Treasures of the Snow | Full Movie | Paul Dean | Carey Born

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(peaceful uplifting music) (train rattling) (peaceful music) (train rattling) - Do you think they'll have changed? - Oh, Mother, surely not in three months. - My dear when you were there age-- - Yes I know. And they were dragged off to the city by some stranger as well. - The place has been so quiet without them. - Yes it has rather. (train horn whistles) (train rattling) - [Lucien Voiceover] It was your fault. It was all your fault. - There's papa! (laughing) (laughing) - [Lucien Voiceover] Do you know what you've done? Do you know what you've done? Done, done, done, done. - You did it on purpose didn't you? You pushed me. - You shouldn't have got in the way then. - I didn't! You ran right into me and knocked all my books on to the ground. - I did not. - Yes you did, I saw you. - You liar. (laughing) (laughing) (suspenseful music) (wood tapping) - Get off. Get off! - Who are these for? - They're for Annette. No don't! No, get off! Please give them back to me, those are for Annette. Oh don't, please. - Well I think your sister's stupid. - Oh. (melancholy music) I'm going to tell my daddy on you. (cat screeches) - What are you going to do? - Give me my kitten back! (laughs) Klaus. (groaning) (cat meows) Klaus. Dani, what are you doing? Dani! - Klaus! - Dani let me get him. Dani come back. Dani. (screaming) (melancholy music) Dani! Dani. (suspenseful music) (melancholy music) (melancholy music) (sobbing) - [Grandma Burnier] Hello Annette. - Hello. - What have you been doing? - Oh, not very much really. We were helping papa, and then I came back to get the lunch ready. - Isn't Dani with you? - No, I left him with papa. They should be back soon. I'm glad you came to stay with us. It was my idea. - I'm afraid I'm getting a bit old to be of much use, I'll do what I can. - Papa was going to have to sell some of the cows to pay for a housekeeper, seems so awful. - I was delighted to come. You seem to have managed splendidly. You've become quite the little mother haven't you? - Working hard I see. - Where's Dani? - Isn't he here? - I left him with you. (suspenseful music) - Dani! C'mon Annette. Dani! - I wonder if Lucien knows where he is. He was there when I left. (suspenseful music) Oh Madam Morell, please my I speak to Lucien? - Yes if you can find him, wretched boy. All he's got to do is milk the cow for me. - But, please, when he comes-- - Not good enough, I've got far too much to do as it is. - When he comes will you ask him if he's seen Dani. He disappeared more than an hour ago and we haven't seen him since. - Where did you last see him? - Up by the top woods. Lucien was there at the time and I thought they might have gone off together. - Oh dear. (Lucien sobs) - What was that? It's them. (footsteps clattering) - Lucien, what's the matter? Are you all right? - Dani. Where is he? What have you done with him? Tell me. you've got to tell me! - It wasn't my fault! - What wasn't your fault? - Lucien. - Where is he? - Lucien. - You do know! - Quiet. - You're lying! - Quiet. - Madam he's got to tell me. - Do you know where Dani is? Do you know where Dani is? - He's dead. (suspenseful music) - Where? - Where is he? Move. - I'm going to kill you. (melancholy music) (clock ticking) - Oh Lord, no. - He's, down there. - Huh? - Keep away from the edge. (suspenseful music) - Be careful. - The kitten's here. There you go. - Got him. - [Monsieur Burnier] Can you see him? (suspenseful music) - [Annette] Be careful. - It's all right Dani, I'm coming. Dani? Dani. Oh. - Is he alive? (melancholy music) (clock ticking) - He shall give his angels charge over thee. - Is he going to be all right? - Yes, I'm sure he will. Let's get him back to the house. Just take his ankles, very gently. (melancholy music) - They ought to be at the hospital by now, poor little thing. - Grandma, what shall we do with Lucien Morell? He should be punished. But I can't think of anything to pay him back. - Have you ever thought Annette that when we do wrong it often brings it's own punishment without anyone else interfering. Think of how afraid Lucien must have been when he saw Dani fall. And how miserable he must be feeling tonight. Think of how afraid he must be of people finding out what he's done, and what they're going to say. And then think perhaps whether he hasn't been punished quite enough. And whether we could forgive him and help him to start again. (door knocking) - Annette, what on earth's going on? I can't get anything out of them at home. - Dani's broken his leg and it's all your brother's fault. - What? - Lucien dropped the kitten into the ravine and then Dani fell in after it. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if he pushed him. - Annette, he couldn't-- - He was down there on the rocks for hours and Lucien never even told anyone. He could have been dead by now. - Marie. Annette. I feel awful about Dani as well but all I can do for him now, is to pray for him. If I allowed myself to feel as you do, and I could, then I wouldn't even be able to pray for him. God is love. I can't go to him full of hatred and expect him to listen to me. Leave Lucien to God, he rewards both good and evil. And remember, he loves Lucien, every bit as much as he loves Dani. - He couldn't possibly. - I'm afraid he does. - Well in that case, I shall leave the praying to you. (melancholy music) - He disgusts me. Will you be all right? I must get down to the hotel, I'm late already. I'll get back as early as I can tonight. - I simply can't understand why you didn't call anyone. (sighs) If that Burnier child is badly injured, we shall be ruined. We'll have to pay all the bills and we can't possibly afford it. Oh Lucien, how could you do such a thing? Don't you want any? Then get ready for school. Don't let the other children bother you. Bye bye. (melancholy music) (horse whinnies) (cart rattling) - [Monsieur Burnier] Go on, ey. Oh up. - Hello. - Annette you should be in school by now. - Grandma said I could stay until you came back. - Now let's try and get him out of here. - Hello. - Hello. - You take his legs Annette. - Oh you poor little thing, what have they done to you? - I've got to wear these white trousers all of the time. - Careful, careful. (laughing) Way up, there we go. You alright. - Let's get you in, we'll get you in. There you're home again. There you are. - [Monsieur Burnier] Mind the door. - [Grandman Burnier] You're back now Dani. - Where's Klaus? - Oh don't worry, he's around here somewhere. - Hey over on my bed, on my bed. Put him over on my bed. - I'll get him for you in a minute. - I want him now. - Oh, all right I'll go get him. - Oh his leg is heavy. There we go. - I thought he'd have to stay in hospital. - Well they did want him to, but he made such a fuss I decided to bring him home. - I'm glad you did, it means I can look after him now. - There you are. (cat meows) Now, would you like a nice hot drink and a gingerbread biscuit? - Yes. - Come on, I'll get something for you as well. - If you want anything, just tell me all right? - You know I went right down to the bottom of the cliff. - I know, but it wasn't your fault was it? Dani you must promise me never to go near that Lucien Morell again, do you understand? You mustn't even speak to him. (melancholy music) (suspenseful music) - Let me see it. What's the matter? I'm not going to eat you. Come on. Hmm. Do you have any proper tools? Come with me, I'd like to show you something. (peaceful music) Have you ever thought of taking up woodcarving? Well you should. You've got talent. It's not everyone who can get a good likeness. Come here. (peaceful music) Now watch. I'm going to show you what these tools do, now watch carefully. (tools tapping) You see? The little piece out very carefully, and not to go too deep. The pointy ones tend to dig right into the wood. Yeah, have a go. Fairly deep to begin with, but not too near the edge. (peaceful music) (tools tapping) That's right, that's right, that's good. (tools tapping) Now let's think what we've got to do. We've got to clear it's head. (talking drowned out by peaceful music) (footsteps clicking) - Lucien? Well, how was it? - All right. - Didn't the teacher say anything to you? - No. - And the other children? - Nothing. - I've been worrying about you all day. Perhaps it'll be all right now. (suspenseful music) (door clatters) Come on Marie, the food's out already. - Little coward. - That's enough Marie. - Oh ma, why did you let him do it? You should have made him go to school. - He did go to school, leave the poor boy alone. - He did not go to school. I don't know where he's been all day, but it certainly wasn't at school. - Lucien? - I met the school teacher on the way home and he asked me where Lucien was today, and was everything all right. - Lucien. (melancholy music) - [Teacher] When I'm finished with this drawing I'd like the older ones to copy it down in their exercise books, we'll have more time after the break if you need it. - Do you know what Lucien Morell has done? He dropped Dani's kitten into the ravine and Dani tried to get it back. He pushed him and Dani fell in and broke his leg. Do you know what Lucien Morell did? He pushed my brother over the ravine. - [Teacher] And this will be for the younger ones as well. I'm going to begin with some of the ways in which it spreads diseases. It's such an innocent looking little thing. And yet it can cause so much harm. (book slams) (children laughing) - [Teacher] Bernard. - Sir? - Bring me that piece of paper. Put it on my desk. (children laughing) Is this your writing Annette? - Yes sir. - Do you really think this is necessary? - It's true sir. - I know it's true. I said do you really think it's necessary? I find it difficult to understand Lucien's behavior, and we're all very glad it didn't turn out any worse than it did. No doubt he'll think twice before doing any such stupid thing again. But if I hear any more malicious gossip over this matter I shall be very, very cross. (children chattering) (melancholy music) (sobbing) (tools tapping) - Yes that's good. Yes, I like it. Oh yeah, you can't have a Noah's Ark without lions. (tools tapping) You know you'll soon be able to sell some of your models? Would you like that? - Do you really mean that? - Course I do. There's a man in the village who sells my carvings, we could take some of yours and show them to him. (peaceful music) (tools tapping) - At school today they announced a handwork competition. - Oh yes? What's the prize going to be? - I don't know but that doesn't really matter. - Aren't you going to enter? - Yes, I'll show them I'm better than all of them. - Oh I'm sure you are. Was there ever any doubt? - I'm going to carve a galloping horse. Its mane and its tail, streaming out behind it. - But why try a horse? Why not use your Noah's Ark? - It's a present, for a little boy. - Your brother? - No, he lives near me. He got hurt in an accident. - Oh, badly? - Broke his leg. - Oh dear. Aren't you going to tell me about it? (suspenseful music) - He was playing up in the mountains and a boy came and teased him. Said he would drop his kitten over a ravine he wasn't really going to, and then it happened. And Dani went after it, I couldn't stop-- - What are you doing? - You don't want me here now. - [Woodcarver] Why ever not? - No-one else does. - What am I going to do for a friend if you go now? Come, sit down. Come on. That's better. How is he now? - His sister won't let me go and see him. - [Woodcarver] Oh, is she still angry with you? - She's always telling other people about it. - Hmm, it won't be easy. People are slow to forget. It's a good thing you're doing, stick at it. Go on, don't let her discourage you. (horse whinnies) - [Monsieur Burnier] There's Annette on the bridge. - [Dani] There's Annette. - [Monsieur Burnier] Hello Annette. - Hello. - Hello. - I didn't think you were going to get back. - [Grandma Burnier] Hello. - Now we can all go for a walk together. - I'm afraid it's a bit soon for that. - Why? - Come on Dani. - Oh. - Careful. There you are. - Mind out. Watch me. - That's splendid Dani. That's splendid. - Look, one of my legs is shorter than the other. - Oh Dani don't be silly. (melancholy music) What is it? What's the matter? - Go on Dani, show your Granny how you can climb the steps. - Annette. Dani won't ever walk again properly. He'll always have a limp. (melancholy music) Eh up. Come on. (melancholy music) - It's a Noah's Ark. I made it for Dani. - Do you know what you've done? (suspenseful music) (wood smashes) Don't you ever come here again. (melancholy music) - [Madame Morell] What's the matter? Can't you tell me? Hmm? (saw scraping) - I'm sorry. That can't have been easy. I hope this doesn't make you want to give up carving. - It's all right for you. - Maybe, we'll have to see. (saw scraping) - Oh, I've got something for you. Hi, here it is - Oh, thank you. - Hey, have you heard? - The young Burnier child's going to have a permanent limp. - No. - Aye. - What a shame. - It's not right is it? He should be locked up, he should. - All right just give him time. - [Girl] Oh Annette, is this for the competition? - [Girl] Gosh it's marvelous isn't it? - [Annette] I was making it for Dani anyway. - Oh Annette it's bound to win the prize. - No, I think Bernard's going to get the prize. - Oh we've got a dog just like that. - It's not a dog you idiot, it's a bear. - [Girl] Oh I'm sorry, I really did think it was a dog. - Come on, anyone can see it's a bear. (melancholy music) (tools scraping) - You're not as stupid as you look are you? - You'll see, when you win the prize they'll all want to be your friends. Come on, let's eat. (suspenseful music) (wood cracking) - Annette! Look what I found in the woodpile. I found a rhinoceros, a buffalo and a tortoise. I think the fairies made them, don't you? - Don't be so stupid. (melancholy music) - Mama have you taken my horse? - [Madam Morell] No, Marie have you taken Lucien's horse? - [Marie] No. - [Madam Morell] Are you sure you didn't bring it in with you? - No. - [Marie] Could it have blown off the balcony? - Oh no. (melancholy music) - Oh Lucien. - Has it broken? - [Madam Morell] How could it! - Oh, somebody's trodden on it. - Why can't people mind where they're going? Oh. (melancholy music) Isn't there anything we can do with it? (melancholy music) - Oh hello. - Hi. - [Woodcarver] How goes the carving? When are you going to win that prize? - I'm not going to win that prize. My horse is all smashed. - Oh no. Oh I am sorry. - It fell over and someone must have trampled on it. Now I can't enter anything for the competition. - Well, you could enter something else. What about the chamois set you did? That was quite good. - I didn't have the proper tools then and they'll think I can't do anything better. - [Woodcarver] Well, does it matter what they think? - Yes. - Why? - Because they all hate me and they think I'm no good. - And you think that winning that prize will make them think better of you? They won't. - Then what's the point of trying? - Because you have to earn the love and respect of others and you'll never do that by doing things for yourself. But who am I to be talking of winning the love and respect of other people? - Yes. - Come here. I hope you can keep a secret, because I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone else. I robbed a bank once. Oh it's all right this isn't it, sit down. I used to work at the bank once. I stole the money bit by bit over a long period of time until they caught me. They put me in prison. I left my wife, Anna, to look after two small children. She. No. She was a good woman. A godly woman. And it... It killed her. The humiliation that is. She just couldn't take it. My two boys didn't know me when I got out of prison. They were fairly well established in their careers. - Where are they now? - Geneva. One's in business, one's a doctor. Quite successful I think. - Don't they ever come here? - They don't know where I am. When I got out of prison, I felt if I went to them it could spoil their chances in their careers. So I came here. I get news of them sometimes from the man who sells my carvings in the village. No. That's the money I earned from the carvings. Almost the same as what I stole. There were a lot of people hurt by what I did. I don't even know who they were. So I can't repay them, but I would feel very much better if I could think of something worthwhile to do with it. There, now you know my secret. I hope it's safe with you. Good. And now it's time you were getting off home. And don't let me hear anymore nonsense of giving in. You may be able to run away from the village, but you can't run away from yourself. Go on. Off you go now and show them what you're made of. - [Teacher] I must say that the handwork this year is really quite exceptional. I'm sure that all of the parents who are with us today must be delighted with this work. - My sister made that. (laughing) - Dani. - Indeed. - I think it's best, don't you? - Well now that you mention it, yes I think I do. - You've won the prize Annette, you've won the prize! - [Teacher] Well having had that decision taken out of my hands, we come to the boy's entries. Yet again the quality is so good, but I have to confess there is one that stands out above them all. The prize this year for the best boy really must go to Bernard Pile. (clapping) (peaceful music) (cat meows) - What are you playing? - Go away! (melancholy music) I'm playing with my fairy animals. But Annette said I'm not to talk to you. - I won't hurt you. And I was very sorry about your leg. That's why I made the animals for you. - You didn't make them, I found them behind the woodpile. - [Annette] Dani, supper's ready. Dani! - Coming! (peaceful music) Come Klaus. - Come on, hurry up. - It's getting cold. - Annette. Lucien said he made my fairy animals, but he didn't did he? - Dani I've told you not to talk to Lucien. He'll only hurt you again. - Oh Annette that's not kind. - But I only talked to him a teeny weeny bit, anyway he didn't make them did he? - You found them in the woodpile didn't you? So how could he have done? Don't be so silly. - Well he said he did. But I think the fairies made them, don't you? - Oh do be quiet Dani, and eat up your soup. - Annette. - Where's Annette going? - I think her conscience is troubling her. - What's that? - It's a little thing inside us that keeps getting in the way. - Oh. - Am I to understand those little animals really were from Lucien? Oh Annette I don't know what's going on between you two, but do you really think it's worth it? Don't you see what it's doing to you my dear? You've cut of Lucien and God and now you're beginning to hurt little Dani as well. (melancholy music) Think about it my dear, think very hard. (suspenseful music) (wind howling) (screams) (sobbing) (panting) Monsieur Belldo! Monsieur Belldo! (panting) (door knocking) Monsieur Belldo. (door rattling) (sobbing) Dear Lord. Dear Lord Jesus. (sobbing) Why won't you let me in? (melancholy music) Please Lord, please help me. Please, please help me. Please, please. (ski's scraping) (suspenseful music) Help! Help! Help! Over here! I've hurt myself. I can't get out of here. (suspenseful music) Oh no. - Can't you walk at all? (groans) Look, if you wait here it'd be best if I go home, get the sledge for you. Don't worry, I'll be as quick as I can. - Won't you be cold? (peaceful music) - [Lucien] I won't be long. - [Annette Voiceover] Oh why did it have to be him? Why? Why? Lord Jesus. - Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for sending Lucien to help me. I'm sorry I've been shutting you out all these months 'cause I wanted to hate him, I wanted to punish him. I'm sorry. I really am. (suspenseful music) (wood cracking) - [Annette Voiceover] I can't, please don't make me. Please, no. No no, please. (suspenseful music) - Do I have to tell him? - Come on. - No, wait. I want to tell you something before we go home. You know that time your horse fell off the balcony? Well it was me. I did it on purpose because I didn't want you to win the prize. I'm sorry. - Come on. (peaceful music) (footsteps clicking) - Annette. Oh my dear what has happened to you? Your father has just this minute gone out looking for you. - Yes, he's seen us. He's just getting some bandages. - Lucien, come in. You're very welcome. Come. Sit down both of you. I'll go and get you some good hot soup. Annette, I've tried not to interfere but isn't it time you forgave Lucien? - I have. - And have you told him? - Yes, today in the mountains. - And what brought this about? - Come on you, lets have you on the sofa. Gently, there we are. Alright, let's have a look at it. (groaning) Where Annette? - Ow! - [Monsieur Burnier] Is it here? - Yes. - Well, I just wanted to get out and think about what was said at church last night. You know, about the innkeeper not letting Mary and Joesph in and people who still don't let Jesus in. And, ow! Ow. Then I fell up by the Belldo's house and there was nobody there, but I still felt like they weren't letting me in on purpose. I thought God must feel a bit like that really. It was awful. And then Lucien arrived of all people and I just couldn't stand it anymore. And so, I had to tell him. - Tell him what? - It's a secret. - Oh. - I'll tell you one day. (peaceful music) - Come in, come in. Now, what can I do for you? (peaceful music) - Lucien made them. - These are really exceptionally good. They're beautiful. I had no idea that Lucien. Why did he not enter for the competition? - He did. That's what I've come to tell you about. He made a little wooden horse, but I broke it because I was so angry about Dani. But I'm sorry now and I wondered if he could have a prize now that you know about it. - But I haven't got another prize, there were only two. One was given to Bernard and the other to you. - Well than he ought to have Bernard's prize, his were much better. - Oh no, we couldn't do that. After all, Bernard won quite fairly. We couldn't take his prize away. If you really want Lucien to have a prize then I think you should give him yours. After all it was your fault wasn't it? Hmm? It seems we have a late entry for the handwork competition. Indeed, I must say I was as surprised as you are. Normally I would not consider such a late entry. However, during the holidays I came across such a good piece of woodcarving that I've decided to award another prize for it. Lucien, would you like to come up and receive it? - Thank you. - Well done, you deserve it. - Thank you. - Annette it's like yours. - Is it? (peaceful music) I think you ought to keep it, it's your book. - No, it's yours now. The teacher said so. You've got to keep it. - Well I tell you what, why don't I have it this month and you have it the next? - And we'll change every month, all right. (peaceful music) Dani, what are you doing here? - Granny said I could come here, 'cause dinner's ready and I've had mine. - You shouldn't have come so far. - I thought you'd be back sooner. - Come on. - Oh, my leg hurts. - Shall I carry him? - Would you like that? - Woo hoo! (peaceful music) - What are you thinking? - Dani. - Don't you think it's time you put all that behind you? - It was going so well, and then. Isn't there anything we can do for him? - No, I don't think we can. - [Marie] Oh, I thought I'd never make it. - Come on, you must be frozen. What's this? - Money I think. - What's it for? - Got it as a tip. - Really? - Monsieur Givert, he's a doctor from down by the lake. Quite famous I believe. - Isn't that nice of him? - Madam was telling me he's got a clinic. People come from all over the world, he's some sort of bone specialist Honestly he was ever so nice. - Can he mend broken legs? - I would think so, yes. Oh, Lucien, you're not still thinking about Dani are you? - Could he do it? - I suppose so but have no idea how much it would cost? - No. - Nor have I. But it'll be far more than the Burniers could afford. - Forget about Dani, Lucien. It's over with. - But would he just come and have a look at Dani? - What good will that do? - I just thought that we could find out if anything could be done. - He leaves tomorrow early. - We could go now. - [Marie] How? - On the train. - It's too late. - Not if we hurry. - Lucien don't be silly. (suspenseful music) (wind howling) - Who's that? My boy what brings you here in this weather? (coughing) Are you all right? - You know you once said you were saving your money to give to something worthwhile. - Yes. - Well, I think I've found someone who really needs it. If you will give me your money, I think little Dani Burnier's leg might be made better. - How could that be? - There's a doctor at the hotel where my sister works who can mend broken bones. My sister said he'd want a lot of money. I'm going over the pass now to ask him to come and have a look at Dani. - You're going over the pass, in this weather? My boy you must be mad. You couldn't cross the pass in this weather. - I think I could on my skis, the fresh snow won't be too deep yet if I hurry. But it's no good going unless I've got the money. - I would give the money if I was sure of the man, but what do we know of him? Suppose he should cheat us. - My sister said he's a very famous man. Monsieur Givert I think. - Monsieur Givert? Do you know anymore about him? - He's got a clinic down by the lake people come to him from all over the world. - Take it all and give it to Monsieur Givert and tell him it is the payment of a debt. - Thank you very much. - Now you won't forget the message will you? - No, I'll say it's a payment of a debt. - And don't tell him about me. - No? - Nor my name. - No, I don't know your name. - Nor where I live. - No I'll just say it's a payment of a debt. Bye bye. - Goodbye and be careful, be careful. (ski's scraping) (wind howling) (humming) (bird caws) (suspenseful music) - Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom, thy kingdom come, thy will be done. (wind howling) I can't feel my feet. Oh it's so cold. (groaning) (sobbing) God, help me. I'll never get there without a lantern. Are you there God? Are you there? Do you care about me? (suspenseful music) Oh, God. You helped Annette, when she was stuck in the snow. Help me, please. Please. I didn't do that to Dani on purpose. I promise I didn't. Please help me. Please help me to get to the doctor. Please help me to get to the doctor. Please. Please someone come and find me. (peaceful music) (door knocking) - Yes? - Excuse me Monsieur Givert, where you by any chance expecting any, any visitors? - A visitor, at this hour? - Yes, it's like this Monsieur. About quarter of an hour ago, I heard a little rap on the door and when I went to answer it, there standing on the step is this boy in skis. About 12 years old, white as a sheet, looking more like a ghost than a boy. (laughs) "I want to see Monsieur Givert" says he. Without so much as a good morning. Then he falls down on his knees and leans his head against the door post. "Well" says I, "you can't come calling on people "at this time in the morning, he's sound asleep in his bed." "Then I'll wait" says he. And he sinks his head down in his knees. Well sir, I don't like to see a child like that. So I takes his skis off, and I drags him inside and I puts him on a chair. "Where have you come from?" says I. "From Pays-d'Enhaut" says he. "Hows that?" says I, "the early train's not in yet." "I came through the pass" says he. Yes Monsieur, through the pass. And the more I look at him, the more likely I feel to believe it. And when I saw your light on I thought I'd come and see if you'd like to see him too. - Well, I'll come and see him certainly. But as for coming through the pass I don't believe a word of it. It must have been terrible out there last night. - Well you'll see for yourself sir. - Oh dear. (suspenseful music) I'll take him to my room. Bring me a hot water bottle and some brandy. Oh and some hot coffee. - Yes sir. - And be as quick as you can. - At once sir. - Ah right. - Monsieur. - Ah. - A hot water bottle. - Thank you Porter. - And uh, Brandy Monsieur. - Thank you. - Oh, the poor boy. Yes. - Thank you. - I'll get the coffee Monsieur. - That's right. (suspenseful music) - Who are you? - I'm Monsieur Givert, I understand you wanted to see me. - Are you the great, clever, famous doctor? - (laughs) No, I'm just a doctor. - Can you make lame children walk? - It depends why they're lame, sometimes I can. - He fell off a precipice and now he has to walk with crutches. - Who? - Little Dani Burnier. He lives in the chalet next to ours. I was going to ask whether you could make him well again. - Coffee Monsieur. - Thank you Porter. - Here we are. - There we are. Here hmm. How did you hear of me? - My sister's a maid here, she told me. - But how did you get here in that storm? - I came over the pass on my skis. - (laughs) You couldn't have done, not that night. - But I did. Please sir, would this be enough to make Dani better? (bell ringing) - Excuse me, sir. - What's your name? - Lucien Morell. - Lucien, bfore we go any further I must know where this money came from. Do you know how much there is here? - No, but my sister said you'd want a lot. Isn't it enough? - (laughs) That depends whether you want to buy my clinic as well. Lucien, where did you get it? - An old man I know, I'm friends with him. And there's a message with it he said. It was a payment of a debt and you are to take it all. - Who is this old man? What's his name? - I don't know. - Where does he live? - Please, he made me promise not to tell you. He's sort of a secret and no one goes to see him except me. - All right, I shan't ask anything more for now. But tell me about little Dani's accident. How did it happen and when? - It was my fault really. I was teasing him and then, I pretended to drop to drop his cat over a ravine. And then by mistake, I really did. Dani went after it, fell and broke his leg. And ever since, he's never walked properly again. And I thought perhaps-- - All right. We'll go and see Dani together. It may be that God is going to make you the means of curing him. You know, you have a lot to thank God for. I think he must have been looking after you in a very special way last night, or you would never have got over that pass alone. Now, I think you'd better get some sleep. (door knocking) Before I take you home, hm? - [Porter] Monsieur Givert, ah, Monsieur Givert! - Oh sir, Porter tells me you've got my little brother. Is he all right? - Yes, exhausted but all right. - Oh sir, we've been searching for him all night. - Don't worry my dear, I think he'll be all right now. Perhaps you'd tell Dani's parents that I'll be along to see him, would you? - Yes, thank you Monsieur. - Thank you so much, you're very helpful, thank you. - [Porter] I'll certain the management will give you the day off. - [Dr. Givert] I'm sure they will. (bell ringing) (cheerful music) (coughs) - Dani, would you like a sweet? - Yes, go on. - (laughs) Does your leg hurt you? - No. - Hmm. - No Monsieur. - Monsieur. Only sometimes when I walk without my crutches. Would you like to see my crutches? - Very much indeed. - Ah, (laughs) wonderful. Just like a kangaroo. Now give me your crutches and let me see you walk without them, hm? (peaceful music) Ah (laughs). - Lets have some coffee, shall we Annette? - Yes Grandma. - There we go Now. Hmm, now. Hmm-mm. Hmm-mm. Yeah, yes. - Well? - Would you like to be able to run around like other little boys, hmm? - Hmm-mm. - Dani, where's that fine cat gone? - To the woodshed, would you like to see him? - Yes please. Whey. I think I may be able to help you, though I'd have to see the X-Rays first. I think the bone was not properly set and has joined up in the wrong way. I could break it again and pull it out straight, but it would mean an operation and a long stay in hospital. Would you be willing to let him come? - Well, um, how much would it cost? - It wouldn't cost you anything, Lucien has paid. But I can't explain that now, we must decide before Dani comes back. Will you let me take him? - Yes. - When? - Tomorrow, I'll be leaving on the early train, I'll take Dani with me. - On the train? Where am I going? Where Annette? - Dani, you're coming with me down to the lake, where I'm going to make your leg better. - And Annette, and Klaus, and Grandma and Papa. - Oh, Dani we can't all come. - Does the girl know anything about looking after children? - She brought this one up. - And Annette. So, I want to see you two at the station at half past eight tomorrow morning and enough things to last you for two or three months, all right? - Yes. - Now, I must take poor Lucien home. And then I have another small matter to deal with. (bells ringing) Who's that old man? Oi, stop. Do you know him? The money. Excuse me, Monsieur! Excuse me, Monsieur! Monsieur! Excuse me, Monsieur. Excuse me, Monsieur, I know this sounds rather silly but this sock, do you know anything about this sock? - No, no no, no. - And that little boy down there? - No, no, no. - Please Monsieur. No it can't be. (laughing) Come with me. Oh where have you been? - Oh, such a long time. - What have you been doing? Why didn't you get in touch with me? - I've been so ashamed. - But you might have known, we've been wondering where you were. - [Woodcarver] It would have spoiled your life. - [Dr. Givert] But why did you go away? - [Woodcarver] It would have spoiled all your chances. - [Dr. Givert] Oh no, no. - It would have. (laughing) Oh it's so good to see you my boy. So good. - Lucien, I would like you to meet my father. He's coming home with me as well. (laughing) Come on father, get on the sleigh. There we are, what a day. (laughs) Lets go, away. (cheerful music) - Hello Lucien, where are you going? - I'm going to the station, Annette and Dani are coming today. - Oh, give them my love. - All right. - Hello Lucien. - Good morning. - [Grandma Burnier] Do you think they will have changed? - [Monsieur Burnier] Oh mother, surely not in three months. - [Grandma Burnier] My dear when you were their age. - [Monsieur Burnier] Yes I know. And they were dragged off to the city by some stranger as well. - The place has been so quiet without them. - Yes, it has rather. (train horn whistles) (train rattling) Can you see them yet? - [Lucien Voiceover] It was your fault. it was all your fault. - There they are. Look, can you see them? - Yes. - [Annette Voiceover] It was your fault. It was all your fault. - Hello. Come on, come here. - [Dr. Givert Voiceover] Maybe that God is going to make you means of curing him. - Lucien, watch me. (cheerful music) - [Grandma Burnier] Be careful. Come on let me help you. (cheerful music)
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 1,917,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, forgiveness, family film, Paul Dean, Carey Born, Treasures of the Snow, Treasures of the Snow | Full Movie | Paul Dean | Carey Born, Full movie, Full Film, Christian movie, Christian film, Swiss, Swiss Alps
Id: VsAxSHSc5vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 44sec (6284 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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