How to Make Orange Chicken with Jet Tila | Ready Jet Cook With Jet Tila | Food Network

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hey guys I'm jet Tila and this is ready jet cookware I take the mystery out of Asian cuisine by showing you how to make some of my favorite dishes from shop to finish but before I get in today's recipes I need you to subscribe right now guys today is super controversial I'm making a dish that some say is for sure Chinese but others argue it's totally American I say it doesn't matter because it's freaking delicious that's right today is all about orange chicken and I'm throwing in a side of fried rice [Music] chicken powder is really the secret of every single Chinese restaurant in America it's actually this that gives you saltiness and savory it's not really soy sauce for ultimate crispy orange chicken get tempura flour it's a mix of all-purpose flour and corn starch it fries up super crispy but a little light I can get a little nerdy but just know this is the stuff first things first let's make our fried rice the secret to great fried rice is using day-old rice this is just cooked rice hanging out in the fridge it's dry if you are using fresh rice just make sure it's cool dry ready to go in the pan I'm gonna start with some eggs another really great tip that grandma taught me fresh eggs make fluffy fried rice and I'll explain that to you here in a second two eggs just give it a good whisk so it's nice and even starting the pan with some high temperature oil now you got a cordon a truly quickly here it's gonna be eggs and then rice right into the eggs don't let your eggs set while those eggs are still wet pour your rice right into the eggs and then literally you're gonna be coating the rice with egg what's happening is the eggs are coating the rice and it creates this naturally nonstick surface because egg is protein but it also has a little bit of fat and you're using that fat from the eggs versus putting a ton of oil in to the pan that is cooking I can put a little onion so really great fried rice should not be dark and full of soy sauce here's the tip a touch of sugar a little bit of chicken powder and just enough soy sauce to kind of give that soy aroma but not make it dark and heavy and salty a lot of the salt from this dish is actually coming from the chicken powder this is really great Hong Kong style fried rice meaning eggy light fluffy this is the fried rest of my grandma taught me how to make a bazillion times growing up and you don't see this style often but I think it's one of the best ways to cook and eat fried rice and then I'm gonna add some scallions and this is the perfect side of fried rice for the orange chicken visually what you're looking for is the egg to be cooked through and the rice to be nice and fluffy and I'm gonna hold this in the oven but you can put this in a casserole dish or a bowl and just have it hanging out to your ready to eat orange chicken so to get some vegetation into this dish I want to cook off some broccoli and I'm gonna use my buddy chef Mike meaning chef microwave I know it's cheesy but effective I've got broccoli florets in the bowl a little bit of water in here I'm just gonna season this and then cover it with plastic and I'm gonna ask chef Mike to cook this on high for 3 minutes and I'm good to go all right so let's get to the orange chicken part and I'm gonna start with the sauce I mean everyone's got love for this dish you go to the mall you've eaten this about a bazillion times but I wanted to make my elevated version that actually has orange in it now most people don't actually put any orange juice in their orange chicken but I do so let's start with that so to that we're gonna add sugar soy sauce a little paprika oyster sauce hoisin sauce and I'm gonna make a little slurry with my vinegar a little rice vinegar so I've added the cornstarch to the vinegar I need to get it stirred around to activate it so visually what I'm looking for is the bubbles to start getting smaller and smaller that means the cornstarch is activating and the sauce is thickening into a nice glaze so I'm just gonna reserve the sauce and move on to the chicken so to prep the chicken I've got chicken thighs and tempura flour I'm using chicken thighs because if it's more moist and I get way more flavor out of it the Nugget won't dry when you fry it I'm really just going for about one to one and a half inch cubes so tempura flour is doing double-duty the first thing it's gonna do is dredge the chicken and all that means is I want to get enough flour on the chicken so it'll hold on to the batter next I'm gonna add some water to the rest of the tempura flour to make a nice thin batter like a pancake batter perfect so this is looking to me like beautiful pancake batter you want to make sure your oil is at 375 degrees before you start frying because the magic number is 350 when you put food in frying oil it brings down the temperature and what I'm doing is I'm dropping the Nuggets into the batter letting them really pick up a good amount of batter and get it right in you want to fry these just a few pieces at a time you want to come in with the spider to kind of separate any nuggets that are sticking together I'm gonna cook these until they're GBD golden brown delicious and let them drain on a wire so the chicken is super crispy it's golden-brown delicious I'm gonna let the chicken the rest on the wire rack drain off a little bit and set up the final phase which is the stir fry I'm starting with a hot pan and put a little oil in it so like most your fries you're gonna go aromatics garlic ginger and I'm gonna add the chicken to the pan a bit onion scallions because the glaze is sugar based not gonna penetrate and SOG out the chicken it's just gonna sit on top it's gonna marry onto all that Chris penis I'm not really worried about the chicken being cooked through because I've already fried it so I'm really just trying to get a nice even coating here once everything's coated I'm ready to marry the rice and the orange chicken I can't make this dish because I always get hungry don't want to eat it immediately so now it's time to plate up I'm gonna start with the fried rice that we made bringing the orange chicken to the game oh yeah that glaze is incredible and then dot it with our broccoli [Music] dude I'm going to monster this whole play I'll see you later go get out of here so I hope instead of takeout tonight you tried these recipes instead please let me know how it goes and if you like it hit subscribe I'll see you next time on ready jet cook [Music]
Channel: Food Network
Views: 1,007,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food network, fn, food, cooking, recipe, how-to, how to make, tutorial, cooking show, food show, ready jet cook, jet tila, chef, chinese, american, china, asian, cuisine, international, asian cuisine, asian dishes, chinese food, orange chicken, chicken, fried rice, broccoli, stir fry, how to make orange chicken, orange chicken recipe, fried rice recipe, how to make fried rice, chicken thighs, takeout, at home, fried chickenfood network, cook, directions, ingredients, eat, recipes, easy recipes
Id: oxfO99Z5tMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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