OPEN LINE MONDAY - Aug 16, 2021 - Fr. John Trigilio

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and we appreciate you from the studios of ewtn this is open line with today's host father john tragiligo in north america call toll-free 1-833-2888 that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 [Music] you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline a tremendous monday to each and every one of you thanks so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line father john trogillio is in the house if you've got a question for father and like to be part of the program the number is 833 288 e wtn that's three three two eight eight three nine eight six if you're outside the united states and canada we'd still love to hear from you your number is one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five and if you are outside of north america we'll even put you straight to the front of the line at one two zero five two seven one two nine eight five you can always send us an email openline or you can text your question text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name in your question message and data rates may apply i'm jack williams michael mccall producing the program your call screener today is charles berry and michael mccall doubling up on the duties today and he'll take care of your social media efforts so if you're watching us on youtube or facebook live you can type a question into the chat window and it may find its way to us by the end of the program and our host as he is every monday father john trujillo how are you i'm doing well how are you i'm good you've you've made your way back to the mount it sounds like oh yeah we all the new guys are here and the veterans return on wednesday yeah there's there's there's uh there's there's no kind of uh indoctrination that happens to these new guys is there [Laughter] my day when i was in high school summary was called initiation now we call it orientation it's a little more palatable yeah so father we've got an email here from gregory and he says if you die with a mortal sin do you go to hell and does one mortal sin send you to hell yes that's the easy answer and uh just to give a little context i know some people say well that's not fair it's just one mistake but you have to realize that mortal sin is the absolute worst you want to consider because uh it's grave matter full consent of the will and full knowledge that means this is something premeditated you knew what you were doing and you freely chose to do it it wasn't like you hit a pothole it was an accident uh and it's completely turning your back on god and that's why you as soon as god forbid you have a mortal sin on your soul uh get the confession as soon as possible and if for whatever reason you can't get to confession because there's no priest available like you know we had during the pandemic or you're out in the middle of the woods and you know it's going to be a couple hours and you're you can't move because a bear just mauled your legs or something um you can make a perfect anticontrition um hoping that you know you're in the right disposition but uh mortal sin is that the way we use the word mortal for reason it kills the life of grace as opposed to venial sin which is like a slight wound it's like a benign tumor but a moral sin is a malignant tumor self-inflicted and has dire consequences so you want to avoid it at all costs eight three three two eight eight e w t n is our toll free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six vernon says if the church teaches it is not our place to judge the status of a person's soul after they die then why does the church rule on the souls of the saints well the church uh doesn't actually rule uh that's god's judgment it's just affirming that and um manifesting it because what the pope does he doesn't actually put somebody in heaven uh he affirms uh with uh people infallibility that this particular person uh is indeed in heaven now that doesn't mean that they're the only ones in heaven so that the non-canonized saints are as much there and you know people's grandmothers and moms and dads brothers and sisters sons and daughters next door neighbors who are in heaven are just as much saints as the canonized saints so when the church canonizes someone it just says that everybody in the church around the world uh is allowed to give this person that special uh veneration that we call dulia which is separate from lottery lottery is worship and adoration we give to god alone and dulia is what we call veneration we venerate the saints and we just celebrated the feast of the back or the assumption yesterday and assumption um when mary has taken body and soul into heaven and mary's given that very special uh honor that was called hyperdulia and for the canonization process you know there there are miracles that that need to be investigated and confirmed and really the the point of that is that this would supply some evidence that this person is actually active in heaven because their intercession has helped to produce these miracles right absolutely and they've streamlined it a little bit from the old days right now you need one uh verified miracle after death to be beatified and a second one uh to be canonized but the pope can obviously waive that and it has happened a few cases where someone was martyred for the faith and sometimes like when saint elizabeth seton was up for cannization uh they needed uh you know more miracles they needed three altogether to be canonized and um the change doesn't affect those who were upstairs already nobody got repealed or anything like that but as you said there was a full investigation into the person's life so they not only look for miracles but they also look uh for a virtuous life so that that also coincides 833 288 ewtn that's our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america [Music] that 833-288-3986 law can teach you to know right from wrong so religion is unnecessary what do you think of that father well that's a little off the base there because the natural moral law which everyone knows by virtue of reason so you can be a believer an unbeliever you can be a theist or an atheist natural law only gets you so far though because those are the things which are known by reason and then there are those sacred truths that god has divinely revealed to us so for instance the first three commandments thou shalt have only one god no idolatry no blasphemy and keeping the lord's day holy those are revealed by god and so the divine positive law uh sort of crowns the natural moral law it doesn't contradict it it perfects it but we need both that's why god revealed those things so the natural laws is enough for people at that natural level but once one has been given the grace of faith then they need to also discern what is god directly asking of me and that's what we obviously find uh in sacred scripture and sacred tradition you know it's interesting father because uh you know before i became catholic i was part of a a charismatic evangelical campus ministry group in college and something that that that one of the leaders there imparted to us that i've always kind of kept with me and the truth is the truth regardless of where you find it and i've always found it to be helpful is he said that you know the truth about god and the truth in general is as scripture says written on the hearts of men so he said that you should never ever be fearful of having a conversation about our faith with anybody because they know on some level that what you're saying is true and so absolutely that that's that's yeah that's the basis of of you know not only catechesis but um of apologetics yeah and and you know and then the other part of that was that he you know we're just the only thing we're actually charged to do is sow the seed and yeah what happens to it from that point you know is not necessarily our responsibility or anything for us to worry about huh that's right and you know saint paul himself affirmed that you know when he said uh you know what the the greeks know uh by reason you know the the jews know by faith the faith and reason complement each other they're not in opposition eight three three two eight eight e wtn that's our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in the united states and canada it's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six and if you are outside the united states and canada we wanna hear from you today just pick up the phone and dial the country code one and then two zero five seven and we'll even put you straight to the line if you are indeed outside of the united states and canada you can always send us an email openline that's open line at e and put open line monday or father tragelio or father john if you don't if you don't want to take on tragelio and uh and we'll get it into the appropriate folder and you can always text your question to father john text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for a response text your first name and your question message and data rates may apply it's ewtn's open line monday with father john tragillio [Music] hi friends janet williams here join me every wednesday on women of grace live as i welcome new age researcher and blogger for women of grace sue brinkman sue and i will be talking about all the wacky things that could distract you from your faith psychics yoga reiki crystals acupuncture ouija boards tarot cards and astral traveling are just a few of the stranger things we discuss that's why we call it wacky wednesday so join us every wednesday at 11 a.m eastern on ewtn radio 60 on 10 with monsignor charles pope the fifth commandment you shall not kill at the heart of this commandment is an absolute insistence on the sacredness of human life we read in jeremiah chapter 1 and verse 5 before i ever formed you in the womb i knew you says the lord so every human life is sacred because it's caught up in the mind and the heart and the will and the love of god and no matter how we're conceived or any circumstances god has always known and loved every human person and for this reason we are to hold sacred every human life we are therefore to never murder never kill never seek vengeance of course we have issues of abortion euthanasia today and we have so many ways where we in some way disrespect the lives of other human persons and even our own life we have to learn to respect it as a great gift from god the fifth commandment you shall not kill for more about the ten commandments visit [Music] this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205 271 or send us an email to openline you know ewtn radio brings you the holy rosary twice every day and we've done that for over 25 years you can tune in every morning at 5 30 a.m eastern time for mother angelica and the sisters and um the poor claire's a perpetual adoration from the shrine of the most blessed sacrament in hanceville and every evening at 9 30 pm eastern you can tune in for father benedict rochelle and simonetta a beautiful treatment of the rosary with some some music accompanying it and these are both available at those times only on e w t n radio 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 to the phones we go first up is dan a first-time caller in williston north dakota listening on siriusxm channel 130 dan you are on with father trujillo hello can you hear me yep all right hi father uh my question was uh what is the uh the definition of of veneration and what is the definition of worship and where is that line crossed okay well that's an excellent question because it just ties in what we just said a few moments ago adoration and worship uh belong only to god and that's from the first commandment and when you worship someone or something you pledge your heart and your soul that you will follow them uh that you will do whatever uh that being asked of you and uh you give that being the proper i mean it's a matter of justice saint thomas aquinas tells us and in summa theologica that we worship god we owe it to god because god is the creator we are creatures and out of justice we must in gratitude and appreciation give him worship and adoration veneration on the other hand is similar to the word honor and in the same ten commandments you know where the first says you shall love the lord your god with all your heart all your mind all your soul and worship no other being he also tells us in the fourth commandment to honor thy father and mother so the honor we give our mom and dad that honor is also you know we can use the word veneration we honor the saints and of all the saints we give the extreme uh honor or extreme veneration we call it hyperdulia from based on the word hyper mean the highest dulia meaning veneration or honor so we give honor of dulia to the saints and to mary we give hybrid julia but only to god and god alone uh do we give lotria which is adoration or worship so when we honor the saints in the same way we honor our mom and dad we don't worship mom and dad okay we may have images of mom and dad but nobody's worshiping their parents if you have a picture of of your mom or dad if they're living or deceased i mean i keep a picture of my mom and dad on my desk and and i remember them finally but i'm not it's not an idol i'm not worshiping it um likewise you know when we pray to the saints we're not worshiping them any more than we ask somebody here on earth for their prayers if i ask the deceased who are in heaven or in purgatory for their prayers uh or if i give an honor by praying a litany or a novena again it's not the same as worship and worship is where you pledge your heart and soul to that being and that's not what we do with the saints uh it's merely veneration or honor and that's giving high respect but the same token it's not the act of worship where you pledge your whole being to them thanks so much dan we appreciate the phone call 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america next up is 833-288-3986 in mobile alabama listening on our great affiliate there arc angel radio judy thanks for holding welcome to the program thank you so much good afternoon father john hello yes my question uh kind of comes with my thoughts about uh the assumption and my mind went to the transfiguration really because i believe that jesus opened up a pinpoint into infinity in that moment uh pinpoint into eternity uh because we were the that the scripture allowed the seers to see moses with a glorified body but christ hadn't yet descended and raised you know all the faithful so my mind is going to who has addressed these things for us because the solemnity of the um mary's uh you know the door mission of mary is that all of us can trust god's love and his faithfulness that you know he's opened these things for us where he is and you know we just do like mary and be faithful and turn to him and everything and and we're assured at death that we're gonna get there the way moses did elijah mary yeah so which church fathers have uh addressed these thoughts that that i have who can who can i read about this uh well i would say the best thing to read first of all is the the the decree of the dogma of the assumption by pope pius xii uh that would be the best place to start uh because it gives the full context into the dogma of the assumption as well as the theological and biblical background for that and also um monterrey demitorius by saint john paul the great um you know saint alfonso de la goree you know there's so many saints and great writings about that but i would first start with the dog by itself that pope pius and toth wrote and then also a more recent encyclical by pope john paul the only thing i would want is to tweak a little bit is that uh at the transfiguration when the the disciples saw moses and elijah they were not yet assumed into heaven so that wasn't their physical bodies that they saw that was an apparition okay um of elijah and and moses they were real but uh they yet their bodies were not yet reconstituted and resurrected because as you properly said that could not take place until after the resurrection and the only bodies that are in heaven right now physical bodies are jesus and and mary uh everyone else has to wait until the uh end of time with the resurrection of the dead and the judgment of the world and so forth but you're on the right track there god bless you judy thanks for the call today 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number we've got one open line for you at two eight 833.288 three nine eight six next stop is staten island new york brian is on staten island a first time caller watching us on youtube today brian you are on with father john hello father john how are you fine uh my question um i would like to uh uh well first off you know i'm a catholicism's birth um i've gotten into the faith a lot more as an adult i'm 29 now i have a friend that have um left the faith family that has left the faith uh people that are evangelical in my life and uh muslim and i would like to spread the gospel to them and evangelize um i would like to know what are some good starting points and uh like how how can i do that exactly okay well that's uh um i applaud your your desire to be um an evangelist or not necessarily being evangelical but being an evangelist spreading the faith and certainly by finding those common threads it's always better to show where we have some commonality and then build upon that as opposed to start off right off the bat with where we are um are different so obviously you know what we share with in judaism islam and even among fellow christians whether it's catholic protestant or eastern orthodox is that we all believe in one god okay it's not a polytheism it's a monotheistic religion and these other religions obviously share that faith that there is but one god and build upon that and also um you know with the the teachings uh certainly uh in in the old testament um which we share with between jews and fellow christians um you know there's a lot in the sacred scripture from the old testament because we share both of that i mean you know it in the in christianity we have both the old testament and the new testament now in islam because they their book of faith is the the quran uh there's really not much you can build upon on on that avenue but certainly you know they trace they believe they trace themselves back to abraham and abraham we call ourselves you know children of abraham as do the jewish people so there are ways in which you can connect and also um you know there's a wonderful there was a second in the second council there was a document on interreligious dialogue and i would suggest you know that that'd be a good thing to read as well and i think there's um a couple of nice books um i i forget the man's first name but his last name was sri uh he's written a number of things we're dr edward shree yeah he's written some wonderful things uh that i i think you'll find helpful um in explaining the faith sharing the faith and again reaching that commonality and then you know where we where we go uh differently at least if you can get these people to appreciate that what we say or teach is reasonable they may then start to think about a little bit more as opposed to you know we don't want to shove it down their throat we just want to present it to them for their perusal does that help brian yes it does thank you you're welcome thanks for the phone call 833 288 ewtn that's our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america 833-288-3986 [Music] kathy is another first-time caller she's in albert lee minnesota listening on the ewtn app kathy you are on with father trageo okay thank you good to talk to you father thank you um i have been told by two different clergy that when you when we're allowed into heaven we would know our spouse and the others say we will not so i'm wondering but the answer is what say you father well i firmly believe that you'll be able to know who people are up there because it would not seem to me to be rational that you wouldn't be in heaven and having the beatific vision seeing god face to face and not know who the person next to you is certainly our loved ones now the the thing that's a little mysterious is that right now the the saints in heaven don't have any bodies so they don't have any eyeballs so there's not really anyone for them to see yet they're god infuses into their intellect because that's the only way they're going to know anything in heaven they have no bodies in by which to impr you know by ideogenesis uh aquinas describes the process by which we know things through our five senses so god infuses in their intellect what they need to know so certainly they would know who's in heaven they would know what's going on here on earth only because god reveals it to them and then after the resurrection of the body it's a glorified body and you know there's so much speculation on you know what kind of body you're gonna get you know it's gonna be a 30 year old i don't know if there's gonna be like little babies crawling around in heaven or old people with walkers but you'll know who your spouse is if god will hear spouse made it and so did you 833-288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's ewtn's open line monday with father john tragillio [Music] in any language it means the same live truth live catholic ewtn this is life issues with brad mattis president of life issues institute the deaths in and cover-up of fifteen thousand new york elderly at the hand of governor andrew cuomo during the pandemic wasn't enough the earlier accusations of women who said the governor sexually harassed and assaulted them still wasn't enough no it took the evidence of 11 women in an investigative report condemning his actions that finally moved them to act planned parenthood went to extraordinary lengths to protect the politician who's been doing their bidding he signed legislation sentencing the state's unborn babies to death any time during pregnancy and they cheered as he lit up city landmarks in pink to celebrate now planned parenthood claims it's outraged and appalled is a true anger or political posturing after being painted into an ethical corner like us on facebook at life issues and stay informed more informed than you've ever been the ewtn home video highlight for august is i am with you a documentary on carlo akutis this ewtn original documentary brings you the remarkable story of blessed carloacutis family friends neighbors and classmates paint a moving picture of this impressive young man whose spiritual wisdom far surpassed his age order your dvd at 24 hours a day seven days a week or call 1-800-854-6316 hi this is sci kellett host of catholic answers live later today ask a priest father paul cech our guest catholic ants was live 6 pm eastern on ewtn radio now back to open line this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number it's a free phone call anywhere in north america a couple of open phone lines and plenty of time for your calls at 833-288-3986 [Music] next up is david he is in knoxville tennessee listening on the ewtn app david thanks for holding you're on with father john hey thank you for taking my phone call hello father john hello um i want to ask you about paul um and you know you don't really think about paul always being i guess the going from saul to paul but i was reading to him in the scriptures and how he used to persecute um christians and also he said i think it said he was a blasphemer but he was forgiven because he did out of ignorance and i i was just kind of curious what that meant and why why he would say that i i assume you can be forgiven no matter if you're no matter what situation or sin you're in if you come to the throne of grace but what does that mean okay what i i believe he means by that is that uh before he converted and became a christian as a very zealous uh jew he persecuted christians and the name of jesus which we honor and reverence and you know we bow our heads uh he did not treat with that respect in fact he would consider that was with some contempt because in his ignorance he saw christianity as a competition and adversary and enemy of the hebrew religion and therefore he would not have spoken jesus name with with any type of respect or see his followers in that regard so i think his um claim of of prior blasphemy would not have been that he you know use god's name in vain in the old testament tradition but more uh in the new testament uh dispensation where people use jesus name uh you know irreverently but again at that time he didn't really believe jesus was the son of god or the messiah then he had that conversion experience on the road to the damascus but like you said you know there is no i mean every sin is possibly uh is possible for forgiveness and jesus's death on the cross is divine mercy uh you know can extend to to anyone uh if they but you know are open to god's grace and cooperate with it which obviously saint paul did and the fact that the church's worst enemy became one of its greatest apostles it's definitely a sign of god's mercy justice but also of his divine love does that help david it does thank you so much father thank you we appreciate the phone call 833 288 e wtn a couple of open lines still plenty of time for your calls at 833-288-3986 mary is in st charles missouri a first-time caller listening on covenant radio mary you're on with father john good afternoon father john thank you for accepting my call i am 74 i'm a cradle catholic and something has told to me two weeks ago in confession that i just like what um my husband and i volunteer for the national park service uh and we go down to florida now last year florida was a hot spot for covid it's a 120 mile round trip to the church and it's a 60 mile round trip to a mission church the building is very very small and all of us elderly go down to florida and we were shoulder to shoulder in the church with no man so i chose my husband chose because of health reasons not to go to mass now 2020 was really really bad it was coveted in the beginning that a lot of the parishes closed the churches when i came back it started up again here in missouri and now it's getting worse with this other ones coming up that i've missed terribly who did not receiving newsletters so two weeks ago on saturday i went to compassion and i confessed my sins when i told father about not going with the mass but i always kept god really really close to my heart i feel i have an exceptional relationship with god and he said i can't figure out the solution to that i said what you committed those sins in another archdiocese now i can give you absolution for the other sins that you committed but i can't for that and i'm thinking no disrespect to this case and my pastor did i think he was kind of a bubble off the reason i think that is because in the bible it says if you're sins are bound on earth they are bound in heaven if they are loosed on earth they are loosed in heaven but nowhere does god say in the bible that if you commit a sin in florida it's not going to be forgiven in missouri i mean it in my husband i told him this was just mary you miss honestly i said no jim i didn't i even questioned him on it so jim says to me so if i commit a murder in this event i'm not going to be forgiven in missouri i mean it just sounds crazy now on father's defense he just came here about the middle of 19 and we go right into on 20 and just took over a fairly large parish and i'm just thinking that he was just really really stressed um i mean i i always have to laugh at what father said that can you give me some insights on this well i have to i have to honestly say i've never heard of that before and um do you think father is there any chance that maybe he was more referencing the fact that he didn't really know what the local ordinary had issued as far as dispensations in that well i would i would tend to give the benefits down but just right off the bat you know if you committed sin anywhere on earth you can go to any priest anywhere on earth so your sin is not territorial so if you committed a sin in florida you could be forgiven in pennsylvania uh the only thing that would be like i think what what sometimes happens is because different bishops dispense their people from the obligation um to go to mass on sundays and holy days during the the pandemic likewise you know up here um you know when there's a holy day like ascension thursday in my diocese of harrisburg and pennsylvania we still follow it on the actual day on thursday but in maryland it's been transferred to a sunday so people in maryland who miss who don't go to mass on thursday have not committed a sin because it's not celebrated until sunday you cross the state line it's a different matter so i could see a priest asking the person where they were at that moment but that's only to find out if if the if the sin actually applied to them or not as opposed to saying well you know i don't have jurisdiction over that sin that only applies in very special cases where you have to get a permission from rome and the pope dispenses or gives the the removes the penalty of excommunication like when you desecrate the blessed sacrament when a priest breaks the seal of confession when he attempts to forgive his accomplice and a sin against the sixth commandment um or when a when a bishop ordains another bishop without papal approval these are all things that have to go directly to the pope other than that you know priests have been given even the the jurisdiction over abortion since uh the time of john paul uh the great so this for any priest to say i can't absolve you because i don't you know you're you commit to sin somewhere else that is not accurate but he may have been asking in a very you know in um improper way and and confusing way to this and i certainly believe that's what this lady what she heard is what he said but maybe he didn't express it the way he should have and maybe he should have said well you know where were you when the when when you were attending or when you missed these masses because maybe it was not a sin and therefore you would not have to confess it but i would never say to someone who's absolutely metaphysically certain that they have committed a sin i won't because you did it somewhere else so i think the location issue is is not really what should be the concern is more you know did the person de facto and in the confessional you give everybody the benefit of the doubt but also you're there to give mercy and direction and you know to get that crash i would i'd be very uncomfortable about thanks mary we appreciate that call today 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 [Music] frank is in kindsville florida listening to us on siriusxm channel 130. frank you're on with father tragellio it's good to talk to you father i i've got all your tapes and you've been in my house more than you know thank you my question is about time you answered a previous question and you said something to the effect that uh people wait until the end of time to actually get into heaven and i'm not sure about that but god doesn't have a clock so when is he in the time when i die and everybody else is dead too or do i have to wait somewhere you see what i'm saying i don't think god has fought no um i i i may have misspoken but what i what i intended to say was that it's that the resurrection of the body does not take place until the end of time when a person dies if you're in heaven you go directly to heaven if you're in purgatory you go directly to purgatory and then how long you wait to get to heaven is is something only the good lord knows but what i was trying to say the previous question was that the resurrection of the dead of everyone that's all going to take place instantaneously at what we call it's a phrase the end of time which is basically the end of the world uh it's also called the second coming um you know there's a greek word perusia these are the last things that are occur there'll be general judgment the second coming of christ the resurrection of the dead these are all things that happen and then why we say end of time because time and space disappear because all there is eternity at that moment so there just will be heaven and hell and nothing else but i don't want anyone to think that they don't get into heaven if they're not if because there's a clock going no that it's not chronological is that cleared up frank that's okay thanks a lot i i love you father okay i hope i hope i answer this question 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number 833-288-3986 we had next to pittsburgh pennsylvania harry is in your home state of pennsylvania father john and he's listening on sacred heart radio on the internet harry you are on with father tragellio well from one pennsylvanian to another thanks for the web of faith thank you um yeah quick question about divorce now i've always understood it like if you get divorced and as long as you're not in another relationship you can go to communion and but i've been told like before vatican 2 you the the divorce had to be approved by the bishop for you to be able to go to communion and i was told that role was never really changed they just kind of looked the other way now uh no that uh the that used to be the rule that was only the united states of america because in europe where there you had predominantly you had catholics it was like the state religion in italy and spain and france uh they did not have civil divorce until more recently and when these immigrants came the united states and they're in the catholicism was not the state religion and you had lots of civil divorce uh obviously because of it was non-catholic and it was very uh uh secular the american bishops asked for the permission to impose the penalty of uh excommunication just for getting a divorce not and and not for the other thing of getting uh remarried that was changed in the 70s so that getting divorced in and of itself incurs no penalty prior to um to that uh you could get a divorce uh without any expectation of being remarried unless you're going to get an annulment if for instance you know wife was being beaten and she needed to get away from her husband and for legal reasons and and that she needed to to get divorced to protect herself and her children then bishops would would grant that uh that permission for what we called separation uh they didn't give permission for the divorce per se but for the the separation but that excommunication was lifted and certainly since the 1983 code of canon law there's no uh penalty just for divorce the penalty of not being able to receive community and again it's not it's no longer excommunication it's just that you're not able to receive the sacraments uh if you're married invalidly which can be resolved if you petition for a decree of nullity and it is granted and then you get your marriage convalidated okay that clears that up thank you thanks for calling god bless the commonwealth that's right eight three three two eight eight e wtn is our toll-free number 833 288 ewtn you probably know the answer to this question father growing up in the commonwealth but do you know how many commonwealths there are in the united states four that's exactly right i'm sure you know what they are yes pennsylvania massachusetts virginia and kentucky that's exactly right 833 288 ewtn the things you learn on open line monday 833 288 3986 next up is kim she's in atlanta georgia listening on the quest kim you're on with father john hello father john hello i'm i'm calling to ask um why people stopped wearing the veil women okay well um there was ironically there was never any uh directive from rome or from the the bishops conference in washington or even from local diocese it just stopped uh happening it was no longer mandatory that women wear veils chapel veils now when i was growing up it was still in full force and you know when i was in catholic grade school uh the girls had to wear a veil and or a hat and if they had neither sister would rent them one for five cents um my mother and all my my aunts and every every woman i ever knew when i was a kid wore veil and then all of a sudden they stopped wearing the veil now i have very good priest friends who are in the fraternity of saint peter and they say look we don't it's not mandatory it's a lovely tradition and you know i i personally like seeing it but it's no longer mandatory um you know if people want to do it just the same way if someone wants to observe the three-hour fast for community rather than one hour you're it's that you could do that you know the minimum is that you do an hour fast and although it's not mandatory any woman that wants to wear a veil certainly i would say go ahead and do it whether it's the ordinary form or extraordinary form does that help you kim it does but there's some other questions but i'll ask them next time thank you all right thank you kim we appreciate the phone call 833 288 ewtn is our toll-free number excuse me 833-288-3986 i want to offer you a personal invitation to join us for the chaplet of divine mercy you can hear it monday through friday every morning monday through friday at 5 00 a.m eastern time and it's exclusively right here on ewtn radio open phone lines for you at 833 288 ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six maria is watching on youtube and she says what are the words of the priest at mass that will alert us that transubstantiation is happening and how long does transubstantiation end after communion wow okay well um the way that you know it's it's about to happen um is the in most churches or many churches i should say when the priest extends his hands over the chalice and the patent we call the invocation of the of the holy spirit or the epiclesis and they ring the bells that sort of is as an alarm or alert to you get ready it's the consecration is about to happen and the in all the eucharistic prayers it always begins what we call the institution narrative on the night in which he was betrayed you know he took bread and his sacred venerable hands and then says the words this is my body this is my blood and uh then when the priest elevates obviously and in most churches uh the sanctuary spells are wrung again so i would say if you if your church does use the bells the first time you hear them when the priest extends his hands that would be the sign that it's about to happen and the transubstantiation where the the um accidents are they excuse me the substance of bread and wine changes to the substance of jesus's body blood soul divinity while the accidents of bread and wine remain that takes place at that very moment of consecration and once it's in your body there's no been no solely defined moment but most theologians say that it's sort of speculated that with 15 minutes as soon as it gets into the digestive tract and the gastric juices now change the accident so it's no longer it doesn't look like bread anymore okay the chemical composition has now changed that at that moment it's no longer the real presence once it's been fully ingested that's why if someone receives communion and immediately regurgitates it throws it up uh that has to be buried in the ground with respect because it was too too soon whereas by the time you get to i would say we used to choke as priests you know some of these people the host is still going down their throat and they're out in the parking lot you know not acting too reverent um how long it takes i would say anywhere from five to 15 minutes but certainly after that point you know you could believe that uh you know the trans i wouldn't say the translation doesn't no longer exist i would say that the real presence is no longer within you uh next stop is erie pennsylvania we head back to the commonwealth it's another one i know how about that we've got another harry harry's from pennsylvania or the order of the day he's listening on siriusxm channel 130. harry you're on with native son father john tragillo hello father this is harry from erie and i'm calling because i've wondered about this for a long time with the enunciation when mary said her fiat did she know what jesus's fate on this earth was going to be and all the suffering that he was going to go through and oh how come she was so happy yeah we don't know i would suspect i would suspect she did not know much i mean certainly there was the prophecies and she would have known them well because she was a faithful jew and you know they knew a messiah was coming and certainly from isaiah we know that it was a suffering servant so all the details like him dying on the cross uh the scourging at the at the pillar the crowning of thorns um you know even jesus you know being lost for three days all these sorrows of mary you know there's a wonderful devotion of the seven sorrows of of our lady uh that you know is very popular i don't think mary knew with precision or even in an abstract way what those were going to be but she knew that this was going to be a full picture and yet her joy of embracing the will of god is that no matter what sorrow she would endure the joys and the glories would certainly you know more than compensate for the sorrows how's that harry that's that's that's fine i've been wondering about that for a while the thing that makes me kind of always wonder is how much different she was watching her son go through that than what a modern-day woman would be like watching their son go through that i would say i got a hint of it when my mother my mother buried three of her five children and i remember when my one brother died and you know seeing my mom you know cry over the casket over my dead over the dead body of my brother i imagined that moment that's what jesus saw at the cross when he saw his mother weeping for him uh it's a very tender a very human moment um certainly you know jesus divinity was certainly there but there's nothing more human than a mother mourning the the suffering and the death of her child so i think that of all things connects us with mary more than anything else you know i thought it was interesting father in in mel gibson's the passion of the christ one of the sort of creative licenses that he took was when uh mary was following jesus along the via de la rosa and when he fell the first time you know mel gibson showed a flashback of of jesus falling as a child and i i thought that was that was you know very apparent poe and really kind of gave you an insight into her heart yeah sorry because you know moms don't forget anything so anything i did or you know my brother's still finding things in the attic that we had from first or second grade quickly we'll head to marie in apopka florida a first-time caller listening on the amazon echo marie just a couple of minutes left with father john what's your question today hi hello john it's very nice talking with you i heard of you all the time so my question that i asked is i know why people are i'm a notice now a lot of people are going to church like they possibly have nothing on the emblem and then they are going to take convenience how is how come this is still allowed that the priest never said anything about that okay um i i didn't catch the whole question she's she's a little concerned about some of the immodest dress oh she sees it man okay go up and dress that way to take if someone intentionally dresses in modesty then they shouldn't go to communion because if their intention is to be an occasion a sin uh then that's wrong but you know just dressing it modestly without having any consciousness of it is maybe more imprudence or stupidity and in many cases it's not um you know a temptation is more an irritation or disgust some people dress but i would say i would always put on my church please dress modestly act reverently and speak softly this is the house of god and i encourage all my brother priests to post that and mention it many times in your churches and but just again if depending on how the person dresses what their intent is um i would you know i would certainly say to someone after mass you should really you're not dressing prudently but again you have to be careful because you can't step you know single out just one gender you gotta hit both of them father as always thanks so much for being so gracious with your time would you leave us with a blessing absolutely i want to ask everyone to keep cardinal burke in your prayers from that he's got covenant he's not on a ventilator but blessed almighty god the father son of the holy spirit descend upon you remain with you forever amen amen on behalf of our host father john trogillio our producer and social media maven mr michael mccall and our call screener charles berry thanks so much for tuning in to ewtn's open line monday back at it tomorrow we're talking faith family and fellowship with father of mercy father wade menezes until we get together tomorrow god bless [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,332
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: pdCJhzQsDos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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