ChatGPT Guide: 10x Your Results with Better Prompts

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Chat GPT can be insanely useful, but most people  only scratch the surface when using it. That's   why today I'll be giving you over 100 prompts  that will instantly turn you into an advanced   user - for free! And the best part is, you're  not just getting the use case for every single   one of these; you get the prompt plus the formula  that lies behind it. As you might already know, I   love this approach because this really allows you  to simply customize it to your own needs. Plus,   you can always take these and combine them with  different formulas, but I'll leave that part up   to you. What I want to do today is take you  through this document that I put together,   which you can download for free in the description  below. All you need to do is sign up for my free   weekly AI newsletter. And for anybody wondering,  yes, this is a slimmed-down version of my ebook.   Essentially, I'm giving out 1/4 of the prompts  for free, but there are no future updates and   also, no exclusive video training that is coming to  all ebook buyers soon. Okay, so let's dive right   in. I want to show you how to use some of these. nd what we can do here just like in the ebook,   is click one of these in a table of contents  and hop right in. That way every time I want   to use Chat GPT, I can open up this page  and jump right into a useful prompt. Okay,   honestly, this is one of my favorites: 'Different  Arguments in the Writing Chapter. Can you write   an argument for the use of AI in universities from  multiple diverse perspectives?' Before you do so,   state the characteristics of the various  characters. I can't even begin to tell   you how powerful this is. The keyword 'diverse  perspectives' prompts Chat GPT to take various   viewpoints and express each one of those. This is  one of the best ways to prepare for an argument   or a heated discussion with a group of people. Because in advance you can start understanding   and thinking of arguments against some of these  other opinions. So let's just copy-paste it right   into Chat GPT. And there you go: you get  three different people arguing about whatever   the point you wanted to argue. Now here's a bonus  trick you're only going to get from this video:   you can follow up with 'How would you disarm  the first argument?' and Chat GPT is going to   write your argument on how to disarm that line  of reasoning. Now let's just take a second to   appreciate how insane this is. You can come  into any important discussion with all your   points and counterarguments outlined - without  doing too much research. Game-changing prompt   if use this well. Okay, and the next one is simply  a quick-win: email subject. As you might be aware,   email subjects are the most important part of the  entire damn e-mail, because if the subject is not   good, a lot of people are not going to open it.  This is especially important if you're trying to   make moves as an up-and-coming entrepreneur.  A lot of time, the email subject is the only   chance you get, so by copy-pasting the prompt or  going with the formula here, so I can customize it,   I can simply adjust it to my needs. So I'll  say: 'Can you write me 10 email subject lines   for a sales email to potential clients for my  video business?' And it does it: 'Number nine:   Grow Your Business with Video - Let's Talk!'  That is quite perfect, but you can always follow   up with something like, 'Now customize it to  corporate clients and make it really clickable!’   And it even gives you tips on which one works well  and in what situation. If you're writing important   emails that you might be sending out to a lot of  people, there's no reason not to use this prompt.   But let's go back to the productivity chapter  - there's one that I was extremely surprised by   when I first stumbled upon it: It's the 'Translate  with Context' prompt. So what this allows you   to do is take translation one step further than  any traditional software translation would allow.   Can you translate the phrase 'Congratulations' in  the context of graduation into German? By the way,   I'm translating my ebook into German right now  and this phrase was useful in some of those   situations and it gives you the right answer  with crunch. And if you ever wondered what   other languages this can translate to, well, just  ask ChatGPT: it can translate twin from English,   Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese,  Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, and many other   languages! But, as per usual, no mention of this  context feature that I just showed you. Let's do   one more here. Okay, so for the next one, I'll take  you to the slim-down health chapter and we'll go   with the prompt: 'Improve your health surprisingly  helpful in just a few seconds - How can I improve   my energy levels by making changes to my diet?'  Now I don't know about you, but this is something   I struggle with this regularly, so let's see what  Chat GPT has got to say here. You're literally   consulting a nutritional expert here. Incredible!  Now given this one might not be a crazy use case,   but it's just one of those good questions to ask. And that's exactly what you get with this. You get   a bunch of good questions you can ask across  five categories. To be concrete, you get over   100 good questions you could ask this thing. And  again, I put this thing out completely for free,   so all you need to do is go and click the link in  the description, sign up for my weekly newsletter   for free. And you'll get a download link to  this document. And for anybody who's still here,   here's a bonus one: we'll take this job simulation  prompt, but pretend like the interviewer talks in   the style of Borat. 'What type of dog is this?'  'This is a tortoise.' You can make anything   inside of Chat GPT talk and the style of Borat,  a pirate, or whatever else you come up with. 'How   do you increase sales? You promise to make many  sales for my company?' Chat GPT is incredible! So go ahead and   get your free PDF, and if you want to learn about  even more prompts, this video is exactly for you!
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 346,757
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Keywords: igor pogany, education, how to, theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, chatbot, chatgpt guide, user guide, guide, chatgpt user guide, chatgpt formulas, chatgpt prompt, prompts, chattgptprompts, free
Id: os-JX1ZQwIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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