DIY Tips Renovating an Old House | 1880s Farm House EP10

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this time on reality renault vision he's got to use the roof to pull himself up wow that is a slippery roof no traction i know it looks a little sketchy but the reality is that's the job this is still safety second right there's no such thing as safe here [Music] it seems like every time we're doing a major project outside we pick the hottest day of the year to film i don't think this house has had a single permit since 1880. wow hey shovel yes sir i'm gonna have to open all this up this is the fun part oh holy crap that seemed dangerous 800 square feet outdoor living space hit perfect every time [Music] so in today's episode of reality renovation we're outside the house that's right inside's almost done so whatever works left inside we're saving for rainy days right now we're focusing on our cedar hedge we're working on the roof we're doing the siding we've got new windows coming soffit and fascia once we have the exterior of the house completely water sealed so that it's weatherproof then we are ready to go and do all the other projects around the property all right so this house we bought six years ago when we got it the roof was relatively new unbelievable when you look at it now right but here's the problem it's a really old house and there's no fresh air vent in the soffit which means it really overheats in the summertime there's a ton of wind coming across the old carp and farmer field over here and as a result what you'd think would be a 20-year roof lasted only seven years unbelievable so what we're doing is we're going to renovate this we're upping our game and moving to architectural shingle that's a fancy word but the reality is it's just designed to last longer now i'm not expecting to get 50 years out of it but i am expecting to get 20 maybe 25 fingers crossed we'll see what we can do but we're going to go through the whole process here today so you can understand why we're doing what we're doing it seems like every time we're doing a major project outside it we picked the hottest day of the year to film right look back in our history we did an outdoor deck 40 degrees we didn't max a shed 40 degrees today it's gonna hit 40 degrees i really feel bad for these guys because they got no protection the crew's just about to start ripping the roof off i can't wait to see what's underneath [Music] he's got to use the roof to pull himself up wow that is a slippery roof no traction [Music] thank god he made it [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're moving from just a version into waterproofing okay so by adding the synthetic membrane they're adding another layer of protection in case the original diversion system fails a wind-driven rain and that sort of thing and on top of that if you're a good professional roofer you always make sure at least that membrane is on at the end of the day because that alone acts as a water diversion system and it'll protect the house in case you get a freak storm now today the weather report says no chance of rain but it's also very humid so that means it could rain [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little bit of experience goes a long way here i know it looks a little sketchy but the reality is that's the job i'm not a roofing expert i don't like roofing it's a lot of really hard work and to be honest with you i've been to that age where if i fell off a roof now it'd probably be catastrophic so i did the smart thing sometimes diy is knowing when to make a phone call now that was the easiest project i've ever done in my entire life because all i did was make a phone call listen sometimes diy is knowing your limitations i can't stand getting on a steep ladder especially in the blaring hot sun that's not my cup of tea anymore so i made the call i hired a roofing company crew was done working on the roof they had some issues though because the fascia boards were not they weren't attached stronger than let's say the eavesdrops were to the fascia that makes any sense so i gave them permission to get rid of the old eaves because they're just full of all the granules from the the tile and it ripped my house apart so now we got to put new facial boards on i got to do the soffit then we can get climbed up on the scaffolding and we will get on with our life moving finishing off our siding what do you think matt two days fascia siding finish three sides let's do it in three three days it's too damn sunny matt likes to not have to work so hard in the sun we can get a little tan a little tan have a little relax have a couple drinks all right we're gonna get back to work we got lots to do and hopefully we can get a couple of cool mornings where we can jump up on there without having all the bees hanging around i don't like bees if you've seen our channel you know i don't like bees we've got a lot of people involved now so matt's still working with me on the house my other son nate is chipping in a little bit now to help fill his schedule and we've got over the last few months we've had plumbers and electricians and and roofers and deliveries it seems like every day because we're moving so fast and constant garbage bins coming and going oh my and i've got a landscape guy working on the yard with me and yeah so i'm not doing all the work myself this year um but that's fine i'm still doing most of the work myself everything that's a diy oriented i'm doing myself and i'm getting some extra help just because of the timeline of course and part of it's because we have a whole list of different kinds of properties we want to renovate for the channel we're going to finish this one we wanted to do a um a mobile home and then we want to renovate an 80s house and turn it into something that's more for aging at home or multiple families living together times are changing and everybody's got to get a little bit more lean a little more a little more aware of what the future holds i think the our governments all over the world have been going crazy broke trying to deal with this whole virus concept and i think next year we're all going to have to realize the consequences of that and uh we wanted to kind of be a step ahead and showing people what their options are for different lifting scenarios and helping you guys to make those moves and adjustments and so it's gonna be a real challenge but it'll be a lot of fun we're gonna be demonstrating how to install a three tier scaffolding system so that you can install your own windows you can do your own siding you can do your soffit and your fascia heck you can fix just about anything you know how to do scaffolding and it's a little sketchy dangerous so it's best to know all the ins and outs so that you don't have to learn anything the hard way all right maddie let's start with the feet so first thing we're going to do is we're going to set up the first stage and this is really a two-man operation yes you can do it on your own but i don't really suggest it put that to the lowest point because this is the highest point there we are here we go all right walk it all the way over to the floor fingers and done that's probably not bad right where it is give that a shot okay maddie oh i can only go one direction here once you go on the other side and fingers all right that looks pretty good how's that looking looks good to me you just give me one more and good okay these little scissor locks go on so that it can't be knocked off there's got to be a better way yeah there's got to be a better way let's just drag the whole thing towards me a little bit that's there now you set the wood block on the other foot or the foot on the wood block there we go okay how close we can slide it back now we're not going to be going left and right we're going to be going this way you've done this before yes sir nice you're my helper this time ah reminds me of that video i did with nate where he said he built a deck all by himself [Music] where's the safety locks seriously oh i remember doing this a bunch of times where i'm at huh these uh these platforms here don't seem to have the safety locks okay no there's no need for safety locks all right there's no safety on that bar either [Music] hey matt there's no safety catch on that party i'm looking i think it's pretty good so next step these flies are killing me man they are aren't they okay so now we're going up this is experience talking always climb the ladder from inside the scaffolding not outside why is that you'll pull the whole damn thing on top of you nah yeah maddie the the bar on the end we're a little out of practice i can't remember the last time i did a scaffolding stage and that one's upside down if you don't mind now this is the wrong way to do it okay always pass it to me from the end boom so we're going to show people how to do this we should show them a proper safe way say fish this is still safety second right like there's no such thing as safe here sometimes life is just about getting it done when you take the course of how to assemble scaffolding and you get your license to do this sort of thing everything we're doing here is wrong is it full of dirt no you got to lift this on there you go crazy but the reality is as a homeowner working at your own house you don't have to follow a myriad of safety protocol you just got to use your common sense okay and then everything will work out fine [Music] again if you don't mind passing me everything from the ends it'd be easier on my god my bad all right oops [Music] don't climb up here please don't climb up here that's just so wrong i mean you're young and agile and strong let's pretend this is grandma and grandpa's now all right i know for a guy that's safety second i sure am careful huh hello no it's just we're too close to the building give me a tug will you all right just gotta pull it away from the wall a bit and a little bit more another shot please okay good can you uh pull the other corner out too just a touch i got some wasp activity up here yeah there's one uh right behind you oh i went up your shirt okay you are not funny just let's hurry up and finish the video so i can get out of here before i get killed we don't need another hornet sting on the side of the nose like last year oh yeah they're like 19 kinds of stinging bugs up here this is just awesome can't wait again can you spin that around so the ladder is on the right side please i got bees and wasps and i don't know what's going on over here [Music] i'm thinking i'm still gonna hit the house here am i good yeah you should be all right there you go boy i hope he's not gonna be too upset with me i'm feeling upset with myself is that eddie murphy i'm not a big fan of being stung you know that you can get another one i'm just taking my time to make sure that we're safe i'm thinking matt i'm gonna buy some of that like repellent in the can stuff you know spray down the whole soffit so that none of these buggers want to come back and visit man you are just so funny what's next okay the next stage then is going to be next off the end please if you don't mind not the middle oh now that we're here attica if this is really safe right not an issue pass it up there's a nice handle at the end of the board thank you and here's the best part yeah now we're square right we'll slide that one back that's just great maneuver now i got a platform now if i wanted to i can use that i can put my materials there i can work there you can also turn the scaffolding around so the ladder's on the outside and you can set the stage of different heights you have a little work area oh hey that wood sounds good man if excuse me i got to get back to fixing all my soffit and fascia so we can finish off our siding tomorrow tomorrow all right so here we got an update going on we've got our retaining wall going in we've got to finish taking off the siding hopefully our windows are coming in next week so we'll peel the rest of the house install the windows at the same time get the house wrap on get waterproof but on the other side of the property we've got our seat our cedar hedge berm going in it's dumped trucks of dirt being delivered so that we can level out our backyard and make that brand new and beautiful what the hell they're dropping off some dirt right now that thing makes a hell of a lot of noise and typical you know we we're working outside so we got some bad weather coming in it seems sunny now but we just missed a major rainstorm there's another one on the way it's a hit and miss kind of day but in this business you work until you're wet that's all you can do so what i've got here behind me is the deck it's attached to the house it's on footings but the footings are being compromised and it's slowly sinking because the retaining wall that's here right now is falling over now generally these old railway logs the railway ties they do a decent job of holding back dirt but they're not designed for the kind of climate that we live in which is freeze thaw right so every year snow and water builds up in here and then we'll get a day where it'll melt a little bit and it'll freeze again what happens is that ice ends up pushing the wall over and this is over time so we're probably talking about 20 25 years that this has been here but because this wall is only holding back dirt and it has no drainage behind it all right it has no ability to remove that water when it thaws out before it freezes again we have a major issue now we're going to be building a wall that's built for our kind of climate and it's built for all kinds of climate to be honest with you whether you live in the south or the north or anywhere in between lots of water a little bit of water this is a perfect system for you so so in this video i'm going to go through all the steps all the details a lot of cheats and how you can get a great looking retaining wall at a relatively low cost and why it's so important okay so just to give you guys an idea on the cost i got three skids of stone okay and that roughly is 280 bricks and it's going to do me 70 linear feet at about two feet high so at the front of the house it's going to be a little shorter and on the side it'll be a little bigger because of the gradient difference the point of the wall for me is so i can backfill with pea gravel and i can have most control because mice can't dig through pea gravel it collapses on them so they don't even try and that'll make my old foundation mouseproof which will be awesome now this whole load of stone delivered to this house was 1200 bucks okay and if i take these pallets back to the supplier i'm gonna get twenty dollars a pallet back so since i've ordered a place that's on my way home that's a good deal for me remember if you under order you can always get more so be careful all right you don't want to get too much stone because once you've got opened up a pallet you can't return it it's yours baby you bought it all right so you can see disturbed soil needs to be packed but if i take the flat bottom shovel okay and i simply carve out my edge and that makes it a lot easier for me to set my wall and i don't have to pack the dirt now this is landscape cloth but this stuff here is super thick it's like a plastic burlap sack material it's pretty dry underneath that right that's really important okay here we go you don't need to go rent expensive equipment to pack it all in okay double check that you're in the right night kind of neighborhood [Music] we just set the brick but you want to make sure that that stone is flat what we're going to do is we're going to put in four or five of these things [Music] let's put this on and see how we how we're doing now what we're going to be using here is an adhesive to bond these stones [Music] together okay beautiful one of the ways that you can save a lot of money is if you build your wall a little bit longer because then you can step it down and you don't have to be doing all the cuts my scenario here is really simple i'm actually building my wall a little bit lower than the the dirt level that's three feet away and i'm gonna be back filling on a slope and then slow grading it over here as well and coming back with grass the reason for that is if you have natural drainage running off the side of the hill it doesn't put as much of a demand on the weeping tile system and that's key so all you got to do is put your adhesive and go with a half stone installation right here and now you can step it all the way up and grade your hill there's nothing easier than this once you get started if you start perfect you can build like you're on fire [Music] there we go perfect [Music] there we are clear stone all right and that is what we're going to use to bury our weeping tile so let's just do a recap of what it looks like okay we've got a hole we've got geotextile and this is to keep plants and that sort of thing growing up in the system because plants will integrate into the weeping tile and cause it to clog we also have a base layer of ga underneath which is used as our leveling stone we have our below ground surface base layer and then our first course that you're visible from the outside and then we're stepping up the courses recessing it back using the right 600 adhesive then we're going to cover our weeping tile in our clear stone and once you've got about three to four inches of clear stone on top of that then you can go back with dirt piece of [Music] cake [Music] so one of the last skills you're going to need to know if you're building a retaining wall if you want it to turn any kind of corner okay is how to cut your corners because you can't just cut all of your stone and have this one gap running all the way to the top see this will be cut at 45 and your next piece of stone will actually come right up to it like this [Music] we're in business [Music] crank her up [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now you see the pattern here the next block that goes on here will be this one cut in a 45 and then the next one will be like that again and so you're always staggering your joints and you're getting really good contact that's money in the bank [Music] there's been a few setbacks well we've had lots of supply issues yeah supply issues right but we have so many different projects to work on the goal you just i'm okay because i um i deal with everything on a grand scale so i i i kind of move forward with every project all the time and we've been just ordering in products and ordering in products and when they arrive then we add it to the production schedule and in the meantime there's still lots of you know um work that can be done that we have control over that we already have products on site so it hasn't been bad but man if you just had like one project you wanted to knock off this year you could run it you could just be sitting on that project for three months waiting for stuff to come in yeah it's getting a little bit more normal um i think definitely the spring was frustrating but uh at the end of the summer things started getting more normal and the room was starting to get back on schedule kind of it's still a little bit slow but um as long as you include that delay to get product to the house into your timeline and organization then you're fine it's all to say it didn't really affect us too much just because we had multiple projects on the go and it just made me a little crazy stop one and start another maybe you crazy made us all crazy but you know if we had lived in the house with all that going on it would have been a disaster because the projects that i can do while i'm waiting for deliveries are like paint and drywall finished carpentry those are never an issue um and living in that house we couldn't even have started the whole upstairs yeah so getting out actually made it possible to keep moving really full time and and driving the driving the truck down that road so yeah it's it's been a it's been a it's been good for us in a lot of ways [Music] so we want to get the scaffolding right here two stages that'll get this side peeled right up to that window soffit and fashion all of it okay right and then we can go left to right to left with our siding install just bring it over next to the the deck right we can get some tie back on there and waterproofing and awesome oh it's hot shave would be nice can't wait for the shade there bye pull it out yep hey here we go okay hey is there any way we can rig it so i don't have to wear a shirt attica boy [Music] huh you got enough bugs living in the siding eh anything for you max [Music] [Applause] it's got to go up and over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] days like this that make me glad they invented a shower i'm looking at saying 30 years a long time since i've seen these square headed install over fiberglass insulation most nowadays everybody's using rigid foam on the outside so that's what kind of dates it but hey kind of worked the bugs really love it and it is windy so i'm going to keep my mouth shut if you don't mind [Music] nasty eh the archaeologist aspect of this is kind of exciting [Music] it's in pretty good shape eh mice and bugs didn't get in behind that layer nice they just uh really enjoyed making a home behind the siding because of that cardboard that cardboard backing on that old that just made it really inviting okay here we go just correct reveal the original siding here now wow they nailed that on that's really old that is not that is not from the last time they did sliding this is here a long time look at all the nails wow they didn't have a staple gun back when they installed this stuff so that's pre-1970. that's not a framing nailer that's hand nailed that's crazy that's not even a clipped head nail max that is some old stuff i love it when they put the trims on but they don't ever nail them in yeah this wood is uh still nice and solid like honestly it's been covered up and left dry for so long if i had the wherewithal i could pull all these nails out clean it up paint it and just leave it the way it is that just seems like an awful lot over doesn't it i don't think i love this this old house that much i don't think that's gonna happen next [Music] on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now the window's sticking so far out of the wall if i close it up right now it'll still be sitting over over top of the the j-trim it's amazing i got to rip all that crap out too sort of in order to prep this wall i've actually got to uninstall these windows clean it up and then reinstall them oh yeah we got probably two days to finish this one face and then when we're done that we'll be able to get to the other side of the house and start putting all the new windows that are sitting in my living room in can't wait to get this house closed all right so here we are we're going to do a major project on the exterior of the house we've done a lot of the siding windows and doors here already this window is a built out bay window that was added to this house it's not part of the original construction and it actually leaks every time it rains water gets into the house so we're gonna peel all this apart and when i say we i mean my son matt and my son nate and we got max behind the camera just to get rid of all the confusion seems a lot of you don't know who the players are around here so i'm jeff that's matt nate and max okay no confusion now i'm gonna start by removing all the glass we might use this later but this isn't tv this is real world we don't need all kinds of broken glass land everywhere [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] my little foot's on nothing [Music] oh with the fan blown right on me let's go man i'm so i'm so warm let's go this stuff's so annoying [Music] chuck it [Music] all right yeah we're taking down the top part of this uh what'd you call it again a roofline a roofline and uh as it came down a nail got him in the cheek so i don't even feel it i never wanted a piercing he got one you got baptized there and demolition construction uh listen i want you to go wash up and take a look at it though see if you need a stitch just in case right i doubt it it'd be bleeding a lot more if you did i watch a lot of csi i know what i'm talking yeah yeah okay you're not gonna get any cast off with an injury like that that's for sure spray line so here's one of these moments when now that you see how they built this you just go i get it now this is why the world has so many problems building in layers is your enemy especially outside this here is the trim where the old siding was it's on top of the strapping but this is the siding that was here before the siding job and these monkeys framed right over top of the original siding no problem right no water diversion system in place except a little bit of caulking of course every time it rained the water went in behind this came down and into my living room this is why we're ripping it out because it was built wrong you can't build windows like this and attach it to a house you got to open up the house and get right back to the frame and reinstate your water diversion system over the window just just the dumbest stuff i was once on a job somebody had a beautiful four bedroom brick house two story the big bay window in the front and the ceiling was all damaged in the window because they did the same thing in that new home construction they attached the window over top of all the brick and this is what happens your house rots sure used some big nails though didn't they max eh you didn't go all the way through your skin no but it's going to be something like this on your face for a while it's about three to four weeks if i get covered or just live with that i don't know are you telling me the million dollar [Music] question [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that we've got the window reframed and when it's all typed we're going to show you how to install a window we we've done a window installation before but this is a completely different install [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep it coming okay now used a couple of shims to lift it off the the support so now we have a gap that we can use the expansion foam that'll help kill the sound and the air transfer and give it a good thermal seal that's it from the inside now we're going to finish up outside so now sometimes diy means calling over a friend or two grabbing your kids screw the four corners of the flange [Music] that'll leave these guys that they can take off because they're done for the day it's been a long hot day and then i'm going to show you how to seal this thing all up done thanks boys thanks for a great day you guys rock all right here we go [Music] all right there we go boom so now the only thing that's left is to install all your j-trim cut it and fit it that is a beautiful finished look and you have twice the protection because now you're going to have the siding to protect the house you're going to have the tape onto the flashing protecting the house and underneath that you've got the house wrap taped to the the the uh the nailing flange itself which is unibody construction because it's joined with heat so it melts all the joints there's no way for water to get through that i don't care if you were blasting that sucker with a fire hose for like four days not a drop is coming into that building and you can see one of the most significant differences between new construction windows and replacement windows is that if this was a replacement window i wouldn't have a flange outside so i'd have to attach the window from in here which means i'll be screwing through the jam material of some sort that's just gonna look like junk it makes a mess new windows you don't have that problem all you gotta do is come inside and foam it in here we go nice and controlled and if after watching something like this you think wow that's not so tricky i could install windows now maybe an eight by four foot is a little bit bigger than the average person wants to bite off for the first time around but if you do your average window you can do it by yourself on a step ladder it's not that tricky and you can save thousands of dollars make yourself look like a pro and make a ton of money now i know this house may look a little bit disheveled but the reality is this sucker is only going to take two more days and we're completely done the outside once we get our scaffolding built up for the main section here we can change out the last two windows do the rest of the soffit and fascia we really probably have two two and a half days and we're going to be completely finished the outside then all i gotta do is make a phone call call the eavesdrop guy yeah that's right for me that's a diy i like that seamless eave trough they're in and out done in a hurry and i don't really like working off a ladder so i'm not going to deal with that mess calling in a pro for that but then all i got to do is just clean up my yard put in a bunch of pea gravel we're going to back fill all around the property so that mice don't have any access to our foundation wall which leaks like a sieve so once that's all done it's gonna look like a brand new house now i know some of you are wondering what's with the venting on the roof you know those little mushrooms not very good a roof doesn't have much ventilation there is no fresh air in the soffit so there's no sense putting in big expensive ventilation up there we're keeping it simple because sometimes in life you've got to just work with what you got anyway really excited about this because once we've got the outside of the house finished it's time for us to start focusing on our new patio this project is going to be phenomenal i can't wait to share that with you next time on reality renault vision for the love of god nate can you just go for a run around the block and i'll call you when i'm ready all right i was gonna suggest maybe use the sledgehammer but you might have to jump out of the way at the last second avoid getting run over [Laughter] oh and it's nice and greasy too i like it just the way i like nobody's gonna care about the quality of the installation as much as you will that's why i think you're the best person for the job [Music]
Views: 38,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, blog, renovation blog, lifestyle blog, michelle thorman, thorman family, siding install, scaffolding, roofing, property brothers, holmes on homes, how to install roofing, roofing install, how to install siding, retaining wall install, how to install a retaining wall, 1880s farmhouse, farmhouse remodel, farmhouse renovation, farmhouse flip, farm house renovation
Id: iIyTGYEI9v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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