OPEN LINE MONDAY - May 17, 2021 - Fr. John Trigilio

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team i'm tracy sabol with ewtn news nightly follow us on facebook and twitter and join us this evening from the studios of ewtn this is open line with today's host father john tragiligo in north america call toll-free 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline at and welcome again to open line monday here on ewtn radio and uh jack williams not here today i'm tom price along with our monday host father john tragillo how are you padre i'm doing pretty well thank you i'm i'm glad you got to the microphone in time you were calling you were calling it kind of close there you gave me a little a little bit of a heart attack but it's all good right yes it is yes i'm very glad of that we're going to uh give you the phone numbers and then we'll hit a couple of emails and hopefully take as many calls as we can today here's our phone number eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six as you probably know by now on the monday show we try to answer all sorts of apologetics questions um you know how can you better defend your faith how can you learn more about your faith so that's that's what it's all about 833 288 ewtn here is the email address for you and that is openline when you're sending us an email be sure you put either father john in the subject line or apologetics or monday so that we can put that in the right subfolder here's an email uh father from mark who says is it okay to ask mary to receive and perfect our rosary prayer in her immaculate heart and offer it to god thanks mark yes that's that's an excellent idea and suggestion because our ladies always bringing people to her son that's that's her goal that's her desire that's her joy so again she's not replacing jesus as the one mediator but as the intercessor par excellence she's bringing people to jesus through her and again this is not by necessity but by god's uh choice and you and i by using her again i mean how many times have people when i was a pastor and i had my mother visiting people went out of their way to be nice to my mom as a sign of respect to me and if you were nice to my mom i treated you very well too there you go all right sounds good mark thank you so much for your email here's one now from jan in the lord's prayer it says forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us well the problem is is that we do not forgive people the way that god forgives how can we reconcile this just keep trying i mean all the lord is asking that you and i make that effort it's going to take a while it's going to take a long time some people that have hurt us is going to take a little bit longer than others but we have to make that effort and remember jesus said the measure you measure will be measured back to you so if we want god to be very patient and forgiving with us we have to do likewise with our neighbor and you know it's not going to be perfect it's not going to be overnight but you have to keep trying as mother teresa said we're not here to be successful we're here to be faithful yeah absolutely jan thanks so much for your email stephanie wants to know how do we know when jesus is being literal or hyperbolic he refers to himself as the bread of life and the door for sheep yes and sometimes it's it's very obvious from the context sometimes it's not and so that's why the genius of jesus being the second person of the trinity having uh divine nature and human nature he's a divine person he established the church to teach in his name so the teaching authority which we call the magisterium authentically interprets for us those cases where it must be interpreted literally so when he says this is my body this is my blood the church has in uh has interpreted that literally and has done so for two thousand years and then allegorically or analogously when he says i'm the vine you are the branches he's not saying that we're plants uh when he says if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out he's not asking us to physically gouge on our eyeballs but when he says this is you know eat my flesh drink my blood and the greek that's used in those instances too is very graphic it's you know it's more than just eat it's sort of devour munch chew it's so graphic that you can't you can't use any uh anything but literal translation sure all right very good it is uh open line monday with father john tragellio we are live on this monday afternoon here on ewtn radio calls are starting to come in right now if you'd like to get in line get on board at 833 288 ewtn if you have a question for father john 833 288 398 gordon says is there anything tantamount to rubrics for the faithful during mass more than a few dear friends tell me that worshipers should not do any number of gestures during mass that that's a very good question and the general instruction of the roman missal which we uh call the g-i-r-m catholic church we love initials more than the military does you know true so the g-i-r-m you can get online i know we have it in the ewtn electronic library that explains the posture and the the rubrics for the people the celebrant the priest and the deacon and so for instance there's certain parts of the mask where the people are to kneel whether they stand where they're to sit their posture in terms of how they are to um you know have their hands extend you know the priest when he's celebrating as the celebrant has his hands out in the in this fashion where there's you know they're um across his chest the people are to pray with their hands folded i know some places people hold hands during the our father that's really not in the rubrics that's something that was introduced uh i think in the 70s and some places still do that uh but if you go the general instruction of the roman missal and if you have a good um like the um the missile that's put out by the midwestern theological forum they explain all those things in there in the uh forward beautiful that phone number is 833 288 ewtn if you have a question for father john today 833-288-3986 kirk says father john i have been concerned that if i live my days optimistic and happy that god would think it's arrogant for that and punish me what are your thoughts on that new new no please don't don't think the other way because uh things happen obviously and you know poor job he got hit from behind it so to speak he wasn't expecting what happened but yes start off the day with the right intention with the right mood to be happy and the only way that it would be arrogant is if you presume that god owed you that that he owed you uh an easy life or or consolations you know but mother angelica used to say you know if you get consolations rejoice in them but if you're experiencing desolation it may not be your fault it may not be punishment it's just purification okay kirk thanks so much for your email here's one now from tim and i bet this this comes up all the time where does the church get its claim of church authority didn't authority end with peter no it didn't because um you know jesus said in luke's gospel to peter and the apostles he who hears you hears me and so that authority was given to peter and the other apostles obviously peter has a particular ministry we call it the petrie ministry after his name peter as the head of the church uh he's the head of the sacred college of of of well they wouldn't call the carnos back then yet but he was the head of the head of the apostles but the other apostles also shared in in authority always united with peter and that wonderful saying uh that was started in the early church ubi paid through his ebay classic where peter is there as the church so it's not a competition between the pope and the bishops uh they the pope the bishops must be united with peter but they share uh in that apostolic ministry okay very good and here's one that that actually this one actually kind of confused me a little bit how do you respond to the charge that catholics are more pro-birth than pro-life i'm so confused i've heard that a number of times and and i i find it kind of specious because um you know it's we're not it's not either or you know pope benedict emeritus said it so well catholicism is a religion of both and not either or so we're pro-birth we're pro-life uh and we're you know um pro-life all the way to natural death so we're not and we're not saying that you have to opt uh the child over the mother we want both to survive we want both to thrive we want both to be protected so whenever you see these false dichotomies or polemics you know that's not authentic very good and one more here before we go up to the phone phone lines here from aaron what biblical and historical evidence do we have for the particular judgment how do we know that people are in heaven or hell and not some other place well a particular judgment happens immediately at death and that's um elaborated in the catechism the catholic church and when you look and look it up in the um in the catechism there's some excellent site biblical citations there in the in the footnotes uh jesus refers to this a number of times you know there's uh that one parable of the man who builds this tower you know and i i'm going to have a i'm going to have a good good life now i can rest and be merry and he says this you fool the very day you're you know it could be taken from you so we must always be ready for the particular judgment that happens at the moment of death general judgment is just a ratification of what happened in the particular janja it's just that it's going to be made known to everyone okay very good uh thank you aaron and for everybody else who wrote in uh father that's very impressive on your part eight questions in eight minutes wow wow we are batting a thousand here on ewtn's open line monday and we've got one phone line open right now at 833 288 ewtn if you have a question for father john tragellio 833 288 3986 for open line monday ewtn news in depth is important for catholics everywhere there are so many questions there are so many unknowns out there as the world continues to change at a rapid pace we're going to ask the tough questions and get the right answers and make sure that when you watch this show you feel engaged and you feel empowered ewtn news in depth engaged informed catholic friday at 8 pm eastern on ewtn radio and television [Music] father benedict groeschel i often go back to my childhood in church we love to be reverent to christ present in the eucharist to christ on the cross but i was also impressed by our sisters who taught us in school to pray before every class to pray for what we needed because we could be irreverent we were taught to go to confession on saturday and to ask ourselves did we say our prayers well and without distraction all this was reverence now what do i see i hear one irreverence after another and week after week month after month the media churns out things that make fun of religion in general and make fun of christianity in particular and particularly make fun of the catholic church no class absolutely no class ewtn live truth live this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205-271-2985 or send us an email to openline it's open line monday with father john tregillio sold out phones at the moment but uh when a line does become available you're welcome to call us at 833 288 ewtn and if you're looking for a solid news source that you can depend on while i would recommend ewtn's national catholic register it's america's most trusted catholic news source with a comprehensive view of the world from a distinctly catholic perspective right now you can give a gift subscription or subscribe for yourself and save up to 42 percent on ewtn's national catholic register just visit today by the way if you'd like to receive daily weekly or alert emails from the register just visit and click on the subscribe button if you're ready now let's go to the phones at 833 288 ewtn we're going to begin with robin in georgia listening online hey robin what's on your mind today um yes thank you for taking my call um father i have a question um i moved by my daughter um we it's been like a five year we were praying about it and everything and god opened that door and we moved and it was too we i wasn't even here two weeks that's when everything shut down with a pandemic i was supposed to have a job and i didn't have a job and i was unemployed with no health insurance um my husband's retired he's older than me so um i was blessed to eventually get a job and i ended up getting two jobs and i took the one job that allowed me to go to daily mass which was a gift i know from god and i always feel like he i've been going to daily mass for way a long time over 16 years and um but this job is up it's far from my house it's 31 miles it's on an interstate i have to drive every day i've already had three incidences with my vehicle one i broke down on the on the interstate and then recently about two months ago i hit a animal that i think was i don't know a coyote um in the dark on the interstate um i don't know how i didn't die it was a miracle but my we just got our car back um i'm kind of worn out and i work for an a state agency and they happen to have i find out today there's a job opening in the county where i live okay and you know i would love to apply for this job but it i won't be able to go to daily mass anymore well your your safety comes first okay it would i mean it would be nice if you could go to daily mass but your safety in terms of your physical well-being your emotional well-being as well as your spiritual well-being because you're not under an obligation to go to daily mass it's nice if you can but if your job is prevents that from happening then when you get home watch the mass on tv watch ewtn mass but i i would urge you to do what's safe for you and your family it's just too risky from what you just described robin thank you so much for your call that opens up a line for you right now one line open at 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 open line monday in progress here with father john trogillio on ewtn radio on this beautiful monday afternoon here is chris now in philadelphia listening on the ewtn app hey chris what's on your mind today good afternoon enough uh father trujillo uh i appreciate you taking my call on what i'd like you to do today father if you could is could you more fully describe what happens at the moment of transubstantiation in the mass i know uh the catholic church teaches that at the moment of consecration the substance of the bread is actually changed into the substance of the body and blood of christ but the accidents of the bread remain the same and it would seem to me that the accidents uh would actually comprise the accidents of the bread its thickness so forth and so on would actually constitute the substance of the bread so could you define explain what the difference between the two actually is okay that's a very good question and a little crash course here in metaphysics yeah um in our human experience substance and accidents are intricately connected only in the holy eucharist is there this wonderful miracle where the substances change but the accents do not everywhere else when you change the accidents the substance changes for instance if i take a piece of paper and set it on fire the accidents change the appearance but also the substance changes it goes from being paper to charcoal now in the holy eucharist the substance that which makes a thing what it is it's invisible it's metaphysical but it's definitely real that which makes bread what it is bread changes into the body blood soul divinity of christ but the appearance or the accidents of bread remain which thank god happens because this way when we go holy communion it doesn't look like flesh and blood it doesn't taste like flesh and blood so we're not into any type of cannibalism and yet it's truly really and substantially the body blood soul and divinity of christ so we fulfill our lord's command when he says you must eat my flesh you must drink my blood and yet how does that happen because he said at the last supper this is my body this is my blood so it's the only time in the universe that this happens where uh that you have the changing of substance without the change of of accident or appearance there you go chris thank you so much for your call it is open line monday here on ewtn we'll roll on to anthony in newport rhode island listening online hi anthony what's on your mind today good afternoon father thank you so much for taking my call i don't have the exact verse but i believe in uh sunday mass uh there was a reference to judas isca iscariot and a reference to something about uh the scriptures being fulfilled and that's a bit uh confusing because if it almost sounds like uh he was pre-programmed to do what he did um so my my question is uh really what what's that all about and did he indeed have actual choice and if he did then he is guilty but i i i'm just a little bit fogged out about that okay all right well that that's a good question and um see god knows everything he knows the past present and future because he exists outside of time he keeps everything in existence so he must know everything because everything is dependent upon him to exist now he knows before it happens in our timeline what we're going to do but he does it does not change our free will it's just that he knows what we're going to choose before we choose it but that doesn't mean that that's making us do that we're freely choosing and just like lucifer chose to go against god and all the bad angels that went with him and judas chose to betray christ but god knew that and knew that before it would happen again in uh judas's timeline so foreign knowledge does not force something to happen uh this was a big debate in the church between the dominicans and and the jesuits at one point uh they were talking about predestination because there is a catholic um version of predestination but that's not like john calvin's where people are predestined to hell the free will is always operative but it's that god knows before it happens in our timeline what's going to happen so judas could have said no and not only could he said no but after he after he said yes to evil he could have repented but he chose not to all right there you go anthony appreciate your call it is open line monday here on ewtn we have two lines open at the moment eight three three two eight eight ewtn is that number eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six elaine is listening to us in dallas on the great guadalupe radio am 910 elaine what's on your mind today oh good afternoon my father um thank you for taking my call father um in speaking conversing with neighbors friends um the the subject of church attendance comes up in the conversation and so it's very coming becoming very commonplace for friends neighbors to utter such things such as oh well we like to go to the byzantine ride we like to attend the byzantine ride or we prefer the services of the marionite church or the sspx has a wonderful latin mask or the uh my husband is the baptist so we go to the baptist church in the morning attend services the afternoon we'll hit the catholic mass father i'm so confused i don't know how to respond wow oh i i feel for you yeah first of all we will make a little distinction here um you can go to a non-catholic uh service like the baptist service where you go with your husband it's just that we're not allowed to receive the sacraments in there and i don't believe they ever have any particular uh form of communion but if they do you would not be able to receive that but you can go listen to the the scriptures listen to the preaching listen to the singing it's not considered any a violation of church law there but if your cousin excuse me if your husband comes with you then a catholic church he's not able to receive communion until he's in full communion but the the eastern catholic church the byzantines is but they're that's only one branch of the eastern catholic maronites are also part of the eastern uh catholic church those are open to any catholic and you receive the sacraments they're fully um you know in union with the with rome it's just they have a different liturgical tradition so you can go at any time it's just that you need to belong to a parish and you should support it as much as you can in terms of financially and and when possible your physical presence but if you find that your parish is either not you know doing what it's supposed to be doing by all means you can go to the byzantine uh to the eastern catholic church and that um now with the sspx society of pioneers the 10th they're not in complete full union with rome but the fraternity of saint peter is so if you want to go where you can go to the what they call the trinity or now it's called the extraordinary form of the roman rite go to where there's a fraternity in st peter or the institute of christ sovereign priests a lot of dioceses like my diocese harrisburg we have the fraternity has an actual parish where they provide the mass the extraordinary form but also a lot of priests are doing this on their own in parishes because bishops want their people to be taken care of so i would encourage you to stay within the parameters of the catholic church but yes you can go with your husband he can come with you it's just it's the inner communion that we we do not uh promote yeah uh elaine is that helpful for you well i mean when i referred to the uh neighbors and friends i myself remain completely in union with my the catholic church the roman catholic so as far as my faith is concerned i would i remain totally committed to the catholic church but um i think that when a family goes with a baptist the baptist father to to the service in the morning and then they accompany the mother in the afternoon aren't the children somewhat confused as they are receiving different ideas and ideologies from good question yeah and that's why it's important for the catholic to explain to the children you know that it's not just you know that these are you know um equal choices here but you know you could say well this is daddy's tradition it would be what the analogy i'd like to use is if let's say the husband was a canadian citizen but he's living in america he's not going to be able to do all the things that you know american citizens can do you can respect the fact he's from a different country but they're in the united states right now and the same with the catholic church if you're in there uh you want to respect it's rules and regulations elaine thanks so much for your call back in a moment with lots more open line monday with father john tragelio stay with us [Music] the words of blessed carlos ocoutis the more eucharist we receive the more we will become like jesus so that on this earth we will have a foretaste of heaven this is life issues with brad mattis president of life issues institute pro-abortion activists claim abortion is essential to ensure healthy spacing of pregnancies a new peer-reviewed study shows this is a myth the study was published by the journal of primary care and community health charlotte lozier institute studied nearly five million medicaid eligible women who had at least one abortion it found out only one percent could have used abortion to space subsequent births the average amount of time between births for both women who did and did not have an abortion fell within the recommended guidelines of one and a half to five years plus the women who did utilize abortion to space their children were more likely to have received contraceptive counseling so their abortions didn't likely result from a lack of contraception follow us on twitter at life issues usa and stay informed more informed than you've ever been the ewtn home video highlight for may is the reformation the collection the reformation chronicles the tumultuous religious upheaval begun in the 16th century by martin luther this upheaval has led to the current disunity within the body of christ and the secularization of modern culture order your dvd set at 24 hours a day seven days a week or call 1-800-854-6316 hey anna mitchell here join us tomorrow for the sunrise morning show with marlon de la torre on how jesus is not a hypothesis and father boniface hicks on validation in spiritual direction 6 a.m eastern now back to open line with father john trajellio this is open line on the ewtn global catholic radio network and we thank you for joining us on open line monday with father john tragillo here on this uh beautiful monday afternoon is it how's your weather up there uh father is it good oh it's gorgeous here in maryland yes very nice it is yeah it seems to be everybody we're we're talking to today it's blessed with fantastic weather well we do have a couple of lines open right now and that's why we call the program open line the number 833 288 ewtn uh we'll get you connected with father john here eight three three two eight three 288-3986 here is paul in detroit listening on the great ave maria radio paul what's on your mind today hey what's up uh father trudeal i'm doing fine how are you i'm doing good uh my question is about the unforgivable sin um uh because i have a friend who was baptized catholic he went to go study other religions uh about i don't know if you know about the zoroastrian religion yeah that's sort of a persian background yes and he studied it and then uh he told me he went and he had like tears you know he went to confession and repented it he threw out all the of that okay and then uh he uh went to confession he repented of it but then he fell back ordered more stuff and that's where now forgivable sin comes to mind he thinks that god is abandon him jesus was abandoned and i told him you know that god's mercy is always you know non-stop you know god will forgive you whenever you repent and he did repent he said but he still thinks that he's in the unforgivable sin so that's where my question comes to you okay uh no the the unforgivable sin is the sin against the holy spirit and basically it has two versions of the sin of despair and the sin of presumption because what you're doing is you're saying that the holy spirit has either no jurisdiction or no power uh either through the sin of despair that you're unforgivable and and that's certainly not possible or you presume that you don't need forgiveness so that's going against the holy spirit and that's the unforgivable sin and yet it can be undone because all you need to do is ask for god's mercy and it's available it's only when you exclude god's mercy that it doesn't happen there you go paul thanks so much for your call let's go to a quick uh question here from ricaldo who's watching us on youtube this afternoon father rocaldo says could you please suggest what are the some good sources to know about the writings of the church fathers oh well i'll tell you one of the nice things i find i suggest to the seminarians if they get like the companion the compendium to the catechism of the catholic church they have wonderful the all those footnotes at the bottom of the page of the catechism the compendium the companion has those citations in their proper context so you don't need to go and get a whole summer theologica you don't need to get the whole dedication you can have that right there and i would suggest start with that because it could be a bit burdensome because there's so much that the fathers you know the greek fathers the latin fathers have written so to sort of wet your whistle to get a little taste and appetizer i would start with that there you go rocaldo thanks for watching us today on youtube let's go to herman right now in louisville listening on wlcr 10 40 a first time caller haley uh herman what's on your mind today uh yes gentlemen i thank you for taking my call uh i got a little uh let me just get to the question uh when was jesus baptized and was he baptized okay okay well he he was baptized at the river jordan by his cousin saint john the baptist but it's not the same baptism that you and i received when we were baptized we received the sacrament of baptism which washed away original sin jesus had no original sin and the baptism that john the baptist gave was not the sacrament of baptism it was a precursor to it it was a symbolic act it was a call to repentance but again jesus didn't need repentance but because he took on human nature he took all the sins of humanity upon himself so that dramatic moment where he's being baptized by john and the clouds open up and you hear the voice of god the father this is my beloved son upon whom my favor rests listen to him so jesus baptism did take place but it's not the same as yours or mine which we call the sacrament of baptism very good herman thank you so much for your call annette watching us on youtube this afternoon annette says i go to a latin mass recently a friend of mine said that it is not approved by the vatican it is an sspx uh mass is this true uh well if you're uh obviously it we want to make a distinction it is a valid mass but they're not in complete full union because uh they dispute the um the validity or at least the i say the second vatican council and their priests don't have full faculties but you are i know in instances where you can't get to a a catholic mass you can go to the sspx mass and it will account for your sunday obligation but the preference is that you go to a mass that's in full communion with the local diocese and bishop so again if there's the fraternity of saint peter they're in complete harmony with with rome and with the holy father and the local bishop or a local parish but i would say the sspx the society of saint pius the 10th um only go if if there is no other recourse my goodness i i was just thinking about a time when my wife and i were on vacation and we were driving by the beach and we saw this office building and that a big sign said latin mass and we thought okay let's let's go check it out it was it was during a weekday and it was very referential as you might imagine we didn't find out or didn't realize maybe we were just kind of dodos we didn't realize that it was a uh sspx mass until we were leaving and then we saw some of their literature yeah and if you um sometimes it happens that happens a lot and you now and here's another thing that people may not know if you're unable to get to a catholic mass you can go to the eastern orthodox you just are not able to receive holy communion they won't give it to you all right even if if we say it's okay they will not but you can still go uh to that divine liturgy because that's a certainly a valid uh holy mass all right annette thanks so much for watching us today on youtube open line monday with father john tragillio here on ewtn two lines open at the moment 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288-3986 here is dan now dan is in cedar rapids listing on fm kmmkfm8 hello dan what's on your mind today yeah father uh quick question well two um when it comes to live tv masses like ewtn has on at 7am our time i i get that it's a live math and that you get a lot out of it because it's live my question is um the other two masses are recorded and i've heard a priest say that you know it's a recorded mass yes you'll get something out of the homily and stuff like that but like for example the blessing at the end doesn't count because it is a recorded mass it's not live and so on and so forth so i guess the question is i know i get a lot of watching the live mass but is there really a point of watching a recorded mass per se other than like the homily and stuff like that does that make sense yes i would say there's still benefit i mean besides the the homily and the um the scripture reading uh the only time that the recording would be um problematic is when for instance like when the holy father the pope gives his urban orb a blessing on new year's day uh it's only you get an um you have the opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence only live so if you are watching it on television or listening to the radio as it's being done then you have that opportunity but if you listen to a recorded version of that then the plenary indulge is not available but there's still spiritual benefit and you can make a spiritual communion even while you're watching a recorded mass uh thank dan thank you so much for your call today i was just thinking as we were listening to dan's question father what a blessing that mother angelica back in the day instituted broadcast of the mass every day i'll tell you that was a blessing that people are still telling me when i go when i visit when i give talks somewhere retreats they'll say father you know we are so happy um that mother started that and when i was a pastor for 16 years people in the nursing home the shut-ins they were just so grateful because they don't they didn't feel like they were completely cut off from the parish anymore they felt still part of the church absolutely a gift that keeps on giving glad to uh be broadcasting the holy sacrifice of the mass every day right here on ewtn let's go to anne now in maryland listening on siriusxm channel 130 and what's on your mind today yes um father um husband of a bible um what theologian too so he he asked me to ask you two questions okay okay um the first one it's um if the bible is eternal which it is for all time right then it must fit in every time in history so i have two things i can share with you first of all the first one is when jesus said upon this rock i will build my church if that were true then peter is the rock so jesus must be the mountain and a priest in persona christie is also during the mass a mountain right so with the face of a mustard seed that just means a tiny little faith but uh today in today's culture tie the yellow ribbon around the old oak tree i want you i want you something with just a please father do me a favor and do it then i just moved the mountain to do me a favor okay any any thoughts there father yes i i think you know the analogy is is um you know because jesus is he said you know you can move mountains with if you had enough faith and you know he uses his image of peter because you know the word uh petros uh in greek and petrus in latin means rock and you know certainly a mountain is a bunch of rocks so yeah if you have enough faith and if you stay close to peter um great things can happen yes indeed and thank you so much for your call it is open line monday right here on ewtn radio our phone number eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six one of our wonderful programs here on ewtn radio is called take two with jerry and debbie which we broadcast every day at noon eastern on many of these ewtn stations we also bring you an encore of that same show tonight at midnight eastern today's show was an amazing program it was our uh well we do this about once a month what are you praying about what are you praying for what is on your mind prayer wise and we hear from all sorts of people who share their prayer intentions jerry and debbie love this show and i really enjoyed it today myself so check out the encore of that show tonight at midnight eastern take two with jerry and debbie only on ewtn radio back to the phones now at 833 288 ewtn here is deb who's driving uh on the new jersey turnpike i don't know what exit you're on uh was on there earlier today there you go deb what's on your mind today hello thank you so much for taking my call so in the summer time we live at the jersey shore and many of the parishes there will do masses on the beach on the boardwalk or in a bandstand near the boardwalk and my question is if they can do massive sunday massive saturday night masses why can they not do weddings on the beach okay well that's up to each individual bishop my bishop in harrisburg will allow for certain reasons um and you have to get a dispensation because it's called canonical form that you'd be married in the church i know especially since the pandemic we've had outdoor masses but we want people to realize that it's not my wedding the sacrament of matrimony belongs to jesus it's his sacrament it's his church and we want people to optimally have their wedding their marriage blessed in the church in god's house just like we would want baptism take place obviously an emergency you could baptize someone anywhere i had someone who wanted me to baptize their baby in their pool so they could have a pool party afterwards i said let's go do the church first and then you could go jump in the pool right or jump in the lake if you want um i think a lot of people they see this on television or they they know non-catholic churches do that a lot but again it's something sacred now uh if you have a special situation where you've got a catholic marrying a non-christian so you want sort of like what they call neutral territory yeah um so then the bishop will give permission for that but if you've got two baptized christians especially two catholics they should get married in church and again doesn't have to be the most expensive thing in the world it can be very reverent it can have a very small attendance but as long as it's valid and listed and reverent that's the bottom line not the how it looks in the pictures deb thanks so much for your call and uh i must admit here father to be a little bit of jealousy because she's on the new jersey turnpike she can just take the next exit and get some great pizza that there's nothing like new jersey pizza no that's true ordinary meatballs oh there you go i have to check that out next time all right let's go to a hope hope is in vero beach florida listening on siriusxm channel 130. hope what's on your mind today oh thank you for taking my call this year of saint joseph has been such an inspiration to me i'm 81 years old and i'm finally at the very ending of my life finding out what a spectacular man he was and all of the graces that god gave him and all of the blessings and the seven sorrows and the seven joys my question is why has it taken the church so long to introduce this man to our way of life he is such an inspiration okay well i i wouldn't necessarily say that it took this long because there's a lot written about saint joseph it's just that it hasn't been promoted as much outside the church there's people in cyclicals on saint joseph recent popes have inserted saint joseph into the roman canon and then pope francis extended that to all the all the eucharistic prayers and we have the litany of saint joseph we have saint joseph the feast of st joseph the worker on may 1st and then march 19th is his feast day um so saint joseph has been honored and uh i don't want to make it sound as if this is more recent vintage but i think there's if anything there's like a renaissance of devotion to saint joseph yes especially thanks to um pope francis which i believe uh he was elected on the feast of st joseph could be could be i think you're right hope thank you so much uh for your call it is open line monday with father john tragillo today and our phone number 833-288-ewtn that's 833-288-3986 we'll try to get to as many calls as we can on this beautiful monday afternoon peter's listening in daphne alabama on the great archangel radio am 1410. peter what's on your mind today hey father our our wonderful pastor here at christ the king parish father o'connor is celebrating his jubilee you know 50th anniversary mass on june 13th and uh i had read in the in curadon of the gradient of indulgences that um if you're properly disposed of course there's an opportunity to earn plenary indulgence for assisting in the jubilee mass and there's a number of of times where that term assisting in a mass occurs and you know for very and i was i was hoping you could explain what that term means um for my benefit obviously to benefit our listeners all right yeah i'm glad you brought that up because i um i just had my 33rd anniversary on may 14th and fauna mckenzie is going to have his 33rd on may 28th but we had our 25th uh back in um in a few years back and uh if you go to a priest 25th his 50th there is a plenary indulgence available for anyone who goes to the mass and there's not a particular blessing that's given it's just you attending the mass that's considered assisting that you're there for the entire mass and then as you as as a caller pointed out you must be properly disposed that you receive holy communion you went to confession within 21 days before or after and then you said prayers for the holy father our father hail mary glory be or the apostles creed and that's always available and also a priest first mass if you go to a priest's first mass who was just ordained as well as on his 25th and his 50th anniversary are jubilees beautiful peter thank you so much for your call open line monday with father john in progress here on ewtn marcia is listening in colorado springs uh on sirius xm 130 marcia what's on your mind today um hi thank you i go to the or i belong to the fssp parish and i go to mass there on sundays and then on weekdays i go to the ordinary at the church down the street from where i live and i've noticed that several others who go to the latin mass like i do during they they also do the same thing i do and during mass during the i'm sorry i'm kind of nervous during the sun tooth and the ugliest day we always kneel during the latin mass but for the ordinary we stand and some of those or those people during those times that goes to the latin mass they're kneeling while everybody else is standing and i got to wondering shouldn't we be doing whatever prayer posture for that particular liturgy is instead of just doing it the way we prefer to do it i'm glad you asked that question because um the same would apply if you go to the eastern catholic byzantine church they don't kneel they don't have kneelers they they stand and uh now it's not a sin it's not irreverent if you go to a byzantine church and kneel you'll just look a little strange and and also they receive communion they don't receive in the hand that you know they have to leave your mouth open in your tongue in the back of your mouth so they can put the blessed sacrament in there um between the ordinary extraordinary form there are certain proper postures and gestures that normative which means this is the usual way you should observe those but romans also said that if you're in a place where they don't have you there they encourage you not to kneel for the consecration or the eucharistic prayer or a communion you're still allowed to do that if you want you know no one's to refuse you holy communion just don't be disruptive that's the only thing is you don't want to be a cause of consternation yeah very good marcia thank you so much for your call let's go to paula right now in kansas city on the missouri side listening on catholic radio network hey uh paula what's on your mind today hello um i had received a container of blessed salt from my sister-in-law and i believe she said it was blessed in a uh a mass at which there were some sort of exorcism prayers said etc and i would like to know what i can do with that salt and what you would advise against doing with that salt okay first i would not cook with it yeah um it wouldn't be sinful it's just that this is a sacramental now just like holy water i mean i would not advise anyone to drink holy water or to cook with holy water or with or with blessed or exercise salt but like holy water exercise salt blessed salt is used to ward off the the devil or demons but uh you want to again you don't want to be superstitious and think that you're just doing some lucky charm or something like that you're invoking saint michael the archangel and the power of god and the intercession of mary and saint joseph to ward off the evil one so you could use salt like you would holy water um but i just know some people like the stock pilot for some reason they they've got all this blessed salt in their basement they have all this holy water and candles and you know it's like okay it's good to have candles in case the lights go out but um you know you don't want to become sort of like a spiritual survivalist right right paula thank you so much for your call jack is in latham new york listing on the ewtn app hey jack what's on your mind today sir uh jack in new york are you there yes i am okay uh i would like just an opinion here um are people today in large measure committing the material sin of presumption uh in receiving communion it seems that at least in the northeast that everybody goes and receives communion during mass whereas in the 50s and the 60s a much smaller percentage of people received communion were they in the 50s and 60s scrupulous by comparison or is it really at least the material versus formal said of uh presumption all right um i would say that it's possible but i would tend to be more merciful and think that most people who do go to communion a lot of people receive communion today like he said as opposed to in the past where a lot of people or a portion would would not go and it's you know more than just you know because remember the fasting used to be from 12 midnight on and then it was for three hours now it's down to an hour but if you had a doughnut within after midnight you weren't able to receive a commute or go to mass until you know it went until 6 a.m now the receiving holy communion a lot of people i remember as a kid my mother bringing us to church me and my brothers every saturday you went to confession because you wanted to be in the state of grace to receive holy communion i don't think there's a lot of people who are intentionally or formally thinking of well presumption that i don't need to go but they may not feel that they are in state of mortal sin so part of mortal sin is that you know those grave matters sufficient uh that you have full consent and that you have full knowledge if a person is confused or they're not sure they're a little fuzzy well the benefit of the doubt does go to them and then it might default to a vino sin but they have an obligation to have a well-formed conscience they need to you know discern you know am i in the state of sydney because i miss mass i'm looking at um impure pictures or you know whatever so i would say i wouldn't get say it's presumption or something like that but it could be it's more probably bad catechesis okay very good jack thanks so much for your call could not get to ellie in new york or susie and clanton uh please call us back either tomorrow or on the show of your choice and we'll try to get you on the air right away father could you leave us with your blessing please absolutely benedict both only potential partner amen father john dregelio thank you so much for all that you do for the church and for ewtn we'll be looking forward to talking to you next week see you tomorrow right here on ewtn's open line god bless [Music]
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,055
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: E2h_Iq7rGak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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