Themberchaud - The Fattest Dragon in D&D

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the world of the Forgotten Realms is Shock full of Epic Dragons with a plethora of History we have done quite a good job at covering many of these legendary beasts in the past couple of months but the job is never done today we're going to delve deep into the cavernous depths of the planet traveling through the labyrinthine caverns of the underdark and into one of the most fabled cities in the world today we're going to talk about thembershot also known as the wormsmith a dragon that has become quite popular as of late though perhaps uh not popular because of its might intelligence or achievements instead let's just say because of its prodigious size this is going to be a really fun one but before we get into it this video is brought to you by curious Beginnings a lit RPG Adventure it's actually a bit unbelievable just how many fans of Dungeons and Dragons don't know about lit RPGs and what they are a lit RPG or literature RPG is a fictional fantasy novel where the world in which the characters live in have RPG mechanics as in the characters of the story level up they have stats they they spend their level up points to invest in skills and of course again experience when they accomplish great tasks or defeat enemies in other words it is just like dunes and Dragons if the characters themselves were aware of the RPG mechanics that they live under though to them the world is not just a game but very much real salvo's a curious Beginnings details the birth of a demon as it is forced to survive in a world filled with other demons it details the slow Evolution process of just how demons level up how they gain their abilities and of course how they all raced the top without dying in the process the RPG novel is extraordinarily well rated it's only five bucks with over 400 pages of awesome content but the coolest thing that I like about it is that it was so popular that they even made an entire web comic out of the whole story and the webcomic is actually amazing it's so addictive that my entire Saturday was spent just endlessly scrolling through it the art is absolutely gorgeous whether you're looking for DM inspiration on really cool stories abilities spells or items or you're a player searching for cool characters to play or you want to read an awesome d d like story getting into RPG novels is the way to go guys check out salvos curious Beginnings the link is in the video description I am just absolutely in love with this and I know that you guys will love it too thank you guys all so much for the support and now on to the video foreign stories that we find in Dungeons and Dragons when they are set in the Forgotten Realms are found on the North whether we're talking novels Adventures video games or even movies the north of the sword Coast in particular is the Bedrock Foundation of Dungeons and Dragons but what you might not know is that that is also the case underground the underdark as we call the endless cavernous passages under the world also are separated into multiple regions with the region that layers exactly underneath the sword Coast North being also the most famous and of course the most explored section nestled in the shores of the massive Subterranean Sea called the dark Lake and there is the capital of the duragar the greatest city of the deep dwarves called gracklestog also known as the city of blades build 4 000 years ago gregglestuck has been the seat of power for the Deep Kingdom the Empire of the duragar now the city itself holds a population of roughly 26 000 people out of which 22 000 are duragar two thousand ardero 500 are dorsagon which are basically like duragar tieflings 500 are all rocks and 250 are stone giants now this of course holds no candle to you know say the city of waterdeep which holds a population of about a hundred and thirty thousand people but it should also be mentioned that gracklestick is just a seat of power of the deep Kingdom and the vast majority of the duragar population actually resides outside of the capital itself in fact we're actually told that the true population of the deep Kingdom which takes into account all of the different cities that surround gracklestog and all of the mushroom Farms all of the settlements and all of the outposts they number to around 90 000 duragar and about 60 000 slaves with uh most of the slaves being goblins shortly followed by Shield dwarves and Orcs now grackles Doug is known as city of blades because it is the focal point for blacksmithing in the entirety of the underdark if anyone needs a strong blade and a durable set of armor they basically go to gracklestog it is said that the furnaces of the city of blades never stop working and that the ceiling of the cavern in which the city is built is constantly fuming with black smoke and you can't go anywhere on this city without hearing the endless sound of hard work and toil now why is any of this important well it is important because the one who actually keeps these furnaces alive is none other than thimbershod a thimbershot is an adult red dragon and not particularly Strong by any measure at least you're not compared to many of the other dragons that we have covered on this series but he is extremely well known for he is the wormsmith at the dragon in charge of making sure that the city of blades continues to toil see the heat required in order to produce the kinds of weapons that dwarves want to craft is fairly difficult to obtain and you can't just burn some wood and create the heat necessary for proper blacksmithing see a lava of course can be very useful but it's also very unreliable and very hard to work with plus even lava can sometimes fail to reach the temperatures needed to smelt some of the more powerful oars that is required a dragon's fire on the other hand is one of the most powerful heating elements in the entirety of the world and of course provided that you have a dragon that is willing to produce it for you it can be very reliable and can be used anywhere you like to put it into perspective lava deals 55 points of damage on average if it touches you or passes by you whereas an adult dragon's fire breath deals an average of 63 points of fire damage now both deal a similar amount of course with the dragon's fire dealing a bit more but but keep in mind that when you're smelting ore or when you're heating up a blade you know whatever the case might be you likely do not want to bathe the weapon or the ore in lava because of course you're gonna risk it uh heating it too much and ruining the process but then you also have the issue that simply putting the weapon or the ore close to the lava is not actually going to produce enough heat you need the lava to literally touch the object for the heat to sit in hence the problem but basically you know with lava generally speaking you only take the fire damage if you are bathing in it or touching it not if you're close dragon's fire does not have that problem you can easily cook something to the right temperature with of course the dragon tempering the heat to the desired outcome now of course different dwarves will seek different solutions to this problem with most famously the dwarves of gondogram binding a powerful fire primordial into their furnaces but but alas the Deep dwarves of gracklestag have chosen to bid for the help of red dragons and throughout the thousands of years that they have been down here they have sought the help of dragon after dragon now thimbershod has been lighting these furnaces for basically all of its life and in exchange the city of blades has been giving him copious amounts of treasure for his horde all the slaves that he could want some amount of political influence as well and then lots and lots of food without needing to go out and hunt or or fight other dragons with his life being mostly sedentary and with all of the extreme amount of food that the duragar have been feeding him whenever he desires it thambershot has gotten a little bit obese to the point that his wings no longer fully carry him Aloft and instead it he can do no better than to jump rather than fly now it is of course uh very dangerous for the duruguard to keep a red dragon in the city Red Dragons are naturally selfish they're power hungry and they of course chafe under any form of authority which is why thumbershod is given so much in recompense for its duties his horde consists of 3 000 Platinum pieces 20 000 gold pieces 45 000 silver pieces 150 000 copper pieces six Fire opals worth 1 000 gold pieces each 10 peridots worth 500 gold pieces each 30 garnets worth 100 gold pieces a gourd containing an oil of sharpness a potion of flying a potion of longevity and a potion of supreme healing it's actually a crazy good horde for what is essentially only an adult red dragon but that is not even enough again Red Dragons are very difficult to control and even with this level of pampering it is only a matter of time until themershot or really any dragon in his position it would start wondering why should I be satisfied with tribute when I could have it all and control the city instead and of course uh temershot and every single Dragon before him has thought like this and the thing is a thembershot is not the first and certainly will not be the last to think this way Thumper shot is pampered by an organization within the city of blades called the keepers of the flame and they are basically the clan that is in charge of making sure that the dragon does what he is supposed to do and that no problem arises from the dragon what they have been doing this whole time is using psionics to actually calm and appease the dragon just like they have for every single Dragon before thambershot the exact nature of the power that they're using is a bit unclear but they effectively strive to make the mershad docile in some such a way that basically prevents him from getting any strong ideas about potentially taking over the city now that can only help so much as we all know the older a dragon gets the more powerful they become and regardless of how much appeasement you do or how much psionics you use every dragon is just frankly going to eventually grow too big and become too powerful powerful enough to threaten the entire city which is when you kill the dragon a thimbershot doesn't know this of course but every single Dragon before him that grew too old was slayed before it became a problem just how thermershot will soon enough or rather that's what would have happened but something actually went horribly wrong see the duragar had a red dragon egg that they had been nurturing who was supposed to be the replay basement for thimmershot but alas egg was stolen by a renegade group of duragar called the gray ghosts basically they are the thief's Guild of the city and without the egg they cannot replace them Rashad and because they ultimately need a dragon to light the furnaces or else the entire economy of the Kingdom grinds to a halt and Chaos ensues they have to keep thimbershot alive and spoiled even though he is becoming resistant to the psionic meddling of the keepers of the flame and slowly but surely uh thimbershot is realizing that he could take so much more than being happy with what he is given now in terms of what actually happens with them bershad in the lore it is a bit unclear so we know that thumbershot knows that the keepers of the flame are hiding something from him he suspects that there is a lot that they're not telling him to the point where he's even trying to gather mercenaries and attempting to speak with them in private in order order to demand their allegiance to find out what is it that is being kept from him and of course if thambershot were to figure out that the duragar are planning to inevitably slay him you can imagine all of the chaos that would come from that but what happens directly after is actually unclear basically these are the events as they appear in fifth edition just as I have described them we know however that after 5th edition the membershot eventually leaves grackle's dog most likely because he probably figured out that they were gonna kill him but that's just a guess in the Dungeons and Dragons movie we actually get to see thimbershot which is why we know that he made it out alive from the city of blades and seemingly has now foolishly I should say made a new layer in Dublin I say foolishly because Dole blonde is also the layer of another Dragon one who is literally the most powerful creature in the entirety of the foregone Realms a draco Lich named dorgothoth now if you don't know uh dole blonde was an old the nomish city that was destroyed in an ancient war with mine flares and Orcs And now it's just basically a destroyed ruin where all manner of Untold deathly perils await whatever thimmer shot is doing here is unclear perhaps he has made a pact with dorgoth or perhaps he doesn't even know that dorgothoth is there he could just be I guess passing by perhaps but alas um kind of a sad story I think ultimately thambershot being a dragon who had it all all the slaves he could desire a horde of treasure to make any dragon mad with jealousy political power in one of the most legendary cities of the world and all the rich food that you could ever want and now he is a dragon on the run without a suitable Lair with a body that is a little bit too fat for it to even fly a future perhaps not looking too bright for thimmer shot but whatever will happen to him we will have to wait wait and see because that is all the information we have [Music] thank you guys so much for watching please make sure to check out salvo's curious beginnings and if you can go and also check out that webcomic I I'm gonna go ahead and put it into the video description as well because I've been having just so much fun with it also uh do make sure to check out my PDF store at Mr it is by far the best way to support the channel and if you like these sort of videos then yeah it helps you contribute to helping me just do more of this I am so close to having monster classes for be done I just need some more proof reading on it and I will have it in the store in no time but anyways I just started playing my very own animal familiar monster class that I designed on my Saturday games where I'm a player and I gotta tell you guys it's just so much fun on monster class is three one of my three monster classes is the familiar class where you literally get to play as uh as a familiar and they are a purely supportive class where you can bond with other player characters in order to empower them and Grant them tons of Buffs and support Port you can heal with them you can help prevent damage and you can increase the damage that they do by a ton and you got the pseudo Dragon you got the pixie and the animal familiar as subclasses super highly recommend you guys check it out like I said I'm currently playing as an animal familiar right now as a wizard cat actually and I haven't had this much fun in so long Mr racks dot store guys any support there helps me out tremendously now thank you all for watching and I will see you all next time
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 346,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 94lwcdHMJYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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