The Secret | English Full Movie | Drama

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[Music] you are M bought you medicine [Music] [Applause] too hi back [Applause] [Music] Danny I can't I have to work hey Danny tomorrow's Grandparents Day you promised you do it did not leave me alone ow hey what's going on get out of here now stop it both of you now what's the matter with you guys you're friends you fight with enemies not with friends and Billy you go back to your job and Danny you come here with me Grandpa he started it he started it huh what was that fight all about nothing nothing hey let me take a look at that hand can't pitch Saturday with a sliver unless you're figing on scuffing up the ball huh come on I'll ride you back and we'll take care of that hand all right sour push why do elephants need trunks cuz they don't have glove compartment knock knock who's there dishes this is who this is the FBI open up here we come Uncle [Music] T thanks for the lift Grandpa you're welcome now you take care of this and I'll take care of you you two are going to end up in the vegetables one of these days he's too big to ride that way he's 9 years old today I remembered yeah but do you remember where you hit the drawing s I know you moved you're always changing things around a baloney I had to make room for your ugly cups without the tourists we'll be lucky if we can give them away they're beautiful mom's blankets aren't selling either Grandpa why'd you make all the deliveries that's my job not today today your job is being Mr birthday happy birthday Picasa thanks Uncle T you're good yeah I forgot my glasses what color is it all look grandpa oh sure he'd be wanting you to make store Signs Now someone's got to work around here I'm retiring one of these days yeah and I'm going to take up balet Dancy you crazy old man oh Mrs Merson will you Waters came in yesterday am I going to have a cake this year now why the heck would you cuz Grandma Mary made all my cake cakes yeah I happen to know for sure you're going to have a fine cake what did God need Grandma for why'd he take her away she was all done living you won't die will you Grandpa me not anytime soon hey quit stalling give me that hand it's going to hurt would I ever hurt you huh ah there's your problem pretty deep too here this will help draw it out come on now doesn't hurt I get you ready to pitch for that game Saturday huh Mom hi Mom hey birthday boy you hungry yeah good your grandpa's going to arrive soon and we have to go get your dad you know what bogy's working Bigfoot now how' you get to be nine a minute ago you were my baby you can't be nine yes I can then I'm going to be 10 and then 11 and then third 13 well you can't play in my league when you're 13 so I'll go back to being 12 goofball that's a terrible story well I got to go to my grandson's birthday dinner beat Jack always a pleasure wait a minute Mike sit down we need some advice okay you know the election's coming up yeah there's one slot open now how do the other four stand two for us Growers two for the developers see it's a Swing Vote that's coming up for grabs that's why this election is so important to us Mike yeah the developers they're building their houses so close to the bogs that the waste pollutes our water that's not fair as if Paving over a bog to make a parking lot where the same thing as growing cranberries there we need some man that's going to stand up for the Growers come on Mike you know everybody give us a name well I don't know much about politics but it seems to me we don't want to be breaking things down into us and them are they're going to be a loser being married a long time I learned to look for the middle Brown I think we need to find someone someone who doesn't have an argument with anybody well let me think about it thanks May yeah thank you Mike hey till Danny best wishes for a happy birthday okay Patrick come on come here Danny wants to get into his birthday cake did you get the one oh yeah it's a be I had to drive all the way to harwitch to get this you should have had me go nah I ordered it special I wanted to thank the guy personally Danny's going to love oh I hope so where is he anyway why didn't he come up here with you oh your father got here just as we were going out the door you know he wanted Danny to stay with him big surprise what nothing so what did pop have to say Well he seems okay considering considering what that tomorrow it'll be a year since your mother died well pop you never know you never know what never mind thanks Grandpa hey dinners hey po rrick hey how's my star piter doing huh never late for dinner you ready for a big game Saturday I will Dad you bet check on dinner okay look what Grandpa gave me he made this it's the best present I ever got Well you aren't finished yet Mighty late getting home aren't you no early we're still wet picking here hold it yeah yeah now maybe you'll be on time uh it's it's waterproof you know I'm no expert but the fellas tell me it's risky waiting so long to Big berries could freeze how long you wait the better the color you get top dollar yeah but you could risk losing everything though it's lucky you're no [Music] expert can you take me fishing sure phone kiddo it's Billy don't be long dinner's ready okay hi Billy you mad no I'm not mad Dad see these books I got Danny well that's no one of Patrick's you think it's too simple no dad you got to help me get Danny to read more he still thinks it's to read with his mom give it up there I mean the kid will never be a genius he's a jock oh by the way I need a half dozen more of your blankets down at the store really yeah come on dad tourist season's almost over yeah but Winter's coming in I don't want to be caught short what's this my birthday card to Danny get well soon you party animal well everybody sends birthday greetings I like to be more interesting than the rest of you huh hey what does an old man have to do to get fed around here huh yeah congratulations M that was a great dinner thanks Mom yeah honey it was terrific I love love the ham I was going to make pork chops oh just like Mary always kidding me what's wrong with pork chops ah your mother's give me the business forget it go ahead ask your grandpa come on Grandpa Tell me all right you know Daddy my folks came from Dublin and they were dirt poor for dinner all my brothers and sisters would pass around a couple of potatoes we'd pretend the first bite roast beef the second pudding Grandpa no I'm not fooling but one Christmas the rich family my mother iron shirts for gave us these pork chops not turkey well they ate the turkey so you see this was the first meet we'd had in a long long time and oh boy I was a bad boy what' you do I took the cod liiver oil my mother was always pouring into us and put it on the chop so nobody else would want any I wasn't thinking how awful they taste to me my father made me eat everyone with a whole family watching oh I nearly died of shame to this day I can't look at pork chops without feeling sick I learned the hard way you pay for being selfish don't you forget that happy Birthday Danny hey yay happy birthday D hey daddy boy happy birthday make a [Music] wish please tell me how can you have any secrets from me 15 years and you just let me in this far and Wham the Old Stone Wall leave it alone what is going on between you and Mike what did he do that was so wrong that's something I've never understood when you're with Mike it's like you're a whole different person I've watched you your face changes sometimes it feels like you're suffering you didn't keep his promises [Music] okay like what Meredith why don't you talk about it maybe you'll feel [Music] better oh it sounds like little stuff but when you're a kid it it hurts yeah it hurts bad he never wanted to be around [Music] me I'd want him to read to me help me with my homework he didn't have the time go ask your mother I'd even go down to the store to help you know just to be around [Music] him he'd send me out on deliveries you see how dad is with Danny I think he's trying to make it up to you oh yeah so now he crowds me he tries to compete with me he acts like Danny is his kid let's go to sleep good night honey he never made me a fishion pool to be just fine now Danny make me proud of you today huh hey Danny Grandpa I'm supposed to park my bike by the cafeteria okay see you inside hey Billy did you do my art project yeah I got it I got it hope you like it you sure can draw wa that's great we're a team yeah I wrote the story Danny just the way you told it to me d a welcome to Grandparents Day today our fourth graders are going to demonstrate their reading and writing skills by sharing with us essays that they have written about their grandparents so let's begin now let's see I'm going to need a volunteer I have so many wonderful essays to choose from I can't decide who to pick let's see oh Danny that's all right you don't need to get the milk today our room mothers are going to bring it in with a snack but it looks like I have my first volunteer let's hear it for Danny Dunmore good luck Danny my grandpa by Danny Dunmore my grandpa's family came over from dland that's Dublin just kidding Grandpa anyway he had a lot of brothers and sisters and they were so poor that they were pretending potatoes were roast beef and one Christmas the family that my grandpa's mother worked for gave them some pork chops isn't that strange pork chops not [Music] turkey thanks for coming grandpa I wish Grandma could have been here Danny did you write an essay for class yeah why didn't you read what you wrote I I did yeah but uh you wrote your paper you wrote it before I told you a pork chop story I did it over when before school I got a phone yeah when I came over to pick you up this morning you were still in bed remember I had to blast you out okay Grandpa I'll tell you you know how you're always saying you're proud of me me well I wanted to do good when I got up in class but I got scared and your story was really funny and they knew they'd like it better than mine so that's why well when we get to the store thur and I sure would like to hear you read your story you don't believe me do you you don't think I wrote one you're just like Dad you think I'm [Music] dumb Dy [Music] daddy is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] Catal mral come on know you're out there somewhere I'll eat it myself lovely cat trade you in for a dog o excuse me Mr O'Neal I didn't see you sitting there and I didn't mean that [Music] yes see Mary you're worried I couldn't get along without you huh couldn't pay my bills I'd get lost you just rest easy Mary we're doing just fine doing just fine [Music] come [Applause] on two more two [Applause] more come on get here don't let him go down to on you give him some heat the three how you doing M I beat that grandson of yours is one da good ball player yeah there he is get something to e you want anything hey Mike Jack and I we want you to meet someone yeah I want to take out to lunch on Monday so what say we whack up a bucket of Steamers over at the Captain's homeall okay good see you there we got a new Chef here whole new menu and what may I get for you gentlemen today I'll have a special same for me how bet you Mike you want the pork chops too I bet the fish is great I'll have the Catch of the Day which one sir second thought I want a salad no you can't have just salad when we're buying come on eat something Steamers uh delivery didn't come in steak Tuesdays today we have pork chops well I haven't eaten here since it's changed hands I hey Pete hey Mike this is link Carlson how are you how you doing Mike he's one of the head Haun shows over at The Growers Association well what's up we found somebody we like to get to run for that selectman seat I only need to tell you it's a big honor that's what they call it when you work hard but you don't get paid well lucky for us the man we wanted back he doesn't need the money he owns his own business he's lived in Pride him practically his whole life which is a real plus when you running the town he knows how to get things done and he ain't in any camp everybody respects him always asking him for advice we'll be willing to help him with the whole campaign putting up posters working on speeches of course he'd be his own man we're not saying otherwise and he's got some time on his hands right now okay okay so you want me to convince him huh I'm be glad to help you now who you got [Music] you [Music] number eight buoy the fisherman sailed around the buoy in order to avoid the Rocks buoy number nine lighthouse on top of the lighthouse there is a very bright light [Music] [Laughter] Lighthouse what's so funny what' you say what's so funny oh that book tape you bought me from Boston hey look at you who's the lucky lady don't tell me the ever lovely Veronica how about the ever lovely Herber T harrove cigar smoking bore of the Eastern Seaboard wants to renegotiate our bank loan thanks to you lending money to every sad story in town on nothing but a handshake th are you mad at me again huh of course I am you crazy old man who's got to do all the running around picking up supplies me that's who all because you're just too stubborn to go and get your driver's license renew you know I can't pass that test without Mary's helping I go and make a fool to myself I said I'd ask you the questions just like Mary did the answer is no H don't go ordering no ugly cups while I'm gone and you keep your eye on the road and off the [Music] girls they are ugly Danny I don't understand you're cheating and then this weekend I was grading some of the essays you children wrote for Grandparents Day yours was about fishing can you tell me how you got from there to pork chop s did you write [Music] this all right Dan why don't you just read this to me and that'll be that [Music] okay I I can't [Music] Grandpa what is it I hate school I'm never going back don't let her tell Dad all right what's her name Mrs nurel she's new this year upstairs second floor I don't have time for these little conferences meridith and I'm going to tell her that Danny likes her a lot be nice [Music] okay excuse me ah was nurel I've got men I'm paying by the hour to get my crop in before the frost I I don't understand what's so important my wife can't handle it what's so important [Music] is your son can't read Mr [Music] Dunmore please sit down but he reads with his grandfather all the time are you sure yeah I got him books for his birthday he reads with Dad all the time Lord but do you ever help him with his homework yeah I have not always but look we work I we're not going to apologize for the time we have to spend earning a living look I know you don't want to hear this your son is one of my favorite students believe me this is no fun for me either what I'm trying to say is that Danny is not ready for the fourth grade I don't know why his teacher passed him last year you're not going to put him back I don't want to I mean really I don't you think he's that stupid no I think he is that bright and look how he's managed to fool everybody for so long but the fourth grade is a turning point for these children they have to build upon what they've already learned and Danny isn't able to do that that's what finally tripped him up maybe he's having trouble paying attention Danny always has trouble paying attention I don't think so I think your son may have a learning disability now look I want to get him tested if he does and we catch it in time we can put him in a special class now hold it there's nothing wrong with my son he is a terrific athlete you should have been to that game Saturday that kid pitched a three hit shut out I mean so what if he's no Bookworm I got se's and I own my own business I'm going back to work come on Mrs dmore please just one more minute please Patrick's under a lot of pressure he's worked forever for other people to own his own bogs it's our maker break here he really is a wonderful father some men have a hard time with this believe me it is not unusual please don't put my son back into the third grade it kill him these are his friends the people he grew up with I know but a social promotion is not going to take care of this problem Danny's got to be tested can you get your husband to agree there's so much pride in the men in our family I think Patrick's afraid it'd be reflection on him if they found something wrong I understand but my hands are tied unless I've got permission from both parents because both of you signed the school admissions contract but the school will do the testing for free there must be something I can do there is a place in Boston if it's excellent but it is expensive I'll I'll call you [Music] later [Music] any this morning Danny refused to go to school he did huh and Patrick lets him ditch takes him out on the Bogs with him oh Dad what am I going to do he's got to be tested by a professional what if this is something serious like a brain tumor calm down that kid's healthy as a horse otherwise he'd be having headaches or something well we'll never know because Patrick absolutely refuses to have him tested oh Dad I know you'd cut off your arm for that boy talk to Patrick swallow your pride it's SN my place I'm I'm sorry I got the name of this Hospital in Boston Boston I called them it cost $1,200 I'll get it somehow I've got some saved you're welcome to it thanks I'm not hitting you up for a loan I need help with Patrick I know I should stand up to him more than I do but Patrick's not easy he's not like you he has all these layers please talk to him Meredith you know Patrick never listens to me Mrs nural says that Danny has a good chance if we catch this thing early enough for goodness sake what kind of life is it if you can't read or right oh the color looks good now bch huh see the old man was right the longer you wait the better the [Music] color okay let's get this empty out of the [Music] way Granda look I'm helping dad come on got one last go come on how's it going Patrick I hear the store is not enough huh going to take up politics well I haven't made up my mind what do you think come on Grandpa do it Uncle T says if you get to be one of the big shots you can get us a new ball car not even elected already I'm being Lobby you haven't told me what to think pck I you always do what you want to do don't you hey Grandpa what you doing here I come out here to ask you something really important manto man what Grandpa but if you don't tell me the truth I can't help you I will Nanny do you ever feel like maybe there's something wrong inside your head yeah words play tricks with you don't they yeah how do you know there some things I know for sure like I know you're a smart boy but all the other kids read it must be dumb you're not dumb don't say that again ever what's wrong with me I don't know we'll find out you can fix it can't you [Music] grandpa might try I want to try Danny you can fix [Music] anything did Danny come in the store while I was out no I haven't seen him today so when did you tell him You' run last night how you know there a couple of things about you having to escaped my notice like what oh like how much being a select man might mean to you our little recognition in your senior years might not be so hard to take yeah you don't know anything well I know you have never passed up a good fight in one of your other lives you were probably probably a knight slaying dragons yeah well if I was a knight what were you oh that's easy the way you make me run all over I must have been your horse how all right him Benson hey hold it then heos we're back in Mike see him talking to that developer campaigning already hi guys how you later Jimmy hello they good hello how are you hey Mike hi Pete Jack we found out who they're putting up against you who that Banker in good opponent he's sharp you must have got him scared that's why they're putting up a big gun like that huh which is why we got to get right over to the printers which one do you like uh where where are my glasses uh vote for Mike he's Dunmore for pridon dun more hey I think that's fine yeah what about mine I like Mike work for Ike can't argue with that well so choose mine mine you fellas have put me in a terrible spot like I got to choose between steak and lobster they're both so good got an idea let's put Link's genius to work to figure out a way to print them both huh hey good idea Mike I got to get to the bank before closing Mike the taxpayers association wants you to set the date for your debate with Benson okay and we've got to get your picture taken tomorrow for the papers now hold it come Thursday I'm all yours day and night but tomorrow I have to make a little run to Boston lost yeah finish some business but how you going to get there take a bus you're going to get you're going to get lost ticker's working much better now [Music] guys [Music] mag dad what are you doing here so early Patrick left yeah they had a big freeze last night he's out in the bogs I'm taking Danny to Boston I've got 12200 right here he's being tested at 2:00 today yeah I'm going with you no no look you better stay here let me take the blame I'll say I told you we were going fishing but Dad trust me Mar this is important I know what I'm doing thank you you don't know what you're doing you're going to get lost will you stop saying that you better let me drive what do I look like Miss Daisy who's got his license and who doesn't make a the steam we know what we're doing don't we Danny Boy sure Grandpa we take the bus to Boston and de hard Square Terminal and then the watch ofac call it to Charles Street the te is for train what color line the red line r beautiful you're going to get lost [Music] so what's the difference between a fish and a piano we can't tune a fish what did the big toe say to the little toe don't look now but there's a heel following us you know the difference between an elephant and a bunch of bananas no remind me never to send you out for [Music] bananas Grandpa am I going to have to get a shot oh they didn't say anything about shots well my guess is they're going to ask you a bunch of questions look at only answers you already know huh I'll try again now Danny if you put your hand in your pocket and pulled out 75 cents and you put your hand in your other pocket and pulled out 75 cents what would you have somebody else's pants I love that joke that's my favorite so [Applause] funny hello Mr dunore this is Danny's teacher ah Mrs nurel here your wife left a message Danny has another earache is he all right no I uh I I don't know anything about an earache well I wanted to send over some homework uh well Meredith's at the Arts Co-op right now she's usually back by noon I'll have her call you oh that'll be fine I hope he's feeling better thank you all right bye hey [Music] danners Aus so big yeah hey don't you worry there so many [Music] people glad you knew where to go yeah you just leave it to [Music] Grandpa would you be kind enough to tell us which way to the red line well not waiting any [Music] boy [Music] look at all those trains Grandpa Patrick what are you doing here your arm what happened I had an accident are you all right just forget about it will you honey are you hurt badly where's Danny Patrick you wouldn't listen [Music] Meredith where is [Music] he last upop last upop we missed our station would you mind telling us if uh come on Denny where's the hospital Grandpa how do we get outside don't you worry we're doing just fine we're lost aren't we us n we're just taking the scenic GR what are we going to do Grandpa let me think let me think mom always told me if I got lost to look for a policeman police come [Music] on thanks fellas you'll be rewarded in heaven for being nice to an old man his grandson thank you well then D we're here all because of you I told you you were smart we have an appointment to see Dr Myers and 602 where are the elevators please around the corner my Danny dunore d u n m o r e Patrick [Music] Dad where have you been what's wrong with your around we got lost but we met two NE police but I'll explain everything while Danny's in with the doctor Danny's not seeing any doctors this is important to you for Danny Danny is Danny's my boy and I'll decide what's right for him now listen to me come on son no Dad please it was my fault Grandpa was just trying to help Granda Danny Grandpa hush up Don't You Worry Danny can't leave Grandpa come on Danny dunore is Danny dunore here right here miss you're Danny [Music] Dunmore I'm his grandfather but test me please you got to test me because whatever he's got I gave it to him course well don't worry about it we can always reschedule sap right turpentine does come from sap okay name the man in history Who first got an idea about electricity by flying a kite Ben Franklin you're doing very well Mr dun can you arrange these blocks to form the same design as on the card a this [Music] one I'm going to say some numbers and you tell them to me backwards 5 3 7 6 6 5 [Music] three which numbers higher 10 million or 3 billion 3 billion [Music] good okay can you read this the boy something something the boy went down to the river with his dog and this one uh Grill no that's GP GP and last one [Music] Echo okay Mr tore you're on the home stretch and we're going to do some more vocabulary uh Define obstinate my son Grandpa's going to get my brain fixed well there's nothing wrong with your brain yes there is no there isn't oh daners daners don't you see that's what he wants you to think so that he can make it all right I'm telling you the truth son I don't want you to get hurt he's taking from me you can't count on [Music] him Dy [Applause] [Music] D it's my fault I should have left it alone well I couldn't I love Danny just as much as you do don't you think I want what's best for him no I think what you want is for him to be just like you well he isn't he can't read there's something wrong with him and you're just too afraid to admit it well he's had to fail for us to recognize that there's a problem I don't want my son going through his life thinking of himself as a failure so go ahead be mad at your father be mad at me but I'm going to do whatever it takes to save Danny Danny Mr dunore please sit down well I've uh I've gone over your test results you scored in the very super Superior range you kitty mm your intelligence is well above average what's the matter with me why can't I read Mr Dunmore you have dyslexia and I'm afraid it's pretty severe what's that well it's a learning disability that affects about one in every seven people it's not a disease it's an uh it's an invisible handicap and a lot of people who have dyslexia are uh are are ashamed and they keep it a secret so I'm not stupid no no or lazy or crazy or not trying no those are other things dyslexics get accused of what causes it well we don't know yet we have our theories but it does run in families it can be hereditary oh so if I had have it my grandson could have it yeah can it be fixed it can be helped not cured what does my grandson have to do to to be helped he can be taught to sound out words and eventually to read but first he's got to be tested well that's not going to be easy why he by the way what's a grp rep it's a word that tests how you sound out unknown words doesn't mean anything we made it up son of a gun Mr dunore your daughter-in-law called she's going to meet your bus thank you that's Danny's mother why as you ride with me station's on my way home I'll give you a lift who have thought there's a name for what I had besides stupid you are not alone some dyslexic suffer their whole lives thinking they're dumb that's the tragedy H not Danny I'll convince Patrick Dr Myers Danny's going to have it better I spent my whole life being ashamed I lied my son my grandson everyone well you don't have to do that anymore why you can explain you have a problem that won't cure my grandson well no but so why tell him well I thought it would be a relief for you to tell Dr Myers how can I make you understand you see I've been asked to run for selectman that might not mean much to you but nothing like this ever happened to me before nobody's wanted me for anything so important but now they do they want me and I can do it I've lived in Pride them all my life I I love those people I could do a good job but if they find out I can't read can't even write much either well you know what'll happen but Mr Dunmore you can learn how to read too we can help no for me it's too late Dr Myers look I appreciate all you've done to help me with Danny but I won't be coming back for help I've got to keep my secret I have no choice you do have a choice Mr Dunmore you [Applause] do so Dad did you find out anything well I met with this doctor an expert very nice I told her everything you told me she said first Danny has to be tested but in her professional opinion he has something called dyslexia oh D now it's not as bad as it sounds has nothing to do with being smart Einstein had it then she told me now he'll need special teaching but he can learn to read please please I'm sorry he but he's going to be fine just fine this is wonderful news and terrible news at the same time point is now that we know we can fix it yeah but but what we still have to convince Patrick he'll never agree to having Danny tested where is [Music] he [Music] what are you doing in my truck Patrick I've come to ask you a favor I've never asked a favor of you in my life but you got to do this you got to have Danny tested oh I got to go home I'll drop you all Patrick I know what's wrong with a boy he's got a learning problem it's called oh the doctors never saw him so how do you know well I look I know that if he gets help with his reading he can catch up with his class oh come on Pop I play it straight you you're always holding things back would you just tell me the truth if you know what that is there things so many things that I I wanted to say to you but I was scared I I know you go down one road and you you can't turn around it's it's it's it's not because you don't love your family you love them so much you can't bear to hurt them to to shame them by am I making sense no well anyway when it comes to Danny you've got to take my word for it we both know what that's worth Patrick it hasn't escaped my notice that you think I was a pretty poor excuse for a father and I admit to making mistakes while you were growing up but if you keep pretending that Danny has no problems your boy is going to end up feeling the same way about you as you do about me I hope you're getting a big kick out of this all my life you've been pulling the strings while I'm cutting them from now on mind your own business haven't tested prove me [Music] wrong [Music] oh Mary why can't I get through the padic like you did you got to help me how can I convince [Music] him how's your arm oh it's fine still a little tender but are you going to go to work yeah yeah after I take Danny to school I'm going to sign those forms you wanted and have him tested yeah thank you thank you very much I don't care how you did it I don't care why you did it all miracles gratefully accepted thank you honey it wasn't a miracle was Danny I did it for Danny last night pop tried to tried to tell me something I couldn't get it out whatever it was but was the first time he ever tried this morning I was lying in bed you already gotten up I got lonely lonely like like when I was a kid at home and there was always something something going on behind closed doors that I wasn't a part of and then then it hit me you saying that that I shut you out I've been doing to you and Danny what I hated pop for doing to me and that's the last thing I want honey so if our kid is so sure that there's something wrong then I got to listen and get it checked out and God willing handle it if I ever clam up on you again don't you ever let me get away with it [Music] okay I begin Sprout wing when you whisper darling can't you hear how my heart sings do you miss me tonight that was Mary's favorite song yeah I [Music] know Mike I dreamt about her last night did now what do you suppose that meant that's your Miss like I do know sometimes I feel like all the life's been sucked out of me I miss your hair prints on the sink the two of you nagging me one thing I can't do anything about the Nights ah nothing can change the nights they seem to go on forever I know look good you're the best friend I ever had but you know too much you old coup I know what I know there's no need for nobody else to know you're smarter than all the rest why do you think I made you my campaign manager you see if I can win this select thing maybe I find something to look forward to you know do something good leave this town a little better off come on ask me something what's the capital of Montana that's not a debate question good you're paying [Music] attention [Applause] how'd it go today okay except to have to be in another class for reading with two girls lucky you ah Danny Boy you've been at it for 2 weeks you'll be reading in no time see having dyslexia is not your fault and there nothing to be ashamed of yeah the teacher told me and you know what Grandpa what she says when I can't think of the right word it's because of my learning difference and Dad tells me four things to do and I can't remember it's not cuz I'm dumb isn't that great yeah fish are smarter than us they don't come out in the rain let's get in before it really pours Danny let me show you the new lures I bought you the're Beauties where did I put them look at me Grandpa hey I can see with your glasses on when I put on moms I can't see a thing go off what's the matter these are not play things it cost a lot of money sorry was some like an old grump if I can see with your glasses on maybe you don't need them anymore you better go home now it's almost dark and I'll show you those lures tomorrow huh and old daddy now that you're starting your new reading lessons will you still be able to go campaigning with me next week huh yeah you can help me with my homework you know Grandpa I'd never wear glasses if I didn't have to well let's hope you never have to [Music] [Music] huh a little inside Danny kind of worried about you seems to me you've stopped trying have you you guys think it's so easy not me well Grandpa does he said I'd be reading in no time you got to give yourself a chance no matter what anybody says need more help from me no can we stop hey what's going on you want to play ball with your old man anymore did I do something wrong no used up all my guesses you don't yell at me anymore what you always just to yell at me clean up your room take out the trash now you and Mom act like I'm sick like when I get my ear AES you're right kiddo you're absolutely right okay little Mister you get up to that truck right now you hear me and when we get home you're going to clean up that pig pen you call a room or I'm going to turn your heart and hang it outside the barn so that the ti can rip the flesh from your bon and I'll just get it right here I'll rip your flesh off right here you got me you got me you all right yeah I'm not you just worn your old man out Bley dad what what's hereditary where'd you hear that from my teacher what's it mean well inherited sort of uh you know stuff you you get from your parents like the good looks that you got from me hey you but you don't have dyslexia do you no does Mom no why never mind head up why you and he goes back it's a pop fly to center field D more goes back back I got it back you better make that the last one Pete he look there's Mike and thir good now we got to hurry Jack and Pete sure are working hard well they ask me questions I hate speeches sure is nice you to drive us though consider this my campaign contribution old man how you doing your homework Danny I have to read the story go ahead we'll listen Bill and Jill want to bake some what's that uh gee I I can't read while I'm in a moving car makes me sick you don't want me up Chucky all over the place do you nothing my car you don't here give me the book cookies cookies I spoke to his teacher the other day it's like he's given up started off so well he did he seemed so relieved not to have the pressures of his regular reading group and his tutor said that Danny asked more questions about dyslexia than any student she'd ever had then what happen well I was hoping you'd know his test score show he's way too bright not to be doing better he doesn't do the homework he forgets his books Patrick and I sit down with him and eat and he makes excuses he's too tired his eyes are sore what do you think it is that got him so discouraged well I have the big debate on Saturday but as soon as it's over I'll take Danny fishing I got him to tell me why is it that I can always count on you come on everybody here's the cand everyone's voting for Ernest I'm Shane Dorian and behalf of the taxpayers association I'd like to welcome you here this afternoon to hear the candidates for selectman debate yeah we've got Mike dunore Mike and Ernest Benson and we're going to start with Mike each candidate has three minutes to address our number one issue [Applause] growth friends Neighbors most of you know me so what I think is no secret you know some folks figured if the shoe fits you aren't allowing for growth and others assure the only thing that grows for the sake of growing has got to be a weed I think our Cape is busting out all over we get a half a million folks down here in summer now the people who come here are important to us we are the hosts they are our guests and they should feel welcome so we've got to work together come up with a plan from for everything from Quality Water to waste disposal now my idea is at first we' res together and increased tourism facilities should be our number one priority and that ladies and gentlemen is the quintessential difference between me and my my opponent now we'll go to the prepared questions since Earnest was last Mike you take the first question yeah sorry I I can't read without glasses they're on your head Mr dunore [Music] [Music] thank well the typing it's not very clear I I can't quite make it out it's uh the light just a minute excuse me Mr moderator I thought this was supposed supposed to be a debate how come we got to hear a bunch of canned answers to questions the candidates have already seen yeah yeah that's right we got some tough questions we want answered yeah yeah yeah come on open the floor open the floor open the floor open the floor open the floor open the Flor theor the chair is right here open the floor open the floor since the majority appear to want an open Forum so be it who's got a question tonight I'd like to go where to stand on the proposal to change the building restrictions in the historical district Danny wait come back Danny Danny Danny what is going on with you I need you to talk to me what is the matter nothing leave me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alone [Applause] [Music] Danny go right huh come here hey what's the big idea running out on your grandpa huh come here Danny Boy give me a hug for good luck come here you lied to me you can't read you got what I've got you're a big fat liar I hate you liar liar [Music] honey what didn't mom tell me did she help pop get away with it I don't think she had much choice in those days nobody knew anything about dyslexia if you were if you couldn't read you were dumb you couldn't get a job they were both scared yeah BP talked about that I mean do you think the bank would have lent your father money to open his store if they knew he couldn't read or people would come in and ask him for advice he built that business on friendship I'm not talking about telling a bank why didn't he tell me me I mean you were a kid you think think that your father would risk you being ashamed of him and I bet he was terrified of getting caught I know I know but still I I can't help it my my own father doesn't tell me he can't read why didn't he at least tell me when I was older I don't know now I understand why he's Garden his secret letting me think he liked everybody better than me I could never figure out why he would promise me he was coming home and then stay day and night at the store he had to he was handicapped just think how long it takes Danny even to write a few words your father had to make change take inventory read labels yeah read I was always after him to read to me I a couple of times he couldn't get out of it I mean now I know he was looking at the pictures and making the whole thing up but then then it was so confusing you take goalie loocks and a three bears huh he would say once upon a time there was a little girl with long yellow curls and that's why everyone called her Blondie Blondie anyway he would go on and say that um Blondie would be taking a hike in the woods and she would get caught by the big bad bears and made a slave only she was a lousy housekeeper cuz she kept breaking up the furniture and then he would say she made mashed potatoes for their dinner I mean whatever came into his head of course you know I would go and tell this to the other kids natur I was an idiot [Music] I love [Music] you you think you can forgive [Music] him [Applause] [Music] hey Denny I found those lurs I bought you want to try them out I stopped by your house and I got your [Music] gear I didn't mean to hurt you I was trying to help but I guess I let my pride get in the way but I'm sorry Danny please believe me go away hey Manny come on let's go fishing here's your PO and we can talk you lied you said there's nothing to be ashamed of but you you're are ashamed that's why you don't want anybody to know that you've got it I hate you Grand I never want to see you again you're big F [Music] liar [Music] [Applause] listen up everybody I'd like to welcome you to the pride of election rally and to introduce to you our Town's next selectman your friend and mine Mike [Music] duno first I want to thank my family for their support my campaign team Pete Jack Link those guys work hard to take me this far and a special thanks to my campaign manager and my best friend th good Carver good work you all believed in me some of you are planning on voting for me yeah come on stop the first there's something I must tell you a man who runs for office must be honest in the way he represents the people who trusted him and I have been living a lie I'm a fraud I have a disability I should have told you about I owed it to you this disability they they call it an invisible handicap because it's something you can't see but it's crippled me all my life what it is is I can't read I can't really write either it sure isn't by choice I'll tell you that much you see I found out I have this thing called dyslexia I was born with it for over 50 years is I've been ashamed I kept it a secret sort of the family secret because it hurt everybody I loved and it took someone with much more courage than I have someone who I love very much to show me that shame wasn't having the trouble reading but not having the guts to admit it so as much as I hate to throw the election to Benson the only right thing for me to do is drop out of this race hold it Mike look I know a little something about being handicapped now 3 years ago when I had my accident I think I could go on being a grower but my friends stuck by me they helped me out and you were one of them and now we're going to stick by you yeah Mike you you didn't join this race just to line your pocket you love Pride them you belong here we we don't want to vote for Benson you have to run Pete's right you spent your whole life listening to people's problems you know what's best for this town and you know how to get things done we need you besides oh man man you're the one who always says he likes a good fight so you got to beat Benson you're not going to let the developers take over this town without a fight are [Music] you come on pop you got my [Music] [Applause] vote I love you grandpa [Music] we're going to win Grandpa sure we [Music] [Applause] [Music] are thanks for the rod Pop I owe you that one son okay danners that's enough fishing time to hit the books hey wait a second that's my old book oh not that again a mom this book's for little kids read Goldilocks and the Three Bears yeah pop Goldilocks not Blondie once there were once there were three bears and they lived in a small house in the woods I got that part right go ahead one day they went for a walk while their porridge cooled now hold it porridge wasn't yeah porridge not mashed [Music] potatoes hold on D look at that picture could be mashed potatoes it could be yeah it could be mashed potatoes go ahead D inside the cottage a log fire was Burning Brightly and a table was laid for breakfast with three bowls of steaming porridge it smelled delicious and Goldie L suddenly realized how hry she was
Channel: DDF: Film Magazine
Views: 218,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Drama, The Secret, Karen Arthur, Kirk Douglas, Bruce Boxleitner, Brock Peters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 14sec (5354 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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