EWTN Live - 2014-4-16 - Sr. Angela de Fatima Coelho - "Fatima Children

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it's been almost a century since the first apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima two of the three children who witnessed the apparitions have been beatified by the church and are awaiting canonization we'll get an update on their causes tonight and learn more about what they saw and what it means for us so please stay with us thank you thank you welcome father Mitch Pacwa and welcome to EWTN live a program where we bring you guests from all over the world and today is spy Wednesday this is the Wednesday of Holy Week and it's called spy Wednesday because it's the day in which traditionally we understand that Judas Iscariot had gone to make arrangements to betray our Lord for the thirty pieces of silver now this is something that is part of our whole celebration of Holy Week we hope that all of you will make sure that you get to all the services especially tomorrow night Holy Thursday Good Friday and either the vigil on Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday so its greatness the greatest week that we have in the whole surgical year now as you say we always bring we try to bring guests from all over the world and our guest tonight is doing just that she is a medical doctor a religious sister in the postulator for the cause of the canonization for Blessed Francisco and Jacinta Marta two of the three Fatima children who witnessed Marian apparitions in Fatima 97 years ago and she is here to give us a deeper understanding of the lives of those children and the message they relate to the world so please welcome from Fatima in Portugal sister Angela de fátima quelle you good to have great to be here with you father and you you know I've been doing this work on the cause of these two children now the their last name is Marta Marta are they brother and sister yes they are brother and sister Francisco was older than Jacinta and both of them were cousins with Lucia which is the third shepherd children in the story of they're all family but these two were brothers to each other and then sister Lucia she later became was the cousin now Francisco and Jacinta have this cause going and this has been going on for some years you began as the Vice postulator know you're the postulator what does the postulator - well the postulator is someone nominated by the congregation of the saints in rome to take care of all the process of a candidate in this case Francisco and Jacinta - let to first try to study their lives to see if they really practice the virtues in an annoyed grade and then to try to encourage people to imitate their virtues and to pray through their intercession in order to obtain the miracles necessary for beatification and canonization so we have a beautiful work dealing with sanctity of people it's just in the last couple days I've had two questions now about why does the church not issue an official condemnation to hell of anybody and and I said you know that's not for us to judge yes yeah we don't we don't judge even Judas Iscariot exactly you know we search has never said anything about his final destination now we don't recommend that anybody betray our Blessed Lord well that's not gonna go over well but same time the church never says summers in hell but we do say people are in the heaven yes and that's your job now what what is it that gets the church to make that declaration I think one of the most beautiful dogmas of our church is the communion of saints mm-hmm heaven and earth also we are together in all the Spirit of the Lord so in order to give us models that encourage us in this way of path of following our Lord the church encourage this process of canonizations and verifications so we can because we are human beings we are weak yes Jesus Christ is our last model our main model but sometimes to have people who were exactly like us living exactly our same problems our same difficulties sometimes at our same time like blessed Francisco and Jacinta they live just in the last century or pope john paul ii john xxiii in our time - these people so close to us can be an example first and the source of inspiration and plus the church also teaches and beliefs that these people are now in heaven praying for us interceding in front of the throne of God for our intentions for our needs they are like companions friends in our journey to the house of the Father yeah I think that that's a very important part of understanding this process of canonization we looked at them as good examples that say the church is saying yes there are many many many other people in heaven we're not saying these are the only ones are we you know no we are saying those are those who practice the virtues in aneroid great so they can become models this is the most important things Saints our models closest to us so if we follow their examples we know we are in the right path to follow the Gospels way right exactly and then this role of intercession sometimes people have trouble understand where does the Bible show that we have that intercession from the Saints but I always look to the book of Revelation chapter 5 verse 8 where the 12 elders does you mean 24 elders around the throne have bowls of incense which are our prayers yes and then the same with the angel in chapter 8 verse 3 of Revelation that our prayers like incense and they set it on fire so our prayers smells good but they are closer to God they set it on fire yes it's like sinful one of the pieces of the letters of st. Paul when he says I complete in myself in my own body and life what is missing to the mystical body of the Christ that is the church I think it's this is remaining us that or reminding us everything we do our good actions everything we do our good prayers they in union with the great prayer of Jesus of course and the great intercession of Jesus in heaven they are happy they are God is happy with those prayers and they are efficacious yeah if a person is not in union with questions the body of Christ you know the members of the body Christ of the church so for not in union with Christ our prayers don't have any particular efficacy at all but it's in union with Jesus that they receive the power yeah there is here the power and the message of Fatima is so much about that because Our Lady constantly constantly is asking the Shepherd children to pray to pray for others and indeed with all the help of the angel of Portugal that came in 1916 and with the angel the help of the Blessed Mother that came in 1917 they understood with the words of them that the prayers and sacrificed were very important for the history of salvation of many many souls and for folks to understand on the time in which they lived was not a time everything being joyful and peaceful and easy I mean much of Europe was involved in World War one from 1914 until 1918 and then Portugal had been going through turmoil oh and political upheaval with the overthrow the king all that's part of the background and that's in that time of turmoil is when they receive these messages yes like you said father Europe was going through the First World War so on so when our lady was talking about the world they knew exactly what she was meaning because many people from Portugal was in the first world war also Portugal we were just the end of the monarchy in 1910 and then the first Republic which was very much anti anti Church anti-clerical with so many laws that were premiering the rituals the Catholic so our lady I think she came in a very difficult moment to encourage and as our children her children and also to show something very important is that God is still with us Lord is still concerned with our history that God is still preoccupied with his children and somehow she comes to give us the ways meanings helps for her children to face those moments of difficulty not only in 1914 and 19 to the whole 20 century and I like to admit and I want to admit also for our 21st century that's why the message of Fatima covers one of the most difficult moments of the history of humanity it's been a lot of folks don't realize that it was the period of the greatest amount of violence in human history no other period saw so many people killed by their own governments and it's as well as die in war 305 million people were killed in war or by their own governments mostly atheistic and secular governments and nearly all of our atheistic and secular governments so in the midst of that rise of the power of atheism and secularism in this widespread death coming from the greatest amount of death in history there's a message of peace tell us about what it was that these children received as a message from our lady they receive a very deep message concerning exactly what you are just saying for them it's these secularism atheism they receive a message to help us the children of God to get closer to God we can see the message of Fatima our Lord concerned with two things first the each one of us our mystical experience with God and second already show the children what sin does to our lives the consequences of sin our temporal lives so they could see or they kill they could listen to the prophecies of the second world war of persecutions to this church of these atheism but also to what the consequences have seen to our eternal lives so the message of Fatima mainly is this preoccupation of God to call humans freedom to understand that we are responsible for our history we are responsible for what's happening in the world and that we can do something because our lady in the apparition of July for example she says very clearly if what I say is done many souls will be saved and there will be peace if not if what I say is not done then many people will go to hell and you know all the atheism all these forces that are trying to put God away from the people and people away from God and what is our lady asked ceejai let's see she's asking for prayer the prayer of the Rosary every day she's asking for conversion she's asking for penance she's asking to accept our daily sufferings which are you with a smile and offering them to God she's asking to love the church to love the Holy Father so she's asking even though apparently hidden things like prayer conversion penance it seems that they don't mean a lot for the history of the world but according to the words of Cardinal Ratzinger when he was in Fatima for his first time these healing things even though they seemed very very small they are the greatest strengths to the changing of the world so this is the message of Fatima a reaffirmation of the great merciful love of God towards us towards our time in such a way the Tiffany food we are in the greatest confusion and Wars and persecutions he wants us to give us a light and this light is the Immaculate Heart of Mary know one of the things that I know a lot of people feel a certain amount of discouragement about is that today in the 21st century secular forces are saying in public look we are taking over we are inevitable you cannot stop us and therefore just go along with what we're doing in our secular agenda and and accept it that's what people hear from Fatima they you know don't go along with it yes they hear pray especially the rosary fast independence and repent of accepting these secular and immoral values yes exactly in the Fatima and that's why I think Fatima the message of Fatima and let me just say this for them each when I'm talking about the message of Fatima I'm talking of a whole period of 30 years of apparitions since nineteen-sixteen the apparition the Angel of Portugal three times the angel of peace 1917 the operation of our lady for six times then 1925 the operation of the Blessed Mother and Child Jesus with the first Saturday devotion in Ponte Vedra Spain and in 1929 June 13 when sister Lucia saw the Most Holy Trinity and she heard and she saw the world's grace and mercy so when I'm saying Fatima or the message of Fatima I'm talking about all these series of years and of apparitions what we can see here is that God assuring us us that evil will not have the last word yes yes that evil will not win the message of Fatima no if we look to the message of Fatima is because in its heart echoes the message of the gospel what do we listen in the gospel Jesus saying I know that in the world you will have a lot of troubles but do not be afraid I have overcome the world in the message of Fatima we listen Our Lady saying at the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph that doesn't that means that the message of Fatima is encouraging each one of us to trust in those words of our Lord so let us not lose heart let us not be despair because our Lord is with us if we do what he asks us to do and if we do what the Blessed Mother asks which is basically do whatever he tells you to do like she said in the in the wedding feast in Cana these little things like for example making reparation the meaning of reparation it's exactly this knowledge that I know that where is lack of love I am called to put love and this overwhelming of love that is an act of reparation can change his history and these efficacious so the message of Fatima is a great message of hope and light for our time there she's one of the very odd things about pheromones yes this is a very Hooten message it has had very great impact over the years in the church since it happened or last 97 years but it was given to little children and now two of them are beatified why do you think that is yes Father the message of Fatima is one of the private revelations with greatest impact in the history of the church never before so many Pope's looked at a private revelation like Fatima I'm talking about Pius the 12 john xxiii paul the 6 and of course john paul ii everybody knows the story of his connection with Fatima and yes of course and even Pope Francis when he asks the statute the original statue of the Blessed Mother to go to Rome in the Marian day of the year of faith his showing is also his devotion and his recognition as the Blessed Mother of Fatima is a great icon of the Catholicism of the Marian devotion in Catholicism so I think thank you for that father why God the chose children I think this is his way of doing things if we look to the Bible for example when he pick up David the great David was the last one when he chose the Blessed Mother David was the youngest of his film obvious family yes the youngest of his family and also the Blessed Mother were just a simple girl of Nazareth so it seems that it is God's Way choose children those who apparently are nothing are useless so we can see that the force and the powers is his and not ours yes so we can truly understand that the message of Fatima is he is will not human beings will no let's take this another step yes there beatified why just because they had visions great question father and my answer is no and why do I say no so quickly because even john paul ii said that in the in the Wednesday after the beatification they are not beatified or eventually canonized because they saw our lady at all otherwise it would be unfair to us father at least to me that I never had a vision why they were canonized or beatified because they were faithful to the gift they receive to the mission to their vacation they were faithful to the process of becoming like Christ that this is in the end to become a saint indeed pope john paul ii the great almost saint john paul ii in the day we defy them may 13 2014 the during the homily he was talking to the crowd almost half a million of people were in Fatima but in one moment is he did the beatification himself in the year 2000 jubilee here where he was not supposed to leave Rome and he left Rome just to go to two places Jerusalem in the Jubilee of the Incarnation and Fatima for the purification of the youngest blessed children in the history of the church the most young so the Holy Father and one point he looks to the children that were in the steps of the Basilica in the sanctuary of Fatima and he said to the children ask your parents and teachers to enroll you in the school of Our Lady that's how the Shepherd children Francisco and Jacinta became Saints so quickly so it was not because they saw Our Lady that they were beatified but because they were they were faithful to what they listen to the vocation and you know something father we know exactly what our lady said we know exactly her requests so if we keep them this is the idea if they made it we can make it too and this brings up an important point of understanding something like a spiritual gift you know there are ordinary and extraordinary charisms in the church st. Paul lists you know various charisms such as healing and doing miracles words of wisdom words of knowledge speaking in tongues prophesying being a teacher all that in having such a gift does not mean you're holy no it means you received a gift and the same thing with them they received a gift of a vision but that didn't make them holy and that's very important to remember know that it's God's gift that's unwarranted that there's no way you earned it but then if you live and exercise a gift then you can become holy but not just by receiving it you know you can give a kid a chemistry set but if he doesn't learn how to use the chemicals then you'll just end up with expensive mud so you know a idea to develop the virtue that's what they did yes exactly and one one very interesting thing about them father is that before the upper well they were not born Saints yeah for example either they yes which is a great home for us father and they were not born Saints even though they were so little for example when we read the book of sister lúcia Fatima knows his own words the way she describes Jacinta which in my experience I can see that mostly she's the favorite one of everybody little just think that the way Lucia describes is like this before the apparitions I don't even like her very much because of her over sensitive temperament you know all those little fights among children why they were prey in playing was enough to make her pouting so with bad humor and then you see a describes it was not enough the greatest caresses you know to make her come back to play it was necessary to let us choose to let her choose the play choose the companion to play with so we can see in other words she would have manipulate people emotionally till she got what she wanted yes so the question is who was the center of the life of Jacinta Jacinta so what was the conversion of the shepherd children was to accept it cept that the center of their lives were no longer themselves but those that they met Jesus and Mary and once again I think and especially in his Holy Week this is a great lesson that we can learn from them our process of conversion the first step is exactly that one to accept that we are not the center of our lives and to accept to change that not we but those that we meet Jesus in the sacraments our Lord in the prayer Our Lady in all our spiritual life others with their needs to accept that they become the center of our lives I think this is a great revolution father and this is really the first step for a process of sanctification that's a great challenge these two children live in our life we see in this movie are the things I remember back in the sixties it was said by people in the catechetical world that kids are not capable of an act of faith until they become an adult therefore don't teach them the faith that's why catechesis got watered-down don't teach them the faith just have them give them a good experience and then later on they'll make an active faith but they show that a child can make an act of faith exactly that's why I feel you can become holy that's why I think they are really important to the history of the church right now that's where I think it's important their canonization because that proves exactly that a child is very much open to God and one thing that I also see think it's important on their lives is because is that they learned a lot from their parents they learn a lot a lot from the faith with their own family environment and that reminders what the Church teaches us that families are the first responsible for the education in faith of their children and yes they are able to do great acts of love like each one of them did for example little Francisco he was so much centered in God God was the center of his life one day somebody asked him first Disko what did you like to see the most and he said I like very much to see the angel but I liked even more to see our lady but what I truly loved the most was to see our Lord in that light that our lady put us in the chest I love God so much that's why our Bishop Antonio Martha calls him a little theologian because with only the age of nine ten he had all the energies of the truths completely organized in his mind and when the angel came for example and and gave us gave them communion and they understood that God was said and the angel said console your God Francisco took that mission in his heart it was the console of Jesus so used to spend sometimes three to three hours in a row in front of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament his friend and when they for example I remember right now Lucia when he was almost dying told him Francisco when he arrived to heaven you asked for this intention and that intention you know and he said Lucia you better tell those things to Jacinta because I am afraid when I arrived to heaven I forget them because when I see Jesus I just want to console him so this little boy was able to give in life completely forgetting of himself and give his life in adoration to the Most Holy Trinity what an example yeah see this is something unfortunately a lot of people think that you should let children in young people have their way let you know let them have fun because when they get to be adults they won't and so you know this is the time as well but it's also a time you know there's time for fun and games and your child but it's also key to prepare them for eternal life and not to be egomaniacs you know that if you let them by themselves like Jacinta she would just ended up an egomaniac God has to turn them around yes and it's not only father to prepare them for eternal life which i think is very important it's also to prepare them to be the best people they can be because we practice in this life because when we practice virtues and see even in our in a very human level parents do not just let children do whatever they want for example according to knowledge they ask children to study because it's the best for them so why not to teach them all the values that are important for being good human beings because that's the only way they can reach also happiness and and we can see this in the life of these shepherd children from so little one they were taught that Jesus was good that Jesus was you know loves them so much they very soon was more encouraged to love him back and that develop the best on them even though they always were children so they used to love to play the flute to dance they love to dance especially little Justine that they never wore other thing than children but they still became focused on God completely in love with God and and thus the history little Jacinta for example she was she took very much seriously the history of salvation she took much seriously the suffering of the Holy Father that she saw she's she know she would like to go to heaven but she could not stand the idea of going to heaven alone so for example one day she was in prison because in August there were three days in prison and she was crying she was only seven years old she was missing mom and Lucia to encourage her said come on Jacinta let us offer this sacrifice for an intention which intention do you choose to console Jesus to make reparation to the heart of Our Lady for the Holy Father for the conversion of sinners which intention do you choose and she said I choose them all because I love them all so this is the heart of little Jacinta in the beginning complete self-centered egocentric with the help of the grace of God she had this great huge heart full of compassion and love an expression of the merciful love of God in her heart to which one of you know Jesus Mary the church and each other of us what a great example they can they can be you know father when I look at them and I see Francisco so very contemplative and just inter so very active in this way offering her life in prayer and reparation for all of these I can see the intimate nature of the church at the same time active and at the same time contemplative like we see in sacra centum Concilium that document of the Vatican Council we can see in these two little brothers and sisters the innermost deep nature of the church that is at the same time focus completely in God in the enemy's glory and at the same time focused completely in the salvation of our brothers and sisters well we're gonna have to take a little bit of a break now appreciate these things and we're going to also let you know that if you want information on Fatima and on blessed Francisco and just incest cause for canonization please go to a website which is WWE host calm now could be Pastore knows and in Portuguese but it's pas t o R I n H OS comm pastor in Hass calm and find out more about that so please stay with us come back when you get your questions questions from our studio audience as well thank you thank you thank-oo welcome back and a couple of good announcements here first of all why don't let you know that the Vatican is using social media to make a lot of information on the canonizations of Blessed John Paul the second and blessed john xxiii accessible to everyone so you can find all kinds of things and the canonization website they have their own website for the candidate it's www dot the number two okay - poppy Sun T so P API sa n TI - poppy Santi dot org then you can put /e ends to get the English version so I'm poppy Santa course means holy Pope's so - poppy Santa dot org uh and from there you can get all kinds of social media channels associated with the canonization combined information on the twitter facebook instagram youtube and so on so just go to ww2 poppy Santi remember gets done number two poppy Santi org slash en for English - check it all out also EWTN is viewer services is offering a free book for your charge it's like this and it's a small Blessed John Paul the second prayer book and to go along with the canonization ceremony on April 27th to get it simply call a WT ends viewer services their number is two zero five two seven one two nine eight nine they'll just send that out to you also one remind you that our pilgrimage department would love to welcome you to come here and help you organize a trip uh to in deputy an in terms of times of mass programs etc so call pilgrimage at two zero five two seven one two nine six six or go to our web site ewtn.com and if you do get a chance to come here please make sure you visit the shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville they just recently opened a beautiful John Paul the second Eucharistic Center which highlights the main reason the shrine in Hansel was built namely to honor Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist so for more information on the John Paul the 2nd Eucharistic Center just go to olam shrine calm that's oh L AM shrine dot-com okay you ready for some questions I'm ready fire alright start off with a question for my studio audience ma'am were you from from Sarnia Canada good to have you welcome and your question my question is about your name sister sister Angela de fátima how did you get the de fátima part is that a coincidence or well thank you for the question my name is my baptismal name my father and my mother gave me the name of Angela de fátima eventually you know to spread the message of Fatima became my mission and the charisma of my community or the answer the Santa Maria alliance of Allah Mary so I think this is divine providence yeah so oh so we thank your mom and dad my mom and dad for that and you know certainly the angel it means the angel of Fatima exactly all in English certainly is appropriate name for somebody in Portugal exactly and also because the angel who appears in Fatima the angel of Portugal the angel of peace peace have the mission to prepare the hearts of the Blessed children for the coming of the Blessed Mother of Our Lady so somehow the mission of all of us who spread the message of Fatima being aware of the importance of the and the strength of the evangelization that the message of Fatima is our mission is to prepare the heart of people you know to our lady to the gospel so somehow I loved very much the angel who appears in Fatima we have a call Oh hazel yes Father hi were you from I'm from Florida great and would you question our lady told the children that she would take her cinta and Francisco to heaven soon so she took them so we know that they are in heaven and therefore they are Saints why do they have to go through the canonization process he's a good question yes good question once again we know that Jacinta and Francisco were promised by our lady that they would go to heaven also Seleucia indeed when Lucia heard that the two cousins were going to heaven very soon she became a little bit said and she said am I going to stay here by myself and I already said no my daughter I will never leave you my mek'leth heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God so this is this was the great light of the life of Lucia and this is our light to the tower ladies our refuge and the way to God but coming to the question yes they have to go through the process of canonization exactly because they were Saints not because they saw Our Lady but because they fulfill all the virtues and all the requests that our lady asked so it's very good that they go through the same process of beatification and canonization like everybody else okay so fair is fair fair is fair yes even martyrs who we also assume when somebody dies for the faith we believe that they go to heaven they don't even go to purgatory um but we still do a canonization process for the martyrs as well yeah exactly we do exactly the same process we have to prove that there was a martyrium which is there was a persecutor and there was a victim and that all of these was about faith the only thing different from the others that are non markers that is that once that the church the assigns the decree of martyrium they do not need the first miracle okay so the marchers as soon as this it is proof that they really would marches for the faith then they are immediately going to the celebration of purification they just need a miracle for the canonization okay there you go thank you and we have another question sir were you from Sonia Canada I guess that's my wife well my question is there our lady gave the children three secrets and to my knowledge there was the third one was still to be divulged has it been divulged and what was it very good good question yes our lady gave the children well indeed it is just one secret they saw everything in continuous in the apparition of 13 of July 1917 why it's called three secrets because they were revealed or written by sister Lucia in different moments they wrote she wrote the first two parts in 1951 which is the vision of hell and then the second part when our lady says you saw hell where the souls of pool of sinners go to save them God wishes to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart if where I say is that many souls will be saved and there will be peace and so on so all this persecution you know the secularism the a thing is meant all these forces represent forces that want to try to put God away from the people or people away from God the third part of the secret okay it's another story Lucy became sick in 53 so the bishop asked her to write the third part and she wrote in January the third 1944 and she puts outside the envelope that this secret could be known after the 60s somebody asked her why sixties and she said because I thought that before that no one would understood so but also she explained the decision to be published is for the Pope and also the interpretation she only had the to publish the decision of publishing the interpretation it would be for the Pope so eventually this envelope with the secret arrives to the Vatican in 1957 we know that john xxiii in 1959 read the secret and why do I know this because a group of people from the sanctuary of Fatima director myself the director of a great department of history we went to interview Monsignor Laurie scapula the secretary now is Hammond ins Laurie's kappa vulajin 23rd who affirms that john xxiii read the secret decided not to publish and kept with him paul the six also read the six the third part of the secret in the 60s he decided not to publish we know john paul ii he could read the secret whenever he wanted well we know we did not did 79 after his election neither in 80 neither in 1981 until the attempt of assassination May 13 1981 Our Lady of Fatima day so what we know is that when john paul ii woke up in clinic at Gemelli and you realize it was Our Lady of Fatima day only then he asked for the third part of the secret he read it we do not know exactly the time but II what we can see from him is that immediately changes a little bit his life towards the message of Fatima towards the sanctuary of Fatima where he was three times always in May 13 to say Thank You Blessed Mother you saved my life and in the last time you went to Fatima mm I decided to published the third part of the secret and they did in June 2000 with a great theological commentary made by Cardinal Ratzinger which I encourage you to read one beautiful thing I have to tell you Father is that now exactly now and during all this year until October this manuscript the original manuscript of sister Lucia that was kept in the archives of the congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith right now he is in the same we're Fatima and we can visit it and show it because all these here in Fatima in order to prepare the centennial of the anniversary of apparition of Our Lady is dedicated to the apparition of July in order of that the sanctuary promotes an exhibition dedicated to the three parts of the secret and the most important object we have to show is the original manuscript that Vatican gave to sanctuary just for one year so visitors pilgrims people of faith visit yes no no the phone call hello Thomas yes time were you from I'm Kingsport Tennessee good to have you on and your question my question is uh well first if I could make this statement I've studied and read a lot about Fatima and I believe it's the most important event historical the secular religious event in in the twentieth century and I think that the message is still relevant in their times and here's here's my question it is I think about it you know and I guess this is a question for sister as well do you think there's any significance to the fact that our lady chose the town of Fatima in in a country that was once inhabited by Muslims or Moors do you think that there's a message today for the extremists and the turmoil that we have with those of the of the Muslim religion Thank You Thomas sister well indeed Fatima Oh Fatima was named of well because we before a long time ago we were under the Muslim of Q patient in Portugal as this is historical so many of our cities many of our towns as name come from Arabic sources if if there is a plan from God according to that connecting these two realities that I don't know what I know is that to the turmoil work we are going through all around the world no matter the name of that turmoil is what I know is that our Lord wants to bring a light and peace and you know a source of love especially God is calling us again to love one another and to be responsible for one another and to not think about ourselves and others so then I know our Lord wants all the rest so uh I don't know mm-hmm you have another question from our studio sir were you from Owasso Michigan good to have you and your question yes I've heard of the severe penances the children took on themselves could you comment on the motivations of heart the sentiment of their being to do that yes thank you for the question a good question the severe penance of the children where why did he penance because our lady and the angel showing them hell and showing them the history of the world they felt this call to do something for the conversion of sinners to make little sacrifices but the point is not so much on the penance they did and that's why the question was so good but the motivation and the motivation was love Lucia once described after the second operation of the angel that the words of the angel asking for prayer asking for penance knowing for example let them know that the hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs on mercy upon them designs on mercy Lucia said we understood those words were like a light that we could understood how God was how he loved us and now he wanted us to love him back so the true story that we are reading it this is a story of love between two people let me put this way God and each one of the little shepherds through the Immaculate Heart of Mary so the great motivation was love of course they were they were doing what was common in those days among the church penances like fasting probably too much like you know praying very long time on their knees and like the famous one the Rope the beautiful thing is that Our Lady in September she says our Lord is happy with your sacrifices but he does not want you to sleep the rope so God was concerned with the sacrifices they were doing because it was too much they were overwhelming I left I love these children they it seems they did more than what God was expecting from them of course our lady did not say do no sacrifice so the motivation was love because without love suffering means nothing even in the cross why is Jesus saving us in that way because he was loving us three people were dying in the cross in the same day only one saved us because he was the son of God and because he was doing that out of love so they were doing little sacrifices sometimes too much our lady told them stop a little bit as an act of love okay we have another phone call hello I am from Michigan and your question I heard her read that the Blessed Mother said that Francisco would be a tributary to the end of time that she read that the Blessed Mother told Francisco he will be in purgatory until the end of time okay thank you very much for the question but there is probably a misunderstanding here if all of that happen in the first operation when Lucia asks our lady where are you from and she said I'm from heaven Nana she asked am I going to heaven I already said yes you are what about you cinta yes she is what about Francisco yes he will go to heaven but he will need to pray many rosaries the thing was that afterwards Lucy asked for two friends and one of other friend I think it was Amelia I already said she would be in the purgatory until the end of the world so it was not Francisco it was Amelia Amelia another person you know also many people asked me and taking this opportunity sister do you think Francisco and you know a more difficult temperament or character in order to pray more rosaries you know I don't think so I think Francisco was a great excellent the thing is that in my opinion Francisco has this contemplative vocation to fulfill but if I were lazing I told him Francisco you have a contemplative vocation he wouldn't understand what our lady was talking about but because I already told him I pray the rose you have to pray many rosaries that he could do and that with those great many rosaries he prayed he became a contemplative soul a contemplative little boy I think this is also a lesson for each one of us sometimes you think rosary it's a vocal prayer just but it's mainly in the heart the contemplative prayer exactly thank you it's so very much and you know what we'd like to make sure we do is you know say a prayer for their beatification um I want to thank you for having come here and enjoy informing us so much you obviously know so much about this and before we end the show I'd like to do this prayer for their beatification that's friend name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen Most Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit I adore you profoundly and I thank you for the apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin in Fatima by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary I implore you if it should be for your greater glory and the good of our souls to glorify in the sight of your Holy Church lesson Francisco and blessed Jacinta granting us through their intercession the grace which we implore email and you know of course also like to give you a blessing and encouragement to make sure you go to celebrate this holy week and be at your parish and go to the services and enter into this was even more fasting and prayer this I like Francisco and Jacinta and may Almighty God bless you and keep you cause his face to shine upon you the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit you know and we can bring sister Angela de Fatima and all the other guests plus all the series that we do because this network is your network you make it possible for us to do all the special masses with the Holy Father in Rome and elsewhere so please keep us in between your gas bill your electric bill in your cable bill and we'll be able to pay our bills too thank you you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 15,367
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television, Eternal Word Television Network (Organization)
Id: 51pVm0znIHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 17 2014
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