Broken Promise | English Full Movie | Drama

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good morning folks it's 8:00 a.m. and once again it's time for music first the weather it's raining outside and likely to continue I know you'll love it that's my car no that's yours bet King we interrupt this program to bring you a bolon congress reacting to the tonen golf incident the DAT authorized President Johnson to take any necessary actions against North Vietnam Johnny can't you play anything else in that thing if you can't will you shut it off do what your father says Johnny come on Johnny I was just practicing he didn't mean nothing B py but he did I told you to keep them kids quiet I'm trying mommy are you ready Patty go ahead these brats are driving me nuts Charlie anybody want any french fries yes please why don't you turn your wiers on they don't work okay come on that's right when are we going to get to California when we get there it's a long ways honey all the way across the country but it's going to be great we're going to get place near the ocean It's Always Sunny there yeah Sunny just like it is [Laughter] here Daddy I'm going to go oh no Hest I'm going to go I'm not stopping try to hold it in huh come on Karen okay I'll try you want to play P they're just kids yeah they sure are I spent 8 years in a box and now I'm in another box come on honey come on yeah that's I could go real bad I told you we're not stopping Daddy please Karen really well Karen ought to learn some manners I hate you you're not even my real daddy Joe shut up it's time you learn some respect hold this your real daddy was some bum off the street so you better listen to me and listen to what I tell you do you hear me Dad do you hear me go she really has to go go to the bathroom all right you got to guess anyway this is it's all it's [Music] all you kids go to the bathroom now I don't have come on yeah thanks Mom shut the door yes sir what can I do for you her up I'm not a baby and I don't have to go I know but they want to talk private Hey listen daddy is getting angry and we must be a lot more [Applause] quiet [Applause] hey I'm sorry I suppose you got a ride Karen and Charlie aren't your kids you're were inside for 8 years and I can't handle it by myself I'm not coming down on you for that June it's not just the two of them it's all five of them so they make noise sometimes they're driving me nuts it's going to be better when we get to California huh it's not going to be any better I've got to make connections I've got to move around meet people go places and I want you looking good not dragged out all the time I'll be all right and Patty can handle the other kids sure she can you're right thaty is not like a kid she can take care of it what do you mean it's 8 years out of my life I don't have a lot of chances left and I can't operate when I'm all the time boxed in what do you mean we got to make the break get clear they're my kids well what kind of use are we to them they're just just stking us down Jun you too how did suan get a crippled leg don't you throw that up at me it happened because there are some things you just can't that was an accident I wasn't there no I know I love them they'd be okay they' be taken care of Patty's terrific with them and we get to La clean no we can make it big we can send for them later that'll be $4.60 sir and you get your choice of coffee mug what yeah take your pck pull I'm getting your chain yeah okay I'm hungry here you go sir made up your mind yet yeah are you all right mommy I'm fine hey paty here I want you to buy all the kids a hamburger hey no kidding no on mom a hamburger and a drink for each can you handle that sure better and here souvenir can I have one too that's for everybody you can hold it Karen well now get get moving go on we'll wait here thanks Daddy we'll be right back come on guys going have a hamburger Charlie I'm going to have a cheeseburger Joe please you want to go with him Jun py don't forget straws for the drinks sure mommy oh God oh God [Music] yes we' like five hamburgers to go with everything I want a cheeseburger okay four Burgers to cheeseburger and five orange sodas I want Cherry okay to go you kids wa here and don't mess with [Applause] anything John you pay for it hey [Applause] Mom okay I paid and gave her dime too you going cry no Hey where's the car uh they had to go down the road what for they'll be right back I'm hungry I want to eat mine well let's see come on here sure why not anyway I'm hungry cheeseburger you wanted cheeseburg right right yes ma'am free coffee cup if you fill up today shouldn't they be back by now maybe we should go find them yeah no let's finish our hamburgers and we'll wait right [Applause] [Music] here stop it John you might break it so what where are they didn't they tell you where they're going no maybe they're waiting for us I'm going to take a walk down the road John they dumped us no John they're gone and they're not coming back they dumped us here well they're probably looking for us now I'm going to go find them John listen to me they're gone they left us do you remember when Mom went away with that guy for a week and she didn't come back and the welfare came around and they separated us do you remember [Music] [Applause] we've got to stick together and we've got to get out of sight come [Music] on come on we [Music] going nobody will find us over there come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] is this what a jungle like of course not [Music] D tired I know what's [Music] St Jee I think it's an orchard Paddy [Music] look oh this is great John it's this could be our house and we can go hunting for food this John look maybe we won't have to what is it I think it's some kind of nut find me a rock par find me a [Music] rock okay here what is it a w that I think it's big can here here you go they're good John I'll say let's go find some more come on come on hey everybody put your put your nuts in my sweater oh yeah look at all these [Music] [Music] John you've got to stop playing that thing out here somebody might hear it oh come on no John I mean it I'm thirsty I want something to drink so do I well there isn't any water here hey but I bet you there's some at that Farmhouse we passed that's scary if we want something to drink we have to go up there besides if we do it right nobody else see us get Charlie come [Music] on [Music] Sandy where do you think Mary went this morning with her baby I don't know her husband is very worried about it ever since the car accident she [Music] [Applause] [Music] has [Music] [Applause] [Music] shh come [Music] on Charlie [Music] get [Music] up [Music] Charlie's almost asleep I think it's about time we got some to do where we haven't finished cleaning up the shed well we can finish cleaning it tomorrow we'll sleep under the tractor tonight and no bed we'll make some how just by putting a bunch of leaves in those sacks you'll see it'll be [Music] fun [Music] daddy H when is mom coming back I don't know I wanted her come back I want us all to be together no sua I know but she's not coming back we're all together and we're going to be fine get some [Music] sleep John time to wash the face go there you go really well got your hands joh that's right okay John where have you been up at the diner don't you ever go off like that again nobody goes anywhere without me understand listen we've been eating those nuts now for almost a week and I'm sick of them wa do you see what I got you stole them well the truck left them by the door and the diner was still closed you stole them [Laughter] yeah if you want any you better get over there fast there's no more no water I'll get some I'll get it no all right be careful I [Music] know who's [Music] there who's there [Music] [Music] [Applause] 9 Hospital you boys keep the guns ready but no shooting none you got that there was this woman over to next County raped and killed just last week well how many is there of them a whole gang at least three but anybody sees anything especially any you volunteers you just stop right there and call me nothing else just sound off now let's move [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I told you no shoot just a signal Sheriff all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God morning Lydia morning bud they're over there what are you mad about three sheriffs and a bunch of Meathead volunteers all jumping five little kids well they weren't hurt report I got said no no they're all okay except scared with good reason had a couple of things to say to the sheriff in charge Friday's tail I'll bet looks like the sheriff had caught the James gang and the FBI's 10 most wanted criminals in a single raid that them over there yeah find out anything about him nothing you'll see why [Music] luck hi I'm Bud Griggs actually my real name is Abraham that's why they call me [Music] bud also I am a county director of juvenile court services which means that I'm going to try to get you kids back together with your parents do you know where they are okay you have a right to say nothing but I'm still going to try to help you you want to start by telling me your names hey just for the record cuz I like pictures of pretty girls I know you're all one family brothers and sisters you're sticking together that's good you don't trust me that's okay but sooner or later you're going to have to trust somebody why not take a chance on me I'll be [Music] back oh it's a pleasure meeting [Music] you what have you learned about these children so far just about zero except they are one family and this one runs it she knows all about Authority she's not knuckling under to it not one inch she told me to get lost without ever saying word one I like her sounds like a troublemaker Sheriff got a report from a gas station attendant near where the children were abandoned they arrived in a car with a man and woman while the kids were inside the diner the adults drove away and left them the parents I assume so in any case they were abandoned I can never understand well we uh can't accept this case for foster home placement until you've made identification and got in cour disposition I'll manage that oh uh George I'd like to follow through on this case do you mind the files in my department as soon as the court makes disposition I've already signed the nute I'd just like to know what happens to him I don't mind George I always enjoy working with bud well informational contact only understood uh I'll get to work on the identification some food some rest don't start to [Music] relax [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think they're having [Music] funy py [Music] look look I'm trying to help you but I need your help first I want to know your names why you were abandoned left by yourselves while your parents just drove away how do you know that I know some of it already and I just have to get them by themselves and you know they talk but I want to be straight with you [Music] hey okay my name's Patty uh that's John suanne Karen and Charlie's the baby our name's Clawson why' they leave you mommy didn't want to [Music] but my dad was in jail for years and I guess when he got out he just wasn't used to a whole bunch of kids hey yeah I know Charlie's not his neither's Caren a woman can get real wrong we all by herself you [Music] know I know Charlie and Karen are my brother and sister and we stay [Music] together where you from new Yark that's New Jersey um any family there grandparents Aunts Uncles just us where do you where are your folks headed California I don't know where they just said California you going to try and find them h will'll try but uh I don't know unless they want to be found no way paty I saw you talking to him we made a deal John suan Karen jly Patty helped me she talked to me now I'm going to try to help you how well it's my job to make a recommendation to the court so that welfare can find a place for you to live a foster home all of us to together that's what I'm going to recommend to the judge sure well why don't we all try another ride one over [Music] there [Music] [Music] h sorry I'm late judge you're not could we close the case on this Davis boy I think so he's already been placed well fine I was afraid he was going to work himself into serious trouble but our case load you know when you get back on the docket 3 months what you got the clawen kids oh yeah any chance of tracing the parents not likely but father's an excon he knows how to stay Anonymous no well they're clearly not fit in any case what's your recommended disposition foster care fine they'll go to welfare sir in this case the oldest girl Patty she's really the head of the family she looks after all the others they're all very close I'd like to see them stay together well how you know how difficult it is to get foster homes under any c circumstances much less ones it'll take uh five kids I know but I would like to try I've already spoken to George Matthews and uh he has no objection to my continuing to be involved in this case he doesn't well George usually guards his own territory pretty closely this is a special case and you do agree sir that it would be better to place these kids in one home I'm also in favor of peace in our time Bud you're no good as a bureaucrat you get emotionally involved however if you could I repeat if you can arrange a multiple placement for all these kids fine I'll approve it thanks now what are we going to do with Doris [Music] pinchon five scared kids but they're hanging in there because they've got a center of gravity Patty and how old is this Wonder 12 so that's obscene now there should be a program for dealing with parents who who can't parent we get those kids in the recreation department too their kids of parents who thought they wanted a toy or a pet or a diversion and couldn't handle the human being they ended up with instead oo I sound like a textbook don't I mm-m sounds like double talk there's got to be a scientifically valid eugenic system ah here we have the engineer there's got to be a system for matching parents and kids there is the All-American family mom dad sis buddy and Rob except in this case dad's an excon mom's a loser two of the kids were illegitimate none of them were really wanted and if there was a Rover he'd have rabies hey bud yeah telephone excuse me well Kathy what is you think H he's nice you too you sound like a couple of slave dealers haggling over a new Prospect there's uh there's been some trouble at the Children's Shelter some kid broke Johnny clauson's harmonica and Patty attacked him they've got her locked up Kathy I apologize this is terribly rude I know it but I have to go I understand well I don't really bud come on I'm sorry so am I [Laughter] don't lie I want you to tell him the truth and the truth is that you're a nice person with nice brothers and sisters that's why I'm trying to help you I like you why that's a dumb question this is real nice thanks as I said before it's my pleasure can we all stay together I spoke to the judge about that too and he thinks it's a good idea but I have to be honest with you I've never tried anything like it in this county in the state the welfare department has to find foster parents who are willing to take in five kids is very tricky I'll take care of them you can tell anybody I'll take care of them I know that I'm sure the judge will understand I'm hoping he'll Grant a delay in placement if we can't find a home for you right away but we'll stay together hey Patty I think so I'm pretty sure but I can't give you a guarantee promise I'll try no bull no bull hey you get everybody ready for that hearing we'll be ready don't worry I'll pick you up Tuesday morning at 9:00 and don't worry it'll be fine remember you promised I'll do the best I can you [Music] promised [Music] hi hi can I buy your red dress for tomorrow morning what are you talking about that's my best dress I just need it for my sister for tomorrow morning we got a hearing will you give me my dessert tonight it's ice cream both your desserts I can't now we already traded mine for some shoes for Karen my other sister my dessert for two nights okay but you mess it up and I'll kill you thanks want your honor morning George morning bud that the record show that Mr Greek is present we can take the claing file now George has brought in his Department's plan in admirable detail we've managed to find a foster home placement for every one of these children what mhm fully budgeted approvals from dispersement uh judge Nancy Sloan here of my department did a really good job on this mhm your honor I thought that we had agreed to attempt to place these kids in one hole together well yes if you'd found such a suitable home have you no not yet but we canvased every available foster home there wasn't a single one willing to take five children besides the file is in my department you've got no business trying to run down foster homes they're a family ping them out all over the county that's destructive come on bud they're children they'll adjust quickly judge these are all fully qualified foster parents just give me more time uh postponement even I'm sorry bud the matter is under welfare department supervision they've presented a perfectly acceptable plan bring the children in please they're fortunate you know how difficult it is to find foster homes under any circumstances morning morning sir your Patty uh yes sir suan Karen John and Charlie I'm happy to tell you that the County Welfare Department through Mr Matthews here here has found you all foster homes a social worker will conduct hes you said we'd stay together paty I couldn't help but you promised it just couldn't be helped but you promised me you liar you're a liar stop you prom bise it's going to be all right it's going to be all right it's going to be all right baby it's going to be all right you won't really be that far away from each other you'll still be able to visit real homes families you've got to understand that it's going to be the best decision for everybody the very best only for a little while we're going to get back together of course you will of course you [Music] will [Music] Patty goodbye Patty I told you I'd find you I promise shut up Karen daddy suanne take care of Charly I'll find [Music] you I [Music] promise [Music] you have a beautiful home Mrs Palmer thank you Patty I know you'll be happy with us she's a real little lady uh excuse me is there a bathroom I could use of course deer you just go around that corner and it's the first door on the right thank you excuse me you know um she seems older than 12 Patty is very uh mature she's practically lazed her brothers and sisters for years already it's really irregular Bud we already had a placement for the CH but I heard there was a problem Charlie's too young well the matter still has to be resolved George I have known Tom and Alice for 6 years they're exceptional people assistant professor of engineering at the University I'm part-time Recreation supervisor at city parks so I'm really quite expert with kids they're the ideal foster parents for Charlie he's 3 years old he's been through a lot he needs somebody special you realize as foster parents you will only receive $40 per month and a clothing allowance for the child that's that important to us we've seen the little boy he is George I'm asking it as a favor well it could be possible I'll have your application processed thanks George thank you very much you'll be hearing from us very soon okay oh excuse me George it's Patty claw and she ran away from the Palmers what happened she opened a bathroom window climbed out and was gone do you know where she went the child is our departmental responsibility now bud we'll handle it George I'm just concerned I said we would handle it would you uh excuse me please all right good shot dad well it's sort of an experiment Mr Harrison we hope it'll work out oh I'm sure John will be very happy here in your home Mr Grady we asked for avoy Danny's age we thought it'd be nice for Danny yeah you like sports John uh yeah throw in the ball Danny I don't want him using my stuff and this is suanne Clawson suanne this is Mrs Nelson suan she'll get over being so shy I've been taking in foster kids for 15 years we've got four others here right now that's right you'll be number five 5 time $40 that helps out a lot her paperwork processed yet yes that's all done you should get your first check in a couple of weeks say want a glass of milk Sue an uh yes ma'am you just call me Mrs Nelson Mr Nelson Works nice and I'm the one who takes care of you kids so I'm going to tell you our rules first everybody up at 7 make up your bed tidy up your part of the room breakfast at 7:30 sharp clean up after breakfast then you kids can play till lunch lunch only don't wait Mr Nelson clear so far yes ma'am when can I see [Music] Patty ow what are you doing well I am trying to fit catch bar F in the slot F Prime I mean this crazy thing was designed by a martian are you sure he has to sleep in the crib he's only 3 years old what do you expect him to sleep in a hammock listen I only got two flavors what do you think I usually only get [Music] one who there he is one package special D hi Chie you remember Tom and Alice I remember oh want you beautiful boy what's this uh toothbrush and an extra pair of socks compliments to the shelter uh any word on P yet not yet you worried she's been missing for 2 days yes uh juvenile division please I'll hold bud this isn't really your case anymore you know no no not technically yes Sergeant vovik this is Bud Griggs director of juvenile court services I'm inquiring about a missing child Clawson yeah foster home uh have you got anything in what a boy oh well uh I'd appreciate being notified when you do I'm at KL [Music] 52567 right thanks hey I I hope you don't mind if I left him your number no it's too late [Laughter] [Music] Bud Karen we've never done this before you know maybe at our age it's not such a good idea it's real easy use a simple formula love them goodbye Karen goodbye Mrs [Music] Higgins [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you looking for something uh Miss L she's out uh she'll be back back little B I'm supposed to wait for her well that's her office you can wait in there are you one of her clients no I mean my mother is thank you [Applause] [Applause] all [Applause] hey what are you doing stop her stop her [Music] what P stop [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] first we wipe our feet always before [Music] entering I don't understand how could something like this happen I'm sorry she just took me by surprise why did she get from your files well I I really can't even tell everything's in such a mess I know she's looking for her family and you've been looking for her the police told me that you contacted them I just wanted to be informed I told you the Clawson children are the responsibility of my department I don't want you involved I am trying to help this girl broke into confidential files she ransacked an office when she's picked up we'll determine what her disposition will be will you stop talking about her as if she's a criminal whatever she may be I don't want you meddling you can consider this an official warning if you don't stay out of my cases and get back to your own I'll Institute administrative discipline [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's it suan you're going to fit in here just fine thanks Mrs Nelson ell let start cooking the eggs okay okay you like scrambled eggs [Music] sure Carl who rang the bell I don't know I was just working [Music] paty how you get hey what's going on here but out kid she's my [Music] sister hello Patty pleas go me her this is Patty claw su's sister oh yeah I heard I'll call the welfare office ask for Nancy slow go of me if I let you go will you stay yes you'll be out that door like a shot why can't you trust me cuz you're a liar they found Patty a budf Founder at Anna Nelson's she's fine good it's the sheriff you didn't call the sheriff no no let's find [Music] out yes ma' are you Patricia Clawson yes what do you want I was expecting a welfare case worker the welfare office contacted us we're going to take her in come on kid just just leave her alone I'll take her go look I'm Bud Griggs director of juvenile court services come out just relax just relax if you want to argue about it go argue with the welfare office okay [Music] man I'm going to make sure that Patty's okay I'm leaving right now you [Music] here [Music] hi where's Patty Bud uh what what is it Matthews order the psychiatric evaluation done on Patty that's crazy there isn't a facility in this County what what did he do have taken it to Pika he ordered it done at Grand View State what that's for adults for serious Disturbed adults what keep's doing she's just a little kid George are you crazy sending a 12-year-old girl to an institution for seriously Disturbed adults Psychopaths BR view State happens to be the only County facility for psychiatric evaluation she is just a kid she'll be traumatized scared out of her mind will you stop shouting she's just going there for evaluation the child is clearly Disturbed runaway theft attempted kidnapping kid you me going after her sister trying to steal her sister out of a safe secure home yes she's Disturbed and destructive I've ordered a full evaluation and on Monday I'm requesting a full administrative review of your conduct George if you want an apology I apologize but please be a little reasonable she's just a kid a frightened kid I'm sorry I'm not changing the [Music] order what kind of place is this just just here for a chicken you'll be all right what can I do for you Sheriff ERS from Ware Patricia Clauson in for evaluation this is a kid I know it this is the adult [Music] hospital hospital this is a nut housee why are you putting me in a Nut House we've got orders we've got to I told you this is an adult Hospital those are orders from welfare you have to accept them what's she doing here do you believe it they sent her here for an evaluation I'm sorry kid I got to go to dward what are you going to do to me nothing you'll just have to stay here until we get this thing all straightened out have a seat Patricia Clawson patty patty Clawson how old are you 12 do you have any family my brothers and sisters but they're all stuck in foster homes I'm the oldest my mom and dad dumped us Charming look you'll have to stay here but you'll be all right we'll get you a place to yourself and nobody will bother you until after you've been evaluated what does that mean oh just talk to some doctors but I'm not nuts somebody is Grand View State on what grounds that Patty's an habitual runaway antisocial and in need of psychiatric evaluation welfare is issued in a specific order yes can you get her out it's not that simple there has to be a hearing however I could speed up the process order an immediate evaluation how immediate she's a 12-year-old kid locked up in a high security insane asylum I'll see that it takes place tomorrow thanks judge so you talk to the evaluating doctors tomorrow first thing what are they going to do to me find out you are a normal healthy nice kid and get you out of here so you get a good night's sleep [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] get [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are [Music] oh [Music] W that's I don't want to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] [Music] oh I'm Bud Griggs she talked about you I've been with her most of the night I know it's dumb but I keep thinking my mom can come and get me but I know she can't oh it's so dumb it isn't Dumb everybody needs all you get is me thanks sorry it's okay you ready where am I going you're going to go get your head shrunk don't worry it'll be okay thank you goodbye [Music] Patty [Music] hi bud hello Patty I'm Marian Carson and Terry Sullivan you're doctors that's right I'm a psychiatrist and Terry's a psychologist they tested me at school I'm all right that's what bud says but he's Prejudice he likes you it's not difficult Patty they just want to talk to you find out more about you can you stay with me no rules I'll wait for you though okay okay what do I do whatever you like sit stand walk around look out the window let's begin with you tell us about your brothers and your sisters how you feel about being here that's a dumb question I hate it here and I'm not crazy I'm sorry it's okay say whatever you want we're not judging you we just want to get to know you how you feel how do you think I feel I feel awful [Applause] all right doctors go ahead to be brief Patty Clawson has a decidedly higher than average intelligence she's extraordinarily mature she's been surrogate parent for some time to her younger siblings at this time she's anxious depressed and very angry she has every right to be angry she's been treated with staggering insensitivity she's been virtually imprisoned simply because she tried to reunite her we strongly recommend that you release her from Grand View State and make another attempt at placing her in a foster home a copy of our report will be filed with the court of course do you have any questions Mr Matthews no none I find your report admirably concise clear what may I ask do you intend to do about it act on it of course that's wonderful George uh before you proceed there is something that I'd like to discuss with you about believe me I'll take whatever actions indic thank you Dr Solan Dr [Music] [Applause] Carson case history evaluation possessions onvelope okay she's all yours please I'm sorry Mr Matthews ordered to I mean I don't think I'm sorry come on dude come on come on when can I make my phone call to Mr Griggs no outside calls for visitors until after your probationary period is over how long's that 2 weeks why' they put me in prison this is not a prison Patty it's a minimum security facility it's got a Highwire fence it's a lousy prison that attitude isn't going to help you here Patty hey there's only one thing going to help you here chicky getting to be 18 so you can get out that's enough Linda come on we'll issue your clothing and bedding she'll find [Applause] out GE Johnny looks mean he's having some uh well some trouble with his foster parent son I think the kid's jealous yeah look at suan she's put on some weight she always eats a lot when she's not happy Karen she just gets real quiet hey you're going to see them sure Paddy you've held out a month already just hold on a little bit longer okay thanks you don't believe me no I don't believe you or anybody else nothing's going to happen except I'm going to stay locked up in this place and you're going to keep on making me promises and nothing's going to happen daddy you want the photos what for I remember my family I don't need pictures [Music] [Applause] that's it yeah well it's big enough and it's uh in well it's in lousy shape but it's cheap I'm ready to put up half the money to lease the house for a year at least to get us started give us some time to get some funding try to get some other case workers involved stop it Bud we haven't even agreed to anything that's true we thought about it that's all yeah I know will you stop being so agreeable I'm sorry just that I keep thinking of how much it would mean for those kids five kids four you already got Charlie do you realize that we' be taken on trying to be foster parents to an instant family it's just an idea of course uh Patty's perfectly capable of helping out to the other kids she's been doing it all her life oh I know it's an outrageous thing to think about but will you two just think about it seriously think yes agree no I'll settle for that I can't believe it why isn't he arguing with us leaning on us he is no I repeat n o settle okay how's Patty holding herself together mostly it's been a month now last time I spoke to her she said she was getting used to it and that scared her I think she's going to try to break out of that reform school that'll be a criminal act of course all right bud that's enough just stop will you please just stop pressing us Bud the other kids John's back in the Children's Shelter his foster parents say their son can't stand him I'll put up all the money no you won't we'll put up half it we'll help get the place fixed up but I am still not agreeing to foster parent that Army come on come on take a [Music] [Applause] look hi bud Nancy I just found out what you're trying to do you know of course that it's crazy you mean it's not in the code of administrative procedure I mean I think it's terrific you're the only person I know who can make it happen you everybody in the office is talking about it everybody I hope you don't mean everybody no no Matthews doesn't know nobody's going to tell him you thanks well it doesn't really even matter I mean once this is a reality once it's done Matthews will just have to go along with it is that a guarantee listen Bud for whatever it's worth I mean anything that I could do at all I would love to you thanks Nancy it's corny I know it's hopelessly sentimental but I could just get those kids in here by Christmas Eve oh you will hey bud yeah Bud could you come hi Nancy could you come up here and give me a hand please sure how about me yes please hurry there's a Manel about to fall in my foot John's still doing great my friends Tom and Alice really love him I think he loves them uh I spoke to suanne uh gave her your letter and uh she's she's doing much much better can any of them visit me here I'm afraid not Patty it's not allowed they're too young but I'm working on something sure you are I think it is marvelous what you and Tom are trying to do well we haven't decided anything yet but maybe girls you have to choose which color is best for John's [Music] bedroom definitely that [Music] one but as I was saying I think we just might well come on five kids means five bedroom so we haven't even finished the dining [Music] room for going back to your family Patty baby okay L you ask [Music] for [Applause] get on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your not good Patty not [Music] good number 13 crazy out of your mind irresponsible you're lucky you didn't Escape yeah yeah they'd have picked you up in an hour and you would have had a serious criminal charge on your record what would they do shove Me In The Slammer I am trying to get you out you know that I'd like to believe you but I don't nothing's going to happen I'm just going to stay in here I'm trying remember how Johnny looks or I sit here trying to remember suan or how big Charlie is that's why I tried to bust down because I just can't stand not remembering anymore py you are going to see them I don't care I just don't care I'm officially certifying you as approved foster parents Professor parks and Mrs Parks specifically within the definition of this order thank you very much thank you again you're mhm thanks judge but this is only Court permission you'll need a specific order from Ware I get it from George Matthews on the day before Christmas come on bud I'll get it you you just don't have the authority to sign those release and transfer orders on those kids what not I'm the head of a department that is just a technicality Matthews is going to blow the roof when he finds out about this probably what's this can't a sign I haven't not yet it's dated tomorrow why Nancy just see that he gets that after the holidays [Applause] okay hey Merry Christmas I will see you at the house [Music] yes how'd you get me out lied cheated forged swindled is that how you got me this new outfit no I had some help you like it oh yeah looks great thanks when do I have to go back in you just got out let's worry about that later where are you taking me you'll [Music] see [Music] listen I know you promised and that's okay and I know you really tried to help us I just wanted you to know that all right on what a beautiful tree all these presents who lives here some people I know [Music] John Patty oh oh gosh I haven't seen it for so long he grown 3 in I know so of you have you seen suan or Karen yeah where here Caren look so pretty oh I missed you I missed you too [Music] [Applause] [Music] Daddy [Music] [Applause] thank you because a young girl had the courage to confront an entire system and to fight for her piece of human dignity the system started to change brothers and sisters were reunited only this time with responsible adult models to grow up with to today there is a nationwide network of Family Care Centers designed to keep such
Channel: DDF: Film Magazine
Views: 414,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Broken Promise, Drama, Don Taylor, Chris Sarandon, Melissa Michaelsen, George Coe
Id: mN2FGXr1DvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 27sec (5307 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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