Orange Chicken 2.0 | Copycat Recipes

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me av now check this out i know when you read that title you seen that thumbnail right but you saw that 2.0 hey this is all about i'm gonna start a 2.0 series is meaning that like past videos that i've made like i made this three years ago it had so many questions i even had like a little leftover honey i added that people was like what was that did you add it all of that and i didn't know how to make a you know a proper instructional video so 2.0 series look out for it but we're gonna get started right now with this orange chicken so let's get it [Music] all right so look we're gonna just get right into it right so look we got green onions we're gonna use these green onion tops right here this is gonna be for our garnish right over here we got an egg soy sauce and check this out right here this time i'm gonna use the orange that was one of the things everybody asked like how come i use lemon i'm gonna be honest with you guys i know it's called orange chicken you can use orange zest lemon zest whatever it's going to turn out just fine but we're going to keep it coke aesthetic and we're going to do it right right here all right so we got flour corn starch garlic cloves honey and did i say orange chicken so you know we got to have that orange juice right all right then here we got red pepper flakes ginger more corn starch because we got to make a slurry and i'm going to show you this right here before i go to the other and this right here this is our chicken look this is that boneless skinless chicken thigh that's what i like to use that's up to you you see how i got a little skiing on here you guys can take that off if you want to for me i don't do all that extra extra trimming i just cut these into the bikes that i want to eat and i go from there i might trim off that because that's a little bit of a i'm gonna say that's a little bit more on the excessive side now okay in here we got vinegar now i'm gonna be using my press i got my little grater right here so i give me a little zest i always keep whenever i cook i got salt and i got pepper and then we got sesame seeds right now if you guys want to toast these you can for me i'm not going to toast them i'm just going to sprinkle it a little bit on the end just because i like the way that look now i don't want to over talk it and let's get it all right so look i'm going to go ahead we're going to start by trimming these right here right again this is boneless skinless chicken thought this is where you know you get a lot of flavor so you just want to get yourself a knife and trim off yeah i mean they do an okay job they get you in the ballpark let me just say and it depends on the brand so we just want to go ahead and trim some of this take it like this then you want to cut it however you want to you know whatever size bites you like then i just set these over here in a bowl like this and i'm not going to bore you guys let me go ahead and cut the rest okay so look i'm gonna start off by what we got to do is we got to get the egg whites right so everybody know just take an egg crack it right then you want to open it like this and you see how as soon as you open it somebody yo excuse me some of the whites just gonna come out so we take it like this we just keep going back and forth all right just getting most of the egg white has come out already making me look like i'm a pro so we'll just keep doing like that we only gonna get a little bit more i'm gonna do it one more time come back to the main part and that's it right there now as you can see we got egg whites okay so you saw me do those egg whites right so let's go ahead and get our bowl with our chicken right and then let me just show you look look at that size and i got something a little smaller you'll see why at the end you'll like the different sizes for bites right now you just want to take your egg whites we're just going to put this on here pour that over the top and what we're using that for is a binder so you just want to make sure everything is you know coated and this is what's going to help the flour and the corn starch you know stick to this now i'm going to go ahead and take my cornstarch it doesn't make no difference how you do it there's no particular order or anything like that and then we're going to come with our flour i know some of you guys are going to say how come you didn't uh mix it man if that's what you want to do you can do that uh just being honest with you look i made this so many times i've done it that way this is just like skipping some of the steps you know but this right here that gets you right i promise you [Music] okay so look now i didn't add in my oil now i know you guys gonna add like what kind of oil do i use i use whatever that i have bought you know what i mean i don't see i seem to have canola vegetable all kind of stuff so i put some in here just enough to cover the bottom about halfway because i'm not going to overcrowd it right so now i'm going to come over here we already coated the chicken we'll grab this this is already hot and ready to go we just start adding them you know real simple it's just our way hey let me just say it this way let's fry that chicken okay i've already flipped them you guys can see the color right there what i did was i got myself a bowl you know what i mean i've lined it with some a paper towel i shake these off and i just put them here real easy i'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of these oh and let me address this part right now it's a reason why i didn't season none of my flour or my cornstarch right we just want to get these fried and get that crispy exterior on here because listen the flavor gonna be all in there and you know coat them so look at these let me finish these up the rest of them and then we're gonna move forward okay so this is my last batch just so you can see nothing stuck i put them in so that none of them would be i mean it looked like it's overcrowded but it's not you know so we'll just take these just like you saw before and we'll just add these over here okay now we're getting ready to make our sauce right now i always talk about things being super easy look i want you to notice how i arranged everything look that's soy orange juice ginger you know red chili flakes right but listen this is how we gonna use it we're gonna start here and we're gonna work our way down right then we come back here we're gonna go garlic vinegar and this right here represents my cornstarch slurry right then we come back here we got honey then we're going to add zest super easy so if you set your you know your ingredients up like you see them right here this is why i say it makes things super easy now i feel like i'm over talking let's go ahead and make this sauce so we can eat these okay so my pan is coming up to you know to temp i can fill it so we start with our soy then we're going to add our orange juice as soon as you mix those together and once it gets the heat on there it's gonna smell i'm gonna save it for you but i'm just gonna tell you hey let me know in the comment section below when you come back what you think about this now this has gotten some heat on it i'm gonna go ahead and add my ginger now i'm gonna add my flakes now i'm gonna let that come up to like a just a semi boil once it starts to do that then i'm gonna start adding you know it my garlic you see that right there look see how it's starting to be it's starting to come up on that simmer slash boil but we don't want to let it boil that's fine right there now i'm going to go ahead and press these now i'm just letting all of this marry together underneath this heat you can see look it's nice hot and ready so now all you got to do is you want to bring your vinegar and then we're going to start adding this now we're going to let that cook we're going to bring this back to a boil now look i'm addressing some of the questions that i had gotten you know i just wanted to make a better instructional video so everybody can enjoy this this recipe you know super easy i'm gonna leave it alone we're gonna wait till we see this remember i'm using an induction top so it's gonna heat right the heat concentration is right here in the middle so once i see that start to ripple i know it's time to go ahead and get my cornstarch slurry to add so what i'm gonna do now is look equal parts right so we're gonna put this in a bigger bowl and now we're gonna add the same amount that we added in corn starch we're gonna add that in cold water all right so you can see look it's ready to boil i got my cornstarch slurry i'm just gonna add that and then what we're gonna do is we're just gonna cook this in here and this is gonna be our thickening agent you'll see look at that right there you see how it's thickening up it does that it concentrates because i'm using this induction top but i'm gonna just slow down just so you can see it that's what you guys gonna be looking for but if you're using a gas stove it'll thicken up pretty much evenly you know but for me i've been cooking so long on this induction top i just know we just want to keep it going like this keep it moving just like we making the roof folks but look at that right there oh yeah now we got to make it sweet right [Music] so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna go ahead and introduce my honey just take your honey and then look it's going to be important that you use some kind of silicone spatula or something having the right tools for the job make a difference folks because listen if we was putting in five cups or whatever or one cup one tablespoon we want to at least be able to get it out and get it all in there right so we'll just take it like you see here now we're gonna work this in i'm gonna reduce my heat down just a little bit to about 320 degrees so look at that right there oh yeah now we're gonna go ahead and add some of the zest now remember last time if you guys watch the other video which i'm gonna leave up here one of these links one of these i cards i use lemon but either or so what we want to do is now we just want to add some now we take our whatever you're using you guys can use a whisk you know what i mean we just want to go ahead and get that that zesty orange flavor in here this is the consistency you guys want to maybe you should be looking for right here oh yeah once you hit it with that orange zest too and you can just smell it now i don't know about you guys have you ever had panda express i hear all kind of stuff people saying ah that ain't real chinese food and all that but it's got to be a reason why they opening up all over the country i hear the same thing with mcdonald's trust me folks if you never had this make it super easy to make you know what i mean hey kids love it grown-ups love it the whole shebang now i'm gonna go ahead and look just where were you from the moving fast i'm gonna use my hand you guys can use whatever you want to use you can use another set of you know clean your tongs and get yours going but we're gonna go ahead and just put some of these in here and start coating them taking them out when i flip these over your mouth should be watering she'll be watering automatically right now okay so look you just turn these over and this should be something the more so along the lines of what you guys know i just flip them like this and if this right here don't say orange chicken to you i don't know what wheel tell me what you guys think so i want you guys to tell me what you think look at this right here if this ain't fire i don't know what is now let me go ahead and put this down on all warm yeah i mean now we're going to do a little plate okay as you guys are watching me you know plate this right here just think this over some white rice and a little bit more of that sauce on that or you can go to traditional way and just serve it with some french you know fried rice either way now i want you guys to take a look at that before i hit it with any of this garnish and just tell me what you think about that there hey when i tell you we bringing that 2.0 series back it's back y'all let's get it okay so there it is you know what super easy to make hey listen and it's easy on the time too you should be able to put these out in a hot minute you know what i mean so check this out serve these over a bed of rice you know what i mean hey they go great with just white rice but for those you guys who want to level up you know i mean you can go and do that fried rice too hey so look enough of that talking i'm gonna go ahead i know i got these chopsticks right here i'm gonna go ahead and just hit this like this oh man it's still tender in the inside you take it look at that right there y'all look at that that right there is orange chicken at its finest all right so let's first i'm gonna give it to smail chest hey enough for that let me go ahead and get down [Music] man this is fire hey a lot of times i end these videos you know i'm doing all the whatever you guys are seeing like the real reaction of my face though how it is i just want you guys to try it i hope that this was a better you know informative instructional video than that last one you know i mean that's why i'm calling it 2.0 now remember anytime you guys see 2.0 that's a remake of a past video back when i didn't know what i was doing but i think i've gotten a little bit better by now and i want to say hey thank you for everybody that's been following me listen we just reached 1 million followers last night hey so with that being said thank you to everybody uh go out make this come back hit me down in the comment section below and let me know what you think about it and with that being said listen if you're new to my channel let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching this channel don't forget to like subscribe and tell everybody out here listen there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and y'all know how i'm about to get out of here and i'm about to eat these so check this out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 200,922
Rating: 4.9731717 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, orange chicken recipe, orange chicken, chinese food, panda express orange chicken, easy orange chicken, food, recipe, easy recipes, recipes, cooking, orange chicken panda express, panda orange chicken, chicken recipe, how to make orange chicken, copycat recipes, Orange Chicken 2.0 | Copycat Recipes, dinner, chicken, dinner recipes, chicken recipes, easy recipe, how to make, asian food
Id: 0cO9P6NbzPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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