Master ChatGPT With this ONE Simple File

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So listen, at this point, you probably have  hundreds, if not even thousands, of prompts,   right? But the problem is that most of them  are buried inside of your notes or, even worse,   they never even left your downloads folder. And  today, I present to you the solution: a brand   new and completely free Notion template that comes  with my new ebook full of GPT-4 optimized prompts   loaded into it. In my eyes, this is the very  best way to store all of your ChatGPT prompts,   and it comes loaded with over 200 GPT-4 optimized  prompts already. You also got 25 follow-up prompts   and 25 different styles that you can start using  today, and all of this is free. And it will be   replacing my free ChatGPT ebook from today on out. So if you want to be able to store and organize   all of your prompts in one place resulting  in you actually using them sometimes,   this video is for you. And yes, by the way, you  still will be able to get the PDF version of the   brand new ebook. It's just that the Notion  is superior in almost every way, and that's   why I'll be focusing on that in this video. So let me run you through this and show you   why I'm so excited about this. It's basically  a way to store and access some of your favorite   prompts for ChatGPT. And beyond that's  a new prompt library that I'm releasing for free,   and all of these have been optimized  for GPT-4, but more on that later.  Getting access to this is super simple. Just  follow the link in the description, and if you   sign up for my weekly newsletter, you will receive  both a download link to the PDF and a link to the   Notion. And if you're already subscribed to the  newsletter, just check your inbox or spam folder.  Okay, and once we access the link, you're going  to be facing this page, and all you have to do   here is duplicate. And if you're logged in with  your Notion account, which takes like a minute to   set up and is completely free, it will appear in  your personal Notion, and now it's your very own.   We're going to close the sidebar and give you an  overview of all the value that is inside of here.  So first of all, super simple. You get a  table of contents where you get to click   the different headings, and it brings you right  to the prompt library or your personal prompt   database. Down here, if you've never used Notion  before, these little toggles open hidden menus,   and this is pretty much one of two things that  I need you to know about this template. It's   set up to be extremely simple. That's why I'm  using these toggles. And then we'll also look   at opening the database for expanded view of  everything, but pretty much everything in here   has been set up to work with these toggles. So this thing is extremely beginner-friendly,   even if you've never used Notion before.  Easy, and that was my goal. I don't like   those convoluted databases where you kind of get  lost sometimes and just return to the homepage,   and you're like, "I have no idea what happened  there. Let's stay away from that part,   I guess." No, this is all super simple. Again, this is the table of content,   and here we have the links. And I think this  is pretty straightforward to understand. First   of all, here you can access the PDF version  of the book if that is what you prefer. If   you have all our social media links, and then I  also included links to the two premium products   in our lineup. One being the ChatGPT ebook, and  then our brand new Prompt Engineering course,   which is just the ultimate guide on how to get the  most out of ChatGPT and how to craft prompts like   the ones in the database from the ground up. And about the prompts in this database,   that's kind of the main part here. So if we scroll  down here a little bit, we're going to arrive at   the GPT-4 mini prompt library. It's funny that  I use the word "mini" because a subscriber just   replied to their email yesterday, and he was like,  "Hey Igor, you realize that other people would be   selling this library plus the Notion template  for like 50 dollars a piece, and you call it the mini   book?" And I was like, "Yeah, fair, but it's mini  in proportion to our YouTube content and some   of the paid products. So that's why it's called  Mini Prompt Library." Feel free to customize it.  Okay, now let's get into the meat of it. So  beyond these usage tips that you can delete   like so at any point in time, we have three  different categories here. So first of all,   this is what you're familiar with: prompts.  Basic prompts that you use to start off your   conversation with ChatGPT. Notably, I added two  new categories: Marketing and Entrepreneurship.   So you're going to be able to evaluate business  ideas or launch products in no time. And already,   I'm demonstrating how this works. So this is  really your quick access. Everything is hidden   behind this toggle list. So if I open this  up and click this, it opens in a side view,   and I can start writing songs. And as you can  see, each prompt comes equipped with a picture   in order to make it easier to memorize that you  have this prompt at your disposal. And down here,   you can see this little checkbox, and this is  really my favorite feature. It's the Favorites   feature. So if you open this up, I pre-loaded  this with some of my personal favorites,   but you can always just check this and see  how this appears up here. "Write Songs." And   this will really allow you to customize the  templates to what you actually need for your   workflows. So maybe you love creating analogies,  so you just put this in your Favorites, and now   every time you open this library up, just click  "Prompts," "Make Analogies," it's right there.  That's took me about two seconds to arrive  at the formula that underlies the prompt and   a bunch of examples to get your creativity  going. And this is a simple one, but if you   open up "Write Anything," you're going to see that  there are many variables in here. And ever since   December when I released the first version of my  ebook, I just keep returning to these formulas   over and over again because there's no simpler  way to really customize this to your own needs.  So again, if you're not familiar, the prompt  shows you one use case that I prefer to use,   and then the more examples, you can start  looking at different examples of how to   customize this to your own needs. And the formula  helps you in understanding which parts you would   want to customize. So for example, using writing  style, you're going to see casual writing style,   professional writing style, informative writing  style. And for target audience, you have different   target audiences pre-loaded into here. So  targeting young adults, targeting business   executives, you get the point. Okay, and that's  the basic setup, and you need to be aware of   one more thing in this section. And whenever you  see these underlined words with emoji next to it,   it is the database file. So you can click this and  open up the full view of the entire database. So   this is a really fantastic way to view everything  at the same time, right? If all the prompts   underneath each other, you can see which ones your  favorite. And up here, if you never use Notion,   this is really, really important to understand.  These are the different views, and you could   compare these two tabs inside of Google Chrome,  right? So this would be the basic view that you   saw on the homepage, right? This is just the  title, the category, and allows you to open   them up by clicking on them. The everything view  shows everything, the favorites view shows only   your favorite. But talking about favorite, here's  my personal favorite view, the gallery view. We   made sure to include an appropriate image with  every single one of these prompts. And yes, before   you ask, these are all generated with MidJouney V5 and in  my experience, what this does is it allows you   to remember the prompts. Because usually, you're  like, "Oh, fantastic, here's a list of like 50 new   prompts. You skim over them and then you move  on." But with this, if you open this up once,   you might just have a chance at remembering the  fact that, "Hey, ChatGPT can actually write jokes   for me," because you're now associated with this  joyful guy. Same with this in the writing chapter.   We have one called "Explore Different Arguments,"  which is going to allow you to do exactly   that. You're going to be exploring different  arguments. So as with every single one of these,   I could just click "Copy to Clipboard," paste this  into ChatGPT, and get results right away. Okay,   really cool stuff, but now let's cover the  rest of the template because there's more.  So this was the prompt section, right? But then  we have a second brand new section, which I didn't   include in my previous product, but over time it  turns out this is actually the most important part   when using ChatGPT. This is as far as most people  get, right? They open up one of these, they use a   prompt that helps them define their brand voice.  And if you define the context correctly, which by   customizing all the variables in here, you will  certainly do, you're not using the full potential   of ChatGPT because the real power hides within  following up and extending your prompts. And   that's what this is going to help you do. So the  Universal category is the one that you can follow   up with in most cases, and some of these are  super simple and kind of obvious. So for example,   "Multiply Results" simply says "10 more," and then  it gives you 10 more copies of what I really did.   But how about this one? Also very simple, but it  might not be so obvious. If you follow up with   "But Why?" you're going to start digging deeper  into ChatGPT's reasoning engine. And guess what?   You can follow up with this 10 times in a row, and  it's always going to give you the reasoning behind   everything. This one, in particular, is very  powerful. That's why I included it in my favorites   right here. As per usual, I always have these  favorites. It just makes it super easy to come   back to. Okay, in the transformation category,  this is going to help you extend some of your   prompts. For example, here you could be adding  context. So, I know this one is super open-ended,   but you can be adding context on top of what you  previously provided. And by starting with "now   try again," it's going to rerun your previous  prompt but now considering the new context.   And this last category actually needs a little  bit of explanation because this is all about   expanding on ideas, and I realize that ideas  can mean a lot. So, really look at the titles   of these subcategories to guide you in the right  direction. Because guess what? The problem-solving   category here is going to be really good to  follow up after you identify the problem. So,   for example, "find cheaper solutions" says, "If we  have to solve this problem with half the resources   or time, what would we do differently?" And  obviously, this only works if in your previous   conversation with ChatGPT, you defined some sort  of problem or the results of your prompting was   some sort of situation or, as I said, idea that  you can now try solving with half the resources   or time. Similarly, "simplify learning," can you  break this down into simpler terms or steps for   someone who is new to the topic while making it  understandable for a five-year-old. This is an   extremely powerful prompt, but it's only effective  if you previously established a topic or were   discussing some sort of idea in the conversation  above this prompt. But honestly, my tip for this   category is, don't be afraid to experiment.  You might just be surprised by the results.  Okay, before we move on to the last database here,  the 25 Styles, I just want to point out all of   these have been upgraded from the last version  to be more specific and consider the right type   of context, which overall I call a GPT4 upgrade.  Because all of these work even better in GPT4 than   they do in GPT 3.5. So, really not just getting  more prompts, but they're all better. Plus,   you're getting follow-up prompts, plus you're  getting text styles, plus you're getting a   Notion template for free. Consider this a thank  you from my side for the 100,000 subscribers on   YouTube. I truly appreciate you guys. Thank  you from the bottom of my heart. Anyway,   returning to the value here, next up, we have the  text styles, which is a little different than the   initial prompts. This is really going to allow  you to style your text with a bunch of presets,   and we go beyond just different tones, which you  might already be familiar with. There's always the   name of the tone and then a description of what  result this will get. Because what you're really   doing if you're applying some of these author  styles is applying a template to your text,   which means it's a major shift in every aspect of  the text that you're trying to style. Same goes   for the magazines here. It's incredibly powerful  to say in the style of Vogue, just because that   implies so much context within our culture here.  This description tab is my attempt at providing   you with some context on what this will do to  your text. And last but certainly not least,   we have the brand voices down here. And this is  something many people don't know. You can actually   say in the brand voice of or in the style of, and  if you say Harley-Davidson, it's going to apply   the values of freedom, individualism, and American  spirit to your text. And trust me, if I tell you   this is so much simpler than having to specify  all this with a super lengthy prompt. Harley   Davidson is a serious part of American culture,  and therefore ChatGPT will know all the context   that comes along with this brand. And as per  usual, I could open up the database and favorite   different ones, which would make them appear  in the favorites. Alright, so one more thing to   cover here is your personal prompt database. And  this is really what I arrived at when refining my   Notion templates over time. I realized I want  to keep everything as simple as possible and   have extremely fast access to all my favorite  prompts. So, while I could go ahead and extend   these libraries here at the top, if you're in a  rush, which with me is most of the time, you know,   let's say I found this prompt about defining brand  voices on Twitter, and I just want to quickly dump   it into my database. Then all you do is open up  this template, personal prompt database, paste,   move on with your life. And this way, you'll  be organizing everything into one database,   and you have these columns for follow-up prompts  1 and 2 and beyond, and that section for notes,   which I find essential when using some of these  over and over again. But this stuff around this   is all optional, right? You can give it a  title, you can add it to your favorites,   which makes it appear here, which you could even  take and drag to the top of the template like so.   Now, you have all your favorite and most used  prompts right there, and at any point in time,   you will be one click away from accessing them.  Well, two clicks. You just open Notion and click   this database, and it's right here. No fluff, no  convoluted pages. This is it, and this is really   why I call this my favorite way of organizing  my prompts because it's so damn simple. So yes,   all of this is set up to be extremely easy to  use and packed with value. But you'll soon start   that you start hitting the limits of ChatGPT.  You can go ahead, run some of these prompts,   style the text to your own liking, and  follow up and get more out of it. But still,   you're gonna find that there's a wall that you  cannot break through by simply copy-pasting other   people's prompts. And that's really when we start  talking about crafting your very own prompts.   But unfortunately, that is not a straightforward  process that I can teach you in a 10-minute video.   But it's a problem I really wanted to solve  because what most people on the internet do   is they just give you a list of prompts like this  and call it a day. And look, that is valuable and   fantastic. But they're really giving you fish. But  if you're trying to get the most out of ChatGPT,   the whole point is learning how to fish. So  if you're interested in me holding your hand   through the entire process of learning how to get  the most out of ChatGPT, check out my brand new   prompt engineering course that just released.  So you can start catching fish, AKA prompts,   yourself. Okay? And if you like this video and  want to go further for free, you would probably   love this one because it explores some advanced  ChatGPT techniques that you can use today.
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 32,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Id: dsSuL2WXIfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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