How To Install PrivateGPT - Chat With PDF, TXT, and CSV Files Privately! (Quick Setup Guide)

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today we're going to take a look at private GPT which is a new project that is currently the number one trending project on GitHub and it allows you to load up documents text files PDF files and ask questions about them using a large language model the best part is it's completely private hence the name you can install it locally on your machine it's completely open source and it doesn't require you to send your information to any external sources and it also means you could do this with no internet connection required it uses one of the recent GPT for all models and it works quite well let's take a look I'm going to drop the GitHub repo Link in the description below but here's the instructions and I'm going to walk you through step by step so the first thing you're going to do is open a visual studio code then you're going to click file in the top left new window once you have that open you're going to click the toggle panel button up in the top right and that opens up a terminal in Visual Studio code give it a second to load up let's switch back to the GitHub repo and in the GitHub repo you're going to click this little green code button and you're going to click the copy button to get the URL of the GitHub repo then we're going to switch back to visual studio code we're going to change directories to our desktop CD desktop then once we have that URL we're going to paste it in here with Git clone so git clone and then the URL that will clone it to our desktop now we're going to navigate to that folder CD private GPT enter and now we're in the folder once we have the private GPT folder open in Visual Studio code the next thing we're going to do is install the requirements and that's done by typing pip install Dash R requirements.txt and then hit enter now I've already gone through this so all of the requirements are already satisfied but this may take you a little while if you haven't already done it next on the left side there's a file called and we're going to right click we're going to go down to rename and we're going to rename that just dot m so delete the example text hit enter let's take a look this sets up the environment variables that we need to actually run private GPT now I don't need to change anything but if you did want to change things this is where you would do it we're going to be using all of the default settings the next thing you're going to do is download the models and to get those models look about halfway down the GitHub repo page and there are two links you need both of them the ggml GPT for all J version 1.3 groovy and the ggml model Q4 underscore zero dot bin file download them both I've already done that there are a few gigabytes each so once you've done that you need to create a folder called models so I'm going to come here on the left side I'm going to right click new folder and type models enter and that creates that new folder called models then I'm going to take the two models that I downloaded and move them into the models folder and then they are they appear right there now once you're done with that you can load up all the files that you want Into The Source documents folder so that's right here right now when you download it it comes with a file called State of the Union dot text which is the recent State of the Union Address that's where you're going to put any documents that you want to ask questions about you can right now use text files PDF files and CSV files the next thing we're going to do is ingest the files now this is basically taking those files chunking them up storing them in a database so that we can use the GPT for all model to actually ask questions about it so to do that you want to click the ingest.pi file on the left side and then in the top right there's a little play button and go ahead and click play now this takes a really long time especially depending on if you have an older machine so I have a brand new Macbook Pro and it took a couple minutes so it's running now on my machine I'm going to fast forward through this now this puts a heavy strain on your CPU so if you hear your fan turn on that's why okay it just finished it took about five minutes the last thing we need to do is actually run the application so on the left side we're going to click privategpt.pi and then in the top right we'll click play and it says enter a query what did the president say about Russia now this takes a little while but not too long here it is the president has spoken out against Russia's actions in Ukraine stating that they are a threat to peace and stability in Europe and that the United States and its allies will defend NATO countries in the event of further aggression gives us the question we asked gave us the answer and it actually gave sources for the answer so that's it that's how to install private GPT and again you can run this completely locally no internet connection required it's pretty amazing now when I was installing this I ran into a couple issues around versioning and python modules but that only really has to do with my environment and you wouldn't run into the same thing but if you need help debugging anything remember I just launched a Discord and you can jump in and ask for help link will be in the description below to that Discord if you like this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 219,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, ai, artificial intelligence, privategpt, private gpt, chat with files, open-source gpt, open source llm, gpt4, gpt3.5, chat gpt, open ai, gpt4all, gpt 4 all, tutorial, llm tutorial
Id: jxSPx1bfl2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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