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what did one cactus say to the other cactus looking sharp so can you guys guess who I'm about to say there's I've been busy in between Emmys I'll show you that a little bit I've reinvented this bamboo farm you guys remember this bamboo farm I reinvented the way it's automated so check this out there's this observer right here whenever this bamboo fully grows oh gosh you guys are so loud you're so freaking loud I can't hear nothing so whenever this bamboo grows watch this check this out it automatically sends the flying machine check oh I'm gonna get so much lag hi oh here we go wait hold on why aren't you going come on there we go there it goes and the flying machine takes it oh my gosh I'm lagging like crazy so the flying machine takes off down here like I said I ivory I redid all of this right all of the mine carts they automatically go through collect all the bamboo and then whenever they get to the hopper over here they stop with this system back here and they just dump it out and then when they're done dumping out they go back grab more and then throw more in there it's pretty second and down here check this out look at all of this fat look at this bamboo for days but like I said dudes I've been busy in between episodes not only did I do that look at this giant Tower I'll show you what that is in a second before we do that dudes listen as always the support on this series is insane so I think I think like two videos ago I don't know what last video is that because it hasn't been uploaded yet two videos ago I think that video is out like a hundred and seventy thousand likes so dudes keep up the support let's get this video to a hundred and seventy five thousand likes in three days if we don't do that I've never talked you again I'm just kidding hit the like button so I don't look stupid please don't make me look bad in front of my friends so let's do this so like I said what I want to set up this video this was a two-part yeah I add a creation so we created the bamboo farm and then this cactus farm and I remember I asked you guys last episode well like I said that video hasn't been uploaded yet I asked you if you wanted me to make a zero tic cactus farm or a giant cactus farm look at this cactus farm and since I have it uploaded that video yet I don't know what you guys said so we're gonna do both today is science day we're gonna check out some science so I set up this giant cactus farm a multi-layer cactus farm and how this works we have the cactus normally growing and whenever it grows up one more it hits the iron bars it breaks and then falls down into the water down this hole all the way down to that ground but how this thing is set up right with the iron bars completely surrounding it normally how cactus farms work the cactus will break off and randomly fall into the neighboring cactus and get destroyed but sense is completely surrounded with iron bars that doesn't happen nearly as often so the efficiency of this farm is pretty ridiculous so Falls are crime I got no time this giant farm took me forever to make but we're gonna test this out this giant farm all the way up to build height we're gonna test this versus the zero tick farm right here and see what makes more cactus we're gonna do some science today like I said the reason why I'm doing all of this the bamboo all the cactus it's all filtering down to these furnaces you'll see why dudes if I can get this automated we gonna break my grass you guys are gonna buy shirts you're gonna buy bribe we gonna break my craft shirts so what I need to do let's get up here nope ah you are a bad person Oh yep I'm going to sleep well that was not fun that could have just destroyed everything I love good night sweet world so up here I have everything set up inside of his chest what I'm gonna be making it's called a zero tick farm I've never heard of this before but I think it's gonna be okay what we're gonna do I'm gonna set this up then we're gonna monitor how much catalyze their bamboo in here yeah the bamboo is fall crap I'd have to cover all of this dad all right cover all this we can't have bamboo going into these hoppers that would destroy everything we're gonna be testing that giant farm versus this teeny farm and like I said this is all for a greater thing which is over there if I can set this up dudes this is gonna be insane I so let's cover this just so there's no bamboo falling into that okay that should be good now so first thing I need to do I need to cheese this right so I'll put rails on these hoppers there right and that this is kind of cheesy but I like cheese we're gonna place a hopper minecart on all of these right and then we got a finagle this and break the rail underneath it there we go hold on we got to break this rail there we go and then the bike cart just lays there right there we go okay so that is right now what I need to do I need sand all right so grab the sand and this is what I need to do this is cheesy but I love it will drops and on this hopper this hopper and then this hopper just like that I hold let me grab oh crap okay don't break anything there we go there we go and now we have sand on top of hopper carts okay you'll understand soon enough now of course on top of the sand cactus cactus cactus and now this is where it gets kind of weird I didn't even know this was a thing inside of Minecraft right so what I need to do over here I need to grab the piston and throw a piston rate there facing inwards towards the cactus I guess it even as for the thing but it's a thing that back here behind the piston I need to put a note block and then a piston here a sticky piston here facing upwards starett's this looks stupid but if I can make this work it's gonna be dab fam dope what what do I say things for and then attach to this sticky piston a slime block and then attach to that slime block I need to put a block of redstone but I'll do that in a second what I need to do first put a lever underneath this piston and then turn it on right and then imma put a block of redstone there there we go so now if I flip this lever watch what happens again I don't know why this happens but it does I don't know so you guys know how cactus works whenever you first put cactus down it takes like 15 minutes for cactus to actually grow right and as you guys know cactuses only been down for like it's been down for a minute but check this out whenever I flip this lever watch how fast the cactus grows [Music] look at this because that piston look at that because that piston is going in and out in between that cactus it already crew I don't know why this is the thing but it's a thing so what I need to do now let me grab ah observers right this is just a fail-safe for the extra hold on I'll do that in a minute I'll do the observers last what I need to do glass I need to surround this cactus with glass right there we go so that breaks that right put that there and that breaks that so whenever this cactus grows it instantly breaks and then it flies off just like this but if I surround this cactus with glass just like this right surround it completely with glass just like that and then I'll need to build it up one more because cactus kind of goes flying whenever a brave step this is kind of funky I'll break all the dirt whenever the cactus grows it breaks because of the glass it falls down and before the cactus can get destroyed by that cactus sitting on the ground it gets picked up by the hopper minecart and then goes into the system over here there we go look at alright we got some dirt and we got some stuff there we already have cactus sitting in there good night sweet world alright so we're gonna do the observers and then this should be set up and like I said we're gonna do science after this yay science observer there there we go and then that observers facing out put that observer facing in there we go okay so that is an infinite redstone alright yeah a redstone signal you see that redstone signal that's infinite that is the failsafe for this piston because sometimes the piston like freaks out and like breaks everything and my minecraft crashes I'm just kidding but this is a fail-safe so once I flip this lever there it goes did not waste look at that look at that boy we don't broke my graph so if I come over here and look at this we already have 4 5 cactus 6 7 7 captain so now that this is so this is called a zero tic farm right and you saw on that took that took no time at all could you oh man this this farm took for freaking ever this took like ten minutes if that and very little amount of resources right so what I'm gonna do now let me let me clean this area up a bit right I'm gonna empty out this cactus farm right here right look at all this cactus already I'm gonna empty this farm out and I'm gonna empty this farm out and I'm gonna let them go for five to ten minutes and we'll see which farm creates more cactus that giant farm baby farm all right boys let's do this grab all this right now okay cow and wrap that there we go okay this one had one that one had one by the time I left so they're at an even playing field let's see which has more I will go check that in a minute first like I said what I'm setting up over here the bamboo is coming down here and then getting put into the back of the furnaces back here look at that so it's all gonna be used as fuel an infinite fuel source right and then the cactus is going to be pumping through this system onto the top of the the furnaces gonna be thrown into the top right and you know what happens whenever cactus gets melted down it turns into green dye right and those guys are thinking Sundy why are you making green dye idiot so how minecraft works and I had no clue whenever you use a furnace of course it gives you experience whenever you remove whatever you've smelted but if you have a hopper underneath pulling the materials out of the furnace and into chess or whatever like down here check this out I've created a chess room look at all these chests these chests are gonna be full of green dye and whatever green dye is in these chests the experience gets stored in these furnaces right so if I have all of those chests down there full of green dye and I pull out the green dye from this furnace all of that experience will come to me instantly so what I'm asking you guys what I'm gonna do in between episodes I'm gonna enchant a crap ton of stuff I'm gonna spend all 168 of my levels somehow we're gonna be at level zero let me know down in the comments what level you think I'm gonna be at with all of this experience because remember it all stores into those furnaces this is gonna be insane let me know how many levels you think we're gonna be at in between episodes also while you're down there and type it in that comment just hit the like button for it we're trying to get the hundred seventy-five thousand likes okay boys moment of truth which cactus farm is better out of all of our five minutes of science which cactus farm is better this giant tower of death or cactus farm right there all right almost two stacks from that giant Tower this teeny little cactus farm how much you got boy what'd he want why did I even waste all of these materials and all of that time yeah what a waste of time you have got to be kidding me ah alright so what I need to do now let me tie in the furnaces into my bamboo farm okay so all the bamboo is now filtering down to here right and it's gonna stop right there yeah the bamboos stopping right there because of this lever this ever automatically starts up the furnaces and also down here turns a system on to start dumping out all of the green dye once I've gotten the experience right it throws it in the trash via that lever so let me go ahead and connect there there we go now the cactus is filtering down to there and then let me connect this there so all of that cactus will go over there same with that cactus now I just need to turn on the farm all right here we go boys through we have enough cactus and bamboo per touch production to make this infinite hi there Co there it goes it's already started okay let's fill that up all the hoppers need to fill up first oh gosh we're gonna need a good bit of cactus hopefully this farm right here is enough cactus Ted to fill them all up if not we're gonna make another one of these or maybe ten more I don't know we'll find out and then of course it all gets turned into exp dudes listen for now I'm gonna end this here if you guys have enjoyed hit the like button down below let me know how many levels you think I'm gonna get my next episode also hit the subscribe button for new around here we'll see a Do's next time thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,694,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, child friendly, family friendly, ssundee, derp ssundee, ssundee Minecraft, hardcore minecraft
Id: e1LFVDbEtMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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