CRAFTING a *BAN HAMMER* in Minecraft (Insane Craft)

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so of course you guys remember last episode if you look at the top left look at all these abilities i have we are becoming stronger like look at this i can literally crap out ender pearls look i'm dumping ender pearls i can also i can teleport across the map look at this i want to go to the top of their tower i'm here yeah crap look at this dude this is so broken all right so we are becoming stronger dudes listen i heard from frost you guys know one of the admins he said he needs my help ah crap i hit the wrong button no i spawned a bunch of bats i was trying to zoom in all right we'll go over here then frost sell let me sit in my chair as i explain this to you guys uh frost the server admin needs my help he said he needs help cleaning up this server i don't know what to think frost is a scary admin how am i gonna help him clean up the server and dudes here's the deal if you've ever cleaned your room hit the like button down below the video and if you're not lying then you better not because your mom's watching the like button will turn blue what am i saying hit the like button or your mom will get mad at you all right let's do this so all right frost how am i going to help you clean up the server oh there's so many bats what did i do let's do the screech on them come with me i'm making the bats run into the walls and die i'm screeching come here oh y'all come here this is broken all right well this is fun come with me matt let's get in a call with frost oh gosh all right frost what do you need help with hello hello okay how do i help you clean up this server what do you need what do you need i mean i'm your man i'm the cleanup crew you're the cleanup crew what do you want i don't know if that's a really good cleanup crew i mean hey all right what do you want for me what do you want from me well i i need someone that's really really really strong well i mean you know i work out every other year so okay what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want so you know how those uh those those admin weapons are uh leaking around a little bit right admin weapons leaking a lot i know that they're a bunch i have an admin gun i know that yes okay i'm very well aware of your admin gun okay what do you want me to clean up you want me i'm going to key you want me shoot some people with my having gun i got it i'll clean it up well you can use the admin gun but i need you to go find the other admin weapons for me and bring them back to me i i have a list of all the ones that are missing you want me to bring you a bunch of admin weapons yes glass bombs staff dev blade admin nuke admin gun that's mine i need you to return them no you want me to bring them back to you okay if i bring you all of these weapons admin stuff what do i get in return do i get anything what do you want to do with it hey my my services my services cost a lot okay i think i could give you something fun all right frost i will be back i will bring you what you asked for for now take uh you want something do something pretty here over here you have nice stuff come over here come over here come over here in your house come over here okay okay [Laughter] have fun okay i'll bring you all these back stats all right server cleaning by frost okay so glass bomb i know jerome has the glass bomb he shot that remember that giant glass hole here that was the admin glass bomb i'm trying to think of a way to take this from jerome a few moments later oh that'll work light bulb jerome last episode i didn't show it but for his video he wants to join myself and biffle's team and i set him on i sent him on a wild goose chase i told him to go get me a very powerful weapon and bring it to me and then i'll think about it what if i can use that to get the glass bomb from him without having to fight him oh i don't know because he's gonna give me a weapon he wants to give me a strong weapon he said i could decline the offer and then say but if you give me this i'll think more about it that's kind of mean let's do it all right jerome you said you wanted to join the team right you got hey you got the powerful weapon yeah just don't don't come in here we're having some we're having a leak there's a leak in the your life seems like it's falling apart jerome it has ever since henry kicked me out it's it's really okay i said if you brought me a very powerful weapon i would consider letting you join my team what do you got okay mr thandie sir i have for you the sword of kikoku it hits through armor and does permanent damage they can never heal kikoku yeah why does this sound like an uppercut what is this thing it does permanent damage permanent cool yeah literally is doing nothing i'm looking at your hearts up top i don't know i'm permanently brain damaged that's just you but okay okay okay if this actually worked take off to take off your armor i want to see if this actually does permanent life damage okay okay um ow i'm permanently out okay it kills you because i'm really strong right i can kill you with a book right it takes corn out of inventory that does nothing it's not removing hearts jerome jerome i thought it would work andrew and austin told me it would work they lied to me jerome if you want to join the strongest team ever of sandy pool i need something much better than this sword that literally looks like a toothpick it's not it's more than a toothpick but okay okay um i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea this command block right here i got it from an illuminati chrome remember when you destroyed my base with the admin glass bomb yeah if you give me that admin glass bomb i will reconsider joining my team oh god it's so worth it but can i use one one more time for good luck no jerome give it now and i will consider it okay okay okay is it considered can i join i will consider it i will let you know in seven to ten to a hundred business days oh wow that's really quick yeah yep i'll see you in a little bit all right bye no way we got the glass bomb we got it the glass bomb hold on i mean look at this we got a little statue oh wait oh no it doesn't go anywhere um why is it blowing up what is happening [Music] [Laughter] oh that is so broken all right we got that let's check that off the list yeah what's next done admin staff i think that's sigils but the dev blade and the admin nuke both of those are biffle i'm gonna go talk to biffle i wanna see if i can get those from him then we'll go talk to sigils for the admin staff i also wanna clean up this glass give me a minute then we'll go talk to biffle one minute 37 seconds later i will literally spawn in those bats [Applause] i am here to talk to you about something very important okay listen listen listen listen listen listen and you know how you have the admin nuke uh yeah how do you know that because you used it on me you literally use it on me i'm sorry okay listen listen listen listen listen i am working with frost that one of the admins right you know frost he ha the admin frost i don't know who that is that's what you're talking about oh get out of here okay so dark lord no no his name is frost his name is frost he's he came to me as the admin and he's asking me to clean up the server okay from what what does he be cleaned up barefoot i need the dev blade and the admin nuke if i can clean up the server of all the admin weapons he said he's gonna give me something do you what i don't know how do i convince you to give that to me i know you already have it but how do i get you to how do i convince you to give that to me without killing you please okay don't kill me how do i convince you how do i kill you i am a good leader i do not just take listen listen let's make a little deal okay okay how about this you know what i challenge you to a little 1v1 fight i will give you this blade free okay oh at the end of my episode in your episode we will 1v1 fight to the death okay and if you can kill me you get to keep it whatever i don't care but if i win i want whatever you're getting oh okay okay so if i beat you i nothing they okay you give me the sword you give me and you also need the nuke i'll see the nuke whenever you get it okay [Music] later if i beat you nothing happens if you beat me you get whatever item frost gives me yep absolutely i think that's fair um give me all your armor why are you like i don't want to when am i why do i why don't you even intern here i've just now got pants i got the nuke really and i have the dev ooh this device please don't shift right click that please do not ship right click that please let me put my arm around before you please oh this shift right click oh god stop you're killing me please thank you people you're so toxic uh so guys i just used the nuke and my game crashed and my recording crashed but uh check this out [Applause] the nuke is insane this poor village yep this is what the nuke did for me oh no oh i don't know what to think but uh this is what the nuke does okay so i have this dev blade you guys remember what this dev blade does i i showed you with uh biffle right i think it was last episode check this out i spawn all these bats shift right oh no i'm lagging oh no shift right click [Music] they all die and if i spawn all these zombies i'll spawn all these zombies in this little hole oh no okay all the zombies are down there dying let's right click they're all dead we're so broken yeah this sword is mildly broken [Music] i love this sword okay so i have the nuke i have the dev blade i have the admin gun and the kickstaff now i just need the admin staff from sigils and dudes i think i have a way to get it as you guys know whenever i kill somebody as thandie pool i can pick up their gravestones that are on the ground picking up all their items so when i kill sigils i can take his item from him and check this out how this dev blade works to do the aoe attack i shift and right click look at that and whenever i shift right click with this rod of lissa that's how i take off armor from people so if i walk up the sigils hit him with this i'm also killing mobs because i'm shift right-clicking with the dev blade it's a one-shot kill let's get a call with sigils let's take the admin staff all right hey sigil signal scissors hello my fourth minion wait for it what what that okay okay i want to test something look at the sword that ah crap president look at the sword that i have wait isn't that isn't that just difficult quiet okay i want to test something so whenever i right click and i'm shifting it hits you but it doesn't kill you because you have infinity armor okay yeah right yeah yeah it literally does nothing we're just too strong there's like a giant eight lightly check this at home let me show you something [Music] [Laughter] okay okay okay i want to test something what is that noise come over here okay so if i put the rod of lissa in this hand whenever i shift right click the sword it does that damage right right right but when i shift right click with the rod of lissa oh that's kind of broken broken sigils that is so broken that is so broken dude what the heck that is so i don't hold on so i can just one shot anybody yeah i know you just win now i think wait hold on i'm just trying to okay hold on i'm gonna put your items in a chest i'm gonna put your items in a chest um i'm putting it in the chest for you is that not what you wanted just so it doesn't despawn yeah i'm putting it all in a chest there you go there's all your items there you go set it is that everything you got it all uh let's see wait a minute oh something's missing uh what's missing hold on no i put it all in there it should all be there wait no wait wait wait my admin staff where's my admin staff i didn't see an admin staff in there what no i had an admin staff i got it from uh illuminati pad wait does this does this dev blade with the lissa did it despawn it wait did you just break my admin weapon oh no i'm sorry sid i just used that to defeat a monster in the between that'll land uh whatever i just want i don't know okay okay okay here i'll give you this in uh for saying sorry uh hold on hold on let me look at my feed bag and look at my feed bag here i'll give you a half a stack of emerald nuggets gotta go bye you just ruined everything i'm sorry so check out this staff it's like a long range like even longer rage dev blade look at this how will this work on all the zombies oh gosh let's see oh this staff is broken oh where you going you're looking cute and dead all right the admin staff okay so i think that's everything we have everything we need all right here all right let's get in a call with uh uh frost let's see what he wants all right frost i ha i got all the items oh there's the gold there's the book there's the book one two three four five six that is so much power ah excellent okay okay okay now what are you gonna give me ah what are you gonna give me back in the right hand well i cleaned up the circle i thought i thought this was a little too easy for you so i'm thinking we should fight for it for the wait so if i okay if i beat you i get the item if you beat me you get uh i just helped you clean up the server for nothing crap exactly i accept your challenge you don't know who you're messing with young lad let's go fight all right frost you're ready oh i am ready as i give everybody put it on the gauntlet let's do it okay please don't hit me please okay i don't know what you have you're literally an admin on the surface please what are you doing what are you doing frost rain what is happening where are you where are you oh there you are oh you're making everything lag you know what it's time you're creating so many minions i am screeching them to death wait that does nothing to them you know what i'm going to screech you boy i'm going to screech you get over here get scraped i'm lagging like crazy you're lucky i'm lagging come here boy come here you're just pushing me why are you pushing me i'm gonna push you into a wall put you into a wall oh no you are strong you are strong okay you know what come here come on you want to fight you want to fight i have so many abilities hey wow i thought you were stronger than that what was that i thought you were stronger than frost um i was worried for nothing all right frost what do i get all right all right you won fair and square i guess oh my god it was for nothing what is it well uh what is that i only have one thing left to offer now that i had to give me back everything else so uh yeah what is it just please don't use it on me at least the band hammer yeah you can ban people from this shirt yeah okay frost i will not use it on me thank you thanks frost no man should have this much power all right let's get in the car with biffle he wants to fight we have the ultimate weapon all right biffle i got the item but what item did you get huh i'm not telling you nothing because whoever wins wait what did you get what is that oh god what's up you got it infinity gauntlet i got invited what is that what's up man yeah what is that yeah what's up man okay so if i beat you nothing happens if you beat me uh wait uh you get the item that i just got the item that you got yeah that's right it's gonna be my item boy no let's give him all right let's fight let's fight three two one get out no all right go ahead hit me wait do you have to be worried yeah you have that little shield that i had yeah yeah but that shield doesn't do anything oh it doesn't i mean i mean yeah it doesn't last forever oh it does because i broke it how did you break it i glitched it you can't even hurts me look i'll take my armor off i'm normal biffle now i'm not even wearing my face let me put my face on you can't because you can't do nothing so if i can't kill you you get this item yep all right ram purification oh it's so dark that does nothing stop it are you blind annoying it's like making my screen flash black and white stop it's like so annoying what about playing of darkness i can see you ticking because you have withering but it does nothing no it does it literally does okay three and nothing bevel yeah what's up what's up i didn't want to do this because i thought i could take you out a different way what oh you thought you could handle what do you mean what do you have different i don't understand russell zoom in on this weapon no don't don't do it on that one my not final form but almost final form biffle my power it grows how does it grow how does it grow you see the item that i hold yeah all the power of the admin weapons combined into one all of it bifil so put i put on all your armor put on all your armors what's up let's go what's up bring it break it nerd what you got okay real really this is what we're this is what give my gauntlet back here you go biffle go ahead put on all your armor put on put on put on all your armor put on your heart i got my armor on yeah what is that why is my game frozen armor in the game has nothing against the ban hammer the band hammer is spoken connection lost wait try to log back in you were banned from the server reason hit by the you banned me let me back in come on i got more videos to record man come on let me back i literally i legitimately can't i can't and i have your weekly powered infinity gauntlet so uh well it's can i have it back can i go back unban me please please nope goodbye before my minion guys if you have enjoyed hit the like button down below hit the subscribe button for new roger click this next video to watch next video no person should have this much power
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,641,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4eIL70ciAO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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