THE WITCH (2015) Ending Explained

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hey how's it going folks welcome to found flicks on this inning explain video we're looking at another one you guys have wanted me to cover for years at this point robert egger's excellent debut the so-called new england folk tale the witch following a family in 1630s new england that is torn apart by the forces of witchcraft black magic and possession now the witch is certainly not a traditional horror film filled with jump scares and paper-thin characters but really is its own unique intriguing experience with a consistently foreboding get under your skin kind of atmosphere as we watch our family having their faith tested repeatedly and slowly torn apart by a mysterious evil forces a lot of what makes it so unique is thanks to writer director robert eggers he almost obsessively considers in painstaking detail when it comes to crafting his movie's worlds you know how am i going to get a period appropriate farm you get one built from scratch using time-specific building techniques same goes for the costumes and literally every aspect of the movie is given the same consideration and scrutiny even much of the dialogue and scenes are adapted from actual journals and writings of the time creating an alarmingly accurate representation of how the religious climate was in the 1600s taking place some 60 years before the infamous salem witch trials which ties into the main story in an important way the proof is in the pudding because all of the aforementioned really helps to add to the viewing experience and craft a very real and grounded world which makes the frights and supernatural moments even more unsettling because it feels so real point being let the witch do its thing and you're in for a delicious time it's a line from the movie so let's journey back to the 1600s in new england breaking down the witch's story and themes including some more references to real-life beliefs from the time and explaining the ending including how we got there and just what it means for our heroine immediately our family is in turmoil thanks to their more traditional christian beliefs finding them gathered in a court of their new england township and essentially being given the boot father william brings attention to how they traveled a vast ocean to escape religious persecution only to have this happen dubbing them false christians and unworthy of judging him it's interesting because even at this very early stage the family has already been through a lot due to their religion having left england to come to the states for religious freedom and honestly that boat ride is already crazy to even consider back in those days how long that [ __ ] take like six months or a year or something anyway despite william's holier-than-now perspective they banished the family from the town young thomason being the last to leave seeming to kind of have one last moment of hanging on to belonging here urged to get a move on by her younger brother and the real heart of the family caleb and they have to leave all this behind ah isn't it something yeah i know it's the 1600s not like modern day cities or anything but it still is honestly pretty rough looking giving us a glimpse into what civilization really was like at the time well sort of civilization i mean just a couple of shacks it's not a town where's my kfc it sucked mother catherine starts singing a hymn of faith as they leave the township and enter into the unknown reaches of the woods ahead gathered around a campfire william is steadfast in his faith raising his hands to the sky and smiling the family joins hands peering back into the foreboding forest with lots of haunting vocals and [ __ ] pretty obvious bad home when there's something lurking out there in the woods friends they get their modest farm together as thomason alone confesses she's been living in sin rattling off such horrible crimes like being disobedient to her parents not praying enough or playing on the sabbath geez what an absolute monster for all these massive indiscretions she knows that she deserves everlasting hellfire but please to show her mercy and thy light sounding like the real issue at hand is that she is struggling in her faith as laid out by her parents kate calls out to her to take baby samuel and she glances to the woods yep still scary she plays some peek-a-boo with the boy and the newborn seems to enjoy it but shockingly when she does it another time when opening her eyes the baby is gone man those witches got some slippery fingers i'll say that was quick dude yo baby time then seeing a robed figure clutching the boy oh well we don't necessarily know she has any ill intention right maybe everything is going to be just fine yeah not exactly as the witch a naked old hag takes a knife to the baby and later see her grinding up some viscera which is made up of samuel and rubs it all over her body oh yeah that's pretty out oh thanks for the soup wish lady looks good uh there's a baby's head in here that's okay i'll just i'll just eat around it no oh that's chunky oh that's real chunky that's nice apparently this according to folklore is a way that the witches were able to achieve flight by smothering themselves in the blood of unbaptized babies so there you go and get to see this in action her hovering and flying triumphantly towards the moon i actually don't have anything specifically to say about this shot but boy it does look damn good with sam missing by the next morning kate is already a blubbering mess taking two sobbing in bed while caleb takes down the boards on the window and stops by his sleeping sister hearing her moaning and even little caleb isn't without sin taking a peek in her shirt but rebukes himself and shakes her awake assuring her everything is gonna be okay deep in his soul he is a good person but no one is without sin is kind of the point they're going for here he finds dad outside looking steely-eyed and wishes him good morning he gravely responds that it's not easy to rise on a gray day as the devil holds fast your eyelids jeez dad i'm just saying good morning no need to get all fire and brimstone with me good godly man it seems that their crop isn't yielding either and this necessitates taking two traps they set in the woods in hopes of food and ask the boy to tag along william vowing he won't let the wilderness defeat them yeah sounds like a good way to take things but as we come to understand for william his sin is pride as he is constantly unwavering in his convictions no matter what reality presents him out in the woods caleb and his dad discuss how his birth sin is due to adam's own sin and the corrupt nature that dwells within him and literally everything about us is corrupt man being puritan sounds pretty tough they find the trap sprung but empty and caleb displays some reservations in their faith asking about his brother sam was he born a sinner too william hopes that he did enter god's kingdom but the boy is confused considering what wickedness he could have possibly done as a baby but his dad shuts him down and doesn't want to discuss the matter any further uttering he's gone he presses him asking if he's in hell but william tells him only god can make that judgment of who is good or evil and william's own pride rears its head again revealing to caleb that he sold kate's precious silver cup for some supplies but urges the boy to not mention it to his mother lies and pride and sin all over the place bud thomason checks the chicken coop only getting one egg and when accidentally dropping it it is not looking so good and it's really starting to seem that this land is indeed cursed no crops bad eggs and all that luckily william and caleb happen upon a rabbit and hardly prepare the gun which still takes like three minutes curse you old timey weapons even worse when he finally takes a shot it misfires and hits william right in the eye and the bunny scampers off yep y'all cursed and while we don't know for certain if this is the witch also according to police at the time hares were considered magical creatures that were associated with witches and it also seems the witch is able to shapeshift into various creatures by that same token back at the farm the twins are prancing around singing a song about their goat black philip and how he is the king of all and we are ye servants indicating that the goat might be a shape-shifted form of something evil as well it is it is caleb and william return and he tries to get philip under control and winds up falling over in the process to the twins delight man fall down funny kate comes out annoyed with thomason as she was supposed to look after the kids and orders her to clean her father's muddy clothes caleb pipes up that they went looking for apples a concern kate asking why they didn't tell her he croaks it was supposed to be a surprise but they found no bounty now caleb is lying and sitting to cover for his father mom gets close and as warm as she can muster tells him to not go wandering off outside dad's sending him to fetch some water for her he gets to work chopping wood while thomason is scrubbing his clothes joined by caleb who takes another peek down her shirt quickly darting his eyes when she notices him staring he acts spacey not responding to her until she asks him to come over and sit in his lap cradling him tenderly she bemoans having not seen an apple since being back in england and so wishes for one right now playfully biting his head and things are okay at least for the moment not awkward at all no siree bob their moment is interrupted by sounds from the woods mercy shouting to thomason that she's the witch according to black philip and just to mess with her she plays along admitting that she stole sam calling herself the witch of the wood mercy yells she's a liar but she doesn't back down saying she was ordered to bring a baby to her master and suggest to boil mercy up since they're running low on food the child now quite frightened and runs off thomason yelling to tell their parents of her wickedness hopefully that doesn't backfire the family gather for dinner and to pray for their sins and to provide them with eternal peace through the blood of jesus yada yada then passing around their meager rations of food silently not really looking like your big guy is doing you too many favors at the moment kate turns accusatory again towards thomason about her missing cup assuming that she must have done something with it but she stands her ground that she hasn't touched it despite her mom's persistence dad doesn't tell the truth but at least takes his daughter's side if she says she didn't take her dang cup get over it dude but dad doesn't divulge that he traded it pride will destroy the family a frustrated kate wonders what is amiss on the farm feeling there's something unnatural going on you are spot on lady then ask caleb to read the bible tonight needing some light in our darkness and telling everyone they'll have a fast day tomorrow for their sins are you sure it's for your sins or just that you don't actually have any food yeah the animals bleat from the barn and kate again gets on thomason's case oh you didn't put him away already she dutifully goes out to do so seeing the same bunny amongst the other animals the witch watching again no doubt getting into bed kate is praying but after everything going on even her faith is wavering as god took their child from them crying he has cursed this family while william maintains that they have been blessed with god's love and he only has taken them into a low condition to humble them in order to show more of his grace well that is certainly optimistic considering what's going on here but there's other concerns their daughter is coming of age which is just chock-full of sin you know and they are worried about the implications perhaps aware of caleb's lustful glances first checking if the kids are asleep before continuing of course they're not and they hear the whole thing they basically want to pon her off to another family for work and hopefully without her presence their godly land can bear fruit though they continue arguing that their corn sucks and that they're going to starve william's stopping her in her ranting with the plan to go to the village with thomason tomorrow to find a family to take her i'm sure that'll fix everything after overhearing this caleb has his own desperate plan to keep the family together having faith that the traps will bear them some food about to leave he's caught by a sister who threatens to wake their parents unless he lets her come along they set off into the woods with their dog in tow and when coming to a trap did indeed catch a rabbit alright we're eating one meal thomason wistfully remembers their old home in england with its glass windows but caleb finds that he can't recall fowler barks when seeing the same witch rabbit which spooks the horse and knocks thomas into the ground the dog chasing after the rabbit with caleb right behind he soon finds himself alone and lost in the woods searching for his sister and begins to pray for forgiveness for his sins confident nothing will destroy his faith which is quickly tested hearing his dog screaming in pain he finds it gutted and falls to his knees in anguish thomason regains consciousness and reunites with her father while caleb continues running aimlessly through the woods he then comes across a busty lass and a red hood outside of a house which is looking a little different than she did before okay must have eaten some more babies or something he appears quite upset but she draws him closer and caresses his face pulling him in for a smooch another gnarled hand reaches out grabbing his head tight obviously playing into his lustfulness poor kid didn't have a chance i mean he's like 12 and she's got boobs what are you gonna do returning home kate is pissed once again at thomason as well as their entire situation no gun no dog and no horse no nothing but william won't bend feeling that he has to go searching and will be back in two days mom presses thomason on why she was out in the woods but she keeps her word to caleb and doesn't tell her father on the other hand finally confesses to selling her cup and how he took caleb to the woods initially yesterday this has the opposite effect as intended as kate is pissed seething that she knew he was false as he's broken god's covenant with his lies again she was relying on him to keep their ardent faith but this has completely shattered that for her as even he has sin and smacks him good he deserves it kate at least after this softens her demeanor towards thomason asking if she's better the goats and rather than giving her [ __ ] for it smiles that she can just wait till tomorrow thomason wants to do it to please her and she gives her a kiss asking her to hurry back a quite stark contrast to how the relationship has devolved up to this point she tends to the animals and surprisingly finds caleb naked outside in the first rain that they've had since being here mom gets him to bed and lights some candles and as he do scratches his face and drains his blood into a bowl kate praying for him to pity thy wounded servant meanwhile dad is chopping more wood not really sure why that is how much wood they need bro and you know you can't use wet wood either suggesting an influence of evil being behind this we focus on black philip the twins getting right up to him and asking what's wrong with caleb and showing how rumors can quickly become facts mercy says that phillip told them thomason was evil and put the devil in caleb threatening that her parents are going to find out annoyed she goes to get some milk and yet only blood comes out her kicking over the bucket in anger it's spilling out onto the grass nice symbolism there yeah you guys are totally screwed kate believes that it must be indian magic responsible for caleb's illness but william scoffs as she has thoughts like a child and continues with his plan to go back to the plantation to get a family for thomason and now a doctor for caleb however they can't come back as beggars they're gonna need some fruit and [ __ ] she calls into question his idealistic plan wondering how he's even going to get to the village with no horse replying that he can just sell a goat and come back for the rest of them she cries that she wants to go back home not the plantation but england and confesses that she never meant to be a shrew to him recognizing since sam's disappearance her heart has turned to stone she didn't really seem that nice in the first place but what do i know before she felt so close with christ but now her faith is weakened fearing that she cannot feel that closeness or love with him ever again william grumbles in response you'll have it in heaven and he's off to the fields he calls the kids over to shuck the little corn they do have the twins annoyingly singing about the goat again there's a scream inside caleb has come too mumbling to get the narrow axe and cut off her head his eyes shoot open and it gets frantic yelling she's upon me in my stomach and whole body and screams send sin sin over and over his mouth and seals up and william takes a tool to pry it open and caleb spits out an apple and now kate is certain that he's been witched yeah you think so the twins immediately blame thomason and she tries to explain that she was just joking but the kids don't care and probably don't know the difference either william orders her to get on her knees interrogating her if she loves the word of god and the bible and prayer and all that stuff her responding with an emphatic yes they all gather to do the lord's prayer but jonas and mercy suddenly can't remember the words which is another olden days thing as it was believed a witch was unable to complete this prayer causing the family serious concern they double over in pain crying for them to stop and fall to the ground groaning caleb chants she's a cat a crow and a wolf that desires his blood i am my own enemy the sins of my flesh she continues and appears to snap out of it but not quite sounding more like the witch has actually taken over suddenly smiling blissfully asking the lord to spread their love all over him and to kiss me with your mouth how lovely they are my lord he laughs my soul salvation take me to thy lap and sighs joyfully then falling back suddenly silent mom tries to shake him awake but he's unresponsive and starts wailing realizing he's dead thomason tries to get close to him but she screeches for her to get away and just like that everyone believes she's the witch even though it was solely based on the twins accusation salem witch trials anybody yeah that's clearly what they're going for even dad at this point as caleb disappeared with her and she was the one that found him all witched up she defends herself that she has made no bargain and is no witch but he doesn't listen asking her to confess and speak the truth and she turns the tables on him bringing up their discussion to get rid of her and how he took mother's cup and didn't confess until it was too late and also that he was the first to take caleb into the forbidden woods calling him a hypocrite she suggests asking the twins who spend all day whispering with the goat which she believes is lucifer placing the blame on them and the goat for bewitching the whole farm william disagrees as lies from baby's mouths are just trifles to them and just for safety's sake boards up all the surviving kids in the animal's barn along with black philip well maybe not so safe after all not no no where'd they even get black philip did he just show up i don't know she asked her siblings point blank if they are witches mercy's shaking her head now do they really speak to thee referring to the goat but they don't respond the parents set about burying caleb in the yard and a listless william returns to eternally chopping wood and finally breaks he shouts that it's all his fault as he is infected with the filth of pride asking to dispose of him as thy will but please to redeem his children as he is unable to tame their natural evils hoping he hasn't damned his whole family yep too late for that but in eerily calm catherine rises out of bed and when lighting a candle sees that her stupid cup is back along with caleb holding sam she's shocked my lambs my angels she cries and gives them a big hug caleb says they would like to see her often if that pleases her and that he brought a book for her to look at this hallucination of sorts is really just to get her to sign the book and for the devil to thusly claim her soul which she is tricked into by her missing children returning well they're dead they're not just missing the kids in the barn hear some strange sounds and see the old hag lady is munching on an animal which spooks them while mom is not actually feeding sam as she thought but is in fact letting a crow bite at her nip cackling insanely well she's lost it william wakes up in the morning something catching his attention the barn has been completely destroyed the animals lying around slaughtered with thomason appearing to be the only survivor and it appears that the witch took the twins probably for more flying fuel out of nowhere he gets rammed by black philip that seems to really eff him up spitting up blood he goes for his axe but gives in to fate muttering corruption thou art my father and philip rams him again even harder right into his absolutely massive stack of wood that falls down upon him kate appears and grabs her asking what she's done replying she's done nothing but noticing the bloods on her hands she cries it is you thomason asserting that she's her daughter but she says her daughter is long gone that she reeks of evil accusing that the devil is in her and calls her a [ __ ] to boot she yells you killed my children and starts slapping her thomason amongst the flurry tries to say that she loves her but yeah she's way too far gone she grabs a nearby knife and swipes getting her mother in the face a shocked kate rings her neck and thomason unleashes a few more whacks until she stops her sobbing and misery cradling her mom's head then pushing her body off staring back into the cursed woods now completely alone she takes a seat at the table and falls asleep until later in the night hearing the sound of chimes outside she ventures over to the barn black philip waiting for her she asks it to speak to her as it did her siblings but he doesn't respond at first her about to leave chiding herself for trying to talk to the animal it then croaks what does thou want a taste of butter and apparently even butter was a scent for them well you can't do anything i mean it's not even about real scent i can't even put butter on my potato 1600's blows dude it continues how about a pretty dress or most enticingly of all would you like to live deliciously a heck yeah i would thomason asks what he wants in return pointing her to a nearby book just gotta put your name in it that's no big deal right he asks her to remove her clothes and appears in human form behind her placing a hand on her shoulder offering that he will guide her hand she and philip descend into the dark woods hearing women chanting and they come across a group all naked naturally around a campfire thomason watches curiously and they all start to levitate into the air she smiles and holds out her arms laughing and crying as she too is lifted up like the others now at the height of the treetops looking genuinely happy for the first time ever and after all of that being accused of being a witch decides to ultimately become one in the end and honestly i can't say i really blame her first of all her options at this point were pretty slim starved to death on the farm or starved to death trying to head back to town so not so great but much more importantly it's spurned on by how adamant the family's religious beliefs were they constantly prayed to god to help them and things only got exponentially worse all thanks to black philip really lucifer himself there was never any reprieve from the pain and suffering for her family ultimately resulting in all of them dying so doesn't sound like all that praying did much good at all so it makes sense that she would try to find something she can believe in although it's not just about the possibility of feeling abandoned by god but her decision even more personally is related to how her family's beliefs marginalized and ostracized her due to their religious beliefs another reason to in the end go towards the darkness at least it wasn't making her feel awful all the time just for existing and hey right off the bat satan lets her fly along with the others with the promise of butter and pretty dresses on top of that what's not to like sure you gotta keep killing unbaptized babies and everything but i'd say that's a pretty small price to pay considering with that we have reached the conclusion of this inning explained on robert eggers the witch it's a very assured debut on every front and he achieved this same success with his quite different but entirely still his own follow-up the lighthouse and i'm actually even more excited for his upcoming viking revenge flick than northman not only does it reunite the director with anya and the actors that played her parents but also the lighthouse's willem dafoe which is already cool but boasts some other serious star power and newcomers to his world like alexander skarsgard ethan hawk and nicole kidman but perhaps the coolest of them all bjork playing a witch of her own the slav witch should be another peculiar and excellently constructed flick from eggers there's really no one else quite like this guy around right now and i hope he keeps making stuff for a long long time cause i'll keep watching it and don't forget before we go that you can send me a request for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of the witch and attending would you have joined the coven in the end do you prefer this or the lighthouse let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching foundflix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,472,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hFaBiUBimUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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