BEATING Minecraft with a TANK (FUNNY)

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minecraft but the entire world is in the game dude this is actually intense we go to just seven or eight different cities and try to beat minecraft this gets intense can a tank take down the ender dragon and also if you've ever been to a different country hit the like button down below the video and if you're not lying it'll turn blue what hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy so today i gather you to the big ben guys there's there's marca right there's marcus look we're in london so beautiful it's so beautiful oh my goodness it's so big [Music] this is henry's hometown this is what you deserve henry no no stop stop stop breaking bill okay boys the adventure we're going on is going to be a different adventure we will travel the world seeing things and at the end we got gotta defeat the ender dragon without dying and i think by the time we get back to murca to take down the ender dragon we may be able to find something to one shot the ender dragon are you guys ready you know what to do suit up we need to get a bunch of tools and up top there uh first of all guys come on come across this little river the river yeah yeah yeah come over here look at this vending machine right look at this vending machine okay it works they sell shotguns in london okay no this is not london this is not london hold on this is definitely nothing and if you look at the top of big ben what is the clock made out of that looks like let's get our shotgun boys oh no can we are you legitimately building i'm building a letter for everyone why are we building with a ladder because then everybody else can climb that you need to clean your feet oh oh henry clean your feet no don't slow down stop smelling my feet please stop swimming oh henry clean your feet no no no no no no no no my feet my feet are very clean trust me look at all this iron dude we can literally iron our clothes wait what no no no okay we each get we each get one side ah sorry phil you get nothing wait guys everybody tear out one of the the the clocks tear them out no crap vein miner isn't on oh no we got a minus the old-fashioned way tear down parliament is this parliament i don't think no this uh i guess this is not a problem yeah just like that one movie here we go got it oh phil how did you survive that nice phil crack phil i mean yeah i guess he is better than these than sigils oh oh gosh i got 19 billion stacks okay i'm gonna make a full set of tools make a full set of tools all right everybody suit up we need to get our showdays all right we got our armor dab dab dab lit dab you know what i'm saying dab dab dab you know what i'm sayin yeah yep yeah do you need a specialist i asked that he made uh eight um henry look in this chat look at this vending machine henry stop wasting the iron oh oh we definitely need to go okay okay okay let me turn these into get a ton of ammo boys where we're need headed next ammo we can get all right we got okay so if i put this in my off hand and shoot this oh geez sorry okay guys we need to go we need to go okay we're running out of food we need to go to the next section oh wait hold on we need to get flint let's get flint so that we can make uh the flint and steel and then burn animals and shoot them oh no guys we need help okay so hold on let me look at the map when we guys go get flint don't get flipped so we're currently at uk you can see i'm facing upwards right i need to face uh this way we need to go down to fro jose we need to get some baggage you guys ready you guys ready ready come on do they have baguette stuff dude all right we got our flint and steel and we're going to take a sale with the way to france come here we going hunting in london did you just don't no that's just not how it works like all right boys ready to travel across this piranha ridden uh river right that's fundamental that's so fun isn't that how london works waters there's no piranhas there's no problem have you never met a london henry half this is the english channel and this is actually you know off the south coast which is very very far from london keep going down you go down get to the other we're almost in france welcome are we in france we're in france hey okay we're gonna go okay now we're now we're in a good country got him well there's a there's another oh okay wow dude wow jeez oh i see france i see the eiffel tower wait you see france look at it dude wait what is this [Music] is this a runway boys i forgot this is where we get our airplanes we are we are the french air force boys oh my goodness look at this okay and i know yeah over here they're the best field guys go grab the baguettes grab the baguettes so they get filled we just get as many baguettes again if only vein miner worked right phil uh phil phil get all the baguettes boys get all the packets okay okay okay we got enough we gotta keep max baguette status okay i got a lot of baguettes okay oh i can get a stack of baguette dude look at that we gotta stack them back at dude okay oh my goodness so we're currently in el francaise the next spot that we need to go we need to grab our airplanes take off we need to go south yeah what is this east crab yeah we need to go to rome which way is that oh it's cool okay okay i want i want the poop one i want the poop one oh boy let everybody get an airplane we need to head that way i think okay this way yeah yeah how about you take off first dean let's go hey oh you got this press w hold space and then look up and then look up oh my god [Applause] we are in an airplane boys follow me [Music] canyon did you get out of your plane i pressed your wrong yeah i have all your stuff right here and your play just crashed right there pilot license eventually oh boys i see it i see the coliseum are you guys here too i'm looking at the map you got to turn around okay okay i'm trying to go the right way and it's night time this is perfect this is perfect this is boys we have our gladiator in sight wait i'm in an airplane i don't know how to do this how do i land this thing that's huge i thought we were just dropping bombs no no no no land land land boys i'm gonna need help i'm gonna need help i'm gonna need help guys we gotta beat the game we got to beat the game okay landing circles remember we need to beat the game so we need to get we need to get blaze rods ender pearls uh we need to go to the nether crap okay boys do you see the gladiator yes is everybody else here where are you boys at get in here i'm coming in hard where are you where are you oh no oh no no no no no wait why is that coming in here oh no i can't stop it oh crash okay i'm fine you fight crash landing it walked it walked it walked it's fine everything's fine okay okay boys let's take out the gladiator oh i don't have any ammo i don't have an ammo i don't have it no there we go i got him there's blazes boys get the blaze rods get the blazer on take them out take them out oh no oh no oh no i'm taking damage who shot me who shot me get the blaze rod get the plays ross just go oh my gosh these shotguns are insane the giant's dead boys we took over this colosseum did you just kill pat hey did he drop anything good mojo in the colosseum isn't my collective now boy take them out wait how many play drums do we need i have six okay i have i have one right now that's it you're useless welcome back pat it took you forever you're literally free thanks for killing me it wasn't me dude it's my shotgun okay so my plane's kind of crash landed up the top uh can i hitch a ride with someone oh yeah come on henwy come on come on come on get it get him get him okay so now we need to go so we took down the coliseum we are the gladiators we got the blaze rods right now we need totally look at that let me look at that one look at the map uh we need to go to uh okay we're in italy there's the italian boot okay um oh we need to go to the pyramids when you go to the pyramid's voice egyptian pyramids boys just fly down the foot coast and then um we'll get there and we you're so fat hey are we cleared and we almost and we're clear hey wait wait no i really don't know okay just just keep flying in a straight line from here we're over the mediterranean right now oh no i'm going to crash landing into the into the alps the alps are behind us i'm crash landing in the rockies boys that's the rockies okay are we in we're in africa now is this the great wall of china no we're in africa oh no okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where are we going come in oh why does he sound like that over can you hear me oh no i spotted the pyramids i see the pyramids race spray oh we're good okay we're fine let me park it better i gotta park it better i gotta park it better parking your better there we go look man we're in egypt look here's a pyramid this is great this is great okay all right so we're here okay what are we doing here uh i forgot oh oh look at all the skulls you guys oh no okay what is this oh looks like there's a ton of gold oh in the nether portal that's where we get our ender pearls break through break through break through get all the gold get all the gold guys is that is this legal no you can't mine it with the stock is that a stone pickaxe no it's okay no it's not with you look at that it looks stoned to me okay wait if you remember in the at the beginning whenever we got our shotguns we could get ak-47s with gold let's do it let's do it you looked at the top of the pyramid i'm flying in i'm going i'm going up wait wait wait i'm gonna mine that whole thing i'm gonna vane mine that whole thing all right first one up gets all the gold first one get up gets all the gold you're literally already here well no the first second one up gets all the gold oh no oh no i hate you ian that was not my fault another one that is so much gold we're going to get ak-47 phil good job all right our two weakest links are left behind two weakest link left behind all right so we got our gold let's oh yeah okay okay so we need to go trade for ender pearls and we can also ak-47s yes oh boy okay all right turn all this into oh gosh that is so much gold we're gonna get ender pearls for days okay so if i buy ak crap wait how much does ak cost there we go ak this is so stupid literally a crap ton of ammo i don't like that love that's kind of terrifying no it's not scary and shoot the ak i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry my goodness oh my god sorry anyway all right boys you ready welcome back hey let's get in here okay so let's go we need all the gold we need to get ender pearls here oh uh-huh oh we can get wow i guess we don't oh we can take out enderman i wonder if uh enderman will die to our aks i got it i don't know i mean it's a projectile so usually yeah but maybe they won't because they're naked they'll be mad no we need to get gold we need to get we need to we need to feed this little guy gold right there okay oh no i'm lagging oh no i'm lagging no we're fine we're fine okay you ready hey hey take some gold hey take some gold hey take some gold take it take it love it okay we need to put we need to put like a little thing on the ground right like a little thing like a little thing he threw stuff at me vomited okay so we need to trap them and then feed them are you trapping them in gold henley i mean okay so we just need to wait for these guys to give us ender pearls meanwhile let's go enderman hunting boys uh pat and phil stay there and get gold and fight thee fight these guys i tried to shoot an enderman and he teleported away okay right but what if what if we shoot him because you have weak knees okay you have weakness come up here hey i'm gonna shoot him with my ak yep it didn't work what did i tell you huh nobody ever listens to this all right any pearls yet hey no hey hey you give me all the pearls i got i got two from a couple end of them but other than that okay so we need we need at least what 12 i would say yeah 12 14 12 to 14. no no we don't we don't need to find one we already know where it was now yeah once we get once we go to texas then you guys are going to see him then we go to new york guys just stick around just stick around just come on come on boys okay i have four i have four ender pearls how many do you guys have how many do you guys have i have two okay so that's four five six i got seven that's twelve oh we're clowns all right so after this let me look at the map let me look at the map so we were just at the pyramids now we need to go to the ways at west east boys wait no is that east yeah east we need to go to the great wall of china oh let's do it where's our plane where are you riding with me again oh can you take a shower to ride can you take a shower please first maybe okay i'll walk on it i'll walk on it all right boys it's lift can you actually do this in sand like is this like i'm not sure if [Applause] everest that'll get you oh my goodness you guys must not went to school uh uh-oh what happened what'd you run into oh oh no it's a mountain seymour oh no all right boys we're coming up on india we're coming up on india sigils is already in the appalachian trail oh no so far ahead sigils it is so cold there careful these like icy mountains i'm like barely skimming the top oh wait oh wait geography is terrible much later oh henry i see is that it the great wall of china we're here boys dude so long dude how did they how do you even get over that wall look at this okay so what we're getting here can we land on top of that mountain over there on top of the right with all the cows crash the cows okay crush the cows crash the cows i'm sorry i'm sorry oh yeah okay so we need a ton of food right we need uh actually i have a good bit of bread i'm gonna get a little bit more food though i'm gonna get a little bit more food henry would you land the plane already i'm trying we're going too fast okay what do you get for flying henry air dude okay we got a good bit of food so everybody grab food right uh-huh and then if we look down here yup we have submarines we will take these submarines from china we will go all the way or over to texas then we gotta fall off the flat earth and then go what i don't understand listen all right boys let's do it we got okay hold on hold on we got it we gotta get food get food get food get all the food all right boys grab your submarine i want the yellow submarine oh this is so sick oh this is so sick okay okay let me look for that we're looking at okay so we're currently in the yukon peninsula uh waters right right yeah we have to travel to the east past japan and go all the way to texas oh i see it we need to go to the gulf of ontario let's do it oh boy much much later all right boys we're on the beaches of gulf of mexico i think we're here i think we're here hold on hold on hold on wait is it oh no is my submarine failing is my story ah my submarines my submarine's beaching [Music] i don't want to get bitten by a shark in the gulf of mexico guys guys i got i crashed we're here boys okay is this it huh let me take the mat let me take the map we're here there's the alamo right there okay we just need to go in oh right in the grouper who brought their planes who brought their planes um i kind of left my plane wait wait do i have a plane boys we're at the alamo oh look at this look we're over here here we are why are you just shopping whoa who just shot me how do we get in this place how do we get in this place jump the fence drop the fence we're here oh broken up boys we got tanks okay i think if these tanks work the way i'm thinking they are we may be able to one shot the ender dragon oh my god i think i think and then out here look boys look look look look at these helicopters we have helicopters we must take the helicopters we must go look at the mini map look at the mini map we're currently in texas we must go to new york city we must find the empire state building and take down that ender dragon come on boys pick up your helicopter take the tank we need the fire charges take them all boys come with me tank all right boys you got your tanks right yeah oh yeah let's go look at us ready to take off breaker breaker uh breaker breaker i am and i'm in a hepa copter i got a hepa copter your hepa copter is very hepa and copter okay i can make helicopter noises can we just can we can we realize how like he just keeps not being the center of attention yeah he needs to guys i'm heading straight for new york okay okay so we got the helicopter we need to find the empire state building and then we need to make our eyes of ender boys it's time we will one shot this dragon guys if you think we can one shot this dragon hit that like button i'm landing it oh anywhere we're in new york we're in new york okay okay uh we gotta find the empires is that is that the empire state building right now right now the statue of liberty oh no are you landing on the statue of liberty what's wrong with your portal i see the underground do you see it where so empire state building i'm coming to land on it you said the portal's at the top of it right oh yeah i can see your thingy i can see the beacon right now i can see the beacon uh nine or nine or nine or nine or nine or i'm buying oh no okay okay pull up twelve take it or get up this all right i'm just gonna land on top isn't there a helipad on the top of empire state building pretty sure this side right now uh that doesn't look like you're too big of a heavy peg landing landing on top landing helipad light helipad helipad landing on the helipad we're here ah i'm taking damage i'm taking damage i think i'm just gonna have to jump out i think i'm just gonna have to jump out all right can we get back here we'll send a rescue mission for you come on all right boys tell me all your ender pearls if you turn that turn that turn that dead you got twelve there we go no i don't need it no no no no no no no there we go you got 20. okay okay so if i do dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab can we take down the ender dragon can we one shot the ender dragon with the tank oh guys everybody watch out oh you guys know how she is i should have brought my helicopter that way ian what what's the left dude yeah but then you got to build up and i don't know how to build up that's way safer yeah but you know listen i'm enderpearling i'm out of here all right boys put down your tanks put down your tanks i want this one i want i don't know i'm grabbing this one okay so we need to hold the fire charging off hand boys our tank should be able to one shot the ender dragon crap i can't get up the thingy oh no no wait you can't you can't go through terrain oh okay i think we're gonna pick them up and then place them down these tanks are the weakest tanks we've ever seen hopefully they have okay okay it's perching did i kill phil and henry why do i have enderman so angry at me they're pushing me to all of them um did i just watch the entertain but that was a very powerful tank for the size of it oh did all that work just to get exploded by ian instantly yeah i mean what's new guys what's new am i right out of our tanks looks like we just one shot the ender train guys hit the like button if you haven't enjoyed hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video and as always don't forget to not drive a tank i don't know i'm running out of things to say
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,585,379
Rating: 4.947916 out of 5
Id: o7X5tK2IgUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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