ORES Drop LEVEL 10,000,000 LOOT in Minecraft

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so what happens when you take sharpness 10 million and hit somebody with protection 10 million armor stick around to find out and dudes do me a favor hit the like button down below the video if it's not turning blue then you're doing it wrong hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy all right boys right first of all two things uh ignore my face and ignore my voice i have allergies i sound terrible okay okay you guys look at this tree look at this tree okay hey let's go oh how much what did you just get this is not a henwy video i actually add vane miner okay boys i am gonna show you what this mod is all about just it's gonna look it's gonna look normal for a little bit but once we find the first thingy you guys are gonna be like oh dab dab on your dad dab on your foot you know what i'm saying so yeah yeah i don't know anyone actually know what you're saying no no you guys and i think there's a village uh just around the riverbend please don't sing uh questions can we create music or not music medicine that makes it to where you're allergic to allergies yeah what's that doesn't make sense okay okay all right guys come over here come over here come on come to me come to me come on come on come on come on see i'm blind where are you going come on come on come here does anybody know where he is okay okay let me make a shovel let me make a shovel okay so i have all my tools now check this out boys come down here come down here come down here all right guys this is 1.17 okay so we're clacking what i mean okay so check this out come here come right here i've seen call before you look i'm going to break this i'm going to break this coal right uh-huh okay i don't know wait what where did it drop rotten flesh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on i just got iron from coal wait no i want that i want that i want that pass that over here real quick okay now if we break iron wait did somebody pick that up did you guys see what it dropped oh that's copper that's cool that's cold that's cold hold on what's in here what's in here we're looking for something specific from the iron hey guys listen listen listen listen all the ores drop random loot and it progressively gets better and once we get to the end to defeat the ender dragon there's a special ore in the end guys if you think we can one shot the ender dragon with the end or we'll show you what it is hit the like button down below the video and yeah sigils will flip no i won't you can't no my lawyer is yeah we're sure what are these what what are these wait wait wait wait would you break what did you break this with an efficiency what efficiency one million donors oh or why why would you do that i didn't do it phil did it it was phil and pat phil patton's fox oh yeah here's the filters okay boys boys we need to find uh uh let's fight let's get a bunch of beds all right let's get a bunch of it but i don't think we're gonna need beds once we get to the end and break that ore i think it i think it dropped something over what are you doing look at how efficient my hoe is it's got a million it's got a million efficiency look at it look at this look at this efficiency oh we got a potato farm you like this sigils i can't help it you made this i didn't make it fill the patton fox did okay okay guys we need to find a cape we don't need anything above the ground we need everything in caves all of our loot is in the caves trust me we're not even guys we are not even gonna need gold to trade for piglens you just need to trust me oh i sound terrible bevel hey bevel why did you find a cave oh okay what's in here oh we got more obsidian wait what is this pickaxe fortune 50 efficiency 100 boys there's so much copper don't use fortune 50. it fortune 100 efficiency 100. wait wait we got two yeah we got two e and i found something for you what'd you do turn around where are you look down right here no right oh down okay i don't care about that right into duty when did they add change into this in this update oh my god wait look at that here look at that what what what this little guy right here look at him you ever seen one of those it's a fishy what is that that's not a fishy that's an axolotl yeah that's a lot of them you axolotle questions no no oh oh don't call peter okay boys how much abs oh i have so much copper i don't want this anymore get out of here get out of here we don't need it dude the new iron looks so weird i don't know let me know if you find let me know if you find lapis let me know if you find lapis did you say you needed more obsidian i kind of used fortune on iron and i have 12 obsidian i have six okay we need to okay give me that give me that give me that so we have enough to go to the nether we just need to find a few more oars in the over world and remember once we get to oh let me get more food okay i can't be yelling like this i sound like a dead turtle you really wait what's the difference does anybody okay okay go hold on break this i don't want to drop a ton of gold though oh no does anybody have a non-fortune pick ax i'm going to make an iron pickaxe with no with no enchants on it oh my god this is terrible oh biffle that's cute you made armor yeah dude guys check this out how about that i understand oh you got it oh no oh yeah this is going to make armor huh that's what i make armor what is this aqua infinity 1000 protection 1000 all right getting rid of that um wait does it work on fortune yeah probably oh no oh i mean listen listen listen listen listen we have we have protection 1000. there you go take it take it take it all love it got it okay hold on okay okay okay we need do we have enough uh crap no we need to find lapis we need to find lapis we need to find lapis voices can we even die right now with protection one thousand i don't know hey let me know how much time is this does okay half a heart i can die oh oh oh that doesn't hurt we need more we need more more we need more protection boys let me know if you find gold or lapis oh and we oh okay here we go we got laughs laughing laughing okay here we go here we go hey i'm not do you i want to do this do i want to use fortune 100 on laptops we'll break the server hey don't break it did i get it i got it no no this is not the no will this even work what did you get look at the bow just look at it oh no jeez no i'm not using that anymore i'm not using the fortune anymore we're going to crash the server okay so we have the bow that is trapped but here's another but wait no hold on guys we need to get to the nether now right wait no diamonds we need to find diamonds we need to find diamonds boys we got ourselves wait what is that what kind of a what is that squid glow squid glow squid what does that do okay i'm gonna use the fortune pickaxe on this okay hold on let me drop all this let me drop all this does anybody need diamonds please does everybody need diamonds oh we're about to oh boy oh my gosh here we go here we go i need diamonds that only gave me 13. wait what you got to realize that i got 50 stacks oh god i got a fortune efficiency 100 shovel okay can i have that i'd eat that you guys want any diamonds i'm kind of just kind of just throwing them out at this point okay okay if the dive okay the diamonds need to drop what we're looking for come on i'm not going to use that i found more diamonds i found more diamonds okay there we go shaft come on is that it what is this fortune 1000 no ah i'm not using it i'm not using it using it you got to do it you got to do it one time i'll do it on redstone all right i'll do it on my phone i'll do it on redstone redstone oh no fortune 1000 here we go [Music] oh my gosh are we gonna crash this sir where did you get diamond blocks biffle i found it where i i did find it i crafted using the diamond oh you crap oh come on okay okay you're right you ready okay we're looking for one specific thing from these diamonds wait i have an idea dang it what'd you get let's so we need oh no we're gonna need a ton of diamonds oh no let's go to the nether if we find what we're looking for in the nether okay then we won't need end portals if we don't find what we're looking for in the nether uh then we'll need to end portals okay break okay let's go to the network who's got that who's got the obscene i got the incentive what do you want what's your question hit the like button uh the black one's already been hit okay oh okay all right sorry my bad my bad that's on me all right boys let's do it everybody here imagine wearing diamond arm we can have protection 1000 are you kidding me share with me you guys are literally okay here's another quartz okay what does this give it what does this give oh no okay here we go here we go here we go careful what pickaxe you use uh what did i get what happened i got arrows i got eight arrows oh a diamond block wait what we got more diamonds we're diamonds okay let's just keep breaking it keep very good okay what is that golden apple okay you can get golden apples from nether quartz oh okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go uh use my official 6000 real quick okay diamonds okay is this gonna drop it what's it dropping what is it dropping dang it i'm not getting it blocks oh no yeah i'm not kidding i'm not kidding i'm not getting i'm looking for something okay yeah we're locked we also need gold we also need gold if we can get the gold boys we are going to break minecraft okay let's do this okay give me that did i get it cover me with diamonds where you caught alma you got armor you're broken what'd you get did you break my queen boys i just got fire protection 10 000 and protection 10 000 diamond helmet that's not a thing that's not a thing it's a thing trust me [Applause] guys suit up we need to go one shot this ender dragon okay okay once we get once we get fully suited up boys we do not need to trade you need to trust me on this we do not need to trade i repeat we do not need the trade thing i just stole everything thank you can you stop those are in trouble over here are these guys stealing the armor 10 000. yeah they are never going to die are they oh we got to run we got a run now there was an issue there was an issue why would you do that i need some harbor please i mean i have two pieces of armor so i don't think i can die at this point right or another fortress boys okay before we go there we have to get gold ore we need a drop from the gold ore what's in the gold what's the goal trust me just trust me just trust me just trying to not trust me it's really not trustworthy you just use this to build it it's not good hey okay here's gold okay let's see let's see if we get it let's see if we get it here we go i forgot about this i just got another [Music] but it only has a durability of eight so we have to use it sparingly i don't wanna give you another one okay you're more in the right way or another okay i got two another right ingots guys get all the gold what go ahead and just you know take a couple of those oh are you building with gold diamond blocks what's wrong with you gold diamond yeah yeah yeah gold diamond you know gold diamonds the gold diamond blocks okay okay well you guys get more gold okay i have three sharpness uh a thousand swords oh my gosh anyone needs one yeah keep getting gold for netherright we need to put on netherride armor and we okay can we who wants to come who wants to come with me to the end report and uh another fortress i see the fortress i'm extraordinary from the side okay i'm going in maybe i'm going in i'm going in i'm going in okay here we go here we go here we go oh how many how many how many i can't even grab this i just got two stacks of blades right okay well we can destroy this morning then uh okay now we need to find uh an enderman we need to find an enderman for ender pearls oh so the blue bomb oh yeah the blue biome i'm sure if we go back home to the overworld we'll find one just walking around right oh yeah on the way to the portal well yeah yeah because we can we can uh go get diamond as well if we want him but if we find an enderman we can just you know you know yeah oh my god sorry gasket i got this dude don't worry ancient deborah deborah dude i found some ancient deborah's and you can't get it dude there's too many coins all right we throw it down and we throw it down let's go like this go like this come on here we go okay let's go back to the overworld let's find enderman and maybe more diamonds maybe more diamonds all right boys let's build this come on boys come on boys there's an enderman right over there look at him look him in the eye look at him look at me bring him here come here no come here he's mad come he's here i gotta hit him with the sword hit him with the sword hit him with the sword hit him with the sword come here come here now headway don't run i'm scared headway stop running he's okay i think we win okay let's go back home oh god all right boys let's go ahead okay i have so many blaze rods oh my what do i need all this for okay you know reasons uh raise it i don't like her oh no who just blew up why are you blowing up we're under attack yeah okay i got 32 eyes offender is that enough oh no probably not yeah this way hey okay let's go okay so we can either go this way or we can do a diamond spree you guys want to do a diamond spree okay okay boys i'm going into a cave goodbye i will find diamonds okay here's some diamonds here's some diamonds okay you guys are finding your own diamonds right i'm working on it i'm looking at i didn't get any end portals okay i'm going to find more diamonds i'm going to find more diamonds i'm going to find the most diamonds dude all right we got more time you guys getting any diamonds huh i just got something i have eight i went from two to eight in one vein are you kidding me yeah i have a i have a lot of them friends too i think we're good oh zero okay okay we need more we need more we need more we need more we need more all right here we go more diamonds give me 12. what do i got more i got more how many i got 12. oh i think we can literally make two end portals wait how many how many do you guys have i have 12. the guys do you guys just want to go to our own end dimensions i mean something dude all right boys let's meet back at spawn i think i'm right underneath it oh no i think i don't know okay i'm in i'm in a mine shaft all right i'll meet you guys back at dab lit know what i'm saying yeah yeah i got that guys i killed it i killed the uh the creeper with the sword do you guys need any gunpowder i'm all right um i'm pretty pretty solid okay so i need to i need to make this so i need to stand in the center right and then do one two three four five six seven eight nine ten four tall and then i can do one two three four five six tall hey guys hey guys [Applause] okay boys we are in the end this is where the uh i don't know what to call this or ender right uh dragon or ender oh there it is there it is not mine okay there it is okay if this works okay we may be able to one shot the ender dragon let me clear my inventory okay i have so much stuff who brought a cow in here guys make sure you have your efficiency one million wooden hoe yeah i got that all right is it gonna work did it did i get anything oh guys come to me come to me come to me i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming uh do you guys want to look at these boots boots what about them oh what is this do you want to see what i found on the ground what'd you find i found that but what is that looting one million yeah sharpness 10 million boys my boots are oh here we go will sharpness 10 million be able to one shot the ender dragon what what happened protection 10 million protection guys oh i got another sword i got another sword okay okay i have a full set of 10 million armor on me um i don't i really wanted to wait i just got a bow power a million oh my gosh do you think that would kill henry wait hey oh oh how did that not kill you before you know what because i'm the best i thought that would kill me i'm like i wonder if they've been any armor i got some extra i needed i need i need okay i want after we one shot the energy if i if you think i got one shot at the end of dragon hit the like button right oh god yeah and then i want to hit one of you with my sharpness 10 million sword when you have protection 10 million on oh wait which one's stronger 10 millimeter protection oh no i want to see what happens i need i need pants i need pants i need pants guys if i don't have pants i'm going to die you're going to have paint pants i am fully covered in debra ancient debra i have sharpness 10 million protection 10 million feather falling 10 million so if i go into the air i can't die get the dragon to throw something to the air throw me dragon throw me i think he's scared i mean i mean i think he's scared oh he's like what is he coming down he's coming down jump on top and we'll get thrown into the air oh no no i just took a lot of damage right there from falling yeah i'm not gonna test it i'm not gonna test it i'm gonna one-shot this come here come on get up come here come here hey hey hit him oh he left you are so bad you know what i'm just gonna stand here i'm gonna stand here and wait here we go here we go he's perching boys here we go come down here boy sharpness 10 million on the ender dragon where'd he go where'd he go there right there [Applause] wow one shot here okay henry you got full tart 10 million on right oh protection okay i'm gonna try one million power bow okay oh did that do any damage my hearts didn't even move okay i got one okay one piece on you okay okay let's test the sword let's test the sword on hand we full to protection 10 million here we go with the crit [Music] oh no i'm putting my armor back up [Music] [Laughter] okay guys if you have enjoyed hit the like button down below hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video my allergies i am not alive
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,899,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tfB3ot_g71A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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