Everything I Hate About Star Wars: Shatterpoint

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what's going on everyone it's Adam here from no shelf space and we're talking Star Wars shatter point I have been playing shutter point for the better part of about a month now uh thanks to my friends at asmode Canada and atomic mass games and I'm here to tell you all the things I don't like about Star Wars shatter Point all the things I wish could be changed and were different because there are a few things I love Star Wars shatter points I've been playing it a lot I will keep playing it I'm excited for what's to come but you go online and you can see all the people saying all these good things so what sucks let's talk about it okay number one the price it's an expensive box to buy I think in Canada we're looking at 169.99 plus tax you're up around 200 tax and you get a lot of stuff yes you get the terrain you get two full squads uh so you can play right out of the box you don't need to have multiple core boxes that's amazing but it is such such a hefty price to pay when you compare it to other core boxes for other tabletop games but you're either going to like it or you're going to hate it it ain't gonna change you are getting a lot of stuff but it's expensive for one it's expensive uh but number two there's just not enough of some of the stuff in the box and I think that bothers me a little bit more just because of the price um frequently where I'm throwing dice whether on defense or on offense I need more dice than what the game provides now you can buy a dice pack in Canada depending on the store you go to that can be anywhere from like 18 bucks to 25 bucks I think somewhere in there and stores are going to vary on price um but there's just not enough dice in the box and I'm not talking about having to like pass dice across the table like okay give me the attack dice here's the defense dice we do our thing all right here's the attack dice back give me the defense I'm not talking about that as much as I hate that it's just there's not enough dice like there are times where I'm throwing seven eight defense dice if I'm hunkered or I'm covered on offense I might get extra dice for Sharpshooter for focus and there's not enough so I'm like well I'll throw these eight Dice and then I gotta like kind of record what I've done and then grab two more and roll those so I think three four extra of each die would be really good if there was 12 of the gray attack dice if there was eight of the blue defense dice I think in most situations that would work like that would make it okay so I'm disappointed not to see more dice in the Box uh same goes for the measurement tools now the measurement tools I feel a little bit differently than the dice I do wish there were two sets of measurement tools included in the box or at least two of the five measuring tools so you got the one the two the three the four of the five at least two of the five because you can use the five to measure four three two one just by looking at the back you can see the different areas right so if there had been two fives in there I think that would have been great each player could have one I would have liked to see two dash Tools in there and I would have liked to see two movement tools the other ones I think are just kind of extra grab them share them put them in the middle somewhere but again those are the three like distance dashing jumping moving you're constantly Reaching Across the table back and forth trying to share these these things and I think in terms of costs it's more expensive to add a whole extra set of dice in the Box than it is to add a few extra markers I don't need the whole set doubled I mean at this point uh my father-in-law we've purchased additional die sets and we've purchased an additional measuring tool set so now we both each have our own but even just in that core box I just wish there were a couple more measurement tools uh again a five a dash jump and a move I think that would have been great there is no reference card in the box why is there no reference card in the box now they tell you hey look at the back of the rules it's got all the symbols and everything it's not that great I've seen a lot of people online they've created their own reference tools you can go find them print them out give one to each player there's so much going on in shatterpoint um at the same time there's a not a lot going on once you kind of get into the groove of playing you'll remember some things but if you were to step away for a week week and a half and you come back a reference sheet two reference sheets in the Box piece of paper I think that could have been really really great uh give one to each player and then you can easily see hey this is turn order this is what the symbols mean this is when you can and can't do these for a couple of the more complex uh things in the game just would have been nice reference sheets come on maybe in future printing so I'd love to see that this is more one that isn't impacted by anything you can you can take this advice that I'm going to give and apply it right away Star Wars shatter point this might be a controversial statement I don't know Star Wars shadow point is a better 2v2 game than 1v1 game it's a better 2v2 versus 1v1 now I know why they put 1v1 on the box or two players on the box it's because yes you can play this with just two players you don't need four you don't need four um but with one player especially the first even half dozen times you play running six character cards and eight figures is a lot of work it's a lot of work and I think it ruins actually the experience a little bit because one I find tabletop gaming Skirmish gaming there's a social aspect to it you like to talk with people around you when it's 1v1 and you're running all these different cards with all these different abilities that trigger here and Trigger there and trigger on your enemies turn trigger on your turn trigger when mandalorians do something trigger when a secondary character you're constantly running your head down the table reading all these cards trying to figure out do I have an advantage here oh can someone got wounded I can do a five dice attack things like that when you're running all of them you're bound to miss stuff and if you're not missing stuff your turns are three four times longer than they really should be because you're like hey hold up a second I gotta read all my cards because I think I can do something I just don't remember who's doing it that could be a memory thing for me it really could be but I've enjoyed my 2v2 matches of Shadow point where each person at the table is taking a squad of a primary a secondary and a support unit um so you got four people one when someone's taking the turn one they have someone to talk to hey what do you think about this strategy or this approach but two the other people can talk they can talk about the game they can talk about other things when it's just me and my father-in-law playing when he's trying to figure out what he's gonna do on his turn I can't be interrupting him asking him what he thought of the hockey game last night like that doesn't work and so I feel like there's a lot of quiet down time in a 1v1 game as you try to figure everything out when you just have one Squad that you're playing it's a lot less work he's doing something oh you got wounded I only need to check a couple cards oh you dashed can I Dash oh you did this can I do this it's it's just a lot easier and I think it's just a lot more fun 2v2 and I would love to see them expand the actual size of the map to introduce when they bring in this more stuff allow 3v3 allow me to put three squads out there uh 4v4 just make that play area wider and wider uh it would be a lot of fun there's not enough damage tokens in this game there they need some three damage tokens and they need a whole lot more of one damage tokens what we've been doing is taking damage off of wounded enemies before you're technically supposed to take the damage off just because we need the damage to put on other characters maybe they didn't expect us to damage this much but yeah more damage tokens minor but another sheet would have been fantastic my last thing that I was gonna harp on a lot kind of actually got fixed a couple days ago with a rule update now when it comes to these tabletop games there are tons of rule updates there's tons of clarifications and things like that that are going to keep coming out and keep coming out and keep coming out um because I don't know if this is the best written rulebook I've ever seen now to be fair the world of tabletop Skirmish gaming is fairly new to me my father-in-law's been doing this for decades and decades and decades this I've been to conventions where there's tabletop gaming I've done it before it wasn't my thing and I think it was because I mean to be frank I didn't know anybody at the table uh my father-in-law was off playing something else I was with people I didn't know and I'm not a very outgoing person so I'm not going to start chatting with people around the table to get to know them um but shatterpoint's my real first tabletop Skirmish experience where I'm I'm really enjoying the game but the rule book was was just convoluted it's very dense it's very hard to get through you're trying to figure out where stuff is um the glossary is not that great uh and I come from board games as you can tell behind me I've got hundreds of board games behind me 300 400 board games behind me it stretches down the wall that way and it keeps going up um and I played games board games with bad Rule books and bad Rule books they make the start of the game frustrating um I'm glad to see atomic mass games updating the rulebook I think that's really important uh and I hope they continue to do so because when I first popped open the book it was it was a little bit of a mess and this even goes back to that earlier thing where I said why is there no rules reference guys thank you so much for listening to me nitpick about a couple things about shatterpoint before I go I want to tell you guys I love this game I think the core box while expensive if you're going to invest in Star Wars shatter point I think it's a fine price I think it's a it's it's you're gonna get a lot in the Box you're gonna get that terrain which is important for this experience you can get the terrain uh you're gonna get a full full set of units that you can play with somebody else there's no two core boxes needed you don't need to buy expansions but if this is something you think hey I'm going to invest in this experience maybe you're done with Legion or maybe you never got into Legion and you want something a little bit more focused shatterpoint is is has just been a phenomenal experience for me and I think it might be something you want to check out just remember all these things I just said because when it comes to what I don't like about Star Wars shadow point you just heard it
Channel: No Shelf Space
Views: 6,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0JZrWC1B7Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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