Or is Davinci Resolve an awesome place to learn Video Editing?!

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this video is sponsored by Audio is the vent resolve actually any good for beginners and by beginners I mean people that are totally new to the whole world of video editing now if you just want a short version rather than watching all the individual points it's this just want to chop some videos together of your cats resolve might not be the place for you but if you really want to learn video editing resolve is pretty great now this topic of conversation actually comes from the resolve creators podcast which I host with the lovely Casey Farris so we going weekly with that we're going Audio Only so if you want some half an hour chats about this sort of thing definitely give it a click the link is down below so obviously I'm a little bit biased I've built my entire Channel my entire career talking about the Venture resolve but I'm going to try and put that aside and give you some honest opinions on whether Dent resolve is actually any good for beginners and we're going to start off with the reasons it's not I've got a couple of reasons against using D Vin resolve if you are brand new to video editing and we're going to kick things off with complexity AKA that learning curve denture resolve is a little bit tricky there's the media page the cut page the edit page the fusion page the color page the fail out page and the deliver page there's a lot going on and there's a lot to learn some of the more consumer level off-the-shelf pieces of software like cap cut or fil Mo or V or whatever you're looking at are a little bit easier they're a little bit simpler and they're a bit easier to get to grips with if if you're brand new to the world of video editing there's a lot to learn you're probably learning about timelines and frame rates and all these different video editing terms which are common across all video editing Suites and then with d Vin resolve you've also got all of the other stuff that's in D Vin resolve to learn as well so you're kind of learning two loads of new complicated things and that can make the entire process a little bit more complicated next up hidden stuff very similar note to the previous thing resolve does sometimes feel like it was a color grading package which it originally was and then they added editing on top and sometimes it kind of feels like that there are some things which should be obvious and aren't and there's other things which are hidden away and they are fixing things they're making things easier to understand but it can sometimes feel like obvious things aren't in obvious places and again that just goes to add to that slightly spicy slightly steep learning curve which you are going to have to overcome next up another one kind of similar templates or as I'm going to call it fancy stuff resolve is kind of a blank slate it gives you all of the tools you need to create some really really fancy stuff like the color grading stuff you can do really clever stuff you know there's whole films there's whole movies that are color graded in diventures all you've got something called Fusion which allows you to create visual effects and you create your own presets and titles but it is really really complicated to use so again there's quite a steep learning curve before you can create really nice titles or transitions or your own title screens or call outs or lower thirds or whatever and the defaults within the resolve aren't great should we say again if you've jumped into something like cap cut or fil MOA they have some really fancy titles you can just drag drop put them on your timeline change the the words or whatever and job done they look really good out the box resolve has templates it has things within an area called the effects Library some of them are good A lot of the titles for examples not great they kind of look like they came from 10 years ago so they could do with updating it's not easy to get really fancy stuff out the box with just D viny resolve however the community is growing I create my little assets there are loads of other people that create their own assets I've linked them down below we try and be as giving as we can a lot of people so there's loads of free stuff the big one that Springs to mind is a guy called Patrick who I've linked down below he's always making free things so check him out and also check out his paid stuff and there are people making these assets available to you but it is still quite young it hasn't had time to mature so there isn't as many presets and templates and fancy stuff out there compared to the likes of Premier Pro a company worth mentioning at this is a company called motion V effects they one of the biggest and they are creating some really cool stuff so you can jump over there and you can buy plugins which have got titles and zooms and all different effects to create the things that you're trying to create people like invat elements and motion array have now started listing resolve stuff in there as well which helps but it is a bit of a wild west you never really know what you're going to get it can be a really nice thing you download from there or it can be absolute garbage which is hor R renders to use so again next one performance the performance in the VIN resolve is really good if you have a capable computer now it's available for Windows it's available for now it's available for Mac it's available for Windows and it's available for Linux as well so you have loads of options there's even an iPad version so you can actually get started on the iPad if you want to do that and if you've got good Hardware the vinture resolve will run really well the performance is good it's quick it's quick to render it's generally quite stable so it won't crash if you actually go for the paid version to Vint resolve Studio then it becomes even faster still but if you're on slightly older Hardware let's say you're on an older Windows laptop or you're on one of the old Intel MacBooks for example you might struggle it's not going to run as quickly as you might like it to however that doesn't mean you have to spend an absolute Fortune to get good results if you're looking on the Mac side of things any of the M1 M2 or M3 Max will do a pretty good job while for you Windows users if you get any sort of gaming laptop or gaming PC with a decent CPU 16 or 32 GB of RAM and a dedicated GPU ideally kind of like a 20 Series 30 series or 40 series Nvidia card then you'll be pretty good to go and that is kind of the main negatives you're going to struggle at least to get to grips with things there's a hell of a lot to learn and that can be kind of make you feel bad sometimes because you're like why is this so complicated why are the buttons hidden and aren in You Know Places it can be a little bit frustrating but once you get to grips with it it all does start to make some sense and again you will be more frustrated if you're on aged Hardware if you're on a good PC or Mac or whatever it will run really really well so they kind of the main negatives now before we get into the pros before we get into the positives we need to spend another positive moment just thanking this video sponsor audio audio is a music subscription service that contains all of the music and sound effects you could ever need and it's music from real artists that doesn't feel or sound like generic stock music there's Rock there's Pop there's ambient country hip-hop cinematic bangers and literally anything you could ever need and now they even have stems so you can download the full mix or you can even download individual elements like the drums or the vocals or whatever which just gives you even more options to find the perfect music for literally any project because the audio Pro license covers you for anything from film TV social media YouTube of course video games podcasts and even audio books and that audio Pro license is available right now with 70% off giving you access to that full music and sound effects Library plus that link match AI which makes finding music even easier for just 59 bucks for your first year click the link down in the comments below and use the code Alex 70 at check out right we've done the negative NY stuff now let's get on to the positives and we're going to start off with the first one the most obvious one the one everyone talks about price it's hard to ignore D Vince resolve is free it is there's a legit free version of D resolve and there aren't any other video editing packages out there that can really hold a candle to it the free version is legit crazy that it exists in my opinion and it doesn't feel like the free version is there just to catch you out there are no weird annoying time limits or watermarks that catch you out right at the last moment there are watermarks but they're very clear it's very obvious where they going to turn up now it does have some relative ly small limitations like you can't edit at higher than Ultra HD you can't go higher than 60 frames per second that's your timeline you can still import 120 frames per second and do some slow-mo you just can't actually edit and Export higher than 60 you can't fully utilize your GPU and all that sort of stuff but it's free you can download it right now and just try it so if you watch those against and you're kind of like H maybe I should give it a go just give it a go you have literally nothing to lose it's free you just download it it will take you 5 minutes to download and install you can try it and if you don't like it you can uninstall it and move on to something else it's a no-brainer but if you do like it then you can upgrade to the studio version which is another big benefit it's 300 quid or $300 it's the same price pretty much and that's a lifetime license so you buy it once you can install it on two machines if you then need to install it on another two machine you can just wipe the previous one so it's like a rolling install and that is a lifetime license it includes all the future updates so we're currently Onin resolve 18 when 19 comes out you can just download the studio version and install that and you're good to go there are people that have bought D Vin resolve Studio 10 years ago and they're still using the same license and no subscriptions winner the next big benefit scope now this one kind of goes directly against the main negative which I talked about at the beginning which is of of course that learning curve that learning curve is absolutely there but the flip side to that D Vin resolve just has so much scope so again if you just want to cut something really simple together and upload something to Instagram resolve might not be the place for you but if you want to really learn and develop and get into video editing and really learn how to create whatever it is that you like whether you want to go anamorphic or you want to learn visual effects or you want to learn how to color grade and you want to work with color space transforms and Lut and Vlog and you know all the crazy stuff if you're willing to learn it it's gon to sound super cheesy the Skype really is the limit with the V resolve you can learn everything every single part of that entire video editing pipeline you can learn in the free version of D resolve audio there's Fair light in there you can learn all this crazy stuff about audio in one piece of software it's bam next up killer features individual resolve you have professional workflows and you have professional tools which allow you to do well professional things there's object removal tools noise reduction so you can get noise out of your footage if You' shot at a high ISO there's great uh Shake reduction you've got all the color tools in the world that you can ever need and there's even collaboration tools so again if you learn to edit and then you realize this is something you really want to do and you want to form a team of people to do it resolve allows you to do all of that and they've also got some really cool AI features so all of these are only available in the studio version but they're worth mentioning because you get things like Auto subtitles and auto transcriptions and speed warping and Magic masks and there's loads of cool stuff if you don't know what any of those are have a search on YouTube loads of videos loads of great videos describing how they all work and the next thing I just want to mention the community as mentioned earlier on the community is relatively small compared to a lot there's not as many templates out there and all that sort of thing but the community that exists in D resolve it's really really awesome everyone I've ever met that's in this resolve world all of the forums all of the other YouTube and stuff generally they're all really cool and everyone's super willing to help I think it's because resolve at least historically was kind of the underdog doesn't feel like that anymore but it was always the underdog so everyone really worked together to try and help it grow and to try and give a bit of input and help people out so it does feel like it's got a really really nice Community behind it and hopefully if you decide to jump over to this community and edit indiv vent resolve we can continue growing it so then there's going to be even more awesome people and even more awesome stuff to come so is the Vint resolve great for beginners you tell me let me know down in the comments section below my opinion it really depends how much you want to get involved in the process if you don't need much you just want to throw some cool stuff together res might not be for you because there are simpler not cheaper because resolve is free but there are simpler video editing Suites out there which allow you to do much more with less effort in terms of fanciness that fancy stuff I mentioned but if you really want to learn how to edit and you want to learn how to color grade and work with audio and maybe do some visual effects and you want to do that all for free I don't think there's a better place to start than D Vin resolve but I'm just an on the internet that's just my opinion if you agree or disagree let me know down in the comments below thanks for watching take it easy see you
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 10,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: LEea7JJs3iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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