is mistreated or or unsatisfactory the children's rescue mission will terminate the agreement and a new home will be found is there anyone here who would like to select a child what's your name son Mouser malice cuz there's a small and then got the years do you eat like a mouse - yes sir I don't eat much you know my wife she likes the stuff her young ones not I wouldn't be any problem for you with it no sir that'd be good we have two more girls at home but my husband is always wanted a son gets a little lonesome until you have the one man of the family be obliged if you can make it - I have to stay with Ben we'd be good to you son you see these two boys are brothers they must go together we can't afford to take them both stand what is your name boy you have a name something is wrong with this boy oh I'm sorry he doesn't speak any English job gonna be sushi pushi dydz you speak German just hold it while I focus this take you to picture CP I'm trying to can i watch well I'm a little busy so we want to go there and find yourself a family ain't seen nobody I like you show me how to work this thing why okay alright come on over here don't touch anything Hey look under here I have now hold it how would you say you were 13 real grown-up looking - you stay right here I'll be back I'll be right back listen up Sarah I've got a barber shop just down the road my wife's been ailing were creature she hasn't been out of bed these past six months don't let Sarah go with it this man wishes to adopt her what's the matter with you look at her face excuse me for a minute please don't you want to go with mr. Dunlop do what you do you're a person Sarah not a thing for me to give away that look mrs. Hill use me what do you mean I can't have it that is what I said what is it money replace our children sir where it is suitable they are not for sale your boy you ever done any real work boy yeah seems mighty soft to me touch me again I'll break down what'd you do that for I can SWAT him I can spot you boy but I won't show any favours to do Creek Illinois they'll be switching the passenger coach I'll be headed south to st. Louis Cantus today they're joining a survey team and I'll be headed west over the right equipment you sure could use yourself the helper some do you smile who wouldn't be in your way a helper huh sure love to see California someday I'll step in and help me with my stuff in guzzling beer as long as I can remember smoking cigar since I was seven I'm a three-time jailbird twice for stealing and once we're sorting an officer of law then you got any three doors what are you doing just telling them the truth go over there with the other children Sarah here are the regulations and the Society's address please be sure to write to us at least once a year I'll write you two masseuse soon as I learn how I'd like that violence to by mrs. Bligh mouse thank you so much you'll see we'll get you one TTL not cows notte it's late you should be asleep I tried but I can't did I see with you till I get sleepy all right my mother had pretty hair like yours she used to brush it every night minded - where's your mom now she died when I was very little he's your paw he's dead - you're like us then yes I guess I am you stay right where you are hold it right there lady they know I'm getting off this train but I have business here nobody in this town is interested in your business but I have a letter here from a family family name or what Barnett mr. and mrs. Isaiah Barnett well now it looks like they each showed up I guess that settles that close up that door boy what about those others I'm sure some of them have come for children lady nobody's interested in them children you can't speak for a whole town mr. clay Horton nevertheless one man is not an entire town Liverpool will you please help me down this here is a good town we reckon to keep it that way you can just pack up all those little beggars and go back where you come from I'm miss Simms from the children's rescue mission I have children here who now listen here I've been on that train with this woman and I seen what she brought pickpockets liars thieves their children children this child here has been in jail three times please just look at the children talk with them and then decide you can't know until you've met them smile and most of you are Renton any of you see fit to take one of these children well you can just pack up and go please give them a chance may the Lord forgive you forgive me it's yourself you've got to blame who asked you to bring them out here anyhow hurry up let's get some rocks all right spot anything walk first Liverpool no don't use drop it both up take it easy hey don't be foolish get outta here leave me alone they'll be alright just drop it I ain't me you take it easy this is my fight stay out of it no liver they started it I'll finish it Liverpool don't use that knife and nobody wins don't let the stupidity of these boys make you do something just as stupid something you'll regret your whole life you can't fight ignorant like this with a knife don't prove a man like clay horn right put the knife away Liverpool it's the only way you win guess we showed them huh hey get a bloody nose mana stop crying it didn't take you to be a crybaby I'm not a baby well then be a man I don't want to be it man I'm a girl what I'm a girl missing a girl it's all right JP it's all right to be good let's go back to the tree you all right I'm fine why why play Han kicked you out of his town JP tells you he's a girl and she's a girl she's a girl and Liverpool threatened you with a knife and you say you're fine I think you're quite a lady Oh never will you sleep no I was scared for you today when you have that knife was you scared ain't never scared never well maybe sometimes but I never shy people know you're hurting inside they don't believe in me gosh they tough soon but things is different now we don't got to be tough all the time not anymore I think that's it you already since anybody hurt Sims I'm fine I'm gonna go up friend see what have you need some more help no we got plenty of hair Joginder yeah they are now he could have been killed oh I should never brought them on this train there's an exit I thought I could do this but I can't I just can't I never thought you had it but you do you're doing just fine I'm sorry for crying you keep a lot inside you mischievous person's got to let up every now and then there's nothing wrong with showing folks how you feel I have so much to be grateful for my mother used to say everything is the worst at night can't count your blessings in the dark returning religious only mr. Carlin not a chance miss yes well oh thank you my pleasure goodnight mr. Collins like this weird that's the whistle may I blow it again can you see all right perfect don't move share your room I don't think you still like me what do you mean since I told you I was a girl no no you're still a little pesky and you ask a lot of questions far as I can see nothing's changed that's good thanks better watch my equipment in bank thank you yes it is mind if I take your photograph forget the children no just you it's fine just relax my suit all you have to do is look into this little mirror that's all it is mirror with the memory you enjoy taking pictures don't you it's something special about photograph holding it in your hands all the places you've been to the people you've met it's a nice feeling being able to capture something keep it forever hold this that's nice you have a pretty smile miss Sims you know use it enough I think we should be getting back be a while before we leave take a walk with me I have to get back to the children Thank You mr. Carlin sure is pretty I Love You Lenore Illinois Annie you don't say this what happened to JP passenger coach need to tomorrow I'll be on it and she want to come along help me with my pictures you're not going on with us headed over the Rockies with a transcontinental survey team what about your story you have enough photographs I'll write the story when I get to st. Louis I don't know why JP so upset you know my plans she's grown very fond of you mr. Carlin it isn't easy at that age never promised or anything children don't need words why don't you take a walk with me yesterday pardon why didn't you take a walk with me yesterday I had to watch the children how many more talents missus dear creep tomorrow and one more after that what if you can't place all the children I can hope again I think you're hoping you can't what what if I don't join that survey I wait around until you place all the children find them homes we could take the train back to New York together when it's just you and me miss Sims would you take a walk with me then you need these children they're the only thing between you in the world maybe you're right mr. Khan people find the strangest things to hide by like children and cameras you know very well you wouldn't take that train with me back to New York would you my father always wanted to be a salad but he had a wife and six children instead he spent a lifetime just looking at the sea wishing I hope you do well in California thank you Oh friends and neighbors it's my pleasure to announce that mr. and mrs. Charlie Bradshaw are taking this child that makes five now everybody choose your partner for some more dancing just look at her Adam please that one in the plaid dress yes I know she's got something funny with her leg that's part of why one she's the one who needs us the most Adam we can't mourn forever be two years since our Becky died if the Lord had wanted us to have young ones he would have let us keep the one we had miss Sims is gonna miss us no she wants she's busy but there's nice people here we can get us a family you don't need nobody for us sir I'll take care of you Jim is too young to be a family we ain't all grown up yet be nice to have a home for a while at least well you wait for me while we go out sir if you want me to I do they're leavin yeah mr. Carlin didn't even say goodbye JP where are you going you'd love to have your boat but all we can take is one you're a dear a perfect little brother for Jessie you want to go goron I'll be all right you might not get another chance just stay together miss himself JP what's she doing here I thought he was going to st. Louis well I decided to stay on to that Johnson crossing and and get the stage yeah something I forgot to do why only reason you ain't taking me with you is cuz I'm let go that's got nothing to do with it doesn't matter what you're I can't take anybody with me I travel alone truth absolutely how laughing if I wear this people only laugh at you and you trying to be something that you aren't what's the JP Stanfill Josephine Priscilla oh well pleased to meet you Josie regulations and their societies address thank you and beautiful anybody judge reporting their first word and I'm too tired to dance I found you another part when you dance with me Tony well I don't think I can let's try then Tucker came to town and I can fit a goat feet downtown hell no park finna go jump oh damn fell on a stump honor your partner now swap and trade swing their high swing low swing a left he'll vote thank you vacations boys here we go - a round best boo bye swing your own right elbow dominate oh damn Tucker came to town swinging them for the girls round and round first to the right and then to the left and the girl he loved fast swing your own about elbow now here we go now out of the partner now you slot now you trade do it for the girl for my old mates Lana falling around it big sweater party here which they now face her side chair round left pull by swing your own vine elbow here you go and abominate oh what a monoi here we go well goodbye good luck have a safe journey mr. Carlin you're in our prayers thank you mister good luck in the next town Milford is our last I know you'll do fine when I write that story in st. Louis giving it a happy ending did she come can I get a goodbye don't you leave I have people meeting me in st. Louis I have a story to write photographs to take I don't want you to go when you have something special to do in life you've got to do it back there until girl when no one showed up what if Miss Sims just quit turn around went back to New York what would have happened to you so I have something that I must do I'm a newspaperman a good one you grow up you're gonna find something special that you want to do but I don't want anything special I just want to go with you I can't give you what you need Josephine I wish that I could but I can't this is some of the photographs I've taken I'd like you to have them oh thank you it's beautiful Sarah look at this this is my favorite and look that's the woman in unit six that's the look I was after I'd like to keep it if you don't mind my Christian name is Emma make it go away please make it stop it's alright just a stoller the bass everything will be alright we stopped I don't know I can't see anything what happened we run it to a mudslide and broke the cylinder can it be fixed no I don't have anything to fix them with well why don't we do I have to stay with the engine but if we don't make Melford they'll send help how long will that be would be days days the paper won't wait this is how far is milk 15 miles we can bolt back 15 miles we can do it maybe there's families waiting for all Gunderson's I'll get help no but all go we've come a long way we should stay together let's get our thing I take good care and oh no what's this I'm safe you're safe all right be careful can we make it something suck come on baby stop Sara I can't move Oh right it Thank You missus that was terrible I hope I don't have to do that again I hope not too come on I can't come on I can't we've got stuff for a wall sir I ain't gonna Mike if we don't rest we have to go on if we stop we won't start again let me tell you I don't know they don't keep going all of us I don't care how many towns we have to go to or how many people we have to see won't quit until you all have homes that's right you'll see we'll all get homes Tony I'm here Ben oh you're almost there yes comb his hair with wagon with you live from a Tuesday gave me get out of the way they're coming laughs somebody did we might it then Santini taken in by a family named Picard grew up to be town blacksmith married ester Jenkins fathered six children Tony Santini also taken in by the peppered family grew up to be proprietor of no four general store bladers Circuit Judge of Rock Island County Sarah Welch married dr. W a Grundy nine children twenty seven grandchildren lived to the age of 91 JP Josephine Priscilla Kamla attended Oberlin College became one of the first female members of the faculty professor of English literature Donald Liverpool Ferrell farmed until he joined the Union Army in 1860 a sergeant in the 9th Illinois regiment he was killed in action at the Battle of Shiloh after this first journey the arrival of orphaned and abandoned children became a regular and welcomed event in rural communities along the railway lines between 1854 and 1900 over 100,000 children were placed out in homes across other
Channel: WillThisLast
Views: 1,262,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Orphan Train, 1979, TV Movie, Jill Eikenberry, Kevin Dobson, Linda Manz, Graham Fletcher-Cook, Melissa Michaelsen, Glenn Close, Morgan Farley, Severn Darden, Charles Fields, Charlie Fields, Peter Neuman, John Femia, Sara Inglis, Sarah Ingliss, Andreas Manske, Scott Rogers, Justine Johnston, Sue Ann Gilfillan, Barbara Hallie-Foote, Hallie Foote, Mike Hammett, Paul Thigpen, Dorothea G. Petrie
Id: QcSyP6_3j3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 25sec (8605 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2010
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