Revolutionary Keyboard Shortcut for Beginners Davinci Resolve 18!

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if there's just one keyboard shortcut with individ resolve that everyone needs to change it's this this allows you to do simple Cuts these awesome Ripple Cuts both forwards and backwards and the essential undo without moving your left hand that makes cutting your videos together much easier and much quicker in this video I'm going to show you how to set that up I'm also going to explain the keyboard customization screen in just a little bit more detail and I'm going to show you a bunch of my other favorite essential beginner friendly keyboard shortcuts for denture resolve but first I need to thank this video sponsor audio audio is a music subscription service that has all of the music and sound effects that you could need and they have options for everyone if it's a monthly subscription you need you can get started with their Creator's license which is available for just $14.99 a month if you need everything they have to offer why not go for the annual Pro license which you can get for just 59 bucks for your first year or if it's only music you need you can get lifetime access to the entire audio music library for just a oneoff payment of 199 bucks bargain check the links down below right let's kick things off with the basics the absolute essential keyboard shortcuts you need to know to get working IND divent resolve and the very first one super quick and simple the space bar the space bar will allow you to Simply play and pause on your timeline like so now the left and right arrow keys allow you to scrub through your timeline one frame at a time so you can keep tapping it like so to go forwards with the right arrow key or backwards with the left or you can hold them down to scrub through like so the up and down arrow keys allow you to jump between your edit points really quickly so you can just whip through your timeline really quickly like so up we'll jump backwards on the time line well down we'll jump forwards alternatively this the J K and L Keys now imagine that this little button here is J this one here is K and this one here is L so if we hit the L key it's simply going to play forward if we hit K it's going to stop and if we hit J it's going to play backwards now the joy of this if we hit J once again it's now going to play back at 2x speed hit it again 4X 8X 16 and 32 you can also play forwards and backwards in slow motion if we hold down the K button which is this stop and then hold down L as well we can then play forwards the timeline at 0.5 speed If We Hold K and then hold J we can play Backwards at 0.5 speed now if we give a piece of footage a click let's go with this one here and then we use the full stop and comma Keys we can actually shift this footage forwards and backwards on the timeline by just a single frame it's a real nice easy way of doing real fine adjustments now it's worth noting that works on edit points as well so if I move my mouse over this edit point until my cursor looks like this and then give it a click then we can use the comma and the full stop once again to move this edit point forwards and back to get it in the exact right position contrl and S by the way does a real quick save Advent resolve is pretty good at saving your work automatically but it's good to know and there you have the basics to play forward and back and scrub through your timeline effectively just using the keyboard now the next one I want to talk about is the ALT key which is option if you're on a Mac I can't talk about keyboard shortcuts within the VCH resolve without talking about this key because it is pretty magic and the first example is this if I grab some footage from a media pool bring onto my timeline you can see there is both video and audio however if we hold down the ALT key click it from within the media pool and then drag down you can see that we only get the video which is just a handy way of bringing in the video only without the audio now you can do the opposite of that by holding shift grabbing your footage bringing it in and then you're only going to select the audio and not the video bonus tip I brought this footage in and it's just the video without the audio but I've later decided I do want the audio you can actually get it really quickly by using the F key which is called match frame so I'm going to give this footage a click on my timeline so that it's highlighted and then we're going to hit the f key and it's going to find this exact point within the main source video from my media pool and it's going to Mark these little in and out points to say this is the section you need and then if I just click on my preview window and drag down I can get the entire thing so that's the video and the audio or we use the same keyboard shortcuts as before so I hold alt and drag we can bring in just the video or hold shift and drag and we can just bring down the audio if you just brought down the audio you can then highlight them both on the timeline right click and then go to link clips and now they're linked once again and ready to go now going back to my favorite ALT key these are obviously linked so if I move the audio the video will come with it however if we hold down the ALT key and then click on the video we can select them independently so then I can just move the video without moving the audio this timer will actually show you how far they are apart what the difference is between them but they are actually still linked so then if I give this a click without holding down the ALT key we can still move them together like so but if we hold alt click and then drag we can move them independently to get them however we want them if we hold down the ALT key click on this video and then keep the ALT key held down we can then duplicate things so I can duplicate this video as many times as I like just by clicking and dragging and keeping the ALT key held that's a really useful one to copy videos audio audio transitions effects pictures pretty much anything on the timeline you can duplicate by holding alt clicking and dragging winner and the very last ALT key one I want to show you is simply by holding the ALT key and then scrolling your mouse wheel you can zoom in and out of the timeline which is super handy to get a better look at the timeline and then zooming in to the detail you're looking at there's also another bonus tip here if you zoom into whatever point you like so I'm going to go with something like this cuz I'm doing some fine adjustments let's say but I want to look at my timeline as a whole If We Hold shift and hit Zed we can see the entire timeline and then shift and Zed once again and then we can jump back to that point we were before and this will remember whatever zoom level you're at so if I zoom out a little bit let's go with this we'll shift Zed see everything shift Zed we're back to this point Zoom right in shift Zed shift Zed and job done now the Zed ke is also super useful for looking at your preview window up here so if I if I use my mouse scroll wheel I can zoom in and zoom out and if I click my wheel in I can move this around so it's really handy to be able to look in at some fine details within the preview window to get that back to exactly as it was simply hit the Zed key and it'll just reset that so no matter what I do I can hit Zed to get back to where I was simple that was a lot I know but the ALT key is super useful and being able to zoom in and out reset your preview and have a look at the timeline from different levels they're all super useful and hopefully they're not too difficult to remember next up I want to show you some simple shortcuts for doing cuts and then deleting clips and deleting spaces on your timeline with something called the Ripple delete and then we're going to get into customizing our keyboard shortcuts with this super handy one I hinted at at the beginning so the default keyboard shortcut to do razors or splits or Cuts or whatever you want to call it is contrl and B so if I just put my playhead wherever I want the cut to happen and I'll hit control B it'll do a big cut through the timeline like so now it's important to note let me just duplicate this using my alt and drag if we don't have anything selected so none of the clips are highlighted in red we'll do a control and B it will cut through the entire timeline so it's kind of slicing all the way through if we select the footage first so this one is highlighted in red and then we do a control+ b it's only going to make the cut on that one particular clip we had selected and not the entire timeline now now if you want to delete a clip you just give it a click and then we hit the backspace key which is the delete key on a Mac the one at the top right hand corner of your keyboard and that's just going to delete the clip like so on this one we're going to do the exact same thing backspace and it's going to delete that like so but it leaves a big gap so that is what's called the standard delete now let me just undo with contrl and Zed another handy shortcut if you wanted to delete this clip and automatically close this Gap so bringing everything from the right hand side over to the left on Windows you'd use the delete key rather than the backspace key and if you're on a Mac you do shift and delete and that will just delete that and close that Gap now it's also worth mentioning if I just did a standard delete on this and I had this empty space here you can actually click on the empty space and it will highlight it in this light gray and then I can hit delete or Ripple delete to delete that and close that Gap super quick word of warning when doing ripple delete with multiple tracks so I've got two tracks set up here if I was to give this clip a click and then do a ripple delete it's also going to affect things on the other tracks it's going to shift everything over to the left which can mess up your edits two quick ways to resolve this you can either click on these little padlocks on the left hand side so I'm going to lock these two so then they're not affected by anything at all for us to give this a click and then Ripple delete you can see these locked tracks will stay exactly as they are the downside because they're locked I can't actually click and do anything on them at all until we unlock them by clicking on the padlocks once again alternatively what you can do is turn off this auto track selector so we're going to give those a click now we can still actually do any edits we can still do what we want with these clips but any Ripple deletes won't affect those tracks so there's two ways to prevent it I just wanted to let you know that that can happen easy so that's your simple cut delete and ripple delet but you can actually combine the entire process into one single keyboard shortcut W technically two it's called the Ripple end to playhead and ripple start to playhead and the shortcuts are control shift Open Bracket and control shift close bracket which is kind of fiddly which is why we're going to reassign them in a moment but let me show you how it works so we've already got an edit Point here I've already done a little cut and if we move our playhead over to this point here let's say we want to make a cut and then also Ripple delete this section so rather than doing a cut a click and then a delete which does work we're going to combine the entire process into one now it's control shift and then the Open Bracket or the Clos bracket you use the Open Bracket which is obviously on the left if you want to close to the left and you use the close bracket which is the one to the right if you want to close to the right of the playhead so in this instance we want to do a cut and we want to close to the left so we're going to do control shift and then the Open Bracket and it's just going to close that Gap so it's going to go from wherever the play head is to the previous edit point if we wanted to do it the other way so let's move our playhead right over here and we want to make a cut here and then delete this entire section up to this edit point we go to the right of the playhead so we would do control shift close bracket the one on the right and it' close that gap for us like so but as mentioned it's kind of fiddly you've got fingers all over the place it's not particularly useful so we're going to reassign those now there are a few different ways to do this some people prefer to use like qw or ASD my personal preference is one two and three so one will close to the left of the playhead number two is just a simple cut right down the middle and number three will close to the right of the playhead and it just makes life way way easier I also really like using one two 3 because the tilled key which is the one to the left of the number one top left of your keyboard that's the undo key as well so you can do contrl Zed to undo or you can use the till key I think it's called till or tilder something like that same location on Mac but there's no till I have no idea what these symbols are but you know it's that one hit that one up there so basically you've got undo with your little finger one two and three so you can do real fast cuts and closes and undos with your four fingers now quick warning the one two and three keys currently are assigned to multic cams again I don't really do multic cams which is why I go for this option if you do loads of multic cams you may need to reassign them to something else but I'm going to show you how I do it because that's how I do it so let's have a look so anywhere within Dent resolve all you do click on Dent resolve top leftand corner and then click on keyboard customization and the keyboard customization window will appear now super quick tour of this screen you've got presets in the top right hand corner so you can just pick and choose those we'll come back to those in a moment then you've got this virtual keyboard so you can either click on the keys on screen so if we click on U it's going to show me what you does within this active key area so you can see the individual panels on the left you can see application the U does edit Point type on the right you've got a big list of all of the individual commands and the different pages if we click on this edit Point type it's going to actually jump to that exact area so then we could reassign that if we wanted to alternatively by the way rather than clicking on on this virtual keyboard you can just hold the keys down on your own physical keyboard on the left you've also got these modifier keys so if you wanted shift to be held down you want to see what shift and T is you can just click those shift and T is add audio only transition and that's kind of how this screen works so we need to start to reassign some stuff so the first one control I'm going to hit control with my modifier and hit B that is of course razor which does that splits so we're going to click on razor and it's going to automatically jump to razor and you can see it's contrl B I do want to keep the contrl B keyboard shortcut but I want to add a second one so we're just going to click on the little plus it's going to give us a red box and then I'm going to hit the number two key and it's going to say number two is already assigned to clip mtic cam cut to angle do you want to assign this keystroke I'm just going to click assign simple next one we want is obviously control shift and then it's this Open Bracket which is start to playhead we'll give that a click it's going to jump to the right area here control shift I don't actually need that anymore so rather than assigning an additional keyboard shortcut we're just going to click the X to get rid of that one and then we've got a little red box this is obviously the one to the left so we're going to hit number one it's going to give us a warning once again I'll just click assign and then enter playhead is just above we'll get rid of that one click in the box number three assign and job done now we do have some overlaps which is why we've got these exclamation points if we click on the exclamation point it will actually show us what the overlap is so you can see here it starts to playhead and cut to angle one to get rid of those just to tidy it up I'm going to go to my cut to angle one 2 and three again I don't use these often so I'm actually just going to get rid of them you could reassign them if you wanted to or you could use a different keyboard shortcut whatever you want to do I just want to show you how this works for me then we're simply going to hit save we have to give this a name so I'm just going to call this 1 2 three and then click okay now just before you close the screen if you click on these presets again in the top right hand corner you can see Dent resolve is still there so that default one still exists is really easy to jump back to if you need to but we go to 1 two 3 we've got our start to playhead everything is all assigned perfect we'll hit save now just with my left hand I can hit number two to make these Cuts this is a perfect example there's loads of empty space here so we're going to go right to the end hit number one it's going to close that gap for us and if we went over to this point here I want to make a cut here and get rid of this point we can hit number three actually I've changed my mind we'll use my pinky finger to do an undo and an undo and you can just use your left hand till one two and three to really quickly do cut closing down this timeline to edit much much quicker left hand on those numbers and then you can use the right hand either on your mouse some people like to click through the timeline or you can use your right hand on the JK and L keys to really quickly scrub through your timeline it's a really really efficient way to edit or alternatively you could buy either one of these this is the black magic speed editor and this is the Blackmagic full editor keyboard if you want to know more about these stick around cuz we're going to be doing good comparison on the channel very very soon I hope this video was useful I hope you found good stuff within this here presentation I don't know but thanks every so much for watching take it easy I catch you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 20,789
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Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: zJAbFvzVr-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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